I.L.Y. ~欲望~ねぇ どうしてこんなに好きなの? あなたを見つめるたびに こころを見抜かれないように すっと視線そらす Baby Love もっとそばにおいで 罠に 今すぐ落ちてしまえ そうしたらもっと 私だけの優しい胸で 抱きしめてあげるから 欲望のI.L.Y. 夢中にさせたい boo-oo-shala... 魔法の鏡で 心の中 映しだしたい “あなたが好きになる”呪文を唱えて 赤信号... 車止まり... 突然 途切れた会話 ふれてみたいような 怖いような あなたのその唇 Baby Love 寂しいだけのKissはしたくない! 後悔もしたくない! 本当の愛を私だけに ぶつけて欲しい 空前のスピードで 欲望にI.L.Y. 甘いささやきで いつわり せつなさ いとしさ 二つのHeartをかさねて 夢の中へ あなたのそのKissで 天使にさせてよ アイシテル?... アイシテナイ?... アイシテル “二人 恋に落ちるって” 耳をすませば 声が聞こえてくる 運命だって信じてみたい 私のもとへ 飛び込んで 今すぐに 欲望のI.L.Y. 悪魔のように boo-oo-shala...訳もわからずに ただ心が乱されてゆく 欲望にI.L.Y. 助けて欲しいよ boo-oo-shala... 悪魔にもなれない こんなにどうかしてる私 あなたのそのKissで 天使にさせてよ boo-oo-shala... boo-oo-shala... | OLIVIA | T2YA | T2YA | T2ya | ねぇ どうしてこんなに好きなの? あなたを見つめるたびに こころを見抜かれないように すっと視線そらす Baby Love もっとそばにおいで 罠に 今すぐ落ちてしまえ そうしたらもっと 私だけの優しい胸で 抱きしめてあげるから 欲望のI.L.Y. 夢中にさせたい boo-oo-shala... 魔法の鏡で 心の中 映しだしたい “あなたが好きになる”呪文を唱えて 赤信号... 車止まり... 突然 途切れた会話 ふれてみたいような 怖いような あなたのその唇 Baby Love 寂しいだけのKissはしたくない! 後悔もしたくない! 本当の愛を私だけに ぶつけて欲しい 空前のスピードで 欲望にI.L.Y. 甘いささやきで いつわり せつなさ いとしさ 二つのHeartをかさねて 夢の中へ あなたのそのKissで 天使にさせてよ アイシテル?... アイシテナイ?... アイシテル “二人 恋に落ちるって” 耳をすませば 声が聞こえてくる 運命だって信じてみたい 私のもとへ 飛び込んで 今すぐに 欲望のI.L.Y. 悪魔のように boo-oo-shala...訳もわからずに ただ心が乱されてゆく 欲望にI.L.Y. 助けて欲しいよ boo-oo-shala... 悪魔にもなれない こんなにどうかしてる私 あなたのそのKissで 天使にさせてよ boo-oo-shala... boo-oo-shala... |
Remember Me?太陽でさえ手をくだせない 夜はすべて闇に飲み込む 愛が引き剥がした あなたの声が体中に響く どこまで歩いてゆけば 愛されたことだけ 想い出にできるの Do You Remember 赤裸々な心の感触を くちびるの高い温度 感じていた Do You Remember 永遠を求めあった言葉 今はもう抜け殻でも忘れてない 赤い月を空に掲げて 夜はそっと闇を切り抜く 夢にだまされても 朝の光が消していくように 未来に約束された 新しい私が寂しさを壊すの Do You Remember まぶしいこの時間の破片がささる この胸はもっと強く輝き出す Do You Remember あなたが後悔を見つけても 迷わずに違う明日を歩いていく ちぎれかけた羽ひろげ 次の空へと向かい はばたく Do You Remember 赤裸々な心の感触を くちびるの高い温度 感じていた Do You Remember 永遠を求めあった言葉 今はもう抜け殻でも忘れてない | OLIVIA | 海老根祐子 | OLIVIA | 五十嵐淳一・岩戸崇・OLIVIA | 太陽でさえ手をくだせない 夜はすべて闇に飲み込む 愛が引き剥がした あなたの声が体中に響く どこまで歩いてゆけば 愛されたことだけ 想い出にできるの Do You Remember 赤裸々な心の感触を くちびるの高い温度 感じていた Do You Remember 永遠を求めあった言葉 今はもう抜け殻でも忘れてない 赤い月を空に掲げて 夜はそっと闇を切り抜く 夢にだまされても 朝の光が消していくように 未来に約束された 新しい私が寂しさを壊すの Do You Remember まぶしいこの時間の破片がささる この胸はもっと強く輝き出す Do You Remember あなたが後悔を見つけても 迷わずに違う明日を歩いていく ちぎれかけた羽ひろげ 次の空へと向かい はばたく Do You Remember 赤裸々な心の感触を くちびるの高い温度 感じていた Do You Remember 永遠を求めあった言葉 今はもう抜け殻でも忘れてない |
Dress me UpWhy are you looking at me like that? I do not feel a very good vibe Why are you pushing me away? Now It's not like I really want to stay Oh I, I might be small but it doesn't mean I can't reach the sky I, I might be weak but it doesn't mean you can knock me down Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed Do you like my shoes? Why are you turning away? You haven't seen nothing yet Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed Do you like my shoes? Why are you turning away? You haven't seen nothing yet Why aren't you giving me a chance I have a way of my own Why are you being so damn crude Hey look!you are a human being like me Oh I, I might trip and fall but it doesn't mean I don't know how to stand tall I, Don't look like her but I am glad as hell I am, who I am Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed Do you like my shoes? Why are you turning away? You haven't seen nothing yet Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed I've got something to say You don't know what I can do And you don't know who I am Don't Tear me Up Into many pieces You can't touch my soul You better get used to it Cause, I'm not going no where Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed Do you like my shoes? Why are you turning away? You haven't seen nothing yet | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・是永巧一 | Why are you looking at me like that? I do not feel a very good vibe Why are you pushing me away? Now It's not like I really want to stay Oh I, I might be small but it doesn't mean I can't reach the sky I, I might be weak but it doesn't mean you can knock me down Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed Do you like my shoes? Why are you turning away? You haven't seen nothing yet Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed Do you like my shoes? Why are you turning away? You haven't seen nothing yet Why aren't you giving me a chance I have a way of my own Why are you being so damn crude Hey look!you are a human being like me Oh I, I might trip and fall but it doesn't mean I don't know how to stand tall I, Don't look like her but I am glad as hell I am, who I am Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed Do you like my shoes? Why are you turning away? You haven't seen nothing yet Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed I've got something to say You don't know what I can do And you don't know who I am Don't Tear me Up Into many pieces You can't touch my soul You better get used to it Cause, I'm not going no where Don't Dress me Up I'm already dressed Do you like my shoes? Why are you turning away? You haven't seen nothing yet |
できないできない きれいじゃないから できない 太っているから できない 頭痛いから できない 20才過ぎているから できない 時間がないから できない うまくないから できない 眠いから できない 今日は疲れたから このままじゃ 満足できない このままじゃ ずっとこのまま スーパーモデルも目じゃない ゴールドメダルも目じゃない もうひとりの自分が囁くけど できない きれいじゃないから できない 太っているから できない 頭痛いから できない 20才過ぎているから できない 時間がないから できない うまくないから できない 眠いから できない 今日は疲れたから 閉ざされたもうひとりの自分を 解き放つためのKeyをきっと手に入れる スーパーヒーローもいらない ボディガードもいらない もうひとりの自分に問いかけるけど できない きれいじゃないから できない 太っているから できない 頭痛いから できない 20才過ぎているから できない 時間がないから できない うまくないから できない 眠いから できない 今日は疲れたから But you see, that when I shut my eyes I meet another me She sings to me sweet lulla byes and fantasies She says undo me ~set me free~ Release me ~can't you see?~ That your mind controls everything I don't want to be a shadow of you fear and doubt of a little coward cause I can be anything I want to be so you and me We have to agree If anyone can do it So can we できない きれいじゃないから できない 太っているから できない 頭痛いから できない 誰もいらないから できない 時間がないけど できない うまくないけど できない 自信がないけど できない ひとりじゃないから | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・SATOKO ISAKA・KOUICHI KORENAGA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・是永巧一 | できない きれいじゃないから できない 太っているから できない 頭痛いから できない 20才過ぎているから できない 時間がないから できない うまくないから できない 眠いから できない 今日は疲れたから このままじゃ 満足できない このままじゃ ずっとこのまま スーパーモデルも目じゃない ゴールドメダルも目じゃない もうひとりの自分が囁くけど できない きれいじゃないから できない 太っているから できない 頭痛いから できない 20才過ぎているから できない 時間がないから できない うまくないから できない 眠いから できない 今日は疲れたから 閉ざされたもうひとりの自分を 解き放つためのKeyをきっと手に入れる スーパーヒーローもいらない ボディガードもいらない もうひとりの自分に問いかけるけど できない きれいじゃないから できない 太っているから できない 頭痛いから できない 20才過ぎているから できない 時間がないから できない うまくないから できない 眠いから できない 今日は疲れたから But you see, that when I shut my eyes I meet another me She sings to me sweet lulla byes and fantasies She says undo me ~set me free~ Release me ~can't you see?~ That your mind controls everything I don't want to be a shadow of you fear and doubt of a little coward cause I can be anything I want to be so you and me We have to agree If anyone can do it So can we できない きれいじゃないから できない 太っているから できない 頭痛いから できない 誰もいらないから できない 時間がないけど できない うまくないけど できない 自信がないけど できない ひとりじゃないから |
Escape the Flames通り過ぎる時間の外で 帰る道も足跡もない 夢の中に映る笑顔と かすんでいく明日の陰 Escape the Flames 私に崩れ落ちる Escape the Flames I can feel frozen sparkles flicker down on me Get away Can't you see what's happening to me Escape the Flames 遠くへ私を連れ去って 求めたやすらぎも許されず 祈りはこの手を滑り落ちる 自分の影はどこにもなく 孤独が私を焼き尽くす Escape the Flames 絡みつく時間の中 Escape the Flames Deludingly taking piece by piece away Burn away I'm in flames, It's to late Escape the Flames もう私はどこにもない | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・KOUICHI KORENAGA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・是永巧一 | 通り過ぎる時間の外で 帰る道も足跡もない 夢の中に映る笑顔と かすんでいく明日の陰 Escape the Flames 私に崩れ落ちる Escape the Flames I can feel frozen sparkles flicker down on me Get away Can't you see what's happening to me Escape the Flames 遠くへ私を連れ去って 求めたやすらぎも許されず 祈りはこの手を滑り落ちる 自分の影はどこにもなく 孤独が私を焼き尽くす Escape the Flames 絡みつく時間の中 Escape the Flames Deludingly taking piece by piece away Burn away I'm in flames, It's to late Escape the Flames もう私はどこにもない |
Color of your Spoon太陽 月 地球 命 家族 恋人 友達 怒り 微笑み 信頼 チャンス 奇蹟 運命 踊る ダンス 光 the sea 青い Hawaii 音楽 スペース チューリップ かわいい My home あなたとその笑顔 Thailand, Peru, Iceland&Egypt 愛することできるよ Challenge だってできるよ やってみようよ Ah とてもしあわせ Color of your Spoon 忘れはしない 何も失くしはしないよ Color of your Spoon この世にはない ないほうがいいものなんて はしゃぎ回る子供のように その瞳が輝きだすように 夢が溢れ出すように 感謝したい すべて心から Color of your Spoon 自由 空 Imagination 期待 わからない明日 虹 Merry-go-round I'm dreaming 曇り 涙 流す Shampoo 見つけることできるよ そのままの自分で 探しにいこうよ Ah 大丈夫 Color of your Spoon 恐れはしない 何も怖くはないよ Color of your Spoon この世にはない いないほうがいいひとなんて 夢を見つけた子供のように その笑顔が輝きだすように 愛が溢れ出すように 感謝したい すべて心から Color of your Spoon Color of your Spoon 忘れはしない 何も失くしはしないよ Color of your Spoon この世にはない ないほうがいいものなんて Color of your Spoon 恐れはしない 何も怖くはないよ Color of your Spoon この世にはない いないほうがいいひとなんて はしゃぎ回る子供のように その瞳が輝きだすように 夢が溢れ出すように 感謝したい すべて心から Color of your Spoon 太陽 月 地球 命 家族 恋人 友達 怒り 微笑み 信頼 チャンス 奇蹟 運命 感じる 今… | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・伊坂里子・是永巧一 | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・是永巧一 | 太陽 月 地球 命 家族 恋人 友達 怒り 微笑み 信頼 チャンス 奇蹟 運命 踊る ダンス 光 the sea 青い Hawaii 音楽 スペース チューリップ かわいい My home あなたとその笑顔 Thailand, Peru, Iceland&Egypt 愛することできるよ Challenge だってできるよ やってみようよ Ah とてもしあわせ Color of your Spoon 忘れはしない 何も失くしはしないよ Color of your Spoon この世にはない ないほうがいいものなんて はしゃぎ回る子供のように その瞳が輝きだすように 夢が溢れ出すように 感謝したい すべて心から Color of your Spoon 自由 空 Imagination 期待 わからない明日 虹 Merry-go-round I'm dreaming 曇り 涙 流す Shampoo 見つけることできるよ そのままの自分で 探しにいこうよ Ah 大丈夫 Color of your Spoon 恐れはしない 何も怖くはないよ Color of your Spoon この世にはない いないほうがいいひとなんて 夢を見つけた子供のように その笑顔が輝きだすように 愛が溢れ出すように 感謝したい すべて心から Color of your Spoon Color of your Spoon 忘れはしない 何も失くしはしないよ Color of your Spoon この世にはない ないほうがいいものなんて Color of your Spoon 恐れはしない 何も怖くはないよ Color of your Spoon この世にはない いないほうがいいひとなんて はしゃぎ回る子供のように その瞳が輝きだすように 夢が溢れ出すように 感謝したい すべて心から Color of your Spoon 太陽 月 地球 命 家族 恋人 友達 怒り 微笑み 信頼 チャンス 奇蹟 運命 感じる 今… |
Grapefruit Teaoh lovely change a breeze of grapefruits and jasmine seas sexy burgundy skies sweet peppermint candies will the breeze become my air or should i have to hold my breath for i don't want to be your chinaware nor game of solitare そよ風よ 舞い降りて 包み込んで 私のもとへ | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | oh lovely change a breeze of grapefruits and jasmine seas sexy burgundy skies sweet peppermint candies will the breeze become my air or should i have to hold my breath for i don't want to be your chinaware nor game of solitare そよ風よ 舞い降りて 包み込んで 私のもとへ |
Dear AngelYesか Noかで決められない 立ち止まる人の群れを抜けて 見上げる世界に あなただけ求めてた My Dear Angel 強く生きる瞳で見つめる My Dear Angel 迷いのない未来を My Dear Angel 体中 愛に変えて 熱く抱かれながら あなたの勇気 守りたい 自分より誰かを愛した時 私が生きている謎が解ける 見えない時代に あなただけ信じてる My Dear Angel 風に撃たれ疲れた翼を My Dear Angel この胸で休めて My Dear Angel 広すぎる空を照らす たくましい心で あなたの夢のそばにいる My Dear Angel 強く生きる瞳で見つめる My Dear Angel 迷いのない未来を My Dear Angel 風に撃たれ疲れた翼を My Dear Angel この胸で休めて My Dear Angel 体中 愛に変えて 熱く抱かれながら あなたの勇気 守りたい | OLIVIA | 海老根祐子 | OLIVIA | JUNICHI IGARASHI・OLIVIA | Yesか Noかで決められない 立ち止まる人の群れを抜けて 見上げる世界に あなただけ求めてた My Dear Angel 強く生きる瞳で見つめる My Dear Angel 迷いのない未来を My Dear Angel 体中 愛に変えて 熱く抱かれながら あなたの勇気 守りたい 自分より誰かを愛した時 私が生きている謎が解ける 見えない時代に あなただけ信じてる My Dear Angel 風に撃たれ疲れた翼を My Dear Angel この胸で休めて My Dear Angel 広すぎる空を照らす たくましい心で あなたの夢のそばにいる My Dear Angel 強く生きる瞳で見つめる My Dear Angel 迷いのない未来を My Dear Angel 風に撃たれ疲れた翼を My Dear Angel この胸で休めて My Dear Angel 体中 愛に変えて 熱く抱かれながら あなたの勇気 守りたい |
re-ACT今すぐに Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたと奇跡起こしたい 迷わず Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたの腕のその中で すべてが愛になれ! 初めて思った 自分の為じゃなく 誰かの為に生きてみたいと 消えない赤い糸が もしもここにあるのなら 教えて欲しい 信じてみたい 遥かな永遠をさがして あなたへたどり着いた たたずむ砂漠の中 ひきかえす事はできない 今すぐに Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたと運命感じたい 迷わず Hold on me このときめき あなたと同じ速さで すべてが熱くなれ! あなたに決めたの 見つめた瞳の奥 果てしなく険しい道でも こんなに心が動かされる人は この先もう きっと出会えない 石の上にも咲く花になれ 叶わぬ夢だとしても 誰よりもそばにいて あなたの世界を変えたい その胸で Hold on me 生きてみたい あなたが愛したぬくもりも 何も言わず 抱きしめてよ 壊れるくらいに 強く Hold on me... 今すぐに Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたと運命感じたい その胸で Hold on me 生きてみたい あなたが愛したぬくもりも 何も言わず 抱きしめてよ 壊れるくらいに 強く 迷わず Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたの腕のその中で すべてが愛になれ! | OLIVIA | T2ya | T2ya | | 今すぐに Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたと奇跡起こしたい 迷わず Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたの腕のその中で すべてが愛になれ! 初めて思った 自分の為じゃなく 誰かの為に生きてみたいと 消えない赤い糸が もしもここにあるのなら 教えて欲しい 信じてみたい 遥かな永遠をさがして あなたへたどり着いた たたずむ砂漠の中 ひきかえす事はできない 今すぐに Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたと運命感じたい 迷わず Hold on me このときめき あなたと同じ速さで すべてが熱くなれ! あなたに決めたの 見つめた瞳の奥 果てしなく険しい道でも こんなに心が動かされる人は この先もう きっと出会えない 石の上にも咲く花になれ 叶わぬ夢だとしても 誰よりもそばにいて あなたの世界を変えたい その胸で Hold on me 生きてみたい あなたが愛したぬくもりも 何も言わず 抱きしめてよ 壊れるくらいに 強く Hold on me... 今すぐに Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたと運命感じたい その胸で Hold on me 生きてみたい あなたが愛したぬくもりも 何も言わず 抱きしめてよ 壊れるくらいに 強く 迷わず Hold on me 抱きしめてよ あなたの腕のその中で すべてが愛になれ! |
liquid skiesonce upon a time, there was a mermaid who felt like something was missing in her life but she didn't know what it was. one starlight night, she swam up to the surface and met a pegasus soaring above her, he told her about his world of wings and it resonated like a dream... 飛 or not to be a dream is never just a dream i dream of light it's so dark down here ちょっと怖い 何か足りない the water used to be clear little mermaid 夜泣いてるの聞こえるよ 涙が光の雨で 空を輝く ssh 風が真実を囁く raise the tides 潮と満ちる feel the depth of liquid skies 液体の空の深さを知りたい i can't go i can't go i'm too scared to let go 太陽たち降る色 gathering wishes from the stars hide and seek with venus and mars 水で咲くlotus もう探す必要ない ピント focus and fly dreams come true truth comes from dreams remember how to fly 飛び上がる remember 夢が叶う 夢が真実を習う 波起こす 悩みを残す 昔 ヒトデが星 飛ぶ竜 子供 水に落とし seahorses are flying dragons that dive into the sea 竜の落し子も翼有り swim in saturns rings see a rainbow when you're happy cause even starfish have wings 日の入りに舞い降りたPegasus 空は遠くて 変えられない運命 それでも鼓動は高まる spread your wings one with all living things a pegasus sings It's easy you can fly 雲海で泳ぎたい take me with you でも飛ぶのは自分の翼 誰にも惑わされないで 信じるのは自分の翼 into your 世界 i will fly believe 待って今から行く もうすぐそこに着く dreams come true truth comes from dreams i can fly we all can fly to be or not to be to be i can fly i'm flying so high fly | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jai West・h UEDA | OLIVIA・Jai West・h UEDA | h.UEDA・OLIVIA・ジャイ・ウェスト | once upon a time, there was a mermaid who felt like something was missing in her life but she didn't know what it was. one starlight night, she swam up to the surface and met a pegasus soaring above her, he told her about his world of wings and it resonated like a dream... 飛 or not to be a dream is never just a dream i dream of light it's so dark down here ちょっと怖い 何か足りない the water used to be clear little mermaid 夜泣いてるの聞こえるよ 涙が光の雨で 空を輝く ssh 風が真実を囁く raise the tides 潮と満ちる feel the depth of liquid skies 液体の空の深さを知りたい i can't go i can't go i'm too scared to let go 太陽たち降る色 gathering wishes from the stars hide and seek with venus and mars 水で咲くlotus もう探す必要ない ピント focus and fly dreams come true truth comes from dreams remember how to fly 飛び上がる remember 夢が叶う 夢が真実を習う 波起こす 悩みを残す 昔 ヒトデが星 飛ぶ竜 子供 水に落とし seahorses are flying dragons that dive into the sea 竜の落し子も翼有り swim in saturns rings see a rainbow when you're happy cause even starfish have wings 日の入りに舞い降りたPegasus 空は遠くて 変えられない運命 それでも鼓動は高まる spread your wings one with all living things a pegasus sings It's easy you can fly 雲海で泳ぎたい take me with you でも飛ぶのは自分の翼 誰にも惑わされないで 信じるのは自分の翼 into your 世界 i will fly believe 待って今から行く もうすぐそこに着く dreams come true truth comes from dreams i can fly we all can fly to be or not to be to be i can fly i'm flying so high fly |
crystallinecrystalline collide with my eyes your alluring glow takes me from here to you do you think of me the way i think of you? i never knew about this other world of me i never knew i could fall so far i'm falling for you | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・QUMICO FUCCI・AYANO MARINO | crystalline collide with my eyes your alluring glow takes me from here to you do you think of me the way i think of you? i never knew about this other world of me i never knew i could fall so far i'm falling for you |
soulmatewhen i see your eyes 吸い込まれる 何でも言える say everything あなたに感謝 living in castles as kings すいかの翼 growing nectarine wings 光りの速さで skipping rope like kids rolling in the grass 赤ワイン&jazz 無限の公園 二人まったり just chillin' like native americans あの時の空の aura i know what you're thinking once you were my inca prince 思い出した あの時の kiss once you were my egyptian queen 思い出した あの時の dream あなたが迷う わたし見つける あなたといると 自分 愛せる when you've lost your way i'll find you when i'm with you always i love myself once you were my son 思い出した ひまわり in the sun you are the moon 思い出した あの一瞬 once you passed me by je me souviens de toi tu as sauve moi I'intention de mon ame cette une synchronicite あなたが迷う わたし見つける あなたがいると 自分 愛せる when you've lost your way i'll find you when i'm with you always i love myself i'll find you find me too | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jai West・h UEDA | OLIVIA・Jai West・h UEDA | h.UEDA・OLIVIA・ジャイ・ウェスト | when i see your eyes 吸い込まれる 何でも言える say everything あなたに感謝 living in castles as kings すいかの翼 growing nectarine wings 光りの速さで skipping rope like kids rolling in the grass 赤ワイン&jazz 無限の公園 二人まったり just chillin' like native americans あの時の空の aura i know what you're thinking once you were my inca prince 思い出した あの時の kiss once you were my egyptian queen 思い出した あの時の dream あなたが迷う わたし見つける あなたといると 自分 愛せる when you've lost your way i'll find you when i'm with you always i love myself once you were my son 思い出した ひまわり in the sun you are the moon 思い出した あの一瞬 once you passed me by je me souviens de toi tu as sauve moi I'intention de mon ame cette une synchronicite あなたが迷う わたし見つける あなたがいると 自分 愛せる when you've lost your way i'll find you when i'm with you always i love myself i'll find you find me too |
walk on byi'm a little good girl i'm a little good girl he makes me cry he doesn't know why he tries to change me and says me loves me walk on by 届かない声 今 愛に会いたい i'm a little good girl i'm a little good girl what makes you happy? i gave you everything oh please forgive me for being me walk on by 近くにいても 感じ合えない 自分を愛し 人を愛せる walk on by | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・kotomi | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・QUMICO FUCCI・AYANO MARINO | i'm a little good girl i'm a little good girl he makes me cry he doesn't know why he tries to change me and says me loves me walk on by 届かない声 今 愛に会いたい i'm a little good girl i'm a little good girl what makes you happy? i gave you everything oh please forgive me for being me walk on by 近くにいても 感じ合えない 自分を愛し 人を愛せる walk on by |
solarhalfbreedchild of the sun changing with the sky sakura shy december clouds cry illuminant light illuminate me illuminant light illuminate me play me a symphony dance with me child of the moon changing with the tide up and down the seashore side illuminant light illuminate me illuminant light illuminate me with you i find what is me | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・QUMICO FUCCI・AYANO MARINO | child of the sun changing with the sky sakura shy december clouds cry illuminant light illuminate me illuminant light illuminate me play me a symphony dance with me child of the moon changing with the tide up and down the seashore side illuminant light illuminate me illuminant light illuminate me with you i find what is me |
Sea meI do not mean to Make you unhappy ためらう波 耳をすませて Kiss me forever Raindrops 風に吹かれて 流れる川となって And it all dies in the sea Kiss me forever Lemondrops 口に広がり 絵の中の雪が解け And eventually go to sea I come from venus And you come from Venice 心とかす あなたの笑顔 Kiss me forever Teardrops 頬にこぼれて 大地を潤して And it heads off to the sea Kiss me forever Moondrops 降りそそいで 光り輝き続けて And it lights up the sea Kiss me forever Raindrops 風に吹かれて 流れる川となって And it all dies in the sea Kiss me forever Teardrops 頬にこぼれて 大地を潤して And it heads off to the sea Kiss me forever Moondrops 降りそそいで 光り輝き続けて And it lights up the sea | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Qumico Fucci | I do not mean to Make you unhappy ためらう波 耳をすませて Kiss me forever Raindrops 風に吹かれて 流れる川となって And it all dies in the sea Kiss me forever Lemondrops 口に広がり 絵の中の雪が解け And eventually go to sea I come from venus And you come from Venice 心とかす あなたの笑顔 Kiss me forever Teardrops 頬にこぼれて 大地を潤して And it heads off to the sea Kiss me forever Moondrops 降りそそいで 光り輝き続けて And it lights up the sea Kiss me forever Raindrops 風に吹かれて 流れる川となって And it all dies in the sea Kiss me forever Teardrops 頬にこぼれて 大地を潤して And it heads off to the sea Kiss me forever Moondrops 降りそそいで 光り輝き続けて And it lights up the sea |
Into The StarsI just wanna love 時の翼はずして I just wanna love 明日にならないように 眠り方さえ 息の仕方さえ あなたは忘れさせる 雨の雫さえ 生命(いのち)感じさせる You take my heart to a place I want forever 二人の永遠は とぎれとぎれで 逢えない約束 残していくだけ Please stay with me I'm so happy in this moment with you I just wanna love 夢を消さないように I just wanna love あなた思う私 すぐにはずれる 本のカバーの様に 不安な日常の中 星の動きより 恋よりも強く You take my heart to a place I want forever 二人の楽園は 平等じゃなくて 切なくなるほど 短く過ぎる Day comes, Night goes I'm standing still you've ran off with the stars again 二人の永遠は とぎれとぎれで 逢えない約束 残していくだけ Please stay with me I'm so happy in this moment with you I just wanna love 時の翼はずして I just wanna love 明日にならないように I just wanna love 夢を消さないように I just wanna love あなた思う私 | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Masumi Kawaura | OLIVIA | DJ Cool-K・Susumu Nishikawa・Takeshi Watanabe | I just wanna love 時の翼はずして I just wanna love 明日にならないように 眠り方さえ 息の仕方さえ あなたは忘れさせる 雨の雫さえ 生命(いのち)感じさせる You take my heart to a place I want forever 二人の永遠は とぎれとぎれで 逢えない約束 残していくだけ Please stay with me I'm so happy in this moment with you I just wanna love 夢を消さないように I just wanna love あなた思う私 すぐにはずれる 本のカバーの様に 不安な日常の中 星の動きより 恋よりも強く You take my heart to a place I want forever 二人の楽園は 平等じゃなくて 切なくなるほど 短く過ぎる Day comes, Night goes I'm standing still you've ran off with the stars again 二人の永遠は とぎれとぎれで 逢えない約束 残していくだけ Please stay with me I'm so happy in this moment with you I just wanna love 時の翼はずして I just wanna love 明日にならないように I just wanna love 夢を消さないように I just wanna love あなた思う私 |
Ballerina優雅に踊る in a 無傷の Diamond Where it protects her 涙と Pink marigold dreams はざ間でもがく彼女は 太陽を振り向かせる It lights the stage for her Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are You have been waiting for this Isn't this what you wanted? Why are you crying? 現実と Glass oil paintings 間で生きる彼女を 誰も理解しようとしない They are afraid of chance Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are 涙と Pink marigold dreams はざ間でもがく彼女は 太陽を振り向かせる It lights the stage for her Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・DJ Cool-K・Takeshi Watanabe | 優雅に踊る in a 無傷の Diamond Where it protects her 涙と Pink marigold dreams はざ間でもがく彼女は 太陽を振り向かせる It lights the stage for her Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are You have been waiting for this Isn't this what you wanted? Why are you crying? 現実と Glass oil paintings 間で生きる彼女を 誰も理解しようとしない They are afraid of chance Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are 涙と Pink marigold dreams はざ間でもがく彼女は 太陽を振り向かせる It lights the stage for her Ballerina Show them who you are Ballerina Show them who you are |
SpidERSpinsI redeem this form It emerges from the water I feed it at night I will be forgiven Sweet sweet To want to suck it out Sweet sweet To want to suck it out Sweet sweet I want to know why the Spider spins so beautiful Distorted mysterial resonance Play games with my butterflies Hypnotize Sweet sweet To want to suck it out Sweet sweet To want to suck it out Sweet sweet Surprise me again Spider spins so beautiful | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | | I redeem this form It emerges from the water I feed it at night I will be forgiven Sweet sweet To want to suck it out Sweet sweet To want to suck it out Sweet sweet I want to know why the Spider spins so beautiful Distorted mysterial resonance Play games with my butterflies Hypnotize Sweet sweet To want to suck it out Sweet sweet To want to suck it out Sweet sweet Surprise me again Spider spins so beautiful |
Celestial DelinquentYou live in a home With running water Air conditioner and T.V. You have nothing to give You have nothing to say So you sing-a-ling-a-long Everything is alright How can one person change the world? I have to pay my bills I gotta go to work The earth is dying I am so ashamed We are all to blame We must raise human consciousness I want to be up high up with the sun Disappear completely into love I want to be up high up where i can See the secret roads All you selfish people Who think of nothing butmoney Realize how angry and stressed You are all the time When you're angry you only see things From a bad angle That's way you are going crazy That's way you feel like shit You'll never find true happiness In this state of mind | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | You live in a home With running water Air conditioner and T.V. You have nothing to give You have nothing to say So you sing-a-ling-a-long Everything is alright How can one person change the world? I have to pay my bills I gotta go to work The earth is dying I am so ashamed We are all to blame We must raise human consciousness I want to be up high up with the sun Disappear completely into love I want to be up high up where i can See the secret roads All you selfish people Who think of nothing butmoney Realize how angry and stressed You are all the time When you're angry you only see things From a bad angle That's way you are going crazy That's way you feel like shit You'll never find true happiness In this state of mind |
alone in our castleSo the siren went off It chased you out of your mind Just when I started to grow a garden How selfish of me But I need something to build on to You can't leave me here Alone in our castle Alone in everything we have I'll never see your face The way it is in our castle So I kidnapped your sweet sparrow So I am dancing around on your pain The hallways echo your longing We both know what needs to be done But something is holding on Alone in our castle Alone in everything we have I'll never see your skin The way I do in our castle Love oh love I want to believe in love I want to believe this feeling That I feel deeply for you But if you can't Turn away and go Don't turn back Ando I'll do the same Alone in our castle Alone in everything we have I'll never see your face The way I do in our castle Alone in our castle Alone in everything we have I'll never see your skin The way I do in our castle | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | So the siren went off It chased you out of your mind Just when I started to grow a garden How selfish of me But I need something to build on to You can't leave me here Alone in our castle Alone in everything we have I'll never see your face The way it is in our castle So I kidnapped your sweet sparrow So I am dancing around on your pain The hallways echo your longing We both know what needs to be done But something is holding on Alone in our castle Alone in everything we have I'll never see your skin The way I do in our castle Love oh love I want to believe in love I want to believe this feeling That I feel deeply for you But if you can't Turn away and go Don't turn back Ando I'll do the same Alone in our castle Alone in everything we have I'll never see your face The way I do in our castle Alone in our castle Alone in everything we have I'll never see your skin The way I do in our castle |
Under Your WavesLover, You make me want to beg you for more Your drugs, my thrilling intake I take whatever you make Please make me feel our love Touch me under your waves Breathing under your waves Lover, You make me want to beg you for more Soon you'll find me tipping on the edge Sometimes I wonder how it'd feel If you made me whole Made me safe Touch me under your waves Breathing under your waves You come closer to me When I push you away You come closer to me When I push you away Lover, You make me want to beg you for more | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | Lover, You make me want to beg you for more Your drugs, my thrilling intake I take whatever you make Please make me feel our love Touch me under your waves Breathing under your waves Lover, You make me want to beg you for more Soon you'll find me tipping on the edge Sometimes I wonder how it'd feel If you made me whole Made me safe Touch me under your waves Breathing under your waves You come closer to me When I push you away You come closer to me When I push you away Lover, You make me want to beg you for more |
Space HaloYou tell me you love me I watch you look out the window Into the luminous blue sky With eyes of loneliness As if you had to go What will it take to win your smile? Does it help for you to know That nothing can break my love for you Believe in me, if you need to believe Look into my eyes Deep into my eyes I wish you would let go Of your space halo Come down here and live with me, Live with me The fear begins to creep in The distance begin to grow I can't find the right words to say I need to know it's okay Okay How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me I wish I could make you Truly happy So you would never want to Leave this world I wish you would let go Of your space halo Come down here and live with me, Live with me | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | You tell me you love me I watch you look out the window Into the luminous blue sky With eyes of loneliness As if you had to go What will it take to win your smile? Does it help for you to know That nothing can break my love for you Believe in me, if you need to believe Look into my eyes Deep into my eyes I wish you would let go Of your space halo Come down here and live with me, Live with me The fear begins to creep in The distance begin to grow I can't find the right words to say I need to know it's okay Okay How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me How am I suppose to hold you at ease How am I suppose to know you love me I wish I could make you Truly happy So you would never want to Leave this world I wish you would let go Of your space halo Come down here and live with me, Live with me |
Dream CatcherMy mind always remembers 優しさの欠けら 胸の中抱きしめて My heart binded by tears ささやかな一瞬(とき)も かなわない愛しさを求めてる Ah 星を数えて 眠れる様に あなたに包まれて I wanna be your dream catcher 心の奥 咲かない花を いつの日か 信じて I wanna be your dream catcher 今初めて生まれ変わる Fly again My heart never surrenders 子供だった頃の まっすぐな 眼差しは変わらない Ah 見つめるだけで 磁石のように 思いを束ねてく I wanna be your dream catcher どんな悲しみが訪れても 守りたい あなたを I wanna be your dream catcher 今初めて強くなれる Fly again I feel something sneak in to me It surprises me Opens me I wanna be your dream catcher 心の奥 咲かない花を いつの日か 信じて I wanna be your dream catcher 今初めて生まれ変わる Fly again | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Chazne | OLIVIA・rui | | My mind always remembers 優しさの欠けら 胸の中抱きしめて My heart binded by tears ささやかな一瞬(とき)も かなわない愛しさを求めてる Ah 星を数えて 眠れる様に あなたに包まれて I wanna be your dream catcher 心の奥 咲かない花を いつの日か 信じて I wanna be your dream catcher 今初めて生まれ変わる Fly again My heart never surrenders 子供だった頃の まっすぐな 眼差しは変わらない Ah 見つめるだけで 磁石のように 思いを束ねてく I wanna be your dream catcher どんな悲しみが訪れても 守りたい あなたを I wanna be your dream catcher 今初めて強くなれる Fly again I feel something sneak in to me It surprises me Opens me I wanna be your dream catcher 心の奥 咲かない花を いつの日か 信じて I wanna be your dream catcher 今初めて生まれ変わる Fly again |
Stars Shining Out心が彷徨う誰もいない部屋ひとり 乾いてゆく なくしたままの心の鍵三日月の夜に 探している I'm sinking now, sinking now, sinking now 窓を開けて見上げれば I'm screaming now, screaming now, screaming now 遥かかなた星が舞う Stars shining out Stars shining out 降りそそぐ光 照らし出す道 もう迷わない 瞬きが導く やまない争い頭が心をいつも 縛りつける 心の声をかき消すこの雑音を止めて 救い出して I'm sinking now, sinking now, sinking now 窓を開けて見上げれば I'm screaming now, screaming now, screaming now 星が涙とかしてゆく Stars shining out Stars shining out きらめく輝き 溢れだす愛 もう泣かない 心の唄はじまる I'm sinking now, sinking now, sinking now 窓を開けて見上げれば I'm screaming now, screaming now, screaming now 遥かかなた星が舞う Stars shining out Stars shining out Stars shining out Stars shining out 降りそそぐ光 照らし出す道 もう迷わない 瞬きが導く | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Karen Auki | OLIVIA・rui | | 心が彷徨う誰もいない部屋ひとり 乾いてゆく なくしたままの心の鍵三日月の夜に 探している I'm sinking now, sinking now, sinking now 窓を開けて見上げれば I'm screaming now, screaming now, screaming now 遥かかなた星が舞う Stars shining out Stars shining out 降りそそぐ光 照らし出す道 もう迷わない 瞬きが導く やまない争い頭が心をいつも 縛りつける 心の声をかき消すこの雑音を止めて 救い出して I'm sinking now, sinking now, sinking now 窓を開けて見上げれば I'm screaming now, screaming now, screaming now 星が涙とかしてゆく Stars shining out Stars shining out きらめく輝き 溢れだす愛 もう泣かない 心の唄はじまる I'm sinking now, sinking now, sinking now 窓を開けて見上げれば I'm screaming now, screaming now, screaming now 遥かかなた星が舞う Stars shining out Stars shining out Stars shining out Stars shining out 降りそそぐ光 照らし出す道 もう迷わない 瞬きが導く |
If you only knewYou let go of my hand You say you have important things to do In search of something Knocking in a faint sound Ohh... The pain is burning your senses Ohh... You're getting colder Oh believe in me Oh believe in me The magic you can create If you only knew You're forgetting me Forgetting how to dream Remember back then When we played on the dandelion hill Till the sunset We did't need anything else Ohh... You're always protecting yourself Ohh... Come here with me Oh believe in me Oh believe in me Do you ever feel this quietness inside? That is where you'll find me Nothing can erase me | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | You let go of my hand You say you have important things to do In search of something Knocking in a faint sound Ohh... The pain is burning your senses Ohh... You're getting colder Oh believe in me Oh believe in me The magic you can create If you only knew You're forgetting me Forgetting how to dream Remember back then When we played on the dandelion hill Till the sunset We did't need anything else Ohh... You're always protecting yourself Ohh... Come here with me Oh believe in me Oh believe in me Do you ever feel this quietness inside? That is where you'll find me Nothing can erase me |
Cut me freeIt is telling me that I can not escape It is telling me that I can not forget Just like a broken record, repeating it to me You're getting my attention It makes me weray Oh you're so strong You get stronger when I, stronger when I believe you Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster It's telling me that I am goona choke It's telling me that I am strange Just like a broken record, repeating it to me Comparing always comparing I can't take it You live off my compassion I am the one That keeps you alive I feel you pull me under Fall into your trap Now you're taking control of me Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster When you fall asleep The ropes come undone I feel the wind hit my face If only I can be here all the time | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | It is telling me that I can not escape It is telling me that I can not forget Just like a broken record, repeating it to me You're getting my attention It makes me weray Oh you're so strong You get stronger when I, stronger when I believe you Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster It's telling me that I am goona choke It's telling me that I am strange Just like a broken record, repeating it to me Comparing always comparing I can't take it You live off my compassion I am the one That keeps you alive I feel you pull me under Fall into your trap Now you're taking control of me Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster Cut me free Memorizing Monster When you fall asleep The ropes come undone I feel the wind hit my face If only I can be here all the time |
Your smileShow me your smile Show me real love 光でも影でもない Show me your smile Show me real love 未来じゃない過去でもない 黒い空 孤独な月明かり もう 迷わない 探していた世界 見つけたから You are looking the wrong way You feel that you are not enough 寂しい瞳で 何を求めて You can find your true self It can't wait to come to life Let go the pressure 意味がない Show me your smile Show me real love もう一度 抱きしめて 夢の彼方まで その手を 伸ばしてみても 心 満たせなくて Show me your smile Show me real love 瞬間も 永遠も 本当は すべてがここにあるの ただ 微笑むだけ 熱い土 裸足で走り出す もう戻ろう 空を染める 虹が見えた頃に You are looking the wrong way You feel that you are not enough ためらうことさえ 疑う事さえ You can find your true self It can't wait to come to life Let go the pressure そのままで Show me your smile Show me real love 光でも影でもない 何も伝えようとしないで ただ そばにいて 溶け合うほど そばに Show me your smile Show me real love 未来じゃない過去でもない 本当は 見つめるだけでいいの ただ 微笑むだけ When it comes from inside Just to be is plenty No need to go searching It'll come to you I think you know that your heart is trying to tell you something It might be why you feel unesay Maybe it's not suppose to be so complicated Follow the giggle trail When it comes from inside Just to be is plenty No need to go searching It'll come to you Show me your smile Show me real love もう一度 抱きしめて 夢の彼方まで その手を 伸ばしてみても 心 満たせなくて Show me your smile Show me real love 瞬間も 永遠も 本当は すべてがここにあるの ただ 微笑むだけ | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Masumi Kawamura | OLIVIA・Lov | | Show me your smile Show me real love 光でも影でもない Show me your smile Show me real love 未来じゃない過去でもない 黒い空 孤独な月明かり もう 迷わない 探していた世界 見つけたから You are looking the wrong way You feel that you are not enough 寂しい瞳で 何を求めて You can find your true self It can't wait to come to life Let go the pressure 意味がない Show me your smile Show me real love もう一度 抱きしめて 夢の彼方まで その手を 伸ばしてみても 心 満たせなくて Show me your smile Show me real love 瞬間も 永遠も 本当は すべてがここにあるの ただ 微笑むだけ 熱い土 裸足で走り出す もう戻ろう 空を染める 虹が見えた頃に You are looking the wrong way You feel that you are not enough ためらうことさえ 疑う事さえ You can find your true self It can't wait to come to life Let go the pressure そのままで Show me your smile Show me real love 光でも影でもない 何も伝えようとしないで ただ そばにいて 溶け合うほど そばに Show me your smile Show me real love 未来じゃない過去でもない 本当は 見つめるだけでいいの ただ 微笑むだけ When it comes from inside Just to be is plenty No need to go searching It'll come to you I think you know that your heart is trying to tell you something It might be why you feel unesay Maybe it's not suppose to be so complicated Follow the giggle trail When it comes from inside Just to be is plenty No need to go searching It'll come to you Show me your smile Show me real love もう一度 抱きしめて 夢の彼方まで その手を 伸ばしてみても 心 満たせなくて Show me your smile Show me real love 瞬間も 永遠も 本当は すべてがここにあるの ただ 微笑むだけ |
Miss youほどけた夢に嵐が降る 名前を呼ぶ声さがす もう会えなくて You're fading bit by bit Please don't go faraway 儚い季節に 取り残されてゆく i miss you, i miss you you reflect the stronger me, you bring out the best me i miss you, i miss you you know what trying to say, no need for words こぼれさす光が揺らめく朝に独りきり You're not here あなたがくれた寂しささえ 凍えるほど まだ恋しい ただ会いたくて I feel your existance May be you can feel me too あの日奏でた 愛の言葉を想う i miss you, i miss you, you are so magical, you turn my tears to rainbows i miss you, i miss you, you comfort me with your ease and openness こぼれおちた愛が煌めく焼きつくほど強く You're in my heart i miss you, you turn my rainbows to tears i miss you, i miss you you reflect the stronger me, you bring out the best me i miss you, i miss you you know what trying to say, no need for words こぼれさす光が揺らめく朝に独りきり You're not here | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・青木カレン | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | ほどけた夢に嵐が降る 名前を呼ぶ声さがす もう会えなくて You're fading bit by bit Please don't go faraway 儚い季節に 取り残されてゆく i miss you, i miss you you reflect the stronger me, you bring out the best me i miss you, i miss you you know what trying to say, no need for words こぼれさす光が揺らめく朝に独りきり You're not here あなたがくれた寂しささえ 凍えるほど まだ恋しい ただ会いたくて I feel your existance May be you can feel me too あの日奏でた 愛の言葉を想う i miss you, i miss you, you are so magical, you turn my tears to rainbows i miss you, i miss you, you comfort me with your ease and openness こぼれおちた愛が煌めく焼きつくほど強く You're in my heart i miss you, you turn my rainbows to tears i miss you, i miss you you reflect the stronger me, you bring out the best me i miss you, i miss you you know what trying to say, no need for words こぼれさす光が揺らめく朝に独りきり You're not here |
Collecting sparklesDarling I'm eager To know of your everlasting beam My melancholy drama has Ultimately puzzled me What is it that you do That makes you the way you are I keep my eye on you Watch what you do Explode! The ground begins to tremble Everybody's screaming No matter how chaotic You always come to show me Collect sparkles In a catastrophe all you can see is a shine You pick it up Collecting sparkles You find them everywhere They're recognized by you Giving your love to them Catch a sparkle Before you let a flaw Steal this wondrous moment Walls close in on you It's easy getting caught into But when you let them get to you You'll only see One of a million things Shame! That you could strip yourself from this Luscious universe Wake yourself to this Immense luxury Collecting sparkles I put them in my pocket They melt into me Feeding me shine Collecting sparkles Twinkle in my eye and back to the origin Carrying my heart to Collect sparkles In a catastrophe all you can see is a shine You pick it up Collecting sparkles You find them everywhere They're recognized by you Giving your love to them | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | Darling I'm eager To know of your everlasting beam My melancholy drama has Ultimately puzzled me What is it that you do That makes you the way you are I keep my eye on you Watch what you do Explode! The ground begins to tremble Everybody's screaming No matter how chaotic You always come to show me Collect sparkles In a catastrophe all you can see is a shine You pick it up Collecting sparkles You find them everywhere They're recognized by you Giving your love to them Catch a sparkle Before you let a flaw Steal this wondrous moment Walls close in on you It's easy getting caught into But when you let them get to you You'll only see One of a million things Shame! That you could strip yourself from this Luscious universe Wake yourself to this Immense luxury Collecting sparkles I put them in my pocket They melt into me Feeding me shine Collecting sparkles Twinkle in my eye and back to the origin Carrying my heart to Collect sparkles In a catastrophe all you can see is a shine You pick it up Collecting sparkles You find them everywhere They're recognized by you Giving your love to them |
Because想い出がすべて 疲れたこの心をいつも 癒せるのならば 迷わずきっと歩いてゆけるのに 誰も胸の奥にそっと 痛そうな棘あつめ 自分のこと傷つけながら また愛を見つけてゆく Love is everywhere 抱きしめたい 遠く見つめてるあなたのまぶしいその瞳(め)を Love is everywhere 逃げださない せつなさも今は この体満たして もっと強く Because 泣きたくなるとき 自分をまたごまかすクセが さりげなくふれる やさしさもはね付けてしまうけれど 傷つくなら心に深く 焼き付けていいよと そう教えてくれたあなたが もう今はここにいなくても Love is everywhere 抱きしめたい ただ本当の自分と向き合ってるこんな夜 Love is everywhere 逃げ出さない 苦しみも今は この体突き抜けて もっと強く Because Love is everywhere 抱きしめたい 遠く見つめてるあなたのまぶしいその瞳(め)を Love is everywhere 逃げださない せつなさも今は この体満たして もっと強く Because | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Tetsuhiko Suzuki | OLIVIA・Lov | | 想い出がすべて 疲れたこの心をいつも 癒せるのならば 迷わずきっと歩いてゆけるのに 誰も胸の奥にそっと 痛そうな棘あつめ 自分のこと傷つけながら また愛を見つけてゆく Love is everywhere 抱きしめたい 遠く見つめてるあなたのまぶしいその瞳(め)を Love is everywhere 逃げださない せつなさも今は この体満たして もっと強く Because 泣きたくなるとき 自分をまたごまかすクセが さりげなくふれる やさしさもはね付けてしまうけれど 傷つくなら心に深く 焼き付けていいよと そう教えてくれたあなたが もう今はここにいなくても Love is everywhere 抱きしめたい ただ本当の自分と向き合ってるこんな夜 Love is everywhere 逃げ出さない 苦しみも今は この体突き抜けて もっと強く Because Love is everywhere 抱きしめたい 遠く見つめてるあなたのまぶしいその瞳(め)を Love is everywhere 逃げださない せつなさも今は この体満たして もっと強く Because |
RainOut of control Clouds are forming quickly 何かを今 伝えるように 悲しみを集めては 微笑んでたけど ホントの強さ知らない The wind wakes unknown Secrets to the surface 何かが今 変わりそうで 失くしたもの全てを繋ぎ合わせたら 扉が開いた I can see 隠し続けた 声と願い ひとつになる I can change らせんを描いて 空にのぼる The rain is vanishing ざわめきを洗い流しては導いてゆく The rain is vanishing 瞳閉じて その想いを 止める事など 誰にもできない Feel the strength of Roots under the surface 信じるより 感じていたい 暗闇の世界でも 咲く花のように 真実は身をひそめる The soil magnetize out Neurosis deep within me 髪をぬらす しずくたどり 離れた心さえも つながっていると 気付き始めた I can see 記憶の中の 遠い未来 淡い色で I can change 指を鳴らしたなら風が変わる The rain is vanishing 迷ってた想いは静かに流されてゆく The rain is vanishing 瞳閉じて 見えるものは 永遠だから 誰にも消せない The rain is vanishing ざわめきを洗い流しては導いてゆく The rain is vanishing 瞳閉じて その想いを 止める事など 誰にもできない | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Masumi Kawamura | OLIVIA・rui | | Out of control Clouds are forming quickly 何かを今 伝えるように 悲しみを集めては 微笑んでたけど ホントの強さ知らない The wind wakes unknown Secrets to the surface 何かが今 変わりそうで 失くしたもの全てを繋ぎ合わせたら 扉が開いた I can see 隠し続けた 声と願い ひとつになる I can change らせんを描いて 空にのぼる The rain is vanishing ざわめきを洗い流しては導いてゆく The rain is vanishing 瞳閉じて その想いを 止める事など 誰にもできない Feel the strength of Roots under the surface 信じるより 感じていたい 暗闇の世界でも 咲く花のように 真実は身をひそめる The soil magnetize out Neurosis deep within me 髪をぬらす しずくたどり 離れた心さえも つながっていると 気付き始めた I can see 記憶の中の 遠い未来 淡い色で I can change 指を鳴らしたなら風が変わる The rain is vanishing 迷ってた想いは静かに流されてゆく The rain is vanishing 瞳閉じて 見えるものは 永遠だから 誰にも消せない The rain is vanishing ざわめきを洗い流しては導いてゆく The rain is vanishing 瞳閉じて その想いを 止める事など 誰にもできない |
Trinka trinkaNo one is around Your making it all up It's time to disarm yourself Because when you are free And act naturally Something begins to happen Slowly I, see you Wake out of a very serious snooz'in Right eye, left eye I feel like on the verge of a big surprise I'm feeling trinka trinka It's really happening My heart is beating steady But I want to scream! Internal carousel ques an upright rainbow Sending out a friendly glimmer I'm feeling trinka trinka It's really happening My heart is beating steady But I want to scream! Calling out on a big shift It knows we are laughing Together we laugh This space is open You're creating in it I know when you're doing it with joy Because it has a shine That no words can explain It reaches out and touches me In your rhythm Some may not understand what you are doing Oh! behave! now All of a sudden anything seems possible I'm feeling trinka trinka It's really happening My heart is beating steady But I want to scream! Possibilities inspiration galore Inhale and exhale at the same time I'm feeling trinka trinka It's really happening My heart is beating steady But I want to scream! Look what is found So much to discover Its never over | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | No one is around Your making it all up It's time to disarm yourself Because when you are free And act naturally Something begins to happen Slowly I, see you Wake out of a very serious snooz'in Right eye, left eye I feel like on the verge of a big surprise I'm feeling trinka trinka It's really happening My heart is beating steady But I want to scream! Internal carousel ques an upright rainbow Sending out a friendly glimmer I'm feeling trinka trinka It's really happening My heart is beating steady But I want to scream! Calling out on a big shift It knows we are laughing Together we laugh This space is open You're creating in it I know when you're doing it with joy Because it has a shine That no words can explain It reaches out and touches me In your rhythm Some may not understand what you are doing Oh! behave! now All of a sudden anything seems possible I'm feeling trinka trinka It's really happening My heart is beating steady But I want to scream! Possibilities inspiration galore Inhale and exhale at the same time I'm feeling trinka trinka It's really happening My heart is beating steady But I want to scream! Look what is found So much to discover Its never over |
Sailing free風は迷いもなく 遠く 遠く 群れを離れ Ah 吹き抜けてゆく 目を閉じて 感じる 見た事もない 明日の景色映して 絶えずに 紡いでた 心の地図広げ たどり着く 流れ信じて oh Sailing sailing free 勇気が生まれたら それを生きるしかない Sailing sailing free free free 愛よりも強い気持ちで I don't know what to expect I don't know what's coming next 奇跡 祈る声は 時を越えて 探し出せる ah 叶える人を もう そこに来ている まだ早いとか 拒んでも 逃げられない 知らずに求めてた すべてに意味があって 空を行く 雲のよう 自由に oh Sailing sailing free 願いが生まれたら それを生きるしかない Sailing sailing free free free 眠らない 星の彼方へ I don't know what to expect I don't know what's coming next 絶えずに 紡いでた 心の地図広げ たどり着く 流れ信じて oh Sailing sailing free 勇気が生まれたら それを生きるしかない Sailing sailing free free free 愛よりも強い気持ちで Sailing sailing free 願いが生まれたら それを生きるしかない Sailing sailing free free free It makes me feel connected to everything | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Masumi Kawamura | OLIVIA・INORAN | INORAN・H.Hayama | 風は迷いもなく 遠く 遠く 群れを離れ Ah 吹き抜けてゆく 目を閉じて 感じる 見た事もない 明日の景色映して 絶えずに 紡いでた 心の地図広げ たどり着く 流れ信じて oh Sailing sailing free 勇気が生まれたら それを生きるしかない Sailing sailing free free free 愛よりも強い気持ちで I don't know what to expect I don't know what's coming next 奇跡 祈る声は 時を越えて 探し出せる ah 叶える人を もう そこに来ている まだ早いとか 拒んでも 逃げられない 知らずに求めてた すべてに意味があって 空を行く 雲のよう 自由に oh Sailing sailing free 願いが生まれたら それを生きるしかない Sailing sailing free free free 眠らない 星の彼方へ I don't know what to expect I don't know what's coming next 絶えずに 紡いでた 心の地図広げ たどり着く 流れ信じて oh Sailing sailing free 勇気が生まれたら それを生きるしかない Sailing sailing free free free 愛よりも強い気持ちで Sailing sailing free 願いが生まれたら それを生きるしかない Sailing sailing free free free It makes me feel connected to everything |
CupidIn emergencies I close my eyes And I see a ghost I flutter to the light And pray for lucidity I can't keep waiting for you I can't keep expecting you Folding The sun is turning Inside-out of the universe So cupid cupid Please aim your arrow at my sleeping flower One time Cupid cupid I won't take it for granted I wonder about With my perfume puff Skipping on the trails Of broken candy cane I can't keep waiting for you I can't keep expecting you Folding The sun is turning Inside-out of the universe so Cupid cupid Please aim your arrow at My sleeping flower One more Cupid cupid I can't keep waiting for you I can't keep expecting you I can't keep waiting for you I can't keep expecting you | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | OLIVIA | | In emergencies I close my eyes And I see a ghost I flutter to the light And pray for lucidity I can't keep waiting for you I can't keep expecting you Folding The sun is turning Inside-out of the universe So cupid cupid Please aim your arrow at my sleeping flower One time Cupid cupid I won't take it for granted I wonder about With my perfume puff Skipping on the trails Of broken candy cane I can't keep waiting for you I can't keep expecting you Folding The sun is turning Inside-out of the universe so Cupid cupid Please aim your arrow at My sleeping flower One more Cupid cupid I can't keep waiting for you I can't keep expecting you I can't keep waiting for you I can't keep expecting you |
Be your friendAs fast as you can speak It keeps going over your head Get off of your super throne And come stand by me He's a buddhist She's a nun He is wealthy She is fun He reacts very slow She wears black from head to toe We all are different We mustn't speculate Ha-o-oh I wanna be, wanna be your friend Your friend, your friend Tell me what's going on in your town (I'd like to, like to, like to, like to, know what, know what's going on) I wanna be, wanna be your friend Your friend, your friend A spell that is holding you and yourself down (Lets open, open, open, up our hearts to whats going on) We can be together, together We can be together, together We can be together, together We can be together, together Just 'cause you're not me Your tossing me aside It's very easy for you to do What if it happened to you He has no roof above And she does things out of love She likes vodka He likes rum She can't afford an education There's nothing wrong with being shy Straight, gay, lesbian and even bi He like nature & meditation She wears stylish high fashion We all are different We mustn't speculate Ha-o-oh I wanna be, wanna be your friend Your friend, your friend Oh mister come and tell me all about your dreams (I'd like to, like to, like to, like to, know what, know what's going on) I wanna be, wanna be your friend Your friend, your friend Oh all of the many ways to be (Lets open, open, open, up our hearts to whats going on) We can be together, together We can be together, together We can be together, together We can be together, together | OLIVIA | OLIVIA・Rory Vallis | OLIVIA・Jeffrey Lufkin | | As fast as you can speak It keeps going over your head Get off of your super throne And come stand by me He's a buddhist She's a nun He is wealthy She is fun He reacts very slow She wears black from head to toe We all are different We mustn't speculate Ha-o-oh I wanna be, wanna be your friend Your friend, your friend Tell me what's going on in your town (I'd like to, like to, like to, like to, know what, know what's going on) I wanna be, wanna be your friend Your friend, your friend A spell that is holding you and yourself down (Lets open, open, open, up our hearts to whats going on) We can be together, together We can be together, together We can be together, together We can be together, together Just 'cause you're not me Your tossing me aside It's very easy for you to do What if it happened to you He has no roof above And she does things out of love She likes vodka He likes rum She can't afford an education There's nothing wrong with being shy Straight, gay, lesbian and even bi He like nature & meditation She wears stylish high fashion We all are different We mustn't speculate Ha-o-oh I wanna be, wanna be your friend Your friend, your friend Oh mister come and tell me all about your dreams (I'd like to, like to, like to, like to, know what, know what's going on) I wanna be, wanna be your friend Your friend, your friend Oh all of the many ways to be (Lets open, open, open, up our hearts to whats going on) We can be together, together We can be together, together We can be together, together We can be together, together |
SunlightI noticed that your breaking on the phone 叫び続ける 遥か空の向こうに 心の声を 聞かせてよ 祈るの I've noticed you keep breaking on the phone, on the phone Here we go, here we go 閃きの影 Bind the heart, bind the voice 叫ぶ心を Dreams of love, dreams to dust 失うの Its been so hard with out you Sunlight I just want you coming back Sunlight I just want you coming back 触れたいの すべて あなたと心をつなぐ Sunlight I just want you coming back 手を伸ばす 希望満ちる空 Sunlight I noticed you keep breaking on the phone 輝く笑顔 眠る 暗闇の森 心の声を 聴きたいよ 祈るの I've noticed you keep breaking on the phone, on the phone Here we go, here we go 闇へと踊る Shaking me, shaking me 揺れる鼓動が Here and there, everywhere 乱れるの でも壁の向こう 陽が昇る Sunlight I just want you coming back Sunlight I just want you coming back 触れたいの すべて あなたと心をつなぐ Sunlight I just want you coming back 見上げるの 夢きらめく空 Sunlight Sunlight I just want you coming back Sunlight I just want you coming back 触れたいの すべて あなたと心をつなぐ Sunlight I just want you coming back 手を伸ばす 希望満ちる空 Sunlight | OLIVIA | OLIVIA &junbug | OLIVIA & Jeffrey Lufkin | | I noticed that your breaking on the phone 叫び続ける 遥か空の向こうに 心の声を 聞かせてよ 祈るの I've noticed you keep breaking on the phone, on the phone Here we go, here we go 閃きの影 Bind the heart, bind the voice 叫ぶ心を Dreams of love, dreams to dust 失うの Its been so hard with out you Sunlight I just want you coming back Sunlight I just want you coming back 触れたいの すべて あなたと心をつなぐ Sunlight I just want you coming back 手を伸ばす 希望満ちる空 Sunlight I noticed you keep breaking on the phone 輝く笑顔 眠る 暗闇の森 心の声を 聴きたいよ 祈るの I've noticed you keep breaking on the phone, on the phone Here we go, here we go 闇へと踊る Shaking me, shaking me 揺れる鼓動が Here and there, everywhere 乱れるの でも壁の向こう 陽が昇る Sunlight I just want you coming back Sunlight I just want you coming back 触れたいの すべて あなたと心をつなぐ Sunlight I just want you coming back 見上げるの 夢きらめく空 Sunlight Sunlight I just want you coming back Sunlight I just want you coming back 触れたいの すべて あなたと心をつなぐ Sunlight I just want you coming back 手を伸ばす 希望満ちる空 Sunlight |