I don't know how to…
How to be a ROCKSTAR
I'm going round the world where I belong
Hold on to my heart
Don't bother my life
I can find my line, so let me be
I don't need your hands alright?
I don't want to waste my life
Lack of time is going to kill me
Lose my confidence
I'm going forward my way
I know the way is so steep
So what?!
I don't care about it
Satisfied my life
Music is everything
I care nothing for others
I cannot find my exit
Do I just turn a blind eye
I don't want to get down
Stand up against my fate
Tears drop from my eyes
I don't know why
I don't know how to…
How to be a ROCKSTAR
I'm going round the world where I belong
Hold on to my heart
Don't bother my life
I can find my line, so let me be
Music is my life
I care nothing for others
I just wanted to please you
But you never think about me
I don't want to get down
Stand up against my fate
Tears drop from my eyes
I don't know why
My sound is going to spread over the world
The world do not blame me
I'm going to break the silence
My sound is going to spread over the world
The world do not blame me
Hope my sound is loud enough to reach you
How to be a ROCKSTAR
I'm going round the world where I belong
Hold on to my heart
Don't bother my life
I can find my line, so let me be
I don't need your hands alright?
I don't want to waste my life
Lack of time is going to kill me
Lose my confidence
I'm going forward my way
I know the way is so steep
So what?!
I don't care about it
Satisfied my life
Music is everything
I care nothing for others
I cannot find my exit
Do I just turn a blind eye
I don't want to get down
Stand up against my fate
Tears drop from my eyes
I don't know why
I don't know how to…
How to be a ROCKSTAR
I'm going round the world where I belong
Hold on to my heart
Don't bother my life
I can find my line, so let me be
Music is my life
I care nothing for others
I just wanted to please you
But you never think about me
I don't want to get down
Stand up against my fate
Tears drop from my eyes
I don't know why
My sound is going to spread over the world
The world do not blame me
I'm going to break the silence
My sound is going to spread over the world
The world do not blame me
Hope my sound is loud enough to reach you
- 回送 / syrup16g
- ESCAPE! / 藤木直人
- ノクターン~Rain Song~ / BUCK-TICK
- 星空 / marble
- うちうのほうそく / 柴田淳
- 太陽 / PUFFY
- SHO-NEN / 安部恭弘
- 花筏 / 長保有紀
- 悲しみよ今日わ / My Little Lover
- Desperate / Janne Da Arc
- 秘密(ひめごと) / 平浩二
- 雪迎え / 水田竜子
- 心の中のエバーグリーン / 堀江美都子
- ロードムービー / Mr.Children
- 複眼 / 福山芳樹
- 与那国小唄 / 喜納昌吉&チャンプルーズ
- 山のふもとで犬と暮らしている / RCサクセション
- 紅葉 / 陰陽座
- 夢つれづれ / 堀内孝雄
- きよしの森の石松 / 氷川きよし
- ダイナム超合金 / ランカ・リー=中島愛
- 人生ひとすじ / 立樹みか
- 幸せは星の上 / marble
- コカ・コーラの唄(スカッとさわやか) / クレイジーケンバンド
- 赤い砂 白い花 / 新居昭乃
- All Because Of You / PUFFY
- 少年 / 水樹奈々