DIRENGREY作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  10曲中 1-10曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
10曲中 1-10曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
CONCEIVED SORROWDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREYイバラに絡む太陽 ため息と混ざってトロケル後悔  見飽きた夢に唾を吐き笑う 孤独に喰われた人達の心は 残酷に育つ  重ねた白に溶け込む 望まれず壊れた真実は裏腹 微笑みに愛を  すでに陰り朝は死んだ  嗚呼届かない離れてしまう 穢れのない 優しさに 涙と眠りたい  孕んだ嘘は麗らか 剃刀のプールで溺れた涙は 曖昧に甘く…  すでに陰り明日は死んだ  涙も嘘も愛も許せない俺が 大嫌いで…でも戻れないから…  嗚呼届かない離れてしまう 穢れのない 優しさに 涙と眠りたい  背負った茜の空はただ響く 泣き叫ぶ声はもう…聞こえない
LIE BURIED WITH A VENGEANCEDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREYI rail at the sordid you Something's missing from my mind 這いずり回る虚しき生き様さ Something's missing from my heart This is the real world そうだ押し寄せる感情を捻じ込め So attack So attack Delete everything Crime without reason does exist I am the soul of revenge  Something's missing from my ears 醜い叫び芽生える愛情か Something's missing from my voice This is the real world 血で血を洗い正義をかかげろ So attack So attack Delete everything Crime without reason does exist I am the soul of revenge  Mind Over All 何もかも投げ捨てろ  Has my head gone mad? 無価値に俺を飾った猿どもか Has my heart gone mad? This is the real world 溝鼠、ハイエナ、糞豚ばかり So attack So attack Delete everything Crime without reason does exist I am the soul of revenge  Mind Over All 何もかも投げ捨てろ  Taste the destiny Are you the most superior leader of all? Fuck, you're a motherfucker
THE FATAL BELIEVERDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREY見えているかい?噴き出した漆黒の大地 沸いて出た偽証、偽善、最高だろ?  I've been tainted - You are stunning and I just want you  焼け付いて離れない そうさ此処に深く深く重く Kill myself If you can't tell, then you're a hypocrite too, so die!! Kill them all with the crazy hammer And destroy their thought Get hysterical  進化は退化に溺れて 悲しい程情熱が今狂いそう  Please grant me my small wish 骨の髄まで愛してくれ  I've been tainted - You are stunning and I just want you Now, laugh  焼け付いて離れない そうさ此処に深く深く重く Kill myself 忘れはしないから Kill them all with the crazy hammer And destroy their thought Get hysterical
DISABLED COMPLEXESDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREYAh, I can't sleep again tonight Because you exist Because I was raped by you Why do you believe their voices? Ah, I won't be able to sleep again tomorrow  I threw away, even my slightest hope Deep down And I go mad again tonight - And again tonight I go mad  Ah, I can't sleep again tonight Because you exist Because I was raped by you Why do you believe their voices?  I can't coexist in the fabricated society with a crowd There is no meaning in living  The world is full of psychos In your mind  誓う言葉もない 流す涙も枯れて Tonight I go mad  Psycho killer
艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑みDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREY手の届かない透き通る闇、指の隙間から覗き込んだ この世界に 千切れてゆく赤 細い腕が綺麗な君の嘘 雨に濡れ、たたずんだ希望も嘘? 朽ち果ての夢で廻るハルカカナタ滲む空はただただ暮れる 薄れてゆく存在さえ遅れてゆくまま 無駄に泣いた 事に今も 気が付けないまま ただ怖い。風鈴、闇を裂き 生暖かい風と息を殺し 朽ち果ての夢で廻るハルカカナタ滲む空はただただ… 昨日までの夜を振り返ればもう…もう二度と…光は消え…叶わない… もう二度と…もう誰も…全て消えろ 叫び生きて耐え抜いた痛みと 闇の向こう鈴の元へ
THE PLEDGEDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREY見詰めてた淡い願いを描き 何故震えている?孤独を抱え少年は晴天の空に何も無いことの意味を  何故に理念は春 はるか遠い約束の声 もう聞こえやしないさ  流れ形を変えてゆき消える 今も心奪われ焼け付く鎖の跡 うらぶれた声 此処に独り  何故に理念は春 はるか遠い約束の声 もう聞こえやしないさ  This is my pledge to you まだ上手く生きられないのさ 変えられるのはただ…  明日に生かされても 何も変わるはずのない日々 まだ終われない  こみ上げる心がまだ咲くのなら 答えてみろよ  誰も癒せやしない
REPETITION OF HATREDDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREYほざいていろ何時までもそこで 俺は一つ何かをただ握り潰す Is this really where I belong?  群がる血は迫害に解け 流れ出す賛美の宴  力でねじ伏せろ It's a perfectly dead passion It's an entirely dead passion Parasite children of hatred I hate you - Dead passion 泥に埋もれEmbryo burning 破裂しようMy pleasure  細切れになってゆく道理 大事そうに抱えたまま握り潰す Is this really where I belong?  神風の名の下に It's a perfectly dead passion It's an entirely dead passion Parasite children of hatred I hate you - Dead passion 泥に埋もれEmbryo burning 破裂しようMy pleasure  Slow Down Move on darkness  It's a perfectly dead passion It's an entirely dead passion Parasite children of hatred I hate you - Dead passion
THE DEEPER VILENESSDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREYI have fun listening to your lies... I shout out joy and you shout for help Fuck! I hate you! Dear God, You're a MOTHERFUCKER Death for All - Death for All I'm your worst nightmare, Fuck off! I wanna die!  I don't even think of you as my friend I don't even think of you as my friend  You deceived me and sold me out Take off that mask of rectitude! Pretender that hurts one's eyes, voice that jars on one's ear  Fuck 'em all without a care Fake rock wannabes... just die  I don't even think of you as my friend I don't even think of you as my friend  The maze, it's so cold I'll die in a world of lies and deceits  By tomorrow I'll be in despair It was destined  I have fun listening to your lies... I shout out joy and you shout for help Fuck! I hate you! Dear God, You're a MOTHERFUCKER Death for All - Death for All I'm your worst nightmare, Fuck off! I wanna die!  I don't even think of you as my friend I don't even think of you as my friend  The maze, it's so cold I'll die in a world of lies and deceits I'll die in a world of lies and deceits
GRIEFDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREYShut up! That's fucking bullshit Blood tastes like vanilla  Fuck off もっともらしい顔して あざむくことしか頭にない猿 さあ盲人に問う 答えろ  Shut up! That's fucking bullshit  狡猾の銃が鳴り響く Headless body. 狡猾の銃が鳴り響く Headless body. そうさ笑い狂え I'm damned  Fuck off もっともらしい言葉で すかした顔して否定してんだろ さあ消える時間だ 祈れよ  狡猾の銃が鳴り響く Headless body. 狡猾の銃が鳴り響く Headless body. そうさ笑い狂え I'm damned  I say destroy, fuck off 何故だ… 真実を感じずに生きる 何処に愛があるのかさえ… Shut up!  狡猾の銃が鳴り響く Headless body. 狡猾の銃が鳴り響く Headless body. そうさ笑い狂え I'm damned  Shut up! That's fucking bullshit Blood tastes like vanilla
ROTTING ROOTDIR EN GREYDIR EN GREYDIRENGREYFATE まともじゃねえから今から弾け into the night Honey open up your mouth  FATE まともじゃねえから今から飛べよ into the night Honey spread your wings into the night 価値も無い嘘と絶叫をきさまらに  Fuckin' tricky men  Mother 途切れ途切れの意思が今繋がって 敵意に満ちた声を響かせ今を刻め  I may be tainted but I can't forgive them ever...  I'll rip away the wings of the blind Will no longer demand  Mother ただ生きているだけの無能なその声 歩き出せない夢も愚かな泡となって 消えろ  Fuckin' tricky men  Fate  I may be tainted but I can't forgive them ever...
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 旅立ちの日に
  2. 怪獣
  3. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  5. ダーリン



  1. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  2. ネーブルオレンジ
  3. 春 ~Destiny~
  4. 布袋尊
  5. Swish

