The night is like a lovely tune
Beware my foolish heart
How wise the ever constant moon
Take care my foolish heart
There's a line between love and fascination
That's hard to see on an evening such as this
For they both give the very same sensation
When you're lost in the magic of a kiss
His lips are much too close to mine
Beware my foolish heart
But should her eager lips combine
Then let the fire start
For this time it isn't fascination
Or a dream that will fade and fall apart
It's love, this time it's love
My foolish heart
For this time it isn't fascination
Or a dream that will fade and fall apart
It's love, this time it's love
My foolish heart
Beware my foolish heart
How wise the ever constant moon
Take care my foolish heart
There's a line between love and fascination
That's hard to see on an evening such as this
For they both give the very same sensation
When you're lost in the magic of a kiss
His lips are much too close to mine
Beware my foolish heart
But should her eager lips combine
Then let the fire start
For this time it isn't fascination
Or a dream that will fade and fall apart
It's love, this time it's love
My foolish heart
For this time it isn't fascination
Or a dream that will fade and fall apart
It's love, this time it's love
My foolish heart
- アンビバレンツ / 式島律(沢城千春)
- ありがとう / 内田有紀
- カフェオレ / MINT mate box
- コタツから眺める世界地図 / エリオをかまってちゃん
- エール / +Plus
- ワク☆ドキSHOOTER / 奈々菜パル子(徳井青空)
- 「あなたがくれた空」 / 八神はやて(植田佳奈)
- REPLY / スポンテニア
- night light parade / HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR
- メモリーブロッサム (M@STER VERSION) / 西園寺琴歌(安齋由香里)、白菊ほたる(天野聡美)、高森藍子(金子有希)、五十嵐響子(種﨑敦美)、水本ゆかり(藤田茜)
- かがやきパラダイス / 島津悦子
- フグ / どぶろっく
- engrave / girugamesh
- Grasshopper's Life / 織田裕二
- WHY? / Stray Kids