S.G.Luke Takamura作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  2曲中 1-2曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
2曲中 1-2曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
呪いのシャ・ナ・ナ・ナ聖飢魔II聖飢魔IIH.E.Demon KakkaS.G.Luke TakamuraSEIKIMA IIシャナナナナナナ シャナナナナナナ… wo wo wo…  空が大好き 虹が大好き 風が大好き あゝ美しき 金が大好き 権力(ちから)大好き 遊び大好き あゝ儚い 出会い巡りあい 一期一会でも 永遠に続くと信じてても それはある時 予期せぬ因果で 全て消えてしまう時がある  屋根裏の部屋に 階段の上に 偶発の芽が Ah~  Count down 数えても無駄 Hell bound 悪魔が笑う 史上最高級 手厚くてモリモリの オモテナシだぜ  Death!です おまえは既に Death!です 選ばれている 逃れられない定めなんじゃない?  君が大切 彼が大切 彼女大切 絆大切 夢が大切 愛が大切 心大切 あゝ切なく 出会い巡りあい 一期一会でも 永遠に続くと信じてても きっとある時 大きな力で 惨めに汚されることもある  呪いのヴィデオに 白いワンピース ひと度観たら Ah~  Count down 二度目の夜に Hell bound 消されてしまう ゆかり無き視線に 恨まれ妬まれ 八つ当たりされ Death!です おまえは既に Death!です 選ばれている 逃れられない定めなんじゃない?  同時多発 無関係と思われてる A,B,C,… 交わって一緒になる その時こそ Emergency! Maybe come! Maybe come! 誰も逃れられない Must be come! Must be come! 必ずやって来る  Count down 数えても無駄 Hell bound 悪魔が笑う 史上最高級 手厚くてモリモリの オモテナシだぜ  Hell! Hell! 二度目の夜に Kill! Kill! 消されてしまう ゆかり無き視線に 恨まれ 妬まれ 八つ当たりされ Death!です おまえは既に Death!です 選ばれている 逃れられない運命 離れられない宿命 逃れられない定めなんじゃない? DEATH!  シャナナナナナナ シャナナナナナナ… wo wo wo…
SADAKO vs. KAYAKO - THE CURSE OF SHANA・NA・NA -聖飢魔II聖飢魔IIH.E.Demon Kakka・訳詞:H.E.Demon Kakka・Bob DyerS.G.Luke TakamuraShanananananana…………  Maybe you like the sky Maybe you like the stars Maybe you like the wind Maybe you like the moonlight Maybe you like power Maybe you like cash Maybe you like to play Maybe you think you're bright  Maybe you think you're safe Maybe you're dreaming of Heaven Maybe you think it'll last forever what so ever  Suddenly out of the blue Somebody you never knew Is gonna erase you and all… All you remember  From the other side of the door Coming down from the attic floor Beginning of the ending… Ah~  Count down! Time is stalking you Hell bound! Demons are laughing at you We have such sights to show you, my dear It's the final benediction A fatal Olympic game  Death! Death! Death has chosen you Death! Death! Death is all around you Inescapable fate It's your turn, your reality  Maybe you're loving you Maybe you're loving him Maybe you're loving her Maybe relationships Maybe you're loving dreams Maybe you're loving love Maybe you're loving peace Maybe the fellowship  Maybe you think you're safe Maybe you're dreaming of Heaven Maybe you think it'll last forever what so ever  Suddenly out of the dark Somebody using power Is gonna corrupt you and all… All your endeavors  Undead from the video tape Dressed in white, no way to escape If you see it you're gonna… Ah~  Count down! On the second night Hell bound! She'll turn out your lights Random sentence why is it you? Unrelated man or lady Ha ha! You made your choice  Death! Death! Death has chosen you Death! Death! Death is all around you Inescapable fate It's your turn, your reality  Devastation Desecration Inevitable, ABC Separated situations come together, It's emergency!  It may come! It may come! Can you hear its cursing ghastly voice? Must it come? Must it come? TV screen is spilling out white noise  Count down! Time is stalking you Hell bound! Demons are laughing at you We have such sights to show you, my dear It's the final benediction A fatal Olympic game  Hell! Hell! On the second night Kill! Kill! She'll turn out your lights Random sentence why is it you? Unrelated man or lady Ha ha! You made your choice  Death! Death! Death has chosen you Death! Death! Death is all around you Inescapable fate what will be, will be Undeniable curse it's no fantasy Inescapable fate It's your turn, your reality  Death!  Shanananananana…………
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  2. 結言
  3. Lonely cocoa
  4. Just The Way We Are
  5. So Breeze

