I WILL 思いがけない出来事に また今日も 誰かが 泣いたり 笑ったりしている 君からのメッセージを 何度でも 読み返しては 何故だろう 涙が 止まらなくなる きっと誰よりも分かりあえる 君がいてくれるなら どんな瞬間も 乗り越えてみせるよ だから抱きしめていてね ずっと 離さないで 言葉にできないこの思いを 歌い続けていたいから 忘れないでね どんな時も ずっと and I will be with you 遠いけど いつでも すぐそばに 感じてる 優しさに すべてを 任せたい夜もある きっと誰よりも分かりあえる 君は安らぎと共に 喜びをくれるよね 今も これからも その存在が 心 満たしてくれる 言葉にできないこの思いを 歌いつづけていたいから 見つめていてね いつの日にも ずっと and I will be with you 何かを失って毎日を 叫び続けようとも 嵐が過ぎ去ったあとは いつも虹は浮かぶ 言葉にできないこの思いを 歌い続けていたいから 忘れないでね どんな時も ずっと and I will be with you 言葉にできないこの思いを 歌い続けていたいから 忘れないでね どんな時も ずっと and I will be with you | 安室奈美恵 | Namie Amuro | Hiroaki Hayama | Hiroaki Hayama | 思いがけない出来事に また今日も 誰かが 泣いたり 笑ったりしている 君からのメッセージを 何度でも 読み返しては 何故だろう 涙が 止まらなくなる きっと誰よりも分かりあえる 君がいてくれるなら どんな瞬間も 乗り越えてみせるよ だから抱きしめていてね ずっと 離さないで 言葉にできないこの思いを 歌い続けていたいから 忘れないでね どんな時も ずっと and I will be with you 遠いけど いつでも すぐそばに 感じてる 優しさに すべてを 任せたい夜もある きっと誰よりも分かりあえる 君は安らぎと共に 喜びをくれるよね 今も これからも その存在が 心 満たしてくれる 言葉にできないこの思いを 歌いつづけていたいから 見つめていてね いつの日にも ずっと and I will be with you 何かを失って毎日を 叫び続けようとも 嵐が過ぎ去ったあとは いつも虹は浮かぶ 言葉にできないこの思いを 歌い続けていたいから 忘れないでね どんな時も ずっと and I will be with you 言葉にできないこの思いを 歌い続けていたいから 忘れないでね どんな時も ずっと and I will be with you |
愛してマスカット 愛してマスカット 素直な気持ち もっと伝えて Fall in Love 見つめてマスカット どんなときでも 私のために Please, Oh Yeah I Love You, Yes Stay With My Heart 忘れないで 銀河に届く Highway Drive あなたの横顔 朝の光 照らすまえに 確かめさせて どうか 変わらぬ想いを Car Radio のボリューム下げ ふたり 同じ夢を見ていたいの 愛してマスカット 心をこめて いつも聞かせて Fall in Love 見つめてマスカット ふるえるくらい 熱い瞳で Please, Oh Yeah I Love You, Yes Stay with My Heart くりかえして 抱きあうたびに Passing Through 逃げてくときめき そばにいてもせつなくなる あなたの胸の Misty Spot 優しさだけでは きっと私 足りないから いまは せめて恋を言葉にして 愛してマスカット 素直な気持ち もっと伝えて Fall in Love 見つめてマスカット どんなときでも 私のために Please, Oh Yeah I Love You, Yes Stay With My Heart 忘れないで 愛してマスカット 心をこめて いつも聞かせて Fall in Love 愛してマスカット 素直な気持ち もっと伝えて Fall in Love 見つめてマスカット どんなときでも 私のために Please, Oh Yeah 愛しているよを 忘れないで | 安室奈美恵 | 及川眠子 | 小森田実 | Minoru Komorita | 愛してマスカット 素直な気持ち もっと伝えて Fall in Love 見つめてマスカット どんなときでも 私のために Please, Oh Yeah I Love You, Yes Stay With My Heart 忘れないで 銀河に届く Highway Drive あなたの横顔 朝の光 照らすまえに 確かめさせて どうか 変わらぬ想いを Car Radio のボリューム下げ ふたり 同じ夢を見ていたいの 愛してマスカット 心をこめて いつも聞かせて Fall in Love 見つめてマスカット ふるえるくらい 熱い瞳で Please, Oh Yeah I Love You, Yes Stay with My Heart くりかえして 抱きあうたびに Passing Through 逃げてくときめき そばにいてもせつなくなる あなたの胸の Misty Spot 優しさだけでは きっと私 足りないから いまは せめて恋を言葉にして 愛してマスカット 素直な気持ち もっと伝えて Fall in Love 見つめてマスカット どんなときでも 私のために Please, Oh Yeah I Love You, Yes Stay With My Heart 忘れないで 愛してマスカット 心をこめて いつも聞かせて Fall in Love 愛してマスカット 素直な気持ち もっと伝えて Fall in Love 見つめてマスカット どんなときでも 私のために Please, Oh Yeah 愛しているよを 忘れないで |
I HAVE NEVER SEEN 初めてのキスの事 気づかずに忘れそうな時もある Don't you Think so きっと忘れたい出来事 死んでも忘れたくない とても切ない とても優しい 出来事もある I HAVE NEVER SEEN 見たこともない 感じたこともない二人の 孤独で力強い愛情 生きてくだけで十分 北も南も東も西も どこへでも小さなバッグで いつでも旅に出る用意する けっしてNOは言いたくない 何よりも大切だった こだわりや好きな色 誰とでもどれだけ もめても苦しくもない あなたとは何一つ駆け引きできない 甘え続けていきたい 昨日も今日もそばにいたい 何もくれなくていい 一緒にこんなにも 長く時を過ごすだけ 短く白いままの日記 結局読み返さなくても 一番うれしい ページを分かってる I HAVE NEVER SEEN 見たこともない 感じたこともない二人の 柔らかく素朴な愛情 生きてくだけで精一杯 I HAVE NEVER SEEN 奇跡に近い事 一緒に創っていくだけで 孤独で力強い愛情 とてもとても感じてる I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN 見たこともない 感じたこともない二人の 孤独で力強い愛情 とてもとても感じてる 北も南も東も西も どこへでも小さなバッグで いつでも旅立てる用意する けっしてNOは言いたくない I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN あなたは | 安室奈美恵 | Tetsuya Komuro | Tetsuya Komuro | 小室哲哉 | 初めてのキスの事 気づかずに忘れそうな時もある Don't you Think so きっと忘れたい出来事 死んでも忘れたくない とても切ない とても優しい 出来事もある I HAVE NEVER SEEN 見たこともない 感じたこともない二人の 孤独で力強い愛情 生きてくだけで十分 北も南も東も西も どこへでも小さなバッグで いつでも旅に出る用意する けっしてNOは言いたくない 何よりも大切だった こだわりや好きな色 誰とでもどれだけ もめても苦しくもない あなたとは何一つ駆け引きできない 甘え続けていきたい 昨日も今日もそばにいたい 何もくれなくていい 一緒にこんなにも 長く時を過ごすだけ 短く白いままの日記 結局読み返さなくても 一番うれしい ページを分かってる I HAVE NEVER SEEN 見たこともない 感じたこともない二人の 柔らかく素朴な愛情 生きてくだけで精一杯 I HAVE NEVER SEEN 奇跡に近い事 一緒に創っていくだけで 孤独で力強い愛情 とてもとても感じてる I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN 見たこともない 感じたこともない二人の 孤独で力強い愛情 とてもとても感じてる 北も南も東も西も どこへでも小さなバッグで いつでも旅立てる用意する けっしてNOは言いたくない I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN I HAVE NEVER SEEN あなたは |
I was a foolI like walkin' in the park ひとり身のとき かえりみるType きわどかったね さみしかったから やさしくなかった 嘘ついてた それでもだんだん だったじゃない いつだったか 忘れちゃったけど こんな風に感じてるフリ kidding!! ずいぶん子供だったね 誰のどんな文句もちゃんと無視 生きてくんだね どこかで 食べてくんだね誰かと Everyday Everynight Need Your Love そう呪文みたいなモンでもなんでもいいからなんて 思うよ一人になった夜 Feel Like a day dream Everyday Everynight Need Your Love Need Your Love Uh… Yeah… La… あんな平均的なスタイル 真面目にバスに乗ってく彼 どんな風に恋をしてるだろう フラれた時はどういう顔 ハデなシャギー Oh Jazzyな Java Type 毎日いるよな いないみたいな イイ気になってる Advanced Life Everyday Everynight Need Your Love Need Your Love Ah La… telling a lie!! telling a lie!! Wow… Yeah 暗いマンションの非常階段 急降下で逃げだしてた 落ちてくみたいな気分で 急降下で逃げだしてた I was a fool I just kept running away I was a fool I just kept running away I was a fool I just kept running away I was a fool I just kept running away Fu… Everyday Everynight Everyday Everynight telling a lie!! I was a telling a lie!! I was a fool I just kept running away I was a fool I just kept running away | 安室奈美恵 | 前田たかひろ・小室哲哉 | 小室哲哉 | 久保こーじ・小室哲哉・RANDY WALDMAN | I like walkin' in the park ひとり身のとき かえりみるType きわどかったね さみしかったから やさしくなかった 嘘ついてた それでもだんだん だったじゃない いつだったか 忘れちゃったけど こんな風に感じてるフリ kidding!! ずいぶん子供だったね 誰のどんな文句もちゃんと無視 生きてくんだね どこかで 食べてくんだね誰かと Everyday Everynight Need Your Love そう呪文みたいなモンでもなんでもいいからなんて 思うよ一人になった夜 Feel Like a day dream Everyday Everynight Need Your Love Need Your Love Uh… Yeah… La… あんな平均的なスタイル 真面目にバスに乗ってく彼 どんな風に恋をしてるだろう フラれた時はどういう顔 ハデなシャギー Oh Jazzyな Java Type 毎日いるよな いないみたいな イイ気になってる Advanced Life Everyday Everynight Need Your Love Need Your Love Ah La… telling a lie!! telling a lie!! Wow… Yeah 暗いマンションの非常階段 急降下で逃げだしてた 落ちてくみたいな気分で 急降下で逃げだしてた I was a fool I just kept running away I was a fool I just kept running away I was a fool I just kept running away I was a fool I just kept running away Fu… Everyday Everynight Everyday Everynight telling a lie!! I was a telling a lie!! I was a fool I just kept running away I was a fool I just kept running away |
I Wanna Show You My LoveI know that they don't like me (but it's OK, I don't give a ****) 勝手なイメージ抱いて会った事すら無いのに Haters're almost nothing to me (見たくないなら見なけりゃいいじゃん) 別にあたしもどうでもいいの 他人事のよう This is for all of my fans Yeah, this is for all of my fans 変わらない愛に 言わずにいられない thank yous Y'all r the ones that made it happen この進化の全ての源 I'll share my my good… goodies So I― I wanna sing for y'all Oh― So now, 一緒に歌って yeah― Sing along with me, whoa C'mon― I wanna, I wanna show you my love So I― I wanna dance for y'all Oh― Hey now, 一緒に踊って yeah― I just wanna show you my love Then, everybody show me ya love わかる人達だけ (you and you and you and you) トリップ出来る世界 trust me, I can take you there 何もかも初めてのエクスペリエンス 嘘じゃないから身を任せて (open up ya mind) もっと近くに感じるように 感度をあげて ya feel me? This is for all of my fans Yeah, this is for all of my fans ポジィティヴな反応に 更に応えたい thank yous Y'all r the ones that made it happen この光の輝きの源 oh oh oh I'll share my world So I― I wanna sing for y'all Oh― So now, 一緒に歌って yeah― Sing along with me, whoa C'mon― I wanna, I wanna show you my love So I― I wanna dance for y'all Oh― Hey now, 一緒に踊って yeah― I just wanna show you my love Then, everybody show me ya love ほらほら shake it like this 上がりきったままで下がらないで どうせならばブチキレテしまえ Let's go, we won't stop 突っ走るステージに終わりは来ない 目をそらさないで baby, baby, baby So I,,,,,,,, So I― I wanna sing for y'all Oh― So now, 一緒に歌って yeah― Sing along with me, whoa C'mon― I wanna, I wanna show you my love So I― I wanna dance for y'all Oh― Hey now, 一緒に踊って yeah― I just wanna show you my love Then, everybody show me ya love So I― I wanna sing for y'all Oh― So now, 一緒に歌って yeah― Sing along with me, whoa C'mon― I wanna, I wanna show you my love So I― I wanna dance for y'all Oh― Hey now, 一緒に踊って yeah― I just wanna show you my love Then, everybody show me ya love | 安室奈美恵 | Michico | T.Kura | T.KURA | I know that they don't like me (but it's OK, I don't give a ****) 勝手なイメージ抱いて会った事すら無いのに Haters're almost nothing to me (見たくないなら見なけりゃいいじゃん) 別にあたしもどうでもいいの 他人事のよう This is for all of my fans Yeah, this is for all of my fans 変わらない愛に 言わずにいられない thank yous Y'all r the ones that made it happen この進化の全ての源 I'll share my my good… goodies So I― I wanna sing for y'all Oh― So now, 一緒に歌って yeah― Sing along with me, whoa C'mon― I wanna, I wanna show you my love So I― I wanna dance for y'all Oh― Hey now, 一緒に踊って yeah― I just wanna show you my love Then, everybody show me ya love わかる人達だけ (you and you and you and you) トリップ出来る世界 trust me, I can take you there 何もかも初めてのエクスペリエンス 嘘じゃないから身を任せて (open up ya mind) もっと近くに感じるように 感度をあげて ya feel me? This is for all of my fans Yeah, this is for all of my fans ポジィティヴな反応に 更に応えたい thank yous Y'all r the ones that made it happen この光の輝きの源 oh oh oh I'll share my world So I― I wanna sing for y'all Oh― So now, 一緒に歌って yeah― Sing along with me, whoa C'mon― I wanna, I wanna show you my love So I― I wanna dance for y'all Oh― Hey now, 一緒に踊って yeah― I just wanna show you my love Then, everybody show me ya love ほらほら shake it like this 上がりきったままで下がらないで どうせならばブチキレテしまえ Let's go, we won't stop 突っ走るステージに終わりは来ない 目をそらさないで baby, baby, baby So I,,,,,,,, So I― I wanna sing for y'all Oh― So now, 一緒に歌って yeah― Sing along with me, whoa C'mon― I wanna, I wanna show you my love So I― I wanna dance for y'all Oh― Hey now, 一緒に踊って yeah― I just wanna show you my love Then, everybody show me ya love So I― I wanna sing for y'all Oh― So now, 一緒に歌って yeah― Sing along with me, whoa C'mon― I wanna, I wanna show you my love So I― I wanna dance for y'all Oh― Hey now, 一緒に踊って yeah― I just wanna show you my love Then, everybody show me ya love |
a walk in the park さみしかったよって 口に出せない 逢えなくなって 手もつなげずに woo… いたのにね woo… 冬のポケット リップクリーム 貸してあげたね かわいかったね woo… キスしてね 想いが届けば それから答えが欲しくなる a walk in the park 一人きり二人とは違うけれど a walk in the park 地球は私にも今日は優しい 空を仰いで 両手伸ばして 考えてみた たとえば私 woo… 雲の様 woo… 何かに見えて またすぐ変わって どこかに向かい 形になって woo… 消えてゆく 気持ちが届いて でもまた遠くて a walk in the park 必ず誰かは 優しい a walk in the park 本当は あなたにも そばにいて欲しい a walk in the park a walk in the park a walk in the park 必ず誰かは 優しい a walk in the park 本当は あなたにも そばにいて欲しい a walk in the park 一人きり二人とは違うけれど a walk in tke park 地球は私にも今日は優しい | 安室奈美恵 | TETSUYA KOMURO | TETSUYA KOMURO | 小室哲哉 | さみしかったよって 口に出せない 逢えなくなって 手もつなげずに woo… いたのにね woo… 冬のポケット リップクリーム 貸してあげたね かわいかったね woo… キスしてね 想いが届けば それから答えが欲しくなる a walk in the park 一人きり二人とは違うけれど a walk in the park 地球は私にも今日は優しい 空を仰いで 両手伸ばして 考えてみた たとえば私 woo… 雲の様 woo… 何かに見えて またすぐ変わって どこかに向かい 形になって woo… 消えてゆく 気持ちが届いて でもまた遠くて a walk in the park 必ず誰かは 優しい a walk in the park 本当は あなたにも そばにいて欲しい a walk in the park a walk in the park a walk in the park 必ず誰かは 優しい a walk in the park 本当は あなたにも そばにいて欲しい a walk in the park 一人きり二人とは違うけれど a walk in tke park 地球は私にも今日は優しい |
ASKING WHYWHY MUST I BE THE ONE TO FEEL YOUR PAIN こみあげてくる この切なさ 近すぎて でも遠くて きづいてはくれないの ねぇ揺るぎない愛で 揺るぎない そう微笑みで いつも 包んであげるから TAKE A LOOK AND STOP ASKING WHY OH WHY OH WHY もう時間はいらない 閉ざした 心を溶かすには 人の温もりも 必要な時もあるってわかった TAKE A LOOK AND STOP ASKING WHY TAKE A LOOK AND STOP ASKING WHY BOY STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF BOY STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF 自分を責めすぎて 傷ついて 愛することを恐れずに そう立ち止まらないで その心の扉開けば そこには愛の場所 二人の場所がある TAKE A LOOK AND STOP ASKING WHY ASKING WHY OH WHY OH WHY もう時間はいらない 閉ざした 心を溶かすには 人の温もりも 必要だとわかった 人の温もりが そうあなたの そうあなたの温もりも必要 BOY STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF 今ここで唄う この歌あなたの心に 今ここで唄う この歌あなたの心に響け いつでもそばに いつでもそばにいるから きっとあなたを きっとあなたを包むから 今ここで唄う この歌あなたの心に響け いつでもそばにいるよ きっとあなたを包むから BOY STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF | 安室奈美恵 | NICO | Tetsuya Komuro | 久保こーじ・小室哲哉 | WHY MUST I BE THE ONE TO FEEL YOUR PAIN こみあげてくる この切なさ 近すぎて でも遠くて きづいてはくれないの ねぇ揺るぎない愛で 揺るぎない そう微笑みで いつも 包んであげるから TAKE A LOOK AND STOP ASKING WHY OH WHY OH WHY もう時間はいらない 閉ざした 心を溶かすには 人の温もりも 必要な時もあるってわかった TAKE A LOOK AND STOP ASKING WHY TAKE A LOOK AND STOP ASKING WHY BOY STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF BOY STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF 自分を責めすぎて 傷ついて 愛することを恐れずに そう立ち止まらないで その心の扉開けば そこには愛の場所 二人の場所がある TAKE A LOOK AND STOP ASKING WHY ASKING WHY OH WHY OH WHY もう時間はいらない 閉ざした 心を溶かすには 人の温もりも 必要だとわかった 人の温もりが そうあなたの そうあなたの温もりも必要 BOY STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF 今ここで唄う この歌あなたの心に 今ここで唄う この歌あなたの心に響け いつでもそばに いつでもそばにいるから きっとあなたを きっとあなたを包むから 今ここで唄う この歌あなたの心に響け いつでもそばにいるよ きっとあなたを包むから BOY STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF |
As Good As見えないものばかり 信じては引き裂かれ 見失う光のかたち 明日はどうせ無条件 来るから 疾走るしかない and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good as it gets 光のSPEEDに こころごとあずけたら 聞こえない世界(おと)が聞こえる 夢から夢はうまれ そこから はじまるもの and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good as it gets 駆け出す faster いつかは higher...woah... 誰もが dreamer ゆめ discover baby take it all the way and never stop and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good as it gets and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good and baby that's as good as it gets | 安室奈美恵 | N.Molinder・J.Persson・P.A nckarberg・kenko-p | N.Molinder・J.Persson・P.A nckarberg | Cobra Endo | 見えないものばかり 信じては引き裂かれ 見失う光のかたち 明日はどうせ無条件 来るから 疾走るしかない and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good as it gets 光のSPEEDに こころごとあずけたら 聞こえない世界(おと)が聞こえる 夢から夢はうまれ そこから はじまるもの and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good as it gets 駆け出す faster いつかは higher...woah... 誰もが dreamer ゆめ discover baby take it all the way and never stop and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good as it gets and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good and baby that's as good as it gets gotta live your life with no regrets we know what you give is what you get and baby that's as good and baby that's as good as it gets |
Ups & Downs duet with Nao'ymt暗い世界にただ独り 貴方は蹲り 幼い子供のように そんな顔はもういい 手を握り立ち向かい これからはそんな時 この声が届くように Where's the truth I've been thinkin' what I can do 見渡せば分からなくなる事ばかり Where's the truth If you forget this sky's blue. 後何度零れ落ちたとしても… Know every life has Ups and Downs Sometimes you may lose hope But Every way / Never be the same So don't give it up and try again 次に流す涙は 果てないこの空の下 I believe その手を掲げ I believe 共に乗り越え 一体こんな毎日に どれだけの意味 在るのかも見失い 気付けば時計の針 手を掛けて立ち尽くし これからはそんな時 その声が届くように Where's the truth I've been thinkin' what I can do 見渡せば分からなくなる事ばかり Where's the truth If you forget this sky's blue. 後何度零れ落ちたとしても… Know every life has Ups and Downs Sometimes you may lose hope But Every way / Never be the same So don't give it up and try again 次に流す涙は 果てないこの空の下 I believe その手を掲げ I believe 共に乗り越え あの日描いた 疑う余地も無い あれから今は Oh baby tell me どうだい? But now (yeah) you (don't) have to cry no more Jus' open your door (your door) Remove your sorrow (no sorrow) 気付いてるはず You still can fly Know every life has Ups and Downs Sometimes you may lose hope But Every way / Never be the same So don't give it up and try again 次に流す涙は 果てないこの空の下 I believe その手を掲げ I believe 共に乗り越え Mama always said to me“Stay strong” “But never forget, Nobody can live alone” I don't wanna see you cry no more Tomorrow morn', Your life keeps goin' on | 安室奈美恵 | Nao'ymt | Nao'ymt | Nao'ymt | 暗い世界にただ独り 貴方は蹲り 幼い子供のように そんな顔はもういい 手を握り立ち向かい これからはそんな時 この声が届くように Where's the truth I've been thinkin' what I can do 見渡せば分からなくなる事ばかり Where's the truth If you forget this sky's blue. 後何度零れ落ちたとしても… Know every life has Ups and Downs Sometimes you may lose hope But Every way / Never be the same So don't give it up and try again 次に流す涙は 果てないこの空の下 I believe その手を掲げ I believe 共に乗り越え 一体こんな毎日に どれだけの意味 在るのかも見失い 気付けば時計の針 手を掛けて立ち尽くし これからはそんな時 その声が届くように Where's the truth I've been thinkin' what I can do 見渡せば分からなくなる事ばかり Where's the truth If you forget this sky's blue. 後何度零れ落ちたとしても… Know every life has Ups and Downs Sometimes you may lose hope But Every way / Never be the same So don't give it up and try again 次に流す涙は 果てないこの空の下 I believe その手を掲げ I believe 共に乗り越え あの日描いた 疑う余地も無い あれから今は Oh baby tell me どうだい? But now (yeah) you (don't) have to cry no more Jus' open your door (your door) Remove your sorrow (no sorrow) 気付いてるはず You still can fly Know every life has Ups and Downs Sometimes you may lose hope But Every way / Never be the same So don't give it up and try again 次に流す涙は 果てないこの空の下 I believe その手を掲げ I believe 共に乗り越え Mama always said to me“Stay strong” “But never forget, Nobody can live alone” I don't wanna see you cry no more Tomorrow morn', Your life keeps goin' on |
Alive Shadows on the moon Mirror on my heart Shattered broken glass Cut my world apart Rescue me my lover Kiss me back to life Save me when the sun goes down Cause I'm lonely tonight I need you loving me I need you loving me I need you loving me To make me feel alive Colour in the grey See the night burn through Lying here awake Waiting up for you Rescue me my lover Kiss me back to life Save me when the sun goes down Cause I'm lonely tonight I need you loving me I need you loving me I need you loving me To make me feel alive Shadows on the moon Mirror on my heart Shattered broken glass Cut my world apart I need you loving me I need you loving me I need you loving me To make me feel alive | 安室奈美恵 | Anthony Maniscalco・Erika Nuri・Marc Malouf・Shridhar Solanki | Anthony Maniscalco・Erika Nuri・Marc Malouf・Shridhar Solanki | | Shadows on the moon Mirror on my heart Shattered broken glass Cut my world apart Rescue me my lover Kiss me back to life Save me when the sun goes down Cause I'm lonely tonight I need you loving me I need you loving me I need you loving me To make me feel alive Colour in the grey See the night burn through Lying here awake Waiting up for you Rescue me my lover Kiss me back to life Save me when the sun goes down Cause I'm lonely tonight I need you loving me I need you loving me I need you loving me To make me feel alive Shadows on the moon Mirror on my heart Shattered broken glass Cut my world apart I need you loving me I need you loving me I need you loving me To make me feel alive |
ALARM 朝までなだめてyelling 氷の虚像はbreaking 脳裏に焼き付くcalling 回線put me through it アクセル全開のhot way 限界越えてくvoltage 目指すはsexyなDIVA gimme gimme, boy I'm ready! words up 6am sending ya mail 画面にkissして I'm about to go let me see ya心も twenty-six そろそろ着替えの time 素足に馴染んだ高めのhealで walking out of my door watching me out本気を ここからが勝負 C'mon tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界 tick tack lady, tick your body 戻らぬ過去の話はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを確実に生きてく 10pm calling your home 途切れだす会話 I'm about to off Let me see ya身体で twenty-four 一日絡まるbed 素肌に刻んだ愛しい絆は keep me strong again taking me up, coolに 何処迄も挑む C'mon tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 上がるtension drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 次の扉 tick tack lady, tick your body 見えぬ未来の不安はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを一番に感じて 朝までなだめてyelling 氷の虚像はbreaking 脳裏に焼き付くcalling 回線put me through it アクセル全開のhot way 限界越えてくvoltage 目指すはsexyなDIVA gimme gimme, boy I'm ready! tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界 tick tack lady, tick your body 戻らぬ過去の話はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを確実に生きてく tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 上がるtension drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 次の扉 tick tack lady, tick your body 見えぬ未来の不安はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを一番に感じて tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界 tick tack lady, tick your body 戻らぬ過去の話はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを確実に生きてく | 安室奈美恵 | JUSME | MONK | MONK | 朝までなだめてyelling 氷の虚像はbreaking 脳裏に焼き付くcalling 回線put me through it アクセル全開のhot way 限界越えてくvoltage 目指すはsexyなDIVA gimme gimme, boy I'm ready! words up 6am sending ya mail 画面にkissして I'm about to go let me see ya心も twenty-six そろそろ着替えの time 素足に馴染んだ高めのhealで walking out of my door watching me out本気を ここからが勝負 C'mon tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界 tick tack lady, tick your body 戻らぬ過去の話はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを確実に生きてく 10pm calling your home 途切れだす会話 I'm about to off Let me see ya身体で twenty-four 一日絡まるbed 素肌に刻んだ愛しい絆は keep me strong again taking me up, coolに 何処迄も挑む C'mon tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 上がるtension drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 次の扉 tick tack lady, tick your body 見えぬ未来の不安はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを一番に感じて 朝までなだめてyelling 氷の虚像はbreaking 脳裏に焼き付くcalling 回線put me through it アクセル全開のhot way 限界越えてくvoltage 目指すはsexyなDIVA gimme gimme, boy I'm ready! tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界 tick tack lady, tick your body 戻らぬ過去の話はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを確実に生きてく tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 上がるtension drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 次の扉 tick tack lady, tick your body 見えぬ未来の不安はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを一番に感じて tick tack lady, tick tack baby girl sing it, lai la la lai 無我夢中で drive me crazy, drive me bump bump boy, shake it up, here we go 未知の世界 tick tack lady, tick your body 戻らぬ過去の話はnone sense kick me harder, kick my booty 今だけを確実に生きてく |
arigatou 早く取り戻したいあの笑顔と笑い声を だけど今はこれしか言葉が思い付かないの ありがとう ああ そこにいてくれて ああ 強くいてくれて 悲しみには優しさを 涙には明日の光を そしてまた どうか心まで壊さないで愛する人達の 今はこれ以上望まないからお願い God please ありがとう ああ そこにいてくれて ああ 強くいてくれて 悲しみには優しさを 涙には明日の光を そしてまた 日が昇る In your heart and in my heart 生まれたての命の様に Yeah もう一度夢も見れる Just wanna say... ああ そこにいてくれて ああ 強くいてくれて 悲しみには優しさを 涙には明日の光を ああ... ああ... 悲しみには優しさを 涙には明日の光を そしてまた ありがとう And thank the world for LOVE | 安室奈美恵 | michico | T.Kura・michico | | 早く取り戻したいあの笑顔と笑い声を だけど今はこれしか言葉が思い付かないの ありがとう ああ そこにいてくれて ああ 強くいてくれて 悲しみには優しさを 涙には明日の光を そしてまた どうか心まで壊さないで愛する人達の 今はこれ以上望まないからお願い God please ありがとう ああ そこにいてくれて ああ 強くいてくれて 悲しみには優しさを 涙には明日の光を そしてまた 日が昇る In your heart and in my heart 生まれたての命の様に Yeah もう一度夢も見れる Just wanna say... ああ そこにいてくれて ああ 強くいてくれて 悲しみには優しさを 涙には明日の光を ああ... ああ... 悲しみには優しさを 涙には明日の光を そしてまた ありがとう And thank the world for LOVE |
YEAH-OH そんなにステップ見せられたら Can't keep in control (no-o no-o) そんなに selfish じゃないけど But ready to blow (oh-h-h) Dancing all night I sing 止まらない Dancing all night I say it たまらない もうどうなっても構わない 今夜だけ そう It's quite alright Feeling what I'm feeling no apology Cause boy I know what I believe in and it's you and me Don't you hold back this feeling cause this time I'm sure We're singing yeah-o. singing yeah-h-h-o どんなにストップかけられても Can't take anymore (mo-o-ore) ヤバいリズムに体熱くなっていくの(no-o no-o) Dancing all night I sing 止まらない Dancing all night I say it たまらない もうどうなっても構わない 今夜だけ そう It's quite alright Feeling what I'm feeling no apology Cause boy I know what I believe in and it's you and me Don't you hold back this feeling cause this time I'm sure We're singing yeah-o. singing yeah-h-h-o Dance to the same beat, move like you move me, love like you can't breathe Dance to the same beat, move like you move me, love like you can't breathe It doesn't make sense for you to hold back on this love It doesn't make sense for us to ever give this up It doesn't make sense baby it doesn't make sense for us So common get it closer, common get it closer Dancing all night I sing 止まらない Dancing all night I say it たまらない もうどうなっても構わない 今夜だけ そう It's quite alright Feeling what I'm feeling no apology Cause boy I know what I believe in and it's you and me Don't you hold back this feeling cause this time I'm sure We're singing yeah-o. singing yeah-h-h-o Dance to the same beat, move like you move me, love like you can't breathe Dance to the same beat, move like you move me, love like you can't breathe | 安室奈美恵 | DOUBLE・Liv NERVO・Mim NERVO | T-SK・TESUNG Kim・Liv NERVO・Mim NERVO | T-SK | そんなにステップ見せられたら Can't keep in control (no-o no-o) そんなに selfish じゃないけど But ready to blow (oh-h-h) Dancing all night I sing 止まらない Dancing all night I say it たまらない もうどうなっても構わない 今夜だけ そう It's quite alright Feeling what I'm feeling no apology Cause boy I know what I believe in and it's you and me Don't you hold back this feeling cause this time I'm sure We're singing yeah-o. singing yeah-h-h-o どんなにストップかけられても Can't take anymore (mo-o-ore) ヤバいリズムに体熱くなっていくの(no-o no-o) Dancing all night I sing 止まらない Dancing all night I say it たまらない もうどうなっても構わない 今夜だけ そう It's quite alright Feeling what I'm feeling no apology Cause boy I know what I believe in and it's you and me Don't you hold back this feeling cause this time I'm sure We're singing yeah-o. singing yeah-h-h-o Dance to the same beat, move like you move me, love like you can't breathe Dance to the same beat, move like you move me, love like you can't breathe It doesn't make sense for you to hold back on this love It doesn't make sense for us to ever give this up It doesn't make sense baby it doesn't make sense for us So common get it closer, common get it closer Dancing all night I sing 止まらない Dancing all night I say it たまらない もうどうなっても構わない 今夜だけ そう It's quite alright Feeling what I'm feeling no apology Cause boy I know what I believe in and it's you and me Don't you hold back this feeling cause this time I'm sure We're singing yeah-o. singing yeah-h-h-o Dance to the same beat, move like you move me, love like you can't breathe Dance to the same beat, move like you move me, love like you can't breathe |
IT'S ALL ABOUT YOUWhat a nerve! 許せないのは悪びれもなく振り回す わがまま I can't do this no more 後機嫌取りも尻拭いも Tired, I'm so tired それでも心ごと捧げるスレーブ いつでも忠誠を見せるbabe Always obey 凄いギャップ はじめとは大違い You such a selfish 意味がわからない バカらしくなるIt's all about you 彼の態度はMe, me, me また自分だけの気分 なにより最優先 バカらしくなるIt's all about you 愛を知らないのか? You, you, you Oh, no, no, no I gotta go, go, go, Bye, bye, bye!!!!! Whachu want from me? おかしくなるのはそれでも好きだという わからない I can't take this no more これ以上もう何もかも Tired, I'm so tired アレンジメントしまくるのはお決まり マネージメントできないこの怒り Oh, finally 凄いギャップ はじめとは大違い You such a selfish 意味がわからない バカらしくなるIt's all about you 彼の態度はMe, me, me また自分だけの気分 なにより最優先 バカらしくなるIt's all about you 愛を知らないのか? You, you, you Oh, no, no, no I gotta go, go, go, Bye, bye, bye!!!!! You got me so sick of this You got me real sick of this Don't oh girl please 凄いギャップ はじめとは大違い You such a selfish 意味がわからない バカらしくなるIt's all about you 彼の態度はMe, me, me また自分だけの気分 なにより最優先 バカらしくなるIt's all about you 愛を知らないのか? You, you, you Oh, no, no, no I gotta go, go, go, Bye, bye, bye!!!!! バカらしくなるIt's all about you 彼の態度はMe, me, me また自分だけの気分 なにより最優先 バカらしくなるIt's all about you 愛を知らないのか? You, you, you Oh, no, no, no I gotta go, go, go, Bye, bye, bye!!!!! | 安室奈美恵 | MICHICO | T.KURA・MICHICO | | What a nerve! 許せないのは悪びれもなく振り回す わがまま I can't do this no more 後機嫌取りも尻拭いも Tired, I'm so tired それでも心ごと捧げるスレーブ いつでも忠誠を見せるbabe Always obey 凄いギャップ はじめとは大違い You such a selfish 意味がわからない バカらしくなるIt's all about you 彼の態度はMe, me, me また自分だけの気分 なにより最優先 バカらしくなるIt's all about you 愛を知らないのか? You, you, you Oh, no, no, no I gotta go, go, go, Bye, bye, bye!!!!! Whachu want from me? おかしくなるのはそれでも好きだという わからない I can't take this no more これ以上もう何もかも Tired, I'm so tired アレンジメントしまくるのはお決まり マネージメントできないこの怒り Oh, finally 凄いギャップ はじめとは大違い You such a selfish 意味がわからない バカらしくなるIt's all about you 彼の態度はMe, me, me また自分だけの気分 なにより最優先 バカらしくなるIt's all about you 愛を知らないのか? You, you, you Oh, no, no, no I gotta go, go, go, Bye, bye, bye!!!!! You got me so sick of this You got me real sick of this Don't oh girl please 凄いギャップ はじめとは大違い You such a selfish 意味がわからない バカらしくなるIt's all about you 彼の態度はMe, me, me また自分だけの気分 なにより最優先 バカらしくなるIt's all about you 愛を知らないのか? You, you, you Oh, no, no, no I gotta go, go, go, Bye, bye, bye!!!!! バカらしくなるIt's all about you 彼の態度はMe, me, me また自分だけの気分 なにより最優先 バカらしくなるIt's all about you 愛を知らないのか? You, you, you Oh, no, no, no I gotta go, go, go, Bye, bye, bye!!!!! |
It Love is like a playground We're playing tag now We chase each other Round round round Can we stop playing hide and seek? I can't catch you, you can't catch me I trick you and you trick me We're going round round round Please love can you find me? I hope you're hiding around the corner I catch your eye am I getting closer I tag you, you tag her, and she tags him And you keep slipping away If love's a game.... I just wanna be it Not even running fast now Cos I've slowed down But you still won't chase me Round round round So I wonder if you even exist So frustrating, heart is racing Lips are waiting, but you're hesitating Keep going round round round Please love can you find me? I hope you're hiding around the corner I catch your eye am I getting closer I tag you, you tag her, and she tags him And you keep slipping away If love's a game.... I just wanna be it He love me not I love him a lot I hope you're hiding around the corner I catch your eye am I getting closer I tag you, you tag her, and she tags him And you keep slipping away If love's a game.... I just wanna be it He love me not I love him a lot | 安室奈美恵 | Raphaella Mazaheri-Asadi・Bardur Haberg・Hiten Bharadia・Oli Jogvansson | Raphaella Mazaheri-Asadi・Bardur Haberg・Hiten Bharadia・Oli Jogvansson | Raphaella Mazaheri-Asadi | Love is like a playground We're playing tag now We chase each other Round round round Can we stop playing hide and seek? I can't catch you, you can't catch me I trick you and you trick me We're going round round round Please love can you find me? I hope you're hiding around the corner I catch your eye am I getting closer I tag you, you tag her, and she tags him And you keep slipping away If love's a game.... I just wanna be it Not even running fast now Cos I've slowed down But you still won't chase me Round round round So I wonder if you even exist So frustrating, heart is racing Lips are waiting, but you're hesitating Keep going round round round Please love can you find me? I hope you're hiding around the corner I catch your eye am I getting closer I tag you, you tag her, and she tags him And you keep slipping away If love's a game.... I just wanna be it He love me not I love him a lot I hope you're hiding around the corner I catch your eye am I getting closer I tag you, you tag her, and she tags him And you keep slipping away If love's a game.... I just wanna be it He love me not I love him a lot |
In The Spotlight(Tokyo) I feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Wanna see all the boys in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor My heart goes boom-boom, Let's get this party started Gimme some room-room, Some room to rock my body Oh that's my tune-tune, I gotta move, Goddam it's hard to quit All eyes on me when I'm moving in the spotlight Put your hands up-up, It's time for us to rock it Too late to stop-op, Let's dance around the clock 'n' The beat goes boom boom, I gotta move, Goddam it's hard to quit All eyes on me when I'm moving in the spotlight Wanna see all the girls in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor Wanna see all the boys in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor I feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo C'mon I'm dancing in the spotlight ×2 I'm callin' out-out, Let's find out what you're made of Just wanna shout-out, Let's blow the roof of this club The beat goes boom-boom, I gotta move, Goddam it's hard to quit All eyes on me when I'm moving in the spotlight Hey DJ turn it-up, Let's keep this party goin' Just play no matter-what, Yeah let us keep on rollin' Oh that's my tune-tune, I gotta move, Goddam it's hard to quit All eyes on me when I'm moving in the spotlight Wanna see all the girls in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor Wanna see all the boys in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor I feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Dancing in the spotlight Girls, I wanna see the girls C'mon hit the floor Boys, I wanna see the boys C'mon hit the floor Gonna hit the floor Gonna hit the floor - Gonna hit Gonna hit the floor Gonna hit the floor And dancing in the spotlight tonight I feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo C'mon I'm dancing in the spotlight ×2 | 安室奈美恵 | Henrik Nordenback・Christian Fast | Henrik Nordenback・Christian Fast | | I feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Wanna see all the boys in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor My heart goes boom-boom, Let's get this party started Gimme some room-room, Some room to rock my body Oh that's my tune-tune, I gotta move, Goddam it's hard to quit All eyes on me when I'm moving in the spotlight Put your hands up-up, It's time for us to rock it Too late to stop-op, Let's dance around the clock 'n' The beat goes boom boom, I gotta move, Goddam it's hard to quit All eyes on me when I'm moving in the spotlight Wanna see all the girls in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor Wanna see all the boys in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor I feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo C'mon I'm dancing in the spotlight ×2 I'm callin' out-out, Let's find out what you're made of Just wanna shout-out, Let's blow the roof of this club The beat goes boom-boom, I gotta move, Goddam it's hard to quit All eyes on me when I'm moving in the spotlight Hey DJ turn it-up, Let's keep this party goin' Just play no matter-what, Yeah let us keep on rollin' Oh that's my tune-tune, I gotta move, Goddam it's hard to quit All eyes on me when I'm moving in the spotlight Wanna see all the girls in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor Wanna see all the boys in the club - Wanna see you hit the dancefloor I feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Dancing in the spotlight Girls, I wanna see the girls C'mon hit the floor Boys, I wanna see the boys C'mon hit the floor Gonna hit the floor Gonna hit the floor - Gonna hit Gonna hit the floor Gonna hit the floor And dancing in the spotlight tonight I feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Feel alive and tonight's my night I've got nothing to hide, I'm dancing in the spotlight Hit the floor, C'mon Tokyo I go all in tonight, I'm dancing in the spotlight Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo C'mon I'm dancing in the spotlight ×2 |
In Two Move out of my comfort zone Nobody's in sight It's in the midnight But I'm wide awake Moonshine on the memory Don't look back, in my theory 欲しいものはすべて 未来にある Time to change the direction Just take it, make a decision 想うまま 駆け出せ Break my heart in two Black and baby blue Oh I wanna take the only brighter half Then I feel alright Break my heart in two Left the colder side Gotta be a way to break out of my shell Let me show you how At crossroads, I go this way Make up my mind and on my mind Nothing but the hope My fear is a renegade It always makes me hesitate 希望の行き先は 変えさせない Don't you be so serious I can't stop being curious 自由を掴め 今 Break my heart in two Black and baby blue Oh I wanna take the only brighter half Then I feel alright Break my heart in two Left the colder side Gotta be a way to break out of my shell Let me show you how Be brave! I say what I want Can you say out loud what you want? Let the feeling fall out Whenever you want, lady Be brave! I say what I want Can you say out loud what you want? Let the feeling fall out Moonshine on the memory Don't look back, in my theory 欲しいものはすべて 未来にある Time to change the direction Just take it, make a decision 想うまま 駆け出せ Break my heart in two Black and baby blue Oh I wanna take the only brighter half Then I feel alright Break my heart in two Left the colder side Gotta be a way to break out of my shell Let me show you how Be brave! I say what I want Can you say out loud what you want? Let the feeling fall out Whenever you want, lady Be brave! I say what I want Can you say out loud what you want? Let the feeling fall out | 安室奈美恵 | Adam Kapit・Kenichi Anraku・Sorano・Ryo Ito | Adam Kapit・Kenichi Anraku・Sorano・Ryo Ito | | Move out of my comfort zone Nobody's in sight It's in the midnight But I'm wide awake Moonshine on the memory Don't look back, in my theory 欲しいものはすべて 未来にある Time to change the direction Just take it, make a decision 想うまま 駆け出せ Break my heart in two Black and baby blue Oh I wanna take the only brighter half Then I feel alright Break my heart in two Left the colder side Gotta be a way to break out of my shell Let me show you how At crossroads, I go this way Make up my mind and on my mind Nothing but the hope My fear is a renegade It always makes me hesitate 希望の行き先は 変えさせない Don't you be so serious I can't stop being curious 自由を掴め 今 Break my heart in two Black and baby blue Oh I wanna take the only brighter half Then I feel alright Break my heart in two Left the colder side Gotta be a way to break out of my shell Let me show you how Be brave! I say what I want Can you say out loud what you want? Let the feeling fall out Whenever you want, lady Be brave! I say what I want Can you say out loud what you want? Let the feeling fall out Moonshine on the memory Don't look back, in my theory 欲しいものはすべて 未来にある Time to change the direction Just take it, make a decision 想うまま 駆け出せ Break my heart in two Black and baby blue Oh I wanna take the only brighter half Then I feel alright Break my heart in two Left the colder side Gotta be a way to break out of my shell Let me show you how Be brave! I say what I want Can you say out loud what you want? Let the feeling fall out Whenever you want, lady Be brave! I say what I want Can you say out loud what you want? Let the feeling fall out |
Indy Lady feat.ZEEBRATell me, どうするの? ねぇ、私に Big house, Big Car, Big Diamond ring 全部持ってたら baby, Will you treat me? See me もうちょっとメーワクなくらい 打ち込む Work & Private 本気にして それが認証のID Baby, I know you wanna come and taste me 昨日までならば may be だけど今夜からはもう平気 I'm goin' home I'm a hot girl, livin' in a own world もっと大切な何かに 気づくまで B.Y.E Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, think I'm a snob Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, … 網を渡り 生きている I believe 泣きたいくらいに Lonely でもくじけない心理 I have dream Nightmare ふるえてる Friday けれど こうして 辛うじて こうやっていける My pace Baby, 不甲斐ない Your life 理解すらできないなら ここであなたとサヨナラ Forever Not Good Guy 止めたいなら もっと真剣な生き様 してみてよ P.Y.T. Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, think I'm a snob Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, … Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, think I'm a snob Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, … Here's what u can do 4 her 聞きなプレイボーイ 彼女が言うには 君は Gameボーイ ポケットサイズプレイヤー そう その程度 これで終わり まるで Diddy & J-Lo 彼女は Indipendent ヒモ野郎の言葉は信じねぇぜ 男ならビッと キメこめ BIG DOG クリスマスギフト 分厚いリスト uh uh てゆうか Money ain't a thang 十分経験済 派手めなゲーム だけども Money, Tower & Respect なしで男がどうやって生きてく? そう その通り It's reality 生きてる限り ヤリなマジに 例えば俺ら 日米トップ中のトップ Hot DIVA ZBR with the T.R. Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, think I'm a snob Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, … | 安室奈美恵 | Teddy Riley・ZEEBRA・Yuji Toriumi | Teddy Riley | テディ・ライリー | Tell me, どうするの? ねぇ、私に Big house, Big Car, Big Diamond ring 全部持ってたら baby, Will you treat me? See me もうちょっとメーワクなくらい 打ち込む Work & Private 本気にして それが認証のID Baby, I know you wanna come and taste me 昨日までならば may be だけど今夜からはもう平気 I'm goin' home I'm a hot girl, livin' in a own world もっと大切な何かに 気づくまで B.Y.E Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, think I'm a snob Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, … 網を渡り 生きている I believe 泣きたいくらいに Lonely でもくじけない心理 I have dream Nightmare ふるえてる Friday けれど こうして 辛うじて こうやっていける My pace Baby, 不甲斐ない Your life 理解すらできないなら ここであなたとサヨナラ Forever Not Good Guy 止めたいなら もっと真剣な生き様 してみてよ P.Y.T. Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, think I'm a snob Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, … Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, think I'm a snob Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, … Here's what u can do 4 her 聞きなプレイボーイ 彼女が言うには 君は Gameボーイ ポケットサイズプレイヤー そう その程度 これで終わり まるで Diddy & J-Lo 彼女は Indipendent ヒモ野郎の言葉は信じねぇぜ 男ならビッと キメこめ BIG DOG クリスマスギフト 分厚いリスト uh uh てゆうか Money ain't a thang 十分経験済 派手めなゲーム だけども Money, Tower & Respect なしで男がどうやって生きてく? そう その通り It's reality 生きてる限り ヤリなマジに 例えば俺ら 日米トップ中のトップ Hot DIVA ZBR with the T.R. Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, think I'm a snob Here's what you can do for me, lay low Here's what you can do for me, get your own dough Here's what you can do for me, keep a job Here's what you can do for me, … |
Wishing On The Same Star 心からあなたをおもう 導かれるまま歩んできた道 悲しみに負けないように 忘れないよどんな時も We'll never really be apart We'll be wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon そらへと差しだした この指のむこう ひとつに結ばれたい ふたりがいる Wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon どこまでも果てしないから 夢の続きへと二人でもどろう うちつける激しい雨が あがるように祈りましょう We wait for lovely clear sky We'll be wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon そらへと差しだした この指のむこう ひとつに結ばれたい ふたりがいる Wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon こころは こころを 求めあう ぬくもりを 手をつなぎ 歩いてゆく We'll be wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon そらへと差しだした この指のむこう ひとつをもとめあえる ふたりがいい Sitting on the same star Talking about a same dream We'll be wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon 空を見上げて優しい気持ち思い出すから ひとつに結ばれない そんなときも Wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon | 安室奈美恵 | Diane Warren・kenko-p | Diane Warren | 家原正樹 | 心からあなたをおもう 導かれるまま歩んできた道 悲しみに負けないように 忘れないよどんな時も We'll never really be apart We'll be wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon そらへと差しだした この指のむこう ひとつに結ばれたい ふたりがいる Wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon どこまでも果てしないから 夢の続きへと二人でもどろう うちつける激しい雨が あがるように祈りましょう We wait for lovely clear sky We'll be wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon そらへと差しだした この指のむこう ひとつに結ばれたい ふたりがいる Wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon こころは こころを 求めあう ぬくもりを 手をつなぎ 歩いてゆく We'll be wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon そらへと差しだした この指のむこう ひとつをもとめあえる ふたりがいい Sitting on the same star Talking about a same dream We'll be wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon 空を見上げて優しい気持ち思い出すから ひとつに結ばれない そんなときも Wishing on the same star Looking at the same moon |
WhisperWhisper makes me happy Blow and the wind makes me fly The last light makes me happy Starless sky makes me cry 昨日まで一人きり ボーッと部屋の片隅で 聞こえるラジオのドキュメント 体が自然に思い出す いつまでも二人きり なんて無理な夢みたり はがした壁の写真に わかれの涙こぼした もっと 近くで抱いていて そっと 背中離れてく ずっと 空が輝いてる きっと 最後の星がきえるころ Angel makes me happy and his wink makes me lie Woo… Last night I was so happy his wingless back makes me cry 細い道 雨の中 傘もささずにきえていく ネオンに照らされるころ 水たまりに写ってる 深い霧 心の中に ゆっくりと晴れて行くころ 遠くに小さな光 すべてを救ってくれる Whisper makes me happy Blow and the wind makes me fly The last light makes me happy Starless sky makes me cry 星が 闇にきえる前に もう一度 雨の中踊らせて Ah...視界が晴れて行くね Ah...気分が良くなって Angel makes me happy and his wink makes me lie Woo… Last night I was so happy his wingless back makes me cry | 安室奈美恵 | MARC | TETSUYA KOMURO | 小室哲哉 | Whisper makes me happy Blow and the wind makes me fly The last light makes me happy Starless sky makes me cry 昨日まで一人きり ボーッと部屋の片隅で 聞こえるラジオのドキュメント 体が自然に思い出す いつまでも二人きり なんて無理な夢みたり はがした壁の写真に わかれの涙こぼした もっと 近くで抱いていて そっと 背中離れてく ずっと 空が輝いてる きっと 最後の星がきえるころ Angel makes me happy and his wink makes me lie Woo… Last night I was so happy his wingless back makes me cry 細い道 雨の中 傘もささずにきえていく ネオンに照らされるころ 水たまりに写ってる 深い霧 心の中に ゆっくりと晴れて行くころ 遠くに小さな光 すべてを救ってくれる Whisper makes me happy Blow and the wind makes me fly The last light makes me happy Starless sky makes me cry 星が 闇にきえる前に もう一度 雨の中踊らせて Ah...視界が晴れて行くね Ah...気分が良くなって Angel makes me happy and his wink makes me lie Woo… Last night I was so happy his wingless back makes me cry |
WoWa浮かない顔したBoys and Girls なあなあ状態 in da club それならこんな style はどう? これならもうDon't worry no more 後から後からOn this beat 声に出せばほら調子いい 後は少しだけ Rum Magic(Rum,Rum Magic) White-T, Blue jeans さあ Gridin' (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa 教えて Where's da “WoWa” 手上げてWho's da “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa そんな風もっと“WoWa”(WoWa) I wanna hear you say “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa 上から下へ隙間なく 色取り取りAny Type of Shoes 揃って足踏みならす Rule 手を取り輪になり Feel so good この手の Race なら勝負あり Entry したいなら Shake your body (3,2,1…Start) Baby Goalまで Come wit' me (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa 教えて Where's da “WoWa” 手上げてWho's da “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa そんな風もっと“WoWa”(WoWa) I wanna hear you say “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa (WoWa)I can take it to the floor (I can take it to the floor) (WoWa)Poppin' Poppin', Stompin' Stompin' (WoWa)I can take it to the floor (I can take it to the floor) (WoWa)Poppin' Poppin', Stompin' Stompin' (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa 教えて Where's da “WoWa” 手上げてWho's da “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa そんな風もっと“WoWa”(WoWa) I wanna hear you say “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa 少し雰囲気変えてみない? I can read yo mind, read yo mind, read yo mind, read yo mind I'mma make u mine, make, u mine, make u mine, make u mine WoWa- WoWa, WoWa- WoWa, WoWa- WoWa, WoWa- WoWa Hot 2nite, hot 2nite / Feel so high, feel so high (Yeah hit again, C'mon…Hu) (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa 教えて Where's da “WoWa” 手上げてWho's da “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa そんな風もっと“WoWa”(WoWa) I wanna hear you say “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa | 安室奈美恵 | Nao'ymt | Nao'ymt | Nao'ymt | 浮かない顔したBoys and Girls なあなあ状態 in da club それならこんな style はどう? これならもうDon't worry no more 後から後からOn this beat 声に出せばほら調子いい 後は少しだけ Rum Magic(Rum,Rum Magic) White-T, Blue jeans さあ Gridin' (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa 教えて Where's da “WoWa” 手上げてWho's da “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa そんな風もっと“WoWa”(WoWa) I wanna hear you say “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa 上から下へ隙間なく 色取り取りAny Type of Shoes 揃って足踏みならす Rule 手を取り輪になり Feel so good この手の Race なら勝負あり Entry したいなら Shake your body (3,2,1…Start) Baby Goalまで Come wit' me (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa 教えて Where's da “WoWa” 手上げてWho's da “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa そんな風もっと“WoWa”(WoWa) I wanna hear you say “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa (WoWa)I can take it to the floor (I can take it to the floor) (WoWa)Poppin' Poppin', Stompin' Stompin' (WoWa)I can take it to the floor (I can take it to the floor) (WoWa)Poppin' Poppin', Stompin' Stompin' (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa 教えて Where's da “WoWa” 手上げてWho's da “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa そんな風もっと“WoWa”(WoWa) I wanna hear you say “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa 少し雰囲気変えてみない? I can read yo mind, read yo mind, read yo mind, read yo mind I'mma make u mine, make, u mine, make u mine, make u mine WoWa- WoWa, WoWa- WoWa, WoWa- WoWa, WoWa- WoWa Hot 2nite, hot 2nite / Feel so high, feel so high (Yeah hit again, C'mon…Hu) (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa 教えて Where's da “WoWa” 手上げてWho's da “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa そんな風もっと“WoWa”(WoWa) I wanna hear you say “WoWa” (Say)Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa / Wo- Wo- Wa- Wa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa WoWa |
WANT ME, WANT ME Want me, want me はじけ飛ぶ 胸のボタン 焦りすぎて Wait a minute ちょっと待った 落ち着いて手取り足取り 手こずる二人は like a virgin でも忘れないでね Trojan I am oochie, la la poppin' coochie 押さえ切れずに want me, baby Oh boy, you are so hot こんな気分は久しぶり もう何度も繰り返してるのに Ah, hey, give me one mo' stroke Ah, ah, I can do you Yeah, yeah, you can do me Anything you want me to go I can do you, I can do you スミカラスミマデウラカラ オモテマデドコモカシコモ Baby, let me taste it, taste it 言葉の無い会話 Up & down, in & out こうやって bounce wit me Want me, want me はじけ飛ぶ 胸のボタン 焦りすぎて Wait a minute ちょっと待った 落ち着いて手取り足取り 手こずる二人は like a virgin でも忘れないでね Trojan I am oochie, la la poppin' coochie 押さえ切れずに want me, baby Oh boy, 少し飛ばしすぎ Why don't we tryna go nice & slow 1 2 3 4 take a breath, look at my eyes 刺激に慣れてくるまで slow down スミカラスミマデウラカラ オモテマデドコモカシコモ Baby, let me taste it, taste it あきれるほどに Want me, want me はじけ飛ぶ 胸のボタン 焦りすぎて Wait a minute ちょっと待った 落ち着いて手取り足取り 手こずる二人は like a virgin でも忘れないでね Trojan I am oochie, la la poppin' coochie 押さえ切れずに want me, baby Ha, ha, ha, ha, touch it, touch it, touch it × 4 No body can do you, do you like me No body can do me, do me like you Ha, ha, ha, ha, touch it, touch it, touch it × 2 | 安室奈美恵 | MICHICO | MICHICO・SUGI-V | | Want me, want me はじけ飛ぶ 胸のボタン 焦りすぎて Wait a minute ちょっと待った 落ち着いて手取り足取り 手こずる二人は like a virgin でも忘れないでね Trojan I am oochie, la la poppin' coochie 押さえ切れずに want me, baby Oh boy, you are so hot こんな気分は久しぶり もう何度も繰り返してるのに Ah, hey, give me one mo' stroke Ah, ah, I can do you Yeah, yeah, you can do me Anything you want me to go I can do you, I can do you スミカラスミマデウラカラ オモテマデドコモカシコモ Baby, let me taste it, taste it 言葉の無い会話 Up & down, in & out こうやって bounce wit me Want me, want me はじけ飛ぶ 胸のボタン 焦りすぎて Wait a minute ちょっと待った 落ち着いて手取り足取り 手こずる二人は like a virgin でも忘れないでね Trojan I am oochie, la la poppin' coochie 押さえ切れずに want me, baby Oh boy, 少し飛ばしすぎ Why don't we tryna go nice & slow 1 2 3 4 take a breath, look at my eyes 刺激に慣れてくるまで slow down スミカラスミマデウラカラ オモテマデドコモカシコモ Baby, let me taste it, taste it あきれるほどに Want me, want me はじけ飛ぶ 胸のボタン 焦りすぎて Wait a minute ちょっと待った 落ち着いて手取り足取り 手こずる二人は like a virgin でも忘れないでね Trojan I am oochie, la la poppin' coochie 押さえ切れずに want me, baby Ha, ha, ha, ha, touch it, touch it, touch it × 4 No body can do you, do you like me No body can do me, do me like you Ha, ha, ha, ha, touch it, touch it, touch it × 2 |
Anything There's no reason to be hopeless Trust in you, you'll be alright 'Cause even if your wings are broken You can still find a way to fly Look your fears in the eyes And never be afraid to put your gloves on and fight And know that it is ok if you fall sometimes As long as you Get back up and try If you say you will Then best believe you're gonna do it Say you will Then best believe you'll make it through it Say you will And nobody on this earth can stop your shine Your future is bright You can do anything You can be anything you want You can go anywhere in the world You can climb a mountain You can swim across the sea And do anything You can do anything You can do anything And you can be anything Just believe that you can do anything You can do anything You can do anything Look your fears in the eyes And never be afraid to put your gloves on and fight And know it will be ok if you fall sometimes As long as you Get back up and try If you say you will Then best believe you're gonna do it Say you will Then best believe you'll make it through it Say you will And nobody on this earth can stop your shine Your future is bright You can do anything You can be anything you want You can go anywhere in the world You can climb a mountain You can swim across the sea And do anything You can do anything You can do anything And you can be anything You can do anything You can do anything You can do anything And when you're down and out Just keep your feet on the ground Keep your head to the sky and you will rise to the top You can do anything You can be anything you want You can go anywhere in the world You can climb a mountain You can swim across the sea And do anything You can do anything | 安室奈美恵 | James“KEYZ”Foye・Anthony Franks | James“KEYZ”Foye・Anthony Franks | | There's no reason to be hopeless Trust in you, you'll be alright 'Cause even if your wings are broken You can still find a way to fly Look your fears in the eyes And never be afraid to put your gloves on and fight And know that it is ok if you fall sometimes As long as you Get back up and try If you say you will Then best believe you're gonna do it Say you will Then best believe you'll make it through it Say you will And nobody on this earth can stop your shine Your future is bright You can do anything You can be anything you want You can go anywhere in the world You can climb a mountain You can swim across the sea And do anything You can do anything You can do anything And you can be anything Just believe that you can do anything You can do anything You can do anything Look your fears in the eyes And never be afraid to put your gloves on and fight And know it will be ok if you fall sometimes As long as you Get back up and try If you say you will Then best believe you're gonna do it Say you will Then best believe you'll make it through it Say you will And nobody on this earth can stop your shine Your future is bright You can do anything You can be anything you want You can go anywhere in the world You can climb a mountain You can swim across the sea And do anything You can do anything You can do anything And you can be anything You can do anything You can do anything You can do anything And when you're down and out Just keep your feet on the ground Keep your head to the sky and you will rise to the top You can do anything You can be anything you want You can go anywhere in the world You can climb a mountain You can swim across the sea And do anything You can do anything |
Every WomanWalking down on the street with my ladies On a mission and no one can stop this Midnight, beautiful sky Represent you and I So divine like the goddess of venus All the boys in the world wanna meet us Midnight, beautiful sky Everything beautified We dance together put your hand in mine And celebrate we run the world tonight Wanna go and we never stop Put your hands in the air turn the music up This is for every woman Don't really care where you coming from All the girls in the world you're beautiful This is for every woman Break it down we burning with passion Everything that we do it's fashion Spotlight, baby got style Going all in tonight Don't stop, keep it up, baby twerk it Be yourself you already perfect Full 10, beauty within Heavenly feminine We dance together put your hand in mine We're celebrating every woman tonight Wanna go and we never stop Put your hands in the air turn the music up This is for every woman Don't really care where you coming from All the girls in the world you're beautiful This is for every woman Every woman Every woman This is for every woman Wanna go and we never stop Put your hands in the air turn the music up This is for every woman Don't really care where you coming from All the girls in the world you're beautiful This is for every woman Every woman Every woman This is for every woman | 安室奈美恵 | Chris Meyer・Barbi Escobar・Kevin Charge | Chris Meyer・Barbi Escobar・Kevin Charge | | Walking down on the street with my ladies On a mission and no one can stop this Midnight, beautiful sky Represent you and I So divine like the goddess of venus All the boys in the world wanna meet us Midnight, beautiful sky Everything beautified We dance together put your hand in mine And celebrate we run the world tonight Wanna go and we never stop Put your hands in the air turn the music up This is for every woman Don't really care where you coming from All the girls in the world you're beautiful This is for every woman Break it down we burning with passion Everything that we do it's fashion Spotlight, baby got style Going all in tonight Don't stop, keep it up, baby twerk it Be yourself you already perfect Full 10, beauty within Heavenly feminine We dance together put your hand in mine We're celebrating every woman tonight Wanna go and we never stop Put your hands in the air turn the music up This is for every woman Don't really care where you coming from All the girls in the world you're beautiful This is for every woman Every woman Every woman This is for every woman Wanna go and we never stop Put your hands in the air turn the music up This is for every woman Don't really care where you coming from All the girls in the world you're beautiful This is for every woman Every woman Every woman This is for every woman |
ONLY YOU I can take the lightning I'm not frightened by just a little rain So what if skies aren't always so blue I can face confusion face defeat and live to fight again The only thing that can touch me is you And I Know that I'll be strong enough Cause I Know I'll always have your love I can take the words and never feel it they'll never see me cry The only thing that can touch me is you And to lose you is the one pain that I know I'd not survive The only thing that can touch me is you I guess I should be afraid to say how vulnerable I am The only thing that can touch me is you And I Know that I'll be strong enough Cause I Know I'll always have your love I can take the words and never feel it they'll never see me cry The only thing that can touch me is you And to lose you is the one pain that I know I'd not survive The only thing that can touch me is you Only you Only you The only thing that can touch me is you ×2 I Know that I'll be strong enough Cause I Know I'll always have your love I can take the words and never feel it they'll never see me cry The only thing that can touch me is you And to lose you is the one pain that I know I'd not survive The only thing that can touch me is you Only you Only you The only thing that can touch me is you ×2 | 安室奈美恵 | Didrik Thott・Christian Fast・Peter Mansson・Sharon Vaughn | Didrik Thott・Christian Fast・Peter Mansson・Sharon Vaughn | | I can take the lightning I'm not frightened by just a little rain So what if skies aren't always so blue I can face confusion face defeat and live to fight again The only thing that can touch me is you And I Know that I'll be strong enough Cause I Know I'll always have your love I can take the words and never feel it they'll never see me cry The only thing that can touch me is you And to lose you is the one pain that I know I'd not survive The only thing that can touch me is you I guess I should be afraid to say how vulnerable I am The only thing that can touch me is you And I Know that I'll be strong enough Cause I Know I'll always have your love I can take the words and never feel it they'll never see me cry The only thing that can touch me is you And to lose you is the one pain that I know I'd not survive The only thing that can touch me is you Only you Only you The only thing that can touch me is you ×2 I Know that I'll be strong enough Cause I Know I'll always have your love I can take the words and never feel it they'll never see me cry The only thing that can touch me is you And to lose you is the one pain that I know I'd not survive The only thing that can touch me is you Only you Only you The only thing that can touch me is you ×2 |
ALL FOR YOU 振り向けばいつも 微笑みがあるの NEVER WALK ALONE 偶然はいつか I KNOW そばに あなたという奇跡がいた 離れてる時も 時間はWOE 変わらずにいつも 結び合う YOR'RE GONNA BE MY LOVE 胸に溢れた めぐり逢う SOMETHING NEW 力にして YOU CAN SEE ALL MY LIFE 愛が何かも 分からずに 彷徨った日も 未来は CAN'T WAIT たどり着くものなんかじゃなく 描き出す地図の中 歩いて行こう こんな愛しさに 包まれるなんて NEVER FAILING LOVE その瞳のなか I WILL 願う 永遠に出逢えること 会いたい気持ちは 何処から こみ上げて来るの 言葉には ならないほど せつない想い 変わらない INNOCENT TEARS 約束する YOU CAN SEE ALL MY LIFE あなただったの この心帰り着ける場所 明日にもし 挫けそうになるそんな日も 二人ならば ALL FOR YOU 乗り越えて行ける AH お互い伝え合うには HOE 季節は短過ぎるけど OH たとえ どんな色の未来でも 幸せだと信じている DARLIN' YOU YOU CAN SEE ALL MY LIFE 愛が何かも 分からずに 彷徨った日も 未来は CAN'T WAIT たどり着くものなんかじゃなく 描き出す地図の中 歩いて行こう YOU CAN SEE ALL MY LIFE あなただったの この心帰り着ける場所 明日にもし 挫けそうになるそんな日も 二人ならば ALL FOR YOU 乗り越えて行ける | 安室奈美恵 | 渡辺なつみ | 松本良喜 | JUN ABE | 振り向けばいつも 微笑みがあるの NEVER WALK ALONE 偶然はいつか I KNOW そばに あなたという奇跡がいた 離れてる時も 時間はWOE 変わらずにいつも 結び合う YOR'RE GONNA BE MY LOVE 胸に溢れた めぐり逢う SOMETHING NEW 力にして YOU CAN SEE ALL MY LIFE 愛が何かも 分からずに 彷徨った日も 未来は CAN'T WAIT たどり着くものなんかじゃなく 描き出す地図の中 歩いて行こう こんな愛しさに 包まれるなんて NEVER FAILING LOVE その瞳のなか I WILL 願う 永遠に出逢えること 会いたい気持ちは 何処から こみ上げて来るの 言葉には ならないほど せつない想い 変わらない INNOCENT TEARS 約束する YOU CAN SEE ALL MY LIFE あなただったの この心帰り着ける場所 明日にもし 挫けそうになるそんな日も 二人ならば ALL FOR YOU 乗り越えて行ける AH お互い伝え合うには HOE 季節は短過ぎるけど OH たとえ どんな色の未来でも 幸せだと信じている DARLIN' YOU YOU CAN SEE ALL MY LIFE 愛が何かも 分からずに 彷徨った日も 未来は CAN'T WAIT たどり着くものなんかじゃなく 描き出す地図の中 歩いて行こう YOU CAN SEE ALL MY LIFE あなただったの この心帰り着ける場所 明日にもし 挫けそうになるそんな日も 二人ならば ALL FOR YOU 乗り越えて行ける |
Comeもし今 悲しみ 溢れるなら 私にもたれて 泣いていいから I get, I get, I get, get the feeling I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming ただ このまま Come my way この闇のほとり Come close to me いま灯り点し I'll be with you I'll be with you ただ傍にいるから So Come my way 気づいて あなたは この世界で ただひとりだけの 大切な人 I get, I get, I get, get the feeling I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming ただ このまま Come my way もう瞳閉じて Come close to me もう眠ればいい I'll be with you I'll be with you ただ此処にいるから So Come my way Calling out Can you hear me? yeah So Come my way I get, I get, I get, get the feeling I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming ただ このまま Come my way この闇のほとり Come close to me いま灯り点し I'll be with you I'll be with you ただ傍にいるから So Come my way Come my way Come close to me Come my way Come close to me | 安室奈美恵 | Kask・Hanson・Cunnah・Yuriko Mori | Kask・Hanson・Cunnah | Cobra Endo | もし今 悲しみ 溢れるなら 私にもたれて 泣いていいから I get, I get, I get, get the feeling I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming ただ このまま Come my way この闇のほとり Come close to me いま灯り点し I'll be with you I'll be with you ただ傍にいるから So Come my way 気づいて あなたは この世界で ただひとりだけの 大切な人 I get, I get, I get, get the feeling I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming ただ このまま Come my way もう瞳閉じて Come close to me もう眠ればいい I'll be with you I'll be with you ただ此処にいるから So Come my way Calling out Can you hear me? yeah So Come my way I get, I get, I get, get the feeling I get, I get, I get, get the dreaming ただ このまま Come my way この闇のほとり Come close to me いま灯り点し I'll be with you I'll be with you ただ傍にいるから So Come my way Come my way Come close to me Come my way Come close to me |
GIRL TALK 誰にも止められない girl talk 涙出るほどに笑うと ストレスさえ吹き飛ばすどっか遠く We always talkin' about our lil' secret 誰にも割り込めない girl talk エスカレートするレイディース達と かまわずハメ外しておかないと そういつでも girls just wanna have fun ねえわかるでしょ? 夢中な気持ち また恋をしたの So, homie girls, 聞いて my story ちょっと fairy tale のような話 それは fantasy It's everything about boy He & his & him 打ち明けるディティール 声を潜めながら Sex And The City みたいに 誰にも止められない girl talk 涙出るほどに笑うと ストレスさえ吹き飛ばすどっか遠く We always talkin' about our lil' secret 誰にも割り込めない girl talk エスカレートするレイディース達と かまわずハメ外しておかないと そういつでも girls just wanna have fun かなりショッキングな告白に 思わず顔見合わせて Honey, are you serious? 今すぐに Say good bye to him 一人になっても Always be there for you 女同士も捨てたもんじゃないの Yeah,,,,,, that's true 慰めあえば 強気になれる テルマ&ルイーズみたいに 誰にも止められない girl talk 涙出るほどに笑うと ストレスさえ吹き飛ばすどっか遠く We always talkin' about our lil' secret 誰にも割り込めない girl talk エスカレートするレイディース達と かまわずハメ外しておかないと そういつでも girls just wanna have fun (誰にも割り込めない girl talk) du ru ru tu 鼻歌まじりで (かまわずハメ外しておかないと) du ru ru tu ru 飲み明かせば (誰にも割り込めない girl talk) 何にも怖くない (かまわずハメ外しておかないと) 今日も明日もずっと we gonn' talk Oh, girl friends,,,,,, alright 打ち明ける ディティール 声を潜めながら Sex And The City みたいに 誰にも止められない girl talk 涙出るほどに笑うと ストレスさえ吹き飛ばすどっか遠く We always talkin' about our lil' secret 誰にも割り込めない girl talk エスカレートするレイディース達と かまわずハメ外しておかないと そういつでも girls just wanna have fun | 安室奈美恵 | T.KURA・MICHICO | T.KURA・MICHICO | | 誰にも止められない girl talk 涙出るほどに笑うと ストレスさえ吹き飛ばすどっか遠く We always talkin' about our lil' secret 誰にも割り込めない girl talk エスカレートするレイディース達と かまわずハメ外しておかないと そういつでも girls just wanna have fun ねえわかるでしょ? 夢中な気持ち また恋をしたの So, homie girls, 聞いて my story ちょっと fairy tale のような話 それは fantasy It's everything about boy He & his & him 打ち明けるディティール 声を潜めながら Sex And The City みたいに 誰にも止められない girl talk 涙出るほどに笑うと ストレスさえ吹き飛ばすどっか遠く We always talkin' about our lil' secret 誰にも割り込めない girl talk エスカレートするレイディース達と かまわずハメ外しておかないと そういつでも girls just wanna have fun かなりショッキングな告白に 思わず顔見合わせて Honey, are you serious? 今すぐに Say good bye to him 一人になっても Always be there for you 女同士も捨てたもんじゃないの Yeah,,,,,, that's true 慰めあえば 強気になれる テルマ&ルイーズみたいに 誰にも止められない girl talk 涙出るほどに笑うと ストレスさえ吹き飛ばすどっか遠く We always talkin' about our lil' secret 誰にも割り込めない girl talk エスカレートするレイディース達と かまわずハメ外しておかないと そういつでも girls just wanna have fun (誰にも割り込めない girl talk) du ru ru tu 鼻歌まじりで (かまわずハメ外しておかないと) du ru ru tu ru 飲み明かせば (誰にも割り込めない girl talk) 何にも怖くない (かまわずハメ外しておかないと) 今日も明日もずっと we gonn' talk Oh, girl friends,,,,,, alright 打ち明ける ディティール 声を潜めながら Sex And The City みたいに 誰にも止められない girl talk 涙出るほどに笑うと ストレスさえ吹き飛ばすどっか遠く We always talkin' about our lil' secret 誰にも割り込めない girl talk エスカレートするレイディース達と かまわずハメ外しておかないと そういつでも girls just wanna have fun |
GIRLFRIENDI've been here before then you say that you want something more can we just do things as friends and still be left without those regrets I never wanna be your girlfriend to me that's such a whack position baby I've learned my lesson 一緒にしないで I never wanna be your girlfriend the one that you forget to mention the fellas get all the attention 私は平気なの You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel 私の選んだ答えは I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much 私に関係ないこと I never wanna be your girlfriend You want me here at home while you're in the club trying to get it on I'd rather be just a part time love than to be with your demands and your wants I never wanna be your girlfriend to me that's such a whack position baby I've learned my lesson その方がマシよ I never wanna be your girlfriend the one that you forget to mention the fellas get all the attention 私は平気なの You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel 私の選んだ答えは I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much 私に関係ないこと I never wanna be your girlfriend You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel out of all the things that I have been I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much out of all the things that I have been I never wanna be your girlfriend I never wanna be your girlfriend to me that's such a whack position You can hang with the boys until 一緒にしないで I never wanna be your girlfriend the one that you forget to mention You can hang with the boys until 一緒にしないで You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel out of all the things that I have been I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much out of all the things that I have been I never wanna be your girlfriend You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel 私の選んだ答えは I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much 私に関係ないこと I never wanna be your girlfriend I never wanna be your girlfriend to me that's such a whack position baby I've learned my lesson 一緒にしないで I never wanna be your girlfriend the one that you forget to mention the fellas get all the attention 私は平気なの | 安室奈美恵 | Dallas Austin・Debra Killings・訳詞:Junko Kudo | Dallas Austin | ダラス・オースティン | I've been here before then you say that you want something more can we just do things as friends and still be left without those regrets I never wanna be your girlfriend to me that's such a whack position baby I've learned my lesson 一緒にしないで I never wanna be your girlfriend the one that you forget to mention the fellas get all the attention 私は平気なの You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel 私の選んだ答えは I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much 私に関係ないこと I never wanna be your girlfriend You want me here at home while you're in the club trying to get it on I'd rather be just a part time love than to be with your demands and your wants I never wanna be your girlfriend to me that's such a whack position baby I've learned my lesson その方がマシよ I never wanna be your girlfriend the one that you forget to mention the fellas get all the attention 私は平気なの You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel 私の選んだ答えは I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much 私に関係ないこと I never wanna be your girlfriend You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel out of all the things that I have been I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much out of all the things that I have been I never wanna be your girlfriend I never wanna be your girlfriend to me that's such a whack position You can hang with the boys until 一緒にしないで I never wanna be your girlfriend the one that you forget to mention You can hang with the boys until 一緒にしないで You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel out of all the things that I have been I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much out of all the things that I have been I never wanna be your girlfriend You can hang with the boys until baby disregard the way I feel 私の選んだ答えは I never wanna be your girlfriend you can hang with the boys and stuff it really don't phase me all that much 私に関係ないこと I never wanna be your girlfriend I never wanna be your girlfriend to me that's such a whack position baby I've learned my lesson 一緒にしないで I never wanna be your girlfriend the one that you forget to mention the fellas get all the attention 私は平気なの |