全1ページ中 1ページを表示
5曲中 1-5曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
雨の日と月曜日は Rainy Days And Mondays澤田知可子澤田知可子Paul Williams・Roger Nichols・日本語詞:松井五郎PAUL WILLIAMS・ROGER NICHOLS時がそう言わなくても 理由のない 涙なんかない 誰にも逢わない部屋 雨音だけ優しいんだ  笑いあって暮らしても なにか違う気持ちも知ってた ほんとはさみしかったと あの時 気づいてたんだ  なにもかも さよならで終われる 愛ならよかったのに なにもかも 捨てられないままの 私がここにいる  悪い夢が終わったら 朝はきっと訪れるから あなたを離さないでと 雨は教えてくれるわ  なにもかも さよならで終われる 愛ならよかったのに  悪いことがあっても 道はどこか つながるのなら あなたを離したくない 雨にいまも そう言っていいの?  あなたを離したくない 雨にいまも そう言っていいの?
RAINY DAYS AND MONDAYS木村カエラ xxx Predawn木村カエラ xxx PredawnRoger S. Nichols・Paul H. WilliamsRoger S. Nichols・Paul H. WilliamsTalking to myself and feeling old Sometimes I'd like to quit Nothing ever seems to fit Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  What I've got they used to call the blues Nothing is really wrong Feeling like I don't belong Walking around some kind of lonely clown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Funny but it seems I always wind up here with you Nice to know somebody loves me Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do Run and find the one who loves me  What I feel has come and gone before No need to talk it out We know what it's all about Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do Run and find the one who loves me  What I feel has come and gone before No need to talk it out We know what it's all about Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down
Rainy days and Mondays ~雨の日と月曜日は小林明子小林明子PAUL WILLIAMS・ROGER NICHOLSPAUL WILLIAMS・ROGER NICHOLSTalking to myself and feeling old Sometimes I'd like to quit Nothing ever seems to fit Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  What I've got they used to call the blue Nothing is really wrong Feeling like I don't belong Walking around some kind of lonely clown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Funny but it seems I always wind up here with you Nice to know somebody loves me Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do Run and find the one who loves me  What I feel has come and gone before No need to talk it out We know what it's all about Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do Run and find the one who loves me  What I feel has come and gone before No need to talk it out We know what it's all about Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down
Rainy Days and Mondays畠山美由紀畠山美由紀P.Williams・R.NicholsP.Williams・R.NicholsTalkin' to myself and feelin' old Sometimes I'd like to quit Nothing ever seems to fit  Hangin' around Nothing to do but frown Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.  What I've got they used to call the blues Nothin' is really wrong Feelin' like I don't belong Walkin' around  Some kind of lonely clown Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.  Funny but it seems I always wind up here with you Nice to know somebody loves me Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do Run and find the one who loves me  What I feel has come and gone before No need to talk it out We know what it's all about  Hangin' around Nothing to do but frown Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down   (対訳) ひとりごとを言ったりして ああ、ずいぶん歳を取ったなと感じる 時にはもう投げ出してしまいたくなる 何もかもしっくりこなくて  時間をもてあましては ただ浮かない顔をするだけ 雨の日と月曜日はいつも憂鬱  こういう気持ちのことを 昔の人はブルースって呼んだんでしょうね 何も間違ったことなんて起きていないのに 自分にはどこにも居場所がないように感じるの 彷徨い歩く寂しいピエロのように 雨の日と月曜日はいつも憂鬱  おかしいわね 結局いつも最後にはあなたと一緒にいる事を考えるの 幸せなことよ 誰かが自分のことを愛してくれているなんて おかしいわね ただこうすることしか浮かばないの 自分を愛してくれる人のもとへ 走って会いに行きたいってことしか  浮かんでは消えてゆくこの想い 話したりする必要はないの わたしたちにはその事がよく分かっている  時間をもてあましては ただ浮かない顔をするだけ 雨の日と月曜日はいつも憂鬱
RAINY DAYS AND MONDAYSMONKEY MAJIKMONKEY MAJIKP.Williams・R.NicholsP.Williams・R.NicholsTalking to myself and feeling old Sometimes I'd like to quit Nothing ever seems to fit Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  What I've got they used to call the blues Nothing is really wrong Feeling like I don't belong Walking around some kind of lonely clown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Funny but it seems I always wind up here with you Nice to know somebody loves me Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do Run and find the one who loves me  What I feel has come and gone before No need to talk it out We know what it's all about Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do Run and find the one who loves me  What I feel has come and gone before No need to talk it out We know what it's all about Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down  Hanging around, nothing to do but frown Rainy days and Mondays always get me down
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  2. I want tomorrow to come
  3. L.o.v.e.
  4. 海へ
  5. 結言

