�[�H  5曲中 1-5曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
5曲中 1-5曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
Good Vibrations [HT Ver.]高野寛・森川美穂・高中正義高野寛・森川美穂・高中正義Brian Douglas Wilson・Mike E. LoveBrian Douglas Wilson・Mike E. Love田島貴男I..I love the colorful clothes she wears And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair I hear the sound of a gentle word On the wind that lifts her perfume through the air  I'm pickin' up good vibrations She's giving me excitations (oom bop bop) I'm pickin' up good vibrations (good vibrations, oom bop bop) She's giving me excitations (excitations, oom bop bop) I'm pickin' up good vibrations (oom bop bop) She's giving me excitations (excitations, oom bop bop) I'm pickin' up good vibrations (oom bop bop) She's giving me excitations (excitations)  Close my eyes, she's somehow closer now Softly smile, I know she must be kind When I look in her eyes She goes with me to a blossom world  I'm pickin' up good vibrations She's giving me excitations (oom bop bop) I'm pickin' up good vibrations (good vibrations, oom bop bop) She's giving me excitations (excitations, oom bop bop) Good, good, good, good vibrations (oom bop bop) She's giving me excitations (excitations, oom bop bop) Good, good, good, good vibrations (oom bop bop) She's giving me excitations (excitations)  Ah, ah, my my, what elation I don't know where but she sends me there Oh, my my, what a sensation Oh, my my, what elation Oh, my my, what  Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations a-happening' with her Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations a-happening' with her  Good, good, good, good vibrationa (oom bop bop) She's giving me excitations (excitations, oom bop bop)
K n o c k [ h e a r t ]FlowBackFlowBackYoshYoshSummer Love that's the line we draw just to keep it safe It's dangerous playing with the fire burning up in me Letting ourselves get lost in this moment consequently not giving a damn what they say Sunrise sunset in between the nightlife you and I can be whatever we desire  Let me be the one you want Cause I just want to hear you say  If you're afraid to knock on my heart Then I'm afraid to knock on your heart I feel further when you say that we're not We didn't care from the start cause I know I'm falling in deep for you  If you're afraid to knock on my heart Then I'm afraid to knock on your heart I feel further when you say that we're not We didn't care from the start cause I know I'm falling in deep for you  I'm falling in deep for you  Summer Love that's the line we draw just to keep it safe It's dangerous playing with the fire burning up in me  Letting ourselves get lost in this moment consequently not giving a damn what they say Sunrise sunset in between the nightlife you and I can be whatever we desire  Let me be the one you want Cause I just want to hear you say If you're afraid to knock on my heart Then I'm afraid to knock on your heart I feel further when you say that we're not We didn't care from the start cause I know I'm falling in deep for you  If you're afraid to knock on my heart Then I'm afraid to knock on your heart I feel further when you say that we're not We didn't care from the start cause I know I'm falling in deep for you  You rocked my world, you know you did And everything I own I give I'll be here ready to hold you Don't be afraid to show it off Love is blind, Somebody said but it was true Cause I know I'm falling in deep for you  If you're afraid to knock on my heart Then I'm afraid to knock on your heart I feel further when you say that we're not We didn't care from the start cause I know  If you're afraid to knock on my heart Then I'm afraid to knock on your heart I feel further when you say that we're not We didn't care from the start cause I know  I'm falling in deep for you  Summer Love that's the line we draw just to keep it safe
バスルームで髪を切る100の方法 [haircut 100]フリッパーズ・ギターフリッパーズ・ギターDOUBLE KNOCKOUT CORPORATIONDOUBLE KNOCKOUT CORPORATIONテレビを眺めて/チョコレートをほおばってる間/ もう何もかも/あきらめてるはずなのに今日は/ 目を見てささやいた優しげな言葉/ 見えすいてる/しゃくに触わる/ クソタレな気分蹴とばしたくて/ 髪を切るさ/バスルームでひとりきり大暴れ/ ピストルなら/いつでもポケットの中にあるから/  明るい食堂を/ティーワゴン滑り出してく間/ もう君のこと/忘れてるよ/仕方ないこと/ でもいつかまた僕らは電話をするだろう/ ありふれてる/話をする/ クソタレな気分蹴とばしたくて/ 髪を切るさ/バスルームでひとりきり大暴れ/ ピストルなら/いつでもポケットの中にあるから/  テーブルの/オレンジ囓じって/ 手袋脱ぎ/僕は待つだろう/  いつか僕らは/目隠しするだろう/ あきあきする/噂をする/ クソタレな気分蹴とばしたくて/ 髪を切るさ/バスルームでひとりきり大暴れ/ ピストルなら/いつでもポケットの中にあるから/ 鏡のぞく/僕の顔を/ ハサミが切る/切り裂いてく/ ほらバスルームで続くのさ/ one-hundred!/
[human farm]MERRYMERRYガラ結生Welcome! human farm Welcome! to the human farm Welcome! human farm, garbage world  首輪を付けて ID埋め込まれ 番号だけで呼ばれている  Welcome! human farm Welcome! to the human farm Welcome! human farm. garbage world  気分で飼われ 都合で捨てられ 救いようのない 観念社会  憧れていた夢や理想は 今となっては離れた場所  どうせここから逃げ出せやしない 人間は社会に飼われているから。  Welcome! human farm Welcome! to the human farm Welcome! human farm. garbage world  平等なんて ありもしない話 悲しいけれどこれが現実  憧れていた夢や理想は 今となっては離れた場所  どうせここから逃げ出せやしない 人間は社会に飼われているから。  Welcome! human farm Welcome! to the human farm Welcome! human farm Welcome! to the human farm Welcome! human farm Welcome! to the human farm Welcome! human farm. garbage world
Laboratory from [HOME]birdbirdbirdSadayoshi Okamoto冷たくてあたたかい 緑深い森の中 巣を作り 時を刻む チクタク 羽をひろげ 知恵を集め 作っては壊して 実験は最後まで続くのさ  いくつもの出会いと別れを顔に彫る 忘れられない口づけは 胸にそっと挿している  もうそろそろ 星空の下 舞踏会がはじまる はじまるよ  冷たくてあたたかい 緑深い森の中 巣を作り 時を刻む チクタク  遥か遠い時代の人達も見続けた 灯火を絶やさないよう 大切につないでく  名前をね 呼ばれるよ これまでを抱きしめて 抱きしめて これからを撫でてあげて つめたく あたたかく 可愛がって
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. アポロドロス
  2. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  3. たなばたさま
  4. Sharon
  5. 夢幻



  1. DiVE !N
  2. 絶対アイドル辞めないで
  3. わたし
  4. くじら
  5. Scarlet Scars

