HUSKING BEE編曲の歌詞一覧リスト  39曲中 1-39曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
39曲中 1-39曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
海の風景HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE堀口大學原田郁子HUSKING BEE空のせきばんに かもめがABCを書く  海ははい色のまきばです 白波はめんようの群れであろう  船が散歩する たばこをすいながら  船が散歩する 口ぶえをふきながら
マジックアワーベイビーレイズJAPANベイビーレイズJAPAN磯部正文(HUSKING BEE)磯部正文(HUSKING BEE)HUSKING BEE胸に抱いてた夢 誘いだしたんだね 儚いシャボンの泡 ふわりふわり 海も山も超えて飛んできたくなる  あぁ 星に願った夢 光りだしたんだね 溢れる希望のシャワー きらりきらり 恋も愛も超えて広い世界がある  未知の厳しさに 迷い悩み過ぎていく 大事な宝物 探し見出し 笑っている 涙する  大きな輪 描き繋がる カーテンコール 笑顔 誘い呼ぼうよ ハッピーコール 素敵な時を見つめ ありがとう 拳を掲げようよ シュプレヒコール  辿り着いた答え 解き明かしたんだね 輝くマジックアワー 巡り巡り 虹の橋を超えて想う未来がある  日々はいたずらに 遊び学び過ぎていく 人々は旅人 探し見出し 笑っている 涙する  大きな輪 描き繋がる カーテンコール 笑顔 誘い呼ぼうよ ハッピーコール 素敵な時を見つめ ありがとう 拳を掲げようよ シュプレヒコール  夜空に宇宙に星が瞬くように 夢つかまえて シュプレヒコール
ロバの口真似HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE僕のくちぐせはどうしよう 君のくちぐせはこうしよう ロバのくち真似のようだよ 鳥のくちばしのようだよ 深い底にあるよ あったかいうちにどうよ  また気付かない ずっと知らない よその国はどんな模様 海は言わない 聞こえてこない 左と右を逆にしたい 当たり前のことが 当たり前じゃないってことを  キリンは何であんな模様? 孔雀なんて何であんな模様? 心は何遍雨模様? 晴れの日ってほんと続かないね 深いそこにあるよ あったかいうちにどうよ  一千万分の一なんて感じさせられる人がいる 一億分の一すらも感じさせられる 当たり前のことが当たり前じゃないって人を  見落とした目先を 結ぶ口元を 秘めた胸元を 赤らむ耳元を  涼しげに微笑んで 鳥のくちばしのかがやきで 涼しげにほころんで ロバの口真似のささやきで 一千万分の一なんて感じさせられることがある 一億分の一すらも当たり前じゃないってこと 深い底に 深い底にある 深いそこがあったかいうちにどうぞ
摩訶不思議テーゼHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE三つ角トライアングル ひとつ透き間開いてるわけ 決めていたはずなのに 何を買うか忘れるわけ 探してる時見つからず 探さない時見つかるわけ  敢えてわけは言わない 秘密を守りたい 摩訶不思議テーゼ 宙に浮かべたらば 余所見(よそみ)決め込みたい 余韻に浸りたい 摩訶不思議テーゼ ミュージックを留めたい  戸棚がパキッと唸ったり テレビ映ったりするわけ つられて笑ってしまったり あくび移ったりするわけ 悲しくて笑って忘れたり 嬉しくて涙出るわけ 時間が長く感じたり あっという間に過ぎるわけ  敢えて時を止めない 秘訣はばらさない 摩訶不思議テーゼ 十人十色ならば 保存表裏一体(ほぞんひょうりいったい) 暢気(のんき)に蕩(とろ)けたい 摩訶不思議テーゼ ミュージックで蕩(とろ)けたい  敢えてわけは言わない 秘密を守りたい 摩訶不思議テーゼ 宙に浮かべたらば 余所見(よそみ)決め込みたい 余韻に浸りたい 摩訶不思議テーゼ ミュージックを留めたい  敢えて時を止めない 秘訣はばらさない 摩訶不思議テーゼ 十人十色ならば 保存表裏一体(ほぞんひょうりいったい) 暢気に蕩(とろ)けたい 摩訶不思議テーゼ ミュージックで蕩(とろ)けたい 宙に浮かべたらば
ハイブリッドニューモードHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE少し考えたんだ 胸と頭で考えたんだ  青い点滅は何の合図だ 渡りきった信号で 急いだ足が 忘れたな お日様がまた笑ってる  点と点を結んだ ばらばらに散らばった謎 ひらめく千の きらめく線が おおまかな絵を描いてく  赤の標識で変わるサイズだ 分かりきった誘導で 泳いでた目に 浮かんだな さかさまなミラー 集い給う  転送 混がらがるニュース パレード繰り広げワンマンショー ハイブリッドニューモード ハイパースローモーション タフラフな想像が  だるまさんがころんだ からからに欲しがった喉 揺らめく胸を 貫く音色 たおやかな峰を伝いゆく  ノアの方舟(はこぶね)をオーガナイズだ 憶選十色(おくせんといろ)の解答で 荒いだ海に 浮かんだな 伝説どおり目指すアララット  モノクロ画面にカラフル場面に 乾いた地面に波が水面に 泡の断面後ろの正面に 几帳面に続く 価値東風(かちかち)な全面に さかさまミラーに ハイパースローに ラフタフな想像が
ならば、、ここにHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEEあの飛行機に乗っていたならば、、ここにいた時よりも だんだん遠くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ いっそ乗ったつもりで GO GO GO  あのトンネルを抜けていたならば、、まわり道するよりも 全然近くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ 時をかけ抜けたつもりで GO GO GO  あの戦いは何だ この宿命が何だ なにがあってもどんどん行け 全然広くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ  あのてっぺんに登っていたならば、、ここに吹く風よりも だんだん強くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ いっそ登ったつもりで GO GO GO  あの戦いは何だ この宿命が何だ なにがあってもどんどん行け 全然広くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ  あの飛行機に乗っていたならば、、ここにいた時よりも だんだん遠くなるさ かなり違ってくるさ いっそ乗ったつもりで いっそ乗ったつもりで GO GO GO いっそ乗ったつもりで俺はまた GO GO GO
掌に花片HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEEやあアレキサンダー ギリシャを制しエジプト侵攻したらしいが アレキサンダー 融合を望んだ為って本当なんだろうか  やあアフロディテ 裸で立って 美と愛を司って アフロディテ こぼれる涙 真っ赤なバラの花となった  ねえエレノーラ 束の間の夢は香りを失った? エレノーラ コルクの取れたボトルの中のワインのように  ねえカタリーナ その名のとおりに語りなよ 目を閉じて パンドラの壺の物語  憂(うれ)い愁(うれ)い抱きしめる 希望だけがひとつ残る 机の上に花を飾る 掌で眠る一片  やあプレイオネ オリオンの恋 逃れ逃れて飛び立って プレイオネ 忍び泣いて潤んだ星の雲となった  ねえエレノーラ 束の間の花の香りに誘われた エレノーラ 語り継がれた神話の中の女神のように 掌に花片をそっと包んで微笑んだ
SO TRAGICOMICALHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE平林一哉磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE遠ざける これまでの懐古の情 嗚呼 斬って捨てたい 向こう見ない これからの私達 製し壊して選んだノー  猫撫でし裏声 つままれて 裏返し手の平の上 スマイル アンド ダンス  そうは無い これ程の妄想 もう手に負えないぐらいの世界 でかい はみだしたサイズ また脳内でストーリーメイク 外れた的 口許 震えて 裏返し手の平の上 スマイル アンド ダンス  ヘイ、犬も喰わないぐらいの面持ちでどれぐらい せいぜい 惰性で 繋げたんだ もうすでに暗い 猫もあくびするぐらいの 無制限の迷言 嘆いて 並べたんで見てみたんだ  染み込んだ哀訴の色 なりきった哀訴のヒーロー 朗らかに轟いて  ヘイ、犬も喰わないぐらいの眼差しでどれぐらい せいぜい 惰性で 射抜けたんだ 見たままに辛い? 内に秘めたる期待 無制限の迷言 叩いて みたくて  また脳内でストーリーメイク またもう見渡せばクラい 泣いてないのに 泣いてないのに  また脳内でストーリーメイク いや脳内でストーリーブレイク 泣いてないのに 泣いてないのに
just a beginningHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE平林一哉工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEEコーヒー、シガレッツとニュースペーパーとリビングルーム 寝足りない 目覚ましアラームを叩いた手 小さくうなずいて ほどけたままの シューレース結んでドア開いてさあ It's just a beginning  曇ガラス重ねたそんな空色 横手にはラッシュアワー クラクション鳴る 小さくつまずいても おどけた様で マンホール ズンと踏みしめてさあ It's just a beginning  未だ待ち人やたずね人 遠く遠くずっと遠くを見る人 通り横切った 信号変わった 少し遅れたバス走ってく 瞬くごとにもほら  思い思いのステップ それぞれのケース 行くも帰るも 知るも知らずも 重い想いのフレーズ 交差した線と線 鳴らした指先にほら It's just a beginning
新旧ダイナミズムHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE僕らはスイッチ 音楽を鳴らします 横に並んだ 本能が動き出す もっともっと奥だ 催眠にかかります 進んでは休んでは 風景が流れます  弾けるスイート 混雑に混じります 人 眠りし 太陽は燃えてます もっともっと奥だ 細胞が踊りだす 結んでは開いては 空想にふけります  宵越しの明星を 見習ってしまえば 有明の明星も こだわってしまえば 有耶無耶(うやむや)な表情一変(いっぺん)世界 トランポリン宙返り反転 どうぞ新ダイナミズム  リズミカルな地響き 森のふくろうの導き ぐらぐらつく気分 日常が揺れてます バランスとって楽勝 手拍子も合わせましょう 侃々諤々(かんかんがくがく)な夜分 おつまみ出します  ちょっとだけストップ 信号が変わります 宵越しの明星を 見習ってしまえば 有明の明星も こだわってしまえば アルプスの頂上一列渋滞 以心伝心甦り伝存(でんぞん) どうぞ旧ダイナミズム  リズミカルな地響き 森のふくろうの導き ぐらぐらつく気分 日常が揺れてます バランスとって楽勝 手拍子も合わせましょう 侃々諤々(かんかんがくがく)な夜分 おつまみ出します
煙で奴論HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE空気読み外伝 気配消し参上 天井裏の盗聴法を研修中 水蜘蛛(みずぐも)で川を渡ろう 欺(あざむ)け木に化けよう 手裏剣底尽きすぐさまオーダー  呼ばれて飛び出て参る 今日の気分はハイヒール 女ですものくの一任侠(にんきょう) あらゆる依頼に添えそうな 幻惑メイク 艶姿雨あられ 煙でドロン 轟音 GO ON  風船上げ下げ 風雲急お告げ しどろもどろ くねる暗号 どんでん返しローリング からくり絵巻 たまらずカンニング  呼ばれて飛び出て参る モードチェンジポニーテール 女ですものくの一任侠 所謂(いわゆる)声変わりと 幻惑スマイル 艶姿雨あられ 煙でドロン 轟音 GO ON  葉隠れのまま夕暮れ 雲隠れた月おぼろ ムササビだ風呂敷を広げ夜空を飛び移れ  疾風怒濤の泣き寝入り 暗中飛躍の考究感(こうきゅうかん) 火水木金土と五遁(ごとん)ずら ひた遊ぶ ひた忍ぶ 風雲急 お告げで 轟音 GO ON
雲のいびきHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文HUSKING BEE数える間もないフライト みるみる離れてく 海行くフネ おもちゃの家 網の目なぞる すい付くミニカー  割り込んだ雲 負けるな翼 まだかコックピット 揺れるのはちょっと  こぼれるコロナ散らばって いたずら星流れてく メリーポピンズの子守唄 境い目越える ナビゲーター  眠り込む雲 のんきないびき うつらこっくりと あくび出てちょっと  アンダンテ 早すぎずゆるすぎずに そう 着陸態勢 促す感性 もういいかい もういいよ 独り言 雲の寝言  突っ込んだ雲 負けるな翼 またかコックピット 揺れるのはちょっと 巻き込んだ雲 おどけた仕草 さすがコックピット 着陸はそっと
カナリアHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE遠く向こうは暗いです かごはもう嫌いです 扉開いて壊して ほしいです 通り抜ける風さえも痛いです 雨もやみそうにないです 沈みそな 廻(めぐ)る囀(さえず)り 思い出す カナリア  ここの朝を送ります ここの夜を送ります 記憶辿って盗んで ほしいです 森の敬語の使い手に渡します 送り先が見たいです 砕けそな 過(よ)ぎる囀(さえず)り 思い出す カナリア  一粒 オード詳(つまび)らかに 一滴(ひとしずく) プレパラート封じ込めて 赤裸々なエレジー 混沌(カオス)ごきげんよう 空っ風望んで揺れる 梢絡み合った 羽根畳みかけ 振り仰ぎ見れば 返る囀(さえず)り  トビラヒラキナサイ カゴヲコワシナサイ トチュウカラ ジツハハジメカラ  思い出す 飛べカナリア
アドバイスHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE工が工(こう)じゃなくて 夕が夕(ゆう)じゃない 八(はち)が八じゃなくて 口(くち)が口じゃない 二は二(に)か  屁でもない そんな目じゃない 腰が抜けない 気が気じゃない この上もない 下らない 当たり障りない 無から何も生じない  また 工が工(こう)じゃなくて 夕が夕(ゆう)じゃない 八(はち)が八じゃなくて 口(くち)が口じゃない 力は力(ちから)か  みっともない姿が素敵だ みっともなくて最高だ かっこ悪い姿は無敵だ  乾いたら潤わすまで 気付いたら溢れ出すまで へこんだら不思議な言葉で 屁でもない そんな目じゃない  運が良くない 不埒じゃない ぶっ飛んでない 譲らない 当たり障りない 無から何も生じない 力は力(ちから)か  あどけない素顔が素敵だ ほかならない性能だ かまわない姿は不敵だ  みっともない姿が素敵だ みっともなくて最高だ かっこ悪い姿は無敵だ
New horizonHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE平林一哉Husking BeeHUSKING BEEThe boy who loves the sky, he never whines He watches a line, always far in the sky The dreams of yesterday are brown by the wind But when this sun goes down, they'll be back as stars Listen, can you hear in silence The sound that keeps calling our name Is stained by history and is sure to exist And is running through the lifetime  The boy who loves the sea, he never whines He watches a line,always far in the sky Her voice is washed away by the wave But when this rain  stops, it'll be back as stars Listen, can you hear in silence The sound that keeps calling our name Is stained by history and is sure to exist And is running through the lifetime  The place dividing sky and ground, dream and reality The place dividing lies and truth The place where the moon and sun go home  Please don't sigh anymore (then the stars will be shine) If there's contradictions in every answer Even if the world hurls broken (pieces at you) Please don't sigh anymore Please don't cry anymore (then the stars will be shine) If there's sadness in every flower Even if the world hurls broken (pieces at you) Please don't cry anymore
コロロコリーHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEE夏荻の紅紫の花 咲いたら 緑には飽いた 木々は色気づき 夏虫や兵どもが 泣き止んだら コロロコリー乞う音の調べ やまと歌を 名月の花に詠う 冬構へし 無可有の郷に響く 小夜すがら 心さまざまに打ち交じり コロロコリー交う音の調べ  空が詩を釣り 色を釣り 心恋しい作り声 ちらばら ひんやり 長雨の空 月に日に異に 我が人が埋もれ草 コロロコリー高音の調べ 誘われて聞き耽て 返り声 君の香いを 乞う音の調べ  月に叢雲 花に風 心寂しい作り言 うやもや ぼんやり眺め空 鳴き虫捜す 隠れん坊 左見右見 戦ぐ歌 噛み締めてく   戯れ歌止んだら冬化粧 染み透る 路も狭に 踏み締めてく  空が詩を釣り 色を釣り 心恋しい作り声 ちらばらひんやり 長雨の空  ああ また秋が焼け落ちては 落ち葉の雨も 染め分けられる ああ また草の緑を探そう 彼れ是れ 何処其処と 移ろい行き 葉衣音に惹かれるように ひらひらり 赤き空へと消え往くは コロロコリー
カフェイHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナ・平林一哉HUSKING BEEDon't you want to talk about nothing and chill out Refresh yourself at a coffee shop Don't you want to talk about things and people you like Let's plan ahead To end it,to begin it  Let's spread our laughter Today, I'll treat you to a sweet cake Let your complaints spill out Add a bit at sugar to bitter coffee sort out our feelings Short comings,long points, collect our thoughts (Ladies talk about their kids Girls talk about love all day long) (An old guy reads a book, imagines his new journey) And I sit there watching them  Don't you want to talk about nothing and chill out Refresh myself, listening to your good news Don't you want to talk about things and people you like Then the coffee will taste better, for sure  Here's some freshly brewed coffee And hear some music you've never heard Here's home freshly brewed mint tea Let this good stuff change your mood Let these good smells change your mood (Ladies talk about their kids Girls talk about love all day long) (An old guy reads a book,  imagines his new journey) And I fill myself with good stuff I always thinkbout stuff,   Like, I heard ”cafe”is French Like, in French,cafe alsomeans”coffee” Like, why dose everybody face outside Like, way do people need to sleep  Don't you want to talk about nothing and chill out Refresh yourself at a coffee shop I know Don't you want to talk about things and people you like Let's plan ahead Table settings change all day long People change how they feel People in and out,all day long This kind a cafe
新利の風HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEEさらり 波に攫われる もうあぶくとなって 縺れ合う subliminal(潜在意識) 目覚めてく 問いがきらめかせる飛沫(しぶき) 変わり次に浮かぶのは 当意即妙な超短波 subsistent(存在する) アイディア受け止めて 試そうって響くよ  押し黙る テトラポッド 絶え間なく dance step モノクロの flesh and blood 光 射し込んできて  ひらり 風に煽られる また宵っ張りに 誘われる subdivision(一部分) 目覚めてく 風致 色を染めてゆく 変わり次に浮かぶのは 灯心蜻蛉(とうすみとんぼ)のアイコンタクト subjugation(服従、従属) インサイダー脱け出して 変えようって招くよ  押し黙る road side trees ジグザグに free flight モノクロの flesh and blood 手に入れて影も 光も  裸足で歩かなくなって 独りで歩くようになって プロセスと知り合ってから 時間(とき)が経って 忘れるようになって  on all sides 高まる波にアプローチしよう from all sides 新利の風が吹き込んでくるのさ  さらり さらり 波が洗う ひらり ひらり 風が煽る 縺れ 縺れて 目覚めて 変わり次に浮かぶのは  さらり さらり 波が洗う ひらり ひらり 風が煽る 縺れ 縺れて 目覚めて 変わり次に浮かぶのは
ALL AS I, AS I'M ALLHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEEAyakoHUSKING BEEHusking BeeCame, came I came overcoming all I reach NIRVANA This awakening, I'm here now  I've forgotten myself Why do I have two feet? Everything in this world comes alive in sorrow People are missing something Why am I here, why do I have two feet? Those who live continue to be reborn All has been set from the start  As light and shadow, white and black As day and night, the sky and the earth  Wanting something that will never cross But that memory come back and awoke myself Came, came I came overcoming all I reach NIRVANA, I got back myself  And that the self doesn't create The stranger doesn't create The human doesn't create Without effort, strength, power  As the sea and the wave, seed and flower As the sun and the ray, the universe and man All as I, as I'm all  Wanting something that will never cross But that memory come back and awoke myself Came, came I came overcoming all I reach NIRVANA, I got back myself  And that memory came back To make me shout my existence  Came, came I came overcoming all I reach NIRVANA This awakening, I'm here now
SKETCHHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文HUSKING BEEHusking BeeThat day, I sketched to make you laugh Want to draw your joyful face Want to try and save your smile  Said to move as you please You seemed lost  Somehow it looked like you wanted me to choose Seems like you're use to it  Asked you to laugh, and you laughed Not to move, and you didn't move To hold this, and you held it Not to look away, you didn't look away Asked if you want to stop, and you stopped  My painting was good but on the canvas there were only dark colors We spent time together We learned we can't understand each other  That day, I sketched to make you laugh Wanting to draw your joyful face  Wanting to try and save your smile  You laugh happily when I said You look good in the gray sweater I didn't think such words would make you happy  Asked you to laugh, you didn't seem to like it Not to move, you seemed sad To hold this, you threw it away Not to look away, you got mad Asked if you want to stop, and you sigh  My painting was no good, but on the canvas there were only bright colors But we spent time facing each other We learned to understand each other  Dark pictures, bright pictures kept in the corner Are there more dark pictures? After all, the ones I put up After all, the bright ones To be able to put them up, after all
STILL IN THE SAME PLACEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文HUSKING BEEHusking BeeIs there still a tomorrow? Is it still yesterday? What do you want to say? What can't you say? Won't your hands get dirty? Don't you get thirsty? Would it be ok to go easy? Is a lie alright?  What do you want to do? What can you not do? Would you do it again? Will you never do it again? Do you want to go back? Don't you want to go back? Is it somebody's fault? Is it just your luck?  What you've smelled sometime, will it carry it away? Will the wind that blows through carry it away?  Is there still a tomorrow? Is it still yesterday? What do you want to eat? What have you eaten? Are you gonna do it anyway? Are you gonna just give it up?  Do you love yourself? Do you not like yourself? What is easy? What is hard?  Still at the same time? Still in the same place?  What you've smelled sometime, will it carry it away? Will the wind that blows through carry it away?  Have you been blessed with good things? Are you gazing on wet ground, now? Is it pouring in your fragile mind? Will the hard rain wash it away? Have you met good people? Are you gazing on dry ground, now? What you've drawn sometime, will it wash away?  Has it stopped raining? Can you walk holding your head high?  Have you been blessed with good things? Are you gazing on wet ground, now? Is it pouring in your fragile mind? Will the hard rain wash it away? Have you met good people? Are you gazing on dry ground, now? What you've drawn sometime, will it wash away?  Will it wash away?
I'M A TREEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文HUSKING BEEHusking BeeThe tree speaks You choose it's your choice To take it inside To push aside The tree speaks You choose it's your choice To take it easy at times To be crazy at times  When you narrow your heart I can't help but hurt you Leaves dropped to forget New buds grown to remember How many times shall I repeat this? For me to grow thick, please open your heart  Times when branches are broken with spite Times when we'll be felled Let branches be cut and moved to the next course Times when rain overflows When the sun shines, and we dry out When you test me with strong wind And I say to you, it's up to you  The tree spwaks You choose it's your choice Because I will wither with you The tree speaks You choose it's your choice To bear fruit or to flower  When you narrow your heart I can't help but hurt you Leaves dropped to forget New buds grown to temember How many times shall I repeat this? For me to grow thick, please open your heart  Times when branches are broken with spite Times when we'll be felled Let branches be cut and moved to the next course Times when rain overflows When the sun shines, and we dry out When you test me with strong wind And I say to you, it's up to you  Lean against a great tree and hear it's many words Always in the places of your heart I'm a tree You are me
DAY BREAKHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文Husking BeeMy universe is very natural This universe is attracted to emotions To passionate emotions  My thoughts are“Yes” Many stars Will someday disappear It is very natural There's many stars
BY CHANCEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文・平林一哉・工藤哲也・平本レオナ磯部正文・平林一哉・工藤哲也・平本レオナHusking BeeHit my head on the edge of space,and it rally hurt a lot Stopped a river's source with my finger, and it became a road Sympathize with animals and plants feelings, and I ponder my body I blow out the fire of the sun and, everything stops And so I light the sun with a lighter, I used a lighter to light the sun In this amazing balance,wanting to do so many things  And with resolve,I soar through the sky again And with resolve,I hit my head on the edge of space again  Trap that person in my heart,and it realy hurt a lot I throw the essence of solitude to the sky,one star shines Show feeling of humor and be contrary, and stare at a spoons bowl I blow away all the clouds,creativity stops And so I gather all the steam In this amazing balance I give the source of euphoria To the person that I met  I was born human by chance Given life by chance  Met that person by chance Just happened to want to tell you how I feel Found you by chance
#4HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文・平林一哉・工藤哲也・平本レオナ磯部正文・平林一哉・工藤哲也・平本レオナHusking BeeA glowing little chip A microbe controls determination A knowing little chip It knows that sometimes it draws chaos  The little chip laughs in fun Enjoying the break down Like a childs prank A little chip like to ignore Even if someone thinks it's bad Even if someone thinks it's broken  The little chips pranks Make the world exciting Built in to“#4”of just a few A growing little chip  Guiding little chip The strength not to throw it out The strength not to run out A little chip say's to dance dance around Learn to let your blood boil and sweat flow  The little chips pranks Make the world exciting Built in to“#4”of just a few A growing little chip
欠けボタンの浜HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文・平林一哉・工藤哲也・平本レオナ磯部正文・平林一哉・工藤哲也・平本レオナHusking Bee月の色に似た ボタン拾いポケットに いつだったか? あの人と見上げてた月の色に似てた  太陽の色に似た ボタン拾いポケットに いつだったか? あの海に沈む太陽の色に似てた  おぼろげ黄色いボタンは 僕の夜が暗い時に 艶やかオレンジボタンは もう朝のサイレン 鳴らない時に  流れ 流れてゆくなるか? 欠けボタンの浜で 波にたずね アデュー 空っぽは置いてきぼりだ そう 波つぶやいて 少し仕切れた  行こう 行こう 次の朝へ 行こう 行こうよ  部屋の隅に落ちた ボタン拾いポケットに いつだったか? あの人が投げ捨てて 欠けたボタン
海の原HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文・平本レオナ・工藤哲也・平林一哉磯部正文・平本レオナ・工藤哲也・平林一哉Husking Bee一葉万里の舟の道 一帆の微ぐ風 海境 残る雲 梅染めの入り目 乱り心地はひだり 悶ゆ心地でみぎり か行きかく行き紛う 雲隠れの居待ち月 きっ、 と きっ、 と  睫を濡らして 如何と 如何と 押っ取り櫓を漕ぐよ 荒立つ五百重波 打ち交う裏と表 面無き僻事 上滑り攫う 浅瀬には徒波 泡沫さざめいて 奥無き心絵 潮先を過ぐす  あぁ おいらかな舟の道 幾十許か後ろ影 また柑子色 朝朗け 憂き世の海の原 じっ、 と じっ、 と  頬の川塞き敢げて 如何と 如何と 一向櫓を漕ぐよ 掻き霧らす事も 掻き崩す事も 掻き曇る事も 掻き消せたなら 見上げれば青波 飛び交う青嵐 高行く空言 旋毛風攫う  嫋やかな雲波 耳欹てれば 青雲のささやき 要ず気はないか 善知鳥を 打つ気はないか 鯨魚を 夜を押さえ生い優れ と
D.W.S.HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEEMasafumi IsobeHusking BeeHusking BeeYou're on the other side of the glass Even though I call and call The clear glass throws my voice back  You're on the other side of the glass My voice dosen't reach you Just look upon you,forever unchanging I couldn't walk away from there The other side clouds over Would you break the glass? Would you break the glass?  You ask me   The question? ”No” Don't weep smile Feel safe? ”Yes” The question? ”No” Don't weep smile Leave the future up to time  You're on the other side of the glass Like your singing something Like your shouting something  You're on the other side of the glass Even though I try and try The grass cuts off your words  The question? ”No” Don't weep smile Feel safe? ”Yes” The question? ”No” Don't weep smile Leave the future up to time  You're on the other side on the glass Like your singing something Like your shouting something  You're on the other side of the glass My voice doesn't reach you Just look upon you, forever  I step away and when I turn The other side is dark and I saw myself
後に跡HUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナHUSKING BEE足踏み ああ渋み無くて 安泰 あんた居なくて 居眠り いい眠りだった そよ風 そう夜風だった うそつき 嘘尽きなくて 言い訳 いいわけなくて 真似事 まあ寝言だった 弱虫 世は無視だった  よろよろ 喜び 媚びなくて くるくる 苦しみ 染みまして そうかい? そうそう 甲斐なくて ボタボタ ボタ雪 行きまして  海が生み 天に点 神が噛み 日々に罅 彼は涸れ 水を見ず 石は意思 後に跡 意思は石 後に跡
ONE DAYHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナHUSKING BEEI was born and bred in this town There are some rivers, some bridges, and some islands  I was afraid of little things I was quilty of theft And I told a white lie  Now I live in the city There are some railroads, some roads, and some lights Some people have simple lives and high throughts others, living death I had a hunger for tenderness Deceive by money And I wanted to cry  We live and grow up, each other Long distance, constant destiny The wind caresses my mind We live and grow up, each other Long distance, canstant destiny The wind caresses my mind  Times are changing rapidly Do I still have the same eye's as the old days At times my own world lingers on  We live and grow up, each other Long distance, constant destiny The wind caresses my mind We live and grow up, each other Long distance, canstant destiny The wind caresses my mind  Whitish and hazy days Deep and wide days Whitish and hazy days Deep and wide days
PUT ON FRESH PAINTHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナHUSKING BEEAll of a sudden,the days changing I thought I must go on All of a sudden I felt myself growing It was already light outside the window  We lost track of time We got the same feelings My heart was high with hope But at the same time,I felt a little uneasy  Words overflowed one after another We can speak just as we feel Life overflowed one after anotner We can meke progress slowly but surely  We lost track of mine We got the same feelings My heart was high with hope But at the same time,I felt a little uneasy(uneasy)  It's the great power of your being It's a great influence on me I want to be so,How I want to be so for you It's the great power of your being It's a great influence on me I want to be so,How I want to be so for you  All of a sudden,the days changing I thoughit I must go on All of sudden I felt myself growing It was already light outside the window  We're always going to have to choose The right things we want to do Put on fresh paint,don't let it fade Put on fresh paint,don't let it fade Put on fresh paint,don't let it fade
PEOPLE AROUND MEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナHUSKING BEESome are fond of now, and otheres hate it Some are fond of past, and otheres hate it Some are young, some are old We lives our life the way we want There is something awkward about them There is something lacking in balance about them It seems they dislike a quiet life They got something on their mind  At times I picture their lives It seems they struggle on their way It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and it stirs my blood At times I picture their words I sense solice within their hearts It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and I step forward  As the sky clears up and coulds over, so we find and lose our way As many things change, so they learn on the way There is something awkward about them There is something lacking in balance about them It seems they dislike a quiet life They got something on their mind  At times I picture their lives It seems they struggle on their way It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and it stirs my blood At times I picture their words I sense solice within their hearts It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and I step forward  Oh, Will I part from them, someday Oh, Will they part from me, someday  At times I picture their lives It seems they struggle on their way It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and it stirs my blood At times I picture their words I sense solice within their hearts It pierces my heart, it pierces my heart, and I step forward  Every time I see them, I feel encouraged Something inside me is moved by the people around me  At times I picture their lives I see them struggle on their way It pierces my heart It pierces my heart
NATURAL COURSEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナHUSKING BEEOne, two, three, the more one has, the more one wants Articles satisfy our hearts Articles charm us It's a natural course  We always have desire in various ways for thing A heart overflowing with want We have wants to build up ourselves Pull our minds to what we want  Before we know it we've a great many useless things Our waste is polluting our minds So many men, so many minds
SING TO MEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナHUSKING BEEMany's the time I've sung with you Many's the time I've read your words Something told me I could see you Needless to say you and me differ as to country and language But it's my feeling that some things are the same as you Your voice reminds me of my childhood  Many's the time I've sung with you Many's the time I was touched by your cry You're heard singing in the distance Needless to say, you and me differ as to place and knowledge of life But it's my feeling that something's congenial to you I was sick for your zest of making  I can hear you singing in the distance now I wish it could last Your melody straightens me up I'm sick for your zest of making  Many's the time I've sung with you Many's the time I've read your words Something told me I could see you Needless to say, you and me differ as to country and language Needless to say, you and me differ as to place and knowledge of life But it's my feeling that some things are the same as you Your voice reminds me of my childhood  I can hear you singing in the distance now I wish it could last Your melody straightens me up I'm sick for your zest of making  It's wonderful how many songs you make I throught how and why The thing is, you really need a sound You'll really need a melody for someone For yourself  I can hear you singing in the distance now I wish it could last Your melody straightens me up I'm sick for your zest of making  Many's the time I've sung with you Many's the time I've sung with you
ON THE SURFACEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナHUSKING BEEOn the surface It's not as serious as you think Look at yourself in a mirror  On the surface You see you ain't much of anything You'll wonder what you can do it the future  On the surface You see the more in another mans eye But you can't see the beam in your own eye If you aim high you've got to chase after it Sometimes you look in the mirror  Even if you're trying to make a point Even if you're doing something now Even if you're doing nothing  The beginning passes by in a twinking The sorrow has caught hold of you The doubt binds you down It many be just the surface  It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it  On the surface You see the more in another mans eye But you can't see the beam in your own eye If you aim high you've got to chase after it Sometimes you look in the mirror  Even if you're trying to make a point Even if you're doing something now Even if you're doing nothing  The beginning passes by in a twinking The sorrow has caught hold of you The doubt binds you down It many be just the surface  It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it  It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it It's only your force, that makes you do it  The sorrow passes by you The doubt passes by you The sorrow passes by you
WOULDN'T IT BE NICEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEEBrian Wilson・Tony Asher・Mike LoveBrian Wilson・Tony Asher・Mike LoveHUSKING BEEWouldn't it be nice if we were older Then we wouldn't have to wait so long And wouldn't it be nice to live together In the kind of world where we belong  You know it's gonna make it that much better When we can say goodnight and stay together  Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up In the morning when the day is new And after having spent the day together Hold each other close the whole night through  Happy times together we've been spending I wish that every kiss was never ending Wouldn't it be nice  Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true (Run runaway) Baby then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do (We could be married) We could be married (And then we'd be happy) And then we'd be happy Wouldn't it be nice  Wouldn't it be nice if we were older Then we wouldn't have to wait so long And wouldn't it be nice to live together In the kind of world where we belong  You know it's gonna make it that much better When we can say goodnight and stay together  You know it seems the more we talk about it It only makes it worse to live without it But let's talk about it Wouldn't it be nice Wouldn't it be nice Wouldn't it be nice
AMBITIOUS MENHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE磯部正文磯部正文・工藤哲也・平本レオナHUSKING BEEHe asked me what I feared He sleeps when he wants to sleep Laugh a lot and cries out without cause That looks like trouble to me, but it's stimulus to me He is not so ignorant as it seems  He say's“That's the sea, because it's cold” He say's“That's the sky, because it's immense” “I'm impatient for my hearts desire” Now he's gone somewhere again but like his actions  She asked me why I'm ashamed Begins to dance when she wants to dance Thinks a lot with little make up on Because she narrows the mind in the narrow colors She seeks for other colors She say's“The sea makes me relax” She say's“The earth leads lives” “I'm impatient for my hearts desire” Now she's gone somewhere again but I like her actions  Whenever they meet, they brings me some new surprise Push away the loneliness Push away the could They are made to be ambitious men They have instincts for lack of common sense Push away the loneliness Push away the could They are made to be ambitious men  He asked me what I like Begings to move when he wants to move Talk a lot and laughs a loud laugh He doesn't lose wonderful feeling for everything He's not so ignorant as it seems He say's“I don't need border line” He say's“That's rock of truth” “I'm impatient for my hearts desire” Now he's gone somewhere again but I like his actions  Whenever they meet, they brings me some new surprise Push away the loneliness Push away the could They are made to be ambitious men They have instincts for lack of common sense Push away the loneliness Push away the could They are made to be ambitious men  You go along as you wish You're walking around the world I wonder where you're walking now I wonder what you're feeling now You go along as you wish You're walking around the world I wonder where you're walking now I wonder what you're feeling now
LIFEHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEE工藤哲也・磯部正文・平本レオナ工藤哲也・磯部正文・平本レオナHUSKING BEEA routine life A quiet dull life Only obeying your order A small circle,a large circle There's no need of frail circles  Things go from bad to worse We all caught the disease and fell down I sighed a deep sigh, knowing I lost my fortune We are hard pressed for time It will dry up our imagination But we need to get on with our life We are getting on,time is getting on  A simple life A narrow and close life Haste makes waste A lonely place,a busy place I wanna walk a lonesome rode  Things go from bad to worse We all caught the disease and fell down I sighed a deep sigh,knowing I lost my fortune We are hard pressed for time It will dry up our imagination But we need to get on with our life We are getting on,time is getting on  Sometimes I want a good cry And other times I want a hearty laugh I'll do as I please Sometimes I want a good cry And other times I want a hearty laugh I'll do as I please  Routine duties A steady life I rove from one place to another Lonely days, busy days The more the better for me  Things go from bad to worse We all caught the disease and fell down I sighed a deep sigh, knowing I lost my fortune We are hard pressed for time It will dry up our imagination But we need to get on with our life We are getting on,time is getting on
SUN MYSELFHUSKING BEEHUSKING BEEHusking BeeHusking BeeHUSKING BEEAs usual birds are flying in the sky I followeda wave of birds, it was a whale of a time What kind of face was mine, where was my room  If you were here I would know it The spread of birds wings, there is full of life The spread of my view, there is full of sunshine  I wonder about spring now,and fall now Because the sunshine's warm, my heart cooled off I sat in the shade by choice Stared at the sunshine Because I want to feel my heart in that place  I sat in the shade by choice Stared at the sunshine Because I believe my heart will get hot there There is no words,no confusion,no noise  I only feel free there Is it because I feel the end coming Not a cloud to be seen in the sky  The spread of birds wings there is full of life The spread of winds journey, a cloudless sky I wonder whether it's the center of the crowd,or the edge of the crowd Because the sunshine's warm, my heart cooled off  I sat in the shade by choice Stared at the sunshine Because I want to feel my heart in that place I sat in the shade by choice Stared at the sunshine Because I believe my heart will get hot there As usual birds are flying in the sky I followed a wave of birds, it was a whale of a time What kind of face was mine,where was my room  If you were here I would know it If you were here I would know it If you were here I would know it If you were here I would know it If you were here
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 宿命
  2. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  3. 月光
  4. Dear
  5. 私だけの天使 ~Angel~



  1. 夢幻
  2. Love seeker
  4. 永久 -トコシエ-
  5. hanataba

