MARIGOLD  3曲中 1-3曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
3曲中 1-3曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
MarigoldsGliderGliderYusuke・MasaharuYusuke・Masaharu今どこにいるの 何をしているの 肩落とし泣いてるなら 味方をするよ と言ってみたものの 何ができるだろう 自分のブルースさえ手に余る僕だ  ひどい無力さに打ちのめされそうな そんな日々だけど 君を探して今日も歌ってる  Hey 聞こえてるかい この声 Hey 届いてるかい この想い 昨日までの僕にさよなら 枯れてしまう前に  来る日も来る日も 靴をすり減らし 歩いても答えはなぜ 見つけられない 地球の裏では星が光ってる 僕らの真上にもいつか巡るかな  ああ気を落とさないで 涙隠さないで 瞳閉じないで ため息さえ メロディに変わるよ  Hey 聞こえてるかい この声 Hey 届いてるかい この想い 今日の日は君と歌おう 枯れてしまわぬように  Hey 聞こえてるかい この声 Hey 届いてるかい この想い 明日には大声で笑おう 咲き誇れ
MarigoldFOUR GET ME A NOTSFOUR GET ME A NOTSFOUR GET ME A NOTSFOUR GET ME A NOTS“We should call it an end” Do you seriously think that way Now hold on There are things left to do Please notice  Reasons that you were born Reasons that you live through hard times now No one knows I'm sure you're gonna find it out yourself  You don't know All the friends that'll lend you their hands So hold out your hands Right now  I know You'll keep the smiles and joy safe Trust yourself it'll be ok  In these days things won't always fall your own way But there is some hope Right here  Your future it all lies inside your hands  Don't show weakness Don't look behind run through it all You can do it  There are no rules promise one thing live inside this world
Marigold (feat. グリリ)M2UM2UNICODEM2UI dreamed a beautiful dream, you were there as well as I. It doesn't seem like a dream even it's over.  I miss you caress my hand as you watch me while I sleep. Your melody still remains in this room and it rings.  Star-la lah- la la, la la la lah, love you always deeply, genuinely, immensely, steadily with all my heart. Be strong and all will be alright. You are the aria itself, shine out!  I remember you from dream, playing my favorite song for me. Your melody becomes a part of my whole world.  Stel-la lah- la la, la la lah, love you too always deeply, genuinely, immensely, steadily with all my heart. I'll be strong and all will be fine. I'll be strong and all will be fine.
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. アポロドロス
  2. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  3. 遥か
  4. たなばたさま
  5. Sharon



  1. DiVE !N
  2. 絶対アイドル辞めないで
  3. わたし
  4. くじら
  5. Scarlet Scars

