10-FEET「10-BEST 2001-2009」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
super stomper10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETJump around! Jumping free! It's all depends on you! Jump around! Jumping free! Say! Yeah! Yeah!  If our hearts weren't stained black. Hate and anger would be a measure of the people we meet each day. There's no need to defy. There's no need to kill.  Lies, bluffs make them the truth. Deal with the small before the big. There's no need to always be such a good boy or such a girl! Just blow!  No! Goody-two-shoes conscience-Go! Just stay outta my way! Go! Get outta my way! Oh, I've got so much further to go! No! Goody-two-shoes conscience-Go! Just stay outta my way! Go! Get outta my way! Oh, everybody rise up! Yeah!  I might go crazy. My heart won't even move at all. It's like memories just atart growing so bright. I might go crazy. The future is so scary now. Maybe one day can overcome.
VIBES BY VIBESGOLD LYLIC10-FEETGOLD LYLIC10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEET「もう何も解らへん!」とか言って泣いて去ったって 誰もあんた助けてくれへんで!だから強くならな! 助けるんは無理やねんけどお前の事好きやねん 「今日はどうしたん?何々どうしたんや?遠慮しやんでいいぞ」  帰り道の風景 遠ざかる本心と叶えば失う交換条件の夢 色あせた感性でも泣きながらでも 後腐れ無い LIFE! MAKE IT UP! MAKE IT UP!  余裕綽々で胸に着々と根を張る VIBES VIBES VIBES 日々精進の心精神に刻み肝心なとこで奮迅! 余裕綽々で胸に着々と根を張る VIBES VIBES VIBES 青白い朝がくるまで…あの白い記憶の中で…  溜め込む性格も傷つきやすい性格も 相手の気持ちが解るからやんか 恥ずべき事やあれへん 傷ついた分だけ心が温かさ 解るようになるなら傷ついて めっちゃ泣いたらええやん!
STONE COLD BREAK10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETSo always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. Now you're in the dark. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. Now you're in the dark.  If we could be kind to all of our neighbours, everyone met all over this planet. Then all the wars could stop for once and all. Everyone could just keep on hold in hand. If there is really a god, everyone around the world could be equal. How about those things? Tell me what you think? The unreasonable, How can you explain?  Stone cold break. Stone cold break. Stone cold break. Stone cold break and give it a bash, and turn it up. Give it a fly, Say stone cold break. Give it a bash. Give it a fly. Give it a buck. Turn it up.  So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. Now you're in the dark. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. Now you're in the dark.  If we could be kind to all of our neighbours, everyone met all over this planet. Then all the wars could stop for once and all. Everyone could just keep on hold in hand. If there is really a god, everyone around the world could be equal. How about those things? Tell me what you think? The unreasonable, How can you explain?  Stone cold break. Stone cold break. Stone cold break. Stone cold break and give it a bash, and turn it up. Give it a fly, Say stone cold break. Give it a bash. Give it a fly. Give it a buck. Turn it up.  So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. Now you're in the dark. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light. Now you're in the dark.  So always let it be more light. So always let it be more light.
GOLD LYLIC10-FEETGOLD LYLIC10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETいつまで歩けば辿り着くの 笑って振り返る日はくるの 一人じゃ無いのに一人きりで いつまでも僕は笑えるかな あの場所に置いて来たつもりで 幾年も歩き続けたけど 積み上げたアルバムを開いて ありがとうなんて今まだ僕は言えないよ  何年も先からやって来た香る風 どうか見て来ておくれ Some day いつか振り返って笑えますか僕は? ああ教えてくれよ  スマートに負けを認めろとか 求めない事が幸せとか 笑い合いたけりゃ戦うのさ 手を伸ばして願いを描くのさ 最初から真っ白のあの白と 消しゴムの跡だらけの白じゃあ キタナイ白の方がイカすのさ 嫌なやつの方が純粋さを知っているのさ  何年も先からやって来た香る風 どうか見て来ておくれ Some day いつか振り返って笑えますか僕は? ああ教えてくれよ  何年も先からやって来た香る風 僕は幸せでいますか? Some day いつか振り返って笑えますか僕は? ああ教えてくれよ 何年も先からやって来た香る風 どうか教えておくれ Some day いつか振り返って笑えますか僕は? ああ教えてくれよ
RIVERPLATINA LYLIC10-FEETPLATINA LYLIC10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEET流れゆく河 流れゆく時  It's just a waste of time if you can't do anymore. Do your best and lay back and leave the rest to God 意味と原因と偶然が個々に寄り添い一つになる  時流れゆく事が決して年老いTAKE事じゃない 君がただ居るだけで 生き甲斐になる人がいる事  聴くだけで聴くだけで突き刺さる詩と枯れるまで流れゆく河  母は泣いた手に触れ泣いた「よかった」と一言また泣いた 君は泣いた深々と泣いた「嬉しい」と一言また泣いた 僕は泣いたただただ泣いた気がつくと 独りで泣いていた 昔行ったあの場所に行ったあのRIVER  流れゆく時  It's just a waste of time if you can't do anymore. Do your best and lay back and leave the rest to God 意味と原因と偶然が個々に寄り添い一つになる  時流れゆく事が決して年老いTAKE事じゃない 君がただ居るだけで生き甲斐になる人がいる事  聴くだけで聴くだけで突き刺さる詩と枯れるまで流れゆく河  母は泣いた手に触れ泣いた「よかった」と一言また泣いた 君は泣いた深々と泣いた「嬉しい」と一言また泣いた 僕は泣いたただただ泣いた気がつくと独りで泣いていた 昔行ったあの場所に行ったあのRIVER  助けてのその一言は僕の存在を否定するもの そんな誓いとんだ勘違い誰も独りで生きていけない 助け求めた君に求めたそして自分にもまた求める まだ戻れるまた訪れるあのRIVER  母は泣いた手に触れ泣いた「よかった」と一言また泣いた 君は泣いた深々と泣いた「嬉しい」と一言また泣いた 僕は泣いたただただ泣いた気がつくと 独りで泣いていた 昔行ったあの場所に行ったあのRIVER  母は泣いた手に触れ泣いた「きっと大丈夫」と一言また泣いた 君は泣いた深々と泣いた「僕がついている」とまた泣いた 僕は泣いたただただ泣いた気がつくと 独りで泣いていた 昔行ったあの場所に行ったあのRIVER
MONKEY10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEET明日 明日 生まれ変わる サル サル もともとサル  何でなんだろう? 何故なんだろう? 満たされてないよ 散々悩んで決めたのに どうなるんだろう? 見えないんだよ 笑える未来が 投げ出す勇気もない  いつの日か耐える事が普通になって笑い方を忘れた 笑うために道を選んだはずなのに 全て失ってでも笑ってやる! 何て退屈な毎日だ!何て平凡な毎日だ!嘘ついてサボるのも重要だ!  何でこんなに弱いんだろう?いつからだろう? 長く本気で笑ってない 中途半端で理由つけてまた逃げて 今日でサヨナラしよう!  人が急に一日で変わっても 決して不思議な事じゃないから よし決めた明日!皆がビックリするような笑える奴になれ! 何て退屈な毎日だ!何て平凡な毎日だ!嘘ついてサボるのも重要だ!  「生きる価値すら無い」と泣きながら 明日を拒む日はまた来るでSHOW! 悲しさを笑顔で迎えて 寂しさを笑顔で迎えて
recollection10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETああ 叶わなかった夢 ああ 目覚めて間もなく 思い出させる吸い殻の数 窓の隙間から覗く朝 朝霧で顔を洗う 赤く腫れた目蓋を いつになく 絶え間なく覇気もなく鼻ズルズルいわして泣く 全部投げ出したい すぐ辞めたい 他人のせいにして逃げ出したい ただ一つ 気になる夢が夢であり続ける しかし未来のオレがオレに言う このオレの夢叶えたのは YOU!  ああ 叶わなかった夢 ああ 変わらなかった夢 ああ 叶いきった夢 ああ 変わりきった夢 つたい落ちた数これから微笑む NEW LIFE!  目覚めて間もなく思い出させる吸い殻の数 窓の隙間から覗く朝 朝霧で顔を洗う 赤く腫れた目蓋を 独りになって思い出す日々 世が世ならオレも社会人 あの瞬間に直感で行動 状況 変化 現在限界で咆哮! なに一つ 変わらない 頼り無い 凝りない面々 オヤジになったオレが言う このオレの夢叶えたのは YOU!  ああ 叶わなかった夢 ああ 変わらなかった夢 ああ 叶いきった夢 ああ 変わりきった夢 笑った数だけつたい落ちてゆく NEW LIFE!  気を失うような哀しさときっといつかはうまくやれると 切なさと悔しさが時折身を呈して幸福与える 気を失うような哀しさときっといつかはうまくやれると 風に昔の日々香る時  ああ 叶わなかった夢 ああ 変わらなかった夢 ああ 叶いきった夢 ああ 変わりきった夢 つたい落ちた数これから微笑む NEW LIFE! NEW LIFE...!
back to the sunset10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETああ 朱色の海に笑い転げ過ごしてた記憶を浮かべ映した ああ もう時に揺られて 時に流れて  Sunset on the way home, seeing it there everyday. It always looks so lonely but so gentle.  Sometimes when I think back can't help laughing out loud. On the road back home I used to cry on as a kid. While the birds teased each other in the trees. I went back to that sunset.
SHOES10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETI came across that scenery, it brought back those bad times. I didn't plan to recall that dark mind. The days I wanted to escape and run away from crying are out there somewhere I don't wanna find.  I miss you. Ah...  「愛がこれっぽっちも無くて薄情な切れ端が実は本当の僕なんだ」って 目を覚まして寂しさに驚いて明かりも点けず泣いてた  会いたくても叶わぬ別れには泣き叫んだって届かない 心がさよなら言えた時愛を込めて泣き笑った  愛を込めて泣き笑った 愛を込めて泣き笑った
JUST A FALSE! JUST A HOLE!10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETIt's just a false. Just a hole. Just a false. Just a hole.  Everything I really want me to be. I'm lookin' at keys like it's lookin' cause I want me to be. The greed is making me high. On and on! It's just a false. Just a hole. Just a false. Just a hole.  I'm singin' and keepin' you and a dirty play at the Freedom Studio! I'm closin' the TV show and the final actions set on MAC!  I wanna kill you. You wanna kill me. I wanna kill you. You wanna kill me. I wanna kill you. You wanna kill me. I wanna kill you. I wanna kill you.  Never is a long day. Never say die! Never is a long day. Never say die! Never is a long day. Never say die! I wanna kill you.  I keep in with you. Keep it away. Keep it away from reality. I keep in with you. Keep it away. Keep it away from reality. I keep in with you. Keep it away. Keep it away from reality. I keep in with you. Keep it away. Keep it away from reality.  I wanna kill you. You wanna kill me. I wanna kill you. You wanna kill me. I wanna kill you. You wanna kill me. I wanna kill you. I wanna kill you.  Never is a long day. Never say die! Never is a long day. Never say die! Never is a long day. Never say die! I wanna kill you.  I keep in with you. Keep it away. Keep it away from reality. I keep in with you. Keep it away. Keep it away from reality. I keep in with you. Keep it away. Keep it away from reality. I keep in with you. Keep it away. Keep it away from reality. NaNaNaNaNa...
EVERY10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETEverybody singing with me RIGHT HOOK! Let's sing a happy song and forget everything all the more. Everybody singing yahh! If not too late now. So you do my best. So you do we now.  I can't stop my own way. Maybe I know my life cut my way. I don't know wanna do. I don't know wanna do. really really? I can't stop my own way. Maybe I know my life cut my way. I don't know wanna do. Really really really really?  LA LA LA...... LA LA LA......  Everybody singing with me RIGHT HOOK! Let's sing a happy song and forget everything all the more. Everybody singing yahh! If not too late now. So you do my best. So you do we now.  I can't stop my own way. Maybe I know my life cut my way. I don't know wanna do. I don't know wanna do. really really? I can't stop my own way. Maybe I know my life cut my way. I don't know wanna do. Really really really really?  LA LA LA...... LA LA LA......  I can't stop my own way. Maybe I know my life cut my way. I don't know wanna do. REALLY REALLY. I will look forward even if I am stumbling. Around I will. Over come any kind of difficulty. I will look forward even if I am stumbling. Around I will. Over come any kind of difficulty. Catch all right!!
ライオン10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETCry for love Cry for yourself Cry for love Cry for yourself  戦う事 嘘をつく事 寂しい事 微笑む強さ 消せない程悲しい出来事 君はやっと笑った  そろそろブッ飛んでFLY! 泣いてんじゃない! 戦う決心はできたんですかい? 勝算はない RISKYなTRY 狂乱なSTYLEの挑戦者 常に不利な立場で挑んでけ 今こそ人生のど真ん中 吠えろWow…(Wow…) 腐りきる前に目を醒ませ  Cry for love Cry for yourself Cry for love Cry for yourself  一体何の為の嘘なんだ! もう僕は何処にも居ないんだ 何の為に生きているんだろう?叫んだ 笑って生きる事に疲れて 人は孤独な生き物だって 優しさと弱さの間(はざま)で叫んだ  優しい人 思いやる人 一番悲しい人 たった独り戦ってきた 君はやっと笑った  たかが数分だけの恥と勇気で お前の将来が変わるなら 吠えろ Wow…(Wow…) 愛に満ち溢れた明日を  Cry for love Cry for yourself Cry for love Cry for yourself  一体何の為の嘘なんだ! もう僕は何処にも居ないんだ 何の為に生きているんだろう?叫んだ  心の形が変わっても 全てを犠牲にしてもいい そこに愛とあなたが在るなら叫んで  叫んで…
nil?10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETI'm forced into the deep corner. Sorry! sorry! I want to get high. But I'm rether happy and I ain't got no guts. Sorry! Sorry! Ahuaa! I got to do it, but I am a slacker, Sorry! Sorry! Take me higher. Checkmate away to put it to end. Sorry! Sorry! Ahuaa!  What is it that you want? Check what you have, and now please just tell me what is the one, the thing you want. There is no respect for what you possess, because you just shink about so many stuff, don't you? Woo… It is OK. All say, it 「part of everyday」. Even I'm that way. But think about the days always, and things you cherish, that you care, for 7days. You gotta be fair.  Self-satisfaction, you've got me wrong there. Touching, smelling, tasting, looking, hearing. Even jacking off, jacking off and feeling sorrow. Five sense, mind can go beyond all.  「全てを失う事でしか 伝わらない事なんだよ…」と 優しく瞳(め)を閉じ身体が消え行く 階段の音聴いただけで 誰か解った 幼い頃 あの日の自分に謝る  I'm forced into the deep corner. Sorry! sorry! I want to get high. But I'm rether happy and I ain't got no guts. Sorry! Sorry! Ahuaa! I got to do it, but I am a slacker, Sorry! Sorry! Take me higher. Checkmate away to put it to end. Sorry! Sorry! Ahuaa! What is it that you want? Check what you have, and now please just tell me what is the one, the thing you want. There is no respect for what you possess, because you just shink about so many stuff, don't you? Woo… It is OK. All say, it 「part of everyday」. Even I'm that way. But think about the days always, and things you cherish, that you care, for 7days. You gotta be fair. Self-satisfaction, you've got me wrong there. Touching, smelling, tasting, looking, hearing. Even jacking off, jacking off and feeling sorrow. Five sense, mind can go beyond all.  全てを失った気がした 全てが過ぎ去って行く現在(いま) 懐かしい自分が独りを怖がる 全ての情に凍えたまま 術も無く大人(ひと)になってゆく 霞んだ記憶も今だけ  Look at the sky, the surmounting sky! I want to become that sky! The waiting tree in my rear, I thought about going home.  Look at the sky, the surmounting sky! I want to become that sky! The waiting tree in my rear, I thought about going home.  (ラップ)年老いてゆく事は欲を超越! 今は亡き温もりが教える! 既に備わる心身を尊ぶ時目覚める! 人間のデカイ財産! 「Foolish calculation!!」「My stage!」 「My space!」「My fate!」「My life!」 「AHAA YHAY!」「My family!」
BE FRIENDS AGAIN10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETI did wanna talk to you for a while. But I couldn't stop foolish chat with you. That is greatest time of all. Come on let's do that again. That is greatest time of all. Come on let's do that again.  I give up once but I couldn't live without Be stupid men with you.And give me your smile. Let's do stupid thing forever. So be friends again. Let's do stupid thing forever. So be friends again.  La La La La La La La Be friends again. Be friends again. Be friends again.
OVERCOME10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEET母ちゃんから生を受け 花や草木や笑い声 美しく思える幸せ いつものケンカできる幸せ 辛くなったらいつでもおいで ダメになる前にここへおいで そして今度は人に優しく 助けてやるって言ったげなさい  この世界の不治の病を 全部ぶっ壊してやりたいよ この世界の殺し合いを 全部ぶっ壊してやりたいよ 願いたいよ 願ってたいよ 人が病に負けない事を 願いたいよ 願ってたいよ 愛が欲望に負けない事を  なぜ私だけ…と泣いてしまった毎日を 愛そう愛そう愛そう愛そう愛 「世の中平等じゃない」と泣いてしまった毎日を 愛そう愛そう愛そう愛そう愛  川のほとりで昔よく見た黄色い花を子供が踏んでった 静かにゆっくりと身体起こして風に揺られて「大丈夫」と笑った  この世界の不治の病を 全部ぶっ壊してやりたいよ この世界の殺し合いを 全部ぶっ壊してやりたいよ 願いたいよ 願ってたいよ 人が病に負けない事を 願いたいよ 願ってたいよ 愛が欲望に負けない事を  楽しくて悲しいちょっとしんどい毎日を 愛そう愛そう愛そう愛そう愛 生きてる事を「小さくて眩しいHAPPY!」と 愛そう愛そう愛そう愛そう愛  この世界の不治の病を 全部ぶっ壊してやりたいよ この世界の殺し合いを 全部ぶっ壊してやりたいよ この世界の不治の病を 全部ぶっ壊してやりたいよ この世界の殺し合いを 全部ぶっ壊してやりたいよ  願いたいよ 願ってたいよ 人が病に負けない事を 願いたいよ 願ってたいよ 愛が欲望に負けない事を 願ってたいよ…
HEY!10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETGradually, I came to realize I was growing up all dull and boring. Gradually, I came to realize I was growing up all dull and boring. Growing up all dull and boring.  Gradually, I noticed that I was turning into such a boring grown-up. (grown-up.) Always saying,”Not like myself (myself) today.” There is always another side of myself within my mind. One I like is the big, gentle-minded one, so pure in itself. (so pure in itself.) One I hate's a“sarcastic fool”to me. “sarcastic fool”sarcastic fool”“sarcastic fool”to me.  The one I like and the one I really hate, there have always been two of myself. Thought about it once on a rainy day. The one I like is myself from the old day. The one I hate is myself of the present. Thought about it once on a rainy day.  昔の君が今 君に聞く「なぜいつも嘘をつくの?」 少しずつつまらない大人に ああ 近付いていく  Everybody around me are nice and I'm the only one no good. (the only one no good.) Always saying“In a moment or two.” “In a moment or two.”“In a moment or two.” Can't look in the mirror. Hate myself. Putting other at fault about my worsening character. (worsening character.) Very cold to others“thinking that you” “thinking that you”“thinking that you” want to show your good side.  Jump up! Right now!...  Why you always lie to you? Why you always lie to you? Why you always lie to you? To yourself...
AND HUG10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETTHIS NIGHT. YOUR FACE. 見たい! AND HUG!  昨日も独りだけ 部屋ホコリだらけ もう金これだけ 外は雨降り 今日身体だらけ 胸イライラだけ もう待ち切れない 早く触れたい!  枯れ萎びて行くのをひたすらに 待ってるだけの現在の生活! と思いきやこれがレジスト! 手に入れる幸福アシスト! Good!!  今ここに居る 明日もきっと あたりまえのように 夢にまで見たこの空気感! 幾年振りに出会えた気持ちで抱擁する  THIS NIGHT. YOUR FACE. 見たい! AND HUG!  今日も独りだけ 部屋ホコリだらけ もう金これだけ 外は雨降り ずっと愚痴だらけ また口先だけ 言い訳だらけ 淋しさあまる、、、  うなだれて行く精神の支柱 使命手中にせんと集中! わずかな暖気からツイスター! 今日中に胸中の欲望に着手! TRY!!  今ここに居る 明日もきっと あたりまえのように 夢にまで見たこの空気感! 幾年振りに出会えた気持ちで抱擁する  THIS NIGHT. YOUR FACE. 見たい! AND HUG!  今ここに居る 明日もきっと あたりまえのように 夢にまで見たこの空気感! 幾年振りに出会えた気持ちで抱擁する  THIS NIGHT. YOUR FACE. 見たい! AND HUG!
BEAUTIFUL WORLD10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETDear friends 笑えてますか? 心の底から笑えてますか? 嬉しそうに笑うあなたが目に浮かぶ散歩道  Close your eyes, my friends. When I think of things we did it makes me cry since you left me I'm so alone. Close your eyes, my friends. When I think of things we did it makes me cry... so alone  笑い転げてた君との日々を今散歩道で思い出す もしもまた君に会えるのなら朝までずっと笑おう  Close your eyes, my friends. When I think of things we did it makes me cry since you left me I'm so alone. Close your eyes, my friends. When I think of things we did it makes me cry... my friends... my friends.  Oh... My friends...


  1. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  2. できるだけ、
  3. 366日
  4. Relax!
  5. WOKE UP



  3. NOW
  4. 愛だけがあればいい
  5. Major

