
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
4REST10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETMy, my forest. My forest. My, my forest. My forest. My, my, my forest. My forest. My, my forest. My yeah.  Dear all kids and my friends! Nothing seems to go my way. Winner is how much you laugh until you're dead. I will make you laugh if so.  「独りが楽やねん」て強がりながら Oh! ケツを左右に振って一人で笑う It's so funny! That makes us live a hard life. It's so fine!  弱音吐いて泣いてなんぼ耐えて耐えてまるで人形 啖呵切って去って我に返って Sorry.“Sorry!”Ahuaa 弱音吐いて泣いてないでウマく逃げる事も重要 現実逃避のShoutを Come on baby! yeah  My, my forest. My forest. My... My forest. My forest. My... My, my forest. My forest. My... My forest. My yeah! My forest. My forest. My... My forest. My forest. My... My forest. My forest. My... My forest. My yeah!
MONKEY10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEET明日 明日 生まれ変わる サル サル もともとサル  何でなんだろう? 何故なんだろう? 満たされてないよ 散々悩んで決めたのに どうなるんだろう? 見えないんだよ 笑える未来が 投げ出す勇気もない  いつの日か耐える事が普通になって笑い方を忘れた 笑うために道を選んだはずなのに 全て失ってでも笑ってやる! 何て退屈な毎日だ!何て平凡な毎日だ!嘘ついてサボるのも重要だ!  何でこんなに弱いんだろう?いつからだろう? 長く本気で笑ってない 中途半端で理由つけてまた逃げて 今日でサヨナラしよう!  人が急に一日で変わっても 決して不思議な事じゃないから よし決めた明日!皆がビックリするような笑える奴になれ! 何て退屈な毎日だ!何て平凡な毎日だ!嘘ついてサボるのも重要だ!  「生きる価値すら無い」と泣きながら 明日を拒む日はまた来るでSHOW! 悲しさを笑顔で迎えて 寂しさを笑顔で迎えて
VIBES BY VIBESGOLD LYLIC10-FEETGOLD LYLIC10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEET「もう何も解らへん!」とか言って泣いて去ったって 誰もあんた助けてくれへんで!だから強くならな! 助けるんは無理やねんけどお前の事好きやねん 「今日はどうしたん?何々どうしたんや?遠慮しやんでいいぞ」  帰り道の風景 遠ざかる本心と叶えば失う交換条件の夢 色あせた感性でも泣きながらでも 後腐れ無い LIFE! MAKE IT UP! MAKE IT UP!  余裕綽々で胸に着々と根を張る VIBES VIBES VIBES 日々精進の心精神に刻み肝心なとこで奮迅! 余裕綽々で胸に着々と根を張る VIBES VIBES VIBES 青白い朝がくるまで…あの白い記憶の中で…  溜め込む性格も傷つきやすい性格も 相手の気持ちが解るからやんか 恥ずべき事やあれへん 傷ついた分だけ心が温かさ 解るようになるなら傷ついて めっちゃ泣いたらええやん!
BUZZING10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETWalkin' all alone on my way back. Deep inside my heart total black out. Feelin' starved and dry for the tender. Not are single voice can not reach me.  Open fire! I say it again! Open fire! 情けない事もあったけど 傷ついたけど 立ってられない程悲しいけど それでも逃げる事も無く優しく笑い飛ばし 自分よりも誰かを 抱き上げる様なデッカイ奴になるために あとどれくらい傷つけばいいのかと  JUST NOW!(JUST NOW!) WHAT EVER!(WHAT EVER!) その悲しい話も JUST NOW!(JUST NOW!) いずれはer!(いずれはer!) 昔話だろう!  誰よりも優しさを ただ求めてるあなたへ 届かない詩(うた) 唄う 誰よりも優しさを ただ求めてるあなたへ 赤子の様な 優しい顔で 笑う  Many people here in this whole world. But no one's even here in my lonely heart. Buzzing in siience makes me run away. That's the way it should be, my life is all about.  Open fire! I say it again! Open fire! 耐えられないと嘆く毎日 今は不安しか無い未来 それでもやるしかない! 「もういい」と「まあいい」の違い 理解できないくらいデカイ違いだと 全て許して 少し笑って 気づくまで あとどれくらい苦しめばいいのかと  JUST NOW!(JUST NOW!) WHAT EVER!(WHAT EVER!) その悲しい話も JUST NOW!(JUST NOW!) いずれはer!(いずれはer!) 昔話だろう!  誰よりも優しさを ただ求めてるあなたへ 届かなくても 唄う 誰よりも優しさを ただ求めてるあなたへ 赤子の様な 優しい顔で 笑う  誰よりも優しさを ただ求めてるあなたへ 届かなくても 唄う 誰よりも優しさを ただ求めてるあなたへ 届かなくても 唄う 誰よりも優しさを ただ求めてるあなたへ 届かなくても 唄う 誰よりも優しさを ただ求めてるあなたへ 赤子の様な 優しい顔で 笑おう
LITTLE MORE THAN BEFORE10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETI don't know since when I changed to such a cold-hearted guy. I have to warm this frozen icy lonely heart to thaw. I like being wrapped with warmness more than anything else for sure. I'm gonna make my coming days to be filled with laughter and joy.  I let myself down that I'm more cruel than I thought I would be. I'm just a loser who ends up by caring for my soul. I've become a man from a kid and now turn back to a kid again. I can now show and give my love a little more than before.  Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations. Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions. Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once. Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.  Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death. yeah And I'm scared to keep on going on my way. yeah Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death. yeah And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.  Recalling my torn broken, aching heart of these long days. And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps. Recalling, aching, breaking, crying, making sure to me. And I take all and grin at my future on the way. yeah
BE NOTHING10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETGrateful things are lessening as a being creature. That respects every emotion more than others.  Under control of surface and possessive passion. In between the successors and the predecessors.  It's going to be nothing! It's going to be nothing! It's going to be nothing, man!  Anger. Envy. Hatred. Sorrow. All are negative human emotions but out of all, doesn't. Sorrow have the most power to make a person grow?  “Grief and Sorrow”
IOWA10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETI have no idea! What's the most important thing!? I don't know, I don't know, I don't find a way!! Tell me why? Iowa! I give them all my logics. Those are just my crappy egos. Tell me how to remember the sense of warmth in life. Iowa!  The sad happens and no tears. Iowa! It's not because I'm a man. Iowa! Iowa! Iowa! Oh! Iowa! Anyway, anyway, anyway! Find a way to make a shiny smile!! Way to go, way to go, way to go! Look at you. You can make a shiny smile!!  Go for it.
HEY!10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETGradually, I came to realize I was growing up all dull and boring. Gradually, I came to realize I was growing up all dull and boring. Growing up all dull and boring.  Gradually, I noticed that I was turning into such a boring grown-up. (grown-up.) Always saying,”Not like myself (myself) today.” There is always another side of myself within my mind. One I like is the big, gentle-minded one, so pure in itself. (so pure in itself.) One I hate's a“sarcastic fool”to me. “sarcastic fool”sarcastic fool”“sarcastic fool”to me.  The one I like and the one I really hate, there have always been two of myself. Thought about it once on a rainy day. The one I like is myself from the old day. The one I hate is myself of the present. Thought about it once on a rainy day.  昔の君が今 君に聞く「なぜいつも嘘をつくの?」 少しずつつまらない大人に ああ 近付いていく  Everybody around me are nice and I'm the only one no good. (the only one no good.) Always saying“In a moment or two.” “In a moment or two.”“In a moment or two.” Can't look in the mirror. Hate myself. Putting other at fault about my worsening character. (worsening character.) Very cold to others“thinking that you” “thinking that you”“thinking that you” want to show your good side.  Jump up! Right now!...  Why you always lie to you? Why you always lie to you? Why you always lie to you? To yourself...
exodus10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETAbout to burst into tears. Not being able to do anything at all. Simply just sick of myself everyday. The other self puts an arm around me. Comforts me to lift me high and cheers me up to get it going.  Just want to run away. Just want to throw away. 生きる意味が 見つからnothing! 地に足がつかない日が続いて Just want to run away. To throw away.  爽快な豪快な奇怪な展開だと戸惑ったけど 別の展開に旋回もしたくない 一回は傍観し後悔したけど それも現在のため「一つ」と限らぬ道へ!  I still cannot take in what happened that day. Knowing that more you expect at a higher level, the more you get hurt deep down inside. The other self puts an arm around me. Comforts me to lift me high and cheers me up to get it going.  泣き出す 逃げ出す そして exodus! 諦めやすさがよく育つ! ポジティ「ポジティブな発想」 でもって乗り越える事がmustです! Just want to run away. Just want to throw away.
MOVING is CHANGING10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEET恥じらいが消す思いやりは 目の輝き霞まし続けて 躊躇なく精神を虚無の方へ 容赦も無く間髪も入れず 自我と本心蝕み続けて 歪みきっちまった喜怒哀楽も  他人の心が理解できる事は時に自分が傷ついていく事になるけど 傷の無い心には決して染み込まない 許し与え そして忘れる事  恐れる事はただ一つ 感性が悪くなる事じゃなく 感性自体崩壊の虚無症状 悪くなった感受性と結果は自分の器量の大小 自分は冷めてる 間違えてる 苦しんでる 孤独な感情 悲しみ悩む事はむしろ正常  「泣きたかった本当は」と毎夜毎夜一人で嘘が解った数だけ孤独に I didn't know what to say at the time. (situation) I didn't know what to say at the time. (very fragile)
Freedom10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEET一瞬で忘れろ 長い目で見りゃカスみたいな問題! どうだい?問題外! こんなとこで止まるつもりじゃないだろ? 一瞬で忘れろ 長い目で見りゃカスみたいな問題! どうだい?問題外! 振り返れば後悔も財産だろう!  “FIRE”“FIRE”「CHECK! YO!」状態がちょいと解らぬ心境! LIKE THIS! らしからぬ状況! いつだって逃げないで 毎日毎日頑張るって! 決めてもすぐまた投げ出し! 懲りないところ丸出し! PUT YOUR HANDS UP! HANDS IN THE AIR! ASSHOLE!  REPEAT! YO! REPEAT! YEAH! REPEAT! YO! REPEAT! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!  Whole lotta bullshit complications. Ain't gotta set your mind in motion. No punkin' out and do the doing what's in front of you. Woo! yeah!  “FIRE”“FIRE”「CHECK! YO!」イライラする事色々嫌々騙し騙し ブッ飛ばしちまえ! やれやれ… そろそろお前の底力 ブッ放して SPIT FIRE! 自分に酔っぱらった威張ったあいつの面食らった表情 拝んでスッキリしたら次に行きましょう ASSHOLE!  ー瞬で忘れろ 長い目で見りゃカスみたいな問題! どうだい?問題外! こんなとこで終わるつもりじゃないだろ? 一瞬で忘れろ 長い目で見りゃカスみたいな問題! どうだい?問題外! 後悔しても学ぶ事があるだろ!“FIRE”
GOING CRAZY10-FEET10-FEETTAKUMATAKUMA10-FEETIt says commonly, oh no!, I say“The fellow who understands”, a solitary and bright fellow. It is moved only by fellows with the warmly heart. Only they feel “VIBES FROM THE UNDERGROUND.”yeah  Goin' crazed. Goin' crazed. I can't help it. I am goin' crazed. Get away. Get away. I wanna melt into the air. No more fight. No more fight. If I can keep it away from me. Run away. Run away. Run away and go for pleasure.  “You may be strong, but I am not.”My, oh my! It's now the time to quit saying this same old cliche. This same old big phrase.  We will all be gone for good. What we can take with us is only hearts and memories. Let's get along with our very hearts of honesty and live the day better than days behind for days ahead.


  1. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  2. hanataba
  3. さよーならまたいつか!
  4. 約束
  5. アイドル



  3. NOW
  4. 愛だけがあればいい
  5. Major

