Schwarzschild  1曲中 1-1曲を表示

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1曲中 1-1曲を表示
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SchwarzschildDDASAGIASAGITime to say farewell to this world.  Even if it was “The Black Shield”... There is the shield in order to protect everyone.  All vampire's sin are my sin. Because the cause is in me. I must atone for past Deeds. That is, it indicates the Death.  My blood wasn't able to be exterminated by sunlight, all was mistake and meaningless.  This blood, lineage should perish, and never awake. Up to the last drop of the blood.  However I was feeling sadness always. Because we are the vampires which are always hungry for blood, and have to continue living in the Dark. As Dust return to Dust, I will also return to ashes.  Loneliness and pain made the Desire amplify and malice became mighty nightly.  I wish to liberate you from“Blood Oath”. Please understand this feeling of mine.  さあ おいで 夜の子供達 眠れ 永遠の孤独を招くなかれ  愛されずに生まれ来る魂(もの)は誰一人いない 在るべき姿へ還ろう 神の御名を呼び求めて  終わりなき闇に大いなる光あれ 天より  しかと見た心の目で 探し求めた姿 憐れみの時間を与える 神の御心は答えて 偉大なる愛は深く 彷徨える者でさえ 変えられぬ未来などない 神の御前にて誓って  やがて罪の死は訪れ 苦しみは去り 今は眠りへ…  If God give me hug gently some day, I will know true meaning of the eternity.  There're few people who can find out the narrow gate to the paradise. but I wish to meet you again.  If I can live with you on God's side, it's very wonderful. Only God saves us.
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. オトノケ
  2. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  3. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  4. Bunny Girl
  5. はいよろこんで



  1. Frontier
  2. I want tomorrow to come
  3. 海へ
  4. 結言
  5. 光り

