Next Chance to Move OnHe's standing right in your shoes And you feel like you're in his too When did he show up right next to you How strange that you should only notice now The hero you thought was gone Distant memory of a past life He's back in force and he's leading the way Has something changed? It's an inner strength you find hard to define But now It's here somehow Maybe this is your… Next Chance to Move On Rise up with the Dawn Next Stop could be your big win It's right there For you to grab your Next Chance to become Whatever you want Next Chance to Move On Next Chance to find out where you belong The downtime's been good for you Had some time to think your life through And as you rise and reach out again To those who really make your life worthwhile You find they're all still around They been waiting for your come-back And by a magical web you are bound And nothing's changed It was always there you just didn't know somehow But now It's here again So let this be your… Next Chance to Move On Rise up with the Dawn Next Stop could be your big day It's right there For you to grab your Next Chance to Move On Whereever you want Next Chance to Move On Next Chance to find out where you belong Next Chance to Move On Rise up with the Dawn Next Stop could be your big win It's right there For you to grab your Next Chance to become Whatever you want Next Chance to Move On Next Chance to find out where you be- Long, where you can shine Flow with the design Feel everything fall in line It's easy You've been grabbed by your Next Chance to Move On Whereever you want Next Chance to Move On Next Chance to find out where you belong | 平田志穂子 | Benjamin Franklin | 目黒将司 | | He's standing right in your shoes And you feel like you're in his too When did he show up right next to you How strange that you should only notice now The hero you thought was gone Distant memory of a past life He's back in force and he's leading the way Has something changed? It's an inner strength you find hard to define But now It's here somehow Maybe this is your… Next Chance to Move On Rise up with the Dawn Next Stop could be your big win It's right there For you to grab your Next Chance to become Whatever you want Next Chance to Move On Next Chance to find out where you belong The downtime's been good for you Had some time to think your life through And as you rise and reach out again To those who really make your life worthwhile You find they're all still around They been waiting for your come-back And by a magical web you are bound And nothing's changed It was always there you just didn't know somehow But now It's here again So let this be your… Next Chance to Move On Rise up with the Dawn Next Stop could be your big day It's right there For you to grab your Next Chance to Move On Whereever you want Next Chance to Move On Next Chance to find out where you belong Next Chance to Move On Rise up with the Dawn Next Stop could be your big win It's right there For you to grab your Next Chance to become Whatever you want Next Chance to Move On Next Chance to find out where you be- Long, where you can shine Flow with the design Feel everything fall in line It's easy You've been grabbed by your Next Chance to Move On Whereever you want Next Chance to Move On Next Chance to find out where you belong |
Dazzling Smile底抜けの空に 迷い子の私、君は歩いていく 張りつめた言葉 磔の心 雪が染めるまでは If I tell you show me how to love? I'll show you how to live 不器用なdistance 見上げてた君のdazzling smile 桜色染めて I just say you show me how to live I'll show you how to love 熟れないemotion 見下ろした街のmemory 茜色染めて 舞い落ちる空に 埋まってく心 君が消えるまで チグハグな私 純白の花へ Ahもう君のせいだ If I tell you show me how to love? I'll show you how to live 変わらないdue day ごまかした君のearnest eyes 滲む色染めて I just say you show me how to live I'll show you how to love 囚われのdue time あどけない日々のirony 涙色染めて 幾千の言葉 廻り廻る別れ 宛てない願い抱いて眠る 永久に… How I say? you show me how to love? I'll show you how to live 叶わないour vow 思い描いたよafter time 薄紅に染まる Kiss and cry! you show me how to love I'll show you how to live 届かないday dream だったはずなのに嗚呼 悲しみは空へ 見上げれば君のdazzling smile 桜色染めて | 平田志穂子 | 小林鉄兵 | 目黒将司 | | 底抜けの空に 迷い子の私、君は歩いていく 張りつめた言葉 磔の心 雪が染めるまでは If I tell you show me how to love? I'll show you how to live 不器用なdistance 見上げてた君のdazzling smile 桜色染めて I just say you show me how to live I'll show you how to love 熟れないemotion 見下ろした街のmemory 茜色染めて 舞い落ちる空に 埋まってく心 君が消えるまで チグハグな私 純白の花へ Ahもう君のせいだ If I tell you show me how to love? I'll show you how to live 変わらないdue day ごまかした君のearnest eyes 滲む色染めて I just say you show me how to live I'll show you how to love 囚われのdue time あどけない日々のirony 涙色染めて 幾千の言葉 廻り廻る別れ 宛てない願い抱いて眠る 永久に… How I say? you show me how to love? I'll show you how to live 叶わないour vow 思い描いたよafter time 薄紅に染まる Kiss and cry! you show me how to love I'll show you how to live 届かないday dream だったはずなのに嗚呼 悲しみは空へ 見上げれば君のdazzling smile 桜色染めて |
ほんとのきもち一人で任せてお留守番もねだから お父さん遅くたって大丈夫だよ 一人で過して寂しいと窓開く お母さん見てて欲しくて空の上から 覚えてるのはね暖かな笑顔 あの日無くしたのその全てを 二人で作って仲良くご飯食べる お兄ちゃんいるよそれで寂しくないよ でもね 本当は家族のみんなでいたい その思いこらえてるの 会いたい会いたい今すぐに会いたい そしてほら前みたいにねぇ笑って 怒らずに抱きしめて 優しい気持ちで 涙溢れてる胸の隙間塞いで 暖かな掌でね その時気付いた自分以外の痛み 寂しさも一緒にいれば乗り越えれるよ 何時でも何処でも何度でもねぇ言うよ お父さん忘れないでね 大好きよ | 平田志穂子 | 小森成雄 | 目黒将司 | | 一人で任せてお留守番もねだから お父さん遅くたって大丈夫だよ 一人で過して寂しいと窓開く お母さん見てて欲しくて空の上から 覚えてるのはね暖かな笑顔 あの日無くしたのその全てを 二人で作って仲良くご飯食べる お兄ちゃんいるよそれで寂しくないよ でもね 本当は家族のみんなでいたい その思いこらえてるの 会いたい会いたい今すぐに会いたい そしてほら前みたいにねぇ笑って 怒らずに抱きしめて 優しい気持ちで 涙溢れてる胸の隙間塞いで 暖かな掌でね その時気付いた自分以外の痛み 寂しさも一緒にいれば乗り越えれるよ 何時でも何処でも何度でもねぇ言うよ お父さん忘れないでね 大好きよ |
The Way of Memories-キズナノチカラ-君と歩いた通学路 鄙(ひな)びた景色見つめて 春の校庭 河川敷 夏祭り みんなで笑って肩寄せ過ごしてた日々 この何気ない日常を眺めて 過去から今まで過ごして来たよ 今日からあすあしたから未来へ みんなと築いた絆 秘めて歩き出す 君と過ごした教室や屋上 変わらぬ記憶 秋の旅行や文化祭 クリスマス 全てが友達の印 大切な時 あの暖かい暮らしが終わって 未来へ遠くへと進むと知った 旅立ちは少し寂しいけれど 僕ら互いの絆 今も信じてる そっと動いた唇 離れていても友達だよ! そう聞こえた 僕も頷き呟く 僕らが会えて良かったと… さぁ新しい明日へ進もう この街に来れた幸運 胸に 365日過ごした この特別な時間 みんなありがとう | 平田志穂子 | 小森成雄 | 目黒将司 | | 君と歩いた通学路 鄙(ひな)びた景色見つめて 春の校庭 河川敷 夏祭り みんなで笑って肩寄せ過ごしてた日々 この何気ない日常を眺めて 過去から今まで過ごして来たよ 今日からあすあしたから未来へ みんなと築いた絆 秘めて歩き出す 君と過ごした教室や屋上 変わらぬ記憶 秋の旅行や文化祭 クリスマス 全てが友達の印 大切な時 あの暖かい暮らしが終わって 未来へ遠くへと進むと知った 旅立ちは少し寂しいけれど 僕ら互いの絆 今も信じてる そっと動いた唇 離れていても友達だよ! そう聞こえた 僕も頷き呟く 僕らが会えて良かったと… さぁ新しい明日へ進もう この街に来れた幸運 胸に 365日過ごした この特別な時間 みんなありがとう |
Ain't Nobody Can Hold Me Downbaby oh dear it's never too clear but ambiguity is the beauty of what holds tomorrow good, bad, so-so trying to make it so remarkable each day I say that I can do anything if someone else can making it right to making a left no making my own road instead oh let the haters keep their snobs in the end they'd love kill for ur job so believe in it work at it KNIKEY at it, just do it ahh what's just for you may not apply to me so adjust for just fit and I lust it no more sick rules which I must spit I know I can Yes I can be whatever I wanna become there is nothing in this world I can not do so I believe truly believing in my dreams making them just dreams no more | 平田志穂子 | Lotus Juice | 目黒将司 | | baby oh dear it's never too clear but ambiguity is the beauty of what holds tomorrow good, bad, so-so trying to make it so remarkable each day I say that I can do anything if someone else can making it right to making a left no making my own road instead oh let the haters keep their snobs in the end they'd love kill for ur job so believe in it work at it KNIKEY at it, just do it ahh what's just for you may not apply to me so adjust for just fit and I lust it no more sick rules which I must spit I know I can Yes I can be whatever I wanna become there is nothing in this world I can not do so I believe truly believing in my dreams making them just dreams no more |
Alone in this Worldloneliness prevails (in my heart hmm) when I'm not alone (even in crowd) feel like a pet bird (confined) I wanna be who I wanna be my heart is aching (deep down inside) I had enough of lying to myself (no more) sick of grasping for air (losing little faith) so sick of my faintness oh I just want to break away far away flying above the sky then passing by the moon saying good bye to my past days and move on I'm wishing on shooting stars wishing someday my world can look bright and shine say hello to tomorrow with expectation | 平田志穂子 | Lotus Juice | 目黒将司 | | loneliness prevails (in my heart hmm) when I'm not alone (even in crowd) feel like a pet bird (confined) I wanna be who I wanna be my heart is aching (deep down inside) I had enough of lying to myself (no more) sick of grasping for air (losing little faith) so sick of my faintness oh I just want to break away far away flying above the sky then passing by the moon saying good bye to my past days and move on I'm wishing on shooting stars wishing someday my world can look bright and shine say hello to tomorrow with expectation |
Falling into Right Placesno logics behind and no explanation needed things seem to fit in to where it belongs all the problems I got seems to disappear when you are right next to me when I am right next to you when we are we are together as one a friend like you is like no other you light my pathway to my answer even when you're away pieces of life we gather to put a masterpiece together not alone no no you and me oh yeah help each other indeed | 平田志穂子 | Lotus Juice | 目黒将司 | | no logics behind and no explanation needed things seem to fit in to where it belongs all the problems I got seems to disappear when you are right next to me when I am right next to you when we are we are together as one a friend like you is like no other you light my pathway to my answer even when you're away pieces of life we gather to put a masterpiece together not alone no no you and me oh yeah help each other indeed |
sky's the limitglaciers of ideas importing to my friends then exporting to the next keeping it open we want to closing even wothout doughs our thoughts can be dope and this mind trade no one can stop and act of thinking is terrible to stop we just wanna change up not drop and my crew can rock it like uprock life is tedious if it ain't flowing copy and paste? Constant defaulting? put my courage to it, begin showing off that's the way we wanna live keep going yeah what was so much of transparency turned into bright expectation my insinet tells me to keep going together going together it's breathtaking moments in life addicted to it minds craving more and more I'm believing you and I can do anything we can change the world hey sky's the limit we can spread wings to roadless travel together we go I love to think through when there's a missing link scribbling thoughts almost kissing ink wanna break all bad jink in one blink success comes from excess of stinks it ain't easy when you work alone but I got my crew with me to get it on so we keep it rolling rolling on living so wild like American borm I wanna climb to the peak bring everybody with me everybody with me come on get down everybody with me come on get down we can really get it done if you get down what was so much of blurry vision turned into bright clear prospection my instinet tells me to keep going forever going forever everlasting moments of life I have a feeling minds craving more and more truly thinking you and I can do anything we can change the world hey sky's the limit we can spread wings to roadless travel together we go anytime you need a hand I will be there I know that you'll be there for me because it's breathtaking moments in life addicted to it minds craving more and more I'm believing you and I can do anything we can change the world hey sky's the limit we can spread wings to roadless travel together we go | 平田志穂子 | Lotus Juice | 目黒将司 | | glaciers of ideas importing to my friends then exporting to the next keeping it open we want to closing even wothout doughs our thoughts can be dope and this mind trade no one can stop and act of thinking is terrible to stop we just wanna change up not drop and my crew can rock it like uprock life is tedious if it ain't flowing copy and paste? Constant defaulting? put my courage to it, begin showing off that's the way we wanna live keep going yeah what was so much of transparency turned into bright expectation my insinet tells me to keep going together going together it's breathtaking moments in life addicted to it minds craving more and more I'm believing you and I can do anything we can change the world hey sky's the limit we can spread wings to roadless travel together we go I love to think through when there's a missing link scribbling thoughts almost kissing ink wanna break all bad jink in one blink success comes from excess of stinks it ain't easy when you work alone but I got my crew with me to get it on so we keep it rolling rolling on living so wild like American borm I wanna climb to the peak bring everybody with me everybody with me come on get down everybody with me come on get down we can really get it done if you get down what was so much of blurry vision turned into bright clear prospection my instinet tells me to keep going forever going forever everlasting moments of life I have a feeling minds craving more and more truly thinking you and I can do anything we can change the world hey sky's the limit we can spread wings to roadless travel together we go anytime you need a hand I will be there I know that you'll be there for me because it's breathtaking moments in life addicted to it minds craving more and more I'm believing you and I can do anything we can change the world hey sky's the limit we can spread wings to roadless travel together we go |