tippee  1曲中 1-1曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
1曲中 1-1曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
tippeeSNAIL RAMPSNAIL RAMPAKIOAKIOSNAIL RAMPThe wind has shifted to the west You look the same as ever I have stack of affairs to settle today I went right to the end of this street I'll go for you, Don't hold back, tell me everything Yeah! Various ills of life  The sky kept crying all the time There is no telling when the rain will stop. Take your time I'm trying to improve. what for? But I still have a long way to go Yeah!... the light came back to my face  「It smells bad!」 I have a silly idea 「Go underground」 There you are 「I can't stand around」 ...stand around!!  You're my bad friend, aren't you? See what I mean? What do you sweep up dead leaves? There is more behind You're my bad friend, aren't you? What a villain you are! You're hopeless! Yeah! Yeah! We've start it now  ...Long long way, we had a grand time, yeah... Don't turn around, oh, What grand eyes  You're my bad friend, aren't you? See what I mean? What do you sweep up dead leaves? There is more behind We make the running! You have a lot to be said for it And yet... Don't say for yourself, all right?  「It smells bad!」 I have a silly idea 「Go underground」 There you are Yeah! Yeah! We've start it now
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 恋のジョギング
  2. Masterplan
  4. 夢幻
  5. キミの翼へ



  1. 絶対アイドル辞めないで
  2. わたし
  3. くじら
  4. トビウオ
  5. 夏の透明猶予

