BODiES  4曲中 1-4曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
4曲中 1-4曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
Counterattack by the Sesame Sized BodiesFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear, and Loathing in Las VegasFear,and Loathing in Las VegasIs there food for me?  Perfectly idiotic, so many rules The feudal society Perfectly idiotic, so many rules The underground royal palace Perfectly idiotic, so many rules Carrying more things again today  No! I wanted to fly high, to fly high I walk forward on ground,when god has torn off my wings No! It's bigger than a tank! than a tank! No chance to win but we gotta go  There are ones (that) have brain and one's who don't There are unfair rules of society So now we'll start rocking in a show Who is gonna do it all if you don't, come on! Wow Oh!  Looks like it got cut off I should get out of this nest filled with slaves How far can we go with the two of us? Is there a satisfying paradise somewhere? Can we avoid more sins? Not even knowing that, I don't want to end up as soil We will end up, at… The time covered up with shadow The time that the rain poured down The time that I faced a mad toad  To find the way out of this fate that is cursing me Why don't you try going on a quest when you have the power There are no reasons why this place here is a safe one Why would I drown here when our lives will be soon taken away  Just a bit after we left The space we were in was covered up (The) reasons are usually nonsense when lose everything When losing everything, man?  A friend that sent us out  We don't shed tears, but we shave our little sesame sized boodies and feel the sadness But yet, there's no reason to give up  We are a working ant For ourselves and living our lives to love We are living with the given life We are a working ant For ourselves and living our lives to love Working hard with our little bodies, get ready Bye
BODiESBiSHBiSHモモコグミカンパニー松隈ケンタSCRAMBLES全部作りもののような 気がしてる 息してる? 生ぬるい風が吹くんです 訳もなくトリハダがたつ  生きる意味の旅に 一人で出かけても どうせ見つからないしほらもう何度も 分かっていることなんだ  切り裂いた 意味なんてもういらないよ 人混みに紛れ込む 踏みつけたコンクリート 音が鳴り響く 今が動き出す 体  なんだ照りつける直射日光 反射するっす この窓ガラス グレーに染まる喪失感 後戻りなんてできないや  僕が理解されない 不平等世界は リアルさえ切り取られてもいいように 編集されているんだ  掻き消した 雑音溢れる街 乗り込んで走り出す 僕だけのスクリーンには 刻み込めるかな 今を駆け抜ける 体  生きる意味の旅に 一人で出かけても どうせ見つからないしほらもう何度も 分かっていることなんだ  切り裂いた 意味なんてもういらないよ 人混みに紛れ込む 踏みつけたコンクリート 音が鳴り響く 今が動き出す 体
BodiesTAKESHI UEDATAKESHI UEDASid Vicious・Paul Thomas Cook・Stephen Philip Jones・John LydonSid Vicious・Paul Thomas Cook・Stephen Philip Jones・John LydonShe was a girl from Birmingham She just had an abortion She was a case of insanity Her name was Pauline she lived in a tree  She wants to know what had killed her baby She sent her letters from the country She was an animal She was a bloody disgrace  Body, I'm not an animal Mummy, I'm not an animal  Dragged on a table in a factory Illegitimate place to be In a packet in the lavatory Dying little baby screaming  Funny screamin fucking bloody mad It's not an animal It's an abortion  Body, I'm not an animal Mummy, I'm not an animal  Throbbing squirm, gurgling bloody mess I'm not a discharge I'm not a loss in protein I'm not a throbbing squirm Ah!  Fuck this and fuck that fuck it all and Fuck the fucking brat She don't want a baby that looks like that I don't want a baby that looks like that  Body I'm not an animal Body I'll go shit…  Body I'm not an animal Body I'm not an animal  I'm not an animal I'm not an animal…  Mummy! Ugh!
BODIESSALUSALUSALUSALU・ELIONEyeah あの子が困らないだけ稼ぐ もしも俺が今夜死んだら ウケる程の額があの子に入る手筈 yeah たくさんの死体の上で書く 曲がこの星の未来書き換える yeah I create our future  誰も追いつけないスピードで 走るハリスツイードのシート また闇に潜ってくけど 決して死なないあの子のヒーロー yeah 出口で見る朝日 病棟抜け出したあいつみたい 真夜中原宿フクロウの教室 あの日を決して忘れないように 銃口見せられたあの感覚 俺が俺のため俺を追い越す今 俺は俺を見捨てない yeah yeah 俺が死んで理解される数々の言葉 お前のひ孫頷かす 俺は花火 時限爆弾 もう Covidより強い  Havin' a meal on a bodies Makin' a deal on a bodies 誰のせいでもない 全て自分のために これが生き方 I just do on my feet You can see bodies at my feet 誰かに構う時間もない今更  金の匂い嗅ぎつけるやつら 鍵付けるこのキーホルダーには今鍵10個 俺のこと真似するの別にいいけど この生き方の真似は勧めない  Havin' a meal on a bodies Makin' a deal on a bodies 誰のせいでもない 全て自分のために これが生き方 I just do on my feet You can see bodies at my feet 誰かに構う時間もない今更
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. ファタール
  2. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  3. さよーならまたいつか!



  1. Sharon
  2. 絶対アイドル辞めないで
  3. わたし
  4. 晴々!
  5. RISE UP

