きゅんきゅん世界届かぬ想い ただ隠し続けていた 踏み出す勇気 見えないことにしていた 壊したくなくて ミュートしていたの 美しいだけで 知らない 加工していない 私を見て今 重たいドア あけて 咲き乱れる ステージの光が(まじりあう) ウルウルした 不安な夢 チューしてあげるよ(だいじょぶ) はにかむ空 背中照らす朝日(あたたかい) サラサラ吹く 風は今も しっぽ揺らすだけ きゅんきゅん世界で 素直になれない日も 笑顔になれるように ケーキ食べいこーよ 咲き乱れる ステージの光が(まじりあう) ウルウルした 不安な夢 チューしてあげるよ(だいじょぶ) 怖くないよ どんな君も君で(美しい) 自信持って ばちくそいい 一歩踏み出して きゅんきゅん世界で | OTMGirls | Sanrio Company,Ltd. | Natsumi Tabuchi | | 届かぬ想い ただ隠し続けていた 踏み出す勇気 見えないことにしていた 壊したくなくて ミュートしていたの 美しいだけで 知らない 加工していない 私を見て今 重たいドア あけて 咲き乱れる ステージの光が(まじりあう) ウルウルした 不安な夢 チューしてあげるよ(だいじょぶ) はにかむ空 背中照らす朝日(あたたかい) サラサラ吹く 風は今も しっぽ揺らすだけ きゅんきゅん世界で 素直になれない日も 笑顔になれるように ケーキ食べいこーよ 咲き乱れる ステージの光が(まじりあう) ウルウルした 不安な夢 チューしてあげるよ(だいじょぶ) 怖くないよ どんな君も君で(美しい) 自信持って ばちくそいい 一歩踏み出して きゅんきゅん世界で |
This Kyun-Kyun World (English ver.)Your heart never gets across You just keep it tucked away and out of sight Takes courage to make a move But you keep pretending you don't see it Didn't want to ruin a good thing So you keep everything on mute It may be a beautiful thing but You'd never know Why don't you take a look at me Without the filters and more now Push this heavy door and Open it On the stage the lights are Dancing back and forth in unison (Intertwining) When you're scared and shaking From a nightmare, just stop I'll kiss you and everything will (Just be all right) The sky is bashful and the Morning light that's shining on my back(It's nice and cozy) Even now the wind is Blowing gently just like A tail that's wagging in this Kyun-kyun world we live in When you have trouble facing your feelings You need to find a way to wear a smile So let's go eat a cake together On the stage the lights are Dancing back and forth in unison (Intertwining) When you're scared and shaking From a nightmare, just stop I'll kiss you and everything will (Just be all right) You have nothing to fear All you have to be is you yourself (Yes, you're gorgeous) Confidence in yourself That's all you need really Just take that one step in this Kyun-kyun world we live in | OTMGirls | Sanrio Company,Ltd. | Natsumi Tabuchi | | Your heart never gets across You just keep it tucked away and out of sight Takes courage to make a move But you keep pretending you don't see it Didn't want to ruin a good thing So you keep everything on mute It may be a beautiful thing but You'd never know Why don't you take a look at me Without the filters and more now Push this heavy door and Open it On the stage the lights are Dancing back and forth in unison (Intertwining) When you're scared and shaking From a nightmare, just stop I'll kiss you and everything will (Just be all right) The sky is bashful and the Morning light that's shining on my back(It's nice and cozy) Even now the wind is Blowing gently just like A tail that's wagging in this Kyun-kyun world we live in When you have trouble facing your feelings You need to find a way to wear a smile So let's go eat a cake together On the stage the lights are Dancing back and forth in unison (Intertwining) When you're scared and shaking From a nightmare, just stop I'll kiss you and everything will (Just be all right) You have nothing to fear All you have to be is you yourself (Yes, you're gorgeous) Confidence in yourself That's all you need really Just take that one step in this Kyun-kyun world we live in |
バズりたい!OTM OTM OTM OTM ゾクゾク バズりたい キラキラな場所で ちぐはぐ 夢見てる 暗闇の中で 特別な未来なんて フェイクでいいから つかみとりたいその光 (マナカ) 都会の真ん中で (ミギー) 右なの (ヒダリン) 左なの ゾクゾク バズりたい キラキラな場所 ガラクタ 街の中 自分で決めた道 ビルの窓 写り込んだ 不安な笑顔も 照らし出す その日まで | OTMGirls | Sanrio Company,Ltd. | Natsumi Tabuchi | 田渕夏海 | OTM OTM OTM OTM ゾクゾク バズりたい キラキラな場所で ちぐはぐ 夢見てる 暗闇の中で 特別な未来なんて フェイクでいいから つかみとりたいその光 (マナカ) 都会の真ん中で (ミギー) 右なの (ヒダリン) 左なの ゾクゾク バズりたい キラキラな場所 ガラクタ 街の中 自分で決めた道 ビルの窓 写り込んだ 不安な笑顔も 照らし出す その日まで |
ふわふわ放課後の空 染まる校舎に 響く声すら 耳がピクン 校庭走る 蹄の音に まだ知らない香りがする 人生はめくるめく 傾むいたハート 止まらない鼓動 飛び出しちゃいそぅなの 秘密の花園 色づく制服に のぞく尻尾は揺れ ふわりふわりふわふわ 目と目があうたびに キュンとする グミみたいなカラフルワールド 乙女の願いに チョコかける 混ぜて溶かすぐるぐるまわるよ ふわりふわり(ふわりふわり) 伝えたいな(伝えたいな) ゆれるゆれる(ゆれるゆれる) 伝えられない(伝えられない) ふわりふわり(ふわりふわり) 伝わらない(伝わらない) 気づいてよね(気づいてよね) この気持ちに | OTMGirls | Sanrio Company,Ltd. | Natsumi Tabuchi | | 放課後の空 染まる校舎に 響く声すら 耳がピクン 校庭走る 蹄の音に まだ知らない香りがする 人生はめくるめく 傾むいたハート 止まらない鼓動 飛び出しちゃいそぅなの 秘密の花園 色づく制服に のぞく尻尾は揺れ ふわりふわりふわふわ 目と目があうたびに キュンとする グミみたいなカラフルワールド 乙女の願いに チョコかける 混ぜて溶かすぐるぐるまわるよ ふわりふわり(ふわりふわり) 伝えたいな(伝えたいな) ゆれるゆれる(ゆれるゆれる) 伝えられない(伝えられない) ふわりふわり(ふわりふわり) 伝わらない(伝わらない) 気づいてよね(気づいてよね) この気持ちに |
Fuwa Fuwa (English ver.)As I'm heading out of class And I look up to the sky I hear so many voices just echoing by I run through the schoolyard And I'm feeling something new The scent of a flower that's about to bloom Life is going 'round and around I feel it in my heart This pounding in my chest Is like I'm falling apart A secret flower garden, On my uniform My tail is softly swaying slowly but surely feelings have formed My little heart just skips a beat Each time I look at you Colorful as a gummy and sweet as chocolate cake My dreams are candy coated, I'm not sure what I should do... Can you mix it together and make my wishes come true? Fuwari Fuwari(Fuwari Fuwari) I really want you to know(I really want you to know) Yureru Yureru(Yureu Yureru) I don't know where this goes(I don't know where this goes) Fuwari Fuwari(Fuwari Fuwari) I've never felt this way(I've never felt this way) I just wish that you knew…(I just wish that you knew…) What I wanted to say | OTMGirls | Sanrio Company,Ltd. | Natsumi Tabuchi | | As I'm heading out of class And I look up to the sky I hear so many voices just echoing by I run through the schoolyard And I'm feeling something new The scent of a flower that's about to bloom Life is going 'round and around I feel it in my heart This pounding in my chest Is like I'm falling apart A secret flower garden, On my uniform My tail is softly swaying slowly but surely feelings have formed My little heart just skips a beat Each time I look at you Colorful as a gummy and sweet as chocolate cake My dreams are candy coated, I'm not sure what I should do... Can you mix it together and make my wishes come true? Fuwari Fuwari(Fuwari Fuwari) I really want you to know(I really want you to know) Yureru Yureru(Yureu Yureru) I don't know where this goes(I don't know where this goes) Fuwari Fuwari(Fuwari Fuwari) I've never felt this way(I've never felt this way) I just wish that you knew…(I just wish that you knew…) What I wanted to say |
Viral Star (English ver.)OTM OTM OTM OTM I wanna be a viralstar On a shiny stage somewhere It may be sad But I still a dream In the darkness of my mind We don't need a special future I don't care if it's just fake Whatever happens I just want to grab that Light In the middle of the city I'm on the right And I'm on the left I wanna be a viralstar On a shiny stage somewhere Walkin' the streets between the junk But it's a path I chose myself There in the window in the reflection I see my uneasy smile Wait for the day when sunshine puts the spot on me | OTMGirls | Sanrio Company,Ltd. | Natsumi Tabuchi | | OTM OTM OTM OTM I wanna be a viralstar On a shiny stage somewhere It may be sad But I still a dream In the darkness of my mind We don't need a special future I don't care if it's just fake Whatever happens I just want to grab that Light In the middle of the city I'm on the right And I'm on the left I wanna be a viralstar On a shiny stage somewhere Walkin' the streets between the junk But it's a path I chose myself There in the window in the reflection I see my uneasy smile Wait for the day when sunshine puts the spot on me |