Fuck man! And bitch! Shut up!
What's know? Who's say? Come out!
Play tonight? Play tonight? Get out!
Who's loser finally in the world?
Kick back take back! My way!
What's true? What's lie? Nothing
Can do all! Can do all! No change
So you know which fake is
Is it important now? What do you mean?
So it's a fucking thinking! So now be crazy! Crazy!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
White? black? Which is me?
Black? White? Is only row right?
So what? It doesn't matter
I don't wanna live in fucking places
What's want? What's want? Take it!
What's believe? What's believe? Break it!
Can do all! Can do all! No change
So you know which fake is
Is it important now? What do you mean?
So it's a fucking thinking! So now be crazy! Crazy!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
We can be free We can be free Rise up your fist!
Scissors! Scissors!
We are winner in this world We are winner in this world
Rise up your fist!
Scissors! Scissors! Scissors! Scissors! Scissors! Scissors!
What's know? Who's say? Come out!
Play tonight? Play tonight? Get out!
Who's loser finally in the world?
Kick back take back! My way!
What's true? What's lie? Nothing
Can do all! Can do all! No change
So you know which fake is
Is it important now? What do you mean?
So it's a fucking thinking! So now be crazy! Crazy!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
White? black? Which is me?
Black? White? Is only row right?
So what? It doesn't matter
I don't wanna live in fucking places
What's want? What's want? Take it!
What's believe? What's believe? Break it!
Can do all! Can do all! No change
So you know which fake is
Is it important now? What do you mean?
So it's a fucking thinking! So now be crazy! Crazy!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
You know the answer for the life
Cut with the scissors Scissors!
We can be free We can be free Rise up your fist!
Scissors! Scissors!
We are winner in this world We are winner in this world
Rise up your fist!
Scissors! Scissors! Scissors! Scissors! Scissors! Scissors!
- 愛してた / YU-A
- 憎いあの娘 / 矢沢永吉
- Heroes / 藤巻亮太
- Do you know what I mean? / 吉田ヨウヘイgroup
- スイム・イン・ザ・ワンダー / 新津由衣
- あたまのビス / SISTER JET
- Nice Vibe! / DA PUMP
- とある事象 / メトロノーム
- 真夏のスピカ / 小野大輔
- 異次元ポケット / OZROSAURUS
- 約束 / 野狐禅
- OL'55 / 竹内まりや
- フリージア / MUCC
- pink noise babies / BENNIE K
- 黄昏のビギン / 薬師丸ひろ子
- 放熱ララバイ / ウニョン
- cyber / Chilli Beans.
- Drop Out Shuffle / ビートたけし
- Who's your Enemy? / APOGEE
- FXXk Off / AK-69
- Hey! みんな元気かい? / 堂本剛
- 巻き戻して思い出を / 松任谷由実
- Rising Down / SHANK
- 嫌いな女 / 柴田淳
- 95%の可能性 / ナナカラット
- 眩しい世界 / 掛優大
- Somebody / SANABAGUN.
- キスが巡る / aiko
- 声飛行 / Gutevolk
- 血の管 / Mr.Children