
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
あなたにPLATINA LYLICMONGOL800PLATINA LYLICMONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800人にやさしくされた時 自分の小ささを知りました あなた疑う心恥じて 信じましょう心から 流れゆく日々その中で 変わりゆく物多すぎて 揺るがないものただ一つ あなたへの思いは変わらない 泣かないで愛しい人よ 悩める喜び感じよう 気がつけば悩んだ倍 あなたを大切に思う ほら 元どおり以上だよ 気がつけばもう僕の腕の中  あなたに 逢いたくて 眠れない夜 夢で逢えたら考えすぎて 眠れない夜 夢で逢えたら どこへ行こうか? あなたがいれば どこでもいいよ  あなたに 逢いたくて 流れゆく日々 季節は変わる 花咲き散れば元にもどるの こんな世の中 誰を信じて歩いてゆこう 手を取ってくれますか?
Song for youMONGOL800MONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800The sky is so angry. People were doing again, weren't they? “What's up sons of Adam” Please don't repeat the fuckin' same mistakes. “Don't eat fuckin' forbidden fruit.” Please guys don't sing fuckin' government song. “Let's sing a song of THE BLUE HEARTS” Let's boys keep on looking on the sunny side. “Let's slip on a banana peel”  Open your mind. Open your eyes. Love yourself. Song for you. How many boys be killed by fuckin' wars. Every fuckin' stupid, stop it stop that now. Don't cry no more. After rain comes sunshine. I'm sure that we will be so happy. Anything anything everything song for you. Your loving smile, loving words. I wanna close to your love. Anything anything everything song for you. Forever green. Forever blue. Never end LOVE and PEACE and SONG
小さな恋のうたMILLION LYLICMONGOL800MILLION LYLICMONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800広い宇宙の数ある一つ 青い地球の広い世界で 小さな恋の思いは届く 小さな島のあなたのもとへ あなたと出会い 時は流れる 思いを込めた手紙もふえる いつしか二人互いに響く 時に激しく 時に切なく 響くは遠く 遥か彼方へ やさしい歌は世界を変える ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌  あなたは気づく 二人は歩く暗い道でも 日々照らす月 握りしめた手 離すことなく 思いは強く 永遠誓う 永遠の淵 きっと僕は言う 思い変わらず同じ言葉を それでも足りず 涙にかわり 喜びになり 言葉にできず ただ抱きしめる  夢ならば覚めないで 夢ならば覚めないで あなたと過ごした時 永遠の星となる ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌
MelodyMONGOL800MONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800We still don't know where we are going. Look like lost children. You can go anywhere. Please take your swing.  I can't believe. It's trick of fate. I'm now sing a song. I sing a song for you with all my soul.  I want make change world melody. Keep on singing. It's my goal in life. I want make change world melody. Don't need anymore. String of fuckin' lie.  What is good? What is bad? Can you understand ? Not money. Not status. Stand up to fuckin' yourself.  It's time for action. Let's earthshaking. Can you listen to an earth ache ? We gave many wrong.  Destructive to nature and the starving children. We gave many wrong. When did we go wrong ?
月灯りの下でGOLD LYLICMONGOL800GOLD LYLICMONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800いつからか僕の頭の中にあなたがいる 出会った頃とは違う何かがある 二人で笑い 歩んできた道 これからもずっとよろしくね たくさん心配かけてるけれど 変わらぬこの思い受け止めて 強く抱いて 月灯りの下 やさしく眠る 思い出は夏の星空となる もう帰らない 帰れない あなたのそば以外で私はね輝かないの 二人つつみ時よ止まれ 永遠に 僕は右手 あなたは左手 ずっと手をつなぐ 風の強い寒い日には 僕 あなたの前に立ち 僕のすべてをかけてでも守ってみせる
For LifeMONGOL800MONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800Father said“I'm doing this for your own good” Kids have absolute trust in their father.  Today the father commit a crime. I can't trust their father's big back. It's up to you to decide what to do. Smile your tears away. For life  What would you do, if the world were to come to end tomorrow? I hope you will always stay by my side.  Don't keep step with everyone. Which do you go to walker way or other way?  It's too late to be sorry. Smile your tears away. For life
親知らず-Summer Again-MONGOL800MONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800It's being a sunny day! I went out for a walk alone. Where am I going now? going now? Going now sandy beach. I want to swimming, fishing, eating BBQ. The sun was shining brightly above my head. I never expected to see you today!!! Yeah yeah yeah  A chance meeting with you. I was alone. She was alone,too. I fell in love with you at first sight. She gave me shy glance and she gave me sunny smile,baby. Today is the gladdest day of my life. She became my sunshine.  “Would you like to come with me?”“I'd love to!!”  Be an angel don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. Baby whatever happens.  Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be open. The stars will begin to appear in the sky. All goes well.
HEY MommyMONGOL800MONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800Hey mommy where is my shoes. Hey mommy where is my dream. Hey mommy where is my self.  I know all my way I was keep on going elite of society. I know all my way. I can't understand.  I don't know what I wanna be. Please somebody tell me what is most important.  I wanna keep on keep on going going go my way May be I don't know what to do my self. I wanna keep on keep on dreaming dreaming dreaming so good night. I wanna keep on keep on trying for my life.
Marriage BlueMONGOL800MONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800I chose this way of my own mind. If you're going then so am I. I spell bound your love. I don't know ever since. I had come under your spell. You make me happy anytime. I'm now walking on air. I wanna go with you for everything. That's hand in hand.  My love I want to say “Have good night my love” Not saying “Good bye”. Smack you on the forehead. Star light, Star bright, First star I see tonight. I wish I may I wish I might have the wish. I wish tonight. Will you marry me?  Please speak all your mind. I'm speak all my mind. I'm happy just been together. I wanna snuggle to you always. You are my life. You are my pleasure. You are my everything. I think this is not popular song. I swear with all my soul. My love is true.  They lived happily ever after.
矛盾の上に咲く花GOLD LYLICMONGOL800GOLD LYLICMONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800人は弱し うわべ装い 心は裸 うわべは崩れる もろい裸心はたやすく傷付き 救い求めうろたえる 頼れる物捜ししがみつく それの繰り返しが人の歴史 小さすぎる世界観 大いなる自然にごめんなさい 誰のせいだとか関係ない 気にするヒマあれば笑いなさい 美しい空の青 海の青 この島すでに悲しき日本色 この小さな島に溢れていた おばぁの笑顔も涙で歪む 心からみんなで歌える国の歌なら楽しいかもね 平和願い叫ぶ前に これ以上自然を壊さないで  矛盾の上に咲く花は 根っこの奥から抜きましょう 同じ過ち繰り返さぬように 根っこの奥から抜きましょう そして新しい種まこう 誰もが忘れてた種まこう そしたら野良犬も殺されない 自殺するまで追いつめられない どこの国もやさしさで溢れ 戦争の二文字は消えてゆく そして振り出しに戻し 今 素敵な世の中をつくろうか
琉球愛歌GOLD LYLICMONGOL800GOLD LYLICMONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800泣かないで人々よ あなたのため明日のため すべての国よ うわべだけの付き合いやめて 忘れるな琉球の心 武力使わず 自然を愛する 自分を捨てて誰かのため何かができる  日々あなた思い 一生が終わればいい 日々の暮らしの中 間違いだらけこの世の中  責任たらい廻し 子は親殺し 平気な顔 貧しい国見殺し 無力な自分 くずれる今  日々あなた思い あなた思い 一生が終わればいい 日々あなた思い あなた思い 一生が終えてもいい 日々あなたと僕 あなたと僕 一生を終えようか
Dear My LoversMONGOL800MONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800We putallour dreams in big a trunk. I hope all your dreams come true. The precious time slipped by twinkling. Please goes to be true to yourself. I can trust you in everything. My good friends, be ambitions. So just as spring must turn to fall, so must we all grow old. I wanna be keep good friends you. Sometime I make trouble for you. So, don't be anxious about tomorrow. We will walk along this way. Can not see the forest for the trees. Nothing that man does can be perfect. There is no knowing what will happened in the future. This stars will shining still in the twilight of our life. Like a bird to be free. Leave everything to luck. I wanna stay with my friends with my love. Nothing changed.
夢叶うGOLD LYLICMONGOL800GOLD LYLICMONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800春夏秋冬 季節は変わりゆく 僕らの進む道 己の中で風は吹く 周りへのやさしさ忘れ 先立つ個人の主張 頼れない大人達の好きな意味のない価値観競争 同じ土の上で なぜに人は殺し合う お国のために命捨てる そんな常識従うな 自分を信じて 何を急いで何競う 早々歩く大人よ 言葉の意味を忘れ 我がもの顔で歩く大人よ 誰がつくった あたりまえ 誰の目を気にし生きてゆく 勉強よりも何よりも素晴らしい友をつくる 大切な人は後回し そろそろ気づけよおバカさん達 これが人の運命だと偉そうな言葉は胸にしまえ 守るほどの地位はない 明日には夢叶う いい風が吹く  親が子の道つくりすぎて 夢持つ事忘れた子 自分を責めないで 劣等感におびえないで あなたには あなただけの大切な意味がある 重ねゆく歴史は思い出 人は日々生まれ変わる 僕等はどこかで間違った 下手くそな生き方を学んだ 人として生きる意味 明日には夢叶う いい風が吹く 人として生きるため 大切な何か忘れてる  小さな頃描いた夢は 今でも消えず心の奥 夢追う事 忘れたあなたを いつまでもやさしく待ってる 現実の海に溺れ 常識に泣くヒマはない ありのままのあなたの姿で 好きな事をやるだけさ
DandelionMONGOL800MONGOL800Kiyosaku UezuMONGOL800I can walk. I can see. I can close to you. I can think. I can hear. I can smile.  Try again. I'll be waiting for you. We can walk together. Try again. I'll be waiting for you. Put your hands on your heart. Do you feel my heart beat.  Destiny the wind. Bloweth where it listeth. I made up my own mind. Never let light of hope fade in your heart.  Destiny the wind bloweth where it listeth. I made up my own mind. Peace on mind. I don't want nothing anymore. I am I.  Why can not we be friends? I don't know why. Too sad for words. Stop my rain.  Where there is life There is hope. Please don't give up. Let tomorrow take care of itself.  I don't want nothing any more. I am I. I don't want nothing any more. I can love you. I'll be waiting forever and a day. For you.  We are walking. We can walk together. We are smiling. We have smiling our face.  La la la. La la la


  1. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  2. さよーならまたいつか!
  3. 366日
  4. hanataba
  5. 夢幻



  3. NOW
  4. 愛だけがあればいい
  5. Major

