Clarity  8曲中 1-8曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
8曲中 1-8曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
A Moment Of Clarity原田知世原田知世Tomoyo Harada・Eiichi SawadoGoro ItoHere comes the time The flow is so gentle And inside I stand alone So isn't the life of mine That I have lost in last days?  Here comes the sun The wave is so gentle And the warm light along the sea Now carrying a laughter And I smile as a child passes me by  With me, now the birds are singing I feel like I'm open sky With me, now the light are shining There won't be a way behind  Here comes the time The flow is so gentle And inside I stand alone So isn't the life of mine That I have lost in last days?  Uuu…  Here comes the time The flow is so gentle And inside I stand alone So isn't the life of mine That I have lost in last days?  Here comes the sun The wave is so gentle And the warm light along the sea Now carrying a laughter And I smile as a child passes me by  With me, now the moment's coming I feel like I'm open sky With me, now the lights are glowing There won't be a way behind
CLARITY黒夢黒夢人時清春人時Defeat justice soon. Hey! With me! Hurry up! In the name of justice, Hey! You're going down!  Defeat evil soon. Hey! With me! Hurry up! In the name of evil, Hey! You're going down!  Where are the glory I do not have in hard yet? Life or death. (To die To die To die To get it)  希望的観測 Figure laughing us. 未来的観点 笑いだす影 俯瞰的憶測 くだらないメッセージ  Where are the glory I do not have in hard yet? Life or death. (To live To live To live Get it on)  希望的観測 Figure laughing us. 未来的観点 何も変わらない 俯瞰的憶測 くだらないメッセージ 焚き付ける逆上さ You've git stir up.
CLARITYGLORY HILLGLORY HILLTAKUYATAKUYAWhere have my all kindred souls gone away? Our days of joys and sorrows won't fade out forever I won't forget many feelings in my life Our friendships through these years will never be gone again  Your words to me resolving to my soul And I take it to knock on brand new doors Clarity, sonority Overlay my souls to the sky Gravity Don't you get dragged by yourself again Destiny, eternity Over ages of my dreams Clarity, clarity  Sometimes feels like getting caught up with my past Evils keep whispering me to turn around to slowdown  Your words to me resolving to my soul And I take it to sing my brand new songs  Remaining a resonance Emotions for resound I believe in vibes from you Can't you hear my melodies?  Remaining a resonance Emotions for resound No reason for me to live
ClarityGEMGEMleonn吉田将樹ats-たとえば私があの月だったら あなたはそう太陽 長過ぎる夜を越えるための 強さを教えてくれた  優しい言葉に勇気づけられることだってあるけど まっすぐな瞳 その光にいつも励まされていた  Everyday Every time そう誰かと Everywhere Everything そう何かと 触れ合う瞬間 新しい私が輝く  Shining bright きっともう迷わないよ たとえ地図にない道でも 出逢いすべてに理由があるなら 遠回りなんかじゃない Clarity of dream  たとえば私があの空だったら あなたは遥かな海 自分と言う透明な存在の色に気づかせてくれた  誰からしさを知らなきゃ 自分らしいって何かわからない いつからか素直になること あきらめ始めてたんだ  Every day Every time そう誰かに Everywhere Everything そう何かを 伝える瞬間 本当の私が輝く  Shining bright きっともう怖くないよ たとえ否定されたっていい 一つ傷つくたびに輝きは 本物に変わって行く Clarity of heart  Shining bright きっともう迷わないよ たとえ地図にない道でも 出逢いすべてに理由があるなら 遠回りなんかじゃない Clarity of dream
Clarityリヴ●イ(神谷浩史) from No Nameリヴ●イ(神谷浩史) from No Name岩城由美石田寛朗堤博明震えるそんな眼差しで 見つめてるそれだけなら 夢など叶えられはしない 澱みきった心ごと いつまでも拭いきれない 感情に流されるだけさ  願いその先にある 完璧すぎる欲望 まっすぐ 貫いてみせてみろよ 張り裂けそうなほどに鋭く 軋む鼓動 お前に その覚悟があるのなら  壊れるまで ひれ伏すまで その胸に刻みつけろよ 揺れ動くのは 静かな激情 汚れのない 迷いのない 美しいこの世の果てへ 満ちた月夜に 狂える衝動 誰にも止められない 限界を決めつけるな  総てを洗い流すよに 銀色の雨に強く 打ちのめされてしまえばいい 余計な不安抱いたまま 墜ちてゆくその身体も 少しはマシになれるだろう  痩せた勇気に巣食う どうしようもない失望 心に 住みついてしまう前に 微かにまだくすぶり続けて 燃える希望 お前の 瞳に息づく限り  壊れるまで ひれ伏すまで ひたむきに突っ走るなら 諦めという 選択肢はない 汚れのない 迷いのない そうさ行く手は Clarity 俺の世界に ついてこられるか? 誰にも止められない 限界を突き抜けるぜ  何もかもを捨てても 響く鼓動 お前に その覚悟があるのなら 急げ!  壊れるまで ひれ伏すまで その胸に刻みつけろよ 揺れ動くのは 静かな激情 汚れのない 迷いのない そうさ行く手は Clarity 満ちた月夜に 狂える衝動 誰にも止められない 限界を突き抜けるぜ
CLARITYストレイテナーストレイテナーATSUSHI HORIEATSUSHI HORIEストレイテナー信じなくていいよ そんな悲しいニュースを 燃やしてしまうよ 綺麗な火を出して 三日月に吊したブランコから見下ろした もっと大切なことをキミは握っているんだ  未完成なままの歌が 不透明な空白の時間を  走るトレイン 滑るレール 長い雨を追い越して 弾くリフレイン 磨り減るフレット 深い闇に火花を散らして トンネルを抜けて 未完成な歌を 僕が出す答えを  IT'S YOUR GRAVE SIX FEET UNDER INVESTIGATE UNCOVER 眼に見える世界なんて嘘だらけさ
THE ILEX ALLOWED CLARITY HATEa crowd of rebelliona crowd of rebelliona crowd of rebelliona crowd of rebellionI always ask my heart. I have screaming many times. Give you a beautiful color. I bring a song.  Staring at you everyday. I think the color. Staring at you everyday. Do you think i don't exist in the world?  Someone dyes me gray. l feel nothing sometime. I hate liars. liars. liars. liars.  Have you wanted to break the sky. I wanted to the end. I was wrong. I have a mission to fulfill. I promise. I swear to this wonderful sky.  Why should I take all the blame? Am i afraid of being hurt? “You're just saying that” Someone angry with me again.  I cried again. Don't go anywhere. There are too many people to take care of. I cried again. Don't say anymore. Dirty pierce was broken and blank was fulled.  You make mistakes. Continue regret. but so you are correct. Please rise falls over. Keep you always run. While i spit everyday you are crazy.  Why should I take all the blame? Am i afraid of being hurt? tell me the truth someone. “Will losing music make me alone?”  I cried again. Don't go anywhere. There are too many people to take care of. I cried again. Don't say anymore. Dirty pierce was broken and blank was fulled.  The beautiful words killed me? I make a mistakes and l pointed gun's one at someone. Please advance as you wish. Always in your heart. I promise. I swear to this beautiful world. [Ordeal is to befall you. Please don't worry. Your not alone]  There are many things I have lost and Many things l want to share.  I cried again. Don't go anywhere. There are too many people to take care of.  Many things. I have lost.
Perfect ClarityMAN WITH A MISSIONMAN WITH A MISSIONKamikaze Boy・Jean-Ken JohnnyKamikaze Boyこぼれ落ちた涙 手でぬぐい笑った  しがみついた夢に お別れをしたんだ  泥の中もがいて 羽化する蝶のように 今はわかったんだ Everything was engaged  It's perfect clarity Longing in insanity ただ夢見た 消えやしない傷 誤魔化し抱きかかえ  So shine on me 誰のためでもなく The one and only remedy It's perfect clarity  All of the troubles and gravity We never chose to surrender The times of beauty and purity Like the Invictus together  濁り切ったアクエリアム 泳ぐ淡水魚の様に スモッグまみれの空 Looked up and gazed  Perfect clarity Longing in insanity さよなら世界 僕らは明日の先へとただ行くよ  So shine on me ガラクタは捨てて The one and only remedy It's perfect clarity  (Oh Oh Oh)  The world was never soft or easy But you were calling me I heard you calling me  It's perfect clarity Come and shine on me  It's perfect clarity Longing in insanity ただ夢見た 消えやしない傷 誤魔化し抱きかかえ  (Oh Oh Oh)  It's perfect clarity Longing in insanity さよなら世界 僕らは明日の先へとただ行くよ  So shine on me 誰のためでもなく The one and only remedy It's perfect clarity  (Oh Oh Oh) (Oh Oh Oh)
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. オトノケ
  2. 点描の唄(feat.井上苑子)
  3. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  4. はいよろこんで
  5. Bunny Girl



  1. Frontier
  2. I want tomorrow to come
  3. 海へ
  4. 結言
  5. 光り

