lose yourself  5曲中 1-5曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
5曲中 1-5曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
俺たちは行く-never lose yourself-DOBERMAN INCDOBERMAN INCGS・P-CHO・Tomogen・KUBO-C・Jam9Takeshi Kodani同じDream 同じ志を持って立ち上がった浪人たちの挑戦 揺るがない意思が条件ただ変えたいこの環境や情勢 ギラついた眼光 燃える炎 近づきゃ切り裂く サムライのよう 威圧感、勢いと意気込み だが決して甘かない道のり 攻め込む大都会、人は倍の倍、だけにチャンスは意外とない 数少ないパーセンテージ、0じゃない限りあるパーセンテージ 戦い抜く日々 訪れる危機 目指す勝利には無いタイムリミット 天高く掲げたフラッグ 諦めない事の証しだ!  GameじゃないぜRealなFight 本能のまま行く Savaive スゥイング 飛び越す場外 このオーラStillメラメラ 方位磁石が指した将来 方角に間違いはない皆でGo Sign 見るビジョンは壮大 いざ Begin Begin Begin いざ Begin  NEVER END 捨て身で行く力尽きるまで NEVER END この気持ちーつ 駆け抜けていく NEVER END ギラついた最後の決戦 NEVER END NEVER LOSE YOUR SELF ×2  立ち上がるプライドを握りしめ 立ち向かう目の前にある試練 目指す場所枠外のその地へ (Let's go×3) 確実に踏み出した歴史を変えるこの1歩 覚悟決め挑む最強のステージ そびえ立つ壁 嵐の中 切り開く刀俺自ら この黒い目に流れる赤い血が挑戦すると証明 1度きりの人生 泣いても笑っても2度目はない 覆す常識越える限界NO LIMIT 傷だらけの体を武器に まだ行ける荒れたこの道の上 追いかける影 掴め夢を  オレたちは行く この土を踏み 大地をRunnin' 目をさます勇気 仁王立ちの折れない芯棒 真っ向から行く 戦略はシンプル 起こす変革 旗揚げ大作戦 満足いや納得したくて 残されたこの気持ち一つで Go Straight(×2)  NEVER END 捨て身で行く力尽きるまで NEVER END この気持ち一つ 駆け抜けていく NEVER END ギラついた最後の決戦 NEVER END NEVER LOSE YOUR SELE ×2  刀(MIC)に込めたプライド 光る覚悟 決意の回答 時代に挑む野良犬代表 切り捨てろ 今、今この社会を 刀(MIC)に込めたプライド 光る覚悟 決意の回答 時代に挑む野良犬代表 切り捨てろ 今、今この社会を  NEVER END 捨て身で行く力尽きるまで NEVER END この気持ち一つ 駆け抜けていく NEVER END ギラついた最後の決戦 NEVER END NEVER LOSE YOUR SELE
DON'T LOSE YOURSELFGOLD LYLICMAN WITH A MISSIONGOLD LYLICMAN WITH A MISSIONKamikaze Boy・Jean-Ken JohnnyKamikaze BoyPop goes the weasel we're bored to death without a doubt Let go the reason and find out what's it all about you know I want out We're pissedwith all the shit you knowI want out  Look at the people hey all they do is live'n flout Crap of the year come on let's just hear your coming out you know I want out I'm pissedwith all the shit come on I want out  有限、無限を言い聞かせても 所詮、無縁なこの世界 機能不全に陥るのなら 手に入れて切り崩せ  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself Come in, come in, come in, come in  Let in the rhythm and music. Everybody shout. Brush up your mind and go choose it, take me somewhere out you know I want out I'm pissedwith all the shit you know I want out  有償、無償を問いただしても 諸行無常のこの世界 近い未来を憂うのなら 手を合わせ祈り歌え  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself Come in, come in, come in, come in  Wake up and trust what you feel. Wake up and know what's the deal.  You know, Look at the world hey all they do is live'n flout Crap of the year come on let's just hear your coming out you know I want out I'm pissedwith all the shit yeah!!  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself Come in, come in, come in, come in
DON'T LOSE YOURSELF (ENG Ver.)MAN WITH A MISSIONMAN WITH A MISSIONKamikaze Boy・Jean-Ken JohnnyKamikaze BoyPop goes the weasel we're bored to death without a doubt Let go the reason and find out what's it all about you know I want out We're pissed with all the shit you know I want out  Look at the people hey all they do is live'n flout Crap of the year come on let's just hear your coming out you know I want out I'm pissed with all the shit come on I want out  Let in let out the useless fact of yours Affirm and doubt impermanence of the world Lament bemoan the future of your own Cut it out cause it's time to determine instantly  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself Come in, come in, come in, come in  Let in the rhythm and music. Everybody shout. Brush up your mind and go choose it, take me somewhere out you know I want out I'm pissed with all the shit you know I want out  Come in get out the endless blurry days Attain Renounce your life is like a maze Before you know dysfunction comes to you Hear the calling above and let us pray  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself Come in, come in, come in, come in  Wake up and trust what you feel. Wake up and know what's the deal.  You know,Look at the world hey all they do is live'n flout Crap of the year come on let's just hear your coming out you know I want out I'm pissed with all the shit yeah!!  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself Come in, come in, come in, come in
DON'T LOSE YOURSELF ~FXXKIN' Mix~MAN WITH A MISSIONMAN WITH A MISSIONカミカゼ・ボーイ、ジャンケン・ジョニーカミカゼ・ボーイPop goes the weasel?we're?bored to death without a doubt Let go the reason and find out what's it all about you know I want out We're pissed with all the shit you know I want out  Look at the people hey all they do is live 'n flout crap of the year come on let's just hear your coming out you know I want out I'm pissed with all the shit come on I want out  有限、無限を言い聞かせても 所詮、無縁なこの世界 機能不全に陥るのなら 手に入れて切り崩せ  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself Come in, come in, come in, come in  Let in the rhythm?and music.Everybody shout. Brush up your mind and go choose it, take me somewhere out you know I want out I'm pissed with all the shit you know I want out  有償、無償を問いただしても 諸行無常のこの世界 近い未来を憂うのなら 手を合わせ祈り歌え  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself Come in, come in, come in, come in  Look at the?world hey all they do is live 'n flout Crap of the year come on let's just hear your coming out you know I want out I'm pissed with all the shit yeah!!  Hey boy, don't lose yourself You can trust someone else. Hey boy, don't lose yourself You need to help yourself  Come in, come in, come in, come in
lose yourself浦田直也浦田直也urata naoyaMARIAMARIA真っ白な闇の中子供達が 遊び疲れ眠るように夜に倒れたい  lose yourself 顔を取り替えられるのなら誰と lose yourself 心を見てはくれない why? why? why? why? what should I do?  Light and shadow 離れないなら 生きてほしい自分の意思で Light and shadow 離さないよ 壊すならば粉々に 痛みさえないほど  真っ黒に輝いた孤独たちを 失くすためには光を潰すしかなくて  lose yourself 瞼を閉じても浮かんでくるから lose yourself 心が消えてはいない why? why? why? why? what should I do?  Light and shadow 忘れないから 溶けてほしい自分の夢で Light and shadow 変われないよ 眠り続けられるなら 痛みも受け入れよう  Light and shadow 離れないなら 生きてほしい自分の意思で Light and shadow 離さないよ 壊すならば粉々に 痛みさえないほど  僕のこころの音
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. オトノケ
  2. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  3. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  4. はいよろこんで
  5. 元彼女のみなさまへ



  1. Frontier
  2. I want tomorrow to come
  3. 海へ
  4. 結言
  5. 光り

