I have always wondered why we
Try to hurt each other
Over things that leally can't be answered right or wrong
Is it so hard if we just get along
So we could finally frow strong
We spend so much time
Trying to change somebody's mind
When we should be taking time to try to understand
If I reach out now, would you grab my hand
And would you then become my friend
A decade lived a decade learned
I just wanted you to hear me sing my song
A Sacred truth that I have learned
There's nothing certain in this world
And that is certain
I hope that you will see
How good our life could be
When I was a kid
I used to argue stupid shit
I know now it was about my ego being bruised
I was so young and angry and so confused
And yell and scream to be amused
Now that I have grown
And makin' choices on my own
I have realized that every coin has to sides
I now don't feel that I still need to fight
And I don't need to prove I'm right
A decade lived a decade learned
I just wanted you to hear me sing my song
A Sacred truth that I have learned
There's nothing certain in this world
And that is certain
And one day you'll realized how much we've sacrificed
And one day you'll realized how much we've sacrificed
And one day you'll realized
I hope you know, I hope you feel I hope you see
How good our life could be
Try to hurt each other
Over things that leally can't be answered right or wrong
Is it so hard if we just get along
So we could finally frow strong
We spend so much time
Trying to change somebody's mind
When we should be taking time to try to understand
If I reach out now, would you grab my hand
And would you then become my friend
A decade lived a decade learned
I just wanted you to hear me sing my song
A Sacred truth that I have learned
There's nothing certain in this world
And that is certain
I hope that you will see
How good our life could be
When I was a kid
I used to argue stupid shit
I know now it was about my ego being bruised
I was so young and angry and so confused
And yell and scream to be amused
Now that I have grown
And makin' choices on my own
I have realized that every coin has to sides
I now don't feel that I still need to fight
And I don't need to prove I'm right
A decade lived a decade learned
I just wanted you to hear me sing my song
A Sacred truth that I have learned
There's nothing certain in this world
And that is certain
And one day you'll realized how much we've sacrificed
And one day you'll realized how much we've sacrificed
And one day you'll realized
I hope you know, I hope you feel I hope you see
How good our life could be
Ken Yokoyamaの人気歌詞ランキング
Ken Yokoyamaの新着歌詞
- このリズムで / 玉置浩二
- キミに贈る歌 / 菅原紗由理
- あこがれ / D-51
- さよならは最後に言う / Something ELse
- THE BOOK OF LIFE / 白鳥英美子
- 童神 / 夏川りみ
- となりの芝生 / さだまさし
- 雲の上の君と(epilogue) / 九州男
- 君のまま / UVERworld
- 恋する二人の834km / KAN
- 恋になれ... / 小松未歩
- ハレルヤ / Chicago Poodle
- うちの親分 / 松島みのり、藤田淑子
- 蕎麦屋 / 中島みゆき
- ダッタン人の踊り / 藤澤ノリマサ
- 雄叫びボーイ WAO! / Berryz工房
- Ooh…Baby / 加藤ミリヤ
- 夢なかば / 一青窈
- 幸あれ / A.B.C-Z
- ワンダフルメディスン / 矢住夏菜
- 音楽をしよう / 矢田太朗
- お願いGOD / みそっかす
- 月の宝石 / 比屋定篤子
- 波止場 / 長谷川きよし
- Baby Action / BOφWY
- 棒の哀しみ / 山本譲二
- still love you / ソンモ from 超新星
- My Last Train / SUPER EIGHT