I'm having sex
Wishing for six
I'm having sex
Touch me, Make me feel
Knock me out Marry
Get me off Jane
Knock me off Marry
Pet me violently
Can't you give me more to the last?
I can't get enough
Take me down
I'm on Junk
I'm getting high
I'm on Junk
Let me go mad
Kiss me off, vamp
Get away, tramp
Kiss me off, vamp
Leave me, Why don't you
Can't you give me more?
Do or Die
I can't be satisfied
I can't take this life
Stab me in the back
I can't take my life
Stab me in the back
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me mad”
Don't need nothing in my life
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me mad”
O.D. on sex
I'm having sex
Wishing for six
I'm having sex
Touch me, Make me feel
Can't you give me more?
Do or Die
I can't be satisfied
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me Mad”
Don't need nothing in my life
Stub me in the back
Wishing for six
I'm having sex
Touch me, Make me feel
Knock me out Marry
Get me off Jane
Knock me off Marry
Pet me violently
Can't you give me more to the last?
I can't get enough
Take me down
I'm on Junk
I'm getting high
I'm on Junk
Let me go mad
Kiss me off, vamp
Get away, tramp
Kiss me off, vamp
Leave me, Why don't you
Can't you give me more?
Do or Die
I can't be satisfied
I can't take this life
Stab me in the back
I can't take my life
Stab me in the back
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me mad”
Don't need nothing in my life
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me mad”
O.D. on sex
I'm having sex
Wishing for six
I'm having sex
Touch me, Make me feel
Can't you give me more?
Do or Die
I can't be satisfied
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me Mad”
Don't need nothing in my life
Stub me in the back
X JAPANの人気歌詞ランキング
X JAPANの新着歌詞
- 生きているから / アリス
- 不思議な日 / 加藤和彦
- 風が吹いたんだ(クォーツ Ver.) / 立花希佐(寺崎裕香)、高科更文(近藤孝行)、睦実介(笠間淳)、根地黒門(岸尾だいすけ)、白田美ツ騎(梶原岳人)、織巻寿々(内田雄馬)、世長創司郎(佐藤元)
- Going around / MADKID
- あなたの肖像 / アグネス・チャン
- ラブソウル / Rickie-G
- ある朝 / The Birthday
- 季節 / いきものがかり
- さよならの関係 / 石野陽子
- 黒い影 / 外道
- hug. / オレンジスパイニクラブ
- Stay with me / 島谷ひとみ
- B with U! / 神崎まき
- 知らないことはこわいかい / 長澤知之
- Doesn't know anything / ゆっぴー(青山吉能)
- ぱーぴーダンス / パピ(小澤亜李)
- Everybody needs somebody / LOVE PSYCHEDELICO
- 36℃ / リュ・シウォン
- 春舞う空に願うのは / FANTASTICS
- わたしが イチバン!! / 神崎まき
- 明日のためにキスを / AKB48
- Doubt / 百田夏菜子
- いかんともしがたい男 / ユニコーン
- 思いがけないラブリー・ナイト / 黒川真一朗&大沢桃子
- サバイバー / RHYMESTER
- 僕は独りだ / Blue Journey
- ひとりの週末 / かとうれいこ
- ケ・カリ・ネイ・アウ / 日野てる子
- KISS / 黒夢