Brain soap(bureinsopu) TarO&JirO

Brain soap(bureinsopu)
  • View:6,901
Brain soap(bureinsopu)
Ravaging like wolves , moving around as if theyre rabbits
Ill be raising hell until they drink
the blood of those they wounded

Cant you hear the wind screams " its time now " ?
Its not because we didnt read the sign backwards , no !

Question : Whyd we risk it all for somethinig we all hated ?
The sky fell to the ground last night and they all think they flew
Cant you hear the wave screaming out now ?
" Break out of that roofless shelter you believe in "

Stare at me cause youre scared of losing your place to hide away
Stare at me cause youre scared of losing your position

Weve been playing " hide and hide " so none of us can be found out
Dont let them clean your brain out , Keep your beliefs burning

Wonder why we worry about what we won
Aint that what we wanted ? Its too late anyway

Stare at me cause youre scared of losing your place to hide away
Stare at me cause youre scared of losing your position

Weve been playing " hide and hide " so none of us can be found out
Dont let them clean your brain out , Keep your beliefs burning .

Wonder why we worry about what we won
Aint that what we wanted ? Its too late anyway

Stare at me cause youre scared of losing your place to hide away
Stare at me cause youre scared of losing your position

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