Chase the way今日は今日の風が吹き 明日は明日の風が吹く じたばたすることもなくて いつも風任せ 誰かを泣かせるような 野暮な人生 蹴飛ばして行こう 男なら Get by. Get by Chase the way. Get by. Chase the way. Let's try. Let's try. Catch the dream. 上々な日々を 生き抜けろ 都会(まち)は高くそびえ立ち シニカルに笑みを浮かべる 容赦なく吹くビル風に 吹き飛ばされるな 戸惑う心 怯めば 無茶も惨敗 無様になるだけ 立ち上がれ Get by. Get by. Chase the way. Get by. Chase the way. Let's try. Let's try. Catch the dream. 少々の傷は勲章さ Get by. Get by Chase the way. Get by. Chase the way. Let's try. Let's try. Catch the dream. 上々な日々を 生き抜けろ Get by. Get by. Chase the way. Get by. Chase the way. Let's try. Let's try. Catch the dream. 少々の傷は勲章さ | SHOGUN | 有森聡美 | 芳野藤丸 | 芳野藤丸 | 今日は今日の風が吹き 明日は明日の風が吹く じたばたすることもなくて いつも風任せ 誰かを泣かせるような 野暮な人生 蹴飛ばして行こう 男なら Get by. Get by Chase the way. Get by. Chase the way. Let's try. Let's try. Catch the dream. 上々な日々を 生き抜けろ 都会(まち)は高くそびえ立ち シニカルに笑みを浮かべる 容赦なく吹くビル風に 吹き飛ばされるな 戸惑う心 怯めば 無茶も惨敗 無様になるだけ 立ち上がれ Get by. Get by. Chase the way. Get by. Chase the way. Let's try. Let's try. Catch the dream. 少々の傷は勲章さ Get by. Get by Chase the way. Get by. Chase the way. Let's try. Let's try. Catch the dream. 上々な日々を 生き抜けろ Get by. Get by. Chase the way. Get by. Chase the way. Let's try. Let's try. Catch the dream. 少々の傷は勲章さ |
Hi Hi Hi Hi逃した夢を語って 懐かしむなんて まっさらな 想い巡って 熱く語ろうぜ 口に出せば全て あの日のままなのに リアルな日々に 押され気味だね だけど胸の中に 抱いた夢は誰にも 奪えやしない さあ!Let's try dream Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so 立ち止まりオロオロしないで 転がり続けてやろう 毎日を 楽しんで 生きていこうぜ Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so Gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so リベンジいいんじゃない かっこいいんじゃない 自分を諦めない 男になろうぜ 恋も夢もみんな 引きずり出したなら 戻れはしない それでいいのさ いつもどんな時も ときめいていなくちゃ 命燃やせよ さあ!Let's try dream Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so 背中丸めしょぼくれていちゃ 幸せも見えやしないさ 自由と言う その翼 忘れてないか? Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so Gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so Gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so | SHOGUN | 有森聡美 | 長岡道夫 | 長岡道夫 | 逃した夢を語って 懐かしむなんて まっさらな 想い巡って 熱く語ろうぜ 口に出せば全て あの日のままなのに リアルな日々に 押され気味だね だけど胸の中に 抱いた夢は誰にも 奪えやしない さあ!Let's try dream Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so 立ち止まりオロオロしないで 転がり続けてやろう 毎日を 楽しんで 生きていこうぜ Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so Gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so リベンジいいんじゃない かっこいいんじゃない 自分を諦めない 男になろうぜ 恋も夢もみんな 引きずり出したなら 戻れはしない それでいいのさ いつもどんな時も ときめいていなくちゃ 命燃やせよ さあ!Let's try dream Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so 背中丸めしょぼくれていちゃ 幸せも見えやしないさ 自由と言う その翼 忘れてないか? Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so Gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so Gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody do It's gonna Hi Hi Hi Hi Everybody think so |
Yellow MajicWe gotta whole of song in our heart We gotta whole of dance in our blood We got love to shere, joy everywhere So welcome one and all We gotta whole of song in our heart We gotta whole of dance in our blood We got love to shere, joy everywhere So welcome one and all Yellow magic, yellow magic We got, we got, we got Yellow magic, yellow magic We got, we got, we got And the magic of it all Is that everybody Can join together in it's spell It's for“free”, it's really so easy If you just open up your heart We are ready to meet you, ready to greet you Reedy to share your hand It's for“free”, it's really so easy If you just open up your heart We are ready to meet you, ready to greet you Reedy to share your hand Yellow magic, yellow magic We got, we got, we got Yellow magic, yellow magic We got, we got, we got So come and listen to our song Come and join us in our dance Taste the wine, you'll be felling fine And yellow magic will do the trick | SHOGUN | Yoko Narahashi | 芳野藤丸 | | We gotta whole of song in our heart We gotta whole of dance in our blood We got love to shere, joy everywhere So welcome one and all We gotta whole of song in our heart We gotta whole of dance in our blood We got love to shere, joy everywhere So welcome one and all Yellow magic, yellow magic We got, we got, we got Yellow magic, yellow magic We got, we got, we got And the magic of it all Is that everybody Can join together in it's spell It's for“free”, it's really so easy If you just open up your heart We are ready to meet you, ready to greet you Reedy to share your hand It's for“free”, it's really so easy If you just open up your heart We are ready to meet you, ready to greet you Reedy to share your hand Yellow magic, yellow magic We got, we got, we got Yellow magic, yellow magic We got, we got, we got So come and listen to our song Come and join us in our dance Taste the wine, you'll be felling fine And yellow magic will do the trick |
I'll miss you誰を好きになれたなら こんなに苦しまないでいいの? 涙の止め方なんて 知らないままでいいのに 泣きたいこんな気分 いつからだったんだろう 自然に愛し愛されても 振り返ればそこに切なさだけが残ってる 夜更けの部屋で一人 小さな明かりで見る あなたの写真 笑顔さえも ため息の糸で 編みこむタペストリーだね I'll miss you 抱きしめられると すべてを忘れて許してしまう 悲しい夢が膨らんで はじけていくのに I'll miss you 優しくされたら それだけでいつも満たされたのに 今夜は少し泣かせてよ 誰を好きになれたなら こんなに苦しまないでいいの? 涙の止め方なんて 知らないままでいいのに あなたにあえない夜 心が不安になる いつでもそばにいてほしくて つまらない事がシャボン玉につつまれてる I'll miss you 優しくされると 今度はあなたを帰せなくなる ためらう涙ぬぐえずに くじけてしまいそうよ 誰にも負けないほど あなたを信じているけれど 耐えき切れない夢のかけらが少し重たい 誰を好きになれたなら こんなに苦しまないでいいの? 涙の止め方なんて 知らないままでいいのに 終わりにしたいけれど 孤独に付き合えない 電話の履歴のアドレス 左手の指輪も 忘れさせてほしいよ 誰を好きになれたなら こんなに苦しまないでいいの? 涙の止め方なんて 知らないままでいいのに | SHOGUN | 佐倉一樹 | 佐倉一樹 | | 誰を好きになれたなら こんなに苦しまないでいいの? 涙の止め方なんて 知らないままでいいのに 泣きたいこんな気分 いつからだったんだろう 自然に愛し愛されても 振り返ればそこに切なさだけが残ってる 夜更けの部屋で一人 小さな明かりで見る あなたの写真 笑顔さえも ため息の糸で 編みこむタペストリーだね I'll miss you 抱きしめられると すべてを忘れて許してしまう 悲しい夢が膨らんで はじけていくのに I'll miss you 優しくされたら それだけでいつも満たされたのに 今夜は少し泣かせてよ 誰を好きになれたなら こんなに苦しまないでいいの? 涙の止め方なんて 知らないままでいいのに あなたにあえない夜 心が不安になる いつでもそばにいてほしくて つまらない事がシャボン玉につつまれてる I'll miss you 優しくされると 今度はあなたを帰せなくなる ためらう涙ぬぐえずに くじけてしまいそうよ 誰にも負けないほど あなたを信じているけれど 耐えき切れない夢のかけらが少し重たい 誰を好きになれたなら こんなに苦しまないでいいの? 涙の止め方なんて 知らないままでいいのに 終わりにしたいけれど 孤独に付き合えない 電話の履歴のアドレス 左手の指輪も 忘れさせてほしいよ 誰を好きになれたなら こんなに苦しまないでいいの? 涙の止め方なんて 知らないままでいいのに |
Bad City BossaBad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad You get up in the morning the crackin' of dawn You hussle and you hassle all day The things that a man has to do for a livin' Just to keep the reaper away Somebody give me a break I've had as much as a body can take Nobody hears you, nobody sees you, nobody ever break's free from the Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad so' With your hands in your pockets and your soul in your shoes And what life you have left in a bottle You start drinking your way across the border for help Praying for an easy way through Somebody please help me Break the chains of the city free Nobody hears you, nobody sees you, nobody ever break's free from the Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | | Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad You get up in the morning the crackin' of dawn You hussle and you hassle all day The things that a man has to do for a livin' Just to keep the reaper away Somebody give me a break I've had as much as a body can take Nobody hears you, nobody sees you, nobody ever break's free from the Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad so' With your hands in your pockets and your soul in your shoes And what life you have left in a bottle You start drinking your way across the border for help Praying for an easy way through Somebody please help me Break the chains of the city free Nobody hears you, nobody sees you, nobody ever break's free from the Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad |
Happy BirthdayHappy Birthday いくつだなんて 気にするなよ Happy Birthday ありがとう いつもいつも 桜を見た春 花火上げてた夏 秋には乾杯 酔いどれてた冬 なんだかんだとスキを見て はしゃいでいた季節(とき) お前一緒じゃなければ なかったよ Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You ずっと ずっと そう いいね! It's all right! Happy Birthday いくつだなんて どうでもいい Happy Birthday 変わらない いつもいつも ちょっと頭にキた春 冗談ばかりの夏 秋にはたそがれ 恋をしてた冬 ずっと楽しくつるんで やらかしてた季節(とき) お前生まれてこなけりゃ なかったよ Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You 生まれちゃって そう いいね! It's all right! Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You 生まれちゃって そう いいね! It's all right! 出会っちゃって そう いいね! It's all right! | SHOGUN | 井辺清 | 長岡道夫 | | Happy Birthday いくつだなんて 気にするなよ Happy Birthday ありがとう いつもいつも 桜を見た春 花火上げてた夏 秋には乾杯 酔いどれてた冬 なんだかんだとスキを見て はしゃいでいた季節(とき) お前一緒じゃなければ なかったよ Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You ずっと ずっと そう いいね! It's all right! Happy Birthday いくつだなんて どうでもいい Happy Birthday 変わらない いつもいつも ちょっと頭にキた春 冗談ばかりの夏 秋にはたそがれ 恋をしてた冬 ずっと楽しくつるんで やらかしてた季節(とき) お前生まれてこなけりゃ なかったよ Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You 生まれちゃって そう いいね! It's all right! Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You 生まれちゃって そう いいね! It's all right! 出会っちゃって そう いいね! It's all right! |
切なさを感じて君と見た茜色に染まる空 やさしく包む風のように 振り返ればそれは とても輝いていたから days are getting shorter days are getting shorter すぎてゆく時の中で days are getting shorter days are getting shorter 切なさを感じて 大きな不安と小さな期待を抱えて 走り抜ける駅のホーム 季節は巡る 立ち止まる2人をおいて days are getting shorter days are getting shorter すぎてゆく時の中で days are getting shorter days are getting shorter 切なさを感じて days are getting shorter days are getting shorter すぎてゆく時の中で days are getting shorter days are getting shorter 切なさを感じて days are getting shorter... | SHOGUN | 佐倉一樹 | 佐倉一樹 | | 君と見た茜色に染まる空 やさしく包む風のように 振り返ればそれは とても輝いていたから days are getting shorter days are getting shorter すぎてゆく時の中で days are getting shorter days are getting shorter 切なさを感じて 大きな不安と小さな期待を抱えて 走り抜ける駅のホーム 季節は巡る 立ち止まる2人をおいて days are getting shorter days are getting shorter すぎてゆく時の中で days are getting shorter days are getting shorter 切なさを感じて days are getting shorter days are getting shorter すぎてゆく時の中で days are getting shorter days are getting shorter 切なさを感じて days are getting shorter... |
SnowThe snow falls down like crystal rain and it melts on the palm of your hand like tears flow down the window pane close my eyes, we're together again it takes me back to when you held me tight warmed our souls before a firelight But it was oh so long ago time like sand through my fingers, slip away one day the winds of change had blown my love away you' went and left me all alone In the Autumn breeze Sometimes I hear you call my name I turn around just to find you're not there you said we'd be together forever you and I so many years go by OOOHHH Untill we're back together I will be waiting here beside my window looking for you snow But it was oh so long ago time like sand through my fingers, slip away one day the winds of change had blown my love away you' went and left me all alone | SHOGUN | Kane Tominaga | 長岡道夫 | | The snow falls down like crystal rain and it melts on the palm of your hand like tears flow down the window pane close my eyes, we're together again it takes me back to when you held me tight warmed our souls before a firelight But it was oh so long ago time like sand through my fingers, slip away one day the winds of change had blown my love away you' went and left me all alone In the Autumn breeze Sometimes I hear you call my name I turn around just to find you're not there you said we'd be together forever you and I so many years go by OOOHHH Untill we're back together I will be waiting here beside my window looking for you snow But it was oh so long ago time like sand through my fingers, slip away one day the winds of change had blown my love away you' went and left me all alone |
Silently She SaidSilently she said Come her to me and lay you head upon my breast Let me be the one to fill your emptiness Come give your heart a rest Come her to me Must Surely be a dream A girl like you is more that any man would need To fill his heart with song, where once there was no sound You spread your love around You give me life Till there was you There were no starry nights for me An empty ship upon the sea Alone to sail eternally Till there was you There was no laughter in my eyes My heart was dark and stormy skies You give me love, you give me life The love that I have found in you, has given me the will To choose my was again, my love you've set me free Never love again I was sure that I would never love again Spend my days and nights alone Without a friend I'll never love again Then you were there Softly in the night You came to me and gave your wings that I could fly You gave me tears where I thought never would I cry Softly in the nignt you gave me love Till there was you There were no starry nights for me An empty ship upon the sea Alone to sail eternally Till there was you There was no laughter in my eyes My heart was dark and stormy skies You give me love, you give me life The love that I have found in you, has given me the will To choose my was again, my love you've set me free | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | | Silently she said Come her to me and lay you head upon my breast Let me be the one to fill your emptiness Come give your heart a rest Come her to me Must Surely be a dream A girl like you is more that any man would need To fill his heart with song, where once there was no sound You spread your love around You give me life Till there was you There were no starry nights for me An empty ship upon the sea Alone to sail eternally Till there was you There was no laughter in my eyes My heart was dark and stormy skies You give me love, you give me life The love that I have found in you, has given me the will To choose my was again, my love you've set me free Never love again I was sure that I would never love again Spend my days and nights alone Without a friend I'll never love again Then you were there Softly in the night You came to me and gave your wings that I could fly You gave me tears where I thought never would I cry Softly in the nignt you gave me love Till there was you There were no starry nights for me An empty ship upon the sea Alone to sail eternally Till there was you There was no laughter in my eyes My heart was dark and stormy skies You give me love, you give me life The love that I have found in you, has given me the will To choose my was again, my love you've set me free |
サタデー・サイクロンSomewhere out the streets tonight Walks the sleeping queen Dealer takes another hand How the sleeper lets the dealer know Spring rain or snow Nobody will ever know I've seen many people try I've seen many people fry Touch the sky, so high Saturday night, Saturday night, Saturday night Feeling Alright Ganblers jump upon an orange flash must be a market crash Dealer takes another hand Reaching far beyoud you boundaries You'll find you're where Nobody will ever know I've seen many people try I've seen many people fry Touch the sky, so high Saturday night, Saturday night, Saturday night Feeling Alright | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | 大谷和夫 | Somewhere out the streets tonight Walks the sleeping queen Dealer takes another hand How the sleeper lets the dealer know Spring rain or snow Nobody will ever know I've seen many people try I've seen many people fry Touch the sky, so high Saturday night, Saturday night, Saturday night Feeling Alright Ganblers jump upon an orange flash must be a market crash Dealer takes another hand Reaching far beyoud you boundaries You'll find you're where Nobody will ever know I've seen many people try I've seen many people fry Touch the sky, so high Saturday night, Saturday night, Saturday night Feeling Alright |
Sunrise HighwaySunrise Hiway I've been gone for such a long time Sunrise Hiway lead the way back to my home Sunrise Hiway lead the way and I will follow Sunrise Hiway take me back where I belond The golden coast, and crystal sky Merodies on your shore The endlless waves of yesterday Will me mine, mine, mine, mine once more Sunrise Hiway though the road is long and narrow Sunrise Hiway you will always lead me home Sunrise Hiway always patient to a stranger Going my way going anyway at all Sunrise Hiway the open road is for a dreamer Sunrise Hiway let me dream my way along The Southern lights are in my eyes The answer lies in my soul The mysteries of open seas Will be mine, mine, mine, mine once more Sunrise Hiway though the road is long and narrow Sunrise Hiway you will always lead me home The southern lights and summer nigts THe memorise left on your shore The endlless waves of yesterday Will be mine, mine, mine, mine once more Sunrise Hiway though the road is long and narrow Sunrise Hiway you will always lead me home Sunrise Hiway take me back where I belond | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | 大谷和夫 | Sunrise Hiway I've been gone for such a long time Sunrise Hiway lead the way back to my home Sunrise Hiway lead the way and I will follow Sunrise Hiway take me back where I belond The golden coast, and crystal sky Merodies on your shore The endlless waves of yesterday Will me mine, mine, mine, mine once more Sunrise Hiway though the road is long and narrow Sunrise Hiway you will always lead me home Sunrise Hiway always patient to a stranger Going my way going anyway at all Sunrise Hiway the open road is for a dreamer Sunrise Hiway let me dream my way along The Southern lights are in my eyes The answer lies in my soul The mysteries of open seas Will be mine, mine, mine, mine once more Sunrise Hiway though the road is long and narrow Sunrise Hiway you will always lead me home The southern lights and summer nigts THe memorise left on your shore The endlless waves of yesterday Will be mine, mine, mine, mine once more Sunrise Hiway though the road is long and narrow Sunrise Hiway you will always lead me home Sunrise Hiway take me back where I belond |
Castle WallsMy Castle Walls have crumbled Theres nothing left but clay The village queen has tumbled I mean she's gone away What shall I do, you've got nothing to lose I guess I'll simply wait awhile Perhaps she will come home And now we think the time has come For you to set her free For we could see that she was not the girl for you Perhaps you fly to high Home's the place of all our memories We'd share each others dreams But now I have to carry My load alone it seems What Shall I do, you've got nothing to lose She left because you don't remember who she used to be And now we think the time has come For you to set her free For we could see that she was not the girl for you Perhaps you fly to high Home's the place of all our memories We'd share each others dreams But now I have to carry My load alone it seems What Shall I do, you've got nothing to lose She left because you don't remember who she used to be | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | 大谷和夫 | My Castle Walls have crumbled Theres nothing left but clay The village queen has tumbled I mean she's gone away What shall I do, you've got nothing to lose I guess I'll simply wait awhile Perhaps she will come home And now we think the time has come For you to set her free For we could see that she was not the girl for you Perhaps you fly to high Home's the place of all our memories We'd share each others dreams But now I have to carry My load alone it seems What Shall I do, you've got nothing to lose She left because you don't remember who she used to be And now we think the time has come For you to set her free For we could see that she was not the girl for you Perhaps you fly to high Home's the place of all our memories We'd share each others dreams But now I have to carry My load alone it seems What Shall I do, you've got nothing to lose She left because you don't remember who she used to be |
NinaSoftly shedding tears she said now, I must go away No mornig light must ever find me here And as the breeze brought her to me Its taken her away Hum mmm mmm Now I stand alone upon the sea And wonder what's become of me I hear her song but cannot see her face The dreams I've sailed on summer nights In Nina's eyes, In Nina's eyes Oh, nobody can do it quite like you Nobody can do it quite like you Now I stand alone upon the sea And wonder what's become of me I hear her song but cannot see her face The dreams I've sailed on summer nights In Nina's eyes, In Nina's eyes Oh, nobody can do it quite like you Nobody can do it quite like you | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸・Casey Rankin | 大谷和夫 | Softly shedding tears she said now, I must go away No mornig light must ever find me here And as the breeze brought her to me Its taken her away Hum mmm mmm Now I stand alone upon the sea And wonder what's become of me I hear her song but cannot see her face The dreams I've sailed on summer nights In Nina's eyes, In Nina's eyes Oh, nobody can do it quite like you Nobody can do it quite like you Now I stand alone upon the sea And wonder what's become of me I hear her song but cannot see her face The dreams I've sailed on summer nights In Nina's eyes, In Nina's eyes Oh, nobody can do it quite like you Nobody can do it quite like you |
You Turn Me OnTuesday morning and I'm feeling down A few more days till I'm freedom bound I'm gonna turn around, Im going home Friday evening and I'm on my way To get to you It'll take one more day Gonna drive all the way, I'm going home You turn me on whenever I feel bad You turn me on whenever I feel sad You turn me on whenever I've been had I love you, I love you I love you Burning bridges fall behind you You see your dreams go out the door You find you love has left without you Forever more, forever more forever more You turn me on whenever I feel bad You turn me on whenever I feel sad You turn me on whenever I've been had I love you, I love you I love you Burning bridges fall behind you You see your dreams go out the door You find you love has left without you Forever more, forever more forever more | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | 大谷和夫 | Tuesday morning and I'm feeling down A few more days till I'm freedom bound I'm gonna turn around, Im going home Friday evening and I'm on my way To get to you It'll take one more day Gonna drive all the way, I'm going home You turn me on whenever I feel bad You turn me on whenever I feel sad You turn me on whenever I've been had I love you, I love you I love you Burning bridges fall behind you You see your dreams go out the door You find you love has left without you Forever more, forever more forever more You turn me on whenever I feel bad You turn me on whenever I feel sad You turn me on whenever I've been had I love you, I love you I love you Burning bridges fall behind you You see your dreams go out the door You find you love has left without you Forever more, forever more forever more |
Feeling Glad All OverWe can't make up our minds Are we coming or going we get so all confused Eventually we'll just blow a fuse Since love a got a hold on me I'm feeling glad all over You know I see my life Is just a mumbo-jumbo Twisting and turning around Yea running you all over town Since love a got a hold on me I'm feeling glad all over I say hey yea ya ya Got me a love that I can't hide I say hey yea ya ya Got me a lady that flies She's such an interplanetary, extra-ordinary love And I must admit my friend, I'm feeling glad all over, yea I must admit my friend I'm feeling glad all over You know I see my life Is just a mumbo-jumbo Twisting and turning around Yea running you all over town Since love a got a hold on me I'm feeling glad all over I say hey yea ya ya Got me a love that I can't hide I say hey yea ya ya Got me a lady that flies She's such an interplanetary, extra-ordinary love And I must admit my friend, I'm feeling glad all over, yea I must admit my friend I'm feeling glad all over | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸・Casey Rankin | 大谷和夫 | We can't make up our minds Are we coming or going we get so all confused Eventually we'll just blow a fuse Since love a got a hold on me I'm feeling glad all over You know I see my life Is just a mumbo-jumbo Twisting and turning around Yea running you all over town Since love a got a hold on me I'm feeling glad all over I say hey yea ya ya Got me a love that I can't hide I say hey yea ya ya Got me a lady that flies She's such an interplanetary, extra-ordinary love And I must admit my friend, I'm feeling glad all over, yea I must admit my friend I'm feeling glad all over You know I see my life Is just a mumbo-jumbo Twisting and turning around Yea running you all over town Since love a got a hold on me I'm feeling glad all over I say hey yea ya ya Got me a love that I can't hide I say hey yea ya ya Got me a lady that flies She's such an interplanetary, extra-ordinary love And I must admit my friend, I'm feeling glad all over, yea I must admit my friend I'm feeling glad all over |
走れ! オールドマン走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン ゆっくり明日を歩いていきゃいいのさ お前と俺との気ままな旅のハイウェイさ Ride your motorscooter ride Oh Fly FLy Fly your aeroplane Fly But don't you go riding no camel's back cause the bump is gonna getcha gonna getche by and bye 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 夕陽に追いつく夢なんか捨てなよ 一晩眠れば美しすぎる Colden-Sunrise Ride your motorscooter ride Oh Fly FLy Fly your aeroplane Fly But don't you go riding no camel's back cause the bump is gonna getcha gonna getche by and bye 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン | SHOGUN | 喜多條忠・Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | 大谷和夫 | 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン ゆっくり明日を歩いていきゃいいのさ お前と俺との気ままな旅のハイウェイさ Ride your motorscooter ride Oh Fly FLy Fly your aeroplane Fly But don't you go riding no camel's back cause the bump is gonna getcha gonna getche by and bye 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 夕陽に追いつく夢なんか捨てなよ 一晩眠れば美しすぎる Colden-Sunrise Ride your motorscooter ride Oh Fly FLy Fly your aeroplane Fly But don't you go riding no camel's back cause the bump is gonna getcha gonna getche by and bye 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン 走れ 走れ オールドマン |
風に抱かれて都会はもう眠りの時 今は深く めざめ 街のあかり 揺られるままに 旅をつづける 微笑みがひとつ 淋しさがひとつ 風の中で揺れている 愛した人達 去りゆく人達 振り向けば そこに朝がある 言葉はもう欲しくはないから やさしい人でいたい 夢を誘う 夜明け前の 静けさの中で よろこびの日々も かなしみの日々も 心のままに生きてゆく 雲のすき間から 明日が見えるまで 風に抱かれて走ろう 微笑みがひとつ 淋しさがひとつ 風の中で揺れている 愛した人達 去りゆく人達 振り向けば そこに朝がある よろこびの日々も かなしみの日々も 心のままに生きてゆく 雲のすき間から 明日が見えるまで 風に抱かれて走ろう | SHOGUN | 喜多條忠 | 芳野藤丸 | 大谷和夫 | 都会はもう眠りの時 今は深く めざめ 街のあかり 揺られるままに 旅をつづける 微笑みがひとつ 淋しさがひとつ 風の中で揺れている 愛した人達 去りゆく人達 振り向けば そこに朝がある 言葉はもう欲しくはないから やさしい人でいたい 夢を誘う 夜明け前の 静けさの中で よろこびの日々も かなしみの日々も 心のままに生きてゆく 雲のすき間から 明日が見えるまで 風に抱かれて走ろう 微笑みがひとつ 淋しさがひとつ 風の中で揺れている 愛した人達 去りゆく人達 振り向けば そこに朝がある よろこびの日々も かなしみの日々も 心のままに生きてゆく 雲のすき間から 明日が見えるまで 風に抱かれて走ろう |
As Easy As You Make ItWhenever you find, you're being confined Move on The deeper in debt, you feel that you get Move on What goes up baby, must come down Like a ferris wheel life goes round and round As easy as you make it If mental block haze, is clouding your days Move on Or all of your friends, are stretching your ends Move on What goes out honey, must come in When life gets rough, just stick out your chin and grin As easy as you make it Be what you want to be, not what someone says you are Just Be happy with yourself It may take some time, before you ever find The you that lives inside your heart Moving Keeping on the go Moving The only way to go (spoken word)Foot loose and fancy free When doing your bag's, becoming a drag Move on If ever you see, you're looking like me Move on Life is me baby, life is you Life is anything that you choose to do As easy as you make it Be what you want to be, not what someone says you are Just Be happy with yourself It may take some time, before you ever find The you that lives inside your heart Moving Keeping on the go Moving The only way to go | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | 大谷和夫 | Whenever you find, you're being confined Move on The deeper in debt, you feel that you get Move on What goes up baby, must come down Like a ferris wheel life goes round and round As easy as you make it If mental block haze, is clouding your days Move on Or all of your friends, are stretching your ends Move on What goes out honey, must come in When life gets rough, just stick out your chin and grin As easy as you make it Be what you want to be, not what someone says you are Just Be happy with yourself It may take some time, before you ever find The you that lives inside your heart Moving Keeping on the go Moving The only way to go (spoken word)Foot loose and fancy free When doing your bag's, becoming a drag Move on If ever you see, you're looking like me Move on Life is me baby, life is you Life is anything that you choose to do As easy as you make it Be what you want to be, not what someone says you are Just Be happy with yourself It may take some time, before you ever find The you that lives inside your heart Moving Keeping on the go Moving The only way to go |
ImaginationBeyond the stars there is a place that you can go Be by yourself and nobody will ever know With no idea where it will lead, the fantasy is yours With no idea what waits for you, the fantasy is yours Under the stars I had my life laid out for me Amongst the clouds there lay a road that I could see With no idea where it would lead, the fantasy was mine With no idea what waits for me the fantasy was mine Colours all around me Floating easy on the dream Drifting closer to the strangest sound Prysim ecstacy I open up my eyes and what I see is that it all is“Fantasy” Beyond tne stars there is a place that you can go Be by yourself and nobody will ever know Your inner self is free to roar, imagination's your Your inner self is maybe me, imagination's free Colours all around you floating slowly in the stream Drifting further from the mandness Opening your wings Soaring into outer space, Release yourself into the“Fantasy” If something is missing, look into fantasy That's where you find out who you are | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | 大谷和夫 | Beyond the stars there is a place that you can go Be by yourself and nobody will ever know With no idea where it will lead, the fantasy is yours With no idea what waits for you, the fantasy is yours Under the stars I had my life laid out for me Amongst the clouds there lay a road that I could see With no idea where it would lead, the fantasy was mine With no idea what waits for me the fantasy was mine Colours all around me Floating easy on the dream Drifting closer to the strangest sound Prysim ecstacy I open up my eyes and what I see is that it all is“Fantasy” Beyond tne stars there is a place that you can go Be by yourself and nobody will ever know Your inner self is free to roar, imagination's your Your inner self is maybe me, imagination's free Colours all around you floating slowly in the stream Drifting further from the mandness Opening your wings Soaring into outer space, Release yourself into the“Fantasy” If something is missing, look into fantasy That's where you find out who you are |
Sailar-SailorSailor sailor you search so long While the big wide ocean goes on and on Hey do you know, where the east wind blows I spend my lifetime sailing dreams The more I love the less it means And I still don't know, where the east wind blows Well, l've got this lady, a lovely geisha lady She may be crazy, but she can always take me where The east wind blows Warm and sweet, clean and neat Warm and sweet, clean and neat Dreamer dreamer, you close your eyes I know you try, you try and try But do you know, where the east wind blows Well, I've got this lady, a lovely geisha lady She may be crazy, but she can always take me where The east wind blows Warm and sweet, clean and neat Warm and sweet, clean and neat | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | 大谷和夫 | Sailor sailor you search so long While the big wide ocean goes on and on Hey do you know, where the east wind blows I spend my lifetime sailing dreams The more I love the less it means And I still don't know, where the east wind blows Well, l've got this lady, a lovely geisha lady She may be crazy, but she can always take me where The east wind blows Warm and sweet, clean and neat Warm and sweet, clean and neat Dreamer dreamer, you close your eyes I know you try, you try and try But do you know, where the east wind blows Well, I've got this lady, a lovely geisha lady She may be crazy, but she can always take me where The east wind blows Warm and sweet, clean and neat Warm and sweet, clean and neat |
Yesterday, Today And TomorrowYesterday, as I arrived at my destination Suitcase cluched in my hand I thought about my futile search For a peaceful place in a troubled land Mm…… Well I've been looking for quite some time now Trying to find me a place to live But everywhere that I've been so far people try to take, nobody wants to give Mm…… Yesterday, today, and tomorrow Is that to be my whole life's store Just as yesterday was, today is Where will I be tomorrow Today I'm on the road again Oh I guess I'll never find That place I've been looking for Where all men are free and kind Yesterday, today, and tomorrow Yesterday, today, and tomorrow Is that to be my whole life's story Just as yesterday was, today is Where, where will I be tomorrow Where, where will I be tomorrow | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | 大谷和夫 | Yesterday, as I arrived at my destination Suitcase cluched in my hand I thought about my futile search For a peaceful place in a troubled land Mm…… Well I've been looking for quite some time now Trying to find me a place to live But everywhere that I've been so far people try to take, nobody wants to give Mm…… Yesterday, today, and tomorrow Is that to be my whole life's store Just as yesterday was, today is Where will I be tomorrow Today I'm on the road again Oh I guess I'll never find That place I've been looking for Where all men are free and kind Yesterday, today, and tomorrow Yesterday, today, and tomorrow Is that to be my whole life's story Just as yesterday was, today is Where, where will I be tomorrow Where, where will I be tomorrow |
MarguariteMargarita bitter and sweet, guadalajara Lou, he do me, high as the sky having a wonderful time Oh……under the southern sun Ah……under the southern sun Margarita, frosty and cold, people they skate down the beach Los punkitos, Percussion band, getting it on in the street Oh……under the southern sun Ah……under the southern sun People are dancing, oh and they are laughing People are singing, listen to them sing And everybody, moving to the music They seem so happy, that's the way for me Margarita, served in ice, down by the Venice shore Margarita, spice of life, a man couldn't ask for more Oh……under the southern sun Ah……under the southern sun She gives you sunshine, oh she gives you blue sky She gives you moon light oh she gets you high And everybody, moving to the music Makes me so happy, he only way to be | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | 大谷和夫 | Margarita bitter and sweet, guadalajara Lou, he do me, high as the sky having a wonderful time Oh……under the southern sun Ah……under the southern sun Margarita, frosty and cold, people they skate down the beach Los punkitos, Percussion band, getting it on in the street Oh……under the southern sun Ah……under the southern sun People are dancing, oh and they are laughing People are singing, listen to them sing And everybody, moving to the music They seem so happy, that's the way for me Margarita, served in ice, down by the Venice shore Margarita, spice of life, a man couldn't ask for more Oh……under the southern sun Ah……under the southern sun She gives you sunshine, oh she gives you blue sky She gives you moon light oh she gets you high And everybody, moving to the music Makes me so happy, he only way to be |
The TouristMy San Francisco charter flight just arrived here this morning My passport is missing and my bags are all in who know's where The lady at the check-in counter speaks nothing but chinese The tour guide has skipped out with my girlfriend and my money too Why is it always me Who's got my ticket please, I wonna go home I should have had the sense to stay home and enjoy my vacaion Hang around the office with the boy's and had a drink or two Finally make it out of the airport and in to the hotel The reservation counter doesn't know me from the man in the moon I try to explain the I'm part of a tour group from Japan He looks me in the eye and says, Ah, soh desuka I am too Why is it always me Who's got my ticket please, I wonna go home I should have had the sense to stay home and enjoy my vacation Hang around the office with the boy's and had a drink or two Bye, bye, bye, sayonara Bye, bye, bye, sayonara Hang around the office with the boy's and had a drink or two | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | ミッチー長岡 | 大谷和夫 | My San Francisco charter flight just arrived here this morning My passport is missing and my bags are all in who know's where The lady at the check-in counter speaks nothing but chinese The tour guide has skipped out with my girlfriend and my money too Why is it always me Who's got my ticket please, I wonna go home I should have had the sense to stay home and enjoy my vacaion Hang around the office with the boy's and had a drink or two Finally make it out of the airport and in to the hotel The reservation counter doesn't know me from the man in the moon I try to explain the I'm part of a tour group from Japan He looks me in the eye and says, Ah, soh desuka I am too Why is it always me Who's got my ticket please, I wonna go home I should have had the sense to stay home and enjoy my vacation Hang around the office with the boy's and had a drink or two Bye, bye, bye, sayonara Bye, bye, bye, sayonara Hang around the office with the boy's and had a drink or two |
I Should Have Known BetterOh we danced until the dawn, laughed and sang and carried on You were the singer and I the song The symphony kept playing on Well I should have know better, to love a woman like you Yes I should have know better, and the lord knows its true Well your eyes were lit by fire Burning holes right my soul I had no choise but to follow And in the morning watch you go You were the queen and I the paws You kept me till the morning dawn We laughed and sang and carried on When morning came you were gone Well I should have know better, to love a woman like you Yes I should have know better, and the lord knows its true Yes you knew you were a lover One could say a seasoned pro And the night seemed like forever But the sun stole the star lights glow Well I should have know better, to love a woman like you Yes I should have know better, and the lord knows its true | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | 大谷和夫 | Oh we danced until the dawn, laughed and sang and carried on You were the singer and I the song The symphony kept playing on Well I should have know better, to love a woman like you Yes I should have know better, and the lord knows its true Well your eyes were lit by fire Burning holes right my soul I had no choise but to follow And in the morning watch you go You were the queen and I the paws You kept me till the morning dawn We laughed and sang and carried on When morning came you were gone Well I should have know better, to love a woman like you Yes I should have know better, and the lord knows its true Yes you knew you were a lover One could say a seasoned pro And the night seemed like forever But the sun stole the star lights glow Well I should have know better, to love a woman like you Yes I should have know better, and the lord knows its true |
友よ心に風があるか旅するなら あてもなく さすらうだけじゃ 意味がない さすらうなら それなりに 確かなものを 掴みたい 心の風向きしだいで 見るものちがってくる 心のあり方しだいで 見るものちがってくる SUCH A GOOD GOOD FRIEND 俺達の地平線 SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SUCH A GOOD GOOD FRIEND どこまでもついてくる NATURAL FRIEND THAT'S MY WAY NATURAL FRIEND THAT'S MY WAY 気心知れた者同志 瞳の底にやさしさが 二人はただ笑っている むだ口なんか たたかない 心のレールはまっすぐ 荒野をつらぬいてゆく 心のレールの響きは あこがれ掘り返して SUCH A GOOD GOOD FRIEND 俺達の地平線 SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SUCH A GOOD GOOD FRIEND どこまでもついてくる NATURAL FRIEND THAT'S MY WAY NATURAL FRIEND THAT'S MY WAY | SHOGUN | 来生えつこ | 芳野藤丸 | 大谷和夫 | 旅するなら あてもなく さすらうだけじゃ 意味がない さすらうなら それなりに 確かなものを 掴みたい 心の風向きしだいで 見るものちがってくる 心のあり方しだいで 見るものちがってくる SUCH A GOOD GOOD FRIEND 俺達の地平線 SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SUCH A GOOD GOOD FRIEND どこまでもついてくる NATURAL FRIEND THAT'S MY WAY NATURAL FRIEND THAT'S MY WAY 気心知れた者同志 瞳の底にやさしさが 二人はただ笑っている むだ口なんか たたかない 心のレールはまっすぐ 荒野をつらぬいてゆく 心のレールの響きは あこがれ掘り返して SUCH A GOOD GOOD FRIEND 俺達の地平線 SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SUCH A GOOD FRIEND SUCH A GOOD GOOD FRIEND どこまでもついてくる NATURAL FRIEND THAT'S MY WAY NATURAL FRIEND THAT'S MY WAY |
Do It To YourselfYou've got to get out on your own Before you end up all alone You've got to stand up for your rights Yellow purple, black of white Two to one will get you five Nobody understands this jive AC DC P D Q Look at what's become of you When you do what you do Do it to yourself Do what you do, to yourself There's nothing wrong And nothing right Yea! Sha ba da baa da Sha ba da baa da Stop and listen to these words Before you're put back in the earth Reach out, shake your brothers hand Stand up, be an honest man sha ba da baa da…… Do what you do to yourself You've got to get out on your own Before you end up all alone You've got to stand up for your rights Yellow purple, black of white When you do what you do Do it to yourself Do what you do, to yourself There's nothing wrong And nothing right Two to one will get you five Nobody understands this jive AC DC P D Q Look at what's become of you sha ba da baa da…… Do what you do Do it to yourself You've got to get out on your own Before you end up all alone You've got to stand up for your rights Yellow purple, black of white Two to one will get you five Nobody understands this jive AC DC P D Q Look at what's become of you | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | ミッチー長岡 | 大谷和夫 | You've got to get out on your own Before you end up all alone You've got to stand up for your rights Yellow purple, black of white Two to one will get you five Nobody understands this jive AC DC P D Q Look at what's become of you When you do what you do Do it to yourself Do what you do, to yourself There's nothing wrong And nothing right Yea! Sha ba da baa da Sha ba da baa da Stop and listen to these words Before you're put back in the earth Reach out, shake your brothers hand Stand up, be an honest man sha ba da baa da…… Do what you do to yourself You've got to get out on your own Before you end up all alone You've got to stand up for your rights Yellow purple, black of white When you do what you do Do it to yourself Do what you do, to yourself There's nothing wrong And nothing right Two to one will get you five Nobody understands this jive AC DC P D Q Look at what's become of you sha ba da baa da…… Do what you do Do it to yourself You've got to get out on your own Before you end up all alone You've got to stand up for your rights Yellow purple, black of white Two to one will get you five Nobody understands this jive AC DC P D Q Look at what's become of you |
Living Without Your LoveMy back's against the wall Every way I turn I see your face And hear your name Like a woman of the world Every one I know has shared your place And played your game Someday baby when the world has had its fill You'll realize what you have done One day baby the lights will stay on And you will see, what you have done To me Living without your love I'll keep it to myself Buried deep inside this heart of mine Hide the pain Like a puppet on a chain Every move I made was right on time Playing your game Someday baby when the world has had its fill You'll realize what you have done Oneday baby the light will stay on And you wii see, what you heve done To me AH living without your love | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | SHOGUN | My back's against the wall Every way I turn I see your face And hear your name Like a woman of the world Every one I know has shared your place And played your game Someday baby when the world has had its fill You'll realize what you have done One day baby the lights will stay on And you will see, what you have done To me Living without your love I'll keep it to myself Buried deep inside this heart of mine Hide the pain Like a puppet on a chain Every move I made was right on time Playing your game Someday baby when the world has had its fill You'll realize what you have done Oneday baby the light will stay on And you wii see, what you heve done To me AH living without your love |
Sir PeerSir peer awakes each morning at daybreak And peeks outside his window at tomorrow The city sleeps so soude Old dreams forgotten, new ones found He dreams about those starry nights in frisco When long-haired girls made love with their eyes And smiles at his forgotten years How soon they fade away, fade away I wonder why In the shadows of your past Tell me why Was there a flame that would not last Tell me why Nobody gose, to yesterdays shows Sir peer has made a life in new york city But lost himself unto his own When he looked inside his mind Why did he fear what he would find? Tell me why…… I wonder why In the shadows of your past Tell me why Was there a flame that would not last Tell me why Nobody gose, to yesterdays shows Now he finds himself alive again in chelsea The portraits of his youth hang by his side From the ashes of his past He rose to find himself at last So can you Tell me why…… I wonder why In the shadows of your past Tell me why Was there a flame that would not last Tell me why Nobody gose, to yesterdays shows | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin・John Stanely | Casey Rankin | SHOGUN | Sir peer awakes each morning at daybreak And peeks outside his window at tomorrow The city sleeps so soude Old dreams forgotten, new ones found He dreams about those starry nights in frisco When long-haired girls made love with their eyes And smiles at his forgotten years How soon they fade away, fade away I wonder why In the shadows of your past Tell me why Was there a flame that would not last Tell me why Nobody gose, to yesterdays shows Sir peer has made a life in new york city But lost himself unto his own When he looked inside his mind Why did he fear what he would find? Tell me why…… I wonder why In the shadows of your past Tell me why Was there a flame that would not last Tell me why Nobody gose, to yesterdays shows Now he finds himself alive again in chelsea The portraits of his youth hang by his side From the ashes of his past He rose to find himself at last So can you Tell me why…… I wonder why In the shadows of your past Tell me why Was there a flame that would not last Tell me why Nobody gose, to yesterdays shows |
South On 101Following nothin in particular again Heading for nowhere just as slow as I can Califiornia South On 101 Glimpses Of Sunsets Locked Forever in my mind Come Santa Barbare, I guess I'll stop and spend sometime California South On 101 Look at me spending all my nights and days just wandering There's so much to do Look at me falling in love with everybody that I meet girl, That was till I met you Come on with me and I will show you where the sun Displays her glory like you've never seen it done California South On 101 I'll take you places that this world has never seen Between the moments I could even make you dream California South On 101 Look at you you're as happy as a song about to sing You're real and I Look at you is that sunlight in your eyes about to shine Let it shine on me Look at me spending all my nights and days just wandering There's so much to you Look at you is that sunlight in your eyes about to shine Let it shine on me | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | SHOGUN | Following nothin in particular again Heading for nowhere just as slow as I can Califiornia South On 101 Glimpses Of Sunsets Locked Forever in my mind Come Santa Barbare, I guess I'll stop and spend sometime California South On 101 Look at me spending all my nights and days just wandering There's so much to do Look at me falling in love with everybody that I meet girl, That was till I met you Come on with me and I will show you where the sun Displays her glory like you've never seen it done California South On 101 I'll take you places that this world has never seen Between the moments I could even make you dream California South On 101 Look at you you're as happy as a song about to sing You're real and I Look at you is that sunlight in your eyes about to shine Let it shine on me Look at me spending all my nights and days just wandering There's so much to you Look at you is that sunlight in your eyes about to shine Let it shine on me |
At The ZooHey kiddies nice to have you visit me again Hey what you want to talk about today The can't asllep, so I'll come out to play Hey, what you doing sitting in that cage Hey you're much too young for a man that looks your age If the cat's asllep, come on outside and play Stand by the gate and I'll give you the news You can visit yourself at the zoo Hey I'll tell you what I'll do if you are good Hey I'll take you for a walk into to worlds If the cat's asleep, come on outside and play Look out your door and I'll give you a cule You can visit yourself at the zoo Hey I hope you have yourself a pleasant day Hey I hope no muddy nasties Fall your way And if the cat's asleep Go on outside and play | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | ミッチー長岡 | SHOGUN | Hey kiddies nice to have you visit me again Hey what you want to talk about today The can't asllep, so I'll come out to play Hey, what you doing sitting in that cage Hey you're much too young for a man that looks your age If the cat's asllep, come on outside and play Stand by the gate and I'll give you the news You can visit yourself at the zoo Hey I'll tell you what I'll do if you are good Hey I'll take you for a walk into to worlds If the cat's asleep, come on outside and play Look out your door and I'll give you a cule You can visit yourself at the zoo Hey I hope you have yourself a pleasant day Hey I hope no muddy nasties Fall your way And if the cat's asleep Go on outside and play |
My Life Is Dedicated To My MusicBorn in the country a poor boy The heir to a paupers throne When daddy left home (The poor boy's alone) I tried to find a world of my own Poor boy go home I was raised up on goodwill in L.A. Loaned to the pea farm at twelve Yea and when I got back (The boy's still bad) I can hear the courtroom say Poor boy go home I found me a woman in kansas I gave her everything I had But the day I went dry (Boy, bye bye) I can hear her say to this day Poor boy go home My life is dedicated to my music My music's dedicated to you Now I realize my music Is the only friend I'll ever have It won't tury me away, and until my dying day You'll hear me play My life is dedicated to my music My Music's dedicated to you My life is dedicated to my music My music's dedicated to you | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | SHOGUN | Born in the country a poor boy The heir to a paupers throne When daddy left home (The poor boy's alone) I tried to find a world of my own Poor boy go home I was raised up on goodwill in L.A. Loaned to the pea farm at twelve Yea and when I got back (The boy's still bad) I can hear the courtroom say Poor boy go home I found me a woman in kansas I gave her everything I had But the day I went dry (Boy, bye bye) I can hear her say to this day Poor boy go home My life is dedicated to my music My music's dedicated to you Now I realize my music Is the only friend I'll ever have It won't tury me away, and until my dying day You'll hear me play My life is dedicated to my music My Music's dedicated to you My life is dedicated to my music My music's dedicated to you |
One On One (You're the one)Feeling the change, day by day Was it arranged, to be this way Girl, there is something I've been wanting to do Since the day I fell in love with you One on one is fun You're the one Free as the sky, fingers touch Sliding away, angel love Girl, there is nothing anyone could say That would change the way I feel today One on one is fun You're the one Nothing to win or loose Nothing to pick and choose People like me and you Fall in love Day by day, every way, I love you more, in my own way Lay back your head, close your eyes Give me your heart, and your mind Girl, this is what I'm gonna do for you Gonna love you for a life or two One on one is fun You're the one Nothing to win or loose Nothing to pick and choose People like me and you Fall in love Day by day, every way, I love you more, in my own way | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 芳野藤丸 | SHOGUN | Feeling the change, day by day Was it arranged, to be this way Girl, there is something I've been wanting to do Since the day I fell in love with you One on one is fun You're the one Free as the sky, fingers touch Sliding away, angel love Girl, there is nothing anyone could say That would change the way I feel today One on one is fun You're the one Nothing to win or loose Nothing to pick and choose People like me and you Fall in love Day by day, every way, I love you more, in my own way Lay back your head, close your eyes Give me your heart, and your mind Girl, this is what I'm gonna do for you Gonna love you for a life or two One on one is fun You're the one Nothing to win or loose Nothing to pick and choose People like me and you Fall in love Day by day, every way, I love you more, in my own way |
PoliticianDa Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Tell Me Who You Are Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Are you going far? Back, back to the conference room Take, take along some nebulous off the street Dress him up fit to kill And then, give it to him right between the eyes Tell Me Who You Are Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Are you going far? Down, down to the capitol Bop, steppin to the rythmn of those coins Left with discretion There for whom so ever daress Stop and take a look around And try to entertain yourself Don't be discouraged by anyone Who tells you what to do Simply bow your head And take the money, money, money Be a politician, drive a foreign car Tell Me Who You Are Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Are you going far? Leave, leave for a foreign shore And all you're getting is more of the same praying for mercy But mom, in all directions it's the same Tell Me Who You Are Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Are you going far? Get mack, back to the conference room Take, take along some nebulous off the street Dress him up fit to kill And then, sock it to him right between the eyes Stop and take a look around And try to entertain yourself Don't be discouraged by anyone who tells you what to do Simply bow your head And take the money, money, money Be a politician, drive a foreign car | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | ミッチー長岡 | SHOGUN | Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Tell Me Who You Are Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Are you going far? Back, back to the conference room Take, take along some nebulous off the street Dress him up fit to kill And then, give it to him right between the eyes Tell Me Who You Are Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Are you going far? Down, down to the capitol Bop, steppin to the rythmn of those coins Left with discretion There for whom so ever daress Stop and take a look around And try to entertain yourself Don't be discouraged by anyone Who tells you what to do Simply bow your head And take the money, money, money Be a politician, drive a foreign car Tell Me Who You Are Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Are you going far? Leave, leave for a foreign shore And all you're getting is more of the same praying for mercy But mom, in all directions it's the same Tell Me Who You Are Da Ba Du Da Um Yea Ah Are you going far? Get mack, back to the conference room Take, take along some nebulous off the street Dress him up fit to kill And then, sock it to him right between the eyes Stop and take a look around And try to entertain yourself Don't be discouraged by anyone who tells you what to do Simply bow your head And take the money, money, money Be a politician, drive a foreign car |
Under The Rainbow(Tilopa's Song)There he stands Under the Rainbow And thru his hands Gonna let my life flow For I can see By looking thru his eyes That be it you, or be it me He'll open up and let his light shine free I believe in his life Cause he'd never let me go Never let me go Under the Rainbow Under the Rainbow Who you are And where you'll ever be Is thru his hands And will always be Use the time And you will see That be it you, or be it me He'll open up and let his light shine free I believe in his life Cause he'd never let me go Never let me go Under the Rainbow Under the Rainbow | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | SHOGUN | There he stands Under the Rainbow And thru his hands Gonna let my life flow For I can see By looking thru his eyes That be it you, or be it me He'll open up and let his light shine free I believe in his life Cause he'd never let me go Never let me go Under the Rainbow Under the Rainbow Who you are And where you'll ever be Is thru his hands And will always be Use the time And you will see That be it you, or be it me He'll open up and let his light shine free I believe in his life Cause he'd never let me go Never let me go Under the Rainbow Under the Rainbow |
Lonely ManOnce again you're on your own Lonely man, nobody can Reach through your shell, to know you well And give you Light, where there is night In the city Once again, once again, you're on your own Who's to blame, who's to blame, it's such a shame No-one ever hears your name, or plays your game You'll live your life all alone There's no other way that you can go But to live each day as you can Make of it my friend, lonely man Baby, baby, watch a what you're doing Once again you're on your own Another place, another face But the lights, like neon eyes Can take you out, out of the crowd's In the city Once again, once again, you're on your own Who's to blame, who's to blame, it's such a shame No-one knows just who you are, man where's your star You'll live your life all alone There's no other way that you can go But to live each day as you can Make of it my friend, lonely man Baby, baby, watch a what you're doing | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | 大谷和夫・芳野藤丸 | | Once again you're on your own Lonely man, nobody can Reach through your shell, to know you well And give you Light, where there is night In the city Once again, once again, you're on your own Who's to blame, who's to blame, it's such a shame No-one ever hears your name, or plays your game You'll live your life all alone There's no other way that you can go But to live each day as you can Make of it my friend, lonely man Baby, baby, watch a what you're doing Once again you're on your own Another place, another face But the lights, like neon eyes Can take you out, out of the crowd's In the city Once again, once again, you're on your own Who's to blame, who's to blame, it's such a shame No-one knows just who you are, man where's your star You'll live your life all alone There's no other way that you can go But to live each day as you can Make of it my friend, lonely man Baby, baby, watch a what you're doing |
BAD CITY Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad You get up in the morning at the crackin' of dawn You hussle and you hassle all day The things that a man has to do for a livin' Just to keep the reaper away Somebody give me a break I've had as much as a body can take Nobody hears you, nobody sees you, Nobody ever break's free from the Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad so With your hands in your pockets and our soul in your shoes And what life you have left in a bottle You start drinking your way across the border for help Praying for an easy way through Somebody please help me Break the chains of the city free but Nobody hears you, nobody sees you, Nobody ever breaks free from the Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Casey Rankin | | Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad You get up in the morning at the crackin' of dawn You hussle and you hassle all day The things that a man has to do for a livin' Just to keep the reaper away Somebody give me a break I've had as much as a body can take Nobody hears you, nobody sees you, Nobody ever break's free from the Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad so With your hands in your pockets and our soul in your shoes And what life you have left in a bottle You start drinking your way across the border for help Praying for an easy way through Somebody please help me Break the chains of the city free but Nobody hears you, nobody sees you, Nobody ever breaks free from the Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad Bad city, bad bad city, fat city bad |
男達のメロディー 走り出したら 何か答が出るだろなんて 俺もあてにはしてないさ してないさ 男だったら 流れ弾のひとつやふたつ 胸にいつでもささってる ささってる Pick Up Your Head Throw Away Your Blue's どうせ一度の人生さ The More You Give Babe the Less You Lose yeah 運が悪けりゃ死ぬだけさ 死ぬだけさ 俺とお前は まるでなつかしい友達さ 初めて出会った筈なのに 筈なのに 明日も気がむきゃ 俺のそばに居てもいいけれど 俺のことにはかまうなよ かまうなよ Pick Up Your Head Throw Away Your Blue's どうせ一度の人生さ The More You Give Babe the Less You Lose yeah 運が悪けりゃ死ぬだけさ 死ぬだけさ お前がこの街 離れてゆく気になったら 俺は微笑って見送るぜ 見送るぜ Pick Up Your Head Throw Away Your Blue's どうせ一度の人生さ The More You Give Babe the Less You Lose yeah 運が悪けりゃ死ぬだけさ 死ぬだけさ | SHOGUN | 喜多條忠 | Casey Rankin | | 走り出したら 何か答が出るだろなんて 俺もあてにはしてないさ してないさ 男だったら 流れ弾のひとつやふたつ 胸にいつでもささってる ささってる Pick Up Your Head Throw Away Your Blue's どうせ一度の人生さ The More You Give Babe the Less You Lose yeah 運が悪けりゃ死ぬだけさ 死ぬだけさ 俺とお前は まるでなつかしい友達さ 初めて出会った筈なのに 筈なのに 明日も気がむきゃ 俺のそばに居てもいいけれど 俺のことにはかまうなよ かまうなよ Pick Up Your Head Throw Away Your Blue's どうせ一度の人生さ The More You Give Babe the Less You Lose yeah 運が悪けりゃ死ぬだけさ 死ぬだけさ お前がこの街 離れてゆく気になったら 俺は微笑って見送るぜ 見送るぜ Pick Up Your Head Throw Away Your Blue's どうせ一度の人生さ The More You Give Babe the Less You Lose yeah 運が悪けりゃ死ぬだけさ 死ぬだけさ |
Starting All Over AgainI've been wondering what we're gonna do What with everything that we've been through Cause the point is Baby we can't change Take the time to re-arrange Baby any love gets cold Then again too hot to hold And your love's -The reason that I Feel Like Starting All Over Again There's been a time or two-Girl When I needed someone I'd feel so lost and lonely Down on my own Cause of you I turned around Finally got back on the ground Every time you came around I found a reason for starting over again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Now there's times everything looks bad And there's times when you feel sad Times when no-one seems to care Understand or want to share If ever you're out on you own Feeling lost or need a home Call on me -I'll be there-Oh yea! And we can start all over again I must admit the reason Today I feel like someone I found the perfect season Now I'm not alone Cause of you I turned around Finally got back on the ground Every time you came around I found a reason for starting over again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again | SHOGUN | Casey Rankin | Yoshino Fujimaru | | I've been wondering what we're gonna do What with everything that we've been through Cause the point is Baby we can't change Take the time to re-arrange Baby any love gets cold Then again too hot to hold And your love's -The reason that I Feel Like Starting All Over Again There's been a time or two-Girl When I needed someone I'd feel so lost and lonely Down on my own Cause of you I turned around Finally got back on the ground Every time you came around I found a reason for starting over again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Now there's times everything looks bad And there's times when you feel sad Times when no-one seems to care Understand or want to share If ever you're out on you own Feeling lost or need a home Call on me -I'll be there-Oh yea! And we can start all over again I must admit the reason Today I feel like someone I found the perfect season Now I'm not alone Cause of you I turned around Finally got back on the ground Every time you came around I found a reason for starting over again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again Uu-u-u/Uu-u-u Starting All Over Again |