Beverlyの歌詞一覧リスト  71曲中 1-71曲を表示

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71曲中 1-71曲を表示
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I need your loveGOLD LYLIC聞こえないフリで いつも通りココでbye-bye 走り去るexpress なびく髪 涙隠し  前向きなTL どっかに抱える孤独 あなたに伝えたくて  誰もがきっと 痛み隠して smile to hide the pain  退屈な街に 物憂げな顔で lie 誤魔化したはずの 心深く崩れてく  もっと 包まれたいの その腕に  明日が見えなくて  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  曖昧な 明日なら 愛なんて見えないリスク私はいらない  それでもなんで止められないの あなたの優しさに触れたくて  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  途切れた言葉に 伝わり絡まるnervous それ以上何も言わないで 目をそらした  夜空に隠れて 一人うつむいたmidnight あなたを忘れたくて  輝くstarliight 照らしてもっと overflowing tears  最後の願いなら  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  逢いたくて 逢いたくて 消えないで 誰よりもっと近くにいたいから  あなたをもっと感じていたいの 繋いだ手に伝わる感情も  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  I need your love Any day anywhere anything you and me  永遠なら あなたの愛で全てを奪って  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  曖昧な 明日なら 愛なんて見えないリスク私はいらない  それでもなんで止められないの あなたの優しさに触れたくて  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and meGOLD LYLICBeverly坂田麻美Carlos K.Carlos K.聞こえないフリで いつも通りココでbye-bye 走り去るexpress なびく髪 涙隠し  前向きなTL どっかに抱える孤独 あなたに伝えたくて  誰もがきっと 痛み隠して smile to hide the pain  退屈な街に 物憂げな顔で lie 誤魔化したはずの 心深く崩れてく  もっと 包まれたいの その腕に  明日が見えなくて  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  曖昧な 明日なら 愛なんて見えないリスク私はいらない  それでもなんで止められないの あなたの優しさに触れたくて  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  途切れた言葉に 伝わり絡まるnervous それ以上何も言わないで 目をそらした  夜空に隠れて 一人うつむいたmidnight あなたを忘れたくて  輝くstarliight 照らしてもっと overflowing tears  最後の願いなら  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  逢いたくて 逢いたくて 消えないで 誰よりもっと近くにいたいから  あなたをもっと感じていたいの 繋いだ手に伝わる感情も  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  I need your love Any day anywhere anything you and me  永遠なら あなたの愛で全てを奪って  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me  曖昧な 明日なら 愛なんて見えないリスク私はいらない  それでもなんで止められないの あなたの優しさに触れたくて  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me
A New Day私らしく生きてゆくと 決めてから どれくらい経った? 漂うように あてもなく過ごした日々 不安ばかりで  どんなに苦しい時だって 誰かが守ってくれているから 明日も きっと  ひとりじゃない 君がいるよ どんな時も強くなれる 怖くないよ 追いかけた夢は今未来へと 繋がってゆく always with you 寄り添って  初めて知った この気持ちは なんてゆう名前なんだろう 君がくれた ほんの少しの勇気で 変わった世界  もっと知りたい 伝えたい 想いが溢れてこぼれそうだよ 今日も ずっと  誰かじゃない 私の道 君がいれば歩き出せる あたたかくて 広い海のように包んでくれる これから先も always with you  見たことない景色 見せてくれた 新しい毎日が目の前に広がってる 特別じゃない A New Day with you  ひとりじゃない 君がいるよ どんな時も強くなれる 怖くないよ 追いかけた夢は今未来へと 繋がってゆく always with you 寄り添って always with you...BeverlyAsami SakataCarlos K.・MEROA私らしく生きてゆくと 決めてから どれくらい経った? 漂うように あてもなく過ごした日々 不安ばかりで  どんなに苦しい時だって 誰かが守ってくれているから 明日も きっと  ひとりじゃない 君がいるよ どんな時も強くなれる 怖くないよ 追いかけた夢は今未来へと 繋がってゆく always with you 寄り添って  初めて知った この気持ちは なんてゆう名前なんだろう 君がくれた ほんの少しの勇気で 変わった世界  もっと知りたい 伝えたい 想いが溢れてこぼれそうだよ 今日も ずっと  誰かじゃない 私の道 君がいれば歩き出せる あたたかくて 広い海のように包んでくれる これから先も always with you  見たことない景色 見せてくれた 新しい毎日が目の前に広がってる 特別じゃない A New Day with you  ひとりじゃない 君がいるよ どんな時も強くなれる 怖くないよ 追いかけた夢は今未来へと 繋がってゆく always with you 寄り添って always with you...
Again忘れかけていたこと いつも君がいること どんな時も近くで 生きる意味をくれたね  さよなら また会う日まで ありがとう 笑顔のままで  Oh please 誰より近くに 君さえいれば 強くなれたよ my heart 離さないで 明日に繋げた 軌跡はきっと again ここにある  未来だけを見つめて 歩き出したこの道 いつかわかる日が来る 君のくれた言葉も  夢なら あと少しだけ このまま そばにいさせて  Oh please 消えそうなくらい 君の瞳に 吸い込まれてく my love 輝かせて 明日を照らして 答えはきっと again その先に あるから 信じてる  僕は 君になれない もっと君を知りたい  Oh please 誰より近くに 君さえいれば 強くなれたよ my heart 離さないで 明日に繋げた 軌跡はきっと again  Oh please 消えそうなくらい 君の瞳に 吸い込まれてく my love 輝かせて 明日を照らして 答えはきっと again その先にBeverly坂田麻美XYZ忘れかけていたこと いつも君がいること どんな時も近くで 生きる意味をくれたね  さよなら また会う日まで ありがとう 笑顔のままで  Oh please 誰より近くに 君さえいれば 強くなれたよ my heart 離さないで 明日に繋げた 軌跡はきっと again ここにある  未来だけを見つめて 歩き出したこの道 いつかわかる日が来る 君のくれた言葉も  夢なら あと少しだけ このまま そばにいさせて  Oh please 消えそうなくらい 君の瞳に 吸い込まれてく my love 輝かせて 明日を照らして 答えはきっと again その先に あるから 信じてる  僕は 君になれない もっと君を知りたい  Oh please 誰より近くに 君さえいれば 強くなれたよ my heart 離さないで 明日に繋げた 軌跡はきっと again  Oh please 消えそうなくらい 君の瞳に 吸い込まれてく my love 輝かせて 明日を照らして 答えはきっと again その先に
ココ水面に揺れる星のまばたき 夜明けの雫 草木のシンフォニー 指先に触れる 小さないのち 澄み渡る大空 世界の扉  手のひらに伝う 孤独な鼓動 戸惑いあう こころとこころ  体の模様で決めつけないように 恐れにまかせて 爪を立てないように  いつのまにか背も伸びていく 血のかたちも声の波も まつ毛さえもキミを記す ここにいた証  風に乗って 雨に打たれ 光を浴びて キミは生きる 目を凝らして 耳を澄ませて 闇を抜けて キミは生きる 驚くくらいたくさんの色とたくさんの音に溢れる世界 いま手を取り 大地を踏む いのちの歌 響き渡る  素敵な場所でしょう ここに立つと 世界の全てを眺めているみたい  伝えられることは多くはないけど 同じ空気と景色を見ている  いつのまにか薄暮に白む雲のかたちは何に見える? いつの日にか旅に出ても 何者にもならなくていい  風に乗って 雨に打たれ 光を浴びて キミを生きろ 目を凝らして 耳を澄ませて 闇を抜けて キミを生きろ 驚くくらいたくさんの色とたくさんの音に溢れているんだ さぁ手を取り 大地を踏もう いのちの歌 響かせようBeverly岡崎体育岡崎体育水面に揺れる星のまばたき 夜明けの雫 草木のシンフォニー 指先に触れる 小さないのち 澄み渡る大空 世界の扉  手のひらに伝う 孤独な鼓動 戸惑いあう こころとこころ  体の模様で決めつけないように 恐れにまかせて 爪を立てないように  いつのまにか背も伸びていく 血のかたちも声の波も まつ毛さえもキミを記す ここにいた証  風に乗って 雨に打たれ 光を浴びて キミは生きる 目を凝らして 耳を澄ませて 闇を抜けて キミは生きる 驚くくらいたくさんの色とたくさんの音に溢れる世界 いま手を取り 大地を踏む いのちの歌 響き渡る  素敵な場所でしょう ここに立つと 世界の全てを眺めているみたい  伝えられることは多くはないけど 同じ空気と景色を見ている  いつのまにか薄暮に白む雲のかたちは何に見える? いつの日にか旅に出ても 何者にもならなくていい  風に乗って 雨に打たれ 光を浴びて キミを生きろ 目を凝らして 耳を澄ませて 闇を抜けて キミを生きろ 驚くくらいたくさんの色とたくさんの音に溢れているんだ さぁ手を取り 大地を踏もう いのちの歌 響かせよう
Everlasting Skyどうしてだろう 僕らは 見てる景色の違いで また簡単に誰か 傷つけるよ 愛なき言葉で  いま僕に 出来ることは 小さく ささやかだとしても でも願うこと あきらめたなら 出逢った理由(わけ)も 夢見た理由(わけ)さえも 見失うから  Everlasting sky 空は 果てしなく続く 遮るものなどないはずさ Everlasting sky 僕が 護りたいのは きみの涙が癒える未来 Someday I will  同じ夢を見てても 同じあした望んでも 人はすれ違ってく 理解じゃなく 誤解を選んで  僕らには この世界を いますぐ 変えることは出来ない 分かっていても きみが笑うと 不可能さえも 乗り越えて行けると 思えるから  Everlasting Sky 空は 果てしなく続く 澄み渡る青のその先で Everlasting Sky いつか 眩しいほど 夢を語るきみに会いたい  僕らの空に 夜がおとずれ 光奪ったとしても Don't you worry, We can fly 探し続けたい Just find a brand new day Shining so bright 彼方へ  Everlasting sky 空は 果てしなく続く 遮るものなどないはずさ Everlasting Sky いつか 眩しいほど輝きながら 夢を語るきみに会いたい 憧れた 永遠(とわ)に 悲しみのない 世界をきみに見せたいんだ Someday I willBeverly藤林聖子カワイヒデヒロどうしてだろう 僕らは 見てる景色の違いで また簡単に誰か 傷つけるよ 愛なき言葉で  いま僕に 出来ることは 小さく ささやかだとしても でも願うこと あきらめたなら 出逢った理由(わけ)も 夢見た理由(わけ)さえも 見失うから  Everlasting sky 空は 果てしなく続く 遮るものなどないはずさ Everlasting sky 僕が 護りたいのは きみの涙が癒える未来 Someday I will  同じ夢を見てても 同じあした望んでも 人はすれ違ってく 理解じゃなく 誤解を選んで  僕らには この世界を いますぐ 変えることは出来ない 分かっていても きみが笑うと 不可能さえも 乗り越えて行けると 思えるから  Everlasting Sky 空は 果てしなく続く 澄み渡る青のその先で Everlasting Sky いつか 眩しいほど 夢を語るきみに会いたい  僕らの空に 夜がおとずれ 光奪ったとしても Don't you worry, We can fly 探し続けたい Just find a brand new day Shining so bright 彼方へ  Everlasting sky 空は 果てしなく続く 遮るものなどないはずさ Everlasting Sky いつか 眩しいほど輝きながら 夢を語るきみに会いたい 憧れた 永遠(とわ)に 悲しみのない 世界をきみに見せたいんだ Someday I will
Be The One (English Ver.)I walk alone, it doesn't matter for how long I'll keep going, wherever these footprints will lead me I believe it's destiny An endless road, but I know that you're strong and bold Somewhere out there waiting for me with a smile that shines like gold There you will  Be The One (DA!) Be The One All right! I don't wanna give it up, fighting for tomorrow Be The Light (DA!) Be The Light All right! Love is strong and it'll always find a way Reaching out your hand, just take it closer to your heart Never lose the fire, and hold on to what you believe Be The One Be The Light Message from my heart, I'll send it to you  There's nothing more important than the life you hold Just remember you've gotta go and keep on moving forward so you make the most of everyday The strength you've built, the kindness that you've learned to grow All together makes your soul a better, brighter light, I know There you will  Be The One (DA!) Be The One We will keep on looking for a way, night will always turn to day Be The Light (DA!) Be The Light We will take our past and share it with our future Living in the moment, everything's a miracle Shining like the sun and beaming like the moonlight Be The One, Be The Light Message to my heart, I won't let it go  la la la~ You will Be The One  Be the one, Be the one We will make all your sight You'll be the one Be the light, Be the light We'll take darkness into brightness yeah Leading you into the light Be the light Oh you will be alive Be the one, Be the one, You will be the one We'll make a wayBeverly小室哲哉・浅倉大介・英詞:nana hatori小室哲哉・浅倉大介I walk alone, it doesn't matter for how long I'll keep going, wherever these footprints will lead me I believe it's destiny An endless road, but I know that you're strong and bold Somewhere out there waiting for me with a smile that shines like gold There you will  Be The One (DA!) Be The One All right! I don't wanna give it up, fighting for tomorrow Be The Light (DA!) Be The Light All right! Love is strong and it'll always find a way Reaching out your hand, just take it closer to your heart Never lose the fire, and hold on to what you believe Be The One Be The Light Message from my heart, I'll send it to you  There's nothing more important than the life you hold Just remember you've gotta go and keep on moving forward so you make the most of everyday The strength you've built, the kindness that you've learned to grow All together makes your soul a better, brighter light, I know There you will  Be The One (DA!) Be The One We will keep on looking for a way, night will always turn to day Be The Light (DA!) Be The Light We will take our past and share it with our future Living in the moment, everything's a miracle Shining like the sun and beaming like the moonlight Be The One, Be The Light Message to my heart, I won't let it go  la la la~ You will Be The One  Be the one, Be the one We will make all your sight You'll be the one Be the light, Be the light We'll take darkness into brightness yeah Leading you into the light Be the light Oh you will be alive Be the one, Be the one, You will be the one We'll make a way
DespacitoOh Oh no Oh no Hey yeah  『Si(スィ)』その瞳燃える炎は I know もう拒めないの 『No(ノ)』出会ったばかりよ何度目? そんなこと関係ないわ Oh…  もう身体は磁石よ full metal ピュアなアダムとイブみたい 惹かれ合うため生まれてた じゃあit's your turn 聞かせてプラン 愛の摂理のままtonight 罪と知っていてもyeah, keep on...  Despacito 2人の恋はオーダーメイド 真夏の終わらぬフラメンコ 止めるなら今よ ねぇアミーゴ...! Despacito 見つめ合ったままいいムード このまま身を任せたいの 甘い囁き溺れたいの...!  Oh この迷路入り込んで踊って リズムに合わせて 黄昏てbonito 刻んで心に あなたの名前を 時をとめましょうか ここでゆっくりと Despacito…  ねぇ妖しげなステップのせて 段取りはdando y dandolo mmm... ねぇ南国の夜はキケンで 初めてナーバスよ  Mmm… 耳元で呼んで fam fatale あなたにあげるわコラソン 運命はただイタズラね まるで oh その音色聴きながら ユラユラユラ揺れながら 陽炎と私 マタドール  Despacito 2人の恋はオーダーメイド 真夏の終わらぬフラメンコ 止めるなら今よ ねぇアミーゴ...! Despacito 見つめ合ったままいいムード このまま身を任せたいの 甘い囁き溺れたいの...!  Oh この愛に入り込んで浸って 夢も幻も この世界adelante 刻んで心に あなたの言葉 では始めましょうか 終わらないわ輪舞曲(ロンド)  Despacito 2人の恋はオーダーメイド 真夏の終わらぬフラメンコ 止めるなら今よ ねぇアミーゴ...!  pasito pasito (パシート パシート) Te quiero Te quiero (テキエロ テキエロ) Te amo Te amo (テアモ テアモ) poquito poquito (ポキート ポキート)  リズムに合わせて 黄昏てbonito yeah... Oh…  pasito pasito (パシート パシート) Te quiero Te quiero (テキエロ テキエロ) Te amo Te amo (テアモ テアモ) poquito poquito (ポキート ポキート)  時をとめましょうか ここでゆっくりと Despacito…BeverlyLuis Fonsi・Erika Ender・Ramon Ayala・日本語詞:カミカオルLuis Fonsi・Erika Ender・Ramon AyalaOh Oh no Oh no Hey yeah  『Si(スィ)』その瞳燃える炎は I know もう拒めないの 『No(ノ)』出会ったばかりよ何度目? そんなこと関係ないわ Oh…  もう身体は磁石よ full metal ピュアなアダムとイブみたい 惹かれ合うため生まれてた じゃあit's your turn 聞かせてプラン 愛の摂理のままtonight 罪と知っていてもyeah, keep on...  Despacito 2人の恋はオーダーメイド 真夏の終わらぬフラメンコ 止めるなら今よ ねぇアミーゴ...! Despacito 見つめ合ったままいいムード このまま身を任せたいの 甘い囁き溺れたいの...!  Oh この迷路入り込んで踊って リズムに合わせて 黄昏てbonito 刻んで心に あなたの名前を 時をとめましょうか ここでゆっくりと Despacito…  ねぇ妖しげなステップのせて 段取りはdando y dandolo mmm... ねぇ南国の夜はキケンで 初めてナーバスよ  Mmm… 耳元で呼んで fam fatale あなたにあげるわコラソン 運命はただイタズラね まるで oh その音色聴きながら ユラユラユラ揺れながら 陽炎と私 マタドール  Despacito 2人の恋はオーダーメイド 真夏の終わらぬフラメンコ 止めるなら今よ ねぇアミーゴ...! Despacito 見つめ合ったままいいムード このまま身を任せたいの 甘い囁き溺れたいの...!  Oh この愛に入り込んで浸って 夢も幻も この世界adelante 刻んで心に あなたの言葉 では始めましょうか 終わらないわ輪舞曲(ロンド)  Despacito 2人の恋はオーダーメイド 真夏の終わらぬフラメンコ 止めるなら今よ ねぇアミーゴ...!  pasito pasito (パシート パシート) Te quiero Te quiero (テキエロ テキエロ) Te amo Te amo (テアモ テアモ) poquito poquito (ポキート ポキート)  リズムに合わせて 黄昏てbonito yeah... Oh…  pasito pasito (パシート パシート) Te quiero Te quiero (テキエロ テキエロ) Te amo Te amo (テアモ テアモ) poquito poquito (ポキート ポキート)  時をとめましょうか ここでゆっくりと Despacito…
Unchain My Heart差し伸ばす手 暖かく抱いて 何も言わなくても I know that everything's OK 今日も君を 手探りで探す 今は抜け殻もない 冷たい Bed  Uh-Oh, it's an emergency 助けてお願い Can't breath, I can't feel a thing 全てモノクロに見えるの Hey boy, it's an emergency こんなに苦しいと知っていたなら 出逢いたくもなかった  A broken heart やっと逢えたのに 張り裂ける運命 How do I, how do I unchain my heart 離れてもずっと 愛しているけど How do I, how do I unchain my heart  通りすがり あの後ろ姿 ありえないはずでも 不意に My heart skips a beat 偶然でもいい すれ違いたいよ 別に何を言う訳でもないけど  Uh-Oh, it's an emergency 助けて Oh heaven please Can't see, I can't say a thing 全てモノトーンに聴こえるの Hey boy, it's an emergency 思い出して泣くくらいなら もう 全て忘れさせてよ  A broken heart あんなに幸せだったのに Why 何故? How do I, how do I unchain my heart 時間さえ経てば 傷も癒えるなら How do I, how do I unchain my heart  A broken heart やっと逢えたのに 張り裂ける運命 How do I, how do I unchain my heart 離れてもずっと 愛しているけど How do I, how do I unchain my heartBeverlyEmyli島野聡・Victor Newman島野聡差し伸ばす手 暖かく抱いて 何も言わなくても I know that everything's OK 今日も君を 手探りで探す 今は抜け殻もない 冷たい Bed  Uh-Oh, it's an emergency 助けてお願い Can't breath, I can't feel a thing 全てモノクロに見えるの Hey boy, it's an emergency こんなに苦しいと知っていたなら 出逢いたくもなかった  A broken heart やっと逢えたのに 張り裂ける運命 How do I, how do I unchain my heart 離れてもずっと 愛しているけど How do I, how do I unchain my heart  通りすがり あの後ろ姿 ありえないはずでも 不意に My heart skips a beat 偶然でもいい すれ違いたいよ 別に何を言う訳でもないけど  Uh-Oh, it's an emergency 助けて Oh heaven please Can't see, I can't say a thing 全てモノトーンに聴こえるの Hey boy, it's an emergency 思い出して泣くくらいなら もう 全て忘れさせてよ  A broken heart あんなに幸せだったのに Why 何故? How do I, how do I unchain my heart 時間さえ経てば 傷も癒えるなら How do I, how do I unchain my heart  A broken heart やっと逢えたのに 張り裂ける運命 How do I, how do I unchain my heart 離れてもずっと 愛しているけど How do I, how do I unchain my heart
尊い神様 彼を愛するのは いけないことでしょうか 愛の芽を育むのは涙 悲しみを注いで 人知れず枯れさせるつもりだったのに  お人好しなキミの言葉が心をつねるの 夢なら醒めているはずでしょう わかってるつもりさ  ☆4.5のラブロマンス映画にも 負けないくらいの感動超大作 キミとならどこまでも行けそう 天の川でさえもバタフライで横断して  尊い 尊い 尊い 尊い キミの横顔 ホクロ 仕草のすべて 存在 存在 存在 存在 存在が罪 もう どうしてくれるの 交われないなら通じあおう 二人で全て確かめ合っていこう また今日もキミを愛してるお Oh Precious Love  神様 彼に愛のレシピ 伝えられるでしょうか プラモデルのパーツみたいに一つずつ丁寧に 組み立てていくのが幸せだってこと  Precious love Crazy‘cause I'm so in love with you Precious love God, you are like a dream  冗談でキスなんてするわけないのに 鈍感なのは不治の病ね でもキミだから心が緩むの さぁ ハッピーでラブリーな クライマックスにキュンキュンして  尊い 尊い 尊い 尊い キミの眼差し 吐息 仕草のすべて 存在 存在 存在 存在 存在が罪 もう どうしてくれるの 交われないなら通じあおう 二人で全て確かめ合っていこう また今日もキミを愛してるお Oh Precious LoveBeverly岡崎体育岡崎体育清水信之神様 彼を愛するのは いけないことでしょうか 愛の芽を育むのは涙 悲しみを注いで 人知れず枯れさせるつもりだったのに  お人好しなキミの言葉が心をつねるの 夢なら醒めているはずでしょう わかってるつもりさ  ☆4.5のラブロマンス映画にも 負けないくらいの感動超大作 キミとならどこまでも行けそう 天の川でさえもバタフライで横断して  尊い 尊い 尊い 尊い キミの横顔 ホクロ 仕草のすべて 存在 存在 存在 存在 存在が罪 もう どうしてくれるの 交われないなら通じあおう 二人で全て確かめ合っていこう また今日もキミを愛してるお Oh Precious Love  神様 彼に愛のレシピ 伝えられるでしょうか プラモデルのパーツみたいに一つずつ丁寧に 組み立てていくのが幸せだってこと  Precious love Crazy‘cause I'm so in love with you Precious love God, you are like a dream  冗談でキスなんてするわけないのに 鈍感なのは不治の病ね でもキミだから心が緩むの さぁ ハッピーでラブリーな クライマックスにキュンキュンして  尊い 尊い 尊い 尊い キミの眼差し 吐息 仕草のすべて 存在 存在 存在 存在 存在が罪 もう どうしてくれるの 交われないなら通じあおう 二人で全て確かめ合っていこう また今日もキミを愛してるお Oh Precious Love
Baby don't cry ~神様に触れる唇~抱きしめてそばにいるから 子供のように眠ればいいよ  折れそうなその翼を わたしに預け 夢を見ていて  わがままな唇にキスしましょう まるで神様に触れてるみたいに  My baby don't cry I don't care about nothing but you wow 泣きたいくらい 愛しくて  My baby don't cry Na na na Night and day,giving you all my soul 運命感じる 世界でたったひとりの wow あなたが好き  流星が出逢うように 幾億のこころたちが  窓にそっと 幸せを祈るみたいに 灯りを灯すよ 星空の下で  My baby don't cry Wanna let you know anything in my heart, wow 愛って こんなに あたたかい  My baby don't cry Na na na Nothing more I need but you wow 少年みたいに あこがれを話している wow あなたが好き  叶えてあげたい その夢を  My baby don't cry Na na na Night and day,giving you all my soul 生きる意味に 気づかせてくれたひと wow あなたが好き  My baby don't cry Wanna let you know anything in my heart, wow 愛って こんなに あたたかい  My baby don't cry Na na na Nothing more I need but you wow 優しい声が 真夜中の青い空を wow 見上げているBeverly売野雅勇コモリタミノルコモリタミノル抱きしめてそばにいるから 子供のように眠ればいいよ  折れそうなその翼を わたしに預け 夢を見ていて  わがままな唇にキスしましょう まるで神様に触れてるみたいに  My baby don't cry I don't care about nothing but you wow 泣きたいくらい 愛しくて  My baby don't cry Na na na Night and day,giving you all my soul 運命感じる 世界でたったひとりの wow あなたが好き  流星が出逢うように 幾億のこころたちが  窓にそっと 幸せを祈るみたいに 灯りを灯すよ 星空の下で  My baby don't cry Wanna let you know anything in my heart, wow 愛って こんなに あたたかい  My baby don't cry Na na na Nothing more I need but you wow 少年みたいに あこがれを話している wow あなたが好き  叶えてあげたい その夢を  My baby don't cry Na na na Night and day,giving you all my soul 生きる意味に 気づかせてくれたひと wow あなたが好き  My baby don't cry Wanna let you know anything in my heart, wow 愛って こんなに あたたかい  My baby don't cry Na na na Nothing more I need but you wow 優しい声が 真夜中の青い空を wow 見上げている
Just once againSo さよならはいつも すぐそばにあったね 夢見ていた恋は 夢のように儚く消えた  気がつけばもう あなたで溢れてる 優しい声も 温かいその大きな手も  「君は大丈夫だよ」部屋を出たその日から あなたがくれた甘い香りが今も残ったままで  思い出はいつの日か涙と共に流れ 愛した日も淡い光のように  I can't live without you I need you to love me just once again Don't leave me alone Oh…そばにいてよ 私だけ 愛して  Side 二つに並んだ影が重なる瞬間 “まるで映画みたい…”思わず2人笑いあった  照らしたSunset あの日に似た景色 あなたは今も覚えていますか?  Oh… I need you to love me just once again Don't leave me alone Oh…そばにいてよ 私だけ 愛して  あなたのいない部屋2人で過ごした時間 あと少しだけ思い出の中にいて抱きしめてよ 悲しみもいつか消えてなくなりますか? この涙が星に変わる日まで…  Oh… I need you to love me just once again Don't leave me alone Oh…そばにいてよ 私だけ 愛してBeverly坂田麻美Kim Seung Jun・BadBosSYoon Suk JuSo さよならはいつも すぐそばにあったね 夢見ていた恋は 夢のように儚く消えた  気がつけばもう あなたで溢れてる 優しい声も 温かいその大きな手も  「君は大丈夫だよ」部屋を出たその日から あなたがくれた甘い香りが今も残ったままで  思い出はいつの日か涙と共に流れ 愛した日も淡い光のように  I can't live without you I need you to love me just once again Don't leave me alone Oh…そばにいてよ 私だけ 愛して  Side 二つに並んだ影が重なる瞬間 “まるで映画みたい…”思わず2人笑いあった  照らしたSunset あの日に似た景色 あなたは今も覚えていますか?  Oh… I need you to love me just once again Don't leave me alone Oh…そばにいてよ 私だけ 愛して  あなたのいない部屋2人で過ごした時間 あと少しだけ思い出の中にいて抱きしめてよ 悲しみもいつか消えてなくなりますか? この涙が星に変わる日まで…  Oh… I need you to love me just once again Don't leave me alone Oh…そばにいてよ 私だけ 愛して
探しに行こうよツイてない日も 笑えない日も 支え合える いつでも 諦めないで 悲しまないで 必ず陽は昇る  空を見上げて 深呼吸して 新しい日を 始めよう もっと自由に もっと豊かに 未来は君のもの  迷ってもいい 回り道でもいい  ラララ僕と 探しに行こうよ 大事なものはひとつ 僕らは今を生きている try to find a way oh  ラララ僕と 夢を見ようよ 輝く未来がある 答えはすぐそこに all right 明日はきっと shining day  思い通りに 行かない時は 立ち止まってもいいから 怖がらないで 歩いてみよう 全ては君のもの  僕はいつでも 君の側にいるよ  ラララ君と 確かめたいよ ここから どんな世界が 見えるだろう 待ちきれない flapping to the world yeah  ラララ君と 手に入れたいよ 僕らの描いたストーリー 笑顔で溢れてる so fine 世界中が shining day  ラララ僕と 探しに行こうよ 大事なものはひとつ 僕らは今を生きている try to find a way oh  ラララ僕と 夢を見ようよ 輝く未来がある 答えはすぐそこに all right 笑顔で溢れてる so fine 世界中が shining dayBeverly坂田麻美コモリタミノルツイてない日も 笑えない日も 支え合える いつでも 諦めないで 悲しまないで 必ず陽は昇る  空を見上げて 深呼吸して 新しい日を 始めよう もっと自由に もっと豊かに 未来は君のもの  迷ってもいい 回り道でもいい  ラララ僕と 探しに行こうよ 大事なものはひとつ 僕らは今を生きている try to find a way oh  ラララ僕と 夢を見ようよ 輝く未来がある 答えはすぐそこに all right 明日はきっと shining day  思い通りに 行かない時は 立ち止まってもいいから 怖がらないで 歩いてみよう 全ては君のもの  僕はいつでも 君の側にいるよ  ラララ君と 確かめたいよ ここから どんな世界が 見えるだろう 待ちきれない flapping to the world yeah  ラララ君と 手に入れたいよ 僕らの描いたストーリー 笑顔で溢れてる so fine 世界中が shining day  ラララ僕と 探しに行こうよ 大事なものはひとつ 僕らは今を生きている try to find a way oh  ラララ僕と 夢を見ようよ 輝く未来がある 答えはすぐそこに all right 笑顔で溢れてる so fine 世界中が shining day
Tell Me BabyOh I don't really know you but let's just go Cause I don't wanna judge until I know Gimme just a little more Baby what you waiting for? Oh oh oh yeah  So is it true that you're done and over with her Cause I want you in my arms, oh baby Show me how you do what you do cause I like it Oh~  See that you're feeling me like I'm feeling you right now I wanna stay by your side I can tell  Baby I know You think I'm cool Give it a go Wanna be the one to show you Baby I know You want some more Take my heart before I lose control  Baby believe, we can promise each other It's the beginning of our love story Baby just know I love you and I think that you're the one for me  Oh I know what you want, just go with the flow But I want you to take it nice and slow Let me see that you're for real Tell me how you really feel Oh oh oh yeah  So is it time that I ask if we're official Cause I wanna hear you, tell me baby What you do to make me go crazy for you Oh~  See that you're feeling me like I'm feeling you right now I wanna stay by your side I can tell  Baby I know You think I'm cool Give it a go Wanna be the one to show you Baby I know You want some more Take my heart before I lose control  Baby believe that our love is forever I think that we can find our happy ending Baby just know I love you and I know that you're the one for me  Don't ever wanna let you go I never knew love before Don't ever wanna let you go Come over here and let me know  I can tell  Baby I know You think I'm cool Give it a go Wanna be the one to show you Baby I know You want some more Take my heart before I lose control  Baby believe that our love is forever I think that we can find our happy ending Baby just know I love you and I know that this is my love storyBeverlynana hatoriCarlos K.Carlos K.Oh I don't really know you but let's just go Cause I don't wanna judge until I know Gimme just a little more Baby what you waiting for? Oh oh oh yeah  So is it true that you're done and over with her Cause I want you in my arms, oh baby Show me how you do what you do cause I like it Oh~  See that you're feeling me like I'm feeling you right now I wanna stay by your side I can tell  Baby I know You think I'm cool Give it a go Wanna be the one to show you Baby I know You want some more Take my heart before I lose control  Baby believe, we can promise each other It's the beginning of our love story Baby just know I love you and I think that you're the one for me  Oh I know what you want, just go with the flow But I want you to take it nice and slow Let me see that you're for real Tell me how you really feel Oh oh oh yeah  So is it time that I ask if we're official Cause I wanna hear you, tell me baby What you do to make me go crazy for you Oh~  See that you're feeling me like I'm feeling you right now I wanna stay by your side I can tell  Baby I know You think I'm cool Give it a go Wanna be the one to show you Baby I know You want some more Take my heart before I lose control  Baby believe that our love is forever I think that we can find our happy ending Baby just know I love you and I know that you're the one for me  Don't ever wanna let you go I never knew love before Don't ever wanna let you go Come over here and let me know  I can tell  Baby I know You think I'm cool Give it a go Wanna be the one to show you Baby I know You want some more Take my heart before I lose control  Baby believe that our love is forever I think that we can find our happy ending Baby just know I love you and I know that this is my love story
All I Want大事にしまっていた 思い出たちに I will have a new life day by day 傷ついた分だけ 優しくなれた So I will let the pain away 幸せになるための 準備はもうOK Cause I feel like I can smile again あなたに会えたこと ただそれだけで Same world but you change everything  「もう、頑張らなくてもいいよ」 抱きしめてくれたね No one can be enough, All I see is you Boy, you are all I want  Baby all I want is you 風を切って前へ あなたのもとへ Baby all I want is you この足で進め 新しい世界へ  Heart is beating It was a rush Every time we touch Having a blush I wonder why I can't deny It was a crush Feeling a bit too much Without a fuzz I wonder why I want you bad  仕事も早起きも 目覚めたらほら If you look around, I'm next to you 何だって出来そうよ あなたがいれば So thank you for pushing me through たまに喧嘩したって 許しあえる Still I do believe we're meant to be あなたの笑顔に 釣られて笑う You showed me bright side of the world  「ねぇ、色んなとこへ行こうよ」 連れ出してくれたね Wherever we will go, I'll keep holding on So hold on to my hand Baby all I want is you 光射す方へ あなたのもとへ Baby all I want is you 手を放さないで 2人の世界へ  Heart is beating It was a rush Every time we touch Having a blush I wonder why I can't deny It was a crush Feeling a bit too much Without a fuzz I wonder why I want you bad  今までよりもっと 幸せになる!! You are the reason babe, smiling everyday I'm feeling so in love, every time we touch  Baby all I want is you 風を切って前へ あなたのもとへ Baby all I want is you この足で進め 新しい世界へ  Baby all I want is you 光射す方へ あなたのもとへ Baby all I want is you 手を放さないで 2人の世界へ  Heart is beating It was a rush Every time we touch Having a blush I wonder why I can't deny It was a crush Feeling a bit too much Without a fuzz I wonder why I want you badBeverlyBeverly・Asami SakataMasaaki AsadaMasaaki Asada大事にしまっていた 思い出たちに I will have a new life day by day 傷ついた分だけ 優しくなれた So I will let the pain away 幸せになるための 準備はもうOK Cause I feel like I can smile again あなたに会えたこと ただそれだけで Same world but you change everything  「もう、頑張らなくてもいいよ」 抱きしめてくれたね No one can be enough, All I see is you Boy, you are all I want  Baby all I want is you 風を切って前へ あなたのもとへ Baby all I want is you この足で進め 新しい世界へ  Heart is beating It was a rush Every time we touch Having a blush I wonder why I can't deny It was a crush Feeling a bit too much Without a fuzz I wonder why I want you bad  仕事も早起きも 目覚めたらほら If you look around, I'm next to you 何だって出来そうよ あなたがいれば So thank you for pushing me through たまに喧嘩したって 許しあえる Still I do believe we're meant to be あなたの笑顔に 釣られて笑う You showed me bright side of the world  「ねぇ、色んなとこへ行こうよ」 連れ出してくれたね Wherever we will go, I'll keep holding on So hold on to my hand Baby all I want is you 光射す方へ あなたのもとへ Baby all I want is you 手を放さないで 2人の世界へ  Heart is beating It was a rush Every time we touch Having a blush I wonder why I can't deny It was a crush Feeling a bit too much Without a fuzz I wonder why I want you bad  今までよりもっと 幸せになる!! You are the reason babe, smiling everyday I'm feeling so in love, every time we touch  Baby all I want is you 風を切って前へ あなたのもとへ Baby all I want is you この足で進め 新しい世界へ  Baby all I want is you 光射す方へ あなたのもとへ Baby all I want is you 手を放さないで 2人の世界へ  Heart is beating It was a rush Every time we touch Having a blush I wonder why I can't deny It was a crush Feeling a bit too much Without a fuzz I wonder why I want you bad
愛を感じてI can see what's happ'ning And the don't have a clue They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two  The sweet caress of wilight There's magic everywhere And with all this romantic atmosphere Disaster's in the air  Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world. for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things  So many things to tell her But how to make her see The fruth about my past? Impossible! She'd turn away from me  He's holding back, he's hiding But what, I can't decide Why won't he be the king I know he is The king I see inside?  Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world. for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things  Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far Stealing through the night's uncertainties Love is where they are  And if he falls in love tonight It can be assumed His carefree days with us are history In short, our pal is doomedBeverlyTim RiceElton JohnI can see what's happ'ning And the don't have a clue They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two  The sweet caress of wilight There's magic everywhere And with all this romantic atmosphere Disaster's in the air  Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world. for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things  So many things to tell her But how to make her see The fruth about my past? Impossible! She'd turn away from me  He's holding back, he's hiding But what, I can't decide Why won't he be the king I know he is The king I see inside?  Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world. for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things  Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far Stealing through the night's uncertainties Love is where they are  And if he falls in love tonight It can be assumed His carefree days with us are history In short, our pal is doomed
LOVE THERAPYいつもの場所 ON THE CORNER 友達とね おしゃべりしながらキミを チラリ ワタシだけ見て ねぇ気づいているんでしょ? ベイベー!  SHINE MY HEART SHINE MYSELF 生まれたての WHOLE NEW WORLD 本当のワタシ目覚めよ 運命はイタズラ 風のように FLOWING HEART 軽やかに 恋はめくるめく LOVE'S LIKE THERAPY GOOD FEELING…! 満たしてく!  思いがけずに FIT した BY YOUR SIDE 定位置はほら君の隣が I'M HAPPY NOW スルリ 人をかき分け 至近距離で笑って OH…!  AH! 春うららかに OHH-LA-LA! 恋が吹き荒れたわ BLOOMING LOVE! 暖かなそれは木漏れ日 今はここで眠らせて HEALING ME!  WHERE'S THE LOVE? WHERE'S THE LOVE? 願ってるの TO BE LOVED ありのまま 素顔のままで 運命はイタズラ その瞳は MISCHIEVOUS なぜかしら もどかしく揺れる LOVE ME NATURALLY  これまでの 私じゃないみたいね これまでの 街も色づいてゆく SO FAR AWAY こじれた想い ほどけてゆくわ I'M SO BLESSED! OH YEAH!  AH! 春うららかに OHH-LA-LA! 恋が吹き荒れたわ BLOOMING LOVE! 暖かなそれは木漏れ日 今はここで眠らせて HEALING ME!  SHINE MY HEART SHINE MYSELF 生まれたての WHOLE NEW WORLD 本当のワタシ目覚めよ 運命はイタズラ 風のように FLOWING HEART 軽やかに 恋はめくるめく MYSTERY...  WHERE'S THE LOVE? WHERE'S THE LOVE? 願ってるの TO BE LOVED ありのまま 素顔のままで 運命はイタズラ その瞳は MISCHIEVOUS なぜかしら もどかしく揺れる LOVE ME NATURALLY  (How You Feel My Love...?) (Why You Heal My Love...?) 爽快な気分 SO NICE Rat-tat-rat, Rat-tat-rat, Dig-don-don... (How You Feel My Love...?) (Why You Heal My Love...?)  'ホントウノ・ワタシニナル'  恋はめくるめく LOVE'S LIKE THERAPY GOOD FEELING…!BeverlyカミカオルBADBOSS・崔台 'LION gang' 俊・HarryHarryいつもの場所 ON THE CORNER 友達とね おしゃべりしながらキミを チラリ ワタシだけ見て ねぇ気づいているんでしょ? ベイベー!  SHINE MY HEART SHINE MYSELF 生まれたての WHOLE NEW WORLD 本当のワタシ目覚めよ 運命はイタズラ 風のように FLOWING HEART 軽やかに 恋はめくるめく LOVE'S LIKE THERAPY GOOD FEELING…! 満たしてく!  思いがけずに FIT した BY YOUR SIDE 定位置はほら君の隣が I'M HAPPY NOW スルリ 人をかき分け 至近距離で笑って OH…!  AH! 春うららかに OHH-LA-LA! 恋が吹き荒れたわ BLOOMING LOVE! 暖かなそれは木漏れ日 今はここで眠らせて HEALING ME!  WHERE'S THE LOVE? WHERE'S THE LOVE? 願ってるの TO BE LOVED ありのまま 素顔のままで 運命はイタズラ その瞳は MISCHIEVOUS なぜかしら もどかしく揺れる LOVE ME NATURALLY  これまでの 私じゃないみたいね これまでの 街も色づいてゆく SO FAR AWAY こじれた想い ほどけてゆくわ I'M SO BLESSED! OH YEAH!  AH! 春うららかに OHH-LA-LA! 恋が吹き荒れたわ BLOOMING LOVE! 暖かなそれは木漏れ日 今はここで眠らせて HEALING ME!  SHINE MY HEART SHINE MYSELF 生まれたての WHOLE NEW WORLD 本当のワタシ目覚めよ 運命はイタズラ 風のように FLOWING HEART 軽やかに 恋はめくるめく MYSTERY...  WHERE'S THE LOVE? WHERE'S THE LOVE? 願ってるの TO BE LOVED ありのまま 素顔のままで 運命はイタズラ その瞳は MISCHIEVOUS なぜかしら もどかしく揺れる LOVE ME NATURALLY  (How You Feel My Love...?) (Why You Heal My Love...?) 爽快な気分 SO NICE Rat-tat-rat, Rat-tat-rat, Dig-don-don... (How You Feel My Love...?) (Why You Heal My Love...?)  'ホントウノ・ワタシニナル'  恋はめくるめく LOVE'S LIKE THERAPY GOOD FEELING…!
Dance in the RainDance in the rain Can someone tell me how? Can't let go of the pain right now  Sunshine, blue sky But then you said goodbye Now rain is pouring down  Like a storm you wind up everything So fast, so dark My heart so weak felt broken and alone  Someone was telling me he'll keep me all safe But I couldn't trust again Without thinking rain could fall  Dance in the rain Can someone tell me how? Can't let go of the pain right now  Is it me or not? I need to solve the knot To break the misery  I believed the words you said to me, “I'll never change, I love you” Sky felt brighter on those days  I gave the chance you want so fast like a wind But also like what the wind do You come and then go away  Dance in the rain Can someone tell me how? Can't let go of the pain right now  Now it's so hard Can't go out in the rain To face another day  Nobody beg for you to come in my life You're the one who come and ask me for love Now I'm filled with dark clouds that you left that day Can someone help the sun to bright my days  Dance in the rain I wanna live again I wanna let go of the pain  Just with myself Accept I'm all alone Forget I miss your touch  Dance in the rain I wanna live again I wanna let go of the pain  No cries, just smiles I'll try to make a change Be bold and free againBeverlyBeverly鈴木雄大鷺巣詩郎Dance in the rain Can someone tell me how? Can't let go of the pain right now  Sunshine, blue sky But then you said goodbye Now rain is pouring down  Like a storm you wind up everything So fast, so dark My heart so weak felt broken and alone  Someone was telling me he'll keep me all safe But I couldn't trust again Without thinking rain could fall  Dance in the rain Can someone tell me how? Can't let go of the pain right now  Is it me or not? I need to solve the knot To break the misery  I believed the words you said to me, “I'll never change, I love you” Sky felt brighter on those days  I gave the chance you want so fast like a wind But also like what the wind do You come and then go away  Dance in the rain Can someone tell me how? Can't let go of the pain right now  Now it's so hard Can't go out in the rain To face another day  Nobody beg for you to come in my life You're the one who come and ask me for love Now I'm filled with dark clouds that you left that day Can someone help the sun to bright my days  Dance in the rain I wanna live again I wanna let go of the pain  Just with myself Accept I'm all alone Forget I miss your touch  Dance in the rain I wanna live again I wanna let go of the pain  No cries, just smiles I'll try to make a change Be bold and free again
EmptyI'm swallowed in the dark No dream will lead me back I guess I'm losing my mind Don't wanna read the lines  I try to hide the pain You're drivin' me insane But know your love is a light Passing in the dark of night  I look around, it's empty Only you can complete me Oh God, I miss you everywhere I go  Come on and try to kiss me Come on and hold me closely I wanna feel your warmth again I'm slowly dying baby You know you're all I breathe in You are a drug I can't resist With you I'll be alive again  I cannot find the light Where am I heading for? I'm lying down on the floor Just staring at the door  Still in a memory A small amount of hope A poison keeping me weak Flowing all throughout my veins  I swear I saw you near me I know it sounds so crazy Oh God, I miss you everywhere I go  Come on and try to kiss me Come on and hold me closely I wanna feel your warmth again I'm slowly dying baby You know you're all I breathe in You are a drug I can't resist With you I'll be alive again  Little soul's gone away with your goodbye Bit by bit My time is ending Every piece of my heart is slowly breaking Boy why can't you understand I am in vain  Come on and try to kiss me Come on and hold me closely I wanna feel your warmth again I'm slowly dying baby You know you're all I breathe in You are a drug I can't resist With you I'll be alive againBeverlyBeverlyCOMOREXCOMOREXI'm swallowed in the dark No dream will lead me back I guess I'm losing my mind Don't wanna read the lines  I try to hide the pain You're drivin' me insane But know your love is a light Passing in the dark of night  I look around, it's empty Only you can complete me Oh God, I miss you everywhere I go  Come on and try to kiss me Come on and hold me closely I wanna feel your warmth again I'm slowly dying baby You know you're all I breathe in You are a drug I can't resist With you I'll be alive again  I cannot find the light Where am I heading for? I'm lying down on the floor Just staring at the door  Still in a memory A small amount of hope A poison keeping me weak Flowing all throughout my veins  I swear I saw you near me I know it sounds so crazy Oh God, I miss you everywhere I go  Come on and try to kiss me Come on and hold me closely I wanna feel your warmth again I'm slowly dying baby You know you're all I breathe in You are a drug I can't resist With you I'll be alive again  Little soul's gone away with your goodbye Bit by bit My time is ending Every piece of my heart is slowly breaking Boy why can't you understand I am in vain  Come on and try to kiss me Come on and hold me closely I wanna feel your warmth again I'm slowly dying baby You know you're all I breathe in You are a drug I can't resist With you I'll be alive again
Endless Harmony feat.LOREN眠りにつくまで 君が微笑むまで 何度だって傷ついた その心は何よりも美しい  同じ空の下 同じ星見上げて 僕らが見た夢が今 どうか叶いますように  願った未来はきっと その手で掴める この道の先に 続くハーモニー 繋がっていく  この夜を越えて 明日を指す光 導かれた運命が 僕らを迎えに来るよ  確かな答えはきっと この手で見つける 迷わずに強く 刻むメモリー 走り続ける  くじけそうでも いつでも君が 信じることを教えてくれた  願った未来はきっと その手で掴める この道の先に 続くハーモニー 繋がっていくBeverly坂田麻美山田秀俊眠りにつくまで 君が微笑むまで 何度だって傷ついた その心は何よりも美しい  同じ空の下 同じ星見上げて 僕らが見た夢が今 どうか叶いますように  願った未来はきっと その手で掴める この道の先に 続くハーモニー 繋がっていく  この夜を越えて 明日を指す光 導かれた運命が 僕らを迎えに来るよ  確かな答えはきっと この手で見つける 迷わずに強く 刻むメモリー 走り続ける  くじけそうでも いつでも君が 信じることを教えてくれた  願った未来はきっと その手で掴める この道の先に 続くハーモニー 繋がっていく
Never Ever全てやり尽くしても ダメな時は Just let it go, let it go 何もかもどうでもいい そんな時も Just let it be, let it be  理想とこの現実が噛み合わない日も You'll be OK, be OK 明日はまた新しい一日だから A brand new day, a brand new day  絶望の先には必ず 次の扉が輝くよ  Dreamin', I'm dreamin' 明日を夢見る 挫けそうになった時 我慢しないで 泣いてもいいから Dreamin', I'm dreamin' a new tomorrow 目覚めれば 新しい何かが キミを待ってるはずさ  Never, ever, ever, ever say Never, ever, ever, ever say Baby, you know you never have to say Never ever  比べるとキリがない 自分だけを 見つめて Straight ahead 微妙なすれ違いの中 皆生きてく Just go ahead, go ahead  暗闇と光とその間も 全て受け止めてあげるよ  Dreamin', I'm dreamin' 今日の涙を 拭い捨てて 花が咲く明日へ そっと注ぎ込めばいい Dreamin', I'm dreamin' a new tomorrow 夢は目覚めたら キミを諦めることはないから  Never, ever, ever, ever say Never, ever, ever, ever say Baby, you know you never have to say Never ever  絶望の先には必ず 次の扉が輝くよBeverlyEmyliKnobKnob全てやり尽くしても ダメな時は Just let it go, let it go 何もかもどうでもいい そんな時も Just let it be, let it be  理想とこの現実が噛み合わない日も You'll be OK, be OK 明日はまた新しい一日だから A brand new day, a brand new day  絶望の先には必ず 次の扉が輝くよ  Dreamin', I'm dreamin' 明日を夢見る 挫けそうになった時 我慢しないで 泣いてもいいから Dreamin', I'm dreamin' a new tomorrow 目覚めれば 新しい何かが キミを待ってるはずさ  Never, ever, ever, ever say Never, ever, ever, ever say Baby, you know you never have to say Never ever  比べるとキリがない 自分だけを 見つめて Straight ahead 微妙なすれ違いの中 皆生きてく Just go ahead, go ahead  暗闇と光とその間も 全て受け止めてあげるよ  Dreamin', I'm dreamin' 今日の涙を 拭い捨てて 花が咲く明日へ そっと注ぎ込めばいい Dreamin', I'm dreamin' a new tomorrow 夢は目覚めたら キミを諦めることはないから  Never, ever, ever, ever say Never, ever, ever, ever say Baby, you know you never have to say Never ever  絶望の先には必ず 次の扉が輝くよ
Nowhere to go…Another night you got me waiting on your phone call I'm learning that promises mean nothing to you Nobody can make me feel so alone It's true You play the game as one day you love me Then you hate me I don't know what to say but it's driving me crazy Excuses why you're flaking Are the least you could send to make my heart stop breaking  Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go... Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go...  You gotta hundred million reasons why you don't know I've heard' em but never really thought they were true You're lying has made me feel so alone and blue If it's an occupation to love me Then to hate me I don't know what to say but it's driving me crazy Do you get entertainment? Run away if you want but I just can't take it  Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go... Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go...  Nowhere to go...  Cause one day you love me Then you hate me I don't know what to say but it's driving me crazy A waste of getting made up Not a game any more cause I just can't take it  Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go... Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go...  Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go... Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go...  Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere (Nowhere to go...) Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere (Nowhere to go...) Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere (Nowhere to go...)  Nowhere to go...BeverlyVictor Newman・Jon UnderdownVictor Newman・Jon UnderdownJon Underdown・Victor Newman・Haruo YodaAnother night you got me waiting on your phone call I'm learning that promises mean nothing to you Nobody can make me feel so alone It's true You play the game as one day you love me Then you hate me I don't know what to say but it's driving me crazy Excuses why you're flaking Are the least you could send to make my heart stop breaking  Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go... Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go...  You gotta hundred million reasons why you don't know I've heard' em but never really thought they were true You're lying has made me feel so alone and blue If it's an occupation to love me Then to hate me I don't know what to say but it's driving me crazy Do you get entertainment? Run away if you want but I just can't take it  Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go... Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go...  Nowhere to go...  Cause one day you love me Then you hate me I don't know what to say but it's driving me crazy A waste of getting made up Not a game any more cause I just can't take it  Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go... Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go...  Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go... Oh I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Nowhere to go...  Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere (Nowhere to go...) Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere (Nowhere to go...) Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere (Nowhere to go...)  Nowhere to go...
今もあなたが…Until the rain 何も言わずにそっと肩寄せ合い  このまま出会った頃のように戻れたなら  Still 愛したことも 優しい声も 触れた指先 ぬくもりさえ消えない さよならはまだ言わないでいて 溢れ出した涙乾くまでは  Until you come back to me 私は私のままで待ってるから  この空があなたと私を繋ぐ 離さないで  Still 出会えたことも 切ない夜も 重ねた軌跡 想いを忘れないで 悲しみはまだ心の中 あなたは今何を見ていますか?  光がさすように手を伸ばして 願いを込め今 この空へ Oh…  Still 愛したことも 優しい声も 触れた指先 ぬくもりさえ消えない さよならはまだ言わないでいて 溢れ出した涙乾くまでは  Still 悲しみはまだ心の中 あなたは今何を見ていますか?Beverly坂田麻美Vehnee A. SaturnoKnobUntil the rain 何も言わずにそっと肩寄せ合い  このまま出会った頃のように戻れたなら  Still 愛したことも 優しい声も 触れた指先 ぬくもりさえ消えない さよならはまだ言わないでいて 溢れ出した涙乾くまでは  Until you come back to me 私は私のままで待ってるから  この空があなたと私を繋ぐ 離さないで  Still 出会えたことも 切ない夜も 重ねた軌跡 想いを忘れないで 悲しみはまだ心の中 あなたは今何を見ていますか?  光がさすように手を伸ばして 願いを込め今 この空へ Oh…  Still 愛したことも 優しい声も 触れた指先 ぬくもりさえ消えない さよならはまだ言わないでいて 溢れ出した涙乾くまでは  Still 悲しみはまだ心の中 あなたは今何を見ていますか?
I'm Readyアレがいいな いつでも うらやましがってたの コレもいいな それでも 好きなものはそろってる  信号待ち うわの空 予定調和じゃつまらない  あなたの好きなアタシに Never give up なりたい あの子みたいに可愛く I can do it なれるの 明日のことは明日やればいい 準備はOK  好きも嫌いも あなたの 全部知りたいから どうして?なんで? アタシは 前のめりつんのめりgirl  気分次第でノリ出ない 着たい服見あたらない  待ち合わせには先にいて You look so cute 見つめて 帰りのキスも忘れずに Thank you Goodbye 明日も 頭の中はいつもあなただけ 気分はOK  明日アタシ誕生日 プレゼントは何がいい? あなたがいれば楽しい サヨナラなんて言わせない  あなたの好きなアタシに Never give up なりたい あの子みたいに可愛く I can do it なれるの 明日のことは明日やればいい  待ち合わせには先にいて You look so cute 見つめて 帰りのキスも忘れずに Thank you Goodbye 明日も 頭の中はいつもあなただけ 気分はOKBeverly坂田麻美glasswerksglasswerksアレがいいな いつでも うらやましがってたの コレもいいな それでも 好きなものはそろってる  信号待ち うわの空 予定調和じゃつまらない  あなたの好きなアタシに Never give up なりたい あの子みたいに可愛く I can do it なれるの 明日のことは明日やればいい 準備はOK  好きも嫌いも あなたの 全部知りたいから どうして?なんで? アタシは 前のめりつんのめりgirl  気分次第でノリ出ない 着たい服見あたらない  待ち合わせには先にいて You look so cute 見つめて 帰りのキスも忘れずに Thank you Goodbye 明日も 頭の中はいつもあなただけ 気分はOK  明日アタシ誕生日 プレゼントは何がいい? あなたがいれば楽しい サヨナラなんて言わせない  あなたの好きなアタシに Never give up なりたい あの子みたいに可愛く I can do it なれるの 明日のことは明日やればいい  待ち合わせには先にいて You look so cute 見つめて 帰りのキスも忘れずに Thank you Goodbye 明日も 頭の中はいつもあなただけ 気分はOK
Fly in the skyRainy 泣かないで笑って 雨上がりの空が七色に光って Rainbow 明日へと架ける橋 手を伸ばせば 未来が待っている  So throw your hands in the air Try and make it okay The sun will come around after the rain  So throw your hands in the air Feel the wind on your face You got to breath, relax enjoy the day  Step by step you could reach the stars so bright Climb the mountains and touch the sky so high  Fly in the sky もっと高く Fly in the sky もっと遠く上がれ  Over pride 僕らはいつだって 同じ時間(とき)の中で走り続けている Victory 描いた奇跡は そう掴み取れる 立ち上がれ今こそ  So throw your hands in the air Try and make it okay The sun will come around after the rainBeverlyBeverly・坂田麻美Sick IndividualsSick IndividualsRainy 泣かないで笑って 雨上がりの空が七色に光って Rainbow 明日へと架ける橋 手を伸ばせば 未来が待っている  So throw your hands in the air Try and make it okay The sun will come around after the rain  So throw your hands in the air Feel the wind on your face You got to breath, relax enjoy the day  Step by step you could reach the stars so bright Climb the mountains and touch the sky so high  Fly in the sky もっと高く Fly in the sky もっと遠く上がれ  Over pride 僕らはいつだって 同じ時間(とき)の中で走り続けている Victory 描いた奇跡は そう掴み取れる 立ち上がれ今こそ  So throw your hands in the air Try and make it okay The sun will come around after the rain
Too MuchHey boys, Hey girls 会いたいの今すぐ 何してるのかな?  初めてのキス Sunday 恋する気持ち Everyday  もう止められない想いは So it's precious Too much, Too much Too much, Too much  君がそんな風に笑うから Baby, OK? OK? 確かめたい  Too much, Too Too much わかってるんでしょ、ねぇ? 私のココロ 君はイジワル  Too much, Too Too much 困らせたいんじゃないけど 私のココロ Too much, Too much  You say. I don't know why いつだってすれ違い うまくいかない日は  甘いささやき Love me 勘違いかな Sweet time  こんな気持ち嫌になっちゃうよCool down Too much, Too much Too much, Too much  すぐそばにいるはずなのに You do not know your feelings つかめない  Too much, Too Too much もう待てないから、ねぇ? 答えはYes?No? 君はキマグレ  Too much, Too Too much ワガママなんじゃないけど 今すぐ会いたい Too much, Too much  Too much, Too Too much わかってるんでしょ、ねぇ? 私のココロ 君はイジワル  Too much, Too Too much 困らせたいんじゃないけど 私のココロ Too much, Too much  Too much, Too Too much もう待てないから、ねぇ? 答えはYes?No? 君はキマグレ  Too much, Too Too much ワガママなんじゃないけど 今すぐ会いたい Too much, Too muchBeverly坂田麻美Kei Kwangwook Lim・Ryan Kim・Hunny Killa・CR・ChaseKei Kwangwook LimHey boys, Hey girls 会いたいの今すぐ 何してるのかな?  初めてのキス Sunday 恋する気持ち Everyday  もう止められない想いは So it's precious Too much, Too much Too much, Too much  君がそんな風に笑うから Baby, OK? OK? 確かめたい  Too much, Too Too much わかってるんでしょ、ねぇ? 私のココロ 君はイジワル  Too much, Too Too much 困らせたいんじゃないけど 私のココロ Too much, Too much  You say. I don't know why いつだってすれ違い うまくいかない日は  甘いささやき Love me 勘違いかな Sweet time  こんな気持ち嫌になっちゃうよCool down Too much, Too much Too much, Too much  すぐそばにいるはずなのに You do not know your feelings つかめない  Too much, Too Too much もう待てないから、ねぇ? 答えはYes?No? 君はキマグレ  Too much, Too Too much ワガママなんじゃないけど 今すぐ会いたい Too much, Too much  Too much, Too Too much わかってるんでしょ、ねぇ? 私のココロ 君はイジワル  Too much, Too Too much 困らせたいんじゃないけど 私のココロ Too much, Too much  Too much, Too Too much もう待てないから、ねぇ? 答えはYes?No? 君はキマグレ  Too much, Too Too much ワガママなんじゃないけど 今すぐ会いたい Too much, Too much
Mama SaidMama said don't love a guy When you know he's not worth the wait But when you came and turn my life around I got blind you just deceived me, right?  You've got to leave I tell you You've got to leave That's what my mama said Ah ah ah  Your game's to get, get, get all the girls in town Then just leave them with a broken heart You act so sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet all the time I can't believe I ever fell so hard  You've got to leave I tell you You've got to leave That's what my mama said  I am a mess I don't know how to stand Crying a lot, I felt so unloved Feeling so crazy, I am so mad I hope you'll get your karma bad, yeah!  I got to wake up into this mess I'm in (You broke it boy, you screwed it up) I will endure and wash out all the pain Although it may be rough  I gotta go out and have a brand new me (I'll find a good boy, not your style) Now I regret I ever knew you I'll find a better man Like what my mama said!  Mama said, you're the kind of guy That leaves without a word, goodbye You made me hope And I gave you all What happened to our thing called love?  You've got to leave I tell you You've got to leave That's what my mama said Ah ah ah  Now I do know you're that kind of a guy You are the playboy, I hate you so much Thought all was good, boy, how could you lie? Hope you get your karma bad, yeah!  I got to wake up into this mess I'm in (You don't deserve me anyway) I will endure and wash out all the pain I'm stronger than you think  I gotta go out and have a brand new me (Put on some make up, cut my hair) You will regret that you deceived me I'll find a better man Like what my mama said!  I am a mess I don't know how to stand Crying a lot, I felt so unloved Feeling so crazy, I am so mad I hope you'll get your karma bad, yeah!  I got to wake up into this mess I'm in (You don't deserve me anyway) I will endure and wash out all the pain I'm stronger than you think  I gotta go out and have a brand new me (Put on some make up, cut my hair) You will regret that you deceived me I'll find a better man Like what my mama said!BeverlyBeverlyミトカツユキミトカツユキMama said don't love a guy When you know he's not worth the wait But when you came and turn my life around I got blind you just deceived me, right?  You've got to leave I tell you You've got to leave That's what my mama said Ah ah ah  Your game's to get, get, get all the girls in town Then just leave them with a broken heart You act so sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet all the time I can't believe I ever fell so hard  You've got to leave I tell you You've got to leave That's what my mama said  I am a mess I don't know how to stand Crying a lot, I felt so unloved Feeling so crazy, I am so mad I hope you'll get your karma bad, yeah!  I got to wake up into this mess I'm in (You broke it boy, you screwed it up) I will endure and wash out all the pain Although it may be rough  I gotta go out and have a brand new me (I'll find a good boy, not your style) Now I regret I ever knew you I'll find a better man Like what my mama said!  Mama said, you're the kind of guy That leaves without a word, goodbye You made me hope And I gave you all What happened to our thing called love?  You've got to leave I tell you You've got to leave That's what my mama said Ah ah ah  Now I do know you're that kind of a guy You are the playboy, I hate you so much Thought all was good, boy, how could you lie? Hope you get your karma bad, yeah!  I got to wake up into this mess I'm in (You don't deserve me anyway) I will endure and wash out all the pain I'm stronger than you think  I gotta go out and have a brand new me (Put on some make up, cut my hair) You will regret that you deceived me I'll find a better man Like what my mama said!  I am a mess I don't know how to stand Crying a lot, I felt so unloved Feeling so crazy, I am so mad I hope you'll get your karma bad, yeah!  I got to wake up into this mess I'm in (You don't deserve me anyway) I will endure and wash out all the pain I'm stronger than you think  I gotta go out and have a brand new me (Put on some make up, cut my hair) You will regret that you deceived me I'll find a better man Like what my mama said!
Sing my soul夢に見てた場所への 道のりは遠く 時間は過ぎてゆくだけ 何も出来なくて…  溢れる思い胸に秘めて 旅立ちの合図を待って 後には引けないところへ 扉叩いて行くよ 気持ち高く羽ばたいて  今立ち上がれって まだこれからだって 心揺らせmy soul Oh yeah, oh yeah あなたに届けって 全てをささげて 差し出した手 Oh yeah, alright yeah  地図のない未来へ行こう 少しの勇気を持って 描いた景色がそこに 広がってるでしょう  風に揺れて羽広げて 飛び立とう名もなき世界 ここから始まるstory 掲げた思い迷わない 気持ち強く羽ばたいて   明日が見えないって 嘆く夜もあって 強くなるよ my soul Oh yeah, oh yeah 始まりの場所って 夢溢れてるって 止まらないで Oh yeah, alright yeah  今立ち上がれって まだこれからだって 心揺らせmy soul Oh yeah, oh yeah あなたに届けって 全てをささげて 差し出した手 Oh yeah, alright yeah  明日が見えないって 嘆く夜もあって 強くなるよ my soul Oh yeah, oh yeah 始まりの場所って 夢溢れてるって 止まらないで Oh yeah, alright  輝く光と 暗闇の中を 行ったり来たりの My life, Your life 一人じゃないから みんながいるから 踏み出そうよ My life, Your life yeahBeverly坂田麻美Masaaki AsadaMasaaki Asada夢に見てた場所への 道のりは遠く 時間は過ぎてゆくだけ 何も出来なくて…  溢れる思い胸に秘めて 旅立ちの合図を待って 後には引けないところへ 扉叩いて行くよ 気持ち高く羽ばたいて  今立ち上がれって まだこれからだって 心揺らせmy soul Oh yeah, oh yeah あなたに届けって 全てをささげて 差し出した手 Oh yeah, alright yeah  地図のない未来へ行こう 少しの勇気を持って 描いた景色がそこに 広がってるでしょう  風に揺れて羽広げて 飛び立とう名もなき世界 ここから始まるstory 掲げた思い迷わない 気持ち強く羽ばたいて   明日が見えないって 嘆く夜もあって 強くなるよ my soul Oh yeah, oh yeah 始まりの場所って 夢溢れてるって 止まらないで Oh yeah, alright yeah  今立ち上がれって まだこれからだって 心揺らせmy soul Oh yeah, oh yeah あなたに届けって 全てをささげて 差し出した手 Oh yeah, alright yeah  明日が見えないって 嘆く夜もあって 強くなるよ my soul Oh yeah, oh yeah 始まりの場所って 夢溢れてるって 止まらないで Oh yeah, alright  輝く光と 暗闇の中を 行ったり来たりの My life, Your life 一人じゃないから みんながいるから 踏み出そうよ My life, Your life yeah
JUMP!ただ前を向いて歩いて行くんだ 無謀でもそれが私らしい ただがむしゃらにカッコ悪くたっていい だって… 自分に嘘つけない  大きすぎる夢だと バカにされてへこんでたけど “頑張れ”って言って欲しい そんなの甘えてただけ  JUMP JUMP JUMP! やっと見つけた夢だから JUMP JUMP JUMP! 後悔したくない JUMP JUMP JUMP! きっと努力は報われる 願うだけじゃなく今、動き出そう  ただ前を向いて歩いて行くんだ 無謀でもそれが私らしい ただがむしゃらにカッコ悪くたっていい だって… I can take it! 輝くために 誰の為でもないそうでしょ 自分に嘘つけない  小さすぎる一歩でも ちゃんと前に進めてるかな? その答えに会いに行こう この目で確かめなきゃね  JUMP JUMP JUMP! 前途多難な道のりだって JUMP JUMP JUMP! 言い訳したくない JUMP JUMP JUMP! 泣いた分だけ強くなる これまでもこれからも変わらずそう  躓いて見える景色もあるんだ 不器用さも大事なタカラモノ 誰かのマネをする必要はないね だって… I can take it! 私は私 もっと自分を好きになれる そんな自分でありたい  強がってみてもやっぱり 折れそうになる時もある カサブタだらけの胸の中 抱きしめて今日も生きてる  夜明けを待つなら朝日を迎えに 始まりはいつも私次第 大きすぎても夢で終わらせないよ 絶対…  ただ前を向いて歩いて行くんだ 無謀でもそれが私らしい ただがむしゃらにカッコ悪くたっていい だって… I can take it! 輝くために 誰の為でもないそうでしょ 自分に嘘つけないBeverlyケリー石川陽泉石川陽泉ただ前を向いて歩いて行くんだ 無謀でもそれが私らしい ただがむしゃらにカッコ悪くたっていい だって… 自分に嘘つけない  大きすぎる夢だと バカにされてへこんでたけど “頑張れ”って言って欲しい そんなの甘えてただけ  JUMP JUMP JUMP! やっと見つけた夢だから JUMP JUMP JUMP! 後悔したくない JUMP JUMP JUMP! きっと努力は報われる 願うだけじゃなく今、動き出そう  ただ前を向いて歩いて行くんだ 無謀でもそれが私らしい ただがむしゃらにカッコ悪くたっていい だって… I can take it! 輝くために 誰の為でもないそうでしょ 自分に嘘つけない  小さすぎる一歩でも ちゃんと前に進めてるかな? その答えに会いに行こう この目で確かめなきゃね  JUMP JUMP JUMP! 前途多難な道のりだって JUMP JUMP JUMP! 言い訳したくない JUMP JUMP JUMP! 泣いた分だけ強くなる これまでもこれからも変わらずそう  躓いて見える景色もあるんだ 不器用さも大事なタカラモノ 誰かのマネをする必要はないね だって… I can take it! 私は私 もっと自分を好きになれる そんな自分でありたい  強がってみてもやっぱり 折れそうになる時もある カサブタだらけの胸の中 抱きしめて今日も生きてる  夜明けを待つなら朝日を迎えに 始まりはいつも私次第 大きすぎても夢で終わらせないよ 絶対…  ただ前を向いて歩いて行くんだ 無謀でもそれが私らしい ただがむしゃらにカッコ悪くたっていい だって… I can take it! 輝くために 誰の為でもないそうでしょ 自分に嘘つけない
FutureStarted out a journey And we traveled everywhere Challenges to overcome We fall yet we stand tall  We don't know what future holds Together, still we're bold We will never break Even with the pain Give it all and have faith  We can make a destiny You and I in unity Keep the dream alive We got all the time You are not alone We'll chase them all together  We'll find a way We'll never be apart It's harder everyday We'll keep on turning the wheel No, we should never stop We're gonna work it out We will believe And achieve You and I We will make a change For the future  Life can be a battle But we try to be tough We might never understand Soon it will be clearer  You don't have to be afraid I'm always by your side We're together now Paint the future now Make the road bright again  We can make a destiny You and I in unity Keep the dream alive We got all the time You are not alone We'll chase them all together  We'll carry on We'll soar above the sky I'll hold you out to fly We're almost ready to shine So we should never stop We might have lost the way But when we stand Hand in hand We'll see the future we believe  No matter where the road may lead On every step we take Don't give up We'll never stop to try and try until the end  We'll carry on We might have lost the way But when we stand Hand in hand We'll see the future we believe  We'll find a way We'll never be apart It's harder everyday Together we'll make a change For the futureBeverlyBeverlyHaruo Yoda・Carlos K.Carlos K.Started out a journey And we traveled everywhere Challenges to overcome We fall yet we stand tall  We don't know what future holds Together, still we're bold We will never break Even with the pain Give it all and have faith  We can make a destiny You and I in unity Keep the dream alive We got all the time You are not alone We'll chase them all together  We'll find a way We'll never be apart It's harder everyday We'll keep on turning the wheel No, we should never stop We're gonna work it out We will believe And achieve You and I We will make a change For the future  Life can be a battle But we try to be tough We might never understand Soon it will be clearer  You don't have to be afraid I'm always by your side We're together now Paint the future now Make the road bright again  We can make a destiny You and I in unity Keep the dream alive We got all the time You are not alone We'll chase them all together  We'll carry on We'll soar above the sky I'll hold you out to fly We're almost ready to shine So we should never stop We might have lost the way But when we stand Hand in hand We'll see the future we believe  No matter where the road may lead On every step we take Don't give up We'll never stop to try and try until the end  We'll carry on We might have lost the way But when we stand Hand in hand We'll see the future we believe  We'll find a way We'll never be apart It's harder everyday Together we'll make a change For the future
シグナル (English Ver.)Broken and torn emotions on my mind Living in dark and bitter destiny Slowly I'm falling deep into the sea And I am sinking melt my heart  I want to keep the light inside my heart I'm gonna try and never let it go I will believe that I can make a change I will, to live stronger  Go where the wind is calling us Seeking the answer we can find No matter where the world will take us we will carry on Fighting together 'til the end With all the power left inside No one can take away the future that you hold  Keep chasing the bright light, the bright light At the end we'll see the place where we belong  Even the raging water of the sea We made it through together hand in hand Closer and closer to our destiny Fighting 'til we get there  Never forget the goal we have Whatever happens we'll be there We'll never end this wild adventure 'til we reach the stars All of the tears we shed at night All of the pain we kept inside Don't waste them all and trust in what the future holds  Everything may seem so far It'll never let it take us down We'll never stop Keep going Try and try until we're closer to the end Together you and l just hold on to our dream  And it gets harder everyday Trust what's in your heart Never doubt yourself and what you feel  Go where the wind is calling us Seeking the answer we can find No matter where the world will take us we will carry on Fighting together 'til the end With all the power left inside No one can take away the future that you hold  Try losing the sadness, the sadness Free your mind to see a different side of you  Keep chasing the bright light, the bright light At the end we'll see the place where we belongBeverlyAsami Sakata・英訳:BeverlySakuBroken and torn emotions on my mind Living in dark and bitter destiny Slowly I'm falling deep into the sea And I am sinking melt my heart  I want to keep the light inside my heart I'm gonna try and never let it go I will believe that I can make a change I will, to live stronger  Go where the wind is calling us Seeking the answer we can find No matter where the world will take us we will carry on Fighting together 'til the end With all the power left inside No one can take away the future that you hold  Keep chasing the bright light, the bright light At the end we'll see the place where we belong  Even the raging water of the sea We made it through together hand in hand Closer and closer to our destiny Fighting 'til we get there  Never forget the goal we have Whatever happens we'll be there We'll never end this wild adventure 'til we reach the stars All of the tears we shed at night All of the pain we kept inside Don't waste them all and trust in what the future holds  Everything may seem so far It'll never let it take us down We'll never stop Keep going Try and try until we're closer to the end Together you and l just hold on to our dream  And it gets harder everyday Trust what's in your heart Never doubt yourself and what you feel  Go where the wind is calling us Seeking the answer we can find No matter where the world will take us we will carry on Fighting together 'til the end With all the power left inside No one can take away the future that you hold  Try losing the sadness, the sadness Free your mind to see a different side of you  Keep chasing the bright light, the bright light At the end we'll see the place where we belong
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
AdventureNobody knows 未知のfighting road 僕らは未来のために 限りある世界でも 超えていける 明日のdreaming  あの日誓った言葉 'I will not lose to myself' 迷いや不安も今日で終わりを告げて  Let's go for an adventure ここから始まる 忘れかけた夢を今 moving on Let's go for an adventure 前しか見えない 新しい時代を刻む our story  Don't wanna lose 共に fighting now ここまで来れた奇跡を 信じてる どんな時も 君がいれば 僕はstronger  全て叶うわけじゃない 'I knew it through experiences' 悔しさも力に変え 新たな旅へ  Let's go for an adventure つまずいて 傷ついて 僕らだけの夢を今 get it on Let's go for an adventure ひとつになる時 新しい時代を刻む our story  終わりじゃない いつも 今日がpoint & starting, beginning この場所で僕ら 戦い続けてきた 今こそ大地を踏みしめ立ち上がれ  Let's go for an adventure 答えは 必ず 行く先を照らすはずさ shining on Let's go for an adventure ここから 始まる 忘れかけた夢を今 moving on Let's go for an adventure 前しか 見えない 新しい時代を刻む our storyBeverly坂田麻美与田春生・妻夫木崇次Nobody knows 未知のfighting road 僕らは未来のために 限りある世界でも 超えていける 明日のdreaming  あの日誓った言葉 'I will not lose to myself' 迷いや不安も今日で終わりを告げて  Let's go for an adventure ここから始まる 忘れかけた夢を今 moving on Let's go for an adventure 前しか見えない 新しい時代を刻む our story  Don't wanna lose 共に fighting now ここまで来れた奇跡を 信じてる どんな時も 君がいれば 僕はstronger  全て叶うわけじゃない 'I knew it through experiences' 悔しさも力に変え 新たな旅へ  Let's go for an adventure つまずいて 傷ついて 僕らだけの夢を今 get it on Let's go for an adventure ひとつになる時 新しい時代を刻む our story  終わりじゃない いつも 今日がpoint & starting, beginning この場所で僕ら 戦い続けてきた 今こそ大地を踏みしめ立ち上がれ  Let's go for an adventure 答えは 必ず 行く先を照らすはずさ shining on Let's go for an adventure ここから 始まる 忘れかけた夢を今 moving on Let's go for an adventure 前しか 見えない 新しい時代を刻む our story
Xmas with youit's cold outside 白い息が 空にのぼる朝は Christmas tree 見守ってる あの場所へ急ごう  光る雪道 抜けて 心躍る holiday stepping out!  Merry Christmas さぁでかけよう ふいに笑顔 こぼれる ありふれた言葉も phraseも 響きだすよ Christmas with you  ずっと離れてても 側に感じていた あなたに会いたいの 特別な日だから  森の梢に星が降り注ぐ今夜 celebrate!  Merry Christmas 幾千とおりの祈りがほら 生まれて まだ見ぬ奇跡やstory 起こるのかもしれない  shalala! 手をとって shalala! 願い放て! shalala! glory day, brand new day 讃え歌おう wish better days...!  ありふれた言葉も phraseも 響きだすよ Christmas with you Merry Christmas 幾千とおりの祈りがほら 生まれた のばしたその手に愛を 溢れるほど伝えたいBeverlyカミカオルHaruo Yodait's cold outside 白い息が 空にのぼる朝は Christmas tree 見守ってる あの場所へ急ごう  光る雪道 抜けて 心躍る holiday stepping out!  Merry Christmas さぁでかけよう ふいに笑顔 こぼれる ありふれた言葉も phraseも 響きだすよ Christmas with you  ずっと離れてても 側に感じていた あなたに会いたいの 特別な日だから  森の梢に星が降り注ぐ今夜 celebrate!  Merry Christmas 幾千とおりの祈りがほら 生まれて まだ見ぬ奇跡やstory 起こるのかもしれない  shalala! 手をとって shalala! 願い放て! shalala! glory day, brand new day 讃え歌おう wish better days...!  ありふれた言葉も phraseも 響きだすよ Christmas with you Merry Christmas 幾千とおりの祈りがほら 生まれた のばしたその手に愛を 溢れるほど伝えたい
HOMEI will never make it through the night without you I'd be lost if I were not beside you さよならは私が言うわ Take my love with all my heart  I am home And home is where I am In this love we finally come to share I am with you And you're with me all the way Here in our hearts Is where we'll always stay 愛する場所 あなたがI am Home  When I needed someone to be here beside me There's no other name I think that should be 抱きしめられたくて ずっと And that is how it will always be  I am home And home is where I am In this love we finally come to share I am with you And you're with me all the way Here in our hearts Is where we'll always stay 愛する場所 あなたがI am Home  重なり合う手と手 離さないわ Anytime, any day 捧げたい全てを あなたのため I tell you that it is true  I am home And home is where I am In this love we finally come to share I am with you And you're with me all the way Here in our hearts Is where we'll always stay 愛する場所 あなたがI am HomeBeverlyTito Cayamanda・坂田麻美Vehnee A. Saturno島野聡I will never make it through the night without you I'd be lost if I were not beside you さよならは私が言うわ Take my love with all my heart  I am home And home is where I am In this love we finally come to share I am with you And you're with me all the way Here in our hearts Is where we'll always stay 愛する場所 あなたがI am Home  When I needed someone to be here beside me There's no other name I think that should be 抱きしめられたくて ずっと And that is how it will always be  I am home And home is where I am In this love we finally come to share I am with you And you're with me all the way Here in our hearts Is where we'll always stay 愛する場所 あなたがI am Home  重なり合う手と手 離さないわ Anytime, any day 捧げたい全てを あなたのため I tell you that it is true  I am home And home is where I am In this love we finally come to share I am with you And you're with me all the way Here in our hearts Is where we'll always stay 愛する場所 あなたがI am Home
シグナル残酷な運命に 引き裂かれる感情 深い海の底へと 沈んでいくmelt my heart  諦めない心に 光が灯るように 望みを捨てないまま I will, to live stronger  風を読んで進め 答えを求めて この広い世界の中で僕らは 戦い続けた 本当の強さを 奪われないように明日も  照らして 照らして 照らして 僕らの 信じた 方へ  激しい波風にも 何度も立ち向かって 流れ着いた未来を fighting 'til we get there  忘れないように 果たされるように 僕らの願いは終わりじゃない 静かに叫んだ あの日の涙を 無駄にはしないように明日も  描いた夢が 遠ざかりそうでも 負けない いつか たどり着きたい場所へと 君と見たい景色へ our dream  正しさはいつも ココにあるよ もう振り返らないで  風を読んで進め 答えを求めて この広い世界の中で僕らは 戦い続けた 本当の強さを 奪われないように明日も  壊して 壊して 壊して 僕らが 見つけた 方へ  照らして 照らして 照らして 僕らの 信じた 方へBeverly坂田麻美Saku残酷な運命に 引き裂かれる感情 深い海の底へと 沈んでいくmelt my heart  諦めない心に 光が灯るように 望みを捨てないまま I will, to live stronger  風を読んで進め 答えを求めて この広い世界の中で僕らは 戦い続けた 本当の強さを 奪われないように明日も  照らして 照らして 照らして 僕らの 信じた 方へ  激しい波風にも 何度も立ち向かって 流れ着いた未来を fighting 'til we get there  忘れないように 果たされるように 僕らの願いは終わりじゃない 静かに叫んだ あの日の涙を 無駄にはしないように明日も  描いた夢が 遠ざかりそうでも 負けない いつか たどり着きたい場所へと 君と見たい景色へ our dream  正しさはいつも ココにあるよ もう振り返らないで  風を読んで進め 答えを求めて この広い世界の中で僕らは 戦い続けた 本当の強さを 奪われないように明日も  壊して 壊して 壊して 僕らが 見つけた 方へ  照らして 照らして 照らして 僕らの 信じた 方へ
Hurting MeI could see the spark when you look at her Sitting here alone, I can feel the pain Every day, always and forever You are her knight in shining armor Don't you know, I know Never do I, I could be the girl  Oh I know you don't want to hurt me Anyway you don't know what I feel Want to ask When you're with me, Can't you hear it? Heart says, you! Hello hello hello-o Hello hello hello Oh I know you don't want to hurt me Anyway, you don't know what I feel to you boy Hey, lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love you Boy, and I really want to say Hey, sa-sa-saying I am fine But you're hurting me  When I see the twinkle in your eyes Put your arm around my shoulder tight But I know, you could never love me Yeah I know, I am just a friend And don't you know, I know Never do I, I could be the girl  Loving you, it can only hurt me Anyway, can't you feel what I feel? Want to ask When you're with her, Do you hear your heart says, you! Badump badump baduump Badump badump badump Loving you, it can only hurt me Can't you feel I just want to show it to you boy Hey, really really want to kiss you Boy, ne-ne-never gonna stop Hey, lo-lo-love you till the end But you're hurting me  Please come back from the moment she's not here We were never been together but you were near What am I to do? Should I tell you all about my love, baby? Should I keep it to you boy? What am I to do? So you could love me I will always be a fool for you  Oh I know you don't want to hurt me Anyway you don't know what I feel Want to ask When you're with me, Can't you hear it? Heart says, you! Hello hello hello-o Hello hello hello Oh I know you don't want to hurt me Anyway, you don't know what I feel to you boy Hey, lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love you Boy, and I really want to say Hey, sa-sa-saying I am fine But you're hurting meBeverlyBeverlyFatcat・Audio ToxicAudio ToxicI could see the spark when you look at her Sitting here alone, I can feel the pain Every day, always and forever You are her knight in shining armor Don't you know, I know Never do I, I could be the girl  Oh I know you don't want to hurt me Anyway you don't know what I feel Want to ask When you're with me, Can't you hear it? Heart says, you! Hello hello hello-o Hello hello hello Oh I know you don't want to hurt me Anyway, you don't know what I feel to you boy Hey, lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love you Boy, and I really want to say Hey, sa-sa-saying I am fine But you're hurting me  When I see the twinkle in your eyes Put your arm around my shoulder tight But I know, you could never love me Yeah I know, I am just a friend And don't you know, I know Never do I, I could be the girl  Loving you, it can only hurt me Anyway, can't you feel what I feel? Want to ask When you're with her, Do you hear your heart says, you! Badump badump baduump Badump badump badump Loving you, it can only hurt me Can't you feel I just want to show it to you boy Hey, really really want to kiss you Boy, ne-ne-never gonna stop Hey, lo-lo-love you till the end But you're hurting me  Please come back from the moment she's not here We were never been together but you were near What am I to do? Should I tell you all about my love, baby? Should I keep it to you boy? What am I to do? So you could love me I will always be a fool for you  Oh I know you don't want to hurt me Anyway you don't know what I feel Want to ask When you're with me, Can't you hear it? Heart says, you! Hello hello hello-o Hello hello hello Oh I know you don't want to hurt me Anyway, you don't know what I feel to you boy Hey, lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love you Boy, and I really want to say Hey, sa-sa-saying I am fine But you're hurting me
Happy now勇気はあるの 時間もあるの ほんの少しだけ 不器用なだけ  怒りの先も 妬みの先も ほら 何も生まれない 苦しいだけ  さりげない優しさにも 感謝出来ない人にはなりたくない  Oh, dear Mother よちよちと歩き出した あの頃も私のことDid you love me, too? 人は皆輝ける 皆それぞれの道がある あなたの声が聞こえる WOW WOW WOW Mother 幸せになる自由がある  謝らないで 悪くはないよ 誰かのせいじゃない 全て思し召し  終わった事は 「もう」 どうにもならない ほら 早く顔上げて 笑って  幼い子の優しさって 下手くそだって心に響くのね  Oh, dear Mother この先も誰のものでない 何ひとつ合わせなくって良いんだから 道がある 道を行く それぞれが自由で歩く あなたの笑顔が見たい WOW WOW WOW Mother 幸せはここにあるの  Oh, dear Mother この先も誰のものでない 何ひとつ合わせなくって良いんだから 道がある 道を行く それぞれが自由で歩く あなたの笑顔が見たい WOW WOW WOW Mother 幸せはここにあるの  NANANA... I am happy nowBeverlyつんくつんくAKIRA勇気はあるの 時間もあるの ほんの少しだけ 不器用なだけ  怒りの先も 妬みの先も ほら 何も生まれない 苦しいだけ  さりげない優しさにも 感謝出来ない人にはなりたくない  Oh, dear Mother よちよちと歩き出した あの頃も私のことDid you love me, too? 人は皆輝ける 皆それぞれの道がある あなたの声が聞こえる WOW WOW WOW Mother 幸せになる自由がある  謝らないで 悪くはないよ 誰かのせいじゃない 全て思し召し  終わった事は 「もう」 どうにもならない ほら 早く顔上げて 笑って  幼い子の優しさって 下手くそだって心に響くのね  Oh, dear Mother この先も誰のものでない 何ひとつ合わせなくって良いんだから 道がある 道を行く それぞれが自由で歩く あなたの笑顔が見たい WOW WOW WOW Mother 幸せはここにあるの  Oh, dear Mother この先も誰のものでない 何ひとつ合わせなくって良いんだから 道がある 道を行く それぞれが自由で歩く あなたの笑顔が見たい WOW WOW WOW Mother 幸せはここにあるの  NANANA... I am happy now
TomorrowI wish you all the best for tomorrow 嫌なことなんて忘れよう Life depends on you, It's a good time 世界でひとつの So special day  In the morning 少しの ミスしたっていい 楽しんでいこうよ On the way 寄り道でも 食いしばって 笑って 前を見て  見上げれば大きな空が今 大丈夫って笑いかけてる 抱きしめられたような優しさに Smile again 明日は来るから  Everything's OK, Don't be afraid 振り返らないで歩き出そう You're the hero in your own life 輝かせよう So life goes on  On the future ひとつの 夢を持って 期待に溢れ Trust me 何度だって 間違って 凹んで 立ち上がって  今日もどこかで泣いてる君が 明日は笑ってるといいな 同じ毎日なんてないから Up to you 信じていこうよ  Getting over it, Open your heart 新しい道に繋げよう Take a chance! Keep it in mind 立ち止まらずに The way you believe  涙の日も超えて I have it now 光が射し込んで Can you feel a lot of joy? 明日も  I wish you all the best for tomorrow 嫌なことなんて忘れよう Life depends on you, It's a good time 世界でひとつの So grateful daBeverly坂田麻美妻夫木崇次妻夫木崇次I wish you all the best for tomorrow 嫌なことなんて忘れよう Life depends on you, It's a good time 世界でひとつの So special day  In the morning 少しの ミスしたっていい 楽しんでいこうよ On the way 寄り道でも 食いしばって 笑って 前を見て  見上げれば大きな空が今 大丈夫って笑いかけてる 抱きしめられたような優しさに Smile again 明日は来るから  Everything's OK, Don't be afraid 振り返らないで歩き出そう You're the hero in your own life 輝かせよう So life goes on  On the future ひとつの 夢を持って 期待に溢れ Trust me 何度だって 間違って 凹んで 立ち上がって  今日もどこかで泣いてる君が 明日は笑ってるといいな 同じ毎日なんてないから Up to you 信じていこうよ  Getting over it, Open your heart 新しい道に繋げよう Take a chance! Keep it in mind 立ち止まらずに The way you believe  涙の日も超えて I have it now 光が射し込んで Can you feel a lot of joy? 明日も  I wish you all the best for tomorrow 嫌なことなんて忘れよう Life depends on you, It's a good time 世界でひとつの So grateful da
Power of loveまだ遠い幸せを 待っているなら 探しにいこうよ 迷いながら ためらわずに ドア開けて WE GO  風が吹く この世界 翼を広げ 飛び立ってゆけるさ 自由な空へ 夢にむかって  強がる気持ちも 必要になる(SHA LA LA LA Do For Love) 孤独なときにも 前を向いて For the Dream  叶えるものあるなら いつかたどり つけるから 守るものがあるなら 強くなれる アイノチカラで 切なさを愛しさに 変えていける 君だから 目に見えない輝き 君はきっと 光に変える  まっすぐに見つめてる 視線の先に 思い描くfuture きっと君にも 見えてくるから  笑顔と勇気が 味方になる (SHA LA LA LA Do For Smile) 自分で決めた 限界なんて Throw away!  叶えたいこと Only one なにがあっても 叶えなきゃ いつだって超えてゆく 壁があっても アイノチカラで 迷いにとらわれない 想い一つ あるのなら ありのままの君でいい 空のように 自由になれる  (The power of love for you)アイノチカラが (The power of love for me)希望になる 誰かの愛がいま誰かを そっとそっと 包んで  叶えるものあるなら いつかたどり つけるから 守るものがあるなら 強くなれる アイノチカラで 切なさを愛しさに 変えていける 君だから 目に見えない輝き 君はきっと 光に変えるBeverly和田耕平和田耕平Knobまだ遠い幸せを 待っているなら 探しにいこうよ 迷いながら ためらわずに ドア開けて WE GO  風が吹く この世界 翼を広げ 飛び立ってゆけるさ 自由な空へ 夢にむかって  強がる気持ちも 必要になる(SHA LA LA LA Do For Love) 孤独なときにも 前を向いて For the Dream  叶えるものあるなら いつかたどり つけるから 守るものがあるなら 強くなれる アイノチカラで 切なさを愛しさに 変えていける 君だから 目に見えない輝き 君はきっと 光に変える  まっすぐに見つめてる 視線の先に 思い描くfuture きっと君にも 見えてくるから  笑顔と勇気が 味方になる (SHA LA LA LA Do For Smile) 自分で決めた 限界なんて Throw away!  叶えたいこと Only one なにがあっても 叶えなきゃ いつだって超えてゆく 壁があっても アイノチカラで 迷いにとらわれない 想い一つ あるのなら ありのままの君でいい 空のように 自由になれる  (The power of love for you)アイノチカラが (The power of love for me)希望になる 誰かの愛がいま誰かを そっとそっと 包んで  叶えるものあるなら いつかたどり つけるから 守るものがあるなら 強くなれる アイノチカラで 切なさを愛しさに 変えていける 君だから 目に見えない輝き 君はきっと 光に変える
Life at the PartyLife at the party You've got to drink and dance You've got to move, shake your body Put your hands up in the air You've got to groove and live it up on stage  Just like a slow-mo It's like the music stop I couldn't get my attention And my mind out of your face No-no one's gonna get you off my mind  The mood is changing The spirit's going up It's 'coz of you or party Don't know how this ends  Oh baby You feel it baby The way you turn me on, turn me on  Oh baby Oh give it baby We keep on lining up, lining up  Oh baby Should I just go or wait until my time Heaven knows it's you Oh yeah!  Life at the party It's all just fun and games The way the sound and The rhythm got your body fire away Get dirty dancing while the night is young  You are the party You make the mild go wild You walking, look like a model got me crazy over you Do-don't know how you made me feel this way  The heat is rising Like how I feel for you How can I put your eyes to stare it back at me  Oh baby You feel it baby The way you turn me on, turn me on  Oh baby Oh give it baby We keep on lining up, lining up  Oh baby Should I just go or wait until my time Heaven knows it's you Oh yeah!  This party's never gonna end Till I see you focus on to me You look at me Oh baby is it real or I'm imagining  Da-da-dance to the party Really want to see you with me Ne-ne-never gonna stop Till you notice me  Oh baby You feel it baby The way you turn me on, turn me on  Oh baby Oh give it baby We keep on lining up, lining up  Oh baby You feel it baby The way you turn me on, turn me on  Oh baby Oh give it baby We keep on lining up, lining up  Oh baby Should I just go or wait until my time Heaven knows it's you Oh yeah!  I want you Wanna be You and Me Heaven knows it's you OhhBeverlyBeverly中野雅仁中野雅仁Life at the party You've got to drink and dance You've got to move, shake your body Put your hands up in the air You've got to groove and live it up on stage  Just like a slow-mo It's like the music stop I couldn't get my attention And my mind out of your face No-no one's gonna get you off my mind  The mood is changing The spirit's going up It's 'coz of you or party Don't know how this ends  Oh baby You feel it baby The way you turn me on, turn me on  Oh baby Oh give it baby We keep on lining up, lining up  Oh baby Should I just go or wait until my time Heaven knows it's you Oh yeah!  Life at the party It's all just fun and games The way the sound and The rhythm got your body fire away Get dirty dancing while the night is young  You are the party You make the mild go wild You walking, look like a model got me crazy over you Do-don't know how you made me feel this way  The heat is rising Like how I feel for you How can I put your eyes to stare it back at me  Oh baby You feel it baby The way you turn me on, turn me on  Oh baby Oh give it baby We keep on lining up, lining up  Oh baby Should I just go or wait until my time Heaven knows it's you Oh yeah!  This party's never gonna end Till I see you focus on to me You look at me Oh baby is it real or I'm imagining  Da-da-dance to the party Really want to see you with me Ne-ne-never gonna stop Till you notice me  Oh baby You feel it baby The way you turn me on, turn me on  Oh baby Oh give it baby We keep on lining up, lining up  Oh baby You feel it baby The way you turn me on, turn me on  Oh baby Oh give it baby We keep on lining up, lining up  Oh baby Should I just go or wait until my time Heaven knows it's you Oh yeah!  I want you Wanna be You and Me Heaven knows it's you Ohh
My Boyちいさなその両手には 重すぎる不安をかかえて 背中丸め 君は歩く はじめての道  でも心ちぎれたときは 立ちどまり 泣いたっていいよ 小さな望みひとつ それだけでいい 手放さないで  降りてくる かなしみが かなしみが 目の前をふさいでも 君ならば 光射す場所にたどり着く  たしかなことをさがして 見つからず 嘆いてみても この世界は 何も変わらないもの 誰のせいでもない  あふれ出す よろこびが よろこびが 君をつつみ込むまで just keep going on 転んでも立ちあがればいい  君が微笑むたび わたしも笑うから 君の住む世界は きっと めぐる めぐる 今日も めぐる 音もたてず  ねぇ ちいさなその背中から 生えている羽が見えるよ 気づいてないでしょう? 今すぐ飛んでゆける So you can fly You…you can touch the skyBeverly松尾潔島野聡島野聡ちいさなその両手には 重すぎる不安をかかえて 背中丸め 君は歩く はじめての道  でも心ちぎれたときは 立ちどまり 泣いたっていいよ 小さな望みひとつ それだけでいい 手放さないで  降りてくる かなしみが かなしみが 目の前をふさいでも 君ならば 光射す場所にたどり着く  たしかなことをさがして 見つからず 嘆いてみても この世界は 何も変わらないもの 誰のせいでもない  あふれ出す よろこびが よろこびが 君をつつみ込むまで just keep going on 転んでも立ちあがればいい  君が微笑むたび わたしも笑うから 君の住む世界は きっと めぐる めぐる 今日も めぐる 音もたてず  ねぇ ちいさなその背中から 生えている羽が見えるよ 気づいてないでしょう? 今すぐ飛んでゆける So you can fly You…you can touch the sky
FACES PLACES feat. SCHNELL from SOLIDEMOOne more time ゲームやらせて 今度は私に カード切らせて あなたは甘やかしてはくれない いつも ジョークでも 嫌いって言いたくはない  Best of my life 愛して Best of my life 生きてる  Since 1970 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES  One more song 愛を聴かせて 踊り疲れた 夢を癒して もう少し 誰かのせいにさせてね 頭の中を 一人にさせないで  きっとわからない 誰にもわからない  Since 1981 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES  Best of my life... (Lookin' for the FACE) (Lookin' for the PLACES...) Best of my life...  Best of my life... Best of my life...  Love I が 利用される 感覚なくなるまで 支配したり 時間を無駄にはできない  星を抜けて どこに BEST OF MY LOVE  いったいどこから この淋しさ ルールを無視して 遊ぶのに夢中で すれちがい 汚れた足跡 置き忘れてきた  One more drink 何か飲ませて 明日につながるように うまく酔わせて どこかに泊まるのと 街をさまようのと どっちが悪いなんて 誰が決めるの?  愛してくれてる あなたが決めるの?  Since 1984 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES  One more day そばにいさせて そうゆう場所は 数少ない Take up my room いつからか誰かが 私を汚してふさいで いつからか 誰かが 拾って救って  こうして歩いて 色んな顔して  Since 1994 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES  Ah... Wow... Best of my life... Best of my life... Best of my life...  今どきの性格 スタイル 心はからっぽ 電話の線はずして 体は自由を求めてる 時期だから BEST OF MY LIFE  Things are changing and you are living せめて涙がこぼれる前に Let me tell you if you are not wrong Everything Everything is all right  Best of my life... Best of my life... Best of my life...  In 1997 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES PLACES...  Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES In 1997 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACES  I'm still, I'm still, I'm still lookin' for the FACES PLACES... I'm still, I'm still, I'm still FACES PLACES...Beverly小室哲哉・MARC小室哲哉One more time ゲームやらせて 今度は私に カード切らせて あなたは甘やかしてはくれない いつも ジョークでも 嫌いって言いたくはない  Best of my life 愛して Best of my life 生きてる  Since 1970 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES  One more song 愛を聴かせて 踊り疲れた 夢を癒して もう少し 誰かのせいにさせてね 頭の中を 一人にさせないで  きっとわからない 誰にもわからない  Since 1981 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES  Best of my life... (Lookin' for the FACE) (Lookin' for the PLACES...) Best of my life...  Best of my life... Best of my life...  Love I が 利用される 感覚なくなるまで 支配したり 時間を無駄にはできない  星を抜けて どこに BEST OF MY LOVE  いったいどこから この淋しさ ルールを無視して 遊ぶのに夢中で すれちがい 汚れた足跡 置き忘れてきた  One more drink 何か飲ませて 明日につながるように うまく酔わせて どこかに泊まるのと 街をさまようのと どっちが悪いなんて 誰が決めるの?  愛してくれてる あなたが決めるの?  Since 1984 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES  One more day そばにいさせて そうゆう場所は 数少ない Take up my room いつからか誰かが 私を汚してふさいで いつからか 誰かが 拾って救って  こうして歩いて 色んな顔して  Since 1994 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES  Ah... Wow... Best of my life... Best of my life... Best of my life...  今どきの性格 スタイル 心はからっぽ 電話の線はずして 体は自由を求めてる 時期だから BEST OF MY LIFE  Things are changing and you are living せめて涙がこぼれる前に Let me tell you if you are not wrong Everything Everything is all right  Best of my life... Best of my life... Best of my life...  In 1997 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACE Lookin' for the FACES PLACES...  Lookin' for the FACES Lookin' for the PLACES In 1997 lookin' for the FACE Lookin' for the PLACES  I'm still, I'm still, I'm still lookin' for the FACES PLACES... I'm still, I'm still, I'm still FACES PLACES...
Again (English Ver.)How could I be so blind for all this time? Now that I've realized, it's plain to see Always it's you who gives me just the words I need to hear, you give me reason to live  So long, goodbye till the day we meet again Thank you so much, we will smile until the end  Oh please, I want you here right next to me Just as long as you are here, I can find the strength to face my heart Don't let me go, I know that tomorrow's on its way Keep on walking hand in hand, again Together with you  Miracles I have found along this path All l see's the future that's ahead of me There will come a day when I can finally Understand the words you said, and what they meant  If it's a dream, can I stay right here with you For just a while longer cause this feels so true  Oh please, I feel like I might disappear Cause I'm lost inside your eyes, and there's nothing I can do, my love Shining so bright, I know that tomorrow will be fine All the answers, we shall find again They're just up ahead, almost in reach I'll always believe  I can't be who you are, cause this is me I want to know you more, just trust in me  Oh please, I want you here right next to me Just as long as you are here, I can find the strength to face my heart Don't let me go, I know that tomorrow's on its way Keep on walking hand in hand, again  Oh please, I feel like I might disappear Cause I'm lost inside your eyes, and there's nothing I can do, my love Shining so bright, I know that tomorrow will be fine All the answers, we shall find again They're just up aheadBeverly坂田麻美XYZHow could I be so blind for all this time? Now that I've realized, it's plain to see Always it's you who gives me just the words I need to hear, you give me reason to live  So long, goodbye till the day we meet again Thank you so much, we will smile until the end  Oh please, I want you here right next to me Just as long as you are here, I can find the strength to face my heart Don't let me go, I know that tomorrow's on its way Keep on walking hand in hand, again Together with you  Miracles I have found along this path All l see's the future that's ahead of me There will come a day when I can finally Understand the words you said, and what they meant  If it's a dream, can I stay right here with you For just a while longer cause this feels so true  Oh please, I feel like I might disappear Cause I'm lost inside your eyes, and there's nothing I can do, my love Shining so bright, I know that tomorrow will be fine All the answers, we shall find again They're just up ahead, almost in reach I'll always believe  I can't be who you are, cause this is me I want to know you more, just trust in me  Oh please, I want you here right next to me Just as long as you are here, I can find the strength to face my heart Don't let me go, I know that tomorrow's on its way Keep on walking hand in hand, again  Oh please, I feel like I might disappear Cause I'm lost inside your eyes, and there's nothing I can do, my love Shining so bright, I know that tomorrow will be fine All the answers, we shall find again They're just up ahead
Poison IvyWell guess who's back? ここから 連れ去ってあげるから Bring it on 平凡な日々じゃつまらない 不確かな この世界 敢然(かんぜん)と 試してみたい Riskyなスリルを 味わいたい Living on the edge (I don't ever wanna be the one to fall into a life of misery and discontent) (I don't ever wanna have to give into a boring death routine, pretending till the end)  Hate me cause I'm So ambitious So pretentious So delicious You're just jealous なんて言われても結構 泣いてあげないから  しぶとく 生きてく あたしは Poison ivy こんな刺激なんかじゃ 足りないの It's not enough  脆弱(ぜいじゃく)な 真夜中 響くの 頭ん中 まだまだ こんなとこじゃ終われないの この衝動 No control あたしはどう 映ってるの? そんなことどうでもいい 信じてたい Living on the edge (I don't ever wanna be the one to fall into a life of misery and discontent) (I don't ever wanna have to give into a boring death routine, pretending till the end)  Hate me cause I'm So ambitious So pretentious So delicious You're just jealous なんて言われても結構 泣いてあげないから  追い掛け続けた 光を手にしても 昨日には 戻れない 分かってるから 言葉で誤魔化すより 爪痕残して Gonna live my life today, yeah Keep your head up, live with no regrets  Hate me cause I'm So ambitious So pretentious So delicious You're just jealous なんて言われても結構 泣いてあげないからBeverlynana hatoriCarlos K.・nana hatoriCarlos K.Well guess who's back? ここから 連れ去ってあげるから Bring it on 平凡な日々じゃつまらない 不確かな この世界 敢然(かんぜん)と 試してみたい Riskyなスリルを 味わいたい Living on the edge (I don't ever wanna be the one to fall into a life of misery and discontent) (I don't ever wanna have to give into a boring death routine, pretending till the end)  Hate me cause I'm So ambitious So pretentious So delicious You're just jealous なんて言われても結構 泣いてあげないから  しぶとく 生きてく あたしは Poison ivy こんな刺激なんかじゃ 足りないの It's not enough  脆弱(ぜいじゃく)な 真夜中 響くの 頭ん中 まだまだ こんなとこじゃ終われないの この衝動 No control あたしはどう 映ってるの? そんなことどうでもいい 信じてたい Living on the edge (I don't ever wanna be the one to fall into a life of misery and discontent) (I don't ever wanna have to give into a boring death routine, pretending till the end)  Hate me cause I'm So ambitious So pretentious So delicious You're just jealous なんて言われても結構 泣いてあげないから  追い掛け続けた 光を手にしても 昨日には 戻れない 分かってるから 言葉で誤魔化すより 爪痕残して Gonna live my life today, yeah Keep your head up, live with no regrets  Hate me cause I'm So ambitious So pretentious So delicious You're just jealous なんて言われても結構 泣いてあげないから
Nobodyいつも曖昧すぎる態度で 傷ついてしまう 「どうして?」なんて聞けなくて So it goes round and round 「恋じゃないんなら 冷たくして」 伝わることのない 想いだけを数える  こんなに切なくなって こんなに心奪って You're the only one I need  Ain't nobody 言葉よりもっと Get me bodied はっきりと知りたいの Show me your love Show me now ちゃんと 想いを伝えてよ Nobody Can love you like I do Like I do  壊してしまうことを怖がって 臆病になる 踏み出せないこの境界線 I walk around and around いつまでこんなの続くんだろう 出口さえもない 叫びがまた落ちるよ  どんなに近づいたって こんなに届かなくて You're the only one I need  Ain't nobody 誰よりもずっと Get me bodied 愛すると誓うよ Show me your love Show me now ちゃんと 答えてほしいよ Nobody Can love you like I do Like I do  「またね」って何度 手を振るんだろう Please don't leave me alone 手を繋いでたいの ため息また 涙がまた No こぼれそう Stay close to me… to me  Ain't nobody 言葉よりもっと Get me bodied はっきりと知りたいの Show me your love Show me now ちゃんと 想いを伝えてよ Nobody Can love you like I do Like I doBeverly藤林聖子David Anthony Eames・Dee FreerDavid Anthony Eamesいつも曖昧すぎる態度で 傷ついてしまう 「どうして?」なんて聞けなくて So it goes round and round 「恋じゃないんなら 冷たくして」 伝わることのない 想いだけを数える  こんなに切なくなって こんなに心奪って You're the only one I need  Ain't nobody 言葉よりもっと Get me bodied はっきりと知りたいの Show me your love Show me now ちゃんと 想いを伝えてよ Nobody Can love you like I do Like I do  壊してしまうことを怖がって 臆病になる 踏み出せないこの境界線 I walk around and around いつまでこんなの続くんだろう 出口さえもない 叫びがまた落ちるよ  どんなに近づいたって こんなに届かなくて You're the only one I need  Ain't nobody 誰よりもずっと Get me bodied 愛すると誓うよ Show me your love Show me now ちゃんと 答えてほしいよ Nobody Can love you like I do Like I do  「またね」って何度 手を振るんだろう Please don't leave me alone 手を繋いでたいの ため息また 涙がまた No こぼれそう Stay close to me… to me  Ain't nobody 言葉よりもっと Get me bodied はっきりと知りたいの Show me your love Show me now ちゃんと 想いを伝えてよ Nobody Can love you like I do Like I do
SerenadeWINK1つでSAY HELLO! I LOVE YOUなんてCHAO! 挨拶代わりのキミ ホンキにしないわ 危険信号がFLICKERING 点滅してるDANGEROUS なぜ約束どおり ここにきたのよ  ギターを抱き寄せて 睫毛をふせて笑うのね そんな目で 綺麗ねアルペジオ 鳴らすYou're my ROMEO? 帰らないで  SERENADE... 奏でNIGHT & DAY 愛のトレモロ かける魔法は SERENADE... 責めないで 今 琥珀の月が二人に笑う  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA IT'S THE MAGIC, I'M SO CURIOUS STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA 踊りあかすの 見つめてINTO YOU ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  MELODYの隙間から 一拍のしじまから キミを教えてほしい まだこわいのよ 窓に置かれた花も キミの歌に勝てない 闇夜隠したREGRET 『YES』は早いけど  夜風に吹かれて 流れる旋律はツミね OH... HIDEAWAY ひたっていたいの Please don't call me JULIETT 優しくして  SERENADE... 光るNIGHT & DAY 愛はクセモノ 予測不能で SERENADE... 責めないで ほら 琥珀の月のイルミネーション  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA IT'S THE MAGIC, I'M SO CURIOUS STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA 踊りあかせば わかるわINTO YOU ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  SERENADE... 奏でNIGHT & DAY 愛のトレモロ かける魔法は SERENADE... 責めないで 今 琥珀の月が二人に笑う  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA IT'S THE MAGIC, I'M SO CURIOUS STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA 夜が明ける頃 わかるわINTO YOU ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA 踊り明かせば わかるわINTO YOU ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  ...ARE YOU THE ONE?Beverlyカミカオル島野聡島野聡WINK1つでSAY HELLO! I LOVE YOUなんてCHAO! 挨拶代わりのキミ ホンキにしないわ 危険信号がFLICKERING 点滅してるDANGEROUS なぜ約束どおり ここにきたのよ  ギターを抱き寄せて 睫毛をふせて笑うのね そんな目で 綺麗ねアルペジオ 鳴らすYou're my ROMEO? 帰らないで  SERENADE... 奏でNIGHT & DAY 愛のトレモロ かける魔法は SERENADE... 責めないで 今 琥珀の月が二人に笑う  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA IT'S THE MAGIC, I'M SO CURIOUS STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA 踊りあかすの 見つめてINTO YOU ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  MELODYの隙間から 一拍のしじまから キミを教えてほしい まだこわいのよ 窓に置かれた花も キミの歌に勝てない 闇夜隠したREGRET 『YES』は早いけど  夜風に吹かれて 流れる旋律はツミね OH... HIDEAWAY ひたっていたいの Please don't call me JULIETT 優しくして  SERENADE... 光るNIGHT & DAY 愛はクセモノ 予測不能で SERENADE... 責めないで ほら 琥珀の月のイルミネーション  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA IT'S THE MAGIC, I'M SO CURIOUS STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA 踊りあかせば わかるわINTO YOU ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  SERENADE... 奏でNIGHT & DAY 愛のトレモロ かける魔法は SERENADE... 責めないで 今 琥珀の月が二人に笑う  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA IT'S THE MAGIC, I'M SO CURIOUS STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA 夜が明ける頃 わかるわINTO YOU ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA STA-RI-RA-RI-RA-RI-DA 踊り明かせば わかるわINTO YOU ...ARE YOU THE ONE?  ...ARE YOU THE ONE?
アンダンテに砂時計なんかな 甘いような なんかな もろいような わかるはずないよな 答えは無いし  匂いから 期待したい 形ない 時間みたい ゆらゆら 歩いてたい 君とスローなモーション  左から (差し込む光 きらり) 雨は止み (反射するカレンダー) 曖昧にしたままで会おうね ってなんで!くるって 振り返ってね  アンダンテに砂時計 優しさを 寄り添って もう少しだけ No No… 君だけ (好きなんだ) Baby Baby Baby Ah… 気づいて  愛した証はないでしょう 好きな素振りはできるでしょう No No… 君だけ (好きなんだ) 悲しみを分けてなるべくね  どうかな 会えるかな ほんのり 寂しいな その顔 浮かべたら 胸が痛いな Heartache  遠くから (聴きなれた 君の声) こだまする (街角のラベンダー) 会いたいね 明日こそ会おうね ってなんで!走って 今ここに来て!  アンダンテに砂時計 優しさが 合わさって あと少しだけ No No… 君だけ (好きなんだ) 悲しみを分けて なるべくね  アンダンテに砂時計 寂しさも 当たり前に過ぎてゆくの No No… 君だけ (見てるんだ) Baby Baby Baby Ah… 気づいて  愛した証はないでしょう 好きな素振りはできるでしょう No No… 君だけ (好きなんだ) 悲しみを分けて なるべくね  喜びも分けて よろしくねBeverly米澤森人米澤森人米澤森人なんかな 甘いような なんかな もろいような わかるはずないよな 答えは無いし  匂いから 期待したい 形ない 時間みたい ゆらゆら 歩いてたい 君とスローなモーション  左から (差し込む光 きらり) 雨は止み (反射するカレンダー) 曖昧にしたままで会おうね ってなんで!くるって 振り返ってね  アンダンテに砂時計 優しさを 寄り添って もう少しだけ No No… 君だけ (好きなんだ) Baby Baby Baby Ah… 気づいて  愛した証はないでしょう 好きな素振りはできるでしょう No No… 君だけ (好きなんだ) 悲しみを分けてなるべくね  どうかな 会えるかな ほんのり 寂しいな その顔 浮かべたら 胸が痛いな Heartache  遠くから (聴きなれた 君の声) こだまする (街角のラベンダー) 会いたいね 明日こそ会おうね ってなんで!走って 今ここに来て!  アンダンテに砂時計 優しさが 合わさって あと少しだけ No No… 君だけ (好きなんだ) 悲しみを分けて なるべくね  アンダンテに砂時計 寂しさも 当たり前に過ぎてゆくの No No… 君だけ (見てるんだ) Baby Baby Baby Ah… 気づいて  愛した証はないでしょう 好きな素振りはできるでしょう No No… 君だけ (好きなんだ) 悲しみを分けて なるべくね  喜びも分けて よろしくね
I need your love -ENG Ver.-Don't need to hear you anyway It's only time again to say bye-bye It's like I'm running express Throwing back my hair and hiding my tears  Trying to read between the lines Playing cool but really so lonely I just wanna tell you what's in my heart  Everybody must be going crazy  As we smile to hide the pain  Tell me something I don't know  Tired of listening to myself lie You couldn't fool me anymore All the walls I built are crumbling down  Hold me deeper in those arms and never let me go  I'm waiting now. Let me see you baby. (Gotta come and go without a thing goodbye When you leave, oh boy, I'm always gonna cry Give you all I got to let you stay the night)  I still gotta find a way  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  An undefined emotion like this love will only bring risk and I don't want sympathy (My mind is such a mystery) (I don't know how to escape)  But I can't control it Need you every moment Wanna be in touch with your heart oh so desperately  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  Waiting for you to say the word Caught in the silence, making me nervous Looking away cause I'm afraid Hearing what you say could ruin my day  When I'm alone I wonder why All my fears are crashing at midnight I wish I could just get over you  Underneath the starlight  I can't even hide my overflowing tears  You're the one. Stay…baby. (Gotta come and go without a thing goodbye When you leave, oh boy, I'm always gonna cry Give you all I got to let you stay the night)  I'll give you anything tonight  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  Don't go away, don't go away Keep me beside you, I don't wanna be without your love (The night is full of loneliness) (How do I heal a broken heart)  I just wanna feel you closer on my body Tell me that you're feeling the same way inside your heart  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  I need your love Any day anywhere anything you and me If this is real I wouldn't mind you taking my everything  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  An undefined emotion like this love will only bring risk and I don't want sympathy (My mind is such a mystery) (I don't know how to escape)  But I can't control it Need you every moment Wanna be in touch with your heart oh so desperately  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)Beverly坂田麻美・英訳詞:nana hatoriCarlos K.Don't need to hear you anyway It's only time again to say bye-bye It's like I'm running express Throwing back my hair and hiding my tears  Trying to read between the lines Playing cool but really so lonely I just wanna tell you what's in my heart  Everybody must be going crazy  As we smile to hide the pain  Tell me something I don't know  Tired of listening to myself lie You couldn't fool me anymore All the walls I built are crumbling down  Hold me deeper in those arms and never let me go  I'm waiting now. Let me see you baby. (Gotta come and go without a thing goodbye When you leave, oh boy, I'm always gonna cry Give you all I got to let you stay the night)  I still gotta find a way  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  An undefined emotion like this love will only bring risk and I don't want sympathy (My mind is such a mystery) (I don't know how to escape)  But I can't control it Need you every moment Wanna be in touch with your heart oh so desperately  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  Waiting for you to say the word Caught in the silence, making me nervous Looking away cause I'm afraid Hearing what you say could ruin my day  When I'm alone I wonder why All my fears are crashing at midnight I wish I could just get over you  Underneath the starlight  I can't even hide my overflowing tears  You're the one. Stay…baby. (Gotta come and go without a thing goodbye When you leave, oh boy, I'm always gonna cry Give you all I got to let you stay the night)  I'll give you anything tonight  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  Don't go away, don't go away Keep me beside you, I don't wanna be without your love (The night is full of loneliness) (How do I heal a broken heart)  I just wanna feel you closer on my body Tell me that you're feeling the same way inside your heart  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  I need your love Any day anywhere anything you and me If this is real I wouldn't mind you taking my everything  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)  An undefined emotion like this love will only bring risk and I don't want sympathy (My mind is such a mystery) (I don't know how to escape)  But I can't control it Need you every moment Wanna be in touch with your heart oh so desperately  I need your love I need your love I need any day anywhere anything you and me You and me (You're the one You're the one) (You're the one You're the one)
I think I like youYou came along In an unexpected moment I never thought I would be this way  Didn't know how But when we just started talking ‘bout everything You would always make my day  When you said, I love you, is it true? I want to believe Coz you make it real This is all so new What am I to do? You have opened all of the walls in my heart Yeah baby  Boy you know you drive me crazy And I can't admit it baby I'm just gonna tell you in this song I think I like you Can you really wait for me now? I don't want to end this, baby I want to make this into something true Before I say I do  Who would have thought? From a stranger, now you're special Imagining Like a fairy tale  I never knew That I needed someone ‘Til I have met you, boy Guess it's really meant to be  Yeah, it's like impossible to be Together you and me But I will be here Let's just wait and see I can wait for you Hope this turn into what we want it to be  Boy you know you drive me crazy I'm afraid to tell you baby I'm just gonna tell you in this song I think like you Do you really love me, baby? Really want it to be true And I just want you right here by my side Before I say I doBeverlyBeverlyミトカツユキYou came along In an unexpected moment I never thought I would be this way  Didn't know how But when we just started talking ‘bout everything You would always make my day  When you said, I love you, is it true? I want to believe Coz you make it real This is all so new What am I to do? You have opened all of the walls in my heart Yeah baby  Boy you know you drive me crazy And I can't admit it baby I'm just gonna tell you in this song I think I like you Can you really wait for me now? I don't want to end this, baby I want to make this into something true Before I say I do  Who would have thought? From a stranger, now you're special Imagining Like a fairy tale  I never knew That I needed someone ‘Til I have met you, boy Guess it's really meant to be  Yeah, it's like impossible to be Together you and me But I will be here Let's just wait and see I can wait for you Hope this turn into what we want it to be  Boy you know you drive me crazy I'm afraid to tell you baby I'm just gonna tell you in this song I think like you Do you really love me, baby? Really want it to be true And I just want you right here by my side Before I say I do
I think I like you -JPN Ver.-You came along In an unexpected moment まさかね 恋なんて  Didn't know how But when we just started talking いつでも そばにいてくれた  When you said, I love you, is it true? 信じてる この先も This is all so new What am I to do? 見たこともない景色が  Boy you know you drive me crazy 受け止められない I'm just gonna tell you in this song 好きみたいね Can you really wait for me now? 少し早過ぎる I want to make this into something true あなたとなら  Who would have thought? From a stranger, now you're special ドラマのような世界  I never knew That I needed someone きっとあなたに 出会うあの日まで  Yeah, it's like impossible to be 隣にいて 笑いあえる Let's just wait and see I can wait for you 二人の未来のために  Boy you know you drive me crazy 受け止められない I'm just gonna tell you in this song 好きみたいね Do you really love me, baby? そう信じてるの And I just want you right here by my side あなたとならBeverlyBeverly・訳詞:坂田麻美ミトカツユキYou came along In an unexpected moment まさかね 恋なんて  Didn't know how But when we just started talking いつでも そばにいてくれた  When you said, I love you, is it true? 信じてる この先も This is all so new What am I to do? 見たこともない景色が  Boy you know you drive me crazy 受け止められない I'm just gonna tell you in this song 好きみたいね Can you really wait for me now? 少し早過ぎる I want to make this into something true あなたとなら  Who would have thought? From a stranger, now you're special ドラマのような世界  I never knew That I needed someone きっとあなたに 出会うあの日まで  Yeah, it's like impossible to be 隣にいて 笑いあえる Let's just wait and see I can wait for you 二人の未来のために  Boy you know you drive me crazy 受け止められない I'm just gonna tell you in this song 好きみたいね Do you really love me, baby? そう信じてるの And I just want you right here by my side あなたとなら
Higher Ground気づいたの I'm startin' to change 昨日までの私じゃない That's right Feel like I'm flyin' 風受けて Oh I'm on a high and I'm walking to the moon  When you're tryin' to find what true love is 何度も流した涙は 決して無駄なんかじゃない Thanks to you 強くなれる Yeah  Everybody, reach for a higher ground 目の前の壁も Break it down 自分で描く Your destiny 信じて Everybody, reach for a higher ground I ain't got the time to be played around 眩しい光 追いかけ I'll live my dreams  Somebody told me やりきれない 世の中に生まれても I know I got no limits まっすぐに Yeah 新しい道を進むの  誰かに寄り添って 生きる人生もいいケド 心の本当の声 叶えられるのは Just yourself  Everybody, reach for a higher ground 恐れずに 今 Claim your crown 前を向いて Won't cry no more 未来へ Everybody, reach for a higher ground We ain't got the time to be played around 夜が明けたら 気高く We'll face the day  'Round and 'round 目眩が (Roundin') しそうなくらい美しく (I'll shine) They can say what they like, I feel so good 好きなように 生きるだけ  When I understand what true love is いつの日か運命に出逢い 戸惑いの世界から 強く守り抜く為に  Everybody, reach for a higher ground 目の前の壁も Break it down 自分で描く Your destiny 信じて Everybody, reach for a higher ground I ain't got the time to be played around 眩しい光 追いかけ I'll live my dreamsBeverlyYui Mugino・Kanata OkajimaMasaaki AsadaMasaaki Asada気づいたの I'm startin' to change 昨日までの私じゃない That's right Feel like I'm flyin' 風受けて Oh I'm on a high and I'm walking to the moon  When you're tryin' to find what true love is 何度も流した涙は 決して無駄なんかじゃない Thanks to you 強くなれる Yeah  Everybody, reach for a higher ground 目の前の壁も Break it down 自分で描く Your destiny 信じて Everybody, reach for a higher ground I ain't got the time to be played around 眩しい光 追いかけ I'll live my dreams  Somebody told me やりきれない 世の中に生まれても I know I got no limits まっすぐに Yeah 新しい道を進むの  誰かに寄り添って 生きる人生もいいケド 心の本当の声 叶えられるのは Just yourself  Everybody, reach for a higher ground 恐れずに 今 Claim your crown 前を向いて Won't cry no more 未来へ Everybody, reach for a higher ground We ain't got the time to be played around 夜が明けたら 気高く We'll face the day  'Round and 'round 目眩が (Roundin') しそうなくらい美しく (I'll shine) They can say what they like, I feel so good 好きなように 生きるだけ  When I understand what true love is いつの日か運命に出逢い 戸惑いの世界から 強く守り抜く為に  Everybody, reach for a higher ground 目の前の壁も Break it down 自分で描く Your destiny 信じて Everybody, reach for a higher ground I ain't got the time to be played around 眩しい光 追いかけ I'll live my dreams
My Love, Goodbye…Caught in a situation Where I can never rise again Too many doubts  Now that you leave me hanging Crying, still crying  You always say forever I gave you everything I have I didn't mind  Waking into a dream and now I'm all alone I want to hold you but I know that it's over  I never thought you will fell out of love  I want to take you back to me I know it's wrong To beg you now Coz you're moving on  You showed me that I am the one The one you'll always keep in your heart Oh but now, I’m not the one you take into your arms What can I do Lord knows I want the best for you, my love I just can't say I'm alright All of your promises Now I know it's not for me, I hope you find the one who'll love you  Promise I'll forget Though it's hard  My love, goodbye…  You gave me your attention Letters you wrote on special days I can’t let go  The way you look into my eyes to kiss goodnight Now you’re just cold, it’s like you don’t even know me  Sorry is not what I want you to say Can we just work it out again Is there a hope? Do you have someone? Should I let you go?  I always believe you're the one The one I'll give my love ‘til the end Oh but now, did you find love in someone else’s arms What should I do Lord knows I want the best for you, my love I just can't say I'm alright  All of the plans we had Now it's just a memory of yesterday, my love Lost in vain  No one can replace I am yours Though you're not mine  Promise I'll forget Though it's hard My love, goodbye… BeverlyBeverlyミトカツユキCaught in a situation Where I can never rise again Too many doubts  Now that you leave me hanging Crying, still crying  You always say forever I gave you everything I have I didn't mind  Waking into a dream and now I'm all alone I want to hold you but I know that it's over  I never thought you will fell out of love  I want to take you back to me I know it's wrong To beg you now Coz you're moving on  You showed me that I am the one The one you'll always keep in your heart Oh but now, I’m not the one you take into your arms What can I do Lord knows I want the best for you, my love I just can't say I'm alright All of your promises Now I know it's not for me, I hope you find the one who'll love you  Promise I'll forget Though it's hard  My love, goodbye…  You gave me your attention Letters you wrote on special days I can’t let go  The way you look into my eyes to kiss goodnight Now you’re just cold, it’s like you don’t even know me  Sorry is not what I want you to say Can we just work it out again Is there a hope? Do you have someone? Should I let you go?  I always believe you're the one The one I'll give my love ‘til the end Oh but now, did you find love in someone else’s arms What should I do Lord knows I want the best for you, my love I just can't say I'm alright  All of the plans we had Now it's just a memory of yesterday, my love Lost in vain  No one can replace I am yours Though you're not mine  Promise I'll forget Though it's hard My love, goodbye… 
悲しみのJODYJODY 君となら きっとわかり合えた ひと夏が過ぎ去った 浜辺は もう誰もいない  JODY 悲しみを 消してあげたかった 一人きり泣いていた 姿を 僕は見てた  君の肩を そっと抱いて 歩く夢 今も 残っているのさ ずっと…  JODY 君の事 もっと知りたかった だけど もう遅過ぎる OH JODY 二度と会えない  君の事 忘れない いつまでも OH JODY 君をBeverly山下達郎山下達郎JODY 君となら きっとわかり合えた ひと夏が過ぎ去った 浜辺は もう誰もいない  JODY 悲しみを 消してあげたかった 一人きり泣いていた 姿を 僕は見てた  君の肩を そっと抱いて 歩く夢 今も 残っているのさ ずっと…  JODY 君の事 もっと知りたかった だけど もう遅過ぎる OH JODY 二度と会えない  君の事 忘れない いつまでも OH JODY 君を
Do ThatEveryday you feel the world is tearing up right beside you A lot of things have come to you to put a stop sign on your dreaming  How can they judge you by the way you look and not on what you're showing? Why can they shut their mouth if nothing's good is what they will be saying  Just keep on going You are better than that Push your limits You can do this, do that  You can do this, do that Get out of your bed, be ready You can do this, do that A lot of positivities  You can do this, do that Oh, it's gonna happen right away No matter what people say You can do this, do that  Just like the sun your time will shine you gotta have to keep believing So put your heart and mind and soul on what you want and make it better  Don't ever stop chasing the dream you have, fulfill it make it happen Now if you feel that confidence you will be ready for the world now  So keep on moving Coz you are almost there Push your limits You can do this, do that  You can do this, do that Now, you should be a little stronger You can do this, do that Erase negativities  You can do this, do that Oh, it's gonna happen right away No matter what people say You can do this, do that  So keep on grooving Be happy with yourself Lighten up, yeah You can do this, do that  You can do this, do that Keep on making possibilities You can do this, do that Live life with harmony  You can do this, do that Get out of your bed, be ready You can do this, do that A lot of positivities  You can do this, do that Now, you should be a little stronger You can do this, do that Erase negativities  You can do this, do that Oh, it's gonna happen right away No matter what people say You can do this, do thatBeverlyBeverlyKnobEveryday you feel the world is tearing up right beside you A lot of things have come to you to put a stop sign on your dreaming  How can they judge you by the way you look and not on what you're showing? Why can they shut their mouth if nothing's good is what they will be saying  Just keep on going You are better than that Push your limits You can do this, do that  You can do this, do that Get out of your bed, be ready You can do this, do that A lot of positivities  You can do this, do that Oh, it's gonna happen right away No matter what people say You can do this, do that  Just like the sun your time will shine you gotta have to keep believing So put your heart and mind and soul on what you want and make it better  Don't ever stop chasing the dream you have, fulfill it make it happen Now if you feel that confidence you will be ready for the world now  So keep on moving Coz you are almost there Push your limits You can do this, do that  You can do this, do that Now, you should be a little stronger You can do this, do that Erase negativities  You can do this, do that Oh, it's gonna happen right away No matter what people say You can do this, do that  So keep on grooving Be happy with yourself Lighten up, yeah You can do this, do that  You can do this, do that Keep on making possibilities You can do this, do that Live life with harmony  You can do this, do that Get out of your bed, be ready You can do this, do that A lot of positivities  You can do this, do that Now, you should be a little stronger You can do this, do that Erase negativities  You can do this, do that Oh, it's gonna happen right away No matter what people say You can do this, do that
One VisionWe're living Believing That one day We'll be as one  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We'll understand  Love is all that we need To be free  A billion people around Every sound On the ground Is abound But nobody's listening  Can we fight for the right? Can we try to compromise?  To the left To the right No one wanna settle down  Every race There's a space Can we break up all the walls and just hold one another?  We're living Believing That one day We'll be as one  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We'll understand  Love is all that we need  When will we begin? To see the problem within All the change All the rage See the world's struggling and suffering Find a way to survive But right now, we stop to care ‘bout the thing that really matters  We're living Believing That one day We'll be as one  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We'll understand  Love is all that we need  Live a life with love is all it takes No to fighting, no to pain Let the world breathe out again Hold on Can we raise out the white flag, stop the hate No fear all around, be free again  We're living Believing  Division Partition  One vision One reason  Love is all that we need  We're living Believing That one day We'll be as one  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We'll understand  Love is all that we need To be free  We're living Believing That one day Love will lead us the way  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We can make all the change  Love is all that we need To be free  You and I Make a way  One visionBeverlyBeverlyTetsuya KomuroWe're living Believing That one day We'll be as one  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We'll understand  Love is all that we need To be free  A billion people around Every sound On the ground Is abound But nobody's listening  Can we fight for the right? Can we try to compromise?  To the left To the right No one wanna settle down  Every race There's a space Can we break up all the walls and just hold one another?  We're living Believing That one day We'll be as one  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We'll understand  Love is all that we need  When will we begin? To see the problem within All the change All the rage See the world's struggling and suffering Find a way to survive But right now, we stop to care ‘bout the thing that really matters  We're living Believing That one day We'll be as one  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We'll understand  Love is all that we need  Live a life with love is all it takes No to fighting, no to pain Let the world breathe out again Hold on Can we raise out the white flag, stop the hate No fear all around, be free again  We're living Believing  Division Partition  One vision One reason  Love is all that we need  We're living Believing That one day We'll be as one  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We'll understand  Love is all that we need To be free  We're living Believing That one day Love will lead us the way  Division Partition Soon will be gone  One vision One reason Together We can make all the change  Love is all that we need To be free  You and I Make a way  One vision
Swamp!Everything will change depending on your choice I don't know whether it is right or wrong 見たこともない世界の果てまで Nobody knows, Stay the way you are  深く 深い 繰り返す by day 二度とない today 遠く 遠い 今夜 Let me love you ハマってゆく  I wanna love you I wanna kiss you 不可解なことだらけループ Wherever together 脳内は Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく  I wanna love you I wanna hold you どこに行けば見つかるゴール Can't you say goodbye 何故か Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく 抜け出せない  Even if you realize that this is a mistake We've reached the point of no turning back 締め付けるような愛の果てまで Nobody knows, going down and down  長く 長い 道のりは complex 戻れない no more 熱く 熱い 明日も Let me love you ハマってゆく  I wanna love you I wanna get you ふたりだけの秘め事ロール You & I, we're liars 何度も Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく  I wanna love you I wanna feel you 言葉じゃ伝わらないソール I can't live without you さらに Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく 止められない  I wanna love you I wanna kiss you 不可解なことだらけループ Wherever together 脳内は Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく  I wanna love you I wanna hold you どこに行けば見つかるゴール Can't you say goodbye 何故か Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく 抜け出せないBeverly坂田麻美与田春生・妻夫木崇次妻夫木崇次Everything will change depending on your choice I don't know whether it is right or wrong 見たこともない世界の果てまで Nobody knows, Stay the way you are  深く 深い 繰り返す by day 二度とない today 遠く 遠い 今夜 Let me love you ハマってゆく  I wanna love you I wanna kiss you 不可解なことだらけループ Wherever together 脳内は Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく  I wanna love you I wanna hold you どこに行けば見つかるゴール Can't you say goodbye 何故か Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく 抜け出せない  Even if you realize that this is a mistake We've reached the point of no turning back 締め付けるような愛の果てまで Nobody knows, going down and down  長く 長い 道のりは complex 戻れない no more 熱く 熱い 明日も Let me love you ハマってゆく  I wanna love you I wanna get you ふたりだけの秘め事ロール You & I, we're liars 何度も Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく  I wanna love you I wanna feel you 言葉じゃ伝わらないソール I can't live without you さらに Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく 止められない  I wanna love you I wanna kiss you 不可解なことだらけループ Wherever together 脳内は Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく  I wanna love you I wanna hold you どこに行けば見つかるゴール Can't you say goodbye 何故か Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! Swamp! おちてゆく 抜け出せない
Ride your wayOn the road, lot of load, You just wanna stop no, no Lighten up, sip a cup, keep on going along There's a sun that's always shining after the rain Try to look at the brighter side, you'll see you're so much more  Trust in YOU Be just YOU You are ready, you're a star Go ahead Step outside Feel the wind comes rushing in You don't have to be like them Just be what you want to If you fall and you stumble, just get up  (Ride your way) Never let anyone take out your passion (Ride your way) It'll lead you to your destination (Ride your way) Shake it out, forget your inhibition (Ride your way) You're in the right direction  Never stop, never drop, ‘til you're on the top, top When you fall, risk it all, be unstoppable Oh, you may be feeling solo, cry on the floor Try to look in the mirror, say you can be so much more  Trust in YOU Look at YOU You're amazing, beautiful Go ahead See the sun Like it's shining down on you You don't have to be afraid Just go out and dance Shout it out to the world, you can do it!  (Ride your way) Never let anyone take out your passion (Ride your way) It'll lead you to your destination (Ride your way) Shake it out, forget your inhibition (Ride your way) You're in the right directionBeverlyBeverlyミトカツユキOn the road, lot of load, You just wanna stop no, no Lighten up, sip a cup, keep on going along There's a sun that's always shining after the rain Try to look at the brighter side, you'll see you're so much more  Trust in YOU Be just YOU You are ready, you're a star Go ahead Step outside Feel the wind comes rushing in You don't have to be like them Just be what you want to If you fall and you stumble, just get up  (Ride your way) Never let anyone take out your passion (Ride your way) It'll lead you to your destination (Ride your way) Shake it out, forget your inhibition (Ride your way) You're in the right direction  Never stop, never drop, ‘til you're on the top, top When you fall, risk it all, be unstoppable Oh, you may be feeling solo, cry on the floor Try to look in the mirror, say you can be so much more  Trust in YOU Look at YOU You're amazing, beautiful Go ahead See the sun Like it's shining down on you You don't have to be afraid Just go out and dance Shout it out to the world, you can do it!  (Ride your way) Never let anyone take out your passion (Ride your way) It'll lead you to your destination (Ride your way) Shake it out, forget your inhibition (Ride your way) You're in the right direction
Slay the day! -JPN Ver.-So late at night 今日も騒がしい街に出て 泣いて笑って叫び 踊って明日も 繰り返すA New Day  Forget the world 心の中に輝く 小さな決意 今 放って遠くへ 何も気にしないで  Live some more Add some glitter in your life キラキラと Be crazy and let it out 殻を破って fly away  Swing around 止めないで もっと 自由に Dance the night away Swinging ゆらゆら どこまでも Like there's no tomorrow  Slay the day!  All through the night 街の灯りが輝く 眠れない夜には もうこのまま 踊り明かそうよ  Bring out the fun もっと見せて キミのすべて ややこしい事はもう 忘れてみて 楽しんでもいいじゃん  Live some more Do some playful mingling 自分らしく Live out a fantasy ここはキミだけのstage  Swing around 止めないで もっと 自由に Dance the night away Swinging ゆらゆら どこまでも Like there's no tomorrow  Slay the day!  Swing around 止めないで もっと 自由に Dance the night away Swinging ゆらゆら どこまでも Like there's no tomorrow  Slay the day!BeverlyBeverly・訳詞:坂田麻美MINORU COMORITASo late at night 今日も騒がしい街に出て 泣いて笑って叫び 踊って明日も 繰り返すA New Day  Forget the world 心の中に輝く 小さな決意 今 放って遠くへ 何も気にしないで  Live some more Add some glitter in your life キラキラと Be crazy and let it out 殻を破って fly away  Swing around 止めないで もっと 自由に Dance the night away Swinging ゆらゆら どこまでも Like there's no tomorrow  Slay the day!  All through the night 街の灯りが輝く 眠れない夜には もうこのまま 踊り明かそうよ  Bring out the fun もっと見せて キミのすべて ややこしい事はもう 忘れてみて 楽しんでもいいじゃん  Live some more Do some playful mingling 自分らしく Live out a fantasy ここはキミだけのstage  Swing around 止めないで もっと 自由に Dance the night away Swinging ゆらゆら どこまでも Like there's no tomorrow  Slay the day!  Swing around 止めないで もっと 自由に Dance the night away Swinging ゆらゆら どこまでも Like there's no tomorrow  Slay the day!
KOKOFeel the power of the sea And the bright and shining stars A drop of breaking dawn All the earth's in symphony On a touch of a fingertip Even just a tiny soul A sky so wide and bright You can open all the doors  You're overthinking everything It makes you all confused A lonely heart and soul Right in the palm of your hands  Don't ever let your sight decide Who to trust and to believe Never let the fear in your heart Give you a reason to start a fight  One day you'll start to see Gets better everyday You'll feel it in your heart Can hear it in your voice Can see it in your eyes It's all what you become It's all of the proof you got here  So Ride along the wind And go through heavy rain Let the light fall into you Believe a brighter life So open up your eyes Try to listen to the sound Even through the darkest nights Believe a brighter life You'll be surprised to find The colors bright and free The sound and energy The world is full of life So take my hand we'll go A step to reach a goal We'll sing it out and loud And send it to the world  It's such a lovely place to be Standing here beside you And right now as I open my eyes I see the world I'm dreaming about  I may not have the words to tell you But I know you understand Walking to the same direction So I know you feel what I feel  One day you'll start to see The darkness in the sky Will turn to brighter days Believe it in your heart Someday you'll realize The journey that you have Will make you rise and fall Just hold on to your dreams  So Ride along the wind And go through heavy rain Let the light fall into you Believe a brighter life So open up your eyes Try to listen to the sound Even through the darkest nights Believe a brighter life You'll be surprised to find The colors bright and free The sound and energy The world is full of life So take my hand we'll go A step to reach a goal We'll sing it out and loud And send it to the worldBeverly岡崎体育岡崎体育Feel the power of the sea And the bright and shining stars A drop of breaking dawn All the earth's in symphony On a touch of a fingertip Even just a tiny soul A sky so wide and bright You can open all the doors  You're overthinking everything It makes you all confused A lonely heart and soul Right in the palm of your hands  Don't ever let your sight decide Who to trust and to believe Never let the fear in your heart Give you a reason to start a fight  One day you'll start to see Gets better everyday You'll feel it in your heart Can hear it in your voice Can see it in your eyes It's all what you become It's all of the proof you got here  So Ride along the wind And go through heavy rain Let the light fall into you Believe a brighter life So open up your eyes Try to listen to the sound Even through the darkest nights Believe a brighter life You'll be surprised to find The colors bright and free The sound and energy The world is full of life So take my hand we'll go A step to reach a goal We'll sing it out and loud And send it to the world  It's such a lovely place to be Standing here beside you And right now as I open my eyes I see the world I'm dreaming about  I may not have the words to tell you But I know you understand Walking to the same direction So I know you feel what I feel  One day you'll start to see The darkness in the sky Will turn to brighter days Believe it in your heart Someday you'll realize The journey that you have Will make you rise and fall Just hold on to your dreams  So Ride along the wind And go through heavy rain Let the light fall into you Believe a brighter life So open up your eyes Try to listen to the sound Even through the darkest nights Believe a brighter life You'll be surprised to find The colors bright and free The sound and energy The world is full of life So take my hand we'll go A step to reach a goal We'll sing it out and loud And send it to the world
Ride your way -JPN Ver.-On the road lot of load 止めないで no, no Lighten up, sip a cup 進むだけ yeah There's a sun that's always shining after the rain Try to look at the brighter side もっと輝いて!  Trust in YOU Be just YOU  ありのままでいい Go ahead Step outside 風を感じて  You don't have to be like them Just be what you want to 何度でも立ち上がって  (Ride your way) 誰にも邪魔されないで (Ride your way) 昨日の私にバイバイ (Ride your way) 踊り狂って忘れて (Ride your way) You're in the right direction  Never stop, never drop, 飛び越えて top When you fall, risk it all, 立ち上がれ yeah Oh, you may be feeling solo, cry on the floor Try to look in the mirror, もっと上に上に行こうよ  Trust in YOU Look at YOU 魔法のように Go ahead See the sun 光感じて  You don't have to be afraid  Just go out and dance 見たことのない世界へ  (Ride your way) 誰にも邪魔されないで (Ride your way) 昨日の私にバイバイ (Ride your way) 踊り狂って忘れて (Ride your way) You're in the right direction  Ohh, ohh  Gotta ride your way  (Ride your way) 誰にも邪魔されないで (Ride your way) 昨日の私にバイバイ (Ride your way) 踊り狂って忘れて (Ride your way) You're in the right directionBeverlyBeverly・訳詞:坂田麻美ミトカツユキOn the road lot of load 止めないで no, no Lighten up, sip a cup 進むだけ yeah There's a sun that's always shining after the rain Try to look at the brighter side もっと輝いて!  Trust in YOU Be just YOU  ありのままでいい Go ahead Step outside 風を感じて  You don't have to be like them Just be what you want to 何度でも立ち上がって  (Ride your way) 誰にも邪魔されないで (Ride your way) 昨日の私にバイバイ (Ride your way) 踊り狂って忘れて (Ride your way) You're in the right direction  Never stop, never drop, 飛び越えて top When you fall, risk it all, 立ち上がれ yeah Oh, you may be feeling solo, cry on the floor Try to look in the mirror, もっと上に上に行こうよ  Trust in YOU Look at YOU 魔法のように Go ahead See the sun 光感じて  You don't have to be afraid  Just go out and dance 見たことのない世界へ  (Ride your way) 誰にも邪魔されないで (Ride your way) 昨日の私にバイバイ (Ride your way) 踊り狂って忘れて (Ride your way) You're in the right direction  Ohh, ohh  Gotta ride your way  (Ride your way) 誰にも邪魔されないで (Ride your way) 昨日の私にバイバイ (Ride your way) 踊り狂って忘れて (Ride your way) You're in the right direction
Never going back -JPN Ver.-Saw you with another Flirting through the night  I'm stronger ご自由に Back off, 忙しいから  Crazy, そっちはどう? Like you're one and only  I won't もう二度と No more I'm too pretty  Did you think I'll stay and, 止めはしないわ There's a lot of guys here waiting for  お呼びじゃないの  I don't need you 染めないで my heart 遊びじゃないの  I don't need you 止めないで Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave 迷いはしないわ (Ladadida da) I'm too good ひとりでも大丈夫  Don't think, 強がりや 嘘は いらない  Even if you want to Stay here, どうでもいいの  Pack up all your bags now, これで最後ね Don't you come around, don't need you, goodbye  もの足りないの  I don't need you 染めないで my heart 遊びじゃないの  I don't need you 止めないで Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave 迷いはしないわ (Ladadida da) I'm too good ひとりでも大丈夫  I don't need you 染めないで my heart 遊びじゃないの  I don't need you 止めないで Bye bye, never going back  I don't need you 染めないで my heart 遊びじゃないの  I don't need you 止めないで Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave 迷いはしないわ (Ladadida da) I'm too good ひとりでも大丈夫BeverlyBeverly・訳詞:Takuma SatoBeverly・Takuma SatoSaw you with another Flirting through the night  I'm stronger ご自由に Back off, 忙しいから  Crazy, そっちはどう? Like you're one and only  I won't もう二度と No more I'm too pretty  Did you think I'll stay and, 止めはしないわ There's a lot of guys here waiting for  お呼びじゃないの  I don't need you 染めないで my heart 遊びじゃないの  I don't need you 止めないで Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave 迷いはしないわ (Ladadida da) I'm too good ひとりでも大丈夫  Don't think, 強がりや 嘘は いらない  Even if you want to Stay here, どうでもいいの  Pack up all your bags now, これで最後ね Don't you come around, don't need you, goodbye  もの足りないの  I don't need you 染めないで my heart 遊びじゃないの  I don't need you 止めないで Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave 迷いはしないわ (Ladadida da) I'm too good ひとりでも大丈夫  I don't need you 染めないで my heart 遊びじゃないの  I don't need you 止めないで Bye bye, never going back  I don't need you 染めないで my heart 遊びじゃないの  I don't need you 止めないで Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave 迷いはしないわ (Ladadida da) I'm too good ひとりでも大丈夫
My Love, Goodbye... -JPN Ver.-Caught in a situation 立ち直れないの Too many doubts  あの日からずっと Crying, still crying  You always say forever あなたに捧げた I didn't mind  終わりだとわかっていても もう一度抱きしめてほしいの  私だけだと言った あの日のあなたはここには… To beg you now Coz you're moving on  You showed me that I am the one The one 誓った言葉 並べて I'm not the one you take into your arms What can I do Lord knows I want the best for you, my love I just can't say I'm alright All of your promises あなたの愛するあの人と 叶えて  忘れるわ 愛しい人 goodbye…  You gave me your attention 大切なすべて I can't let go  おやすみのKiss 遠い記憶 消えないようにただ祈って  あなたが運命だと 最後に愛する人だと… Do you have someone? Should I let you go?  I always believe you're the one The one 愛しているの ずっと Did you find love in someone else's arms What should I do 忘れられない思い出が I just can't say I'm alright All of the plans we had 失われた日々を抱きしめ 明日も  あなただけ 私だけの mind  忘れるわ 愛しい人 goodbye…BeverlyBeverly・訳詞:坂田麻美ミトカツユキCaught in a situation 立ち直れないの Too many doubts  あの日からずっと Crying, still crying  You always say forever あなたに捧げた I didn't mind  終わりだとわかっていても もう一度抱きしめてほしいの  私だけだと言った あの日のあなたはここには… To beg you now Coz you're moving on  You showed me that I am the one The one 誓った言葉 並べて I'm not the one you take into your arms What can I do Lord knows I want the best for you, my love I just can't say I'm alright All of your promises あなたの愛するあの人と 叶えて  忘れるわ 愛しい人 goodbye…  You gave me your attention 大切なすべて I can't let go  おやすみのKiss 遠い記憶 消えないようにただ祈って  あなたが運命だと 最後に愛する人だと… Do you have someone? Should I let you go?  I always believe you're the one The one 愛しているの ずっと Did you find love in someone else's arms What should I do 忘れられない思い出が I just can't say I'm alright All of the plans we had 失われた日々を抱きしめ 明日も  あなただけ 私だけの mind  忘れるわ 愛しい人 goodbye…
Slay the day!So late at night Still moving 'round the city Down to the road Can see the lively people dance like a child in the rain Everyone is staying loud  Forget the world Forget the worries for a day Time to shine You've got it in you, show it off Like a bird fly away Never think what they will say  Live some more Add some glitter in your life Shining shimmering! Be crazy and let it out Keep 'em looking Show 'em what you got!  Swing around Shake your booty Never stop yourself Dance the night away Swinging Side to side Keep grooving till you drop Like there's no tomorrow Slay the day!  All through the night The city lights are shining bright What a sight! It's like it's never gonna sleep, so keep dancing along Let the music play aloud  Bring out the fun Bring out the best in you Put all things aside You've got just one night, make the most out of it Step it up! Stage is yours and now's the time  Live some more Do some playful mingling Time to show your style Live out a fantasy Free your mind To all anxiety  Swing around Shake your booty Never stop yourself Dance the night away Swinging Side to side Keep grooving till you drop Like there's no tomorrow Slay the day!BeverlyBeverlyMinoru ComoritaSo late at night Still moving 'round the city Down to the road Can see the lively people dance like a child in the rain Everyone is staying loud  Forget the world Forget the worries for a day Time to shine You've got it in you, show it off Like a bird fly away Never think what they will say  Live some more Add some glitter in your life Shining shimmering! Be crazy and let it out Keep 'em looking Show 'em what you got!  Swing around Shake your booty Never stop yourself Dance the night away Swinging Side to side Keep grooving till you drop Like there's no tomorrow Slay the day!  All through the night The city lights are shining bright What a sight! It's like it's never gonna sleep, so keep dancing along Let the music play aloud  Bring out the fun Bring out the best in you Put all things aside You've got just one night, make the most out of it Step it up! Stage is yours and now's the time  Live some more Do some playful mingling Time to show your style Live out a fantasy Free your mind To all anxiety  Swing around Shake your booty Never stop yourself Dance the night away Swinging Side to side Keep grooving till you drop Like there's no tomorrow Slay the day!
Bumpy風に乗って次の時代へ 遅れないように 取り残されないように 何度だってやり直せるさ 次のステージで輝くのは誰だ  初めはいつも It's not easy So many revelations, didn't see ‘em coming Look at me, wanna be Tryna find who to be 想像しただけで feel good  捨てちゃえ そうさ 昨日のmistake 高めろ 君の自己肯定感 自分を越えていけ get on my feet  目を覚ませ 呼び戻せ 眠ってるpassion 吐き出すemotion まだ知らない 君の世界を描いて 起こせ revolution 新しいday by day  悩んでいられない でも悩み尽きない 留まらないで そう 今 get it on get it on Ah 何度でも這い上がって 潜むresolution 見つけ出せIt's your life  1秒ごとに変わる世界 瞬きさえも忘れそうなくらい 振り返る暇なんてない 僕らの旅は 今始まったばかり  高鳴る未来 going my way Too many bumps, I feel like I'mma lose it Look at me, running free, tryna find where to be 必ず見つけるさ make it  乗り越えてきた 一生懸命 いつでも 君は 完全燃焼 自分を信じて keep on moving  走り出せ 息切らして 終わらないmotion 孤独なselection 止められない 笑顔も涙も全部 本気のreaction 追いかけてday by day  勝ち負けなんてない でも負けたくない 明日の自分に さぁ going up going up Ah いつまでも終わらない 僕らのintention 探し出せIt's your life get on my feet  目を覚ませ 呼び戻せ 眠ってるpassion 吐き出すemotion まだ知らない 君の世界を描いて 起こせ revolution 新しいday by day  悩んでいられない でも悩み尽きない 留まらないで そう 今 get it on get it on Ah 何度でも這い上がって 潜むresolution 見つけ出せIt's your lifeBeverly坂田麻美koshinkoshin風に乗って次の時代へ 遅れないように 取り残されないように 何度だってやり直せるさ 次のステージで輝くのは誰だ  初めはいつも It's not easy So many revelations, didn't see ‘em coming Look at me, wanna be Tryna find who to be 想像しただけで feel good  捨てちゃえ そうさ 昨日のmistake 高めろ 君の自己肯定感 自分を越えていけ get on my feet  目を覚ませ 呼び戻せ 眠ってるpassion 吐き出すemotion まだ知らない 君の世界を描いて 起こせ revolution 新しいday by day  悩んでいられない でも悩み尽きない 留まらないで そう 今 get it on get it on Ah 何度でも這い上がって 潜むresolution 見つけ出せIt's your life  1秒ごとに変わる世界 瞬きさえも忘れそうなくらい 振り返る暇なんてない 僕らの旅は 今始まったばかり  高鳴る未来 going my way Too many bumps, I feel like I'mma lose it Look at me, running free, tryna find where to be 必ず見つけるさ make it  乗り越えてきた 一生懸命 いつでも 君は 完全燃焼 自分を信じて keep on moving  走り出せ 息切らして 終わらないmotion 孤独なselection 止められない 笑顔も涙も全部 本気のreaction 追いかけてday by day  勝ち負けなんてない でも負けたくない 明日の自分に さぁ going up going up Ah いつまでも終わらない 僕らのintention 探し出せIt's your life get on my feet  目を覚ませ 呼び戻せ 眠ってるpassion 吐き出すemotion まだ知らない 君の世界を描いて 起こせ revolution 新しいday by day  悩んでいられない でも悩み尽きない 留まらないで そう 今 get it on get it on Ah 何度でも這い上がって 潜むresolution 見つけ出せIt's your life
ButterflyCount down! Running out of time I can't take any more of this Caught deep in your web of lies I can't escape, I'm trapped like a butterfly  Every time that you smile You make it alright (Even though I, even though I know) (You're a liar, you're a liar, boy)  Falling deeper inside There's nowhere to hide I gotta find my way out!  Take me somewhere far away Away from all the pain inside This is just a game we play Cause I can't stay inside your heart  Count down! Clock's ticking away now Can't stop when I've come this far Time's up, now I'll turn the tables And catch you in your very own trap, yeah  Every time you come by I'll make you feel right (Even though I, even though I know) (You're a liar, you're a liar, boy)  Just when you think you're done There's nowhere to run You're cornered in, no way out!  Take me somewhere far away Away from all the pain inside This is just a game we play Cause I can't stay inside your heart  Still, I still wanna be Somewhere close to you Even if I'm not the only one I don't care so baby give me what you've got!  Shining like a map of the galaxy Slowly losing sight in this fantasy, yeah Hanging by a thread, driving me insane Addicted to the thrill of the game, yeah  Shining like a map of the galaxy Slowly losing sight in this fantasy, yeah Hanging by a thread I'm caught in between Falling prey to your selfish needs, yeah  Count down! Running out of time I can't take any more of thisBeverlynana hatoriCarlos K.・nana hatoriCount down! Running out of time I can't take any more of this Caught deep in your web of lies I can't escape, I'm trapped like a butterfly  Every time that you smile You make it alright (Even though I, even though I know) (You're a liar, you're a liar, boy)  Falling deeper inside There's nowhere to hide I gotta find my way out!  Take me somewhere far away Away from all the pain inside This is just a game we play Cause I can't stay inside your heart  Count down! Clock's ticking away now Can't stop when I've come this far Time's up, now I'll turn the tables And catch you in your very own trap, yeah  Every time you come by I'll make you feel right (Even though I, even though I know) (You're a liar, you're a liar, boy)  Just when you think you're done There's nowhere to run You're cornered in, no way out!  Take me somewhere far away Away from all the pain inside This is just a game we play Cause I can't stay inside your heart  Still, I still wanna be Somewhere close to you Even if I'm not the only one I don't care so baby give me what you've got!  Shining like a map of the galaxy Slowly losing sight in this fantasy, yeah Hanging by a thread, driving me insane Addicted to the thrill of the game, yeah  Shining like a map of the galaxy Slowly losing sight in this fantasy, yeah Hanging by a thread I'm caught in between Falling prey to your selfish needs, yeah  Count down! Running out of time I can't take any more of this
KOKO -ENG Ver.-Feel the power of the sea And the bright and shining stars A drop of breaking dawn All the earth's in symphony On a touch of a fingertip Even just a tiny soul A sky so wide and bright You can open all the doors  You're overthinking everything It makes you all confused A lonely heart and soul Right in the palm of your hands  Don't ever let your sight decide Who to trust and to believe Never let the fear in your heart Give you a reason to start a fight  One day you'll start to see Gets better everyday You'll feel it in your heart Can hear it in your voice Can see it in your eyes It's all what you become It's all of the proof you got here  So Ride along the wind And go through heavy rain Let the light fall into you Believe a brighter life So open up your eyes Try to listen to the sound Even through the darkest nights Believe a brighter life You'll be surprised to find The colors bright and free The sound and energy The world is full of life So take my hand we'll go A step to reach a goal We'll sing it out and loud And send it to the world  It's such a lovely place to be Standing here beside you And right now as I open my eyes I see the world I'm dreaming about  I may not have the words to tell you But I know you understand Walking to the same direction So I know you feel what I feel  One day you'll start to see The darkness in the sky Will turn to brighter days Believe it in your heart Someday you'll realize The journey that you have Will make you rise and fall Just hold on to your dreams  So Ride along the wind And go through heavy rain Let the light fall into you Believe a brighter life So open up your eyes Try to listen to the sound Even through the darkest nights Believe a brighter life You'll be surprised to find The colors bright and free The sound and energy The world is full of life So take my hand we'll go A step to reach a goal We'll sing it out and loud And send it to the worldBeverly岡崎体育・英訳詞:Beverly岡崎体育Feel the power of the sea And the bright and shining stars A drop of breaking dawn All the earth's in symphony On a touch of a fingertip Even just a tiny soul A sky so wide and bright You can open all the doors  You're overthinking everything It makes you all confused A lonely heart and soul Right in the palm of your hands  Don't ever let your sight decide Who to trust and to believe Never let the fear in your heart Give you a reason to start a fight  One day you'll start to see Gets better everyday You'll feel it in your heart Can hear it in your voice Can see it in your eyes It's all what you become It's all of the proof you got here  So Ride along the wind And go through heavy rain Let the light fall into you Believe a brighter life So open up your eyes Try to listen to the sound Even through the darkest nights Believe a brighter life You'll be surprised to find The colors bright and free The sound and energy The world is full of life So take my hand we'll go A step to reach a goal We'll sing it out and loud And send it to the world  It's such a lovely place to be Standing here beside you And right now as I open my eyes I see the world I'm dreaming about  I may not have the words to tell you But I know you understand Walking to the same direction So I know you feel what I feel  One day you'll start to see The darkness in the sky Will turn to brighter days Believe it in your heart Someday you'll realize The journey that you have Will make you rise and fall Just hold on to your dreams  So Ride along the wind And go through heavy rain Let the light fall into you Believe a brighter life So open up your eyes Try to listen to the sound Even through the darkest nights Believe a brighter life You'll be surprised to find The colors bright and free The sound and energy The world is full of life So take my hand we'll go A step to reach a goal We'll sing it out and loud And send it to the world
Signal -ENG Ver.-Broken and torn emotions on my mind Living in dark and bitter destiny Slowly I'm falling deep into the sea And I am sinking melt my heart  I want to keep the light inside my heart I'm gonna try and never let it go I will believe that I can make a change I will, to live stronger  Go where the wind is calling us Seeking the answer we can find No matter where the world will take us we will carry on Fighting together ‘til the end With all the power left inside No one can take away the future that you hold  Keep chasing the bright light, the bright light At the end we'll see the place where we belong  Even the raging water of the sea We made it through together hand in hand Closer and closer to our destiny Fighting ‘til we get there  Never forget the goal we have Whatever happens we'll be there We'll never end this wild adventure ‘til we reach the stars All of the tears we shed at night All of the pain we kept inside Don't waste them all and trust in what the future holds  Everything may seem so far It'll never let it take us down We'll never stop Keep going Try and try until we're closer to the end Together you and l just hold on to our dream  And it gets harder everyday Trust what's in your heart Never doubt yourself and what you feel  Go where the wind is calling us Seeking the answer we can find No matter where the world will take us we will carry on Fighting together ‘til the end With all the power left inside No one can take away the future that you hold  Try losing the sadness, the sadness Free your mind to see a different side of you  Keep chasing the bright light, the bright light At the end we'll see the place where we belongBeverly坂田麻美・英訳詞:BeverlySakuBroken and torn emotions on my mind Living in dark and bitter destiny Slowly I'm falling deep into the sea And I am sinking melt my heart  I want to keep the light inside my heart I'm gonna try and never let it go I will believe that I can make a change I will, to live stronger  Go where the wind is calling us Seeking the answer we can find No matter where the world will take us we will carry on Fighting together ‘til the end With all the power left inside No one can take away the future that you hold  Keep chasing the bright light, the bright light At the end we'll see the place where we belong  Even the raging water of the sea We made it through together hand in hand Closer and closer to our destiny Fighting ‘til we get there  Never forget the goal we have Whatever happens we'll be there We'll never end this wild adventure ‘til we reach the stars All of the tears we shed at night All of the pain we kept inside Don't waste them all and trust in what the future holds  Everything may seem so far It'll never let it take us down We'll never stop Keep going Try and try until we're closer to the end Together you and l just hold on to our dream  And it gets harder everyday Trust what's in your heart Never doubt yourself and what you feel  Go where the wind is calling us Seeking the answer we can find No matter where the world will take us we will carry on Fighting together ‘til the end With all the power left inside No one can take away the future that you hold  Try losing the sadness, the sadness Free your mind to see a different side of you  Keep chasing the bright light, the bright light At the end we'll see the place where we belong
VOWSI can't believe it We're finally here I see you standing Wiping off your tears  As I am walking Staring at you, thinking That's the man I want for life  When you get down on your knees I cried with happy tears And today, finally We are here to say our vows My heart is beating loudly And all it says is I have found my everything When I look in your eyes  As you put the ring on my finger I see forever We're growing old together Stay in your arms I'll be here even when life is harder than yesterday Just hold on, you'll have me 'til the end  I've been around I'm searching for love But then you came You filled the missing piece  Through ups and downs You never ever left me That's the man I want for life  Promise to love and hold you Promise I'll be beside you And today, finally We can seal it with a kiss I cannot live without you Coz you complete me Trust me, I'll be here with you 'Til my very last breath  As you put the ring on my finger I see forever We're growing old together Stay in your arms I'll be here even when life is harder than yesterday Just hold on, you'll have me 'til the end  And when I say that I love you It means that I do Coz all I see's the future holding your hand As we are saying our vows I just cannot wait to see The future that I have with you  I can't believe it We're finally hereBeverlyBeverlyMINORU COMORITAI can't believe it We're finally here I see you standing Wiping off your tears  As I am walking Staring at you, thinking That's the man I want for life  When you get down on your knees I cried with happy tears And today, finally We are here to say our vows My heart is beating loudly And all it says is I have found my everything When I look in your eyes  As you put the ring on my finger I see forever We're growing old together Stay in your arms I'll be here even when life is harder than yesterday Just hold on, you'll have me 'til the end  I've been around I'm searching for love But then you came You filled the missing piece  Through ups and downs You never ever left me That's the man I want for life  Promise to love and hold you Promise I'll be beside you And today, finally We can seal it with a kiss I cannot live without you Coz you complete me Trust me, I'll be here with you 'Til my very last breath  As you put the ring on my finger I see forever We're growing old together Stay in your arms I'll be here even when life is harder than yesterday Just hold on, you'll have me 'til the end  And when I say that I love you It means that I do Coz all I see's the future holding your hand As we are saying our vows I just cannot wait to see The future that I have with you  I can't believe it We're finally here
VOWS -JPN Ver.-I can't believe it We're finally here ここから始まる世界  As I am walking Staring at you, thinking 君を守るよ  ここに誓うよ 溢れる涙 And today, finally 未来への vows 二人の夢が 重なって I have found my everything  When I look in your eyes  As you put the ring on my finger 抱きしめて We're growing old together Stay in your arms I'll be here このまま 寄り添いあって Just hold me, 愛してるよ  I've been around I'm searching for love 新しい道がここに  Through ups and downs You never ever left me 君と歩むよ  この日をずっと 忘れないように And today, finally 約束の kiss 二人で共に 見つめよう Trust me I'll be here with you Till my very last breath  As you put the ring on my finger 抱きしめて We're growing old together Stay in your arms I'll be here このまま 寄り添いあって Just hold me, 愛してるよ  And when I say that I love you 抱きしめて Coz all I see's the future holding your hand As we are saying our vows 二人でずっと 永遠に 手を取り合い  I can't believe it We're finally hereBeverlyBeverly・訳詞:Beverly・坂田麻美MINORU COMORITAI can't believe it We're finally here ここから始まる世界  As I am walking Staring at you, thinking 君を守るよ  ここに誓うよ 溢れる涙 And today, finally 未来への vows 二人の夢が 重なって I have found my everything  When I look in your eyes  As you put the ring on my finger 抱きしめて We're growing old together Stay in your arms I'll be here このまま 寄り添いあって Just hold me, 愛してるよ  I've been around I'm searching for love 新しい道がここに  Through ups and downs You never ever left me 君と歩むよ  この日をずっと 忘れないように And today, finally 約束の kiss 二人で共に 見つめよう Trust me I'll be here with you Till my very last breath  As you put the ring on my finger 抱きしめて We're growing old together Stay in your arms I'll be here このまま 寄り添いあって Just hold me, 愛してるよ  And when I say that I love you 抱きしめて Coz all I see's the future holding your hand As we are saying our vows 二人でずっと 永遠に 手を取り合い  I can't believe it We're finally here
Never going backSaw you with another Flirting through the night  I'm stronger, you can leave me Back off, no time for your lies  Crazy, how you're feeling Like you're one and only  I won't Ever beg you No more; I'm too pretty  Did you think I'll stay and stop you now from leaving There's a lot of guys here waiting for me  Just tell me and I'll go coz  I don't need you If you're playing my heart Lying on my face  I don't need you Anymore Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave right away (Ladadida da) I'm too good to waste my time for you  Don't think, I would settle Living through the lies  Even if you want to Stay here, I really don't care  Pack up all your bags now, I'm calling out a taxi Don't you come around, don't need you, goodbye  Sorry ain't enough boy  I don't need you If you're playing my heart Lying on my face  I don't need you Anymore Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave right away (Ladadida da) I'm too good to waste my time for you  I don't need you If you're playing my heart Lying on my face  I don't need you Anymore Bye bye, never going back  I don't need you If you're playing my heart Lying on my face  I don't need you Anymore Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave right away (Ladadida da) I'm too good to waste my time for youBeverlyBeverlyBeverly・Takuma SatoSaw you with another Flirting through the night  I'm stronger, you can leave me Back off, no time for your lies  Crazy, how you're feeling Like you're one and only  I won't Ever beg you No more; I'm too pretty  Did you think I'll stay and stop you now from leaving There's a lot of guys here waiting for me  Just tell me and I'll go coz  I don't need you If you're playing my heart Lying on my face  I don't need you Anymore Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave right away (Ladadida da) I'm too good to waste my time for you  Don't think, I would settle Living through the lies  Even if you want to Stay here, I really don't care  Pack up all your bags now, I'm calling out a taxi Don't you come around, don't need you, goodbye  Sorry ain't enough boy  I don't need you If you're playing my heart Lying on my face  I don't need you Anymore Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave right away (Ladadida da) I'm too good to waste my time for you  I don't need you If you're playing my heart Lying on my face  I don't need you Anymore Bye bye, never going back  I don't need you If you're playing my heart Lying on my face  I don't need you Anymore Bye bye, never going back  (Ladadida da) I can leave right away (Ladadida da) I'm too good to waste my time for you
A New Day -ENG Ver.-Words are easy to say, but hard to put in place How long's it been since I said that I would change? Insecure and lonely Not sure which way to go, as days would pass How much longer will this last?  Even when it's hard to see through the darkness There is always someone out there Looking out for me when I am in need, I believe  I know I'm not alone, cause you're right here with me Through all my ups and downs, I've become a stronger me No need to be afraid Cause I know the dreams I've chased will lead me to a better day To the start of something new, always with you  You're all that I need  There's a feeling inside I never knew before It keeps on growing, I don't know what to call it All it took was just a few words to give me the courage and you changed How I see the world I'm in  Tell me more, I really want to know about you And my heart is overflowing I can't find the words to say how I feel, but it's real  I've found my melody, my path to walk, so free As long as you are here, I can keep moving forth Just like the warm embrace of the endless ocean in my dreams You keep me safe at heart We will never be apart, always with you  You show me things that I've never seen Such possibilities Every day I spend with you has no end There's a new tomorrow waiting and I'm so very fortunate A new day with you  I know I'm not alone, cause you're right here with me Through all my ups and downs, I've become a stronger me No need to be afraid Cause I know the dreams I've chased will lead me to a better day To the start of something new, always with you  You're all that I need  Always with youBeverly坂田麻美・英訳詞:nana hatoriCarlos K.・MEROAWords are easy to say, but hard to put in place How long's it been since I said that I would change? Insecure and lonely Not sure which way to go, as days would pass How much longer will this last?  Even when it's hard to see through the darkness There is always someone out there Looking out for me when I am in need, I believe  I know I'm not alone, cause you're right here with me Through all my ups and downs, I've become a stronger me No need to be afraid Cause I know the dreams I've chased will lead me to a better day To the start of something new, always with you  You're all that I need  There's a feeling inside I never knew before It keeps on growing, I don't know what to call it All it took was just a few words to give me the courage and you changed How I see the world I'm in  Tell me more, I really want to know about you And my heart is overflowing I can't find the words to say how I feel, but it's real  I've found my melody, my path to walk, so free As long as you are here, I can keep moving forth Just like the warm embrace of the endless ocean in my dreams You keep me safe at heart We will never be apart, always with you  You show me things that I've never seen Such possibilities Every day I spend with you has no end There's a new tomorrow waiting and I'm so very fortunate A new day with you  I know I'm not alone, cause you're right here with me Through all my ups and downs, I've become a stronger me No need to be afraid Cause I know the dreams I've chased will lead me to a better day To the start of something new, always with you  You're all that I need  Always with you
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