I'm howling
I'm still howling
I keep on howling
Can we go
Go back to where we were
We think we live in peace
Our voice is unheard
Who the hell
Build up the one way system?
You keep on treading on
Victims in heaven
I'm so fed up
You sold me out
How can you be so dumb, human beings
I'm so fed up
You sold me out
How can you leave me howling?
Oh, going home
Please take me to the place I love
I'm a stray dog
Oh, going back home
Please take me to the place I love
You're a stray dog, too
Stop the fight
My people, stop the fighting
Know your own enemy
Find where they're hiding
We will fall
If we are all divided
Don't want to see my friends
Know the truth and hide it
I'm still howling
I keep on howling
Can we go
Go back to where we were
We think we live in peace
Our voice is unheard
Who the hell
Build up the one way system?
You keep on treading on
Victims in heaven
I'm so fed up
You sold me out
How can you be so dumb, human beings
I'm so fed up
You sold me out
How can you leave me howling?
Oh, going home
Please take me to the place I love
I'm a stray dog
Oh, going back home
Please take me to the place I love
You're a stray dog, too
Stop the fight
My people, stop the fighting
Know your own enemy
Find where they're hiding
We will fall
If we are all divided
Don't want to see my friends
Know the truth and hide it
- Horizon / ナノ
- Blue Christmas for You / 雨宮天
- 新宿港 / 桜井京
- 朝 / ふれあい
- Kiss In The Sun / THREE1989
- Believe in myself / DIVA
- ピー&ブー / 夏目亜季
- Flashback / buzzG
- 涙BOY 涙GIRL / 氣志團
- Precious ~逢いたくて~ / 秋元順子
- TOMORROW / 宮内タカユキ
- 心の羽よ君へ飛んでけ! / Aqours
- 小さな太陽-CARROT RED / 中山美穂
- 恋人時代 / 堺正章
- Yes, I do. / 海蔵亮太
- RHYTHM's TRACK / saji
- 時をとめて feat. WISE / Tiara
- おやすみムーミン / 玉川さきこ、館野令子
- It's a MAD WORLD / 外道
- Party Tune / SOLIDEMO
- Never Ending Midnights / Midnight Grand Orchestra
- メレンゲ / マカロニえんぴつ
- ごめん / 河島英五
- 一歩目音頭 <岩佐美咲バージョン> / 岩佐美咲
- mi corazon / 倉木麻衣
- MIRACLE WAVE / 国木田花丸(高槻かなこ) from Aqours
- サヨナラREMEMBER / モン吉
- We Will Never Give Up / WANDS