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1-17 tracks are displayed out of 17
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1 out of 1 pages.
Song Artist Lyricist Composer Opening Lines Of Song
Our Adventures(awaadobenchazu) NCT WISH(enushiteinyuchimu) Mahiro(mahiro) () Adventures of you and I oh()
Go Higher(gohaiya) WayV(ueibui) Mahiro(mahiro) () Shake it up We're going up()
Mirage of Flower(mirajuobufurawa) CHEN(chen) Mahiro(mahiro) Maria Marcus・Andreas Moe・MooF (MonoTree)(mariamarukasuandoreasumoemufumonotsuri) Ah ah Yeah So long()
Sunny Road(sanirodo) NCT 127(enushiteiichininana) Mahiro(mahiro) () Woo Skibidi Bibbidi()
Shine In The Sky☆(shain'inzasukai) U149(yuichiyonkyu) Mahiro(mahiro) 俊龍(shunryuu) 手と手を繋いで君と一緒に()
Breaking Down(bureikingudaun) ZIPANG OPERA(jipanguopera) Mahiro(mahiro) MAKKA(makka) Yeah Are you ready for this()
WHIPPIN'(hoippin) BAEKHYUN(bekuhyon) Mahiro(mahiro) DEEZ・YUNSU・SAAY(dizuyonsusai) 気になる君のことがOh baby()
Twinkle Love(touuinkururabu) 麻倉もも(asakuramomo) Mahiro(mahiro) KOUTAPAI(koutapai) あのねあのねおやすみ前に()
トキメキ・シンパシー(tokimekishinpashi) 麻倉もも(asakuramomo) Mahiro(mahiro) 宮川麿(miyagawamaro) 胸の中にそっと生まれた()
星空を想えば(hoshizorawoomoeba) 麻倉もも(asakuramomo) Mahiro(mahiro) 草野将史(kusanomasashi) みんなと過ごしてると時間が()
Run for you(ranfoyu) 麻倉もも(asakuramomo) Mahiro(mahiro) 山田祐輔(yamadayuusuke) 紙ヒコーキ飛んでゆく()
Hello Hello(haroharo) Apink(epinku) Mahiro(mahiro) ZEROZINE・FERDY(zerojinfadi) さよなら昨日までの自分()
I'm in Love(aimuinrabu) Apink(epinku) Mahiro(mahiro) KZ・Tae Yeong Kim(keijiteyonkimu) 電車を降りたら潮風が()
Photogenic(fotojienikku) CYBERJAPAN DANCERS(saibajapandansazu) Mahiro(mahiro) Chris Meyer・Caroline Gustavsson・Kevin Charge(kurisumeiyakaroraingasutafusonkebinchaji) Photogenic Girl セルフィー()
Endless Song(endoresusongu) 蒼井翔太(aoishouta) Mahiro(mahiro) 東大路憲太(higashioojikenta) Ah 深い闇を溶かした()
Sunshine Girl(sanshaingaru) Apink(epinku) Mahiro(mahiro) Han Sang Won(hanson'uon) Baby you are shining you are()
WORLDWIDE LOVE −愛こそすべて−(warudowaidorabuaikososubete) Dear(dia) Mahiro(mahiro) Mahiro(mahiro) 世界中の哀しみを()
1 out of 1 pages.