INORAN作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  123曲中 1-123曲を表示

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123曲中 1-123曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
BLUE TRANSPARENCY(限りなく透明に近いブルー)LUNA SEALUNA SEARYUICHIINORAN冷めた目つき 感情の無い人だかり 人を信じられず 怯えた夜 狂い果てた後 感情の無い街の中  震え気が付けば 逆さまに見え隠れする  笑い続けているのか 感情の無い人だかり 針で毒を飲んだ 怯えた夜に 理性が抜け出て行く 感情の無い街の中 巨大な鳥に乗り 何かを握り締めていた 手を裂く破片 限りなく 透明に近いブルー 生きていたと感じられた  BLUE TRANSPARENCY BLUE TRANSPARENCY 「遠回りしていた」 BLUE TRANSPARENCY BLUE TRANSPARENCY 「怯えていた」 BLUE TRANSPARENCY BLUE TRANSPARENCY 「今 気が付いた」 BLUE TRANSPARENCY BLUE TRANSPARENCY 「死ぬ前に」  手を裂く破片 限りなく 透明に近いブルー 生きていたと感じられた 白い粉は消える 羽を広げ 空を楽しむがまま 血の流れが痛い  BLUE TRANSPARENCY BLUE TRANSPARENCY 「遠回りしていた」 BLUE TRANSPARENCY BLUE TRANSPARENCY 「怯えていた」 BLUE TRANSPARENCY BLUE TRANSPARENCY 「今 気が付いた」 BLUE TRANSPARENCY BLUE TRANSPARENCY 「死ぬ前に」
HEAVENOLDCODEXOLDCODEXYORKE.INORANINORANDance! wanted more time Dance! wanted more blue Dance! wanted more mirror Dance! dance the night away  Ride! wanted more rain Ride! wanted more fuse Ride! wanted more glow Ride! ride the night away  自分のせい? my approach to pain 足りないなら月に走れ  冷たい太陽 燃え尽きたヒート break a leg!!! もつれ合い 悲しみも癒してく Heavenly Night  Dance! wanted more time Dance! wanted more blue Dance! wanted more mirror Dance! dance the night away  Ride! wanted more rain Ride! wanted more fuse Ride! wanted more glow Ride! ride the night away  何かのせい? so much to gain やりきれない自分 解放して Don't hurt yourself.  冷たい太陽 連れて行けリード break a leg!!! すれ違う季節も隠してく Heavenly Night 張りつめた糸が 僕を捕らえてく 逃げる事も出来ない Tonight, go ahead  自分のせい? my approach to pain 足りないなら月に走れ 何かのせい? so much to gain やりきれない自分 解放して Don't hurt yourself.  冷たい太陽 連れて行けリード break a leg!!! すれ違う季節も隠してく Heavenly Night 張りつめた糸が 僕を捕らえてく 逃げる事も出来ない Tonight, go ahead  冷たい太陽 燃え尽きたヒート break a leg!!! もつれ合い 悲しみも癒してく Heavenly Night  燃えてく Heavenly Night 癒してく Heavenly Night 消えてく Heavenly Night 夢見てる Heavenly Night
SANDY TIMELUNA SEALUNA SEARYUICHIINORANLUNA SEA乾いたすべて 気のふれた答え 閉ざされた声 温もり それは 人々が奏でる砂丘の世界  足跡が消える 記憶さえ砂の中に埋もれる 孤独を纏い 泣く事さえ忘れたメロディ  風に砂が踊れば 何もかも見えなくなる 目隠しで さ迷った 二人は お互いの顔も知らない  生まれた意味も知らずに 壊された扉の中へ 訳も無く さ迷った 二人は 帰る事も出来ない  新しい風がここへも それすらも気付きはしない 訳も無く さ迷った 二人は 逃げ場を失くしたまま  乾いたこの街は 感情さえも見えない 貴方さえも見えない
DaylightINORANINORANINORANINORANまぶたの裏で君が微笑ってる 追いかけた日の輝き 懐かしい匂い交わした言葉 すり抜けてゆく風を感じた  約束した 僕らの未来は 光り続ける ずっと遠くに離れていても  この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう いくつもの夜が通り過ぎても 僕はここにいるよ あるがままで  逢えない時は静寂の中で 渇きそうになるけど 止まない歩み重ねた響き 心ざわめく 強く感じるよ  慌ただしさに 隠した想いは 尽きることなく ずっと胸に生きているから  この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう 笑顔の日々や涙の夜も すべて受け止めよう あるがままで  この空の下 君はどこかで 微笑んでいてほしいと祈る 声にならなくても僕は詠うよ 溢れない様に見守っている  この世界から君が消えたら すべてのことが色褪せてしまう いくつもの夜が通り過ぎても 僕はここにいるよ あるがままで
サヨナラINORANINORANINORANINORAN悲しむ海に溢れる夜に 行き場さがし 憧れ想い眠るとき 永遠に深く 続く夢焦がれ  予感はそう 感じていた 繋いでいた指先の温もりだけ 消えずにいた  サヨナラ 告げて微笑った 忘れてしまえばいい? アイシテ 撫でて泣いて どうか醒めないで サヨナラ 濡れた頬には 何を映せばいい? 愛した証 もし叶うのなら 痛みを断ち切って 今すべてを奪って  辿り着けない抱いた願い ふたり出逢い 脆く儚い揺れている はるか遠く 陽炎のように  時間だけを 染めてゆく 聞こえない闇色は 記憶だけ置き去りにした  サヨナラ 告げて微笑った 忘れてしまえばいい? アイシテ 撫でて泣いて どうか醒めないで サヨナラ 濡れた頬には 何を映せばいい? 愛した証 もし叶うのなら 痛みを断ち切って  雨がすべてを 洗い流すとき あなたに愛が 降り注ぐように 忘れた風の行方 重ねた思いが呼ぶのは何故?  予感はそう 感じていた 繋いでいた指先の温もりだけ 消えずにいた  サヨナラ 告げて微笑った 忘れてしまえばいい? アイシテ 撫でて泣いて どうか醒めないで サヨナラ 濡れた頬には 何を映せばいい? 愛した証 もし叶うのなら 痛みを断ち切って
your placeTourbillonTourbillonINORANINORANTourbillonここでは もう始まっている だからもう少し 近づいて いつもいつも 君は言う いつ世界は終わってしまうのって  寂しい気持ちは一緒で たぶん同じモノを抱えてる 震えている心を皆 ちゃんと持っている  ただそれを変える何かはまだ 分からないけど すべては考え方で ただ一つでいいんだ  たとえ君が くじけそうだとしたら なにくわぬ顔で抱きしめて 笑ってあげる 君のそばにいるよ いつまでも たとえどんな 悲しみも 苦しみも 乗り越えてゆける  そう愛は止まる事なく 僕らの中に流れてる 迷うこともあるけれど きっと導いてくれる  ゆずれないモノを抱きしめて 僕らは今日も 生きているいつか自由に 空飛べる日まで  たとえ君が 傷ついてたとしたら 大きな翼で支えて 守ってあげる 君のそばにいるよ いつまでも いつか夢見た すべてが 空の下 叶う日まで  たとえ君が くじけそうだとしたら なにくわぬ顔で抱きしめて 笑ってあげる 君のそばにいるよ いつまでも この空の下で  たとえ君が 傷ついてたとしたら 大きな翼で包んで 守ってあげる 君のとなりにいるよ いつまでも いつか夢見た すべてが この星の下 叶う日まで
時の色INORANINORANINORANINORANINORANいつも思い出すよ この空のように とても優しい気持ちになれた時のことを 何が欠けていたのかって 分かりもしなかった あの頃の僕らが少しだけ微笑んだ  失うことで大人になると 強がりで過ごしてきた 受け入れる生き方を 傍で教えてくれた  I love you ありきたりな言葉かもしれないけれど 君に ずっとこれから幾度となく伝えてく  人生の様々な場面に出てくる 目の前を通りすぎる風が切り取る風景 慌ただしく過ぎていった日々の中で 数えきれない笑顔の数も涙の音も ひとつひとつ書き綴ったね 落書きだらけのノート 二人の記録だから  I love you あの日出逢えた 時の色が増していく 君に そっと吹く風でありたいと想っている I love you 深くお互いの呼吸をあわせたら 遙か 遠く彼方にあるものだってつかめる  求めすぎたり 傷つけ合ったり 自分を守るため 投げやりになったり 肩で風きって 息をせき切らせて 水たまりを避けても スニーカー汚れて そんな不安な時でも 分け隔てなく紡ぐ 君に心から  I love you ありきたりな言葉かもしれないけれど 君に ずっとこれから幾度となく伝えてたい  I love you 深くお互いの呼吸をあわせたら 遙か 遠く彼方にあるものだってつかめる  I love you あの日出逢えた 時の色増していく 君に そっと吹く風でありたいと想っている  I love you 君がくれたものが 僕をかたちづくる ずっと 手を離さずに 変わることない未来に向かって 歩みたい I love you
BaiesINORANINORANINORANINORANかたちない孤独は 三月の風の様に冷たくて 夜明けを待つ事さえ耐えきれず 何度も何度も潰されそうになった 途切れない迷いに囚われたまま 瞳に写る形は影を宿した ただ一つだけでいい 存在を願ってそれだけを信じて  何かが変わり始めた 目の前にあなたがいた  限りない世界で 君に出逢えた奇跡 見えるものすべてが 鮮やかに輝きはじめる どんな時もきっと 分け合えるから 僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に  おそらく単純で静かな物が すべてを知っている答えの様なもので それは決して与えられる事じゃない 手を伸ばしていく  内なる想いをはせて その先に君と  限りある未来を 君とめぐれる軌跡 二度とない強さが 柔らかに反射していく どんな時もきっと 叶えられるから 僕らの焦がれる ラストシーンが訪れる様に  今まで安らげる居場所 探してた つよがりに哀しみを 隠しながら 溢れていく涙が 優しさの色に変わる 目を閉じても そこには確かに 君がいるから  すべてが変わりはじめた ずっとずっと共に  限りない世界で 君に出逢えた奇跡 見えるものすべてが 鮮やかに輝きはじめる どんな時もきっと 分け合えるから 僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に  限りある未来を 君とめぐれる軌跡 二度とない強さが 柔らかに反射していく どんな時もきっと 叶えられるから 僕らの焦がれる ラストシーンが訪れる様に  僕らをつないでる この手を離さない様に
I'll be thereINORANINORANINORANINORAN繋がって 欲しがって 別れ真似たり言わせたりして 足りないって 欲しくって きっと急いでいたんだ  鞦韆(しゅうせん) 揺らす日々 君待つ涙 いつも願っていたんだ ありがとうI'll be there  空回って 道忘れ 時に想ったり痛んだりして 歩いてきた 道標 ずっと示かしていたんだ  春宵(しゅんしょう) 吹く風に 何忘るる涙 今は聴こえてるから ありがとうI'll be there これからも I'll be there  lalalala........ I'll be there
I wish I had never met youINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN薄れてゆく意識の中で それはただ照らしていた 途切れていきそうに 見えた 例えるなら紅い花 生き続けるだろう 貴方さえ見えずに 愛した姿 強がりの仕草で 愛した貴方を  何処へ行けばいいのだろう 今はただ望む響き 遠く向こうで 消えそうな程の 例えるなら宿る唄 尽き果てぬだろう 貴方さえ見えずに 愛した姿 強がりの仕草で 愛した貴方の 姿さえ見えずに 隠したのは 欲張りな心の 儚い涙  貴方さえ見えずに 愛した姿 強がりの仕草で 愛した貴方の 姿さえ見えずに 隠したのは 欲張りな心の 儚い涙 貴方さえ見えずに 愛した姿 強がりの仕草で 愛した貴方の 姿さえ見えずに 隠したのは 欲張りな心の 儚い涙
INORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN限りなく果てしない道を歩いていく 何処までも続いている道を歩いていく  未来に向かって  人は言う 人は笑う 時は来る  きっと分かるはず 自分に逢える そう願う  繰り返す情報の中で錯乱する 選ぶべき愛情の外で膝を抱える  自分に問いかける きっと分かるはず 錆びた世の中で 風に 吹かれて  君には出来るはず 前に進む事 君には見えるはず 嘘の世の中で  風に 吹かれて 時に 刻んで 君に 伝えて 想いに 託して
raizeINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN汚れなき空追いかけて 変わってく景色は次のsignal  目指した行き先にたどり着きたい 足りないもの探す旅 風をはらませて本気で加速して  大切な夢問いかけて 変化を望んだ気持ちになる  照らしたゆき先あともう少し 誰にも邪魔させない この手に強く握った熱を感じて  躊躇わず 飛ばしてゆこう 諦めず 信じて走ろう とらわれない場所 僕等の未来に逢う為に  哀しみで強くなれた 歓びは僕等を包む 何度でも願うよ 何処まででも振り返らずに  躊躇わず 飛ばしてゆこう 諦めず 信じて走ろう とらわれない場所 僕等の未来に逢う為に
I swearINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN何を望んでいるかなんて軽視して 解らなくて 溢れて何を見た? 理想のかたちを求めては投げて そんな使い捨ての 日々を過ごしていた 今まで以上この冬は 空気が張り詰めてく 澄んでいて希望が 遠くまで見えた  舞い落ちる刹那は 悲しみを溶かし流す静寂の中 渇ききった心が 彩りを取り戻す様  そう今大切にするべきもの 笑顔で 分かってる 重ねて誓える夢見てる  いつかはきっと辿り着くよ 信じて触れた手は 揺れる白い風に 包まれてゆくよ  舞い落ちる刹那は 悲しみを溶かし流す静寂の中 渇ききった心が 彩りを取り戻す様に  消えそうな温もりは 優しさを求め泣いて明日を探して 忘れないでそばにいて 涙を拭える様に  今まで以上この冬は 空気が張り詰めてく 澄んでいて希望が 遠くまで見えた  これからも季節は いつでも僕らの熱を奪おうとする 惑わされない様 ここに確かな体温を感じて  舞い落ちる雪が 悲しみを溶かし染めてゆく 渇ききった心で 涙を拭える様に このまま 君と生き続けたい
人魚INORAN & Ri-aINORAN & Ri-aRi-aINORAN真実のかけら探しつづけ 電子の海を一人泳ぐ 金の瞳と銀の鱗光らせ 翼のはえた夢を見る  にごった空しか映らなくて あふれる情報の波にのまれて 自分が誰かわからなくなる 不安な気持ちといつも戦って  あなたに会いたいと願う 声を聴きたいと願う 一人でいる様な気がして 真実なんてきっと わからないかもしれないけど 探しつづけ 朝まで  赤い月の光浴びて 今夜も願ってる 真実が知りたいと 泡にならないように  自由な場所求めて 電子の海彷徨い 声にならない想い叫んで 次のドア開いて いつもと違う景色 観る事 恐れないで目をあけて  歩き出す事 恐れないで 流されないで あなたを信じてる人のために  誰にジャマされようと 自分で信じた道進んで 自分らしく あなたも  あなたに会いたいと願う 声を聴きたいと願う 一人でいる様な気がして 真実なんてきっと わからないかもしれないけど 探しつづけ 朝まで  自由な場所求めて 電子の海彷徨い 声にならない想い叫んで 次のドア開いて いつもと違う景色 観る事 恐れないで目をあけて
時化INORANINORANINORANINORANFollow me.... You don't know if you will Care for me.... Every meaning will not fade away Sky and rain, should find better days  Someone to watch over me.... Can it be? How you gonna go all the way? Lookin' all around Something to latch onto me.... Could it be? Do you wanna feel in this sway? Spinnin' round, goin' down  Blackest daze.... I find you if you will Deepest seas.... Every searchin' will not stay away In the deslate world, should look for better ways  Someone to watch over me.... Can it be? How you gonna go all the way? Lookin' all around Something to latch onto me.... Could it be? Do you wanna feel in this sway? Spinnin' round, goin' down
千年花INORANINORAN葉山拓亮INORAN澄み渡る 青は遠く 揺れ動く 緑は優しい  今 僕等が大地に蒔いた種 どうか鮮やかな色で芽を出して  限りある光を背にして 咲き誇る花を眺めて 千年も前の世代も 同じ願いを詠ったの  波音が 脅かす 風さえも 嘆いてるようで  蝕まれ 壊れる この世界を 目の当たりにして 誰を責められる?  限りない闇に溶け込んだ 枯れ落ちた花を眺めて 千年も先の世代も 同じ憂いを抱くの すぐ側で佇む君の 明日も笑顔が見たくて いつの日も当たり前の 夜明けが続くと 願うよ  羽ばたく鳥たち 無力で小さな種を 遠くへ 遠くへ 運んで 見知らぬ場所で 蕾が開いても そこにあるのは 希望でありたい  限りある光を背にして 咲き誇る花を眺めて 千年も前の世代と 同じ願いを歌うよ いつまでもこの景色が 途絶えることのないように やがて来る次の世界で 種を蒔く子たちに 願うよ  ―青い空 忘れないで 風揺れる木々を 見つめて その花を 愛せるように そう君を愛したように―  千年も前の世代と 同じ願いを歌うよ いつまでも
Monsoon BabyINORAN & Anneli DreckerINORAN & Anneli DreckerAnneli DreckerINORANAngel, don't be sorry, don't worry This would happenanyway, I guess Summer came, and we shared the days Now winter's here and the wind has changed Soon I'll be here on my own Feeling like a  Monsoon baby Monsoon baby A complexed maybe Rain-rinsed lady  Navigating towards you by airplane Eating a local London-time supper Winter went and the days were strange But summer came and the wind did change Finally you'll get to meet Our little wonderful  Monsoon baby Monsoon baby A ten moon lady Monsoon baby  Monsoon baby Monsoon baby A seawind lady Monsoon baby  Monsoon baby Monsoon baby A ten moon lady Monsoon baby  Monsoon baby Monsoon baby No more maybe Monsoon babies
DetermineINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN街ゆくspeedに 慣れた身体が震える 更なる理想へとdive出来る 予感を感じたなら 叫び続けている礫を解き放し 空と繋がる調べに焦がれたい  君はもう知っているから どうしたい? 抜け出すかい? 満たされない照らされたい どうしようもなく抑えきれない ざわめきを拭い去り 躊躇うことを忘れていいんだよ 煌めきを掴むには 今すぐここから旅立とう  すれ違い 交差する 幾重の方向を見つめ 次なるstepへはだいぶ来てる 光を掴め  君はとうに知っていたのに 自分次第 白か黒か? まだ足りない確かめたい どうしても捉えきれない 透明なこの風に 漂う声 探せるように 輝きは照らしている 今から 一緒に旅に出よう  背中に持った重い荷物は ここでは全部降ろして 喧騒を消し noise無くして 辿り着いた場所では 繋がっている ひとつのline 忘れていた感覚 君なしでは生きられない この気持ちは確かなもの チカラに変えて 何を犠牲にしても
SakuraINORANINORANINORAN・Jon UnderdownINORANI… I'm on this lonely road Seasons come and they go Bring the flowers that grow Bitter sweet reminders  You… You always knew the way Like a beacon of light Through the darkest of nights You were more than a guide  Never blind because I can still feel the love Yeah you always show me how So hard to say goodbye Time is never on our side  Try… Try to embrace it all Hoping that in the end All that's broken will mend Starting over again  And it's all because I can still feel the love Yeah you always show me how Your memory will live on As the treasure I'll remember  Your echo lives in the wind Your echo lives in the wind Your echo lives in the wind In the wind  Still… Still on this lonely road But it's easier now There's a reason I've found So wherever you are Try… Try to embrace it all  I can still feel the love Yeah you always show me how Your memory will live on As the treasure I'll remember  Your echo lives in the wind Your echo lives in the wind Your echo lives in the wind Your echo lives in the wind
seasonTourbillonTourbillonINORANINORANTourbillon今まで 何をしていたんだろう 溜め息は 大地へと帰っていく 交わらない曲がる事のない 言葉があるだろうか? 理想はそう記号にできない あなたはきっと 知っていた  めぐりゆく季節の中で あの空はいつも泣いてた 完成していない この絵の続きを知る様に  どうして あんなに悲しそうな どうして 瞳をしていたの その奥に 何が映っているの 夜空に映し出して その胸に 何を潜めているの 星を繋いで教えて  春を待つ 二人の様に 夏出る 太陽の様に 残された 未来に向って ただそれだけの為に今  めぐりゆく季節の中で あの空は傷ついていた 完成していない この絵の続きを描けたら  Lalala… 二人だけの言葉は 決して借りものじゃない  秋とある 青空の様に 冬に咲く カメリアの様に 残された 未来は決して 悲しみだけじゃない どんな日も  めぐりゆく季節の中で あの空はいつも泣いてた 完成していない この絵の続きを知る様に  春を待つ 二人の様に 夏出る 太陽の様に  ただそれだけを信じたい どんな日も
Come closerINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANありふれた日常は 寂しくて あの景色を探し求めてる 自分がいる すれ違う声は 流れていくけれど 見えないものに 溜息がこぼれ落ちた  君がいない時間などありえなくて 今はとても大切なことが 分かった 無くしたものを 取り戻せるならば 覚めないままで 今も溢れるほどに  悲しそうな背中を見つめ 気付く思い 瞼を閉じた 君の髪に優しく触れて 遠く離れ 夜空を越えた  身体を沈めて気付いた 強く惹かれたのは切ない瞳  悲しそうな背中を見つめ 気付く思い 瞼を閉じた 君の髪に優しく触れて 遠く離れ 夜空を越えた  君は言った笑顔を残し 君は行った香りを残し 寂しそうな笑顔を抱いた 冷めないまま香りを
to myself.INORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN隣には あなたがいつも居ました 見つめていた 輝いた「永遠」に出逢いました とても 輝いた 蒼白く 咲いた月 照らしていた 面影を 胸に かけがいの無い ものだった 張り裂けた心が 叫ぶ  いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか きっと あえると おもう いつか
Calling downINORANINORANINORANINORANねぇママ 暗闇の中で叫ぶ 何故、ここにいるんだろう.... my eyes 理由を探したけれど 見つからない 問いかけて責めた  早く 此処から抜け出したいんだ 出口は何処にあるの? 教えて欲しい 僕がここにいるワケを 抱えた運命を  Calling down 光が照らす闇 闇が照らす光 空を裂く光を 手に入れたいんだ この手の中に  night end 光のすじが僕を 誘い、救ってくれた.... light and I それはずっと探していた 見たいモノ 影を取り戻すように  怯えていた その手差しのべた 君は誰? 出口は其処にあるの? 教えてくれた 今までここに居たワケを 鏡に映して  Calling down 光が照らす闇 闇が照らす光 空を裂く光を 手に入れたいんだ この手の中に  怯えていた その手差しのべた 君は誰? 出口は其処にあるの? 教えてくれた 今までここに居たワケを 鏡に映して  Calling down 光が照らす闇 闇が照らす光 空を裂く光を 手に入れたいんだ 明日へと  Calling down 光が照らす闇 闇が照らす光 空を裂く光を 手に入れたいんだ 手に入れたんだ
SpiritINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN咲いていて 狂おしく君だけは 咲いていて 迷うことなく此処で 揺れている 時間を絡み付けて 壊れてく 世界が続く限り 遠ざかる 昨日までの 確かなもの 手操り寄せて 抱いていた  傷を隠さないで 感じていた 全てを 意味を そう 今 繰り返す 明日よりも 見えないものは いつか  流れに身を委ねれば 羽根になって slowになって 遠ざかる昨日よりも 繰り返す明日よりも 覚えてて 重なれば 出会えるさ 霞みゆく 砂漠の街で  流れに身を委ねれば 羽根になって slowになって 流れて 身を委ねれば 華になって 重なりあう
Won't leave my mindINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN目の前に広がる この世界はFabrication? 煌めいた街は 悲しそうに見えた 雨に消えて 胸に留めて 途切れない様に 君に触れて 夜空を染めて 色褪せて かよわせて  静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて そうずっと 静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて そうずっと  無数に輝く 紺色の Message その波は押し寄せて 浮かんでは 消えた 影に触れて 指に留めて 離れない様に 瞬間に触れて 夜空を染めて 色褪せて かよわせて  静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて そうずっと 静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて そうずっと  融け合いながら 研ぎ澄ました 記憶の果てを 抱き寄せて 静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて 静かな夜に  静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて そうずっと 静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて そうずっと  融け合いながら 研ぎ澄ました 記憶の果てを 抱き寄せて 静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて 静かな夜に  静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて そうずっと 静かな夜は 時を這うくらい 見つめさせて 静かな夜に
Don't Hold Your FeelingTourbillonTourbillonINORANINORANTourbillon今 静寂の涯(は)てへ 君を連れていきたい 感じる鼓動の理由を I want you to know かざした理想 近づく為だけに研ぎすまして 心を溶かす 飾らない願いを 込めて謳うよ  So don't hold your feeling Baby I can, close your eyes  この世界の中で それが傷ついた世界でも 君と共に生きたい I want you to know 閉ざした心に響く 壊れかけた奇跡に触れて 途切れる事のない 満たされた一瞬を 忘れないで  So don't hold your feeling Baby I can, close your eyes Lala…
Wherever I goINORANINORANINORAN・DEAN TIDEYINORANHere today, far away  In the clouds now Far away, here today I don't know how This will all work out  All alone, by the phone Can't get through now Hotel home, twilight zone Feel so tired  Down, I'm down and I'm out Down & I'm down, I'm down & I'm down I'm down & I'm out  Wherever I go I see you in all of the faces I feel you in all the different places I know Wherever I go now  In so deep, losing sleep Disconnected Tidal wave I'll behave, unaffected Don't know for how long  You and me, history Make it over Searching for, ever more A perfect picture  Down, I'm down and I'm out Down & I'm down, I'm down & I'm down I'm down & I'm out  Wherever I go I see you in all of the faces I feel you in all the different places I know Wherever I go now  Wherever I go I see you in all of the faces I feel you in all the different places I know Wherever I go now  Down & I'm down, I'm down & I'm down I'm down & I'm down, I'm down Down & I'm down, I'm down & I'm down I'm down & I'm out  Wherever I go, 僕には今 君が見える どこにいても 君を感じるよ どこへゆこうと  Wherever I go I see you in all of the faces I feel you in all the different places I know Wherever I go now  Wherever I go I see you in all of the faces I feel you in all the different places I know Wherever I go now  Wherever I go I can feel you  Wherever I go I can feel you  Wherever I go I can feel you
SaturationTourbillonTourbillonINORANINORANTourbillonKnow what? 見えてるcry? 溢れてる この世界にある悲しみはdon't small  刻まれているこの痕は 誰にでもある同じ傷 錆ついてゆくこの空は そんな僕らを映している  Guess what? 届いて night 溢れてる 明日へとしっかりつなぐ為のat all  現実から目をそらさないで 残された時間はあまりない 真実はきっとso night and day If the shoe fits, wear it  We live in saturation Sunny day, Cloudy day, Rainy day, and Everyday We want that evolution Where there's a will, there's a way  現実から目をそらさないで 残された時間はあまりない 真実はきっとso night and day If the shoe fits, wear it  We live in saturation Sunny day, Cloudy day, Rainy day, and Everyday We want that evolution Where there's a will, there's a way We live in affection Everything Everything 見失わないから We want that evolution Where there's a will, there's a way
InnocenceTourbillonTourbillonINORANINORANTourbillonFrom some time I'm afraid and so week, unlike the youth From some time I never looked up hi, always looking down below Fake smiles now, but I cried so much in the day From some time I can't run, I thought I could go anywhere  Bring back that passion in sight Or else that precious thing will pass away  Is it just me, who's pretending I don't hear that noise inside of me? Is it you, who's pretending to be blind on everything of the world? Is it the lie, we hide the words that we want to be heard? Is it the truth, we choose the heat that we want to feel?  Bring back that passion in sight Or else that precious thing will pass away  We've grown but everything stays remained We are just hiding the truth There's always good and bad, black and white Truth should be told, no fears be told, no fears  Bring back that passion in sight Or else that precious thing will pass away Always the same, you never left anything You know for sure that you do
Sunset河村隆一河村隆一河村隆一INORANINORAN誰も知らないこの道を 抜けてゆこう 車を止めこの先は 歩いてゆこうゆっくり  空と海のはじまり エメラルド色して溶ける 雲は悠々と 膨れ上がってゆく  通り雨が少しくらい 僕らを濡らしても 気にもならない すべて輝く 黄昏時さ  誰もいない小さなビーチ 波音に乗って 足跡さえこの風に 消えてゆくよ気付けば  まるで生まれたて 二人だけのエデンの園 ここから始まる 君と僕のストーリー  通り雨が少しくらい 僕らを濡らしても 気にもならないすべて輝く 黄昏時さ  二人だけの世界だから もうケンカは止めよう 二人だけの世界だから 守りたいから  波音だけ 二人だけで そう素直になろうよ 波音だけ  まるで生まれたて 二人だけのエデンの園 ここから始まる 君と僕のストーリー  通り雨が少しくらい 僕らを濡らしても 気にもならないそう奪えない 僕らの熱は  通り雨が少しくらい 僕らを濡らしても 気にもならない聞こえるのは 今 波の音だけ
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
selfishTourbillonTourbillonINORANINORANTourbillon何も言えない振りをしてる 今の人間は そう まるで泳ぐことを知らない魚  それを 教えてくれたのはあなた 揺れてる この世界を変えてゆく 信じてる明日へ  手のひらにこぼれ落ちる 流した涙を抱いて 輝いたその瞳に 映るモノは何? いつまでも  そう誰もが 当たり前の事を求めすぎて 忘れている 見えない大切なモノ  何気なく過ごしている 日常の中で 僕らが欲しいのは 汚れてない 今を生きる証  手のひらにこぼれ落ちる 流した涙を抱いて 輝いたその瞳に 映るモノは何? 何処までも流れてゆく 景色の記憶の様に いつまでも僕らを包む 確かなモノを抱いて  手のひらにこぼれ落ちる 流した涙を止めて 輝いたその瞳に 映るモノは何? 何処までも繋がれてる 潤んだ瞳の中 いつまでも  重ね合う消えることのない 確かな想いの様に 重ね合う消えることのない 確かな想いを抱いて  何処までも続いている この道の先には 輝いた未来の姿 確かなモノを抱いて
BEAUTIFUL NOWINORANINORANJON UNDERDOWN・INORANINORANThinking back I dive into the waves Diamond light upon the sea ablaze This is where a piece of us remains But the nature of this place can just crush your heart So alarming Blue the sky above  The next wave will come so we swim out The value will never fade away So…  Reach out to the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free Maybe this will ease your pain, quiet all the static Everyone in their own way is beautiful, beautiful no  Journeyed on and came a upon a star Had a dream of falling from afar Through the darkness sinking like a stone But beacon that you lit somehow brought me home New beginning Red setting with the sun  Found the strength to go on in your touch In my dreams you're always right beside me  Reach out to the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free Realize the past won't change What if you surrendered to the wisdom of this wave? The beautiful, beautiful now Maybe this could ease your pain, quiet all the static Cause everyone in their own way is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful no  Reach out the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Keep chasing your dreams and live the beautiful now Let innocence set you free  Face into the wind and feel the beautiful now It's limitless I believe Hold on to your dreams and live the beautiful now Let all of this set you free
Thank youINORANINORANINORANINORANYou and I have been through the days Seen our share of laughter and pain Like shadows inside the sun Storm inside is the color blue Lost your way but I'm here for you Don't turn away just look at me now You are more than just a friend Through it all right up to the end You never lost your tenderness  When I look into your eyes There's a light like a star More than ever right now I see who you really are  Don't worry now take my hand and never let go again I know the scars on your soul and they are so beautiful  Caught up in the passage of time Here and gone in the blink of an eye I've realized that much is true Sometimes we' re too blind to see That we can be our worst enemy And all because we don't believe  But remember there's still time You can always restart I can see the light of hope shining there in your heart  Don't worry now take my hand and never let go again I know the scars on your soul and they are so beautiful  I've crossed the oceans Been around the world All I can say for sure The only thing is that love will always stay alive Love is one thing that will not ever die And you are not alone No you are not alone Where ever you are know you are not alone Know you are not alone  Don't worry now take my hand and never let go again I know the scars on your soul and they are so beautiful Yeah they are so beautiful
LilyTourbillonTourbillonINORANINORANTourbillon目覚め告げる 渇いた心を濡らす雨と躍る 滲む夜はやがて 光射す朝に向かう  捉えてないわけじゃなくて 封じてるふりをしてるの? 此処から抜け出す勇気 それだけが欲しい  僕の尊き存在の為に 君の隣で素晴らしき情感へ  胸に深く刺さる 望んだ夢想遂げるぐらいに 厚い壁を壊して 光射す明日探し出す  何処までなら行ける? この羽根をひろげて 重力に逆らってでも 限りなんてない  君の尊き存在の為に  目覚め告げる 渇いた心を濡らす雨のmelody 滲む夜はやがて 光射す朝映し出す  何処までなら行ける? この羽根をひろげて 何処までなら行ける?  胸に深く刺さる 望んだ夢想遂げるぐらいに 厚い壁を壊して 光射す明日探し出す  抱いたカタチ デアウその理由? 奏でた音を 紡ぎ合って  抱いたカタチ デアウその理由? 奏でた音を 紡ぎ合って  抱いたカタチ デアウその理由? 奏でた音を 紡ぎ合って
Rat RaceINORAN & Roots ManuvaINORAN & Roots ManuvaRoots ManuvaINORANShip shape for change Few maintain 2 brave da pain, and embrace da gain The pain is life,the pain is death From first 2 last breath,only time will tell If da ticket that U get trails 2 heaven or hell For each & every choice there's a price 2 bare Time throws scenarios, best beware of da brainwash Cranes fight for market share False prophets get slicker from year 2 year Perception is all when the dice done land There'll be a spanner in your plan if U don't guard your soul Da renk head of hate soon takes its toll And all because a fool can't swallow their pride Hell terrains grip with perpetual slide Babylonian flames burn bright First strikes da inna slight, now the wounded roam Grapping on thier own coz they know not how They gonna learn 2 love 2 love 2 learn We cry 4 the youth spread truth & stand firm  Close to da quest, yes (Hot one) Tied to da quest, yes (Hot two) Mental benchpress to see me thru×2  The junction of life is da here & now The test ever is the test ever will be Step ahead with your good good self Soldier proceed synchronized 2 da sound of da boom boom bap Don't fraid the beast flack They get a run for their last brown penny We defend em with a passion The enemy don't like 2 see world-wide hiphop youth in harmony With a new found rebel flex & nuff love of self  Definition of discipline will soon take flight Show the take prize & rise 2 da tide Kick down dem door of perception,planet-wide connection Live wire birth 2 a new found worth and a whole world of gerth We don't stop big up all brave heart folk We dare 2 defy Babylonian smoke  Close to da quest, yes (Hot one) Tied to da quest, yes (Hot two) Mental benchpress to see me thru×2  I don't give a damn about ya postcode,know da mode North 2 da southside,east 2 da west Lay down da foundation,start 2 da protest There's a million & one ways 2 scan a nice rise If U get that rise, how will U use that rise Will U seek out ways 2 elevate your own Or will U switch & start dancing tight 2 da snake Inna lake of brimstone for living death sake Warm 2 da wake my sisiter, my bro No time for fakes,your inna eyes glow Read up da signs,dem and fix up fast It don't see cred,it don't see class Tis a next plain of thought frame we flame Adamant now we aim & burn off dachains  Close to da quest, yes (Hot one) Tied to da quest, yes (Hot two) Mental benchpress to see me thru×2
トパーズの丘河村隆一河村隆一河村隆一INORAN色を染めていくよ 青空が夕暮れに 西の空にはもう 星がともされた 真っ赤に咲く バラの花びら 散りばめては 詩人が目覚めるのを待つ トパーズの丘  宝石を散りばめた海が 叫ぶ僕の心の中 遥かなる世界は君が 気づくのを待っていると いつでも...  鳥達は翼を 風にのせ帰ってく 太陽が地平に 溶けていく頃に 小さな泡のシャンパン 飲み干した空が 吟遊詩人の詩に 頬を染めた様に  恋人達よ聞いてくれ 愛は時に深まって 気まぐれにその距離を縮め 夢を囁くものと  あの素晴らしい三日月を 竪琴にして 弾いてる女神(ミューズ) それは世界を 僕の胸を ひねた奴らさえも 引きつけて 夜明けまで人々を 照らし続けてた  その夢を散りばめた夜空 叫ぶ君の心の中 遥かなる宇宙は君が 気づくのを待ってる  恋人達よ 聞いてくれ 愛は心を変えるもの それでもその手離さないで 星の出ない夜ほど  宝石を散りばめた宇宙(ソラ)が 叫ぶ僕の心の中 遥かなる世界は君が 気づくのを待ってる
Can you hear it?INORANINORANINORANINORANINORANCan you hear it? To your ears,even in this world you have to let your light shine out Can you see it? To your eyes,even in this world you have to let your light shine on you Can you smile? To your loved one,even in this world you have to embrace all the light  If you can truly love,you have to show it Let's walk together through all the seasons If you truly believe in anything color the changing seasons If you can truly love,you have to show it Let's walk together through all the seasons If you truly believe in anything let's go to the other side  If you can truly love,you have to show it Let's walk together through all the seasons If you truly believe in anything color the changing seasons If you can truly love,you have to show it Let's walk together through all the seasons If you truly believe in anything let's go to the other side  On an endless road (So happy that I found you) Chasing our new life (Proud of chasing after all those dreams) Wanting to touch you (So happy that I found you) Together forever (Proud of chasing after all those dreams) On an endless road (So happy that I found you) Chasing our new life (Proud of chasing after all those dreams) Wanting to touch you (So happy that I found you) Together forever (Proud of chasing after all those dreams)
not a serious woundINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANとりあえず身体を慣らして ビルの隙間の 空を見上げた  大した傷じゃない 大した事はない 此処でこれから いつもの 呼吸をすればいいだけ  昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 簡単なことだと気付いて 吐き出した紫煙は どこか見慣れた  大した意味じゃない 大した意味はない 此処でこれから いつもの スタンスとればいいだけ  昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 出会えたこの風に ありのままに 自分を解き放て 形など無いから  大した傷じゃない 大した事はない 此処でこれから いつもの 呼吸をすればいいだけ  昨日の欠片は 二人に溶けてゆく 昨日の欠片は 二人の未来へと 出会えたこの朝に 言葉にならない 願いは込められて 今日から始まる 出会えたこの風に ありのままに 自分を解き放て 形など無いから やがてはあの夜に ありのままに 光を放つから 形など無くても
Walk alongINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN幼い頃によく見ていた風景は なぜかセピア色に変わっていて それは今 見えている この鮮やかな景色を重ね合わせる為に  walk along 立ち止まらずに歩いてゆくんだ grow tall 振り返らずに超えてゆくんだ  何もかもがうまくいってるわけじゃないけど 今こうして緩やかな気分でいられる それはそう 明日への希望 渇いた喉を潤してくれるように 明らかな理想を見つけて きっときっと出来る  walk along 立ち止まらずに歩いてゆくんだ grow tall 振り返らずに超えてゆくんだ 時は姿を変えてしまうけど 焦がれた心までは奪えない walk along 立ち止まらずに歩いていきたい  明日へと続く かけがえのない すべてが 癒えるまで
I miss youINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN霞み彷徨う夢の中 過ぎた昨日の忘れ物 届かなくて 切なさは拭えない  濡れたアスファルトの上 迷いながら いつも何かのせいにして 過ごしている  失うことでしか 気づかなかった 伝えたい気持ちは 今も残る  寂しさを消し去る 温もりが欲しいよ 柔らかな指先 そっと触れて そばにきて  誰に願ってるよりも 望みたい 何が 僕には今から出来るのだろう  笑うことでしか ごまかせなかった 無くしかけている 時よ 行かないで  寂しさを消し去る 温もりが欲しいよ 柔らかな指先 そっと触れて そばにきて  優しさが邪魔した 曖昧な赤い糸 唇が覚えている I miss you 忘れない
存在のカケラINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANさあ 地図を開いて これから何処へ向かおう 今 こうしてる間にも 静かに時は流れてく 目を閉じて 感覚を研ぎ澄まして 呼吸づいて 引き寄せられた運命の明日を信じて  終わらない旅は続くよ 存在のカケラ 探してく 永遠に揺られて  もう 君と別れて どれくらい経っただろう でも 刻まれてる 音調は今も残っている 消せなくて 渇く声 映えて 光の群れ 立ち昇る前に飛び立つ鳥になれたら  溺れない太陽追って 存在のカケラ 忘れない くだけないように  引き寄せられた運命の明日を信じて  旅は終わらない 存在のカケラ 探してく 思い出す背中には 残された爪痕 君の声 恋しさが離れない 今でも
FelicidadINORANINORANINORANINORANラララ  光を求める為に ここまで来たけれど 儚いかけらの数だけ この場所で 何を見ているの?  せめて残る 願い だけを 時の中で 抱いて 信じた  輝きを忘れるくらい 今まで来たけれど 愛しい痛みの数だけ この場所で 君を見ているの?  せめて残る 願い だけを 時の中で 描いて 信じた せめて残る 想い だから 永遠は あると 信じて  引き寄せて つかめたものは 昔見た is the same as that light 輝いて つかめたものは 君と見る isn't it just night scenery  この景色は 一つだから 壊れない様に 終わらない旅は続く 迷わないでいて
All We AreINORANINORANINORANINORAN雨は止み 風が吹き 光がささやく 巡り会う その理由に 放たれて 寄り添う 美しさは 冷たさに 宿るということを 導いた その波は 僕らを空にした  追い立てる 暗闇が 隔てるとしても その鍵で 開く空 遙か遠く 思えても 過ぎてゆく もの達は 幻なんかじゃない 招かれた 約束が 僕らを 鳴らした  今、この歌を 贈ろう そう 君を愛したいから  雨が止み 風が吹く この先も 君のこころに  今、この歌を 贈ろう そう 君を愛したいから  雨が止み 風が吹く この先も 君のこころに  今、この歌を 贈ろう そう 君を愛してるから  風が吹く この場所で この先も 君をこころに
Get LaidINORANINORANINORAN・SEBASTIAN.INORANINORANI have my something place Place is in my mind Mind is gonna change itself I just wanna know something true  You know love is blind? We need that meaning's from All I do is dance Please tell me what is true  Let me know, Let me know, Let me know Let's finding your own voices  Get laid, Get laid Walk around, stand up, for yourself Just freak out let it go It won't be the same  I don't want to fall to pieces I've taken my beating And when you're feeling empty  When my time comes When I'm done here What am I leaving But no one else cared  Let me know, Let me know, Let me know Let's finding your own voices  Get laid, Get laid Walk around, stand up, for yourself Just freak out let it go It won't be the same  Oh yeah, oh yeah Walk around, stand up, for yourself Just freak out let it go It won't be the same
FAITHINORAN & Mel SkyeINORAN & Mel SkyeMel SkyeINORANCandle lights the room And my thoughts take me away Decisions don't come easy Though I know I cannot stay  It's an uncertain road That leads to where I want to be So many changes Nothin's really guaranteed  There's a place, waiting for me I have to be there Woo... To be free there  Clock ticks quietly on And marks the time for sleep Relaxing don't come easy With these dreams I keep  I've come this far And my quest is in sight Leaving the dark confusion To embrace the light  There's a place, waiting for me I have to be there Woo... To be free there  I'm torn,but make no mistake I am sure of what I need to do Breaking away isn't painless But I know I'll see it through  It's an uncertain road That leads to where I want to be So many changes Nothin's really guaranteed  Uncertain road That leads to where I need to be So many changes Nothin's really guaranteed  Time to make a start Listening to my heart Free from circumstance Give this dream a chance  Time to make a start Listening to my heart Free from circumstance Give this dream a chance
UnstoppableINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN僕らが此処に居るのは きっと意味があって 何かがあると信じて 引き寄せられている  走り出した 止まらない記憶  当たり前の事 思い出すんだ 今 手を伸ばせば まだ間に合う さあ  大事に守るべきもの 気づいて共に生きる為  太陽が示すしるしに 解放を望んで 時としてかかる雨に 感情を溶かして  混じり合った 光と影の中  見つめ合い息衝く 未来の先に 手を伸ばそう 真を求め さあ  諦めてしまわないで 決して失いかけても 途惑いながら傷つきながらも 果てなき思いを手に入れよう 変われる 君が愛してるモノの為  感じよう 此処にいる意味を 感じて 探していた居場所 感じよう 唯一の手の感触 感じて 一つになることを
ResolutionINORAN & Alison EvelynINORAN & Alison EvelynAlison EvelynINORANSo I'll start, my spirit free, I belive grounded I went out and found it, the answer was right there sometimes I wonder why I'm sitting here Procrastinating with moon beams, the answer I found there Summertime I'm happy to sit in the sun Melting in solar, the answer I sought there  Comets fly and night is all you know A messenger on a journey A lesson is learned there  I said I wanna hold on - I'll choose life I said that you must hold on Hold on, hold on  Sometimes I wonder why I'm sitting here Procrastinating with moon beams The answers I found there  Comets fly and night is all you know A messenger on a journey A lesson is learned there  I said I wanna hold on - I'll choose life (Spirit of your heart don't let it down) I said I wanna hold on Hold on, hold on (Give your heart to the drum)  Don't say that you won't know Where ever you may be (Spirit of your heart don't let it down) You know you got to hold on Hold on, hold on (Give your heart to the drum)  Time (Everybody say) (×8)  I said I wanna hold on Hold on, hold on (Spirit of your heart don't let it down) Don't say that you don't know Where ever you may be (I'll choose life) You got to hold on, baby Hold on, hold... Don't say that you won't know I'll choose life (Spirit of your past don't let it down) You got to hold on, baby...
CloudinessINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN流れてゆく雲の影 写し出す 傷ついた心は 鼓動やめない 僕には聞こえてる? 今でもずっと求めている これから始まっていく そう美しき 確かな解放の果てに 導かれ  いつまでも眺めていたい この空に芳されてゆく 静寂を擦り抜ける雫は 消え去りゆくものへのepilogue  溢れてゆく魂は 叫んでる 飛び立った歓喜は 翼となる 君には聞いて欲しい もう始まっている そう麗しき 唯一の奇跡の中で 試されている  これからも見つめていたい 今 尊さが駆け抜けていく 情熱を胸に抱き 何時しか 誓い届ける時へのprologue  いつまでも眺めていたい この空に芳されてゆく 静寂を擦り抜ける雫は 消え去りゆくものへのepilogue  途切れない夢 追って 途切れない夢 重ね
Fading MemoryINORANINORANINORAN・英語詞:JON UNDERDOWNINORANI don't need a thing Not a thing at all I'm a simple man Cause all that I want Is an honest word And a melody I'm a lucky man if you'll just share it with me I found out I don't need anything  All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory  Whatever may come Through the ups and downs I'm a lucky man Because I have found I believe in you You believe in me We got everything that we need to make it through Got the feeling we can make it through  All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory  All that you love means something to me Helping each other grow patiently Why waste our time with more useless things? Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory Yesterday's a fading memory
STKINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN雨上がりの昨日から考えていた ずっと心の中にある自分の気持ちを  手遅れになる前に 伝えたい 君がどうしても必要だって事  涙の数だけ 乗り越えて 涙の数だけ 飛び越えて  時々分からなくなるそんな日があって 何かを見失ってしまう恐さと戦って  届かなくなるその前に 溶かしたい 君がどうしても必要だって事  描いていた夢の続き この手につかむまでは 描いていた夢の続き その手に渡すまでは  涙の数だけ 乗り越えていく 涙の数だけ 飛び越えていく  描いていた夢の続き この手につかむまでは 描いていた夢の続き その手に渡すまでは
雨のリボンTourbillonTourbillonRYUICHIINORANTourbillonまだ泣いてる君は つくり笑いをしてるよ 君には傘がない その胸の つかえを今から… 雨上がりの空 かけに行こうよ虹 さぁ君色の リボンを空に  寂しがり屋だよね 人はみんな そうキスして 寄添い合って 傷ついても 傷ついても また Walking under the rainbow いつだってunder the rainbow さぁ君色の リボンを空に  lalala…
smokeINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANI'm on the outside to forgive regret Flood the mud, Goldfish singing ringing eardrum  The wave of the flower floating It goes disappear I can't get Try to reach, I want that clear But its never can find out  Dreaming in the night can see through the night I see illusion in a day don't know why  Let's back to that place Cause more than I can take It's nothing meaning to live in Somebody laughing at me  Blowing the wind through my eyes You've never seen such a windy color Easy way part of me I'd rather be all alone  Dreaming in the night can see through the night I see illusion in a day don't know why  Let's back to that place Cause more than I can take It's nothing meaning to live in Somebody laughing at me  Let's back to that place Cause more than I can take It's nothing meaning to live in Take me out my misery  Give it, give it, give it away So let yourself go  Let's back to that place Cause more than I can take It's nothing meaning to live in Somebody laughing at me  Let's back to that place Cause more than I can take It's nothing meaning to live in You'll never worry about it
REDISCOVER ON ANOTHERINORANINORANINORAN・Jon UnderdownINORANSome will fall to the way side Some lose touch with the real world Everyone's gotta face their broken dreams Some only see the downside Some go blaming the whole world No one's safe in this life Hearts are gonna break  Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go?  REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallen… Tears fallen…  REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears make the river of dreams  Can't keep this on the inside Painful though as it may be Crazy as it all feels Life goes on Will you fall to the wayside? You could marvel the whole world Cross my heart in this life You are not alone  Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go?  REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallin'… Tears fallin'…  REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears drifting into the sea  Can you let go? Can you let go? Can you let go?  REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallen… Tears fallen…  REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears make the river of dreams  REDISCOVER now What if you let go? ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears fallin'… Tears fallin'…  REDISCOVER the now If you can let go ONE another Be forgiven DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Tears drifting into the sea
CandyINORANINORANINORAN・Jon UnderdownINORANAppetite for love tonight Let me try to treat you right Don't be scared Honey, you're an angel I'm not the devil darlin' Don't think it over  Savor the temptation Let go of restraint Come over here next to me (and gimmie love gimmie love gimmie all a your love gimmie love gimmie love gimmie all a your lovin') Show me your secrets Counting down Blow me away Blow me away  Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Will you give me Will you give me Give me the night up against your sky Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Searching for you Look for the truth Can't live without you  Love gimmie love Gimme all'a your love Open up your heart Come'n feel the rush Gimmie love, Gimmie love Gimmie all your lovin' It's gonna set you free Love gimmie love Gimme all'a your love Open up your soul Come'n feel the rush Gimmie love, Gimmie love Gimmie all your lovin' Take in the freedom  Savor the temptation Let go of restraint It's easy when you're with me (so gimmie love gimmie love gimmie all a your love gimmie love gimmie love gimmie all a your lovin')  Show me your secrets Melting down Blow me away Blow me away  Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Will you give me Will you give me Give me the night up against your sky Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Searching for you Look for the truth Can't live without you  Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Will you give me Will you give me Give me the night up against your sky Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Searching for you Look for the truth With or without you?  Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Will you give me Will you give me Give me the night up against your sky Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Searching for you Look for the truth Only to find you  Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Will you give me Will you give me Give me the night up against your sky Candy (you're the one I want) Candy (can't get enough) Searching for you Look for the truth Can't live without you
A Day Goes On ByINORANINORANINORAN・Jessica Imani DawsonINORANWho's this gazing, from inside the mirror? Almost like a reflection of me but it's not clear This person is what the outside sees, but I don't wanna be There's something that I know I must do, I will do For the sake of 1 soul, divided into images of 2 I'll sing out my beliefs  That's a promise, no I won't fall It won't end here in no way!  Oh tell me if you could, would you want it for eternity? If you can reclaim it once more, then why the hell wouldn't you? Then go create the chance, bust down doors and let them see Even those bound by chains still have their own voices Then sing out your beliefs, blast it from the top of your lungs!! You ready to get started!?  That's a promise, no I won't fall  It won't end here in no way!  Moving onward. Give it my all Hear my motives I won't stop  This figure is what the outside sees, but I will never be It's something I know I must do, I will do For the sake of 1 soul, split by polar images of 2 I'll sing out my dreams  Who's this staring, gazing from the other side? Now the mirror show the true me  That's a promise, no I won't fall It won't end here in no way!  Moving onward. Give it my all Hear my motives I won't stop
Get a feelingINORANINORANINORANINORANLooking for a road that I can walk along and make it in this life Seeing all I really have to guide me is my heart beating inside I don't really know when and where it all will end The only thing that I can say for sure is where it begins  If you know what you just can't live without Nothing out there can ever bring you down Believe it  When you're beside me yes I know The sound of your heartbeat Nothing can stop me cause I know The sound of your heartbeat  Tried to bear the burdens all alone as if I was up until till now But it seems the weight of it's become too much To keep locking you out Now I see the writing on the wall Without a doubt I can't take another step to anywhere without you now  Love is not a simple straight easy thing But as long as it' s alive in me I'm ready  When you're beside me yes I know The sound of your heartbeat Nothing can stop me cause I know The sound of your heartbeat  Said when you're beside me yes I know The sound of your heartbeat Nothing can stop me cause I know The sound of your heartbeat  Waiting for this day We've been waiting for it forever I can feel it... The future is unknown Don't really care cause right now's amazing I get a feeling...  When you're beside me yes I know The sound of your heartbeat Nothing can stop me cause I know The sound of your heartbeat  Said when you're beside me yes I know The sound of your heartbeat Nothing can stop me cause I know The sound of your heartbeat
no optionsINORANINORANINORAN・SebastianINORANINORANBe a memory The world in grey I mean nothing to you I know it's not alright  I don't know no matter how I got this way I had no options left  Even though you dream on You'd not watch a dream on It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me from myself  Be a memory The world in shade I mean nothing to you You know it's not alright  I don't know no matter where you take that way You had no options left  No one live in dark night I won't keep it inside It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me, save me, you save me, save me from myself  Be a memory The world in rain I mean nothing to you  Even though you dream on You'd not watch a dream on It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me from myself you save me, save me  No one live in dark night I won't keep it inside It's not so in vain wherever you're gonna go Save me, save me, save me, you save me, save me from myself
identityINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANI want just everything I'm always dying for something I don't know how to feel I'm searching for something  Always,always, everything about me Always,always,everything about me  You care about everything I care about you nights and days But I don't know how to show you There's something about you that hits me  Always,always,everything about you Always,always,everything about you Always,always,everything about you Always,always,everything about me  Something's going on. I just feel It.
Life is beautifulTourbillonTourbillonINORANINORANTourbillon抱えすぎてないで 僕に預けて ねぇ今 この手に触れて どんな時だって 感じていたい 君がそばにいる喜び  映した景色に 身を委ねて一緒に  風を伝い 拾い集めにゆこう 忘れてきた 答えは知っているから 光射す青い空と この歌に思いを乗せて どんなことがあっても so... Life is beautiful  大切なことは 近くにあって 感じることだと思うよ  輝く明日が 待っているはずだから  風を伝い 拾い集めにゆこう 忘れてきた 答えは知っているから 光射す青い空と この歌に思いを乗せて どんなことがあっても so... Life is beautiful  Life is beautiful Life is beautiful  どんな時だって 感じあいたい ねぇ今 この手に触れて  風を伝い 拾い集めにゆこう 忘れてきた 答えは知っているから 光射す青い空と この歌に思いを乗せて どんなことがあっても so... Life is beautiful
grace and gloryINORANINORANINORAN・SebastianINORANINORANI'm rolling, rolling in my soul. I don't care, I don't care how you're gonna move. It's crawling, crawling in the dark. I wanna get myself away from me now.  Won't you tell me what you got? Set me free Won't you show me what you got now? I'm givin up my hand for grace and glory  Let it roll, let it roll, like a rolling stone. I got a feeling, feeling in your eyes. Get it out, get it out, get it out of my head. Can't rise from the bottoms. Time files when you got it.  Won't you tell me what you got? Set me free Won't you show me what you got now? I'm givin up my hand for grace and glory  Won't you tell me what you got? Set me free Won't you show me what you got now? I'm givin up my hand for grace and glory  I'd bleed for you. Keep it through the night. I'd steal for you. I'd take, I'd take,yeah!!  Won't you tell me what you got? Set me free Won't you show me what you got now? I'm givin up my hand for grace and glory  Won't you tell me what you got? Set me free Won't you show me what you got now? I'm givin up my hand for grace and glory  Won't you tell me what you got? Set me free Won't you show me what you got now? I'm givin up my hand for grace and glory
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
Awaking in myselfINORANINORANINORAN・英語詞:SebastianINORANMemories on the time go around to brilliant It's a new beginning has come right there Right there  Calling from tomorrow It's ringing I swear with the time won't come back to night & day  I say we can't go back to yesterday So shaking the smell & crying to pain Then secret for skin & touch all of you  Listen to each soul  Something's awaking in myself Something's awaking in yourself Something's awaking in myself Something's awaking in yourself  Free let yourself free Don't look back Star It's like shooting star Shine in a deep blue  I sing a song for what you can't go back So shaking the smell & crying to pain Then secret for skin & touch all of you  As saw in a dream  Something's awaking in myself Something's awaking in yourself Something's awaking in myself Something's awaking in yourself No one can stop
SissyINORAN & Luke“Spacer”GordonINORAN & Luke“Spacer”GordonRI-AINORANThere might not be anything But you'll never know til you get there  You might get hurt But you'll never know til you lay your hands on it  Locking up from inside Keep on saying that the key is lost  A room of mirror with a door tight closed All you see is your vulnerable self  If you lost the key then break the lock Horizontal crack across the mirror  A shoe that's lost its pair Scared of being barefooted  Unable to take a step forward Deeply confused and depressed  Am I being too scared? Too passive?  There might not be anyting Things that you'll never know til you get there  You might get hurt Things that you'll never know til you lay your hands on it
Song 3INORANINORANINORAN・SebastianINORANWake up Right now It's running out of time Never lied Never left Luck's running out of time  No doubt Cut it out Don't get you back to the yesterday Broken wings of unwillingness It's time to blow their mind's now  My way's motivation feels like a frustration My way's obsession break it down like an annihilation  Stand up Right now It's running out of time Never loved Never hurt Luck's running out of time  No way Stop it now Don't take you back to the yesterday Fly again from the ground It's time to blow their mind's now  My way's motivation feels like a frustration My way's obsession breaks it down like an annihilation  Feels like a frustration Breaks it down like an annihilation  Wake up Right now It's running out of time  My way's motivation feels like a frustration My way's obsession breaks it down like an annihilation My way's motivation feels like a frustration My way's obsession breaks it down like an annihilation Feels like a frustration Breaks it down like an annihilation  Stand up Right now It's running out of time Never loved Never hurt Luck's running out of time
Something about youINORANINORANJON UNDERDOWN・INORANINORANDaylight As I come through the door The perfume you've ignored before  This time It drives you to the brink “I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!” you scream “THE END!!”  So pack your bags and be free Take it or leave it, this is me I know that either way you always come back Back to everything you need  Something about you Something about you It reminds me... Something about you  Something about you Something about you Better change it Something about you  That night I take off on the road A week till I get home again  You write To say you'll get your things While I'm off chasing dreams Grow up!  I tried but I cannot take Another minute of the pain I know that either way you'll do what you want (So) Do it all but not with me  Something about you Something about you It reminds me... Something about you  Something about you Something about you Never change it Something about you  I will make it up to you, love I'll make it up to you, love I'll make it up to you, love Made up my mind  I will swear to change for good, love I swear to change for good, love I swear to change for good, love For real this time  But the room is silent and still And through the window, light reveals Regret that it was me that made it this way Stayed too proud too long to change  Just as I left it but gone are the dresses and all that belonged to you The same messy bed with our picture above it, reminding me of the truth  Something about you Something about you It reminds me... Something about you  Something about you Something about you Never change it Something about you  Something about you Something about you Something about you
Have You ReadINORAN & Dana BryantINORAN & Dana BryantDana BryantINORANHave you read the press today? Have you read the press today? I guess you read it's a holy war But do we really know what we're fighting for?  Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today? About the little girl who took a life They say she didn't think about it twice  She was the queen of the Senior Prom The Phi Beta Kappa,Summa Cum Laude one Papers say she'd just birthed her new born son But that didn't matter 'cause the girl just wanna have fun! So she buried him in a plastic bag And for the record,the one regret she said she had Was that the plastic was thin enough to hear The screams of her child as she dumped his body near  Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today?  The inner city teacher Had always had but one dream To show his students better water Then the ghertos they'd been drowning in He took them to his apartment Gave our his number,made them tea His goal? To show that a better life Could really be a possibility  When photos of his bloated body were presented to the jury as evidence His former student-alleged assailant- had had his one thing to say in his defense ”Yo, man,I didn't do it.It was my homey. ”He pushed the Teacher in ”Drowned the Teacher in the Hudson River ”I guess the Teacher really couldn't swim”  Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today?  These are our children These are our neighbors These are our next of kin  These are our hope for the future These are the people we put our trust in  In a world ruled by information How could we have become so misinformed We have not conveyed the idea that Human life is a precious thing The most important lesson of all  Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today? Have you read the press today.....
Shine for me tonightINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANLately I've been thinking when you're lying next to me Pinch me if I'm dreaming Somehow each and every day You show me that life is beautiful Thank you  Days are rushing by us I wonder what the future holds Grateful in the silence because no matter where you go You fill me with light like a star so bright  Who can say? Tomorrow may never come For time is only borrowed Let's spend it right Shine for me tonight  Only you through the way you magnify The harmony in my life Shine for me tonight Here for you till the end of time The harmony in my life Shine for me tonight Only you  God knows I've been trying to give you the best of me But some days I get tired Life and work get in the way You give me the strength to carry on and be strong  Who can say? Tomorrow may never come For time is only borrowed Let's spend it right Let's spend it right Shine for me tonight  Only you through the way you magnify The harmony in my life Shine for me tonight Here for you till the end of time The harmony in my life Shine for me tonight Only you  There's so much I wanna say to you It'll have to wait until the sun comes around again The night is young Let me hold you tight Let me hold you tight Cause I'm going all in with you and that's a promise  When I see you smiling I hope I've done enough to show If on me you're relying I'll be your shelter from the storm Cause you fill me with light like a star so bright Shine for me tonight  Only you through the way you magnify The harmony in my life Shine for me tonight Here for you till the end of time The harmony in my life Shine for me tonight Only you Shine for me tonight
One Big BlueINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANYou gotta wake yourself up all right? I think you do know. While it can seem so hard now, that's broken yourself.  Even though you lost & cry, gotta take in what's goin' on. Round round…come around round… You grieving it over, don't mess up your day.  All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. What is lost can still be found when you stand here on the ground.  Hey you, still waiting for your something? I'm here with you. When no one seems to care, you gotta hang on so strong.  Do you feel all my pain? I can be your papan angel. I swear…swear… Blow this life to hell, grab and drag just take me home.  All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. What is lost can still be found when you stand here on the ground.  All of feeling I got so far will never come true of every dreaming. The weeping drops like a rain fills up river toward one blue.
JoshuaINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANMy soul is wanting now. My soul is wanting now. Now I'm moving forward, Now, moving forward by myself.  We are standing towards the stars. We are standing towards the stars. Now I'm moving forward. We are standing towards the stars.  Finding the returns in all the in all the alms giving
might never see, might never reachINORANINORANINORAN・SebastianINORANSomeone told me “Don't lose yourself” I told you “Don't lose your mind”  If you can't afford to fail Oneday's gonna take away until someone dominate you If you can't afford to fail so long  I can't get, take this anymore It's a show time, beast's into you  If you can't afford to fail Oneday's gonna take away until someone dominate you If you can't afford to fail so long  Are you ready to get up & go (move forward one step) It's a time to wake up & play to go  There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please  Someone told me I don't feel anything It's not true we stop breathing  I wanna be all that you want So I steal you, kiss you in this time Just wanna be anything you want  I hear the sounds like whisper voice (never be afraid) You make me notice into you  There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please  Are you ready to get up & go (move forward one step) It's a time to wake up & play to go  There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please  There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach There might be lights never can see There might be world never can reach I feel something each other through, believe me, trust me, follow me please
Tell meINORANINORANINORAN・JON UNDERDOWNINORANYou don't know if you want me Up and down like the global economy So tired of wondering Here alone and you got me pondering  Can't stop thinking of you Even times when I really don't want to So sick of the heartache Don't know how much more of this I can take  You just bring me down Tell me now if you want my love Tell me now if it ever meant something Show me now whether you still care Wanna know if it's gonna go somewhere  Tell me now cause I can't keep up Tell me now whether you still want my love  I've been real from the get go But it feels like you never wanted me to know Can we stop all the mind games? Open up so we both can feel the same  Please don't let me down Tell me now if you want my love Tell me now if it ever meant something Show me now whether you still care Wanna know if it's gonna go somewhere  Tell me now cause I can't keep up Tell me now whether you still want my love  Please don't let me down Tell me now if you want my love Tell me now if it ever meant something Show me now whether you still care Wanna know if it's gonna go somewhere  Tell me now cause I can't keep up Tell me now whether you still want my love  Tell me now if you want my love Tell me now if it ever meant something Show me now whether you still care Wanna know if it's gonna go somewhere  Tell me now cause I can't keep up Tell me now whether you still want my love
SelflessINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANThe fire stareted long ago A loaded gun jammed by a rose Time's ringing in my head calls me, Break, break my soul  Hiding my face as lonely make believe oneself Somebody calls me Don't destruct yourself like a shinning stars in the sky  I kept everything deep inside of sea Mysterious space is in a crystal ball's reflection  I refuse to let the hands of fate unfold Oh starlight, don't you cry We're gonna find a place where we belong  Real world used to be a paradox Deep breathing myself right now Let's feeling yourself, breathing myself just now  Real world used to be a paradox Deep breathing myself right now from here It's far beyond price to pay It's far beyond yesterday  You can't see cuz' it's nothing  Cuz' you can't see it's nothing Because you can't see it's nothing
I'm Here for youINORANINORANINORANINORANYeah, yeah Oh Yeah I won't let you down C'mon C'mon You want to let me down  Oh~ Oh~ I'm Here for you  Yeah, yeah Oh Yeah I won't let you down C'mon C'mon You want to let me down  Oh~ Oh~ Right now! Oh~ Oh~ I'm Here for you  Yeah, yeah Oh Yeah I won't let you down C'mon C'mon You want to let me down  Oh~ Oh~ Right Now! Oh~ Oh~ I'm Here for you  Oh~ Oh~ Right Now! Oh~ Oh~ I'm Here for you
Let It All OutINORANINORANINORAN・JON UNDERDOWNINORANI'm tearing down the PCH Under a sky of red Cause everything around me now Has got me off my head  Paying attention to nothin' but The way I feel inside In my convertible Chevrolet Slipping into the night  Trying to turn myself around...  Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Only way that's left for me now  Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Got, got, got to let it all out To let it all out tonight  Don't need a destination No, only the stars above Rockin' the music in my head Until I see the sun  So aggravated once again My temper's burnin' me out So now I'll take it to the edge Just gotta to let it all out  Trying to turn myself around...  Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Only way that's left for me now  Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Let it all out, let it all out Got, got, got to let it all out To let it all out tonight
Long Time CominINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANLong time comin' Long time comin' Where I been Where I'm goin' Through the years We're just escaping through time  On and on Keep on runnin' Down a long road that's callin' How things change But remain the same inside  You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive  Long time comin' Long time comin' What I've seen And how I'm growin' Through it all You were always by my side  If we could see See what's comin' Would it change the dreams you're holdin' Seems we're all walking through this life so blind  You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive  There's a new day comin' A new day comin' As the world The world keeps turnin' Every day's one more chance to get it right  You are the light That leads me through the fire A sea of faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire These ups and downs of our lives Show us what it means to be alive and wild Through all the faded memories Let it come together Fill your heart's desire  Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long time  Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time  Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time  Long time Been a long time Long time Been a long, long time
Ride the RhythmINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANLong, long, long ago There was a boy with a dream inside him So strong it overflowed into the world around him  And it started a fire A fire in his heart that started beating, beating You know what it was saying?  Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget your fears and listen  Ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Invent yourself today  Yeah  It feels like days ago When I was young and it burned so brightly Through much time along the road It's all there was to guide me  Now you're fueling the fire The fire in my heart that's always beating, beating I'm happy it was saying  Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget all your fears and listen to grow and grow and grow  So ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Invent yourself today  When you ride the rhythm trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget your fears today  Time to ride the rhythm wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow  I know Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone, alone, alone  I know I never could've made it alone I never could've made it alone I never could've made it alone, alone, alone No~  Ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get Forget all your fears and listen to grow and grow and grow  So ride the rhythm Wherever it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow  Go ride the rhythm Trust where it takes you Ride the rhythm as far and wide as you can get My friend, just listen to grow and grow and grow  I know Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone Never could've made it alone, alone, alone No~ Never could've made it alone
some wayINORANINORANINORANINORANYou're wrapped up, stuck in the past over thinkin' You wanna know what I believe in? Every time you sink to the bottom Reach out to what you've always wanted  Take a look at tomorrow (some way) Take a look at tomorrow (some way) Turn away from the sorrow (some way) Can I get you to follow? (some day)  One step further behind though I'm runnin' So outta breath it's like I'm drownin' But the sky just keeps on turnin' I wonder if you really know it  Take a look at tomorrow (some way) Take a look at tomorrow (some way) Turn away from the sorrow (some way) Can I get you to follow? (some day)  Take a look at tomorrow (some way) Take a look at tomorrow (some way) Turn away from the sorrow (some way) Can I get you to follow? (some day)
You'll seeINORANINORANMarlon SextonINORANSaw your clever grin running from the Hotel Luxury Sat down in the chair right across from me  Said I'm almost there, I'm just a little in between This dream isn't always easy  You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize  It's not So bad We're still In your head  It's not So bad We're still In your head  In time You'll see It's not Heavy  We're so much better off then we were back then Can't regret what you don't pretend  Said I'm almost there, I'm just a little in between This dream isn't always easy  You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize  It's not So bad We're still In your head  It's not So bad We're still In your head  In time You'll see It's not Heavy  All the grass and palm trees, made so much sense to me Saw you crawling down the street and called out  Walked around to figure out, where you've been hiding out Won't you come around, Oh come around  You worry too much when you talk to me We'll be alright, just wait and see it takes some time to realize  It's not So bad We're still In your head  It's not So bad We're still In your head  In time You'll see It's not Heavy  All the grass and palm trees, made so much sense to me Saw you crawling down the street and called out
kagari-bi featuring May J.TourbillonTourbillonH.HayamaINORANTourbillon小さなかがり火に 身を寄せ合い その瞳(め)に映るのは まだ見ぬ未来  暗がりに支配され 溶けないように その温もり いつも求めて  揺らめくかがり火を 手で囲むよ 冷たく舞う風で 消えないように  気まぐれなあの空 夜明けを待ってる 迷わずに 光り射すよう 道を  求め合える夜に 欠けた夢を埋めて 近くで  誰かが導き出した 壊れそうな世界でも 君は独りじゃないから 空の闇を照らすような 朝を 見届けよう  1つ1つの想いが 今は小さくて 廻り巡り 輪をつなぎ 形になって 遠い記憶から響く 祈りに似た まだ名前もない詩( うた) を 口ずさんで いつまでも かがり火を絶やさぬように  求め合える夜に 欠けた夢を埋めて 近くで  誰かが導き出した 壊れそうな世界でも 君は独りじゃないから 空の闇を照らすような 朝を 見届けよう  近くで 見届けよう いつでも 見届けよう
Diffused reflectionINORANINORANINORANINORANINORAN頭の中 掠めてゆくdiffused reflection 眩暈がする 呼んでいる 声は聞こえているdiffused reflection 用意は出来ている  何時しか壊れてしまった時の針はrecapture 微かに動き始めてる 葬ってしまいたいぐらいの追憶なfeedback 声が聞こえてくる 逃げ出すことは出来ない  射す光が 溶かすように照らす 立つ風が 騰がる熱を揺らして知らす  向かい合う 鏡の世界の中で  走りだす もう止められない 奮えるdance 今 宿るままに 求めて たとえ感情論でも この身を委ね 狙いを定め そう 近づいて さあ 迷い無き 誓い  射す光が 溶かす様に照らす 立つ風が 騰がる熱を揺らして知らす diffused reflection 自分らしさ誘え 探し出す そう まだ見ぬ彼方へ
Made Of FireINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANEvery sunrise is one more chance so take it Every mistake is just another lesson Are you learning or losing your direction? Hey, keep on trying We all must face rejection  No such thing as wrong or right Life isn't so black and white Listen to the voice inside while there's time Running Gotta keep running  Hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream No, we will never stop  I remember when everything was simple It felt better when all my thoughts were wishful It gets harder caught up here in the middle now But that's alright I'm grateful for the riddles  No such thing as wrong or right Life isn't so black and white Listen to the voice inside while there's time Running Gotta keep running  Hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream No, never stop chasing the dream  Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Our hearts made of fire And we'll never stop chasing the dream Never stop chasing the dream
2Lime s featuring MINHYUK,PENIEL and ILHOON from BTOBINORANINORANINORAN・ラップ詞:PENIEL・英語詞:JON UNDERDOWNINORANTake a chance Get up off the wall Why you waiting? You'll never know if you never try to open up Have a good time Got a hunch all you really need is a reason Wanna change or just stay the same? You be the judge  Nananana…  Dark room with a house beat on for background music that fits the mood We got more room so pass down rounds of tequila so we'll all be feeling good  Here we go, time to strike it up everybody Line'em up, more tequila shots Shout it out, shake it up now Got the song that you need to keep the party going Till we can't stand up anymore anything goes  Nananana… I wanna see it Nananana… You got it so rock it Nananana… Don't ever hold back  Don't be afraid, it's a new day Go ahead say what's on your mind This ain't a joke, let me know if you should ever run outta lime, run outta lime Let's raise a glass to the fact that we are still far from broken hearts Don't let me down cause I know I never wanna run outta lime, run outta lime  It was supposed to be a boys night out but then I saw you in the corner of the bar sitting by yourself. Wanted to get to know you more so I headed over next to you and started introducing myself.  You be looking like a very i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t type of girl in that tight one piece. High heels with some red lipsticks. Your clothes can't cover your attractive physique.  One in a lifetime chance won't miss it Wanna tell you something right now just listen Listen to what I have to say Don't get up and go away How about you be my bae See each other every night and day  Don't be afraid, it's a new day Go ahead say what's on your mind This ain't a joke, let me know if you should ever run outta lime, run outta lime Let's raise a glass to the fact that we are still far from broken hearts Don't let me down cause I know I never wanna run outta lime, run outta lime  Nananana… I wanna see it Nananana… You got it so rock it Nananana… Don't ever hold back
Don't Know What To Say…INORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANOnly ones in the galaxy Going down in history Self-fulfilling a prophecy Everyone's craving a remedy  A whole lot a talking It's all a distraction Where's the action?  All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution Don't know what to say now Don't know what to say now Anymore  What the hell are we waiting for? Now we're knocking on heaven's door  There's a whole lot a talking It's all a distraction Where's the action?  All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution  All I see around What's been going down Maybe it's all part of an illusion If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we're all part of the solution Don't know what to say now Don't know what to say now Anymore  What the hell are we waiting for? Now we're knocking on heaven's door  All I see around What's been going down Maybe we should start a revolution If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we could start some evolution  All I see around What's been going down Maybe it's all part of an illusion If the feeling's right Let it out tonight Maybe we're all part of the solution  Don't know what to say now Anymore
Nine closetsINORANINORANINORANINORANINORANNine closets in your mind, mind You're not gonna show what's all of in your heart  Dropping little word from your fingers Such a lonely scene just like a pieces of grass  Holding your varying eyes Holding your varying world  I saw your face, pissed & smiling, crying feeling down your eyes, staying sharpen lips  It's a warm nudity, so noble grace just wine red blood  Holding your varying eyes Holding your varying world  Sometimes it's gloomy haze Sometimes it's jealousy
Rise AgainINORANINORANShinINORANIf you just lost your path Look at the sky and remember If you have a broken heart It's not the end The tears will drop your eyes That's why we feel so passion The fears can make you dark from all That's why we stand and be stronger  Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end  It's time you can choose your way This song will make you remember It's time you can face your pain Thank all the scars The oceans open wide The tides will lead and beside you The fears can make you dark from all That's why we stand and be stronger  Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end  This can't be over  Life, remember Life, together Life, you can make it We rise again Life, remember Life, together Life, let us all walk with you till the end  We all just make a fall We all just make a fall Then stand like we are tall  We all just make a fall We all just make a fall Then stand like we are tall
StarlightINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANHere in the candlelight I shed a tear You don't know how much I'm gonna miss you For one chance to go back and be with you I would give anything  To look into your eyes and feel safe To say thank you for all of your patience And take back every moment I wasted It's too late  Looking up into the night For unfindable answers Losing in the fight To a broken heart Torn apart in perfect symmetry Run for cover in the starlight of your memory  To love enough May take another life Will you remember me For all eternity  To love enough Comes with a sacrifice I'll carry you with me For all eternity  Should I scream out Cry at the top of my lungs So much remains that I wanna say I wonder if you even hear me now, now  Though it's painful Grateful for all that you've done It helped me find who I am today I promise that I'll never let you down  So to love enough May take another life But will you remember me For all eternity  To love enough Comes with a sacrifice I'll carry you with me For all eternity yeah  Looking through the night For unfindable answers Losing in the fight To a broken heart Torn apart in two Run for cover in your memory Here forever inside of me  You'll live on Forever inside of me You'll live on Forever inside of the starlight The starlight yeah You'll live on Forever inside of me You'll live on Forever inside of the starlight The starlight  Looking through the night For unfindable answers Losing in the fight To a broken heart Torn apart in perfect symmetry Only cover is the starlight of your memory
Glorious Sky (feat. Mao Denda)INORANINORANINORANINORAN陽だまりの丘君を連れて行く日は いつもの道を足早に駆けてゆく 登り切ったら小さな世界が やさしさだけのやわらかな風になる もうこれ以上望まないよ ありのままいられる 君の隣がいい 空を見上げた白い太陽を背に君が笑う 切り取った 瞬間は最後まで瞳に焼きついたまま 眠りにつくよlalalala 跳ね返る雨足音に木霊する いつもの道を少しペース落として そう晴れない霧がかかって 目の前が閉じても 全部振り払うから 空を見上げた刺さる針のような雨君が泣いた 切り取った 瞬間は最後まで瞳に焼きついた あの空と君の心の中写し鏡のようで 言葉はいらなかったよいつだって もっと一緒にいれたら 空を見上げた深くやさしい碧に君がいる あの空と君の心の中写し鏡のようで 言葉はいらなかったよ永遠の 忘れない宝物 ヒカルソラ lalalalalalalalala lalalalalalalalala カケヌケタ lalalalalalalalala lalalalalalalalala キミノソラ
because of youINORANINORANINORANINORANNight like a dream Looking up at a diamond sky Play with the moonbeams Drawn' the story of my life  Can't believe it as I paint it out now Even though it's clear to see I was so alone But the more I think about the changes that I want to make for you I feel a glow inside brighter than sunshine  Time after time I was so nearly swallowed up in the waves In warm evening skies after rain has just lifted I see myself  Can't believe it as I'm looking back now Even though it's clear to see I was standing still But the more I think about the changes that I want to make with you I get a buzz inside lifting me so high  Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart Ready now to make a new start and it' s all cause of you (because of you)  Can't believe it as I'm looking back now Even though it's clear to see I was so alone But I get a feeling from the changes that I want to make with you.... warm evening skies after rain has just lifted because of you  Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart Ready now to make a new start and it's all cause of you (because of you)  Shout it out for the first time Feel l like I'm really alive and it's all cause of you (because of you) Take this song into your heart I can't wait to make a new start and it's all cause of you (because of you)
Don't you worryINORANINORANYUKIO MURATAINORANWe can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow  I've walked for miles You've walked for miles To where we are today  Time is drifting day to day And you are here with me now  We can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow  Everything is going so far away Far in the distance, fall fall... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds  Don't you worry Don't you worry  But that was then So this is now It will always be special  Eternal sunshine Two shapes of darkness Where is really for us?  Time is drifting day to day But you are here with me now  We can feel the same We can pick up where we left off tomorrow  'Cause everything you do, the words you say Oh, This could be something, you... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds  Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry...  When we wake up It's a sorrowful feeling we've got deep inside, deep inside inside... Love the sun in the rain We can fall through the clouds  Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry Don't you worry  Like the calm before a thunderstorm So brighter, oh Let me see your face I'll be by your side
Wherever,WheneverINORANINORANNelson Babin-Coy・Mark SteinINORANI think it's safe to say we're gonna be okay We don't crumble under pressure It only makes us tougher  When it seems like nothing will ever change Oh we'll keep getting stronger No matter the weather  When you look at our history Tell me now, what do you see? Take a breath and just believe Come on  Like a diamond, we shine so bright Sharing all the rainbow's light Close your eyes and you just might See right through the night  Where you are, wherever you are And where you go, wherever you go The road we walk might not be easy But I'll be there whenever you need me Wherever and whenever  If you look around at our situation You'll see how far we've gotten All the valleys and the mountains  I know you never liked to talk superstition You'd say “What if there's no heaven And now's all we're given”  When you look at our history Tell me now, what do you see? Take a breath and just believe  Like a diamond, we shine so bright Sharing all the rainbow's light Close your eyes and you just might See right through the night  Where you are, wherever you are And where you go, wherever you go The road we walk might not be easy But I'll be there whenever you need me Wherever and whenever  Where you are, wherever you are And where you go, wherever you go The road we walk might not be easy But I'll be there whenever you need me Wherever and whenever
Feel It In The AirINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANGot my head in the clouds People tell me I'm crazy I keep my feet on the ground Cause this is more than a daydream  The world keep turnin' Hearts keep burnin' I'm always searchin' Life is such a riddle  The world keep turnin' Livin and learnin' I keep searchin' Try to keep it simple  Like a wave upon the ocean I'm steppin in to the great wide open Everything is in slow motion Now there's nowhere I'd rather be  (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today  Blast off, ready to go Way beyond the horizon I jump right into the flow Anticipation is rising (yeah)  The world keep turnin' Hearts keep burnin' I'm always searchin' Life is such a riddle  The world keep turnin' Livin and learnin' I keep searchin' Try to keep it simple  Everything I've ever wanted Is right at my fingertips I'm all in In my heart I hear it callin' I'm gonna listen finally  (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today (yeah)  A new story Finally a new story beginning now for me (yeah) A new story Finally a new story beginning now for me  Like a wave upon the ocean I'm steppin in to the great wide open Everything is in slow motion Now there's nowhere I'd rather be (oh)  (Because) I feel it in the air The wind in my hair A new story, new story I'm gonna kiss the sky Spread my wings and fly A new story's starting today  Callin out to me There's nowhere I'd rather be Listen finally There's nowhere I'd rather be
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
Turn It AroundINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANLet's get on back to the upside Can you remember how it felt? You can't let me know Throwin' me around, up, down, about just like a yo-yo  We push and pull always wanting more There's no winners in this tug of war You're breakin' my heart Can we start it over? Oh before we say enough is enough  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short And I know we can turn it around  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short The time is now to turn it around  Turn around now Turn a turn around now Turn around now Turn around for me Turn around now Turn a turn around and Tell me, tell me, tell me that you love me  Work it out now Work it, work it out now Work it out now Work it out with me Work it out now Work it, work it out and Tell me, tell me, tell me that I'm enough for your love  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short And I know we can turn it around  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short The time is now to turn it around  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short And I know we can turn it around  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short The time is now to turn it around  Darlin, darlin Don't let me go All you ever need to know Is you don't have to walk alone  Darlin', darlin' Don't let me go All you ever need to know Is you don't have to walk alone  Darlin', darlin' Don't let me go All you ever need to know Is you don't have to walk alone  Darlin', darlin' Just let me know You don't ever need to walk, to walk alone  Don't go Don't go Don't go It's never easy  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short And I know we can turn it around  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short The time is now to turn it around  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short And I know we can turn it around  Don't look now you're bringing me down Life's too short The time is now to turn it around
ObscenityINORANINORANMalik B.・ラップ詞:Malik B.INORANEverywhere I look The whole scenario is obscene and explicit Illicit(Is it?) Yes it is? (×4)  I'm on my way to Japan, trying to stack up the grands Thinkin bout wayz 2 expand, so embrace the plan Respect the architect, M will start to wreck While corruption pollutes ya membrane, niggaz is insane Half deranged, walkin over dollars for change The pain is from the mental enslavement Chalked figurations on the pavement Death 2 the arraignment No time for the talk cause when the pressure pointz stalk and press Infest and plague ya neighborhood wit the labor We all about the paper, so run and tell ya neighbor Ya trapped inside a world of animation like * * * *, buy and sell dreamz I'm puttin on high beams to soar pass the deception Illegal injectionz  One dose, the shit get hot, don't come close All jokes aside cats drown in they pride wit homicides and extortion Rape&abortion This I overlook, while you pawnz get took A pawn can checkmate a king This is the song I sing Through the stainless, broken down English, full of anguish The language for you to distinguish  Everywhere I look The whole scenario is obscene and explicit Illicit(Is it?) Yes it is? (×4)  Yo, yo, yo, yo, hoss - they not doin us no injust The ratz smell like musk, so I'm just a bust Betrayal then trust, 2 topics to discuss They won't leave no trail or trace up on ya doormat The vocal format won't stagger or stall Ready to brawl, the orthodoxed shit, climatic Johnny Law on the creep tryna get percentage The Kojak image, so you can imagine A chic by the side who won the beauty pageants Crooked, but look straight The fabrics get washed up professional Criminalz, nobody locked up Pay-off the judges and the jury wit the grudges Nobody budges when this interlude intrudes Smuggle thru ports, embezzle pebbles all sorts Movin weight thru ball courts takin yall shorts Black males wit evidence for presidence Da whole residence got shook Now look!! M - ill -itant will fill the chain of command to get grands Air, sea or land, from Illadelph to Japan The lootin as posted at the headquarter, we tread water M - ill - -itant is outta order  Everywhere I look The whole scenario is obscene and explicit Illicit(Is it?) Yes it is? (×4)
FallingINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANBum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum Better watch out ‘cause here I come Nobody can catch me when I'm on the run (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum (yeah)  Bum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum You don't wanna see what I'm runnin' from Don't you let it cloud up what's in front (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum  Tell God that I'll be there in a minute Once I find mine, I'm gonna get it Go ahead and gimme what I'm asking I promise you'll feel better when you're comin' (yeah)  Wise men say you gotta blaze your own trail Don't be looking back, it's gonna make you stale Take your hands, raise ‘em, ‘cause it's time to sail C'mon baby, let's just fall in (yeah)  Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah)  Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah)  No one needs to know we're falling (yeah)  Bum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum Did you really think I'd forget my gun? I guess you don't know where I'm comin' from (yeah) Bum-ba-da-bum-bum-bum (yeah)  Tell God that we're coming for the money Robbin' from the rich, keep on running I'll show you how to get to where you're goin' I promise you'll feel better when you're comin' (yeah)  Wise men say you gotta blaze your own trail Don't be looking back, it's gonna make you stale Take your hands, raise ‘em, ‘cause it's time to sail C'mon baby, let's just fall in (yeah)  Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah)  Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah)  No one needs to know we're falling (yeah)  Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah)  Like the devil's son, I'm falling (yeah) Looking for the throne, I'm coming (yeah) If you feel alone, come fall in (yeah) No one needs to know we're falling (yeah)
Leap of FaithINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANLife doesn't wait for us The writing is on the wall Though where is it taking us Remember through it all  No matter where we go The love & loss The highs & lows We fall but only to help us grow With every step Yet we forget that everything can change in a moment We're just stars before the morning Voice within us crying to be noticed You know it's true  When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith  When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember…  I travelled the world to find The secrets of the sun Just looking for peace of mind I'm not the only one  The laughter and the tears Mistakes we make throughout the years The reason that we are standing here With every step We can't forget that everything can change in a moment We're just stars before the morning Voice within us dying to be noticed You know it's true  When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith  When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember  Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith Take a leap of faith whatever may come, may come A leap of faith as we wake up, wake up A leap of faith as we take off, take off Just keep on listening And take the leap  When ya get stuck Have a little bad luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith  When ya feel blind Going outta your mind Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember  Stay tough Make a lotta great luck Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith  We all get stuck Keep on living Stay tough Listen Then take a leap of faith Then take a leap of faith Remember
COWBOY PUNI-SHITINORANINORANYUKIO MURATAINORANThe world was made and lost again Tears running down my wildness Pigs are dreamin'  But he was quite easy and suggestive or sneering Fxxxin' pigs are  He hides! He did it, He he did himself away I'm making fxxxin' songs like the crack of a whip “The day of judgment”  Cowboy punish it This is an evil mind This is fxxxin' evil  Holy shit This is ur game This is ur war helicopter  The God is made and lost again Tears running down my bloody cheek Pigs are eating  But he was quite easy and a suggestive or sneering Fxxxin' pigs are  Cowboy punish it This is an evil mind This is fxxxin' evil  Holy shit This is ur game This is ur war helicopter  I'm a cowboy Guitar-playing cowboy We paint music Cowboy has come, has come We got a big gun It's time to go round, go round We gotta dive to justice  He hides! He did it, He he did himself away I'm making fxxxin songs like the crack of a whip “The day of judgement”  Cowboy punish it This is an evil mind This is fxxxin' evil  “HORSE” says shit This is ur panic This is ur war helicopter  Cowboy punish it This is an evil mind This is fxxxin' evil  Cowboy puni-shit Cowboy puni-shit Cowboy puni-shit Cowboy puni-shit Cowboy puni-shit  Cowboy has come!
Don't Bring Me DownINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANRhinestone Remy Cointreau A limousine full of Veuve Clicquot Alabama Slammer Slippery Nipple Jim Beam Triple Sec  Gasoline Stolli Line'em up Next one's on me We all need it Don't mind me if I let off some steam Triple Sec  Lift off for the night Dancing with the laser light Can't turn away from a little Bombay Just wanna have some fun  Don't bring me down Don't bring me down  Nitro Never gets old Another lime with a shot a Patron Puzzle pieces Buzzin Creepin on down to my feet Triple Sec  Never gets old  Lift off for the night Dancing with the laser light Can't turn away from a little Bombay Just wanna have some fun  Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down  Gimmie nitro Gimmie nitro Limousine full of Veuve Cliquot  Never gets old Never gets old Let off some steam  Gimmie nitro Gimmie nitro Line'em up ‘nother shot a Patron  Never gets old Never gets old Livin the dream  Let's lift off for the night Neon laser light (Let's) lift off for the night Neon laser light (We all need it Don't mind me if I let off some steam)  Don't bring me down Don't bring me down Don't bring me down
Between The World And MeINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANWhy do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my…  Don't forget to tell them none of this was my fault I've been trying to say I play the cards I was dealt They're still gonna blame me for the outcome Jealous that I found a way to get some  Now they pushed me all the way to the edge and I'm about to take a step off the ledge and Show you all what you gon' be missing When I'm gone  Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my…  In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life  Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my…  Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow Just know the road will still be hard to follow  If they pushed you all the way to the edge and You're about to take a step off the ledge, then Take a look down, you'll see me waiting With open hands  In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life  Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow A little longer till we know  Hear the people rejoice, suddenly all the noise Turns into a song singing that we belong The melodies will guide us to tomorrow A little longer till we know  Why do we try so hard to make it to the sunrise? Hoping for some new surprise? Or a sign to prove that we're still alive Oh my…  In the night We search for the sunlight You and I We could start a new life
I'm going to loveTourbillonTourbillonRYUICHIINORANTourbillonその柔らかな 花弁の中 満たされても wow すぐに求めて その暗がりで 手が届く程 小さな世界の 二人だから  Do not say anything 何も飾らない  wow wow 空に伸びてく アノ 飛行機雲を anything nanana going...going....going...Love キミの側で 眺めてただけ  柔らかな花 空に 咲いていただけ  その柔らかな 日差しの中で 満たされても wow すぐに求めて その陽だまりで 暖めあって 時を忘れた 二人だから  Do not say anything 悲しみを知らない  wow wow 影は伸びてく アノ 幼き日々を anything nanana going...going...going...Love キミの側で 浮かべてただけ  柔らかな花 風に 吹かれていただけ  wow wow 空に伸びてく アノ 飛行機雲は anything nanana going...going....going...Love キミの空で 伸びてゆくだけ  wow wow 愛に溶けてく アノ 世界の果てを anything nanana going...going...going...Love キミの側で 浮かべてただけ  柔らかな花 ココに 咲いていただけ
It Ain't EasyINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANEverybody's here on a mission Got to trust in my intuition Woah I know I wish I could still see the vision Stuck up in my mind like a prisoner  Cause it ain't easy Keeping your head up in the clouds They say it's easier Keeping your feet here on the ground  Looking for the missing connection I can't seem to find my direction No It's cold Life can make you feel like a goner On the ropes and stuck in the corner Hoping…  Cause it ain't easy Keeping your head up in the clouds They say it's easier Keeping your feet here on the ground But it ain't easy Just feelin' caught up in the crowd now  Yeah, just let the rain wash away the pain for a moment Don't control it No wrong or right in this life Only all the things we've chosen Don't get broken  Take advantage of my confession Every obstacle is a lesson So we grow Are you taking action or wishing? From yourself there's no intermission No  To which voice are you gonna listen? From yourself there's no intermission No  But it ain't easy Keeping your head up in the clouds They say it's easier Keeping your feet here on the ground Wish it was easier Just feelin caught up in the crowd  Sit back Remember to let the rain wash away the pain for a moment Don't control it No wrong or right in this life Only all the things we've chosen Don't get broken  Just let the rain wash away the pain for a moment Don't control it No wrong or right in this life Only all the things we've chosen Don't get broken on the mission
Live it UpINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANOur light Don't wanna feel it half way It's such a blessing Our light Inside the breath of a new day  So live it up Be careful what you take for granted Tomorrow's never what you planned it I'm hoping that before it's over  To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up)  Sometimes I feel I'm losing my way I keep forgetting our light No, I don't wanna be too late  So live it up Be careful what you take for granted Cause in a blink it all could vanish I'm hoping that before it's over  To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up)  Blood, blood, sweat, tears Beloved one Blood, sweat Are you ready yet? Are you ready yet?  Blood, blood, sweat, tears Beloved one Blood, sweat So get ready set So get ready set  To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up)  To live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up) We live it up (live it up) So live it up (live it up)  Let's live it up (live it up)
Your Light is BlindingINORANINORANRAH-DINORANAWAKE UP!!! from another bad scheme, SIRENS!!! ringing in my Skull it seems FED UP!!! holding on to nothing...she never meant a thing SILENCE!!! sounds so deafening, WIPED OUT!!! holding to a fantasy CRY OUT!!! echoes scream...just forget about me  Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding  SHUT-DOWN!!! defiant with everything, BREAK OUT!!! of the Shadows thats holding me HOLD OUT!!! drowning endless...but my mind is strong indeed LASH-OUT!!! Pain comes so easy FACEDOWN!!! in a pool of agony YELL LOUD!!! Echoes scream... laughter is deafening!!!  Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding  Beat Break ------------------  Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding  Your Light is Blinding!!!! Two bright for anyone to see Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding Your Light is Blinding!!! Are you real or Make-believe Your Light is Blinding!!! Your light is Blinding
Lullaby of WindsINORANINORANINORAN・JON UNDERDOWNINORANStuck in a bad dream Looking for the door But the key I have is broken We gotta bust out Make a break for it Get away from all this poison  I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do I'm not walking out on you  Trying to save you from what you've become Sinking deeper into shadows Heart in a tailspin Taciturn mirage I don't wanna see you so low  I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do I'm not walking out on you Last thing I would ever do  Stuck in a bad dream Looking for the door But the key I have is broken
Count Me InINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANI'm flying Soaring What a view is coming in focus Never knew a feeling as golden The breath of the ocean In your hair Summer Baby you're a spell that I'm under I'd be a fool to want any other My saving grace  I'll give you my life Hope that you'll take it More than a few diamonds that shine Lined up for the chance What if we made it Made it the time of our life  Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in For the rest of ya life In the light In the light  I'm flying Soaring Finally I know where I'm going Clear as a Caribbean ocean I can't help but show it If you're there Wonder Looking at the sky that we're under Think of all we're gonna discover It's destiny  I'll give you my life Hope that you'll take it More than a few diamonds that shine Lined up for the chance What if we made it Made it the time of our life  Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in For the rest of ya life In the light In the light  Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in All in All in Count me in Count me in  Cause I'll give you my life Hope that you'll take it More than a few diamonds that shine Lined up for the chance What if we made it Made it the time of our life
Missing PieceINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANWake up Come down Lost in the crowd It's not for me  Need something more Not like before A missing piece  No promise tomorrow / is comin at all So why don't we follow / the heart when it calls  Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you  Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you  Hold back What for? Break down the door Inside ourselves  Each twist of fate Our choice to make Why stop yourself?  No promise tomorrow / is comin at all So why don't we follow / the heart when it calls  Let's live for the moment / and see where it leads I'm dyin to show it / if you wanna see  Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you  Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you  One chance One life We can't rewind No deja vu  We both could be The missing piece It's up to you  Cause I really wanna know Are you leavin me alone? I've been lookin for trouble Trouble just like you  Hit or miss You never know Do you really wanna go? I've been lookin for trouble Lucky I found you
Run AwayINORANINORANNelson Babin-Coy・Mark SteinINORANThere's something in the air when you pass me by, oo, yeah Every part of me just stops asking why I can tell by the way you move, it's true Morning moon, I see you Got me thinking brand new  Where we go, I don't know but I know I want this If you see what I see, baby be my witness Right now, your flaws are flawless, I confess I believe, I believe, I believe in you, yeah Run away, run away, run away from all this  Run away, run away, run away from all this  When you found me so lost late last night, oo, yeah It's like your eyes lit up the whole sky And I can tell by the way you move, it's true Morning moon, the hidden you Got me seeing brand new  Where we go, I don't know but I know I want this If you see what I see, baby be my witness Right now, your flaws are flawless, I confess I believe, I believe, I believe in you, yeah Run away, run away, run away from all this  Run away, run away, run away from all this Run away, run away, run away from all this  You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, you're all I need around  You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, I can see you  Oh, beautiful you…  Let me tell you one more time I just can't get enough You're all I'm thinking of I just can't get enough of you Now I know what I need to do…  I just can't get enough You're all I'm thinking of Oh, beautiful you  You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, you're all I need around  You came into my life and turned it upside down Now everything is fine, I can see you
Hard RightINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANSearching for the pieces that can keep us sane Fills us up with questions and a little pain  It's hard to believe in what they say ‘Cause we can see through all of the rain  Come on and take a hard right Into the night, here comes the fight They said that we'd be all right But look all around, they lied  Sirens coming for us, blocking off the lane Little do they know there's nothing left to gain  They don't believe in the Armageddon Let's make them see that this ain't no Heaven  Another game, another team Maybe in the next life we're enemies  Come on and take a hard right Into the night, here comes the fight They said that we'd be all right But look all around, they lied  Another game, another team Maybe in the next life we're enemies  I'm starting to feel sublime It's hitting at the wrong time, oh my  The world's been trying to control me Don't you see? The world's been trying to control me Don't you see?  The pieces that we found They're all disappearing All of the pieces fallin' on the ground They're all disappearing  Pieces of me and you breaking without any clue Not much we can do now, nothing can save you Take a seat and cry as fireworks fly Or take a hard right and run into the night
See the LightINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANIs it just a dream Because I don't want to wake up Swimming in the stars above That dance upon the ocean Oh what a perfect picture Floating inside the sea and sky Red of the dawn rising I finally see the light I can see the light
PurposeINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANI'm just another guy And I got my own philosophy I know I can fly But I stay  Do you know the time? I'm just asking for a friend He thinks it's all a lie But he stays  When things get lost in memories I just close my eyes and I dream Come dream with me  Oh, be my friend today and I'll show you how to escape this place Oh come this way  Light shines on us Like the dawn's sun Heaven knows which way to go Purpose in disguise  Light and darkness Fight for progress Only you know where to go Purpose in disguise  Line up, young one Right your wrongs I'll see you on the other side
A Beautiful MessINORANINORANNelson Babin-Coy・Mark SteinINORANI think I'm falling in a whole new way And I can't fight it, gravity take me away I hit the ground running, oh there's no time to waste Babe I get that feeling every time I see your face  Love like a bottle rocket, lighters in both of our hands Ready to ignite it, oh we got no other plans I think that you've done it, baby I'm a new man Tell me how you like it, oh you got me in a trance  This life's a beautiful mess, such a beautiful mess And we know it This life's a beautiful mess, such a beautiful mess We know, oh we all know it  We think we got this, but we've been living on chance Stuck inside a moment just for a little romance But it feels worth it when you're in both of my hands Put on your favorite record, now may I have this dance?  This life's a beautiful mess, such a beautiful mess And we know it This life's a beautiful mess, such a beautiful mess We know…  I think I'm falling in a whole new way And I can't fight it, gravity take me away I think that you've done it, baby I'm a new man Tell me how you like it, oh you got me in a trance  This life's a beautiful mess, such a beautiful mess And we know it This life's a beautiful mess, such a beautiful mess We know, oh we all know it  We can't control it, the world don't know it A beautiful mess, and baby no one knows it We can't control it, the world don't know it Our beautiful mess
Dawn of TomorrowINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANWaiting alone in the dark Hoping for something to spark I know somebody's here  The trees be speaking tonight Telling us all to hold tight We know, nothing to fear  Summer moonlight It's gonna take us all night Until we see day light Nothing gets in our way, hey  The coming monsoon Charge the batteries now If you want a way out Don't you stop the fight now, hey  It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go  The weather starts to get worse But not as bad as we heard You know that I'm right here  The clouds, an ominous sight But mind is stronger than might We know, nothing to fear  When the noon sun Shows ‘em what they did wrong Will they have a new song? Maybe they'll be long gone  Will the sun shine on Everything that went right? Bring in all the daylight? Finally end the fight, hey  It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go  It's the dawn of tomorrow Look where we are And whatever it throws at us Won't bring us down Now you know that you're ready Come on, let's go  Waiting alone in the dark Hoping for something to spark I know somebody's here  The clouds, an ominous sight But mind is stronger than might We know, nothing to fear  It's the dawn of the future Look where we are So far from where we started Still not satisfied If you know that you're ready Come on, let's go  It's the dawn of tomorrow Look where we are And whatever it throws our way Won't bring us down Now you know that you're ready Come on, let's go
Heart of GoldINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANTell ya friend Once again You're a gem You're a treasure  I tell ya friend In the end There ain't nobody better  You were part of me through all the good days A part of me through all the bad days A part of me There ain't enough ways to ever let you know  Never could've made it, made it this far I would never trade it Crossing my heart Yeah, you are the reason I keep on believing, yeah  Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me  Memories You and me They're a gem They're a treasure  I tell ya friend In the end There ain't nobody better  You were part of me through all the tough times A part of me for all fun times A part of me Share it for one life Did you ever know?  Never could've made it, made it this far I would never trade it Crossing my heart Yeah you are the reason I keep on believing, yeah  Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me  A part of me through all the tough times A part of me through all the fun times Tell ya friend Once again You're a gem You're a treasure Here's a part of me Maybe it could be your reason  Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me  Angel with a heart of gold In a world that is so cold Angel with a heart of gold Thank you for staying with me
Dirty WorldINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANIt's crazy / to fall in love When it's dog eat dog enough in this dirty world  Shady How people bluff Making it so tough in this dirty world  We're aching But sure enough It's gets covered up so much in this dirty world  Maybe push come to shove But you can't give up in this dirty world  It's crazy A free for all Man, it's dog eat dog enough in this dirty world  Hazy to fall in love Enough is enough in this dirty world  Amazing Can't get enough When you push your luck enough in this dirty world  Change it Once and for all Bringin down the wall in this dirty world  I feel it in my bones Standing ovation's comin Struck me from head to toe  Right now Right now Right now Re-animation  Come down Come down Come down Imagination  I feel it in my bones Standing ovation's comin Struck me from head to toe Please don't hold the applause When I feel it my bones Just like a thunderbolt It struck me from head to toe  Right now Right now Right now Re-animation  Come down Come down Come down Imagination  Right now Right now Right now Re-animation  Come down Come down Come down Imagination
Dancin' in the MoonlightINORANINORANTim WellardINORANThey said that I could never be an angel The said I didn't have what it takes Didn't know it, didn't know that I was stronger And I had a hunger  So I took my car and drove past the sunset And I stood all alone under the sky The I waited, waited for an invitation For inspiration From the constellations  And one by one, the stars came Like diamonds in the darkness And washed away my heartache  And it felt like I was flyin' And all my fears were dyin' And I could see the moon risin' And I could see the moon climbin' And I could see the moon shinin'  Didn't know how much I needed to stumble Didn't know how much I needed to fall Didn't know it, all the time I was wastin' The time I was fakin'  I realized that I'm lookin' for somethin' Now I've opened my eyes―wide awake I gotta know it, I gotta know where this road takes me And whether it breaks me Or whether it makes me  And I can feel you move, yeah And I can know the truth, yeah And I don't want to lose, yeah  And I can take it higher And I can touch the fire And I can see the moon risin' And I can see the moon climbin' And I can see the moon shinin' And I can see your eyes smilin'
SoundscapesINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANSongs that only we know I turn all the lights down low These speakers got some sound advice  Ask me where the time went And I'll show you the weekend Where we can stay hidden in the night  There's no time for regret When now is all that we get I think you might just like what you find, yeah  The party's getting started And we've finally departed Come on, let's take this chance at life  Yeah yeah, they always say “Please turn away” Don't look back now!  Keep on flying There's no denying (I need you) (Let's head to the light) Don't let go of the sound  There's no dying The light keeps shining (I hear you) (Everything is fine) When you live in the sound  Just close your eyes and you'll find There ain't no need to rewind These speakers got some sound advice  Come let the sound set you free Open your heart, you'll find me And I'll make sure you're hidden tonight  Hours since the sunset Let's reset all the presets I think you might just like what you find, yeah  This party's almost over But we're still far from sober How ‘bout we take this chance at life?  Yeah yeah, they always say (Trust your eyes, what they see) “Please turn away” And don't look back now!  Keep on flying There's no denying (I need you) (Let's head to the light) Don't let go of the sound  There's no dying The light keeps shining (I hear you) (Everything is fine) When you live in the sound  Keep on flying There's no denying (I need you) (Let's head to the light) Don't let go of the sound  There's no dying The light keeps shining (I hear you) (Everything is fine) When you live in the sound  Soundscape just like an escape
No Way But UpINORANINORANNelson Babin-Coy・Mark SteinINORANSun is rising on the horizon Not going down, we're not going down  Feel the wind caressing your skin No way but up, there's no way but up  3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A.  3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay  Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down  The sky's crying, the ocean's rising Not going down, we're not going down The wind at our back keeping us on track No way but up, there's no way but up  3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A.  3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay  Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up  Take a look around, it's never too late Don't you doubt it now or leave it to fate Like the rising sun, we've only begun We've just begun  Take a look around, it's never too late Don't you doubt it now or leave it to fate Like the rising sun, we've only begun We've just begun  3, 2, 1, oh I know you got this Eyes on the prize, show ‘em your greatness The rising sun's got a jump on the gun, so don't delay  Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up Not going down, we're not going down No way but up, there's no way but up  3, 2, 1, now don't you miss this Time's ticking like it's nobody's business Like the rising sun, we've just begun, no M.I.A
You're Not AloneINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANOn the outside we smile for the camera While screaming on the inside Where no-one ever hears us  Don't rock the boat Get in line Keep your hands to yourself Our whole lives we are taught to be all but ourselves  And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows Hollow And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows  You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone  Another day that bleeds into the next one Politely living our lives in silent desperation  And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows Hollow And it's taking its toll Oh, one that nobody knows  You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone  Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone  We know mistakes Yeah everybody make'em In the cold echoes Take a deep breath  Take a breath Take a breath Take a deep breath Take a breath Calm down Take a deep breath You can find that thing that'll save ya Never pay no mind to the haters Yeah together they'll never break us Oh  You're not alone Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone  Even when it feels like nothing's working Even though your heart is heavy, hurting Even if the answer leaves you searching You're not alone You're not alone
Kingdom ComeINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANI hear you're looking for a plan Well, you came to the right man I'm gonna get you what you need And today I'll make it free  It's a lonely night And you're a lonely girl No need to cry Just take the wheel  I like the way she's singing Come on, kingdom come  Kingdom come  Don't judge me by my sins When I'm trying to make a living I don't mean no wrong I just gotta keep the lights on  It's a lonely life When you're a lonely girl No need to cry Just take the wheel  I like the way she's singing Come on, kingdom come  Kingdom come I don't know you but I need you You get me so high Babe I need to testify  In the visions I see kingdom come In the visions There's a lonely girl  Kingdom come I don't know you but I need you You get me so high Babe I need to testify  I don't know you but I need you You get me so high Babe I need to testify
Minutes to MidnightINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANTry to make them hear ya It feels like talking to a wall Empty promises covering up The truth they want none of us to know  Now's our time Here on the front line Say goodbye to the masquerade The countdown's ticking away Have to face it  Generation sick of waiting round for miracles Let it ride in rhythm to a whole different drum Elevate, liberate for the unbelievable Redefine borderline with minutes to midnight  They'll ask you to believe Then deceive you What goes around must come around Must come around yeah  Kharma's kiss will pack a punch No stopping it cause enough is enough 3, 2, 1… The countdown is ticking away  Generation Sick of waiting round for miracles Let it ride In rhythm to a whole different drum Elevate, liberate for the unbelievable Redefine borderline With minutes to midnight  It won't be long It's all that we focus on In a world gone wrong What's on the other side? No running from ourselves Can't be somebody else's old definition What's on the other side?  Miracles  Elevate Liberate What's on the other side? Redefine Borderline What's on the other side? We define Now's the time
Shaking TreesINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANSilent was the breeze As I tried to find another sign Shaking all the trees As I try to hide one more time I've been walking the tight rope Looking for you Surfing through my mind Oh, I lost the time…  The sun said to go away But I knew that I had to stay Maybe it could show me the truth And what I needed to do  If you knew me You wouldn't go Now I can see What you don't know  Silent was the breeze As I tried to find another sign Shaking all the trees As I try to hide one more time  There's always another way But not another today I know I could learn some things If only you believed  If you knew me You wouldn't go Now I can see What you don't know  Silent was the breeze As I tried to find another sign Shaking all the trees As I try to hide one more time I've been walking the tight rope Looking for you Surfing through my mind Oh, I lost the time… I lost the time…
Libertine DreamsINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANTongue tied Bless my soul Devil in some leather ‘Bout to overload Make me wanna beg to break the rules Make me wanna beg to break the rules Love bites Ain't no joke Never better Wanna let her take control She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze Let's watch it blow It's animal  So tight Head to toe Ready for whatever So come on let's go Make me wanna beg to break the rules Make me wanna beg to break the rules All night Can't let go Breathin heavy Got me ready to explode She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze She's a powder keg and I'm the fuze  I feel the fire burnin in me She's got the poison Just what I need (I can't get enough) Slave to desire runnin through me She's got the poison Just what I need Libertine dreams Libertine dreams  I feel the fire burnin in me (All that's on my mind, It's on my mind) She's got the poison (All that's on my mind, It's on my mind) Just what I need Slave to desire runnin through me (All that's on my mind, All that's on my mind) She's got the poison (All that's on my mind, All that's on my mind) Just what I need Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams Libertine dreams
Adrenaline RushINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANModeration Is just so dull (yeah) Need a kick To lose control (that's right) The sky's the limit No threshold Come on do it big It's the only way to go yo yo yo  Go on and keep your Opinion of me (You now) It's gotta be for Double or nothing (Hell yeah) Yeah… low key No thanks I'm cool What's cool? No time Can't spend a life throwing water on the fire no no  Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rushin Goin to my y y head  Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rushin Goin to my y y head  Never typical It's never typical  People tell you to just conform (You know) I tried routine But I got so bored (Hell yeah) Cravin this feeling is all I know Can't spend a life throwin water on the fire no no  Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rushin Goin to my y y head  Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rushin Goin to my y y head  Never typical It's never typical  Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rushin Goin to my y y head  Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush You know it  Never typical It's never typical  Go on and keep your opinion of me It's gotta be for double or nothing Don't waste no time Can't spend a life throwing water on the fire no no It's gotta be for double or nothing
Sinners on the RunINORANINORANNelson Babin-CoyINORANI hope I don't need to explain Why things got this way Come on, let's call it a day Before our hearts start to stray (oo oo)  “Sinners on the run,” they'll say  Sunny days don't feel the same Without the rain, there'd be nobody to blame Put on your misery There's nothing to lose when you're finally free Like sinners on the run  Sinners on the run, our way  See, the demons and all the angels, too They've been watching over the things we do And I think it's ‘cause they want us to come on over But I've got a life that I wanna live And a love to everything I wanna give If that's a sin, then Satin go on and take me in now  Sunny days don't feel the same Without the rain, there'd be nobody to blame Put on your misery There's nothing to lose when you're finally free  Someday, some way We'll rain on their parade Someday, some way They'll see it's all okay  Sinners on the run Running to the sun So we can start it all over again  Sunny days don't feel the same Without the rain, there'd be nobody to blame  Put on your misery There's nothing to lose when you're finally free
Soul Ain't For SaleINORANINORANJon UnderdownINORANHey Don't sell me on the upside, upside One time Act like a man not a pinstripe (Act like a man not a pinstripe) Hey All I see in the headlines, headlines Your lies Par for the course on the front line Punchline  No I can't take anymore Better days I wanna see Too late to ignore Not the way I wanna be  No I can't take anymore Better days I wanna see Too late to ignore Not the way I wanna be  Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah But my soul ain't for sale Soul ain't for sale  Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talkin oh yeah  Hey Don't blame me cause it ain't right, ain't right Realize We'll never be on the same side (We'll never be on the same side)  Hey Fix your mess in the meantime, meantime All mine Savor the win like a good wine Punchline  No I can't take anymore Better days I wanna see Too late to ignore Not the way I wanna be  No I can't take anymore Better days I wanna see Too late to ignore Not the way I wanna be  Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talkin oh yeah  Soul ain't for sale Soul ain't for sale  Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah  Go, go, go, go All right Go, go, go, go All night  (Hey) Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah (Your lie)  Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talkin oh yeah (Punchline)  (Hey) Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah (Your lie)  Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talkin oh yeah (Punchline)  Soul ain't for sale Soul ain't for sale  Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talkin oh yeah  Soul ain't for sale Soul ain't for sale  Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah Keep talk Keep talkin oh yeah
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 旅立ちの日に
  2. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  4. 怪獣
  5. ダーリン



  1. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  2. ネーブルオレンジ
  3. 春 ~Destiny~
  4. 布袋尊
  5. Swish

