Sotsugyou夢ばかり語って、本当は何もできてないくせに 取り戻せない時間、過ぎるの見てるだけの 私 「心配だよ、美穂、頑張ってるか?」 留守電にかすれたパパの声。 繰り返し、聞けば聞くほど温かいから、悔しい。。 But, Baby wait and see 誰かが言ってくれた私の特技はそう、 「嘘みたいな悲しいことも、笑い飛ばせてたじゃん」 四月になって 桜が咲くと 思い出すんだ 卒業式で小さな私は、はじめて歌を聞かせたよね 聞こえてますか?届いてますか? 迷いだらけの歌だけど いつもあなたを想って、ラリラ・ラリララララ♪ 大人になるって 恐いことが増えていくんだね でもあなたの厳しかった言葉は、今、優しい。 いつになっても、あぁ、言いたいことの1/3も言えなくて 逆に焦る 焦れば焦るほど いつもカラマワリ…。 But, Baby wait and see いつか家族がもう一度、一緒に暮らせるように 嘘でも作り笑顔で歌うと、そう決めてたじゃん 四月になって 桜が咲くと 思い出すんだ 卒業式で小さな私は、はじめて歌を聞かせたよね 聞こえてますか?届いてますか? 迷いだらけの歌だけれど いつもあなたを想って、ラリラ・ラリララララ♪ あんなに小さかった二人の妹たちの手が 私以外の誰かの手を、幸せな心で、握るまで 凍える夜も 小さな部屋で 家族皆で笑ったから 全然、寒くなかった 寂しくもなかった 歌を歌うと ママが笑った だから私は歌ったんだ 今もあなたを想って、ラリラ・ラリララララ♪ | 福原みほ | 福原美穂 | 福原美穂、KEN for 2SOUL MUSIC Inc. | 高野勲 | 夢ばかり語って、本当は何もできてないくせに 取り戻せない時間、過ぎるの見てるだけの 私 「心配だよ、美穂、頑張ってるか?」 留守電にかすれたパパの声。 繰り返し、聞けば聞くほど温かいから、悔しい。。 But, Baby wait and see 誰かが言ってくれた私の特技はそう、 「嘘みたいな悲しいことも、笑い飛ばせてたじゃん」 四月になって 桜が咲くと 思い出すんだ 卒業式で小さな私は、はじめて歌を聞かせたよね 聞こえてますか?届いてますか? 迷いだらけの歌だけど いつもあなたを想って、ラリラ・ラリララララ♪ 大人になるって 恐いことが増えていくんだね でもあなたの厳しかった言葉は、今、優しい。 いつになっても、あぁ、言いたいことの1/3も言えなくて 逆に焦る 焦れば焦るほど いつもカラマワリ…。 But, Baby wait and see いつか家族がもう一度、一緒に暮らせるように 嘘でも作り笑顔で歌うと、そう決めてたじゃん 四月になって 桜が咲くと 思い出すんだ 卒業式で小さな私は、はじめて歌を聞かせたよね 聞こえてますか?届いてますか? 迷いだらけの歌だけれど いつもあなたを想って、ラリラ・ラリララララ♪ あんなに小さかった二人の妹たちの手が 私以外の誰かの手を、幸せな心で、握るまで 凍える夜も 小さな部屋で 家族皆で笑ったから 全然、寒くなかった 寂しくもなかった 歌を歌うと ママが笑った だから私は歌ったんだ 今もあなたを想って、ラリラ・ラリララララ♪ |
Lose Control月と太陽が全然交わらないみたいに アナタとは絶対交わらないみたいね、Baby Now I need a new 刺激 I want a new 出会い アイツとアイツにサンドウィッチにされた わたしハム? I need a new スパイス! I need some more ケチャップ! Aow! えーっ!? ドゥビドゥビダダダ! 輪になって踊ろう 難しく考えてもムリ もっともらしい答えも どうせ間違ってるよ I need a new 刺激 I want a new セオリー 飽きちゃった毎日 ぶち壊そう 変なマニフェスト I need a new スパイス! I want a new 音楽! I want a とにかく楽しい未来!! 気ままに Lose Control Rough に笑おう 株価が落ちて社長さんドゥビドゥビダダダ!! 右手に太陽 左手に月 無敵なファイター わたし そう無知 ドゥビドゥビダダダ!! 月と太陽が重なりあう奇蹟の瞬間 わたしにはいったい、いつ訪れるっていうの? Baby Now I Need a new 刺激 I want a new 奇蹟 アナタと一緒にサンドウィッチにされた わたしチーズ! I need a new スパイス! I am a love-aholic! I want a とろける激しい恋!! 気ままに Lose Control Rough に重なろう 株価が上がってお父さん ドゥビドゥビダダダ! 右手に愛を 左手に詩を(塩?) 無謀なファイター 話題騒然 ドゥビドゥビダダダ! マンネリに感じる日々も あなたがいてキラキラ輝いていく 能天気なmy sweet dog でたらめに顔をなめる…!? 気ままに Lose Control Rough に笑おう 株価が落ちて社長さんドゥビドゥビダダダ!! 右手に太陽 左手に月 無敵なファイター わたし そう無知 ドゥビドゥビダダダ!! 気ままに Lose Control Rough に重なろう 株価が上がってお父さん ドゥビドゥビダダダ! 右手に愛を 左手に詩を(塩?) 無謀なファイター 話題騒然 ドゥビドゥビダダダ! | 福原みほ | 福原美穂 | 福原美穂・2 SOUL | 2 SOUL | 月と太陽が全然交わらないみたいに アナタとは絶対交わらないみたいね、Baby Now I need a new 刺激 I want a new 出会い アイツとアイツにサンドウィッチにされた わたしハム? I need a new スパイス! I need some more ケチャップ! Aow! えーっ!? ドゥビドゥビダダダ! 輪になって踊ろう 難しく考えてもムリ もっともらしい答えも どうせ間違ってるよ I need a new 刺激 I want a new セオリー 飽きちゃった毎日 ぶち壊そう 変なマニフェスト I need a new スパイス! I want a new 音楽! I want a とにかく楽しい未来!! 気ままに Lose Control Rough に笑おう 株価が落ちて社長さんドゥビドゥビダダダ!! 右手に太陽 左手に月 無敵なファイター わたし そう無知 ドゥビドゥビダダダ!! 月と太陽が重なりあう奇蹟の瞬間 わたしにはいったい、いつ訪れるっていうの? Baby Now I Need a new 刺激 I want a new 奇蹟 アナタと一緒にサンドウィッチにされた わたしチーズ! I need a new スパイス! I am a love-aholic! I want a とろける激しい恋!! 気ままに Lose Control Rough に重なろう 株価が上がってお父さん ドゥビドゥビダダダ! 右手に愛を 左手に詩を(塩?) 無謀なファイター 話題騒然 ドゥビドゥビダダダ! マンネリに感じる日々も あなたがいてキラキラ輝いていく 能天気なmy sweet dog でたらめに顔をなめる…!? 気ままに Lose Control Rough に笑おう 株価が落ちて社長さんドゥビドゥビダダダ!! 右手に太陽 左手に月 無敵なファイター わたし そう無知 ドゥビドゥビダダダ!! 気ままに Lose Control Rough に重なろう 株価が上がってお父さん ドゥビドゥビダダダ! 右手に愛を 左手に詩を(塩?) 無謀なファイター 話題騒然 ドゥビドゥビダダダ! |
Everybody needs someone「知ってるふり」 「分かってるふり」で お互いにカッコつけてたんだ 変なとこで気を遣って 落ち込んで 頼りたい でも頼れない 支えたい 支えきれない わたしだけ 知ってるあなたを 増やしたい 心繋いで行こう 「またね」の後 すぐバスに乗って会いたいくらい もっと深く知りたい I'm with you, baby それが始まりじゃない? 本当は逃げていたんだ 弱い自分 嫌われたくないよ ねえ、ごめんね、、困らせてるのかな?あなたを 心繋いで行こう いつも 仕事 頑張って疲れて帰って来るなら 無理に笑わなくていい Lovin' you, baby それが二人なんじゃない? もう強がらないで 悔やしかった夜も I'd share your tears 隣で cause' Everybody needs someone to call. 名前 呼び合う それだけでも嬉しい、だから もっと深く知りたい 待ってるから それが始まりじゃない? cause' Everybody needs someone to call. その手 触れたい それだけでも幸せ、だから 無理に笑わなくていい Lovin' you, baby それが二人なんじゃない? | 福原みほ | 福原美穂・mavie | Nina Woodford・Fraser T.Smith | | 「知ってるふり」 「分かってるふり」で お互いにカッコつけてたんだ 変なとこで気を遣って 落ち込んで 頼りたい でも頼れない 支えたい 支えきれない わたしだけ 知ってるあなたを 増やしたい 心繋いで行こう 「またね」の後 すぐバスに乗って会いたいくらい もっと深く知りたい I'm with you, baby それが始まりじゃない? 本当は逃げていたんだ 弱い自分 嫌われたくないよ ねえ、ごめんね、、困らせてるのかな?あなたを 心繋いで行こう いつも 仕事 頑張って疲れて帰って来るなら 無理に笑わなくていい Lovin' you, baby それが二人なんじゃない? もう強がらないで 悔やしかった夜も I'd share your tears 隣で cause' Everybody needs someone to call. 名前 呼び合う それだけでも嬉しい、だから もっと深く知りたい 待ってるから それが始まりじゃない? cause' Everybody needs someone to call. その手 触れたい それだけでも幸せ、だから 無理に笑わなくていい Lovin' you, baby それが二人なんじゃない? |
ドリーマーだいだい色の空に映る ひとつの幼いネガイ 蘇るわ不思議な程 この景色あの日々と重なり合う 言葉にならない感情は知らぬ間に Oh 失われてく? No... I wanna be ドリーマーただのドリーマー Don't wanna be a オトナただのオトナ 夢見てた少女よ変わらないで 消えそうなあの日々にSing...... どれぐらい空を眺め 星を数えてきたのだろう どこへ消えてゆくの風は? 移りゆくこの雲に語りかける 永遠と言う感情はいつまでも Oh 見つからないの? I wanna be ドリーマーただのドリーマー Don't wanna be a オトナただのオトナ 夢見てた少女よ変わらないで 消えそうなあの日々にSing...... 変わりゆく日々にいつか 変わらぬ思いが行き場を失ってく 時が経つ程見失う...? I wanna be ドリーマーただのドリーマー Don't wanna be a オトナただのオトナ 夢見てた少女よ変わらないで 消えそうなあの日々にSing...... | 福原みほ | 香那 | 香那 | 皆川真人 | だいだい色の空に映る ひとつの幼いネガイ 蘇るわ不思議な程 この景色あの日々と重なり合う 言葉にならない感情は知らぬ間に Oh 失われてく? No... I wanna be ドリーマーただのドリーマー Don't wanna be a オトナただのオトナ 夢見てた少女よ変わらないで 消えそうなあの日々にSing...... どれぐらい空を眺め 星を数えてきたのだろう どこへ消えてゆくの風は? 移りゆくこの雲に語りかける 永遠と言う感情はいつまでも Oh 見つからないの? I wanna be ドリーマーただのドリーマー Don't wanna be a オトナただのオトナ 夢見てた少女よ変わらないで 消えそうなあの日々にSing...... 変わりゆく日々にいつか 変わらぬ思いが行き場を失ってく 時が経つ程見失う...? I wanna be ドリーマーただのドリーマー Don't wanna be a オトナただのオトナ 夢見てた少女よ変わらないで 消えそうなあの日々にSing...... |
ICE & FIRE不安にさせて、ごめんね 愛してるって 上手く言えない 求めてばかり、ごめんね ぎこちないジレンマ 身動きとれない 気持ち探り合って 嫌いなとこだってあるけど ICE & FIRE お互い突き放そうとしても またふたり 引き寄せられてく ふたりなら弱くなれる だからこそもっと 強くなれる ずっとあなたのそばに それすら今は 難しいけど つないだ手は温かい 嫌いなとこだってあるけど ICE & FIRE お互い突き放そうとしても またふたり 引き寄せられてく ひとりで生きていくくらい I feel fine 行き先は気にしない I'm feeling alright 傷つけ合って 抱きしめ合って そして 近づいていく 嫌いなとこだってあるけど ICE & FIRE お互い突き放そうとしても またふたり 引き寄せられてく 私しかあなたを守れない | 福原みほ | 福原美穂・mavie | Corinne Bailey Rae・Yo Yo | コリーヌ・ベイリー・レイ・皆川真人・ヨーヨー | 不安にさせて、ごめんね 愛してるって 上手く言えない 求めてばかり、ごめんね ぎこちないジレンマ 身動きとれない 気持ち探り合って 嫌いなとこだってあるけど ICE & FIRE お互い突き放そうとしても またふたり 引き寄せられてく ふたりなら弱くなれる だからこそもっと 強くなれる ずっとあなたのそばに それすら今は 難しいけど つないだ手は温かい 嫌いなとこだってあるけど ICE & FIRE お互い突き放そうとしても またふたり 引き寄せられてく ひとりで生きていくくらい I feel fine 行き先は気にしない I'm feeling alright 傷つけ合って 抱きしめ合って そして 近づいていく 嫌いなとこだってあるけど ICE & FIRE お互い突き放そうとしても またふたり 引き寄せられてく 私しかあなたを守れない |
You Are My Reason feat. AI泣いたまま昨日も眠ったみたい。 同じような朝がきて、乾いた涙拭いて でも、頑張ってるよ。 あなたを想ってるよ。 ねぇ、どう? わたしはちゃんと笑えてるかな? Fighting these fears きっと繋がってるから 優しくなれる 強くなれるよ Wiping these tears because I still have a reason あなたがいるから You are my reason ああ 抱きしめるものがあるから 失い、信じるから傷つく でも目を逸らしたら そこから逃げ出したら この手は なんにも掴めなかった Fighting these fears きっと歩いてゆくよ 新しい朝も愛せるように Wiping these tears because I still have a reason あなたがいるから You are my reason 見失うことも 迷うことも 地図には書かれてないから(OH) あなたがいて わたしがいて それだけで、 There's always a light ahead あなたが壊れてしまいそうなときも 孤独に負けてしまいそうなときも どんなに遠く離れていても わたしはいるから 会いにいくから Fighting these fears きっと繋がってるから 優しくなれる 強くなれるよ Wiping these tears because I still have a reason あなたがいるから You are my reason Fighting these fears きっと歩いてゆくよ 新しい朝も愛せるように Wiping these tears because I still have a reason あなたがいるから You are my reason | 福原みほ | Fredrik“Fredro”Odesjo Nettwerk One Music・Ginette Claudette G Above C Entertainment・Yummy Bingham Sony ATV Publishing・Lucious Page・Miho Fukuhara | Fredrik“Fredro”Odesjo Nettwerk One Music・Ginette Claudette G Above C Entertainment・Yummy Bingham Sony ATV Publishing・Lucious Page・Miho Fukuhara | Fredrik"Fredro"Odesjo・Lucious Page | 泣いたまま昨日も眠ったみたい。 同じような朝がきて、乾いた涙拭いて でも、頑張ってるよ。 あなたを想ってるよ。 ねぇ、どう? わたしはちゃんと笑えてるかな? Fighting these fears きっと繋がってるから 優しくなれる 強くなれるよ Wiping these tears because I still have a reason あなたがいるから You are my reason ああ 抱きしめるものがあるから 失い、信じるから傷つく でも目を逸らしたら そこから逃げ出したら この手は なんにも掴めなかった Fighting these fears きっと歩いてゆくよ 新しい朝も愛せるように Wiping these tears because I still have a reason あなたがいるから You are my reason 見失うことも 迷うことも 地図には書かれてないから(OH) あなたがいて わたしがいて それだけで、 There's always a light ahead あなたが壊れてしまいそうなときも 孤独に負けてしまいそうなときも どんなに遠く離れていても わたしはいるから 会いにいくから Fighting these fears きっと繋がってるから 優しくなれる 強くなれるよ Wiping these tears because I still have a reason あなたがいるから You are my reason Fighting these fears きっと歩いてゆくよ 新しい朝も愛せるように Wiping these tears because I still have a reason あなたがいるから You are my reason |
Save Me feat. レオナ・ルイスLet me cover my shoulders Cause it's getting colder No sign of the sun to break I don't know where I am It's like the river is frozen It used to be love over flowing I don't know what to think I don't know where I stand I need my bridge over, over troubled waters To get me back safety when it's getting harder Save me, You can save me Cause it's too late to turn around And it's too late turn back now Save me, cause we can change things Cause it's too late to turn around But it's not too late to save me now Somebody Save Can you tell me what happened I know that I can Taking a leap of faith I don't even care I wanna get over I feel that I'm getting closer Something in my heart Says I am almost there I need my bridge over, over troubled waters To get me back safety when it's getting harder Save me, You can save me Cause it's too late to turn around And it's too late turn back now Save me, cause we can change things Cause it's too late to turn around But it's not too late to save me now Somebody Save Somebody Save Somebody Save Cause it's too late to turn back now Somebody Save Somebody Save Baby you can save me Save me, You can save me Cause it's too late to turn around And it's too late turn back now Save me, cause we can change things Cause it's too late to turn around But it's not too late to save me now Somebody save, Somebody save me, Somebody save | 福原みほ | David“DQ”Quinones | REO・Phoenix of The Soundkillers | | Let me cover my shoulders Cause it's getting colder No sign of the sun to break I don't know where I am It's like the river is frozen It used to be love over flowing I don't know what to think I don't know where I stand I need my bridge over, over troubled waters To get me back safety when it's getting harder Save me, You can save me Cause it's too late to turn around And it's too late turn back now Save me, cause we can change things Cause it's too late to turn around But it's not too late to save me now Somebody Save Can you tell me what happened I know that I can Taking a leap of faith I don't even care I wanna get over I feel that I'm getting closer Something in my heart Says I am almost there I need my bridge over, over troubled waters To get me back safety when it's getting harder Save me, You can save me Cause it's too late to turn around And it's too late turn back now Save me, cause we can change things Cause it's too late to turn around But it's not too late to save me now Somebody Save Somebody Save Somebody Save Cause it's too late to turn back now Somebody Save Somebody Save Baby you can save me Save me, You can save me Cause it's too late to turn around And it's too late turn back now Save me, cause we can change things Cause it's too late to turn around But it's not too late to save me now Somebody save, Somebody save me, Somebody save |
BEYOND -English Version-You're sitting there in a dark and lonely place, again No one around, given up on all your dreams And all the light it seems so far away Problems will not go away But that was all up until today You're searching for a way to love you Know the place, I'll take you there Through all the rain and fire To the clouds and higher Past the shooting stars, satellites, every planet There you will find it Fly now, there's no looking back Feel the love and feel the energy Close eyes it's in the mind So when you feel like giving up And your heart has had enough Get back up and smile, know that you're Above it and beyond yeah, above it and beyond Yeah, above it and beyond Now dream again, you can have all what you want again Some obstacles but you're stronger than before Little things may try to shoot you down And troubles still hanging around But focus on that power that you hold inside oh You're searching for a way to love you Know the place, I'll take you there Through the rain and fire To the clouds and higher Past the shooting stars, satellites, every planet There you will find it Fly now, there's no looking back Feel the love and feel the energy Close eyes it's in the mind Oh, There ain't a place no higher Where all dreams come true, believe, I believe you No point living on a prayer It is only you to take you there although I care Leaving it you now See you there Through the rain and fire To the clouds and higher Past the shooting stars, satellites, every planet There you will find it Fly now, there's no looking back Feel the love and feel the energy Close eyes it's in the mind Through all the rain and fire To the clouds and higher Past the shooting stars, satellites, every planet There you will find it Fly now, there's no looking back Feel the love and feel the energy Close eyes it's in the mind So when you feel like giving up And your heart has had enough Get back up and smile, know that you're Above it and beyond yeah, above it and beyond Yeah, above it and beyond | 福原みほ | DARREN MARTYN | MIHO FUKUHARA・SKY BEATZ・FAST LANE・MATS LIE SKARE | | You're sitting there in a dark and lonely place, again No one around, given up on all your dreams And all the light it seems so far away Problems will not go away But that was all up until today You're searching for a way to love you Know the place, I'll take you there Through all the rain and fire To the clouds and higher Past the shooting stars, satellites, every planet There you will find it Fly now, there's no looking back Feel the love and feel the energy Close eyes it's in the mind So when you feel like giving up And your heart has had enough Get back up and smile, know that you're Above it and beyond yeah, above it and beyond Yeah, above it and beyond Now dream again, you can have all what you want again Some obstacles but you're stronger than before Little things may try to shoot you down And troubles still hanging around But focus on that power that you hold inside oh You're searching for a way to love you Know the place, I'll take you there Through the rain and fire To the clouds and higher Past the shooting stars, satellites, every planet There you will find it Fly now, there's no looking back Feel the love and feel the energy Close eyes it's in the mind Oh, There ain't a place no higher Where all dreams come true, believe, I believe you No point living on a prayer It is only you to take you there although I care Leaving it you now See you there Through the rain and fire To the clouds and higher Past the shooting stars, satellites, every planet There you will find it Fly now, there's no looking back Feel the love and feel the energy Close eyes it's in the mind Through all the rain and fire To the clouds and higher Past the shooting stars, satellites, every planet There you will find it Fly now, there's no looking back Feel the love and feel the energy Close eyes it's in the mind So when you feel like giving up And your heart has had enough Get back up and smile, know that you're Above it and beyond yeah, above it and beyond Yeah, above it and beyond |
I BELIEVEI'm Calling everyone, and I'm making a confession Got a new man in my life, so amazing I could cry and, I bet you didn't know, that he has the best profession Flying through the snow all night, giving toys at Christmas time, and He knows when I'm good, when I'm bad, my emotions and He knows what to do when I'm in need of special loving He sees all my dreams, all my thoughts and everything That's the reason he's the only one in my heart. I believe I believe I believe in Santa Clause and When I close my eyes, he will be with me tonight and I believe I believe I believe it's true, Santa Clause is coming over, so there'll be no more Christmas for you I called to let you know, that I found somebody better The only man I'm dreaming of, the only one who knows Christmas love, So, That's why I sing this song, couldn't write it in a letter Cuz I Never ever felt this way, and even though he's far away. I know when he's good, when he's bad, his emotions and I know what to do when he's in need of good good loving I see all his dreams, all his thoughts and everything That is why I'll always keep him close to my heart I believe I believe I believe in Santa Clause and When I close my eyes, he will be with me tonight and I believe I believe I believe it's true, Santa Clause is coming over, so there'll be no more Christmas for you I've never known love like this before. I found what I need and so much more A fantasy world of Christmas, With the magic and the wonder of the snow.............. Ho Ho Hooooooooooooooooooo I believe I believe I believe in Santa Clause and When I close my eyes, he will be with me tonight and I believe I believe I believe it's true, Santa Clause is coming over, so there'll be no more Christmas for you | 福原みほ | “AB”Belinfanti and Kenneth Kobori | 福原美穂・2SOUL | 2SOUL | I'm Calling everyone, and I'm making a confession Got a new man in my life, so amazing I could cry and, I bet you didn't know, that he has the best profession Flying through the snow all night, giving toys at Christmas time, and He knows when I'm good, when I'm bad, my emotions and He knows what to do when I'm in need of special loving He sees all my dreams, all my thoughts and everything That's the reason he's the only one in my heart. I believe I believe I believe in Santa Clause and When I close my eyes, he will be with me tonight and I believe I believe I believe it's true, Santa Clause is coming over, so there'll be no more Christmas for you I called to let you know, that I found somebody better The only man I'm dreaming of, the only one who knows Christmas love, So, That's why I sing this song, couldn't write it in a letter Cuz I Never ever felt this way, and even though he's far away. I know when he's good, when he's bad, his emotions and I know what to do when he's in need of good good loving I see all his dreams, all his thoughts and everything That is why I'll always keep him close to my heart I believe I believe I believe in Santa Clause and When I close my eyes, he will be with me tonight and I believe I believe I believe it's true, Santa Clause is coming over, so there'll be no more Christmas for you I've never known love like this before. I found what I need and so much more A fantasy world of Christmas, With the magic and the wonder of the snow.............. Ho Ho Hooooooooooooooooooo I believe I believe I believe in Santa Clause and When I close my eyes, he will be with me tonight and I believe I believe I believe it's true, Santa Clause is coming over, so there'll be no more Christmas for you |
素直話を切り出す順番 ゆずってくれたから 僕のことばかり聞いて 結局君は後回し いつも通りに大きく 手を振ってくれた後 歩いて帰る君の いつもより小さい背中 さびしがり屋はいつも 僕に笑ってくれた 自分よりさびしい人が これ以上増えないように そんな君に少しも 気が付けなかったけど 一番伝えたい言葉は 「ごめん」じゃなくて 「ありがとう」 ポケットに手を入れながら 歩く癖の訳は いっぱい詰め込んだ気持ちを こぼさないように なんだかわからないけど すごく胸が痛いよ 同じように感じてるなら 慣れるまで 我慢なんて もうさせない 今度また僕から先に 話し出したとしても 口を手でふさいで君の 言葉を逃がしてよ 言葉にならなくてもいいから | 福原みほ | Noriyuki Makihara | Noriyuki Makihara | 武部聡志 | 話を切り出す順番 ゆずってくれたから 僕のことばかり聞いて 結局君は後回し いつも通りに大きく 手を振ってくれた後 歩いて帰る君の いつもより小さい背中 さびしがり屋はいつも 僕に笑ってくれた 自分よりさびしい人が これ以上増えないように そんな君に少しも 気が付けなかったけど 一番伝えたい言葉は 「ごめん」じゃなくて 「ありがとう」 ポケットに手を入れながら 歩く癖の訳は いっぱい詰め込んだ気持ちを こぼさないように なんだかわからないけど すごく胸が痛いよ 同じように感じてるなら 慣れるまで 我慢なんて もうさせない 今度また僕から先に 話し出したとしても 口を手でふさいで君の 言葉を逃がしてよ 言葉にならなくてもいいから |
One Day雨が心に 音をたてる 闇を枕に 今宵 Oh Poor boym So c'mon One day I found you. Tonight I miss you. 波のしらべに 君も揺れる 南の風は 俺にどう言うの?Oh woman One day I found you. Tonight I miss you. 夢見るような瞳(め)のLady 言葉にならぬほどに いけない声に 抱かれて眠る あの日々よ So long 泣き濡れたまま 渚に舞う 夏のお別れ 今宵 Oh Poor boy, So c'mon, One day I found you. Tonight I miss you. よくある 涙のStory 乱れた夜の 果てに 思い出ばかり 心に残る 忘れじの My love One Day I found you. Tonight I miss you. One day I found you. Tonight I miss you. One day…Woo… | 福原みほ | 桑田佳祐 | 桑田佳祐 | | 雨が心に 音をたてる 闇を枕に 今宵 Oh Poor boym So c'mon One day I found you. Tonight I miss you. 波のしらべに 君も揺れる 南の風は 俺にどう言うの?Oh woman One day I found you. Tonight I miss you. 夢見るような瞳(め)のLady 言葉にならぬほどに いけない声に 抱かれて眠る あの日々よ So long 泣き濡れたまま 渚に舞う 夏のお別れ 今宵 Oh Poor boy, So c'mon, One day I found you. Tonight I miss you. よくある 涙のStory 乱れた夜の 果てに 思い出ばかり 心に残る 忘れじの My love One Day I found you. Tonight I miss you. One day I found you. Tonight I miss you. One day…Woo… |
Getting There長いトンネルの真ん中で ガス欠しちゃった車みたい 気づくと溜め息ついてばかり 何かヤダ 愛されていないと困って止まっちゃうよ だからわたしから 100回も練習して できそうな気がした もう朝が来るから 少し眠らなきゃ 決戦まで getting there あれ? こんなはずじゃない わたしはもう余裕で笑って会えるはず 何? これ! 違う! まゆげ決まんない 涙目 愛されていないと困って死んじゃうって キミに言わせたい 100回も練習して 寝不足気味だけど 勇気出して手を ギュッとつなぎとめるよ ゴールまで getting there 小さなことでケンカになって泣くのは 好きだからなんだけど 知ってるくせに イジワルするとこ それも好き 愛されていないと困って止まっちゃうよ だからわたしから 100回目のキスでも絶対に目覚めない びっくりさせるんだ 反撃だよ 今 決戦まで getting there | 福原みほ | 福原美穂 | Fromm・DeNicola・Maloney | 皆川真人 | 長いトンネルの真ん中で ガス欠しちゃった車みたい 気づくと溜め息ついてばかり 何かヤダ 愛されていないと困って止まっちゃうよ だからわたしから 100回も練習して できそうな気がした もう朝が来るから 少し眠らなきゃ 決戦まで getting there あれ? こんなはずじゃない わたしはもう余裕で笑って会えるはず 何? これ! 違う! まゆげ決まんない 涙目 愛されていないと困って死んじゃうって キミに言わせたい 100回も練習して 寝不足気味だけど 勇気出して手を ギュッとつなぎとめるよ ゴールまで getting there 小さなことでケンカになって泣くのは 好きだからなんだけど 知ってるくせに イジワルするとこ それも好き 愛されていないと困って止まっちゃうよ だからわたしから 100回目のキスでも絶対に目覚めない びっくりさせるんだ 反撃だよ 今 決戦まで getting there |
Virtual InsanityOh yeah, what we're living in (let me tell ya) It's a wonder man can eat at all When things are big that should be small Who can tell what magic spells we'll be doing for us And I'm giving all my love to this world Only to be told I can't see I can't breathe No more will we be And nothing's going to change the way we live Cos' we can always take but never give And now that things are changing for the worse, See, its a crazy world we're living in And I just can't see that half of us immersed in sin Is all we have to give these - Future's made of virtual insanity now Always seem to, be govern'd by this love we have For useless, twisting, our new technology Oh, now there is no sound - for we all live underground And I'm thinking what a mess we're in Hard to know where to begin If I could slip the sickly ties that earthly man has made And now every mother, can choose the colour Of her child That's not nature's way Well that's what they said yesterday There's nothing left to do but pray I think it's time I found a new religion Waoh - it's so insane To synthesize another strain There's something in these Futures that we have to be told. Future's made of virtual insanity - now Always seem to, be govern'd by this love we have For useless, twisting, our new technology Oh, now there is no sound - for we all live underground Now there is no sound If we all live underground And now it's virtual insanity Forget your virtual reality Oh, there's nothing so bad. I know yeah Of this virtual insanity, we're livin in. Has got to change, yeah Things, will never be the same. And I can't go on While we're livin' in oh, oh virtual insanity Oh, this world, has got to change Cos I just, I just can't keep going on, it was virtual. Virtual insanity that we're livin' in, that we're livin' in That virtual insanity is what it is Future's made of virtual insanity - now Always seem to, be govern'd by this love we have For useless, twisting, our new technology Oh, now there is no sound - for we all live underground Living - Virtual Insanity Living - Virtual Insanity Living - Virtual Insanity Living - Virtual Insanity Virtual Insanity is what we're living in | 福原みほ | Jason Kay・Wallis Buchanan・Simon Katz・Derric | Jason Kay・Wallis Buchanan・Simon Katz・Derric | | Oh yeah, what we're living in (let me tell ya) It's a wonder man can eat at all When things are big that should be small Who can tell what magic spells we'll be doing for us And I'm giving all my love to this world Only to be told I can't see I can't breathe No more will we be And nothing's going to change the way we live Cos' we can always take but never give And now that things are changing for the worse, See, its a crazy world we're living in And I just can't see that half of us immersed in sin Is all we have to give these - Future's made of virtual insanity now Always seem to, be govern'd by this love we have For useless, twisting, our new technology Oh, now there is no sound - for we all live underground And I'm thinking what a mess we're in Hard to know where to begin If I could slip the sickly ties that earthly man has made And now every mother, can choose the colour Of her child That's not nature's way Well that's what they said yesterday There's nothing left to do but pray I think it's time I found a new religion Waoh - it's so insane To synthesize another strain There's something in these Futures that we have to be told. Future's made of virtual insanity - now Always seem to, be govern'd by this love we have For useless, twisting, our new technology Oh, now there is no sound - for we all live underground Now there is no sound If we all live underground And now it's virtual insanity Forget your virtual reality Oh, there's nothing so bad. I know yeah Of this virtual insanity, we're livin in. Has got to change, yeah Things, will never be the same. And I can't go on While we're livin' in oh, oh virtual insanity Oh, this world, has got to change Cos I just, I just can't keep going on, it was virtual. Virtual insanity that we're livin' in, that we're livin' in That virtual insanity is what it is Future's made of virtual insanity - now Always seem to, be govern'd by this love we have For useless, twisting, our new technology Oh, now there is no sound - for we all live underground Living - Virtual Insanity Living - Virtual Insanity Living - Virtual Insanity Living - Virtual Insanity Virtual Insanity is what we're living in |
BECAUSE YOU LOVED MEFor all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love I found in you I'll be forever thankful baby You're the one who held me up Never let me fall You're the one who saw me though through it all You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand I could touch the sky I lost my faith, you gave it back to me You said no star was out of reach You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love I had it all I'm grateful for each day you gave me Maybe I don't know that much But I know this much is true I was blessed because I was loved by you You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me You were always there for me The tender wind that carried me A light in the dark shining your love into my life You've been my inspiration Though the lies you were the truth My world is a better place because of you You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me | 福原みほ | Daine Warren | Daine Warren | Satori Shiraishi | For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love I found in you I'll be forever thankful baby You're the one who held me up Never let me fall You're the one who saw me though through it all You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand I could touch the sky I lost my faith, you gave it back to me You said no star was out of reach You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love I had it all I'm grateful for each day you gave me Maybe I don't know that much But I know this much is true I was blessed because I was loved by you You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me You were always there for me The tender wind that carried me A light in the dark shining your love into my life You've been my inspiration Though the lies you were the truth My world is a better place because of you You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'coz you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me |
TOUCH & LOVE準備イイ? 1, 2, 3, OH! サングラスがなんかヘンね こないだドコ行ったの? 知らない言わない教えない 今日紹介してよね I DON'T KNOW たぶん来ないよ ケータイ ルス電だったし ココ電波入らないし まわれまわれまわれまわれまわりだせ! WOW この曲 ヤバイ (そのときカミナリがわたしを撃ったわ!) とまれとまれとまれとまれとまれ! ねぇ ちょっとアレだあれ? (これが運命なら何度来てもウェルカム!) 笑った顔 しかも SO 好み アイツのアノ顔をもっと良く見たいわ わたしヘン? 1, 2, 3, CHECK! 鏡の中をガン見 ダイジョーブ 正気だわ テレビ見て泣けたし こないだの子の顔 もう覚えてないし さっきの出会いが もう忘れられなくてズンズン! まわれまわれまわれまわれまわりだせ WOW この曲 ヤバイ (そのときカミナリがわたしを撃ったわ!) とまれとまれとまれとまれとまれ イヤ、やっぱ止めないで (これが運命なら何度来てもウェルカム!) 運転なら任せて IT'S ALRIGHT 免許取るのに3年かかったけど OH WELL YOU TOUCH んで LOVE! もしかして恋かも アタマの中でゲキテキなリズム YOU CATCH んで LOVE! やっぱ恋みたい 触れたら最後よ 暴れ出すライオンガール カロリーなら 1, 2, 3, 4! 気になって仕方ない 好みのタイプは SO ジミヘン! ジミヘン! ジミ・ヘンドリックス! 目の前の障害には 気づかずに行くタイプよ わたしヘン? 1, 2, 3, CHECK! 鏡の中に暗示 GIMME LOVE × ? GIMME, GIMME, GIMME YOUR LOVE! (DO YOU WANNA BE MY PET?) GIMME LOVE × ? GIMME, GIMME, GIMME YOUR LOVE! (I'LL LET YOU BE MY PET!) 笑った顔 しかも SO 好み アイツのアノ顔をもっと良く見たいわ OH WELL YOU TOUCH んで LOVE! もしかして恋かも アタマの中でゲキテキなリズム YOU CATCH んで LOVE! やっぱ恋みたい 触れたら最後よ 暴れ出すライオンガール COME ONE! GUITAR OH WELL YOU TOUCH んで LOVE! もしかして恋かも アタマの中でゲキテキなリズム YOU CATCH んで LOVE! やっぱ恋みたい 触れたら最後よ 暴れ出すライオンガール OH WELL YOU TOUCH んで LOVE! もしかして恋かも アタマの中でゲキテキなリズム YOU CATCH んで LOVE! やっぱ恋みたい 触れたら最後よ 暴れ出すライオンガール | 福原みほ | 福原美穂 | 福原美穂・KEN for 2SOUL MUSIC Inc. | ken | 準備イイ? 1, 2, 3, OH! サングラスがなんかヘンね こないだドコ行ったの? 知らない言わない教えない 今日紹介してよね I DON'T KNOW たぶん来ないよ ケータイ ルス電だったし ココ電波入らないし まわれまわれまわれまわれまわりだせ! WOW この曲 ヤバイ (そのときカミナリがわたしを撃ったわ!) とまれとまれとまれとまれとまれ! ねぇ ちょっとアレだあれ? (これが運命なら何度来てもウェルカム!) 笑った顔 しかも SO 好み アイツのアノ顔をもっと良く見たいわ わたしヘン? 1, 2, 3, CHECK! 鏡の中をガン見 ダイジョーブ 正気だわ テレビ見て泣けたし こないだの子の顔 もう覚えてないし さっきの出会いが もう忘れられなくてズンズン! まわれまわれまわれまわれまわりだせ WOW この曲 ヤバイ (そのときカミナリがわたしを撃ったわ!) とまれとまれとまれとまれとまれ イヤ、やっぱ止めないで (これが運命なら何度来てもウェルカム!) 運転なら任せて IT'S ALRIGHT 免許取るのに3年かかったけど OH WELL YOU TOUCH んで LOVE! もしかして恋かも アタマの中でゲキテキなリズム YOU CATCH んで LOVE! やっぱ恋みたい 触れたら最後よ 暴れ出すライオンガール カロリーなら 1, 2, 3, 4! 気になって仕方ない 好みのタイプは SO ジミヘン! ジミヘン! ジミ・ヘンドリックス! 目の前の障害には 気づかずに行くタイプよ わたしヘン? 1, 2, 3, CHECK! 鏡の中に暗示 GIMME LOVE × ? GIMME, GIMME, GIMME YOUR LOVE! (DO YOU WANNA BE MY PET?) GIMME LOVE × ? GIMME, GIMME, GIMME YOUR LOVE! (I'LL LET YOU BE MY PET!) 笑った顔 しかも SO 好み アイツのアノ顔をもっと良く見たいわ OH WELL YOU TOUCH んで LOVE! もしかして恋かも アタマの中でゲキテキなリズム YOU CATCH んで LOVE! やっぱ恋みたい 触れたら最後よ 暴れ出すライオンガール COME ONE! GUITAR OH WELL YOU TOUCH んで LOVE! もしかして恋かも アタマの中でゲキテキなリズム YOU CATCH んで LOVE! やっぱ恋みたい 触れたら最後よ 暴れ出すライオンガール OH WELL YOU TOUCH んで LOVE! もしかして恋かも アタマの中でゲキテキなリズム YOU CATCH んで LOVE! やっぱ恋みたい 触れたら最後よ 暴れ出すライオンガール |
DON'T TAKE IT AWAYI know I cannot live without sunlight and water I know I can't survive without oxygen to breathe Love is fragile like a flower What don't kill you makes you stronger I know I'd fall to pieces if you stopped lovin' me What if love can last forever You mean everything you say What if I believed Nothin's gonna change If you love me baby don't Take it away, don't Take it away Don't take it away from me I know this photograph it won't capture what we're feeling This moment it will pass ‘til it's just a memory Love is patient and forgiving What don't break you makes you wiser Cos I know that I'd be broken if you walk away from me We could stay like this forever Feels so good that I'm afraid In a moment you know Anything could change If you love me baby don't Baby only you can move me Catch me when I fall Then wrap your arms around me Tell me I'm beautiful yea I wanna hear you say you're never giving up The only thing you're fighting for, fighting for is this love | 福原みほ | Miho Fukuhara・Pam Sheyne・Justin Gray | Miho Fukuhara・Pam Sheyne・Justin Gray | | I know I cannot live without sunlight and water I know I can't survive without oxygen to breathe Love is fragile like a flower What don't kill you makes you stronger I know I'd fall to pieces if you stopped lovin' me What if love can last forever You mean everything you say What if I believed Nothin's gonna change If you love me baby don't Take it away, don't Take it away Don't take it away from me I know this photograph it won't capture what we're feeling This moment it will pass ‘til it's just a memory Love is patient and forgiving What don't break you makes you wiser Cos I know that I'd be broken if you walk away from me We could stay like this forever Feels so good that I'm afraid In a moment you know Anything could change If you love me baby don't Baby only you can move me Catch me when I fall Then wrap your arms around me Tell me I'm beautiful yea I wanna hear you say you're never giving up The only thing you're fighting for, fighting for is this love |
RISING LIKE A FLAME(Come) Closer- you whispering in my ear It's not the things I wanna hear ? dear What ya saying's insincere- you drive me crazy But if my name was tattooed round your heart line You'd have put my name up in the spot light And shown the world that I was on your mind - So I'm throwing out a rope It's dangerous I know But Boy you've gotta reel it in before your mind and body explode I ain't gonna dream Bout what we could've been ya gotta let it go I'm telling you once I aint saying it twice You should've been a bigger man and told her, coz it just aint right that your heartbeat is racing when you're by my side Feel it rising like a flame The fire burns again It wont ever be the same I'm not your baby The fever's back I must escape Keep rising like a flame now or never hear me say I'm not your baby Step up-Once bitten now twice shy Don't drown me with those little white lies- I Don't wanna be the tears in her eyes, not that- not me. Listen up boy I'm gonna spell it out I aint gonna play your swings and round a bouts I did it once before and you let me down- down I'm Down with your love And all that stuff I'm Down on myself for thinking That you could be enough I ain't listening I ain't giving in I'm giving you up. I'm telling you once I aint saying it twice You should 've been the bigger man and told, it just aint right That I still feel your heartbeat racing when you're by my side Feel it rising like a flame The fire burns again It wont ever be the same I'm not your baby The fever's back I must escape Keep rising like a flame now or never hear me say I'm not your baby I'm giving up, giving up, giving up on you Giving up, giving up, giving up on you I'm giving up, giving up, giving up on you I'm giving up on you Feel it rising like a flame The fire burns again It wont ever be the same Can't be your baby The fever's back I must escape Keep rising like a flame now or never hear me say I'm not your baby | 福原みほ | ZETTON・DEE ADAM | ZETTON・DEE ADAM | | (Come) Closer- you whispering in my ear It's not the things I wanna hear ? dear What ya saying's insincere- you drive me crazy But if my name was tattooed round your heart line You'd have put my name up in the spot light And shown the world that I was on your mind - So I'm throwing out a rope It's dangerous I know But Boy you've gotta reel it in before your mind and body explode I ain't gonna dream Bout what we could've been ya gotta let it go I'm telling you once I aint saying it twice You should've been a bigger man and told her, coz it just aint right that your heartbeat is racing when you're by my side Feel it rising like a flame The fire burns again It wont ever be the same I'm not your baby The fever's back I must escape Keep rising like a flame now or never hear me say I'm not your baby Step up-Once bitten now twice shy Don't drown me with those little white lies- I Don't wanna be the tears in her eyes, not that- not me. Listen up boy I'm gonna spell it out I aint gonna play your swings and round a bouts I did it once before and you let me down- down I'm Down with your love And all that stuff I'm Down on myself for thinking That you could be enough I ain't listening I ain't giving in I'm giving you up. I'm telling you once I aint saying it twice You should 've been the bigger man and told, it just aint right That I still feel your heartbeat racing when you're by my side Feel it rising like a flame The fire burns again It wont ever be the same I'm not your baby The fever's back I must escape Keep rising like a flame now or never hear me say I'm not your baby I'm giving up, giving up, giving up on you Giving up, giving up, giving up on you I'm giving up, giving up, giving up on you I'm giving up on you Feel it rising like a flame The fire burns again It wont ever be the same Can't be your baby The fever's back I must escape Keep rising like a flame now or never hear me say I'm not your baby |
All in time着信を気にしたり 無理して時間作ったり もうしない 必要ない あなたはいない All in time, time なぜあの日私から 手を離したのかな 逃げていた 知っていた あなたの傷 All in time, time, in time ふたり見つけ出した答えは今もまだ 正しいのかわからないけど ここからはひとりで進んでいかなくちゃ 別々の空の下で All in time, time, in time, in time 心配してくれた 見つめててくれた 優しさも痛みも 忘れない All in time, time, in time, time ふたり見つけ出した答えは今もまだ 正しいのかわからないけど きっと私が今日笑っていれるのは あなたがいてくれたから All in time, time, in time, in time いつも自分を守るしか出来なくて あなたを見ようとしなかった 素直になればよかった ふたり見つけ出した答えは今もまだ 正しいのかわからないけど きっと私が今日笑っていれるのは あなたがいてくれたから | 福原みほ | 福原美穂・mavie | Jonas Jeberg・Nina Woodford・Henrik Jansson | Jonas Jeberg | 着信を気にしたり 無理して時間作ったり もうしない 必要ない あなたはいない All in time, time なぜあの日私から 手を離したのかな 逃げていた 知っていた あなたの傷 All in time, time, in time ふたり見つけ出した答えは今もまだ 正しいのかわからないけど ここからはひとりで進んでいかなくちゃ 別々の空の下で All in time, time, in time, in time 心配してくれた 見つめててくれた 優しさも痛みも 忘れない All in time, time, in time, time ふたり見つけ出した答えは今もまだ 正しいのかわからないけど きっと私が今日笑っていれるのは あなたがいてくれたから All in time, time, in time, in time いつも自分を守るしか出来なくて あなたを見ようとしなかった 素直になればよかった ふたり見つけ出した答えは今もまだ 正しいのかわからないけど きっと私が今日笑っていれるのは あなたがいてくれたから |
Something NewYesterday has passed away ずっと待ってた 新しい夜明けよ 荷物を捨てて 見たことのない 景色を見るの ここからどこでも歩いてゆけるよ Something new under the sun 探してた強さ 見つけた あなたを守るため I spread my wings and fly... I spread my wings and fly... この空の下 打ち付ける雨が 行く手をはばむ夜もあるけれど 確かめたいの 裸足で感じて この手に触れて ありのままの自分で Something new in my soul 目をそらさずに世界 見つめて 抱きしめてゆくのよ その一瞬を すべてをかけて Yesterday has passed away もう恐れない 呼吸 鼓動がこの旅立ちを告げる 生まれ変わって そう 景色を見るの ここからどこでも歩いてゆけるよ Something new under the sun 探してた強さ 見つけた あなたを守るため I spread my wings and fly... I spread my wings and fly... Something new under the sun 目をそらさずに世界 見つめて 抱きしめてゆくのよ I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly Something new under the sun 探してた強さ 見つけた あなたを守るため I spread my wings and fly... I spread my wings and fly... | 福原みほ | KAMIKAORU | Sandi Thom・John McLaughlin・Nicky Cook | | Yesterday has passed away ずっと待ってた 新しい夜明けよ 荷物を捨てて 見たことのない 景色を見るの ここからどこでも歩いてゆけるよ Something new under the sun 探してた強さ 見つけた あなたを守るため I spread my wings and fly... I spread my wings and fly... この空の下 打ち付ける雨が 行く手をはばむ夜もあるけれど 確かめたいの 裸足で感じて この手に触れて ありのままの自分で Something new in my soul 目をそらさずに世界 見つめて 抱きしめてゆくのよ その一瞬を すべてをかけて Yesterday has passed away もう恐れない 呼吸 鼓動がこの旅立ちを告げる 生まれ変わって そう 景色を見るの ここからどこでも歩いてゆけるよ Something new under the sun 探してた強さ 見つけた あなたを守るため I spread my wings and fly... I spread my wings and fly... Something new under the sun 目をそらさずに世界 見つめて 抱きしめてゆくのよ I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly Something new under the sun 探してた強さ 見つけた あなたを守るため I spread my wings and fly... I spread my wings and fly... |
Cinnamon DreamsGood morning, My Boyの直後 些細な喧嘩 トーストも焦げたわ oh no, no, no Life is bitter 日常は苦いBlack coffeeみたいだわ oh yeah, yeah, yeah I want some sweets, Cinnamon Dreams すぐ買いにいかなくちゃ! Baby あたらしいjacket 羽織ったら タ・タ・タン♪ リズム 乗ってゆくわ Alright 街はso fantastic 色づいて 犬も人も They all look happy now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now Baby すぐバレる your lie 気づかない フリに そろそろ気づいたかしら? やさしいって your brandって 時々 like a 退屈なドラマ no, no たまには your 愛情も広い海くらいに let me swim more!! oh yeah, yeah, yeah I want ビキニ So vivid color すぐ買いにいかなくちゃ! Baby 履き慣れたboots 脱ぎ捨て タ・タ・タン♪ リズム 乗ってゆくわ Alright 街はso fantastic 気の早い 夏の気配 They all look happy now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now Baby 優柔不断のtime is over ベルが そろそろ聞こえるかしら? but サイズの合わない靴じゃ I can't run so far I'm done with my little adventure, yeah Baby おねがいよTAXI Mr.driver 彼のところへ take me now, hurry now Alright 不平も不満も やさしさも ウソも a part of love 愛の一部ね let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now Baby let's go back to Sweet Home かわいいあなたのもとへ 急いで帰ろう | 福原みほ | Miho Fukuhara and Greg Ogan・Shari Short and Eva Ward | Miho Fukuhara and Greg Ogan・Shari Short and Eva Ward | Greg Ogan | Good morning, My Boyの直後 些細な喧嘩 トーストも焦げたわ oh no, no, no Life is bitter 日常は苦いBlack coffeeみたいだわ oh yeah, yeah, yeah I want some sweets, Cinnamon Dreams すぐ買いにいかなくちゃ! Baby あたらしいjacket 羽織ったら タ・タ・タン♪ リズム 乗ってゆくわ Alright 街はso fantastic 色づいて 犬も人も They all look happy now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now Baby すぐバレる your lie 気づかない フリに そろそろ気づいたかしら? やさしいって your brandって 時々 like a 退屈なドラマ no, no たまには your 愛情も広い海くらいに let me swim more!! oh yeah, yeah, yeah I want ビキニ So vivid color すぐ買いにいかなくちゃ! Baby 履き慣れたboots 脱ぎ捨て タ・タ・タン♪ リズム 乗ってゆくわ Alright 街はso fantastic 気の早い 夏の気配 They all look happy now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now Baby 優柔不断のtime is over ベルが そろそろ聞こえるかしら? but サイズの合わない靴じゃ I can't run so far I'm done with my little adventure, yeah Baby おねがいよTAXI Mr.driver 彼のところへ take me now, hurry now Alright 不平も不満も やさしさも ウソも a part of love 愛の一部ね let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now let it go let it go now Baby let's go back to Sweet Home かわいいあなたのもとへ 急いで帰ろう |
HAPPY Xmas (War Is Over)<duet with Eric Martin>So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over a new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young A Very Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas For weak and for strong The rich and the poor ones The road is so long And so Happy Christmas For black and for white For the yellow and red ones Let's stop all the fight A Very Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas And what have we done Another year over a new one just begun And so Happy Christmas We hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young A Very Merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear War is over If you want it War is over Now | 福原みほ | JOHN LENNON・YOKO ONO | JOHN LENNON・YOKO ONO | | So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over a new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young A Very Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas For weak and for strong The rich and the poor ones The road is so long And so Happy Christmas For black and for white For the yellow and red ones Let's stop all the fight A Very Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas And what have we done Another year over a new one just begun And so Happy Christmas We hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young A Very Merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear War is over If you want it War is over Now |
Black Starまだ足りないだけ 今 この両手は何ができるだろう 空の心だけ握りつぶした 僕を許してよ この手さえ あなたを知らずにいれば 僕がいる証拠など見つからなかった なのになぜ 心はまだ欲しがるの? 落ちてゆく星 僕はそこへと向かう 少し痛いだけ 花束のようなあなたの名前と 空の言葉だけ破り捨てるから 僕を叱ってよ 夢でさえ 永遠を望まなければ 夕暮れに立ちすくむこともなかった なのになぜ 心は震えたがるの? 落ちてゆく僕 星はそれを見ている やがて僕に雨が降る 冷たいんだ falling like a black star… 真夏に咲いた花はもう枯れてしまった 冬の月は傍観者が釘付けてしまった なのにほら 心は解き放たれて 星を見ている 僕はそこへ落ちてゆく | 福原みほ | Miho Fukuhara・busbee・emilu | Miho Fukuhara・busbee・emilu | | まだ足りないだけ 今 この両手は何ができるだろう 空の心だけ握りつぶした 僕を許してよ この手さえ あなたを知らずにいれば 僕がいる証拠など見つからなかった なのになぜ 心はまだ欲しがるの? 落ちてゆく星 僕はそこへと向かう 少し痛いだけ 花束のようなあなたの名前と 空の言葉だけ破り捨てるから 僕を叱ってよ 夢でさえ 永遠を望まなければ 夕暮れに立ちすくむこともなかった なのになぜ 心は震えたがるの? 落ちてゆく僕 星はそれを見ている やがて僕に雨が降る 冷たいんだ falling like a black star… 真夏に咲いた花はもう枯れてしまった 冬の月は傍観者が釘付けてしまった なのにほら 心は解き放たれて 星を見ている 僕はそこへ落ちてゆく |
BENBen, the two of us need look no more We both found what we were looking for With a friend to call my own I'll never be alone And you, my friend, will see You've got a friend in me (you've got a friend in me) Ben, you're always running here and there You feel you're not wanted anywhere If you ever look behind And don't like what you find There's one thing you should know You've got a place to go (you've got a place to go) I used to say “I” and “me” Now it's “us”, now it's “we” I used to say “I” and “me” Now it's “us”, now it's “we” Ben, most people would turn you away I don't listen to a word they say They don't see you as I do I wish they would try to I'm sure they'd think again If they had a friend like Ben (a friend) Like Ben (like Ben) Like Ben | 福原みほ | Don Black・Walter Scharf | Don Black・Walter Scharf | 朝三憲一・中村優規・福原美穂・山口寛雄 | Ben, the two of us need look no more We both found what we were looking for With a friend to call my own I'll never be alone And you, my friend, will see You've got a friend in me (you've got a friend in me) Ben, you're always running here and there You feel you're not wanted anywhere If you ever look behind And don't like what you find There's one thing you should know You've got a place to go (you've got a place to go) I used to say “I” and “me” Now it's “us”, now it's “we” I used to say “I” and “me” Now it's “us”, now it's “we” Ben, most people would turn you away I don't listen to a word they say They don't see you as I do I wish they would try to I'm sure they'd think again If they had a friend like Ben (a friend) Like Ben (like Ben) Like Ben |
LATELYLately I have had this strangest feeling with no vivid reason here to find. Yet the thought of losing you's been hanging, 'round my mind. Far more frequently you're wearing perfume with, you say, no special place to go. But when I ask will you be coming back soon you don't know, never know. Well, I'm a man of many wishes, hope my premonition misses, but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide, 'cause they always start to cry. 'cause this time could mean goodbye. Lately I've been staring in the mirror, Very slowly picking me apart; Trying to tell myself I have no reason With your heart. Just the other night while you were sleeping, I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name. But when I ask you of the thoughts you're keeping, You just say nothing's changed. Well, I'm a man of many wishes, hope my premonition misses, but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide, 'cause they always start to cry. 'cause this time could mean goodbye. | 福原みほ | Stevie Wonder | Stevie Wonder | | Lately I have had this strangest feeling with no vivid reason here to find. Yet the thought of losing you's been hanging, 'round my mind. Far more frequently you're wearing perfume with, you say, no special place to go. But when I ask will you be coming back soon you don't know, never know. Well, I'm a man of many wishes, hope my premonition misses, but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide, 'cause they always start to cry. 'cause this time could mean goodbye. Lately I've been staring in the mirror, Very slowly picking me apart; Trying to tell myself I have no reason With your heart. Just the other night while you were sleeping, I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name. But when I ask you of the thoughts you're keeping, You just say nothing's changed. Well, I'm a man of many wishes, hope my premonition misses, but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide, 'cause they always start to cry. 'cause this time could mean goodbye. |
ForgetAnd I can't remember What day it's whenever I had to do something But its been forgotten The time flies by Since you've been gone Try to close my eyes Cause I don't wanna be alone Yes it's true you Took me by surprise Thought that I should let you know Slip into the Middle of the night This feeling inside Isn't gonna let me go What I do is try to Forget that I love you Wish I'd see you later The time doesn't matter It feels like forever It's just been an hour The time flies by Since you've been gone Try to close my eyes Cause I don't wanna be alone Yes it's true you Took me by surprise Thought that I should let you know Slip into the Middle of the night This feeling inside Isn't gonna let me go What I do is try to Forget that I love you I heard you say that I never had enough Wish I had a way to see it through | 福原みほ | Jimmy Harry | Jimmy Harry | | And I can't remember What day it's whenever I had to do something But its been forgotten The time flies by Since you've been gone Try to close my eyes Cause I don't wanna be alone Yes it's true you Took me by surprise Thought that I should let you know Slip into the Middle of the night This feeling inside Isn't gonna let me go What I do is try to Forget that I love you Wish I'd see you later The time doesn't matter It feels like forever It's just been an hour The time flies by Since you've been gone Try to close my eyes Cause I don't wanna be alone Yes it's true you Took me by surprise Thought that I should let you know Slip into the Middle of the night This feeling inside Isn't gonna let me go What I do is try to Forget that I love you I heard you say that I never had enough Wish I had a way to see it through |
Baby Baby (feat. Laura Izibor)(Vs.1)MIHO Baby, baby, baby, since we argue all the time I been trying to figure out how I can get you off my mind See I've tried, by giving you all my love It never seems good enough, I don't wanna hurt, don't wanna cry no more. (oh oh) (Ch.)MIHO & LAURA Baby, baby, baby, look what you've done Baby, baby, baby I can't get the support I can't lie, I thought this thing was going to last But it ain't right, when all we do is fight. (Vs.2)LAURA Tell me, tell me tell, me how did we end up like this 'Cause we built our love on rocks and stones and now we don't exist I've tried by giving you all I had, whether it was good or bad I don't wanna hurt, don't wanna cry no more (Ch.)LAURA & MIHO Baby, baby, baby, look what you've done Baby baby baby, I can't keep pressing on. I can't lie, I thought this thing was going to last, But it ain't right when all we do is fight. (Middle 8)MIHO I try making this work, but it keeps getting worse. (All this time) We ain't going nowhere 'cause the love doesn't work (All this time) I try walking away but you ask me to stay. And if I go, someday you're gonna miss me. (Ch.)MIHO & LAURA Baby baby baby, look what you've done. Baby baby baby, I can't keep pressing on. I can't lie, I thought this thing was going to last But it ain't right when all we do it fight Repeat ch. to fade. | 福原みほ | Laura Izibor & Noize Trip | Laura Izibor & Noize Trip | | (Vs.1)MIHO Baby, baby, baby, since we argue all the time I been trying to figure out how I can get you off my mind See I've tried, by giving you all my love It never seems good enough, I don't wanna hurt, don't wanna cry no more. (oh oh) (Ch.)MIHO & LAURA Baby, baby, baby, look what you've done Baby, baby, baby I can't get the support I can't lie, I thought this thing was going to last But it ain't right, when all we do is fight. (Vs.2)LAURA Tell me, tell me tell, me how did we end up like this 'Cause we built our love on rocks and stones and now we don't exist I've tried by giving you all I had, whether it was good or bad I don't wanna hurt, don't wanna cry no more (Ch.)LAURA & MIHO Baby, baby, baby, look what you've done Baby baby baby, I can't keep pressing on. I can't lie, I thought this thing was going to last, But it ain't right when all we do is fight. (Middle 8)MIHO I try making this work, but it keeps getting worse. (All this time) We ain't going nowhere 'cause the love doesn't work (All this time) I try walking away but you ask me to stay. And if I go, someday you're gonna miss me. (Ch.)MIHO & LAURA Baby baby baby, look what you've done. Baby baby baby, I can't keep pressing on. I can't lie, I thought this thing was going to last But it ain't right when all we do it fight Repeat ch. to fade. |
Better Than LoveI woke up in this moment Everything undone I wasn't waiting for anything But still here you come You're better than love You're all that need And when I close my eyes you're all that see You're under my skin You run through my blood You know you're better than love I didn't know how to find you I was always on the run I thought somehow it would keep me safe But look what I've become You're better than love You're all that need And when I close my eyes you're all that see You're under my skin You run through my blood I know you're better than love You're better than me That's what's I've learned From the places and the pages that I've turned I'm trying to say But words aren't enough I know you're better than love And if I had something I'd wanna tell you here tonight If this was my last moment I would spend my life with you You're better than me That's what's I've learned From the places and the pages that I've turned I'm trying to say But words aren't enough I know you're better than love | 福原みほ | Jimmy Harry・JC Chasez | Jimmy Harry・JC Chasez | | I woke up in this moment Everything undone I wasn't waiting for anything But still here you come You're better than love You're all that need And when I close my eyes you're all that see You're under my skin You run through my blood You know you're better than love I didn't know how to find you I was always on the run I thought somehow it would keep me safe But look what I've become You're better than love You're all that need And when I close my eyes you're all that see You're under my skin You run through my blood I know you're better than love You're better than me That's what's I've learned From the places and the pages that I've turned I'm trying to say But words aren't enough I know you're better than love And if I had something I'd wanna tell you here tonight If this was my last moment I would spend my life with you You're better than me That's what's I've learned From the places and the pages that I've turned I'm trying to say But words aren't enough I know you're better than love |
WASABI GREENBaby I don't wanna waste our time yeah お願い 同じ気持ちだと言って Wasabi Greenの瞳で 私だけを見ていて 呆れるほど I'm in love with you yeah 土曜日の午後 コインランドリー 乾燥機の洗剤の香り What are we gonna do? 君を後ろから 抱きしめて 2人の未来を想った I wanna marry you tonight! I love the way you call my name (可愛い発音で) 見慣れた景色だって (君とならI feel fresh) 全然違う場所と違う時間に生まれた 君と今を生きられる奇跡を Baby I don't wanna waste our time yeah お願い 同じ気持ちだと言って Wasabi Greenの瞳で 私だけを見ていて 呆れるほど I'm in love with you yeah La La La La La La La Love La La La La La La La Love He likes sushi with wasabi 見た目とは正反対 My life without you なんて考えるだけで 刺激のない世界に取り残されたみたい I wanna marry you tonight! 喧嘩の時でさえ (可愛い発音で) 価値観の違いだって (君とならI feel fresh) 全然違う場所と違う時間に生まれた 君と今を生きられる奇跡を Baby I don't wanna waste our time yeah お願い 同じ気持ちだと言って Wasabi Greenの瞳で 私だけを見ていて 呆れるほど I'm in love with you yeah Baby I don't wanna waste our time yeah 君の笑顔を見るたび I feel like I'm in heaven わさび色の瞳で 私だけを見ていて 呆れるほど I'm in love with you yeah ....... | 福原みほ | EMI MARIA | mabanua | | Baby I don't wanna waste our time yeah お願い 同じ気持ちだと言って Wasabi Greenの瞳で 私だけを見ていて 呆れるほど I'm in love with you yeah 土曜日の午後 コインランドリー 乾燥機の洗剤の香り What are we gonna do? 君を後ろから 抱きしめて 2人の未来を想った I wanna marry you tonight! I love the way you call my name (可愛い発音で) 見慣れた景色だって (君とならI feel fresh) 全然違う場所と違う時間に生まれた 君と今を生きられる奇跡を Baby I don't wanna waste our time yeah お願い 同じ気持ちだと言って Wasabi Greenの瞳で 私だけを見ていて 呆れるほど I'm in love with you yeah La La La La La La La Love La La La La La La La Love He likes sushi with wasabi 見た目とは正反対 My life without you なんて考えるだけで 刺激のない世界に取り残されたみたい I wanna marry you tonight! 喧嘩の時でさえ (可愛い発音で) 価値観の違いだって (君とならI feel fresh) 全然違う場所と違う時間に生まれた 君と今を生きられる奇跡を Baby I don't wanna waste our time yeah お願い 同じ気持ちだと言って Wasabi Greenの瞳で 私だけを見ていて 呆れるほど I'm in love with you yeah Baby I don't wanna waste our time yeah 君の笑顔を見るたび I feel like I'm in heaven わさび色の瞳で 私だけを見ていて 呆れるほど I'm in love with you yeah ....... |
UPSIDE DOWNフラれちゃったっていうの!? この間のあの彼に? しょうがないよ、ぶつかっただけでも偉いよ 泣いてるの? 電話の向こうで沈黙・・。 彼の前で泣けなかったんだね 今日は朝が来るまで すっきりするまで 話そうよ そうね あいつの悪口 素敵だったことも 話そうよ WOW WOW UPSIDE DOWN 舞い上がって 凹んじゃって 地団駄踏むよね UPSIDE DOWN わかってるんだ 女の子は 弱くて強いから 考えてみれば 去年のわたしみたいね あなたに電話して 散々泣いた。 結局ヨリ戻して 「何それ?」って笑われて そんなんだから わたし今でも頼っちゃう 今日は、充電が切れても 電話代カサんでも OK! そうね あなたが知らない あなたの素敵なとこ、言っちゃう! WOW WOW UPSIDE DOWN 寂しくって はしゃいじゃって 闘う毎日 UPSIDE DOWN わかんないね 女の子は 弱くて強いの? UPSIDE DOWN 泣きじゃくって 笑い転げ 闘う毎日 UPSIDE DOWN わかってるんだ 女の子は 弱くて強いから 「忘れちゃいなよ あいつよりも いい人みつかるから!」 あれ?どっかで聴いた台詞 同じこと 時間差で言い合っているね! UPSIDE DOWN 寂しくって はしゃいじゃって 闘う毎日 UPSIDE DOWN わかんないね 女の子は 弱くて強いの? UPSIDE DOWN 泣きじゃくって 笑い転げ 闘う毎日 UPSIDE DOWN わかってるんだ 女の子は 弱くて強いから | 福原みほ | 福原美穂 | 2 SOUL | 2 SOUL | フラれちゃったっていうの!? この間のあの彼に? しょうがないよ、ぶつかっただけでも偉いよ 泣いてるの? 電話の向こうで沈黙・・。 彼の前で泣けなかったんだね 今日は朝が来るまで すっきりするまで 話そうよ そうね あいつの悪口 素敵だったことも 話そうよ WOW WOW UPSIDE DOWN 舞い上がって 凹んじゃって 地団駄踏むよね UPSIDE DOWN わかってるんだ 女の子は 弱くて強いから 考えてみれば 去年のわたしみたいね あなたに電話して 散々泣いた。 結局ヨリ戻して 「何それ?」って笑われて そんなんだから わたし今でも頼っちゃう 今日は、充電が切れても 電話代カサんでも OK! そうね あなたが知らない あなたの素敵なとこ、言っちゃう! WOW WOW UPSIDE DOWN 寂しくって はしゃいじゃって 闘う毎日 UPSIDE DOWN わかんないね 女の子は 弱くて強いの? UPSIDE DOWN 泣きじゃくって 笑い転げ 闘う毎日 UPSIDE DOWN わかってるんだ 女の子は 弱くて強いから 「忘れちゃいなよ あいつよりも いい人みつかるから!」 あれ?どっかで聴いた台詞 同じこと 時間差で言い合っているね! UPSIDE DOWN 寂しくって はしゃいじゃって 闘う毎日 UPSIDE DOWN わかんないね 女の子は 弱くて強いの? UPSIDE DOWN 泣きじゃくって 笑い転げ 闘う毎日 UPSIDE DOWN わかってるんだ 女の子は 弱くて強いから |
You Give Me SomethingYou want to stay with me in the morning You only hold me when I sleep I was meant to tread the water Now I've gotten in too deep For every piece of me that wants you Another piece backs away 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something 'Cause someday I might know my heart You already waited up for hours Just to spend a little time alone with me And I can say I've never bought you flowers I can't work out what they mean I never thought that I'd love someone That was someone else's dream 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something 'Cause someday I might call you from my heart But it might me a second too late And the words that I could never say Gonna come out anyway 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something 'Cause someday I might know my heart Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart | 福原みほ | Francis Eg White・James Morrison | Francis Eg White・James Morrison | | You want to stay with me in the morning You only hold me when I sleep I was meant to tread the water Now I've gotten in too deep For every piece of me that wants you Another piece backs away 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something 'Cause someday I might know my heart You already waited up for hours Just to spend a little time alone with me And I can say I've never bought you flowers I can't work out what they mean I never thought that I'd love someone That was someone else's dream 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something 'Cause someday I might call you from my heart But it might me a second too late And the words that I could never say Gonna come out anyway 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something 'Cause you give me something That makes me scared, alright This could be nothing But I'm willing to give it a try Please give me something 'Cause someday I might know my heart Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart |
GRACE果てしなく続く 水色の空 君のそばにあるよ たくましく咲くあの花と同じように 光そそがれて育ってきた 人は皆、ひとりなんかじゃない 支えあって生きてるんだ どんどん愛をつなごう 絆を数えよう 明日を迎える理由がそれだけ増えるから Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah 巡り巡る幸せ yeah 誰かの涙のわけもいずれ見えてくる 泣き 笑い 繰り返して 強くなってくよ Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah 驚くほど輝きだす yeah yeah (Around you, Love, Shinin' all kinda ways Around you, Joy And Happiness comin' your way Believe it, Somebody might feel left out, Believe it, Stronger together) 夢を語ろう 大きな夢を 辛い日もあるけれど (Gotta dream, 'cause everyday Won't be so great, hoo) 「明日は今日より いい日になりますように」 (Faith and believe) 上を向いて歩いていこう (It's gonna be, oh okay) 大丈夫 何度くじけても 支え合って生きていくんだ (Hoo, doo doo, doo doop) どんどん愛をつなごう (Grace) 絆を数えよう (Grace) 明日を迎える理由が (Grace) それだけ増えるから Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah (Round and Round, Round and Round) 巡り巡る幸せ (Share some,) 誰かの涙のわけも (Grace, somebody) いずれ見えてくる (Grace, we all need a little, share some) 泣き 笑い 繰り返して (Grace, tomorrow) 優しくなってくよ (We all know, someone, countin' on ya, spread some) Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah (Round and Round, Round and Round) 驚くほど輝きだす yeah yeah (Oh, whoa, whoa) (Won't you shine your Grace, around And if you fall down, it's gonna be okay Oh, whoa, whoa) 君と出会ってわかったんだ どんな道にだって光が射すよ (Ooh, ooh, ooooh) 愛を紡いでいこう 幸せが巡り巡るまで どんどん愛をつなごう 絆を数えよう 明日を迎える理由がそれだけ増えるから Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah (Round and Round, Round and Round) 巡り巡る幸せ yeah (Share some,) 誰かの涙のわけも (Grace, somebody) いずれ見えてくる (Grace, we all need a little, share some) 泣き 笑い 繰り返して (Grace, tomorrow) 優しくなってくよ (We all know, someone, countin' on ya, spread some) Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah (Round and Round, Round and Round) 驚くほど輝きだす yeah yeah (Grace, somebody Grace, we all need a little, share some Grace, tomorrow We all know, someone, countin' on ya, spread some Round and Round, Round and Round Oh, whoa, whoa) La La La La La (La La La La La) La La La La La (La La La La La) La La La La La (La La La La La) La La La La La (La La La La La) | 福原みほ | 福原美穂・MOMO“mocha”N. | 福原美穂・山口寛雄・ZETTON | YANCY | 果てしなく続く 水色の空 君のそばにあるよ たくましく咲くあの花と同じように 光そそがれて育ってきた 人は皆、ひとりなんかじゃない 支えあって生きてるんだ どんどん愛をつなごう 絆を数えよう 明日を迎える理由がそれだけ増えるから Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah 巡り巡る幸せ yeah 誰かの涙のわけもいずれ見えてくる 泣き 笑い 繰り返して 強くなってくよ Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah 驚くほど輝きだす yeah yeah (Around you, Love, Shinin' all kinda ways Around you, Joy And Happiness comin' your way Believe it, Somebody might feel left out, Believe it, Stronger together) 夢を語ろう 大きな夢を 辛い日もあるけれど (Gotta dream, 'cause everyday Won't be so great, hoo) 「明日は今日より いい日になりますように」 (Faith and believe) 上を向いて歩いていこう (It's gonna be, oh okay) 大丈夫 何度くじけても 支え合って生きていくんだ (Hoo, doo doo, doo doop) どんどん愛をつなごう (Grace) 絆を数えよう (Grace) 明日を迎える理由が (Grace) それだけ増えるから Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah (Round and Round, Round and Round) 巡り巡る幸せ (Share some,) 誰かの涙のわけも (Grace, somebody) いずれ見えてくる (Grace, we all need a little, share some) 泣き 笑い 繰り返して (Grace, tomorrow) 優しくなってくよ (We all know, someone, countin' on ya, spread some) Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah (Round and Round, Round and Round) 驚くほど輝きだす yeah yeah (Oh, whoa, whoa) (Won't you shine your Grace, around And if you fall down, it's gonna be okay Oh, whoa, whoa) 君と出会ってわかったんだ どんな道にだって光が射すよ (Ooh, ooh, ooooh) 愛を紡いでいこう 幸せが巡り巡るまで どんどん愛をつなごう 絆を数えよう 明日を迎える理由がそれだけ増えるから Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah (Round and Round, Round and Round) 巡り巡る幸せ yeah (Share some,) 誰かの涙のわけも (Grace, somebody) いずれ見えてくる (Grace, we all need a little, share some) 泣き 笑い 繰り返して (Grace, tomorrow) 優しくなってくよ (We all know, someone, countin' on ya, spread some) Round and Round, Round and Round, yeah (Round and Round, Round and Round) 驚くほど輝きだす yeah yeah (Grace, somebody Grace, we all need a little, share some Grace, tomorrow We all know, someone, countin' on ya, spread some Round and Round, Round and Round Oh, whoa, whoa) La La La La La (La La La La La) La La La La La (La La La La La) La La La La La (La La La La La) La La La La La (La La La La La) |
I Want MoreI don't think I've ever felt this much Didn't know when that when it cut I bleed I just knew I could avoid those ordinary things Now I know I'm not above it all That what I thought I could pass up I need And although yeah this could hurt me Without it I can't breath I want you, yes I do I... open to very few So I... don't get why there's something new About you I just know that I like it and I want more I want more I want more I want you more and more I want more I want more I want more Because I like it yeah I like it yeah Not heart of stone but I keep on rolling I don't break hearts, not on purpose I'm just strong When my focus is on ain't nobody who can Come along and take it (And then there's you) I had it all figured out (Til I met you) I had my heart filled with doubt (TIl I found you) Then it all rearranged It's so hard to contain And don't know if I want it when... I want more I want more I want more I want you more and more I want more I want more I want more Because I like it yeah I like it yeah You got a hold hold hold hold hold on me I'm not ready for but don't let go of me I'm fighting but I'm sinking deeper and what's more That I like it yeah, I like it yeah I want more I want more I want more I want you more and more I want more I want more I want more Because I like it yeah I like it yeah | 福原みほ | N.Andrews(ASCAP)・ Clive-Lowe(SESAC) | N.Andrews(ASCAP)・ Clive-Lowe(SESAC) | | I don't think I've ever felt this much Didn't know when that when it cut I bleed I just knew I could avoid those ordinary things Now I know I'm not above it all That what I thought I could pass up I need And although yeah this could hurt me Without it I can't breath I want you, yes I do I... open to very few So I... don't get why there's something new About you I just know that I like it and I want more I want more I want more I want you more and more I want more I want more I want more Because I like it yeah I like it yeah Not heart of stone but I keep on rolling I don't break hearts, not on purpose I'm just strong When my focus is on ain't nobody who can Come along and take it (And then there's you) I had it all figured out (Til I met you) I had my heart filled with doubt (TIl I found you) Then it all rearranged It's so hard to contain And don't know if I want it when... I want more I want more I want more I want you more and more I want more I want more I want more Because I like it yeah I like it yeah You got a hold hold hold hold hold on me I'm not ready for but don't let go of me I'm fighting but I'm sinking deeper and what's more That I like it yeah, I like it yeah I want more I want more I want more I want you more and more I want more I want more I want more Because I like it yeah I like it yeah |
Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! feat. Charaだいたいあいつさ! じらして気取ってさ!! 会いたい気持ち 熱くなる気持ち I can't hide! I can't hide! ロックスターみたいな 魅惑の唇で ちょっと意外な アクション起こしてよ I can't hide! I can't hide! Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! って待ってるから Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh×2 Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! 奪ってみてよ Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh×2 「見つめ合う」からだ… 愛し足りない 足りない気持ち 楽しんでいけばいい You can't hide! You can't hide! チャップリンみたいに 笑わせてみてよ もう一回やってよ! 嫌いじゃないから You can't hide! You can't hide! Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! って待ってるから Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh×2 Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! 奪ってみてよ Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh×2 I'm in love and I'm waiting oh I'm waiting for your kiss 知って、見てみて 女はいつも かわいくありたいや 甘やかされたいや あいつのかわいい人になりたい yeah! だいたいあいつさ! ラララララ♪ だいたいあいつさ ラララララ♪ | 福原みほ | Miho Fukuhara・Chara | Miho Fukuhara・Chara | | だいたいあいつさ! じらして気取ってさ!! 会いたい気持ち 熱くなる気持ち I can't hide! I can't hide! ロックスターみたいな 魅惑の唇で ちょっと意外な アクション起こしてよ I can't hide! I can't hide! Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! って待ってるから Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh×2 Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! 奪ってみてよ Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh×2 「見つめ合う」からだ… 愛し足りない 足りない気持ち 楽しんでいけばいい You can't hide! You can't hide! チャップリンみたいに 笑わせてみてよ もう一回やってよ! 嫌いじゃないから You can't hide! You can't hide! Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! って待ってるから Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh×2 Kiss!Kiss!Kiss! 奪ってみてよ Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh×2 I'm in love and I'm waiting oh I'm waiting for your kiss 知って、見てみて 女はいつも かわいくありたいや 甘やかされたいや あいつのかわいい人になりたい yeah! だいたいあいつさ! ラララララ♪ だいたいあいつさ ラララララ♪ |
Sunday MorningSunday morning rain is falling Steal some covers share some skin Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable You twist to fit the mold that I am in But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew That someday it would bring me back to you That someday it would bring me back to you That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see Come and rest your bones with me Driving slow on sunday morning And I never want to leave Fingers trace your every outline Paint a picture with my hands Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm Change the weather still together when it ends That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see Come and rest your bones with me Driving slow on sunday morning And I never want to leave But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do Sunday morning rain is falling and I'm calling out to you Singing someday it'll bring me back to you Find a way to bring myself back home to you And you may no know That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see Come and rest your bones with me Driving slow on sunday morning And I sometimes want to leave. That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see Come and rest your bones with me Driving slow on sunday morning And I sometimes want to leave. | 福原みほ | Levine・Carmichael・Dusick・Valentine・Madden | Levine・Carmichael・Dusick・Valentine・Madden | | Sunday morning rain is falling Steal some covers share some skin Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable You twist to fit the mold that I am in But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew That someday it would bring me back to you That someday it would bring me back to you That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see Come and rest your bones with me Driving slow on sunday morning And I never want to leave Fingers trace your every outline Paint a picture with my hands Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm Change the weather still together when it ends That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see Come and rest your bones with me Driving slow on sunday morning And I never want to leave But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do Sunday morning rain is falling and I'm calling out to you Singing someday it'll bring me back to you Find a way to bring myself back home to you And you may no know That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see Come and rest your bones with me Driving slow on sunday morning And I sometimes want to leave. That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see Come and rest your bones with me Driving slow on sunday morning And I sometimes want to leave. |
No Warning (When You're Hit By Love)Yesterday I was a fool without a story Suddenly the sweetest thing has happened to me I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love There's no warning when you're hit by love I'm a girl who always thought she had a theory Thought I was the only one who ever knew me I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love There's no warning when you're hit by love There is no one out there honestly who more than me could be more surprised But I bet you wont be able to resist when you look in his eyes Since the day that I was born I had it figured I was ready with my finger on the trigger I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love When he walks into a room its like a vision And for once in my whole life ain't my decision I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love There's no instructions saying this way up There's no label this is fragile stuff There's no writing saying hot to touch There is no one out there honestly who more than me could be more surprised But I bet you wont be able to resist when you look in his eyes Yesterday I was a fool without a story Suddenly the sweetest thing has happened to me I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love Since the day that I was born I had it figured I was ready with my finger on the trigger I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love There's no warning when you're hit by love.... | 福原みほ | Ackerman・Watkins・Wilson | Ackerman・Watkins・Wilson | | Yesterday I was a fool without a story Suddenly the sweetest thing has happened to me I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love There's no warning when you're hit by love I'm a girl who always thought she had a theory Thought I was the only one who ever knew me I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love There's no warning when you're hit by love There is no one out there honestly who more than me could be more surprised But I bet you wont be able to resist when you look in his eyes Since the day that I was born I had it figured I was ready with my finger on the trigger I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love When he walks into a room its like a vision And for once in my whole life ain't my decision I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love There's no instructions saying this way up There's no label this is fragile stuff There's no writing saying hot to touch There is no one out there honestly who more than me could be more surprised But I bet you wont be able to resist when you look in his eyes Yesterday I was a fool without a story Suddenly the sweetest thing has happened to me I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love Since the day that I was born I had it figured I was ready with my finger on the trigger I say, I say There's no warning when you're hit by love There's no warning when you're hit by love.... |
Bad Thing何から守るの? 自分の中 ±0から 動かないメーター ほんとのとこは Capacity over いっそ吐き出して 聞かせてよ 多数決の平均値に浸らないで あなたもわたしも ひとりしかいない I got what you want!(C'mon!) I got what you need! 自由じゃない I got what you want!(Stand up!) I got what you need! だからこそ I got what you want! I got what you need! 違う!違うよ! 喜怒哀楽のVolume 全部あげて これがソウルミュージック!! ミュージック! Let's go fight and love! It's not a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing これがソウルミュージック!! ミュージック! Let's go fight and shout! It's not a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing 変化を恐れて 自分の殻 Make upしすぎて 破れない ほんとのとこは We're so demanding いつも欲しがってる ねぇそうでしょう? ありのままでいるには ToughなWorld 汚れたものほど目に見えない I've got what you want!(C'mon!) I've got what you need! 変わらない I've got what you want!(Stand up!) I've got what you need! 変われない I've got what you want! I've got what you need! 違う!違うよ! 自制のSwitchなんて 壊せばいい これがソウルミュージック!! ミュージック! Let's go fight and love! It's not a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing これがソウルミュージック!! ミュージック! Let's go fight and shout! It's not a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing Oh 自分だけが 傷つくこと 恐れすぎて 傍観者になって 知恵ばっかじゃ 闘えないよ 傷の数だけ強くなるわ Go! Baby! Go! Baby! Go! Go! Baby! Go! Baby! Love. Go! Baby! Go! Baby! Fight! Go! Baby! Go! Baby! Shout! | 福原みほ | 福原美穂 | 福原美穂・Pam Shyne・Justin Gray | | 何から守るの? 自分の中 ±0から 動かないメーター ほんとのとこは Capacity over いっそ吐き出して 聞かせてよ 多数決の平均値に浸らないで あなたもわたしも ひとりしかいない I got what you want!(C'mon!) I got what you need! 自由じゃない I got what you want!(Stand up!) I got what you need! だからこそ I got what you want! I got what you need! 違う!違うよ! 喜怒哀楽のVolume 全部あげて これがソウルミュージック!! ミュージック! Let's go fight and love! It's not a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing これがソウルミュージック!! ミュージック! Let's go fight and shout! It's not a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing 変化を恐れて 自分の殻 Make upしすぎて 破れない ほんとのとこは We're so demanding いつも欲しがってる ねぇそうでしょう? ありのままでいるには ToughなWorld 汚れたものほど目に見えない I've got what you want!(C'mon!) I've got what you need! 変わらない I've got what you want!(Stand up!) I've got what you need! 変われない I've got what you want! I've got what you need! 違う!違うよ! 自制のSwitchなんて 壊せばいい これがソウルミュージック!! ミュージック! Let's go fight and love! It's not a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing これがソウルミュージック!! ミュージック! Let's go fight and shout! It's not a bad bad thing, a bad bad thing Oh 自分だけが 傷つくこと 恐れすぎて 傍観者になって 知恵ばっかじゃ 闘えないよ 傷の数だけ強くなるわ Go! Baby! Go! Baby! Go! Go! Baby! Go! Baby! Love. Go! Baby! Go! Baby! Fight! Go! Baby! Go! Baby! Shout! |
No Parkingなまぬるい世界もう飽きた 無気力な目でなにを見てるの? Goalはまだまだ見えない でも誰かに負ける気しない Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! ついてこれる? 走り出した私には目指す場所がある Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! みんな置いてくよ? Ah No Parking No Waiting …I'm telling you Ah もっと前へ Don't you know that I can do it now 私とあなたの違いがわかるの? 何も考えずに過ごすなんてありえない 似たようなものならいらない 一番にならなきゃ意味ない Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! 聞こえてる? 失くすものなんてないから怖がらず進め Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! 悩んでるヒマはない Ah No Parking No Waiting …I'm telling you Ah もっと前へ Don't you know that I can do it now 負けず嫌いな理由も 強がりばかりなのも 自分を信じてるから 「私のうしろに世界が広がる!」 Ah No Parking No Waiting …I'm telling you Ah 前へ前へ Don't you know that I can do it now 唯一無二の存在になりたい Kick it out! Be the storm! どんなときも 自分次第 切り開ける 聞きな 声を 胸に届け 唯一無二の存在になりたい Kick it out! Be the storm! どんなときも 自分次第 切り開ける | 福原みほ | 福原美穂・Mavie | A Watkins・P Wilson・T Ackerman | | なまぬるい世界もう飽きた 無気力な目でなにを見てるの? Goalはまだまだ見えない でも誰かに負ける気しない Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! ついてこれる? 走り出した私には目指す場所がある Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! みんな置いてくよ? Ah No Parking No Waiting …I'm telling you Ah もっと前へ Don't you know that I can do it now 私とあなたの違いがわかるの? 何も考えずに過ごすなんてありえない 似たようなものならいらない 一番にならなきゃ意味ない Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! 聞こえてる? 失くすものなんてないから怖がらず進め Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! 悩んでるヒマはない Ah No Parking No Waiting …I'm telling you Ah もっと前へ Don't you know that I can do it now 負けず嫌いな理由も 強がりばかりなのも 自分を信じてるから 「私のうしろに世界が広がる!」 Ah No Parking No Waiting …I'm telling you Ah 前へ前へ Don't you know that I can do it now 唯一無二の存在になりたい Kick it out! Be the storm! どんなときも 自分次第 切り開ける 聞きな 声を 胸に届け 唯一無二の存在になりたい Kick it out! Be the storm! どんなときも 自分次第 切り開ける |
No Way止まらないfighting 愛し合う故なの? 困らせるより あなたが知りたい 簡単に価値を押し付けないで 傲慢な態度… You're going crazy? Uh... No,no,no,Shut up! 今日もふらちなダーリン 言い訳はいらない ただ愛したいだけ yeah Baby, 固い言葉はナンセンス 身体委ねて Don't think ただ私を抱いて yeah 今夜 let me let me もっと君と 恋に朽ちてく down... 今夜 let me let me もっと君と 恋に溺れて down... 許し合う夜 求めあう性(さが)なの? 喧嘩のあとの距離感 心地いい 想像力の歯止めきかない 極端なイメージ… I'm going crazy. Uh… No,no,no,Shut up! 今日もふらちなダーリン 甘い言葉かざして 盲目にさせるの yeah Baby,黙ったままでいて 私の思い通り 転がしてみたいの yeah 簡単に価値を押し付けないで 傲慢な態度… You're going crazy? Uh... No,no,no,Shut up! 今日もふらちなダーリン 言い訳はいらない ただ愛したいだけ yeah Baby, 固い言葉はナンセンス 身体委ねて Don't think ただ私を抱いて yeah 今夜 let me let me もっと君と 恋に朽ちてく down... 今夜 let me let me もっと君と 恋に溺れて down... | 福原みほ | Kana Yabuki | Miho Fukuhara・Shingo Suzuki, | | 止まらないfighting 愛し合う故なの? 困らせるより あなたが知りたい 簡単に価値を押し付けないで 傲慢な態度… You're going crazy? Uh... No,no,no,Shut up! 今日もふらちなダーリン 言い訳はいらない ただ愛したいだけ yeah Baby, 固い言葉はナンセンス 身体委ねて Don't think ただ私を抱いて yeah 今夜 let me let me もっと君と 恋に朽ちてく down... 今夜 let me let me もっと君と 恋に溺れて down... 許し合う夜 求めあう性(さが)なの? 喧嘩のあとの距離感 心地いい 想像力の歯止めきかない 極端なイメージ… I'm going crazy. Uh… No,no,no,Shut up! 今日もふらちなダーリン 甘い言葉かざして 盲目にさせるの yeah Baby,黙ったままでいて 私の思い通り 転がしてみたいの yeah 簡単に価値を押し付けないで 傲慢な態度… You're going crazy? Uh... No,no,no,Shut up! 今日もふらちなダーリン 言い訳はいらない ただ愛したいだけ yeah Baby, 固い言葉はナンセンス 身体委ねて Don't think ただ私を抱いて yeah 今夜 let me let me もっと君と 恋に朽ちてく down... 今夜 let me let me もっと君と 恋に溺れて down... |
Something New -English Version-Yesterday has passed away, I only have myself to blame All the dreams we shared have shattered and faded and tainted by you Time can mend a broken heart but time can't heal the painful scars But now this way of life has ended, guess I'm free to stop pretending Something new under the sun And it feels like my life has just begun In my dreams is where I always find I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly Sick and tired of feeling down insecure and helpless These four walls I've built have helped me stand got more guts than I ever had So thanks for all the memories, I'll erase them now so I can breathe The ties that bind are coming free, I'm leaving all the dark behind me Something new under the sun And it feels like my life has just begun In my dreams is where I always find I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly Yesterday has passed away I only had myself to blame All the dreams we shared have shattered and faded and tainted by you So thanks for all the memories, I'll erase them now so I can breathe The ties that bind are coming free, I'm leaving all the dark behind me Something new under the sun And it feels like my life has just begun In my dreams is where I always find I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly Something new under the sun And it feels like my life has just begun In my dreams is where I always find I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly | 福原みほ | Sandi Thom・John McLaughlin・Nicky Cook | Sandi Thom・John McLaughlin・Nicky Cook | | Yesterday has passed away, I only have myself to blame All the dreams we shared have shattered and faded and tainted by you Time can mend a broken heart but time can't heal the painful scars But now this way of life has ended, guess I'm free to stop pretending Something new under the sun And it feels like my life has just begun In my dreams is where I always find I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly Sick and tired of feeling down insecure and helpless These four walls I've built have helped me stand got more guts than I ever had So thanks for all the memories, I'll erase them now so I can breathe The ties that bind are coming free, I'm leaving all the dark behind me Something new under the sun And it feels like my life has just begun In my dreams is where I always find I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly Yesterday has passed away I only had myself to blame All the dreams we shared have shattered and faded and tainted by you So thanks for all the memories, I'll erase them now so I can breathe The ties that bind are coming free, I'm leaving all the dark behind me Something new under the sun And it feels like my life has just begun In my dreams is where I always find I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly Something new under the sun And it feels like my life has just begun In my dreams is where I always find I spread my wings and fly I spread my wings and fly |
Broken HeartIn the moonlight It was said and done And I know I'm wrong to cry But it still hurts That you said goodbye I'm not sorry at all You live, you learn, you heal a broken heart Whatever hurts you will just make you strong Heard that a million times I'm sure that I'll survive without you But I don't want to And we both knew It would would end this way Yeah We both knew Was wrong to try I had hope inside A dream that had to die Will live In another life You live, you learn, you heal a broken heart Whatever hurts you will just make you strong Heard that a million times I'm sure that I'll survive without you But I don't want to I gave you everything you wanted I gave you everything you need Nothing's ever over when you've lived it for a moment Do you believe? You live, you learn, you heal a broken heart Whatever hurts you will just make you strong Heard that a million times I'm sure that I'll survive without you But I don't want to | 福原みほ | Jimmy Harry | Miho Fukuhara | | In the moonlight It was said and done And I know I'm wrong to cry But it still hurts That you said goodbye I'm not sorry at all You live, you learn, you heal a broken heart Whatever hurts you will just make you strong Heard that a million times I'm sure that I'll survive without you But I don't want to And we both knew It would would end this way Yeah We both knew Was wrong to try I had hope inside A dream that had to die Will live In another life You live, you learn, you heal a broken heart Whatever hurts you will just make you strong Heard that a million times I'm sure that I'll survive without you But I don't want to I gave you everything you wanted I gave you everything you need Nothing's ever over when you've lived it for a moment Do you believe? You live, you learn, you heal a broken heart Whatever hurts you will just make you strong Heard that a million times I'm sure that I'll survive without you But I don't want to |
ミルク 2010 with Charaみんなはいい子だよ 自分はネコだよ 泣いたってミルクしかくれないー ひとりで寝ころんで途中で放りなげて 誰かがおとしたわけじゃない 自分で勝手にすすんで していることだから なんにも言わない だまって だまって 抱いて 鏡のない世界で 鏡のない世界で あなたは穏やかに過ごすことを 孤独やさびしさと同じって言ってから… 「うんざりするような あきれかえるような やる気のなさで…ゴメンネ」 姿をあらわしたこのボクを キライにならないで このボクをとめて だまってだいて こわれやすいものを きらって きらって 愛せない だまって だまって 途中でほうりなげて こわすー 鏡のない世界で 鏡のない世界で 鏡のー だまってだいて こわれやすいものを だまって だまって きこえない わかって わかって こわれやすいものをだいて 鏡のない世界で | 福原みほ | Chara | Chara & Ashley Ingram | | みんなはいい子だよ 自分はネコだよ 泣いたってミルクしかくれないー ひとりで寝ころんで途中で放りなげて 誰かがおとしたわけじゃない 自分で勝手にすすんで していることだから なんにも言わない だまって だまって 抱いて 鏡のない世界で 鏡のない世界で あなたは穏やかに過ごすことを 孤独やさびしさと同じって言ってから… 「うんざりするような あきれかえるような やる気のなさで…ゴメンネ」 姿をあらわしたこのボクを キライにならないで このボクをとめて だまってだいて こわれやすいものを きらって きらって 愛せない だまって だまって 途中でほうりなげて こわすー 鏡のない世界で 鏡のない世界で 鏡のー だまってだいて こわれやすいものを だまって だまって きこえない わかって わかって こわれやすいものをだいて 鏡のない世界で |