THE LETTER  11曲中 1-11曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
11曲中 1-11曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
Another Letter枝葉柚希(中島愛)枝葉柚希(中島愛)rinorino君と初めて出会った夏を ずっとずっと覚えてたよ  夜空に咲いた花火のように いつも私を照らしてくれた  君が作リ出す風景にそっと寄り添っていたいけど 出来ないまま閉じた願いは何を描いてゆくの  揺れる心 抱きしめてと言えなくて 遠ざけた想い サヨナラに愛を込めて決めた道を歩いて行きたい  自転車をこぐ背中越しに 二人の未来描いていた  どんな時でも待っててくれた 何があっても一緒だったね  あの日触れた温もりに 今は押し潰されそうで 上手になんて笑えないけど いつかまた会えるかな…  揺れる心 抱きしめてと言えなくて 遠ざけた想い 無防備な優しさへと 気付けばまた行ったり来たり  忘れたい 忘れたくない 会えないのは会いたいから… 揺れる心抱きしめてよ 言えなくて溢れた涙 サヨナラに愛を込めて 決めた道を歩いて行きたい
The Last Letter吉川晃司吉川晃司jam・吉川晃司吉川晃司君と見た空 遠く蒼く  今も探すよ 同じ空を  それが雨だと 君と知った  それが虹だと 君と知った  美しかった あの日世界は  Tell me your love Tell me your heart どうかもう一度 oh, Tell me your love Tell me tomorrow 君と見た空を Again  叶うことなら この腕でまた  Tell me your love Tell me your heart 二度と離さない oh, Tell me your love Tell me tomorrow どうかこの胸に Again  君と見た空 遠く蒼く  今も探すよ 同じ空を
The Last LetterZeebraZeebraZeebraDJ WATARAI俺が Lyrical heavy weight star like Tyson Japanese hip hop 長年のアイコン 不死身のトップスター Nobody can stop that 四行でノックアウト 連れてきなドクター スキルなら尽きないぜストックが 身の程知らずの bloodclaat 仕留める即座 一撃で全身麻痺させる毒蛇 欺けねえぜお前のトロイの木馬 最新のプログラム 瞬時にアップデート 最新の Bomb で賑やかすラップゲーム 激ヤバ DJ こぞってクラブプレイ 激甘 MC I eat u like a cupcake 危ねえダブプレート売る武器商人 東京発 Killer bomb 落としに光臨 Yes, yes, y'allin' The champ is back 食らっちまいなこの最強の Rap attack Blow!  俺が Z Yeah I S-P-I-T 俺が Z 最上級 VIP 俺が Z The G-O-D The MC ここ JP を背負う K-I-N-G The last letter The last letter The last letter is the crazy go-getter The last letter The last letter The last letter is the crazy go-getter  今晩もどこかで Big things poppin' 熱くなった連中一気に Rockin' 一気にテンション沸点に到達 狡猾 猛ダッシュで耳強奪 Big stealer I steal all cities 有言実行 I said it then I'm gonna get it I don't wear fitted I play like I'm owner 死ぬまで Rep する東京城南 日本が US ならここは New York 求められるのは隙の無い 16 ツルむのは Real one フェイクは勘弁 バックれるヤツとか意味が分かんねえ Peace to my family 全てのエリア 記憶ぶっ飛ぶまでぶちかますウォリアー トリガー 握り締めてまた連射 Blak-ka Blak-ka Hey, I'm danger!  俺が Z Yeah I S-P-I-T 俺が Z 最上級 VIP 俺が Z The G-O-D The MC ここ JP を背負う K-I-N-G The last letter The last letter The last letter is the crazy go-getter The last letter The last letter The last letter is the crazy go-getter  Wow I switch style I can flow どんなビートも即 Get down Too fresh, too fresh マジ超新鮮 常に真剣磨き掛ける In my 神殿 正にピラミッド頂点の Killer bee 吐き出す Killer shit Killer beat Killer hit またも神格化される新作 誰も邪魔させねえ俺の Kingdom そこらの輩がどんなに 足掻いても着かない最上階フロアに どしっと構えて I be chillin 下界見下ろす Far east city You can't fuck with my 王朝 没落不可能 反撃覚悟 足もとの地下道 Mr. Dynamite Yup Ready to blow up ぶっ放しゃ最後 Your game is over  俺が Z Yeah I S-P-I-T 俺が Z 最上級 VIP 俺が Z The G-O-D The MC ここ JP を背負う K-I-N-G The last letter The last letter The last letter is the crazy go-getter The last letter The last letter The last letter is the crazy go-getter
the love letter feat.DURAN逹瑯逹瑯逹瑯・Ken(L'Arc~en~Ciel)Ken(L'Arc~en~Ciel)誘うは 蜻蛉が 飛び込みし 光の偽装 ゆらめき 儚いて 消えてく 舞い散る 灰の the love letter  Oh 凍え 泣いて 叫び 喚き 縋る私を 腐った 君が抱く 何処かへ流れ着く雨の様な私の ありきたりな物語 瞼 強く閉じて 月夜の恋は貴方を刺す  誘うは 蜻蛉が 飛び込みし 光と理想 ゆらめき 儚いて 溢れる 涙と 灰の the love letter  Oh 声も 髪も 傷も 何も 嘘の瞳も 愛してた 憎んでた 何処かへ風に舞う灰の様な私の ありきたりな物語 瞼 固く閉ざし 心の影は記憶を刺す  誘うは 蜻蛉が 飛び込みし 光の偽装 ゆらめき 儚いて 消えてく さよなら 灰の the love letter  だからさ もう一度だけ la la la... もう一度だけ もう一度 その腕に抱かれたなら さよなら さよなら  No matter how much time goes by, I love you. Oh 凍え 泣いて 叫び 喚き 縋る蜻蛉
The letterSHORT CIRCUITSHORT CIRCUITNaou HaraNaou HaraI'm trying to write to you The letter that you'll never read Stuff all my love into my poor style  I tried to gather words scattered in my mind as I took my pen, but I don't know where to start  What can I do for you? What should I do for you? I talk to myself all night long Over and over again  You gave some bright colors to my grayish everyday Can you hear me cryin'? Can you hear me singin' a song for you? The letter won't reach you Still I write to you  
The LetterMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKMaynard・BlaiseMaynard・BlaiseHow long, since I've written a letter! I got a rough draft in my pocket. Did ya know, the words never come out right, When you think too much, or you're up all night. Oh why? Oh why? Oh why?  Can't find the right words to say. So many other writers have been trapped this way. I don't know how he could write, R&J or Twelfth Night. But somebody must have amused him.  I don't mind writing down that I love you, But what can I say? I have lost my way. How do I find the words to express my feelings for you? I am lost without you. But I keep on writing on page 2.  With you, I feel so much better. You warm me up with your kindness. I gotta krow, I never want to let you down, You fill my heart with a brand new sound, Taking away all of my sadness.  My way is all that I thought about. I never wanted changes, but it happened. And now I know with or without, You make me this way. I thank you for reading my letter.  I don't mind writing down that I love you, But what can I say? I have lost my way. How do I find the words to express my feelings for you? I am lost without you, I'm telling the truth, start something new, What can I do? Do you feel it too? Where do I go? No more ideas, Making this song, just writing on, run out of paper, broken my pencil, Just keep scribbling on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala......
THE LETTER矢野顕子矢野顕子Wayne CarsonWayne CarsonGive me a ticket for an airplane Ain't got time to take a fast train Lonely days are gone I'm going home My baby just wrote me a letter  I don't care how much money I got to spend Got to get back to my baby again Lonely days are gone I'm going home My baby, just wrote me a letter  Well she wrote me a letter Said she couldn't live without me no more Listen mister, can't you see I have to get back To my baby wants me home Anyway  Give me a ticket for an airplane Ain't got time to take a fast train Lonely days are gone I'm going home My baby just wrote me a letter  Well she wrote me a letter Said she couldn't live without me no more Listen mister , can't you see I have to get back To my baby wants me home Anyway  Give me a ticket for an airplane Ain't got time to take a fast train Lonely days are gone I'm going home My baby just wrote me a letter  My baby she wrote me a letter
The LetterThe Wisely BrothersThe Wisely Brothers真舘晴子真舘晴子Hi, how are you? I'm having a coffee in a cafe At first, I was the only customer, But other customers came in Maybe they are regulars They said “Master, you looking forward to the day after tomorrow?” I realized “Master” he will go to the United States # He gives like braking dawn He gives love on the wind Why can't we be put into words But I know “I can feel something” tonight  I'm writing this letter on my holiday And I think this place connects to the U.S. I don't know “what it is” But I love “how it feels” “Something” is carried on the wind, oh oh And it reaches someone's heart Rain quenches the air And I think It becomes tears and kisses kisses! Let's meet in the airport I can feel something #
The letter after the wound坂本美雨坂本美雨坂本美雨坂本龍一もう一度あなたが歌い出すその時 輝くわたしになって逢いに行けるように  はにかんだ笑い顔 いつも強くなれた 何も持たない君が 春風に吹かれた  いつのまにか消えた花びら 君にはもう会えなくなった 君の優しさ甦るほど 空を見上げる 届かないのに  いつかは追い付きたい 無くした輝きに これからは一人で歩いてく この目で見つけてゆく  吹き荒れる風の中 静かに強くなる 割れた心を包む メロディーが聞こえる  時と共に 流されるもの 薄れてく記憶 恐れない 一番大切なこと あの言葉ずっと忘れない  吹き荒れる 風の中 静かに 強くなる 心の中に そっと あなたを 実らせる  今からあの場所まであなたへと旅立つ 春風吹く季節に輝いた笑顔で  もう一度あなたが歌い出すその時 輝くわたしになって逢いに行けるように
THE LETTER FEAT. ANNA TSUCHIYAHoobastankHoobastankDOUGLAS ROBB・DANIEL ESTRIN・CHRIS HESSEDOUGLAS ROBB・DANIEL ESTRIN・CHRIS HESSE“Meet me there at midnight, same place we always go, I'm absolutely sure he doesn't know.”  Those words jump off the letter, that I found behind our Bed, haunting me they echo in my head In my head...  It's too late to try and work it out There's no way to turn this thing around It's all there in the letter that I found I've memorized it line for line Too bad the letter isn't mine....  “When can I next see you? I've been counting down the day. I promise you our secret will be safe.”  No, I just can't continue, reading through my tears, The meaning of the letter is so clear....  It's too late to try and work it out There's no way to turn this thing around It's all there in the letter that I found I've memorized it line for line Too bad the letter isn't mine....  You wanted me to find it, (I want you to find it) You never tried to hide it, (I never tried to hide it) The writing never fades, the words are here to stay.  I hope you find this letter, I'm writing you today, These will be the last words that I say....  It's too late to try and work it out There's no way to turn this thing around It's all here in the letter that you've found It's too late to try and work it out There's no way to turn this thing around It's all here in the letter that you've found  So, memorize it line for line, I won't be there to say you good bye...
Letter In The Sky feat.The JacksonsAIAIAI・D Lashine&C JenkinsAI・King David“The Future”・D Lashine&C JenkinsIn the sky  ちょうどあなたのこと考えてた 何してるかな? 元気かな?って 思ってたんだよ そっちの世界には (もう慣れたのかな) どんな場所? どんな感じ? 聞きたいことが山ほどあるから!  I wish I could touch you この手紙が キミに届くように祈ってる 悲しい時もあるけど I'm alright!!! 大丈夫 また会う日までこうやって I write a letter... (In the sky)  I can still feel your presence (Even though you're gone) I can still hear your heart beat (Even though you're not home) There's not a day that pass That I don't think of you I find myself up late at night Wondering what to do  I wish I could touch you I wish I could feel you I wish I could see you But you're so far away  I wish I could Hold you tell you that I love you You're so far away now (but) the only thing I could do Is write a letter... (In the sky) Write a letter... (In the sky)  Even though you're not here (Wanna let you know I miss you) So I'm writting this letter (To show you that I love you)  Cause it still feel like you're near (Even though I know you're far away) I still keep you deep inside my heart Each and everyday  I wish I could touch you I wish I could see you But you're so far away  I wish I could hold you You're so far away now (but) the only thing I could do Is write a letter... (In the sky) Write a letter... (In the sky)
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 鉄道唱歌
  2. オトノケ
  3. はいよろこんで
  4. クリスマスソング
  5. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born



  1. Tokyo stuck
  2. 歩道橋
  4. 染み
  5. Crazy Crazy

