ブルー・ホライズンブルー・ホライズン おやすみなさい 自然は眠りにおちる だけど私をもうすこしだけ 遊ばせておいてこのままで 暗い窓に話しかけている 後姿見かけたとしても けっして声はかけないであげて たぶん涙 流しているから あなたが消えていく街は 孤独を抱えたままで 夜が流れて 星が消えてくまで 聞きとどける胸のうち 言葉いらぬ日々もつかのまに くもる瞳遠ざけるように 口もとだけ微笑残して そんなふうに変えてしまう愛 いちばん好きなあなたらしさを いままで忘れていたみたい 明ける空に心あらわれて 同じように見上げてくれたら どんな遠く離れたとしても 違う愛で結ばれてるから | 竹内まりや | 大貫妙子 | 山下達郎 | | ブルー・ホライズン おやすみなさい 自然は眠りにおちる だけど私をもうすこしだけ 遊ばせておいてこのままで 暗い窓に話しかけている 後姿見かけたとしても けっして声はかけないであげて たぶん涙 流しているから あなたが消えていく街は 孤独を抱えたままで 夜が流れて 星が消えてくまで 聞きとどける胸のうち 言葉いらぬ日々もつかのまに くもる瞳遠ざけるように 口もとだけ微笑残して そんなふうに変えてしまう愛 いちばん好きなあなたらしさを いままで忘れていたみたい 明ける空に心あらわれて 同じように見上げてくれたら どんな遠く離れたとしても 違う愛で結ばれてるから |
シャンプーシャンプー みんながあなたのこと なんて呼んでるか 知っているの シャンプー 短く切った髪を 泣きながらあらう あのこ 忘れなよ くやしいけど あんなヤツのこと そんなきれいな髪 いつまでも 他の男がほっとかないから シャンプー お願いそばに来て むかしみたいに笑ってほしい 忘れなよ つらいけど しかたないじゃない かたく目を閉じなきゃ いつまでも あいつの想い出しみてくるから シャンプー お願いもう泣かないで わたしまで悲しくなるじゃない シャンプー お願い泣かないで シャンプー | 竹内まりや | 康珍化 | 山下達郎 | | シャンプー みんながあなたのこと なんて呼んでるか 知っているの シャンプー 短く切った髪を 泣きながらあらう あのこ 忘れなよ くやしいけど あんなヤツのこと そんなきれいな髪 いつまでも 他の男がほっとかないから シャンプー お願いそばに来て むかしみたいに笑ってほしい 忘れなよ つらいけど しかたないじゃない かたく目を閉じなきゃ いつまでも あいつの想い出しみてくるから シャンプー お願いもう泣かないで わたしまで悲しくなるじゃない シャンプー お願い泣かないで シャンプー |
真冬のデイト3度鳴らした クラクションが 彼のお迎えの合図 耳にパルファム ほんのり香らせて ドアを開ける 土曜日の夜は いつもこんなふうに 始まるふたりのデイト チャコールのコートが よく似合うあなたの 隣りに肩寄せて すわるの 街を抜けると やがて音もなく 雪が降り始める ひと気ないリンクで滑る あなたの優しい笑顔が 両手にはさんだ ココアの湯気で 白くかすんでる 息をはずませて 近づくあなたは いきなり私を見つめ 真冬の空の下 キスした唇が 凍えて ちょっぴり冷たい このままずっと 雪に埋もれてしまうまで 抱きしめて Let me hold you in my arms Kiss me one more time We don't wanna go home yet Lovers in the snow | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 山下達郎 | 3度鳴らした クラクションが 彼のお迎えの合図 耳にパルファム ほんのり香らせて ドアを開ける 土曜日の夜は いつもこんなふうに 始まるふたりのデイト チャコールのコートが よく似合うあなたの 隣りに肩寄せて すわるの 街を抜けると やがて音もなく 雪が降り始める ひと気ないリンクで滑る あなたの優しい笑顔が 両手にはさんだ ココアの湯気で 白くかすんでる 息をはずませて 近づくあなたは いきなり私を見つめ 真冬の空の下 キスした唇が 凍えて ちょっぴり冷たい このままずっと 雪に埋もれてしまうまで 抱きしめて Let me hold you in my arms Kiss me one more time We don't wanna go home yet Lovers in the snow |
ベイビー・マインベイビー・マイン どうか忘れないで どんな時でも ひとりじゃないから 涙ふいて 笑顔みせて いつもあなたの 輝き信じて たとえ冷たい 言葉うけても 本当のあなたを みんな知る日が来るわ 今はかよわい あなただけど かけがえのない 私の宝よ 本当のあなたを みんな知る日が来るわ 今はかよわい あなただけど かけがえのない 私の宝よ かけがえのない宝よ ベイビー・オブ・マイン | 竹内まりや | NED WASHINGTON・訳詞:竹内まりや・古垣内麻衣 | FRANK CHURCHILL | | ベイビー・マイン どうか忘れないで どんな時でも ひとりじゃないから 涙ふいて 笑顔みせて いつもあなたの 輝き信じて たとえ冷たい 言葉うけても 本当のあなたを みんな知る日が来るわ 今はかよわい あなただけど かけがえのない 私の宝よ 本当のあなたを みんな知る日が来るわ 今はかよわい あなただけど かけがえのない 私の宝よ かけがえのない宝よ ベイビー・オブ・マイン |
ときめきの季節 [Demo Track]カーディガンなしでも 寒くはないほど 街はいつのまにか ときめきの季節 ずっとふられっぱなしの恋が続いたけれど あなたと出会ってから 幸せ 肩肘張らずに生きてる 女の子は 愛をいつも 言葉にしてほしいもの テレたままで 逃げちゃだめよ みんなが見てても 抱きしめて 抱きしめて おそいランチタイム あなたにつき合う カフェ・オ・レの香りと かすかなオーデコロン いつかこれと 同じ夢を見たことがある 私のドレスまでも一緒よ 運命はなんて 不可思議 ルージュの色 変えただけで そんなに 見つめないでね 白く光る この唇 もうあなたのもの 愛してる 愛してる… | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | | カーディガンなしでも 寒くはないほど 街はいつのまにか ときめきの季節 ずっとふられっぱなしの恋が続いたけれど あなたと出会ってから 幸せ 肩肘張らずに生きてる 女の子は 愛をいつも 言葉にしてほしいもの テレたままで 逃げちゃだめよ みんなが見てても 抱きしめて 抱きしめて おそいランチタイム あなたにつき合う カフェ・オ・レの香りと かすかなオーデコロン いつかこれと 同じ夢を見たことがある 私のドレスまでも一緒よ 運命はなんて 不可思議 ルージュの色 変えただけで そんなに 見つめないでね 白く光る この唇 もうあなたのもの 愛してる 愛してる… |
Hey! Babyほら 早く彼をつかまえなきゃ みんな 狙ってるよ 女の子達 昼と夜となく 胸ときめかせて 夢で 逢うのも あなただけ Hey! 振り向いて Baby Hey! たまらなく Baby Hey! 素敵なの Baby Hey! あなたにお手上げ Wo Wo, my baby Hey! 私を愛して まだ 本当の 恋を知らないのよ だから 彼にすべてを 賭けているの 何気ないしぐさで Yシャツの袖 まくる姿に 見とれてる Hey! 気づいてね Baby Hey! いつの日か Baby Hey! この想い Baby Hey! 打ち明けたいのよ Wo Wo, my baby Hey! 私を愛して 星座は天秤座(リブラ) 少し気まぐれ 恋に手慣れてる Playboy だけど一度は 声かけられて 優しく 口説かれてみたい Hey! こんなにも Baby Hey! 好きなのよ Baby Hey! その瞳 Baby Hey! 憧れているの Wo Wo, my baby Hey! 私を愛して Wo Wo, my baby Hey! 私を愛して | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 山下達郎 | ほら 早く彼をつかまえなきゃ みんな 狙ってるよ 女の子達 昼と夜となく 胸ときめかせて 夢で 逢うのも あなただけ Hey! 振り向いて Baby Hey! たまらなく Baby Hey! 素敵なの Baby Hey! あなたにお手上げ Wo Wo, my baby Hey! 私を愛して まだ 本当の 恋を知らないのよ だから 彼にすべてを 賭けているの 何気ないしぐさで Yシャツの袖 まくる姿に 見とれてる Hey! 気づいてね Baby Hey! いつの日か Baby Hey! この想い Baby Hey! 打ち明けたいのよ Wo Wo, my baby Hey! 私を愛して 星座は天秤座(リブラ) 少し気まぐれ 恋に手慣れてる Playboy だけど一度は 声かけられて 優しく 口説かれてみたい Hey! こんなにも Baby Hey! 好きなのよ Baby Hey! その瞳 Baby Hey! 憧れているの Wo Wo, my baby Hey! 私を愛して Wo Wo, my baby Hey! 私を愛して |
Tell Me WhyTell me why you cried. And why you lied to me. Tell me why you cried, And why you lied to me. Well, I gave yon ev'rything I had, But you left me sitting on my own. Did you have to treat me oh so bad? All I do is hang my head and moan. Tell me why you cried. And why you lied to me. Tell me why you cried, And why you lied to me. If it's something that I've said or done, Tell me what, and I'll apologize. If you don't I really can't go on. Holding back these tears in my eyes. Tell me why you cried. And why you lied to me. Tell me why you cried, And why you lied to me. Well, I'm beggin' on my bended knees, If you'll only listen to my pleas. Is there anything 1 can do 'Cause I really can't stand it, I'm so in love with you. Tell me why you cried. And why you lied to me. Tell me why you cried, And why you lied to me. | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | Tell me why you cried. And why you lied to me. Tell me why you cried, And why you lied to me. Well, I gave yon ev'rything I had, But you left me sitting on my own. Did you have to treat me oh so bad? All I do is hang my head and moan. Tell me why you cried. And why you lied to me. Tell me why you cried, And why you lied to me. If it's something that I've said or done, Tell me what, and I'll apologize. If you don't I really can't go on. Holding back these tears in my eyes. Tell me why you cried. And why you lied to me. Tell me why you cried, And why you lied to me. Well, I'm beggin' on my bended knees, If you'll only listen to my pleas. Is there anything 1 can do 'Cause I really can't stand it, I'm so in love with you. Tell me why you cried. And why you lied to me. Tell me why you cried, And why you lied to me. |
Your Mother Should KnowLet's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit before your mother was born. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know. Sing it again: Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit before your mother was born. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know. Lift up your hearts and sing me a song that was a hit before your mother was born. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know. Your mother should know, your mother should know. Sing it again: Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know. Your mother should know, your mother should know. Your mother should know, your mother should know. | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | BOX | Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit before your mother was born. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know. Sing it again: Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit before your mother was born. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know. Lift up your hearts and sing me a song that was a hit before your mother was born. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know. Your mother should know, your mother should know. Sing it again: Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know. Your mother should know, your mother should know. Your mother should know, your mother should know. |
LONELY WINDLonely wind 入り江の Cafeに Lonely wind 吹き渡る風 Lonely wind けだるい日々を 脱け出したくて 華やかな Summer's end party 偶然ね また逢うなんて 二杯目の Wineに 浮かれ その腕で 朝陽を みたいけど “もう一度”って 言いかけて 言葉噤(つぐ)む Lonely wind わずかな 時が Lonely wind さらって しまう Lonely wind ときめく頃に もう戻れない 週末の Summer's end party 夜明けまで 踊ったものね なつかしい 最後の曲が 想い出を さそって 流れ出す “いいのよ もう” 時が 経てば 人は 変わる Lonely wind ドア1枚が Lonely wind 隔ててしまう Lonely wind あとは 一人で 風に舞うだけ Lonely Wind, lonely lonely wind Lonely Wind, lonely lonely wind | 竹内まりや | 小林和子 | 濱田金吾 | | Lonely wind 入り江の Cafeに Lonely wind 吹き渡る風 Lonely wind けだるい日々を 脱け出したくて 華やかな Summer's end party 偶然ね また逢うなんて 二杯目の Wineに 浮かれ その腕で 朝陽を みたいけど “もう一度”って 言いかけて 言葉噤(つぐ)む Lonely wind わずかな 時が Lonely wind さらって しまう Lonely wind ときめく頃に もう戻れない 週末の Summer's end party 夜明けまで 踊ったものね なつかしい 最後の曲が 想い出を さそって 流れ出す “いいのよ もう” 時が 経てば 人は 変わる Lonely wind ドア1枚が Lonely wind 隔ててしまう Lonely wind あとは 一人で 風に舞うだけ Lonely Wind, lonely lonely wind Lonely Wind, lonely lonely wind |
This BoyThat boy took my love away He'll regret it someday But this boy wants you back again That boy isn't good for you Though he may want you too This boy wants you back again Oh, and this boy would be happy Just to love you, but oh my That boy won't be happy Till he's seen you cry This boy wouldn't mind the pain Would always feel the same If this boy gets you back again This boy, this boy, this boy | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | BOX | That boy took my love away He'll regret it someday But this boy wants you back again That boy isn't good for you Though he may want you too This boy wants you back again Oh, and this boy would be happy Just to love you, but oh my That boy won't be happy Till he's seen you cry This boy wouldn't mind the pain Would always feel the same If this boy gets you back again This boy, this boy, this boy |
悲しきハート恋がこんなにも つらいことだとは思わずに あたし あの人を 愛しちゃった 心のそこから ねェ おねがいよ もう一度おねがい 幸せにしてちょうだい あの日 あの人が 云ったことばを 信じたために 夜も昼となく あたし一人くるしんでいるの ねェ おねがいよ もう一度おねがい 幸せにしてちょうだい 夜ごと一人泣いているの わたしのハート こんなにつらいことはじめてよ 何もしたくない 何も考えられない程よ あなたの笑顔と あなたの声がぐるぐるまわる ねェ おねがいよ もう一度おねがい 幸せにしてちょうだい | 竹内まりや | John Francis Schroeder・Michael Edwin Hawker・日本語詞:みナみカズみ | John Francis Schroeder・Michael Edwin Hawker | 山下達郎 | 恋がこんなにも つらいことだとは思わずに あたし あの人を 愛しちゃった 心のそこから ねェ おねがいよ もう一度おねがい 幸せにしてちょうだい あの日 あの人が 云ったことばを 信じたために 夜も昼となく あたし一人くるしんでいるの ねェ おねがいよ もう一度おねがい 幸せにしてちょうだい 夜ごと一人泣いているの わたしのハート こんなにつらいことはじめてよ 何もしたくない 何も考えられない程よ あなたの笑顔と あなたの声がぐるぐるまわる ねェ おねがいよ もう一度おねがい 幸せにしてちょうだい |
Fly Me To The MoonFly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On a-Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, darling, kiss me Fill my heart with song And let me sing forever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you Fill my heart with song Let me sing forever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, Please be true In other words, in other words, I love you | 竹内まりや | Bart Howard | Bart Howard | 松木恒秀 | Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On a-Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, darling, kiss me Fill my heart with song And let me sing forever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you Fill my heart with song Let me sing forever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, Please be true In other words, in other words, I love you |
輝くスターリー・ナイトTwinkel twinkel 輝く Starry Night 見上げる星空に ほら星くずに誘われ 何かいいことありそうな Dreamily 夜空に舞い上がれば あなたのところまでも A shooting star 心を運んでゆく 星がふりそそぐ町 by the window You're singing きらめく夜のメロディー 一人夢見てる夜は このままさめないでほしい Twinkel twinkel ささやく Starry Night 耳をすましてみて ほら呼ぶ声が聞こえる ここから飛んでゆけそうな Dream land 夜空へと続く道 あなたのところからも A shooting star もしも見えたならば 星をちりばめた空 night sky I'm flying きらめく愛の言葉 遠い光を飛びこえて あなたのことを見ていたい Twinkel twinkel 輝く Starry Night あなたのことを見ていたい | 竹内まりや | 高橋ユキヒロ | 細野晴臣 | | Twinkel twinkel 輝く Starry Night 見上げる星空に ほら星くずに誘われ 何かいいことありそうな Dreamily 夜空に舞い上がれば あなたのところまでも A shooting star 心を運んでゆく 星がふりそそぐ町 by the window You're singing きらめく夜のメロディー 一人夢見てる夜は このままさめないでほしい Twinkel twinkel ささやく Starry Night 耳をすましてみて ほら呼ぶ声が聞こえる ここから飛んでゆけそうな Dream land 夜空へと続く道 あなたのところからも A shooting star もしも見えたならば 星をちりばめた空 night sky I'm flying きらめく愛の言葉 遠い光を飛びこえて あなたのことを見ていたい Twinkel twinkel 輝く Starry Night あなたのことを見ていたい |
OL'55Well, my time went so quickly I went lickety-splitly out to my ol'55 As I pulled away slowly Feelin' so holy God knows I was feelin' alive And now the sun's coming up I'm ridin' with Lady Luck Freeway cars and trucks Stars beginning to fade and I lead the parade Just a-wishin' I'd stayed a little longer Lord, don't you know, the feelin's gettin' stronger Six in the mornin' gave me no warnin' I had to be on my way Now the cars are all passin' me Trucks are all flashin' me I'm headed home from your place And now the sun's coming up I'm ridin' with Lady Luck Freeway cars and trucks Stars beginning to fade and I lead the parade Just a-wishin' I'd stayed a little longer Lord, don't you know, the feelin's gettin' stronger Well, my time went so quickly I went lickety-splitly out to my ol'55 As I pulled away slowly Feelin' so holy God knows I was feelin' alive And now the sun's comin' up, yes it is I'm ridin' with Lady Luck Freeway cars and trucks Freeway cars and trucks Ridin' with Lady Luck | 竹内まりや | Tom Waits | Tom Waits | センチメンタル・シティ・ロマンス | Well, my time went so quickly I went lickety-splitly out to my ol'55 As I pulled away slowly Feelin' so holy God knows I was feelin' alive And now the sun's coming up I'm ridin' with Lady Luck Freeway cars and trucks Stars beginning to fade and I lead the parade Just a-wishin' I'd stayed a little longer Lord, don't you know, the feelin's gettin' stronger Six in the mornin' gave me no warnin' I had to be on my way Now the cars are all passin' me Trucks are all flashin' me I'm headed home from your place And now the sun's coming up I'm ridin' with Lady Luck Freeway cars and trucks Stars beginning to fade and I lead the parade Just a-wishin' I'd stayed a little longer Lord, don't you know, the feelin's gettin' stronger Well, my time went so quickly I went lickety-splitly out to my ol'55 As I pulled away slowly Feelin' so holy God knows I was feelin' alive And now the sun's comin' up, yes it is I'm ridin' with Lady Luck Freeway cars and trucks Freeway cars and trucks Ridin' with Lady Luck |
悲しきあしおと~FOOTSTEPS~(ON THE STREET VERSION)Footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, Why did you say goodbye to me? Now I'm as lonely as could be And as I feel a teardrop fall I hear your footsteps on the hall Walkin' away from me Why did you say goodbye? Why did you make me cry? Now, everyday I wonder why Why, oh why oh why oh Footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, You're such a haunting memory I pray that you'll come back to me But as I say my evening prayers I hear your footsteps on the stairs Walkin' away from me Why did you say goodbye? Why did you make me cry? Now, everyday I wonder why Why, oh why oh why oh Footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, footsteps,… | 竹内まりや | Hank Hunter・Barry Mann | Hank Hunter・Barry Mann | | Footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, Why did you say goodbye to me? Now I'm as lonely as could be And as I feel a teardrop fall I hear your footsteps on the hall Walkin' away from me Why did you say goodbye? Why did you make me cry? Now, everyday I wonder why Why, oh why oh why oh Footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, You're such a haunting memory I pray that you'll come back to me But as I say my evening prayers I hear your footsteps on the stairs Walkin' away from me Why did you say goodbye? Why did you make me cry? Now, everyday I wonder why Why, oh why oh why oh Footsteps, footsteps, footsteps, footsteps,… |
ブラックボード先生午前8時のベルが鳴ると テキストかかえ 速歩きで 彼が やって来るよ ゆうべ徹夜で覚えたこと あとかたもなく 消えてしまう みんな 彼のせいよ 授業時間がデイト代わりの なんて悲しい 片想いなの 図書館通い 始めたのも あなたの注意を引くためなの 名前ぐらい 呼んで! 他の生徒に 何と言われても フィアンセの座を 射止めるつもり 英語も地理も苦手だけど 恋にかけては クラス一よ 視線 そらさないで ねえ Mr.Blackboard 私だけに 卒業したら 教えてよね いつか 愛のABC いつか 愛のABC | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 林哲司 | | 午前8時のベルが鳴ると テキストかかえ 速歩きで 彼が やって来るよ ゆうべ徹夜で覚えたこと あとかたもなく 消えてしまう みんな 彼のせいよ 授業時間がデイト代わりの なんて悲しい 片想いなの 図書館通い 始めたのも あなたの注意を引くためなの 名前ぐらい 呼んで! 他の生徒に 何と言われても フィアンセの座を 射止めるつもり 英語も地理も苦手だけど 恋にかけては クラス一よ 視線 そらさないで ねえ Mr.Blackboard 私だけに 卒業したら 教えてよね いつか 愛のABC いつか 愛のABC |
ムーンライト・ホールド・ミー・タイト今あなただけ見つめている この胸の音シンバルみたい 肩寄せあって黙っていよう いつまでも Moonlight hold me tight もうあなたがすべて 今世界には二人だけよ ほら渚にも波音ばかり キスしなさいと風がささやく 夢みたい Moonlight hold me tight もうあなたがすべて 海をはるかに横切って 二人飛びつづける気持ち 背中に羽があるよう あゝしあわせだから誰にも言える この夜更け Moonlight hold me tight もうあなたがすべて | 竹内まりや | 有馬三恵子 | 杉真理 | | 今あなただけ見つめている この胸の音シンバルみたい 肩寄せあって黙っていよう いつまでも Moonlight hold me tight もうあなたがすべて 今世界には二人だけよ ほら渚にも波音ばかり キスしなさいと風がささやく 夢みたい Moonlight hold me tight もうあなたがすべて 海をはるかに横切って 二人飛びつづける気持ち 背中に羽があるよう あゝしあわせだから誰にも言える この夜更け Moonlight hold me tight もうあなたがすべて |
I'm Happy Just To Dance With YouBefore this dance is through I think I'll love you too I'm so happy when you dance with me I don't wanna kiss or hold your hand If it's funny try and understand There is really nothing else I'd rather do 'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you I don't need to hug or hold you tight I just wanna dance with you all night In this world there's nothing I would rather do 'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you Just to dance with you is everything I need Before this dance is through I think I'll love you too I'm so happy when you dance with me If somebody tries to take my place Let's pretend we just can't see his face In this world there's nothing I would rather do 'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you Just to dance with you is everything I need Before this dance is through I think I'll love you too I'm so happy when you dance with me If somebody tries to take my place Let's pretend we just can't see his face In this world there's nothing I would rather do I've discovered I'm in love with you 'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you Oh oh oh oh oh | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | Before this dance is through I think I'll love you too I'm so happy when you dance with me I don't wanna kiss or hold your hand If it's funny try and understand There is really nothing else I'd rather do 'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you I don't need to hug or hold you tight I just wanna dance with you all night In this world there's nothing I would rather do 'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you Just to dance with you is everything I need Before this dance is through I think I'll love you too I'm so happy when you dance with me If somebody tries to take my place Let's pretend we just can't see his face In this world there's nothing I would rather do 'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you Just to dance with you is everything I need Before this dance is through I think I'll love you too I'm so happy when you dance with me If somebody tries to take my place Let's pretend we just can't see his face In this world there's nothing I would rather do I've discovered I'm in love with you 'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you Oh oh oh oh oh |
ミック・ジャガーに微笑みを [Demo Track]彼のナナハンで闇を抜けてく 背中で感じるエンジンの音 今日もまた 海を見に来たの ヘルメットを脱いだら落ちてくる 私の髪に指をからませて 抱きよせる その瞬間がたまらない WoWo Baby ラジカセのヴォリューム WoWo 最高に上げて 聴くのは古いストーンズ こうして秘かに逢っていること 知られたらそれでおしまいだよと 囁いた唇 キスでふさぐの 風が少し冷たいこの埠頭 紙コップで飲むブラック・コーヒー ほろ苦い 二人の恋の味がする WoWo Baby 真夜中のランデブー WoWo 声を合わせて 歌うの“Time is on my side” あなたは私のミック・ジャガーよ いくつになってもワルで可愛い その瞳 見つめられたら お手上げ WoWo Baby ラジカセのヴォリューム WoWo 最高に上げて 聴くのは古いストーンズ こうして秘かに逢っていること 知られたらそれでおしまいだよと 囁いた唇 キスでふさぐの | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | | 彼のナナハンで闇を抜けてく 背中で感じるエンジンの音 今日もまた 海を見に来たの ヘルメットを脱いだら落ちてくる 私の髪に指をからませて 抱きよせる その瞬間がたまらない WoWo Baby ラジカセのヴォリューム WoWo 最高に上げて 聴くのは古いストーンズ こうして秘かに逢っていること 知られたらそれでおしまいだよと 囁いた唇 キスでふさぐの 風が少し冷たいこの埠頭 紙コップで飲むブラック・コーヒー ほろ苦い 二人の恋の味がする WoWo Baby 真夜中のランデブー WoWo 声を合わせて 歌うの“Time is on my side” あなたは私のミック・ジャガーよ いくつになってもワルで可愛い その瞳 見つめられたら お手上げ WoWo Baby ラジカセのヴォリューム WoWo 最高に上げて 聴くのは古いストーンズ こうして秘かに逢っていること 知られたらそれでおしまいだよと 囁いた唇 キスでふさぐの |
little lullabyBabe, go to sleep And I'll sing this song for you Babe, close your eyes Then you feel how much I love you Babe, you've been always Kind to me I wanna stay in love So, don't you let me down, please Babe, do you hear what I say Holding you so tight Babe, can't you see That our love should last forever Babe, I've been always true to you Can't think about anyone else Can't think about anyone else But you | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | | Babe, go to sleep And I'll sing this song for you Babe, close your eyes Then you feel how much I love you Babe, you've been always Kind to me I wanna stay in love So, don't you let me down, please Babe, do you hear what I say Holding you so tight Babe, can't you see That our love should last forever Babe, I've been always true to you Can't think about anyone else Can't think about anyone else But you |
Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue ~瞳のささやきDon't know when I've been so blue Don't know what's come over you You've found someone new And don't it make my brown eyes blue I'll be fine when you're gone I'll just cry all night long Say it isn't true And don't it make my brown eyes blue Tell me no secrets, tell me some lies Give me no reasons, give me alibis Tell me you love me and don't let me cry Say anything but don't say goodbye I didn't mean to treat you bad Didn't know just what I had But honey, now I do And don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes blue I didn't mean to treat you bad Didn't know just what I had But honey, now I do And don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes blue Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes blue Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes blue | 竹内まりや | Richard C Leigh | Richard C Leigh | 佐橋佳幸 | Don't know when I've been so blue Don't know what's come over you You've found someone new And don't it make my brown eyes blue I'll be fine when you're gone I'll just cry all night long Say it isn't true And don't it make my brown eyes blue Tell me no secrets, tell me some lies Give me no reasons, give me alibis Tell me you love me and don't let me cry Say anything but don't say goodbye I didn't mean to treat you bad Didn't know just what I had But honey, now I do And don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes blue I didn't mean to treat you bad Didn't know just what I had But honey, now I do And don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes blue Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes blue Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes Don't it make my brown eyes blue |
イズント・イット・オ ールウェイズ・ラブI went out for a walk last night The stars were out and the moon was bright And a little voice inside my head It hit me hard this is what it said Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away And you wouldn't have it any other away When you find someone that's true to you Well some days are rough Oh some days are blue But just don't go and throw it all away Wait a minute, you gotta hear what I say Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away And you wouldn't have it any other away I used to think that love was just a loser's game And I swore that I'd never play it and lose again But now I know Now I see it Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away And you wouldn't have it any other away Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away And you wouldn't have it any other away Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away | 竹内まりや | Karla Bonoff | Karla Bonoff | | I went out for a walk last night The stars were out and the moon was bright And a little voice inside my head It hit me hard this is what it said Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away And you wouldn't have it any other away When you find someone that's true to you Well some days are rough Oh some days are blue But just don't go and throw it all away Wait a minute, you gotta hear what I say Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away And you wouldn't have it any other away I used to think that love was just a loser's game And I swore that I'd never play it and lose again But now I know Now I see it Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away And you wouldn't have it any other away Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away And you wouldn't have it any other away Isn't it always love That makes you hang your head And isn't it always love that makes you cry But isn't it always love That takes the tears away |
Where The Boys Are ~ボーイ・ハント (English Ver.)Where The Boys Are Someone waits for me A smiling face, a warm embrace Two arms to hold me tenderly Whrere The Boys Are My true love will be He's walking down some street in town And I know he's looking there for me In the crowd of a million people I'll find my Valentine Then I'll climb to the highest steeple And tell the world he's mine Till he holds me I wait impatiently Where The Boys Are Where The Boys Are Where The Boys Are Someone waits for me Till he holds me I wait impatiently Where The Boys Are Where The Boys Are Where The Boys Are Someone waits for me | 竹内まりや | Howard Greenfield・Neil Sedaka | Howard Greenfield・Neil Sedaka | | Where The Boys Are Someone waits for me A smiling face, a warm embrace Two arms to hold me tenderly Whrere The Boys Are My true love will be He's walking down some street in town And I know he's looking there for me In the crowd of a million people I'll find my Valentine Then I'll climb to the highest steeple And tell the world he's mine Till he holds me I wait impatiently Where The Boys Are Where The Boys Are Where The Boys Are Someone waits for me Till he holds me I wait impatiently Where The Boys Are Where The Boys Are Where The Boys Are Someone waits for me |
サンタモニカ・ハイウェイちょっとだけ旅に出るわ ほんの気紛れで 誘われる風のままにクルマ走らせ 追いこす窓ごしに 海が見える 今日はなんだか 輝いてる ふと出会ったあなたとは これが始めて ただじっと海を見てたすてきな人 言葉かけずに 横に座った 波がかえすわ 想い寄せて このままで走しるのよ 明日が呼んでる 続く道まわり道朝焼けの道 まだ見ぬあこがれ 心かけてく 新しい何かが 始まるはずよ 追いこす窓ごしに 海が見える 今日はなんだか 輝いてる | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 告井延隆 | | ちょっとだけ旅に出るわ ほんの気紛れで 誘われる風のままにクルマ走らせ 追いこす窓ごしに 海が見える 今日はなんだか 輝いてる ふと出会ったあなたとは これが始めて ただじっと海を見てたすてきな人 言葉かけずに 横に座った 波がかえすわ 想い寄せて このままで走しるのよ 明日が呼んでる 続く道まわり道朝焼けの道 まだ見ぬあこがれ 心かけてく 新しい何かが 始まるはずよ 追いこす窓ごしに 海が見える 今日はなんだか 輝いてる |
Baby Mine (English Ver.)Baby mine, don't you cry Baby mine, dry your eyes Rest your head close to my heart Never to part, baby of mine Little one when you play Don't you mind what they say Let those eyes sparkle and shine Never a tear, baby of mine If they knew sweet little you They'd end up loving you too All those same people who scold you What they'd give just for The right to hold you From your head down to your toes You're not much, goodness knows Sweet as can be, baby of mine All those same people who scold you What they'd give just for The right to hold you From your head down to your toes You're not much, goodness knows But you're so precious to me Sweet as can be, baby of mine But you're so precious to me Sweet as can be, baby of mine | 竹内まりや | Ned Washington | Frank Churchill | | Baby mine, don't you cry Baby mine, dry your eyes Rest your head close to my heart Never to part, baby of mine Little one when you play Don't you mind what they say Let those eyes sparkle and shine Never a tear, baby of mine If they knew sweet little you They'd end up loving you too All those same people who scold you What they'd give just for The right to hold you From your head down to your toes You're not much, goodness knows Sweet as can be, baby of mine All those same people who scold you What they'd give just for The right to hold you From your head down to your toes You're not much, goodness knows But you're so precious to me Sweet as can be, baby of mine But you're so precious to me Sweet as can be, baby of mine |
If I FellIf I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true And help me understand Cause I've been in love before And I found that love was more Than just holding hands If I give my heart to you I must be sure From the very start That you would love me more than her If I trust in you oh please Don't run and hide If I love you too oh please Don't hurt my pride like her Cause I couldn't stand the pain And I would be sad if our new love was in vain So I hope you see that I Would love to love you And that she will cry When she learns we are two Cause I couldn't stand the pain And I would be sad if our new love was in vain So I hope you see that I Would love to love you And that she will cry When she learns we are two If I fell in love with you | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | If I fell in love with you Would you promise to be true And help me understand Cause I've been in love before And I found that love was more Than just holding hands If I give my heart to you I must be sure From the very start That you would love me more than her If I trust in you oh please Don't run and hide If I love you too oh please Don't hurt my pride like her Cause I couldn't stand the pain And I would be sad if our new love was in vain So I hope you see that I Would love to love you And that she will cry When she learns we are two Cause I couldn't stand the pain And I would be sad if our new love was in vain So I hope you see that I Would love to love you And that she will cry When she learns we are two If I fell in love with you |
悲しきあしおと (On The Street Ver.)Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, どうしてあのこは 僕にさよならと 行ってしまったの 夜もねむれない 帰っておくれ 聞こえてくるような あのこの あしおと 僕のこころは Why why why oh why oh Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, いつも思い出す あのかわいい声 僕の耳もとで も一度聞きたい 帰っておくれ 聞こえてくるような あのこの あしおと Why why why oh why oh Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps........... | 竹内まりや | Hank Hunter・Barry Mann・日本語詞:みナみカズみ | Hank Hunter・Barry Mann | | Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, どうしてあのこは 僕にさよならと 行ってしまったの 夜もねむれない 帰っておくれ 聞こえてくるような あのこの あしおと 僕のこころは Why why why oh why oh Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, いつも思い出す あのかわいい声 僕の耳もとで も一度聞きたい 帰っておくれ 聞こえてくるような あのこの あしおと Why why why oh why oh Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps, Footsteps........... |
夏のイントロ恋人たちでにぎわう 通り沿いにあるダイナー あなたの姿ふいに見つけて 声かけた昼下がり 少し前なら 友達の彼だったのにね なぜか不思議な予感に 胸がときめいた Oh baby, feel my inspiration And baby, take me my invitation まぶしい季節が運んで来たメロディ Everytime you look at me I know you wanna be my new boyfriend 夏のイントロは鳴り始める はずむおしゃべりにいつか ヴァニラシェイクもとけてく ほんとはずっと好きだったこと 初めて打ち明けるわ ラジオの音が大きくて 聞き取れないよと 私の顔をのぞき込む ポロシャツのあなた Oh baby, feel my inspiration And baby, take me my invitation 新しい風に心もジャンプして! Everytime you smile at me You know I wanna be my new girlfriend 見続けていた夢がかないそう 今度彼女に会ったら なんて言えばいいのかな Oh baby, feel my inspiration And baby, take me my invitation まぶしい季節が運んで来たメロディ Everytime you look at me I know you wanna be my new boyfriend 夏のイントロは鳴り始める Feel my inspiration And baby, take me my invitation 新しい風に心もジャンプして! Everytime you smile at me You know I wanna be my new girlfriend 見続けていた夢がかないそう | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 鈴木俊介 | 恋人たちでにぎわう 通り沿いにあるダイナー あなたの姿ふいに見つけて 声かけた昼下がり 少し前なら 友達の彼だったのにね なぜか不思議な予感に 胸がときめいた Oh baby, feel my inspiration And baby, take me my invitation まぶしい季節が運んで来たメロディ Everytime you look at me I know you wanna be my new boyfriend 夏のイントロは鳴り始める はずむおしゃべりにいつか ヴァニラシェイクもとけてく ほんとはずっと好きだったこと 初めて打ち明けるわ ラジオの音が大きくて 聞き取れないよと 私の顔をのぞき込む ポロシャツのあなた Oh baby, feel my inspiration And baby, take me my invitation 新しい風に心もジャンプして! Everytime you smile at me You know I wanna be my new girlfriend 見続けていた夢がかないそう 今度彼女に会ったら なんて言えばいいのかな Oh baby, feel my inspiration And baby, take me my invitation まぶしい季節が運んで来たメロディ Everytime you look at me I know you wanna be my new boyfriend 夏のイントロは鳴り始める Feel my inspiration And baby, take me my invitation 新しい風に心もジャンプして! Everytime you smile at me You know I wanna be my new girlfriend 見続けていた夢がかないそう |
For Your LoveFor your love, I would do anything I would do anyting, for your love For your kiss, baby, baby I would go anywhere I would go anywhere, for your kiss More foolish I grow With each heart beat But we all get foolish That's why I repeat For your love Oh, I would do anyting I would do anyting, for your love Love | 竹内まりや | Ed Townsend | Ed Townsend | 山下達郎 | For your love, I would do anything I would do anyting, for your love For your kiss, baby, baby I would go anywhere I would go anywhere, for your kiss More foolish I grow With each heart beat But we all get foolish That's why I repeat For your love Oh, I would do anyting I would do anyting, for your love Love |
No ReplyThis happened once before When I came to your door, no reply They said it wasn't you But I saw you peep through your window I saw the light, I saw the light I know you saw me 'Cause I looked up to see your face I tried to telephone They said you were not home, that's a lie 'Cause I know where you've been And I saw you walk in your door I nearly died, I nearly died 'Cause you walked hand in hand With another man in my place If I were you, I'd realize That I love you more than any other guy And I'll forgive the lies That I heard before when you gave me no reply I tried to telephone They said you were not home, that's a lie 'Cause I know where you've been And I saw you walk in your door I nearly died, I nearly died 'Cause you walked hand in hand With another man in my place No reply, no reply | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | This happened once before When I came to your door, no reply They said it wasn't you But I saw you peep through your window I saw the light, I saw the light I know you saw me 'Cause I looked up to see your face I tried to telephone They said you were not home, that's a lie 'Cause I know where you've been And I saw you walk in your door I nearly died, I nearly died 'Cause you walked hand in hand With another man in my place If I were you, I'd realize That I love you more than any other guy And I'll forgive the lies That I heard before when you gave me no reply I tried to telephone They said you were not home, that's a lie 'Cause I know where you've been And I saw you walk in your door I nearly died, I nearly died 'Cause you walked hand in hand With another man in my place No reply, no reply |
(I Love You) For Sentimental ReasonsI love you for sentimental reasons I hope you do believe me I'll give you my heart I love you and you alone were meant for me Please give your loving heart to me And say we'll never part I think of you every morning Dream of you every night Darling, I'm never lonely Whenever you are in sight I love you for sentimental reasons I hope you do believe me I've given you my heart For sentimental reasons I hope you do believe me I've given you my heart I really love you, really I do There's no one can take the place of you I've given you my heart | 竹内まりや | Deek Watson・William Best Bounds III | Deek Watson・William Best Bounds III | 松木恒秀 | I love you for sentimental reasons I hope you do believe me I'll give you my heart I love you and you alone were meant for me Please give your loving heart to me And say we'll never part I think of you every morning Dream of you every night Darling, I'm never lonely Whenever you are in sight I love you for sentimental reasons I hope you do believe me I've given you my heart For sentimental reasons I hope you do believe me I've given you my heart I really love you, really I do There's no one can take the place of you I've given you my heart |
Cry Me A RiverNow you say you're lonely You cry the whole night through Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river I cried a river over you Now you say you're sorry For bein' so untrue Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river I cried a river over you You drove me, nearly drove me out of my head While you never shed a tear Remember, I remember all that you said Told me love was too plebeian Told me you were through with me and Now you say you love me Well, just to prove you do Come on and cry me a river, cry me a river I cried a river over you I cried a river over you I cried a river over you I cried a river over you Over you | 竹内まりや | Arthur Hamilton | Arthur Hamilton | 松木恒秀 | Now you say you're lonely You cry the whole night through Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river I cried a river over you Now you say you're sorry For bein' so untrue Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river I cried a river over you You drove me, nearly drove me out of my head While you never shed a tear Remember, I remember all that you said Told me love was too plebeian Told me you were through with me and Now you say you love me Well, just to prove you do Come on and cry me a river, cry me a river I cried a river over you I cried a river over you I cried a river over you I cried a river over you Over you |
Out Of The BlueOut of this world, out of this mind Out of this love for you Out of this world, out of the blue Out of this love for you Sometimes I don't know you You're like someone else But that's all right I'm a stranger here myself He don't shed a tear When I walk out that door 'Cause he knows, he knows I'll be coming back for more Out of this world, out of this mind Out of this love for you Out of this world, out of the blue Out of this love for you It's in the cards It's written in the stars It's in the wee-wee hours In some lonely bar But he don't stay up all night And walk the floor 'Cause he knows damn well I'll be coming back for more Out of this world, out of this mind Out of this love for you Out of this world, out of the blue Out of this love for you | 竹内まりや | Robbie Robertson | Robbie Robertson | | Out of this world, out of this mind Out of this love for you Out of this world, out of the blue Out of this love for you Sometimes I don't know you You're like someone else But that's all right I'm a stranger here myself He don't shed a tear When I walk out that door 'Cause he knows, he knows I'll be coming back for more Out of this world, out of this mind Out of this love for you Out of this world, out of the blue Out of this love for you It's in the cards It's written in the stars It's in the wee-wee hours In some lonely bar But he don't stay up all night And walk the floor 'Cause he knows damn well I'll be coming back for more Out of this world, out of this mind Out of this love for you Out of this world, out of the blue Out of this love for you |
Drive My CarAsked a girl what she wanted to be She said baby,“Can't you see I wanna be famous, a star on the screen But you can do something in between” “Baby you can drive my car Yes I'm gonna be a star Baby you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you” I told a girl that my prospects were good And she said,“Baby,“It's understood Working for peanuts is all very fine But I can show you a better time” “Baby you can drive my car Yes I'm gonna be a star Baby you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you Beep, beep, beep, beep, yeah “Baby you can drive my car Yes I'm gonna be a star Baby you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you” I told that girl I can start right away And she said,“Listen babe, I've got something to say I got no car and it's breaking my heart But I've found a driver, and that's a start” “Baby you can drive my car Yes I'm gonna be a star Baby you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you” Beep, beep, beep, beep, yeah..... | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | Asked a girl what she wanted to be She said baby,“Can't you see I wanna be famous, a star on the screen But you can do something in between” “Baby you can drive my car Yes I'm gonna be a star Baby you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you” I told a girl that my prospects were good And she said,“Baby,“It's understood Working for peanuts is all very fine But I can show you a better time” “Baby you can drive my car Yes I'm gonna be a star Baby you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you Beep, beep, beep, beep, yeah “Baby you can drive my car Yes I'm gonna be a star Baby you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you” I told that girl I can start right away And she said,“Listen babe, I've got something to say I got no car and it's breaking my heart But I've found a driver, and that's a start” “Baby you can drive my car Yes I'm gonna be a star Baby you can drive my car And maybe I'll love you” Beep, beep, beep, beep, yeah..... |
Devil In Her HeartShe's got the devil in her heart But her eyes they tantalize She's gonna tear your heart apart Oh, her lips, they really thrill me I'll take my chances for romance is so important to me She'll never hurt me, she won't desert me She's an angel sent to me She's got the devil in her heart No, no, this I can't believe She's gonna tear your heart apart No, no, nay will she deceive I can't believe that she'll ever ever go Not when she hugs and says she loves me so She'll never hurt me, she won't desert me Listen, can't you see She's got the devil in her heart No, no, this I can't believe She's gonna tear your heart apart No, no, nay will she deceive Don't take chances if your romance is so important to you She'll never hurt me, she won't desert me She's an angel sent to me She's got the devil in her heart No, no, this I can't believe She's gonna tear your heart apart No, no, nay will she deceive She's got the devil in her heart No, she's an angel sent to me She's got the devil in her heart No, she's an angel sent to me | 竹内まりや | Richard Brian Drapkin | Richard Brian Drapkin | | She's got the devil in her heart But her eyes they tantalize She's gonna tear your heart apart Oh, her lips, they really thrill me I'll take my chances for romance is so important to me She'll never hurt me, she won't desert me She's an angel sent to me She's got the devil in her heart No, no, this I can't believe She's gonna tear your heart apart No, no, nay will she deceive I can't believe that she'll ever ever go Not when she hugs and says she loves me so She'll never hurt me, she won't desert me Listen, can't you see She's got the devil in her heart No, no, this I can't believe She's gonna tear your heart apart No, no, nay will she deceive Don't take chances if your romance is so important to you She'll never hurt me, she won't desert me She's an angel sent to me She's got the devil in her heart No, no, this I can't believe She's gonna tear your heart apart No, no, nay will she deceive She's got the devil in her heart No, she's an angel sent to me She's got the devil in her heart No, she's an angel sent to me |
The Night BeforeWe said our goodbyes(ah, the night before) Love was in your eyes(ah, the night before) Now today I find You have changed your mind Treat me like you did the night before Were you telling lies(ah, the night before) Was I so unwise(ah, the night before) When I held you near You were so sincere Treat me like you did the night before Last night is the night I will remember you by When I think of things we did It makes me wanna cry We said our goodbyes(ah, the night before) Love was in your eyes(ah, the night before) Now today I find You have changed your mind Treat me like you did the night before When I held you near You were so sincere Treat me like you did the night before Last night is the night I will remember you by When I think of things we did It makes me wanna cry Were you telling lies(ah, the night before) Was I so unwise(ah, the night before) When I held you near You were so sincere Treat me like you did the night before Like the night before | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | We said our goodbyes(ah, the night before) Love was in your eyes(ah, the night before) Now today I find You have changed your mind Treat me like you did the night before Were you telling lies(ah, the night before) Was I so unwise(ah, the night before) When I held you near You were so sincere Treat me like you did the night before Last night is the night I will remember you by When I think of things we did It makes me wanna cry We said our goodbyes(ah, the night before) Love was in your eyes(ah, the night before) Now today I find You have changed your mind Treat me like you did the night before When I held you near You were so sincere Treat me like you did the night before Last night is the night I will remember you by When I think of things we did It makes me wanna cry Were you telling lies(ah, the night before) Was I so unwise(ah, the night before) When I held you near You were so sincere Treat me like you did the night before Like the night before |
君の居場所 (Have a Good Time Here)Welcome to the place where you can be yourself Just try to have fun that's all you should do 緑が眩しいこの島へようこそ! スマホも時計もここじゃいらない 悩みや疲れをすべて忘れ去って ただ楽しむのが君の仕事さ がむしゃらに頑張ってきたけど 毎日が空回り ポジティブなだけが正解じゃない そんな答えに出会える場所 Let me show you around the dreamy place you stay Everyone is smiling you'll feel better soon 決まりごとのない楽園の中で 自由でいることにちょっぴり戸惑う やがて気づくんだ本当の自分らしさと 一番大事にしたい何かに 虹の架け橋を歌いながら 渡る夢見ていたら 何も持たなくたってこんなに 幸せだということを知るよ See what you have found Love is all around This beautiful island always treats you well LaLaLa~ LaLaLa~ Just try to have fun that's what you should do This beautiful island always welcomes you So, Have a good time here | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 山下達郎 | Welcome to the place where you can be yourself Just try to have fun that's all you should do 緑が眩しいこの島へようこそ! スマホも時計もここじゃいらない 悩みや疲れをすべて忘れ去って ただ楽しむのが君の仕事さ がむしゃらに頑張ってきたけど 毎日が空回り ポジティブなだけが正解じゃない そんな答えに出会える場所 Let me show you around the dreamy place you stay Everyone is smiling you'll feel better soon 決まりごとのない楽園の中で 自由でいることにちょっぴり戸惑う やがて気づくんだ本当の自分らしさと 一番大事にしたい何かに 虹の架け橋を歌いながら 渡る夢見ていたら 何も持たなくたってこんなに 幸せだということを知るよ See what you have found Love is all around This beautiful island always treats you well LaLaLa~ LaLaLa~ Just try to have fun that's what you should do This beautiful island always welcomes you So, Have a good time here |
Nowhere ManHe's a real nowhere man Sitting in his nowhere land Making all his nowhere plans for nobody Doesn't have a point of view Knows not where he's going to Isn't he a bit like you and me Nowhere man, please listen You don't know what you're missing Nowhere man, the world is at your command He's as blind as he can be Just sees what he wants to see Nowhere man can you see me at all Nowhere man, don't worry Take your time, don't hurry Leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand Doesn't have a point of view Knows not where he's going to Isn't he a bit like you and me Nowhere man, please listen You don't know what you're missing Nowhere man, the world is at your command He's a real nowhere Man Sitting in his nowhere land Making all his nowhere plans for nobody Making all his nowhere plans for nobody Making all his nowhere plans for nobody | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | He's a real nowhere man Sitting in his nowhere land Making all his nowhere plans for nobody Doesn't have a point of view Knows not where he's going to Isn't he a bit like you and me Nowhere man, please listen You don't know what you're missing Nowhere man, the world is at your command He's as blind as he can be Just sees what he wants to see Nowhere man can you see me at all Nowhere man, don't worry Take your time, don't hurry Leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand Doesn't have a point of view Knows not where he's going to Isn't he a bit like you and me Nowhere man, please listen You don't know what you're missing Nowhere man, the world is at your command He's a real nowhere Man Sitting in his nowhere land Making all his nowhere plans for nobody Making all his nowhere plans for nobody Making all his nowhere plans for nobody |
Musician (It's Not An Easy Life)The rent's due tomorrow Haven't got a penny to my name I'm trying to build me a lifetime Think I better start a new frame And I think I'm learnin' first hand About what it's like to be To be a musician And I can see It's not an easy life It's not an easy life to live Guess that I chose the hard road No use wonderin' why I had hopes I would make it Must have had my hopes up too high And I think I'm learnin' first hand About what it's like to be To be a musician And I can see It's not an easy life It's not an easy life to live And I keep on smilin' Ooooh smilin' Smilin' to hide the pain Inside I'm cryin' Ooooh cryin' And it's hard It's hard to explain And I think I'm learnin' first hand About what it's like to be To be a musician And I can see It's not an easy life It's not an easy life to live It's not an easy life It's not an easy life to live It's not an easy life It's not an easy life | 竹内まりや | Brent Mydland | Brent Mydland | | The rent's due tomorrow Haven't got a penny to my name I'm trying to build me a lifetime Think I better start a new frame And I think I'm learnin' first hand About what it's like to be To be a musician And I can see It's not an easy life It's not an easy life to live Guess that I chose the hard road No use wonderin' why I had hopes I would make it Must have had my hopes up too high And I think I'm learnin' first hand About what it's like to be To be a musician And I can see It's not an easy life It's not an easy life to live And I keep on smilin' Ooooh smilin' Smilin' to hide the pain Inside I'm cryin' Ooooh cryin' And it's hard It's hard to explain And I think I'm learnin' first hand About what it's like to be To be a musician And I can see It's not an easy life It's not an easy life to live It's not an easy life It's not an easy life to live It's not an easy life It's not an easy life |
One After 909My baby said she's traveling on the One after Nine-O-Nine I said,“move over, honey, I'm travelin' on that line” I said,“move over”once,“move over”twice “Come on, baby, don't be cold as ice” She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O-Nine I begged her not to go and I begged her on my bended knees You're only foolin' round, you're only foolin' round with me I said“move over”once,“move over”twice “Come on, baby, don't be cold as ice” She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O-Nine Picked up my bags, run to the station Railman said,“you've got the wrong location” Picked up my bags, run right home Then I find I've got the number wrong Well, she said she's traveling on the One after Nine-O-Nine I said, “move over honey, I'm travelin' on that line” I said, “move over”once, “move over”twice “Come on baby, don't be cold as ice” She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O-Nine Picked up my bags, run to the station Railman said,“you've got the wrong location” Picked up my bags, run right home Then I find I've got the number wrong Well she said she's traveling, on the One after Nine-O-Nine I said,“move over honey, I'm travellin' on that line I said,“move over”once,“move over”twice Come on baby, don't be cold as ice She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O-Nine | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | My baby said she's traveling on the One after Nine-O-Nine I said,“move over, honey, I'm travelin' on that line” I said,“move over”once,“move over”twice “Come on, baby, don't be cold as ice” She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O-Nine I begged her not to go and I begged her on my bended knees You're only foolin' round, you're only foolin' round with me I said“move over”once,“move over”twice “Come on, baby, don't be cold as ice” She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O-Nine Picked up my bags, run to the station Railman said,“you've got the wrong location” Picked up my bags, run right home Then I find I've got the number wrong Well, she said she's traveling on the One after Nine-O-Nine I said, “move over honey, I'm travelin' on that line” I said, “move over”once, “move over”twice “Come on baby, don't be cold as ice” She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O-Nine Picked up my bags, run to the station Railman said,“you've got the wrong location” Picked up my bags, run right home Then I find I've got the number wrong Well she said she's traveling, on the One after Nine-O-Nine I said,“move over honey, I'm travellin' on that line I said,“move over”once,“move over”twice Come on baby, don't be cold as ice She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O She said she's travelin' on the One after Nine-O-Nine |
Tequila SunriseIt's another tequila sunrise Staring slowly across the sky Said good bye He was just a hired hand Working on the dreams he planned to try The days go by Every night when sun goes down Just another lonely boy in town And she's out running round She wasn't just another woman And I couldn't keep from coming on Been so long Boy and it's such a hollow feeling When it comes down to dealing friends It never ends Take another shot of courage Wonder why the drivers never come You're just getting up It's another tequila sunrise This old world still looks the same Another friend | 竹内まりや | Don Honley・Glenn Frey | Don Honley・Glenn Frey | センチメンタル・シティ・ロマンス | It's another tequila sunrise Staring slowly across the sky Said good bye He was just a hired hand Working on the dreams he planned to try The days go by Every night when sun goes down Just another lonely boy in town And she's out running round She wasn't just another woman And I couldn't keep from coming on Been so long Boy and it's such a hollow feeling When it comes down to dealing friends It never ends Take another shot of courage Wonder why the drivers never come You're just getting up It's another tequila sunrise This old world still looks the same Another friend |
Southbound TrainLiberty, laughing and shaking your head Can you carry the torch that'll bring home the dead? To the land of their fathers whose lives you have led To the station at the end of the town On the southbound train going down Equality, quietly facing the fist Are you angry and tired that your point has been missed? Will you go in the back-room And study the list Of the gamblers using the phone On the southbound train going down Fraternity, failing to fight back the tears Will it take an eternity breaking all the fears? And what will the passenger do when he hears- That he's already paid for the crown On the southbound train going down | 竹内まりや | Graham Nash | Graham Nash | センチメンタル・シティ・ロマンス | Liberty, laughing and shaking your head Can you carry the torch that'll bring home the dead? To the land of their fathers whose lives you have led To the station at the end of the town On the southbound train going down Equality, quietly facing the fist Are you angry and tired that your point has been missed? Will you go in the back-room And study the list Of the gamblers using the phone On the southbound train going down Fraternity, failing to fight back the tears Will it take an eternity breaking all the fears? And what will the passenger do when he hears- That he's already paid for the crown On the southbound train going down |
You're Going To Lose That GirlYou're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) If you don't take her out tonight She's gonna change her mind (She's gonna change her mind) And I will take her out tonight And I will treat her kind (I'm gonna treat her kind) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) If you don't treat her right, my friend You're gonna find her gone (You're gonna find her gone) 'Cause I will treat her right and then You'll be the lonely one (You're not the only one) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) I'll make a point of taking her away from you (watch what you do, yeah) The way you treat her, what else can I do? You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) I'll make a point of taking her away from you (watch what you do, yeah) The way you treat her, what else can I do? If you don't take her out tonight She's gonna change her mind (She's gonna change her mind) And I will take her out tonight And I will treat her kind (I'm gonna treat her kind) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl | 竹内まりや | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | John Lennon・Paul McCartney | | You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) If you don't take her out tonight She's gonna change her mind (She's gonna change her mind) And I will take her out tonight And I will treat her kind (I'm gonna treat her kind) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) If you don't treat her right, my friend You're gonna find her gone (You're gonna find her gone) 'Cause I will treat her right and then You'll be the lonely one (You're not the only one) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) I'll make a point of taking her away from you (watch what you do, yeah) The way you treat her, what else can I do? You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) I'll make a point of taking her away from you (watch what you do, yeah) The way you treat her, what else can I do? If you don't take her out tonight She's gonna change her mind (She's gonna change her mind) And I will take her out tonight And I will treat her kind (I'm gonna treat her kind) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl (yes, yes, you're gonna lose that girl) You're gonna lose that girl |
Scotch And SodaScotch and soda, Mud in your eye Baby, do I feel high Oh me oh my, do I feel high Dry martini, jigger of gin Oh what a spell you've got me in Oh my, do I feel high People don't believe me They think that I'm just braggin' But I could feel the way I feel And still be on the wagon All I need is one of your smiles Sunshine of your eyes Oh me oh my, do I feel higher than a kite can fly Give me lovin',‘Cause I feel so high People don't believe me They think that I'm just braggin' But I could feel the way I feel And still be on the wagon | 竹内まりや | Dave Guard | Dave Guard | 野力奏一 | Scotch and soda, Mud in your eye Baby, do I feel high Oh me oh my, do I feel high Dry martini, jigger of gin Oh what a spell you've got me in Oh my, do I feel high People don't believe me They think that I'm just braggin' But I could feel the way I feel And still be on the wagon All I need is one of your smiles Sunshine of your eyes Oh me oh my, do I feel higher than a kite can fly Give me lovin',‘Cause I feel so high People don't believe me They think that I'm just braggin' But I could feel the way I feel And still be on the wagon |
Subject:さようなら途絶えたメールのそのわけを うすうす気づいていたけれど あなたの口から聞くまでは 信じたくはない自分がいたの 新しい恋人の名前 私の知ってるあの子なら 少し残酷すぎませんか? わざわざ友達選ぶなんて… 過ごした時間の長さより ふいの誘惑に勝てなかった あなたと会えなくなる前に 本当の気持ちを知りたくて 何度も送ったあのメールに どうして返事をくれないの どんなに冷たくされたって 心の底から憎めない それほど愛した人だから せめても去り際 潔く 重さ疎まれるような恋 卒業しなくちゃ みじめなだけ 「さようなら」「さようなら」とひと言の メールを打つ指が震えてる 「送信しました」その画面に 溢れる涙がこぼれてく 「さようなら」「さようなら」もう二度と 追わない覚悟を決めたあとで 馴染んだアドレスを消しながら 「元気でいてね」とつぶやいた 「さようなら」「さようなら」のひと言を 今度はあの子にも送ったの 友情と恋の両方とも 一度になくした寒い夜 | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 鈴木俊介 | 途絶えたメールのそのわけを うすうす気づいていたけれど あなたの口から聞くまでは 信じたくはない自分がいたの 新しい恋人の名前 私の知ってるあの子なら 少し残酷すぎませんか? わざわざ友達選ぶなんて… 過ごした時間の長さより ふいの誘惑に勝てなかった あなたと会えなくなる前に 本当の気持ちを知りたくて 何度も送ったあのメールに どうして返事をくれないの どんなに冷たくされたって 心の底から憎めない それほど愛した人だから せめても去り際 潔く 重さ疎まれるような恋 卒業しなくちゃ みじめなだけ 「さようなら」「さようなら」とひと言の メールを打つ指が震えてる 「送信しました」その画面に 溢れる涙がこぼれてく 「さようなら」「さようなら」もう二度と 追わない覚悟を決めたあとで 馴染んだアドレスを消しながら 「元気でいてね」とつぶやいた 「さようなら」「さようなら」のひと言を 今度はあの子にも送ったの 友情と恋の両方とも 一度になくした寒い夜 |
Smiling Days (2024 New Remix)カオスのような街も 住めばいつしか都 あくせく過ぎる日々に 足を止めて 見上げてごらん空を お日さまは今日も笑って 世界を ほら 照らしてる 尽きない悩み抱え 生きるのは皆同じ それなら探してみよう 笑顔になれる何か うまく焼き上がったPancake 洗濯したてのFavorite Shirt 小さなことが 幸せ運ぶよ 土曜の夜のDining Table 日曜の午後に聴くMusic すべてが彩るよ Smiling Days ふいに孤独感じて 心が折れる日もある そんな時は嘘でも 笑ってみよう 他人に優しくしたら 自分も元気になると 友達が いつか 言ってた 時間は戻ってこない そう知ればなおさらに 何気ないこの日々を ほほえみで満たしたい 散歩道に咲いたFlowers 夕暮れの公園のSparrows ささいなことに よろこび宿るよ 両手で抱きしめるMy Dog 足もとでじゃれてるYour Cat すべてがきらめくよ Smiling Days ママが掛けてくれたBlanket パパが買ってくれたBlue Jeans そんなことが思い出になってゆく 子供達を照らすMoonlight 寝顔そっとのぞくMidnight すべてが二度とない Smiling Days すべてが夢のような Smiling Days | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 山下達郎 | カオスのような街も 住めばいつしか都 あくせく過ぎる日々に 足を止めて 見上げてごらん空を お日さまは今日も笑って 世界を ほら 照らしてる 尽きない悩み抱え 生きるのは皆同じ それなら探してみよう 笑顔になれる何か うまく焼き上がったPancake 洗濯したてのFavorite Shirt 小さなことが 幸せ運ぶよ 土曜の夜のDining Table 日曜の午後に聴くMusic すべてが彩るよ Smiling Days ふいに孤独感じて 心が折れる日もある そんな時は嘘でも 笑ってみよう 他人に優しくしたら 自分も元気になると 友達が いつか 言ってた 時間は戻ってこない そう知ればなおさらに 何気ないこの日々を ほほえみで満たしたい 散歩道に咲いたFlowers 夕暮れの公園のSparrows ささいなことに よろこび宿るよ 両手で抱きしめるMy Dog 足もとでじゃれてるYour Cat すべてがきらめくよ Smiling Days ママが掛けてくれたBlanket パパが買ってくれたBlue Jeans そんなことが思い出になってゆく 子供達を照らすMoonlight 寝顔そっとのぞくMidnight すべてが二度とない Smiling Days すべてが夢のような Smiling Days |
Days of Love藍色の秋の夜空を ふたり黙って見ていた 願い事を胸に こんな幸せがきっと いつまでも続くようにと 流れ星に Make a wish 出会いから 今日までの日々 たどれば ささやかな出来事さえも すべてがみんな 奇跡のように思えて 泣けるの 小さな時を重ねながら あなたと創る毎日 それは永遠の Days of Love おうし座の メテオシャワーが降る夜 手をつなぎ 寄り添い合って また同じ夢 追いかけようと ほほえむ あなたを Love you for good 明日が良い日であるように 祈る気持ちで 眠るの ずっと一緒ね My Dear 終わりのない Our Love それは永遠の Days of Love | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 山下達郎 | 山下達郎 | 藍色の秋の夜空を ふたり黙って見ていた 願い事を胸に こんな幸せがきっと いつまでも続くようにと 流れ星に Make a wish 出会いから 今日までの日々 たどれば ささやかな出来事さえも すべてがみんな 奇跡のように思えて 泣けるの 小さな時を重ねながら あなたと創る毎日 それは永遠の Days of Love おうし座の メテオシャワーが降る夜 手をつなぎ 寄り添い合って また同じ夢 追いかけようと ほほえむ あなたを Love you for good 明日が良い日であるように 祈る気持ちで 眠るの ずっと一緒ね My Dear 終わりのない Our Love それは永遠の Days of Love |
遠いまぼろしラジオからふとこぼれた 懐かしいそのボサノヴァ あの人のそばで いつも聴いたジョビンが 遠い日へと 心を誘うの あきらめたはずの恋が 今もまだ胸で疼く 哀しい瞳をして 私を抱き寄せ 囁きかけた 偽りの “I Love You...” あの頃の若さを 取り戻せるものならば 誰かを傷つけてさえきっと あなたを放さないわ 夜明けまで愛し合って 鳴り続けたジョアンのギター 二人を繋いだ切ない響きに 堪えきれずに落ちてゆく涙 優しさの振りした 冷たさに気づかないで 愛を求め過ぎてた私を 置き去りにして消えた あの頃のまぼろしに 夢を見ているだけだと 知っていてもあなたに逢いたい 弱い私がいるわ やるせないこの想いを なぞるように歌う 愛しいメロディー | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 杉真理 | 小泉信彦・杉真理 | ラジオからふとこぼれた 懐かしいそのボサノヴァ あの人のそばで いつも聴いたジョビンが 遠い日へと 心を誘うの あきらめたはずの恋が 今もまだ胸で疼く 哀しい瞳をして 私を抱き寄せ 囁きかけた 偽りの “I Love You...” あの頃の若さを 取り戻せるものならば 誰かを傷つけてさえきっと あなたを放さないわ 夜明けまで愛し合って 鳴り続けたジョアンのギター 二人を繋いだ切ない響きに 堪えきれずに落ちてゆく涙 優しさの振りした 冷たさに気づかないで 愛を求め過ぎてた私を 置き去りにして消えた あの頃のまぼろしに 夢を見ているだけだと 知っていてもあなたに逢いたい 弱い私がいるわ やるせないこの想いを なぞるように歌う 愛しいメロディー |
今日の想い (2024 New Remix)一日の仕事を 終えたあなたは 最終バスに乗り 家路を急ぐ ターミナルの彼方で 瞬く星座の ささやく声がした “お疲れさま”と 今日の日もこうして 元気に つつがなく 過ごせたこと 何よりうれしく思えて 夜空見上げる 繰り返す営み 穏やかな日々こそ どんな素敵な奇跡かを あなたは知っている 叶わぬ夢があり 悲しみもある それはみんな同じ 生きてる限り 世界の至る場所 争いが絶えず 今なお 本当の平和は遠い せめても 希望は捨てずに 歩き続けていかなきゃ 誰もが笑顔になれる日 いつか来るまで 終わってゆく今日が 残すその想いと 小さな祈り胸に秘めて 眠りにつくあなた “おやすみなさい” | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 牧戸太郎 | 一日の仕事を 終えたあなたは 最終バスに乗り 家路を急ぐ ターミナルの彼方で 瞬く星座の ささやく声がした “お疲れさま”と 今日の日もこうして 元気に つつがなく 過ごせたこと 何よりうれしく思えて 夜空見上げる 繰り返す営み 穏やかな日々こそ どんな素敵な奇跡かを あなたは知っている 叶わぬ夢があり 悲しみもある それはみんな同じ 生きてる限り 世界の至る場所 争いが絶えず 今なお 本当の平和は遠い せめても 希望は捨てずに 歩き続けていかなきゃ 誰もが笑顔になれる日 いつか来るまで 終わってゆく今日が 残すその想いと 小さな祈り胸に秘めて 眠りにつくあなた “おやすみなさい” |
TOKYO WOMANちゃんとやろうぜ タフになろうぜ 怖気づいたり逃げたりしちゃ 始まらない 下手な理屈 こねてみたって きっと一生 彼女のドア開けられない She was a Tokyo Woman 歯が立たない Tokyo的なLove 純情な表情で強情で薄情 掴みきれない 派手なパンチ もろに食らって それでもここにまだ立っていられるのは 君のためさ 愛のせいさ そんな事さえ 彼女にとって どこ吹く風 She was a Tokyo Woman やっかいさ Tokyo的な Smile 饒舌な情熱は上出来な冗談さ 計りしれない ちゃんとやろうぜ 今度くらいは ちゃんとやれない自分にそう言い聞かせてる She was a Tokyo Woman 自己中な Tokyo的なLove 相性が合いそうで愛嬌で I call you 離れられない She was a Tokyo Woman 手におえない Tokyo的な Smile どんな日もどん欲でどん底さ Don't bother me たとえこの恋 負け戦でも 抑えきれない ちゃんとやろうぜ! | 竹内まりや | BOX | BOX | BOX | ちゃんとやろうぜ タフになろうぜ 怖気づいたり逃げたりしちゃ 始まらない 下手な理屈 こねてみたって きっと一生 彼女のドア開けられない She was a Tokyo Woman 歯が立たない Tokyo的なLove 純情な表情で強情で薄情 掴みきれない 派手なパンチ もろに食らって それでもここにまだ立っていられるのは 君のためさ 愛のせいさ そんな事さえ 彼女にとって どこ吹く風 She was a Tokyo Woman やっかいさ Tokyo的な Smile 饒舌な情熱は上出来な冗談さ 計りしれない ちゃんとやろうぜ 今度くらいは ちゃんとやれない自分にそう言い聞かせてる She was a Tokyo Woman 自己中な Tokyo的なLove 相性が合いそうで愛嬌で I call you 離れられない She was a Tokyo Woman 手におえない Tokyo的な Smile どんな日もどん欲でどん底さ Don't bother me たとえこの恋 負け戦でも 抑えきれない ちゃんとやろうぜ! |
夢の果てまで浪漫(ロマン)の香りに 満ちたこの東京(まち) 誰もが小さな 夢を見て生きてる じゃじゃ馬娘と 鳴らした日々も 少しずつ変わって 大人になってゆく ああ!くじけそう そのたびにあなたの 笑い声を いつも想い出す 時代(とき)を跳び超えて 進んでく勇気を 私に下さい 今こそ 遥かな幸せ つかまえに行くわ すべてを 力に変えて 寂しい人ほど 優しさを持ち 優しい人ほど 強さを秘めている 笑顔が取柄の 私だってほら 誰にも言えない 哀しみ抱えてる ああ!涙に 負けそうになるけど 冒険ならば いつもお手のもの 古い上着捨て 生まれ変わる今 探してた愛に 気づくの 再びあなたが私を見つける その日を 信じて旅立つ 終わらない夢の 果てまで行きたい 新しい何かが 待つ場所 私の未来は 自分で決めるわ どんなに 険しい道でも すべてを 力に変えて | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 増田武史 | 浪漫(ロマン)の香りに 満ちたこの東京(まち) 誰もが小さな 夢を見て生きてる じゃじゃ馬娘と 鳴らした日々も 少しずつ変わって 大人になってゆく ああ!くじけそう そのたびにあなたの 笑い声を いつも想い出す 時代(とき)を跳び超えて 進んでく勇気を 私に下さい 今こそ 遥かな幸せ つかまえに行くわ すべてを 力に変えて 寂しい人ほど 優しさを持ち 優しい人ほど 強さを秘めている 笑顔が取柄の 私だってほら 誰にも言えない 哀しみ抱えてる ああ!涙に 負けそうになるけど 冒険ならば いつもお手のもの 古い上着捨て 生まれ変わる今 探してた愛に 気づくの 再びあなたが私を見つける その日を 信じて旅立つ 終わらない夢の 果てまで行きたい 新しい何かが 待つ場所 私の未来は 自分で決めるわ どんなに 険しい道でも すべてを 力に変えて |
Coffee & Chocolate今 私がほしいものは 一杯のコーヒーとチョコレイト 締め切りが迫るこの曲を 仕上げるその前に 昔のDooWop 鳴らしながら ソファーでコーヒーとチョコレイト くたびれた私をいつでも 元気にしてくれる友達 あれこれ考えても 何も浮かばないから 焦るのはもうやめにして 頭休ませてあげようよ Coffee & Chocolate Coffee & Chocolate Coffee & Chocolate That's what I need now That's what I really need That's what I need right now | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 竹内まりや | 山下達郎 | 今 私がほしいものは 一杯のコーヒーとチョコレイト 締め切りが迫るこの曲を 仕上げるその前に 昔のDooWop 鳴らしながら ソファーでコーヒーとチョコレイト くたびれた私をいつでも 元気にしてくれる友達 あれこれ考えても 何も浮かばないから 焦るのはもうやめにして 頭休ませてあげようよ Coffee & Chocolate Coffee & Chocolate Coffee & Chocolate That's what I need now That's what I really need That's what I need right now |
May Each DayMay each day in the week be a good day May the Lord always watch over you And may all of your hopes turn to wishes And may all of your wishes come true May each day in the month be a good day May you make friends with each one you meet And may all of your daydreams be mem'ries And may all of your mem'ries be sweet The weeks turn to months And the months into years There'll be sadness and joy There'll be laughter and tears But one thing I pray to heaven above May each of your days be a day full of love May each day in the year be a good day May each dawn find you happy and gay And may all of your days be as lovely As the one you shared with me today May each day of your life be a good day And good night | 竹内まりや | Morton J. Green・George Wyle | Morton J. Green・George Wyle | 服部隆之 | May each day in the week be a good day May the Lord always watch over you And may all of your hopes turn to wishes And may all of your wishes come true May each day in the month be a good day May you make friends with each one you meet And may all of your daydreams be mem'ries And may all of your mem'ries be sweet The weeks turn to months And the months into years There'll be sadness and joy There'll be laughter and tears But one thing I pray to heaven above May each of your days be a day full of love May each day in the year be a good day May each dawn find you happy and gay And may all of your days be as lovely As the one you shared with me today May each day of your life be a good day And good night |