BoA「Next World」の歌詞一覧リスト

曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
HOLIDAYBoABoAAKIRA・FIRSTKLASAKIRA & FIRSTKLASHOLIDAY POM POM PO POM それは始まりまるでまだ見ぬ世界 心うごめく HOLIDAY POM POM PO POM 溢れるばかり光で 象(かたど)るイメージ LET'S HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY  HEY GENTLEMAN 自慢の車(SUV)に乗って WANNA CRUISE AROUND IT'S MY HOLIDAY HEY HEY GENTLEMAN フロアを揺らす大音量(サウンド)にも 今日こそ浸ってみたいよ  (それじゃいっぱしのB-GIRLじゃん?)  WHIT A SECOND LIL'GIRL そりゃYOU'RE SO CUTE でもYOU'RE NOT A LADY ひらたく言うならそんなWAY OF LIFE 「10年3ヶ月とちょっと」早いな でもどうしてもって言うんだろ  DON'T KNOW WHY 強い女になれる気がするよ WHEN I'M WITH YOU ALRIGHT ALRIGHT一度知ると中毒 IT'S LIKE CHOCOLATE覚悟を決めて乗れ ホントの私を(BABY)知らないくせに(BABY) 余裕の表情も本日をもって終了。  HOLIDAY POM POM PO POM 軽く小走り迎えで聞こえた クラクション 心うごめく HOLIDAY POM POM PO POM まずは戸締りさあ行け回して イグニッション LET'S HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY  飛ばせ BIG BIG RIDE ウィンドウ全開で システムうならすぜ BIG BIG TIME Hurry Hurry 遅れるぜパーティー もうすでに彼女のピックアップタイム (BABY GIRL)あとで助手席空けてくれ しかし混んでんな大通り避けてくぜ 今日は HOLIDAY どうりでそこら中が渋滞超ひでえ ゲストリストはFIRSTKLAS だけど確認不要すでに顔パス シャンパンガンガンTOSS IT UP DJ一晩中ROCKしなIY'S A  DON'T KNOW WHY 強い女になれる気がするよ WHEN I'M WITH YOU ALRIGHT ALRIGHT一度知ると中毒 IT'S LIKE CHOCOLATE覚悟を決めて乗れ ホントの私を(BABY)知らないくせに(BABY) 余裕の表情も本日をもって終了。  HOLIDAY POM POM PO POM 軽く小走り迎えで聞こえた クラクション 心うごめく HOLIDAY POM POM PO POM まずは戸締りさあ行け回して イグニッション LET'S HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY
奇蹟GOLD LYLICBoAGOLD LYLICBoA渡辺なつみ森元庫介松原憲ずっと探していた 本当の私を 笑う事 泣く事 それから生きる事  夢を走る君のそばで 笑顔届けていたいけど DESTINY IS SHINE OR NOT? 二人は 何処に たどり着くの  PLEASE HOLD ME TIGHT ACROSS THE TIME どんな私でも 強く優しく癒されてゆく 会うたび心が君を見つめてく 伝わるものが 愛かもしれない  プラトンもピアスも MELODYもCHRISTMASも 愛しさに出逢えば 意味を持ち始める  二人いる安らぎでさえ 退屈に思える時も NEVER MIND I'LL SMILE TO YOU 君のそばにいること誓う  IT'S MIRACLE SO MIRACLE 残さず包むよ 大切なんだ YOU ARE MY SPECIAL REASON この世に奇蹟がひとつあるのなら それはYES, 君に 君に逢えたこと  PLEASE HOLD ME TIGHT ACROSS THE TIME どんな私でも 強く優しく癒されてゆく 会うたび心が君を見つめてく 伝わるものが 愛かもしれない  IT'S MIRACLE SO MIRACLE 残さず包むよ 大切なんだ YOU ARE MY SPECIAL REASON この世に奇蹟がひとつあるのなら それはYES, 君に 君に逢えたこと  You are my love.
FLYING WITHOUT WINGSBoABoAHECTOR WAYNE ANTHONY MAC STEVE-GB-HECTOR WAYNE ANTHONY MAC STEVE-GB-Everybody's looking for that something One thing that makes it all complete You find it in the strangest places Please you never know it could be  Some find it in the face of their children Some find it in the loves eyes Who can deny the joy it brings When you find that special thing You're flying without wings  Some find it sharing every morning Some in their solitary lives You find it in the works of others A simple line can make you laugh or cry  You find it in the deepest friendships The kind you cherish all your life And when you know how much that means You've flying without wings  So impossible as they may seem You're got to fight for every dream 'Cause who's to know Which one you let go Would have made you complete  Well for me it's walking up beside you To watch the sun rise on your face To know that I can say I love you At any given time or place It's little things that only I know Those are the things that make you mine  And it's like flying without wings 'Cause you're my special thing I'm flying without wings  You're the place my life beings And you'll be where it ends I'm flying without wings And that's the joy you bring I'm flying without wings

Show me what you got(DJ WATARAI REMIX)

JEWEL SONGPLATINA LYLICBoAPLATINA LYLICBoA渡辺なつみ原一博原一博・村山達哉WOW WOW…  HEY DO YOU REMEMBER? ふたり出逢った TIME GOES BY 季節と同じ匂いさ まるで君は 光のように YOU'RE MY JEWEL 僕に微笑みかけてた  ふざけたり 時には喧嘩もした 愛が何かも わからないで  YES DO YOU REMEMBER? やっと気づいた JEWEL IN MY HEART 君に向かうこの気持ち  どんなふうに見つめたなら 伝えられるだろう その笑顔を 幾つも知りたくて 迷いながら 結びながら 時を越えてDREAMS COME TRUE いつの日にも 君は永久(とわ)の輝き WOW WOW…  NO I CAN'T FORGET YOU かけがえのない DEAR MY JEWEL 友達や家族みたい  寒い朝寄せ合う 白い息が 伝える想い 信じていて  SO I CAN'T FORGET YOU 不思議なくらい JEWEL IN LOVE 愛しさがあふれて来る  どれ位の 時がふたり 包み込むだろう 数えきれぬ 出来事を運んで 優しい春 眩しい夏 淋しい秋…冬も 約束する 君のそばで眠ろう WOW WOW… HU HU…  どんなふうに見つめたなら 伝えられるだろう その笑顔を 幾つも知りたくて 迷いながら 結びながら 時を越えてDREAMS COME TRUE いつの日にも 君は永久(とわ)の輝き  FOREVER JEWEL IN MY HEART
Shine We Are!GOLD LYLICBoAGOLD LYLICBoANatsumi WatanabeKazuhiro Hara原一博Gonna take a chance...  Something new? 教えて What's your dream? ルーペで 覗くよ Try me boy 二人近づく気持ち 海より眩しく揺らそう  うまく行くことも そうじゃなく過ぎることだって… でも信じてる いつの日か So shine we are! Wow  I feel the brightness love 太陽抱きしめたら 残さずWith you 叶えるHappiness! 白い波が注ぎ込む未来なら 裸足のままで 走ってゆける  zutto おんなじ場所を 行ったり来たりしていた それが遠回りでも 近道だったりしてね  はしゃぎ過ぎた後 何となく淋しくなったり 何処か似ている 二人でも So shine we are! Wow  I feel the brightness love 誰でもいいわけじゃない つないだ手の 熱さはひとつ 彼方を見る瞳に息を止めた あふれる夢が 浮かんでたから  Yes I'm gonna feel all right gonna take a chance シアワセニナレ All I need is love Yes I'm gonna feel all right gonna take a chance シアワセニナレ All I need is love  うまく行くことも そうじゃなく過ぎることだって… でも信じてる いつの日か So shine we are! Wow  I feel the brightness love 太陽抱きしめたら 残さずWith you 叶えるHappiness! 白い波が注ぎ込む未来なら 裸足のままで 走ってゆける I feel the brightness love 誰でもいいわけじゃない つないだ手の 熱さはひとつ 彼方を見る瞳に息を止めた あふれる夢が 浮かんでたから Yes I'm gonna feel all right gonna take a chance シアワセニナレ All I need is love Yes I'm gonna feel all right gonna take a chance シアワセニナレ All I need is love
flowerBoABoA園田凌士BOUNCEBACKAKIRAI have never felt like this. Something has touched my heart...  I just try to feel I just try to find Can you hear my voice I'm gonna get your love I just try to feel I just try to find Can you hear my voice I'm gonna get your love  大地に揺れる夏草 空に浮かぶ無数の雲 僕たちはやがて たくさんの 夢に出逢ってゆくのかな?  伝えたい言葉ばっかりありすぎて迷うけど 本当の心の声 耳を傾け探した  花に光を 翼に風を 恋する想いに 少しの勇気をください ああ… 切ないよ 手を伸ばしたらもう 君に触れそうな 距離にいるよ  I just try to feel I just try to find Can you hear my voice I'm gonna get your love  海にゆれてる波音 闇を照らす月灯り 負けそうなときは 傍にいて 僕を励ます君の声  この先 Ah... いくつも困難が訪れても 守れるものがあれば きっと乗り越えゆけるよ  大地に雨を 空に星座を 恋する想いに 少しの力をください ああ… 胸の奥 世界中 だれより 君の存在で あふれてるよ  花に光を 翼に風を 恋する想いに 少しの勇気をください ああ… 切ないよ 手を伸ばしたらもう 君に触れそうな 距離にいるよ  臆病だよ 強がりだよ でもそれじゃ 壊せないことだって 知ってるよ 解っているよ 飛び越えたい 羽ばたきたい どこまでも二人知らない場所に ねぇ、行こうよ 僕の合図で いますぐ  花に光を 翼に風を 恋する想いに 少しの勇気をください ああ… 切ないよ 手を伸ばしたらもう 君に触れそうな 距離にいるよ  大地に雨を 空に星座を 恋する想いに 少しの力をください ああ… 胸の奥 世界中 だれより 君の存在で あふれてるよ
WINDING ROAD featuring DABOBoABoAEmi K.LynnMitsuyuki MiyakeSyunsuke Minami(Rap) 吹きすさぶ風切り裂き 明日へ続く未知なる道切り開く まるで霧の街ゆくジャック プラチナムタン マイク掲げるチャンプ 続いてくわが人生 波乱万丈 うなるエンジン50年製 かなり頑丈 飛ばしてくハイウェイ 肥やしてくマイレージ また一歩前へのばすマイウェイ C'mon  風が吹き抜けてく季節辿り逢えた景色 冷たい雨の跡紅い花を咲かせていた  涙は流れ明日に向かう河になるよ  さあ 夢も闇も 包み込んで 感じたまま歩こう そう 続くWINDING ROAD あたたかい場所を探す道を彩ってく  (Rap) Yeah 赤・青・黄色に緑 四季折々 よりどり感情は色とりどり 奏でるブルース エゴまじりのRappin' けとばす古巣 ヘイ おなじみのPapi Dから追って順にA-B-O &Bから追って順にO-A hey 夢で見た光景 その未来へ亡命 Yeah はて明日はどちらの方面へ? お嬢さん  深く広がる空地図をなくし迷うけれど 星は輝くからそっと心照らされてる  振り返る時間(とき)笑いながら語り合うの  さあ 愛も傷も 抱きしめたら飛び立てるよ遠くへ そう 続くWINDING ROAD くりかえす道をいつか君と描きたい  さあ あの日の夢 信じたまま感じるまま歩こう そう 続くWINDING ROAD あたたかい場所を探す道を彩ってく
Everything Needs Love feat. BoAMONDO GROSSOMONDO GROSSOMONDO GROSSOMONDO GROSSOThere's sound I hear in the dark It's secret that's sung by the vanishing stars The lonesome bird losing its song to tears whispers 「I was born to be remembered」  As the voices rise and reach out Comes a ray of the sun through the blanket of clouds The crying sky unlocks the secret kept She calls 「the turth I've found will always stay here in my heart」  Everything needs love… Everything needs love…  There's sound I hear in the dark It's secret that's sung by the vanishing stars The lonesome bird losing its song to tears whispers 「I was born to be remembered」  As the voices rise and reach out Comes a ray of the sun through the blanket of clouds The crying sky unlocks the secret kept She calls 「the turth I've found will always stay here in my heart」  Everything needs love…  Breathe deep and listen to the raindrops Fly over valleys and the hilltops Glide down and dive into the ocean Let tides spill over your emotion  Everything needs love…  There's sound I hear in the dark It's secret that's sung by the vanishing stars The lonesome bird losing its song to tears whispers 「I was born to be remembered」  As the voices rise and reach out Comes a ray of the sun through the blanket of clouds The crying sky unlocks the secret kept She calls 「the turth I've found will always stay here in my heart」  Everything needs love… Everything needs love… Everything needs love… Everything needs love… Everything needs love…
VALENTI〜English Version〜BoABoAEmi K.Lynn原一博I can fell it truly in my heart Catchin’my heart you’re my destiny Nothing gonna stop my love for you So reaching your hand, hold on to me  Shakin’my heart, you’re my dreamy boy You’re the heat, my fireworks Baby kiss me softly I need you Oh step in step in baby  Wanna know how we met each other How did we get the feelings we have? Boy, I fall in love with you Remember the moment  Born to love you Want to take you Into paradise Just fighting for love, never stop my body Take your hand then Steal your heart and You'll be in my arms Keep your smile and I never let go You are my dream  Tell me tell me what I mean to you Let me keep you warm and dry Do you do you miss me day and night Ain't nothing gonna harm you  Makin’makin’our love happy end Don’t be shy, don't be so down Baby let me show you how I feel Oh step in step in baby  Trust me, (I) always be on your side Calling you bluff and make you realize Just, I fall in love with you You and me, forever  Born to love you Want to take you Into paradise Just finding my way, holding tight your body Try me right now What I can give More than enough All my love is there waiting for you You are my dream  Why do you cry? just look in my heart Come with me let’s make a new start Boy, I fall in love with you Fighting here for you  Born to love you Want to take you Into paradise Love stories go on, never stop my body Don't give it up Every moment Everything is you Please, give me the will to go on You are my dream  Born to love you Want to take you Into paradise Just fighting for love, never stop my body Take your hand then Steal your heart and You'll be in my arms Keep your smile and I never let go You are my dream
Every Heart-English Version-BoABoANatsumi WatanabeBOUNCEBACKTell me babe, how many do I shed my tears? Every Heart Every Heart is not a gentle yet Shall I do? I can never say my loneliness Every Heart doesn't know so what to say oh what to do (I) was afraid of darkness cause I felt that I was left alone So I prayed for help to (the) distant million stars  Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun And we always seek after love and peace Forever more Growing growing woe baby we can work it out Look up at the sky Every Heart is shining all today  Show me now What kind of smile do I come across Every Heart Every Heart can take a step towards the dreams All of us what to take a lasting happiness Whenever you feel sad  I wanna hold you & give you a sound sleep Someday Every Heart gonna free and easy We have peace of mind Someday all the people find the way to love  Goes & Goes the time goes on we are not alone We live on together and we will find some precious things Sometime we will smile sometime we will cry somehow Don't forget believing yourself- Tomorrow's never die  There is the warm heart places on my mind In my earlist day's there and it's so sweet There are many stars they have talk with me so kind They say yes always time's a friend of mine so shine  Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun And we always seek after love and peace Forever more Growing growing woe baby we can work it out Look up at the sky Every Heart is shining all today  Goes & Goes the time goes on we are not alone We live on together and we will find some precious things Sometime we will smile sometime we will cry somehow Don't forget believing yourself- Tomorrow's never die
LISTEN TO MY HEART(English Ver.)BoABoANatsumi WatanabeKazuhiro HaraWoe Baby what can you see in your eyes Across an advanse wind yeah What imagine at the sky? What do you do you want? do you need?  Oh Baby When we're sad, we're bad I phoned to you midnight call yeah But I know it's never change Yes, every loneliness is never die  (never say ever say never ever say) Whenever time has gone We found the many things (every night every night never ever say) The heart is never end, never ever never end  Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream Happy shining place woe that you want Baby are you free? baby are you sad? Do you wanna have me living with you?  Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream Now we stand admit contrary wind I belive you now You can work it out Dreams comes true  Woe Baby it's just the same after all “It's no use crying over spilt milk” This word is a commonplace But now I say to say to you  Oh Baby no I can't say “fall in love” Because it is heavy heart for me But I wanna gaze at you please gaze at me tonight forever more  (never say ever say never ever say) If we'll part if you'll say good-bye to me (every night every night never ever say) I'll never forget you never forget your eyes  Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream Maybe it's a long and widing road Can I come across? can I'm satisfied? Can I have a kindly look and heart?  Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream There is a place where we can go Wind is blowing so gentle like your smile Dreams comes true  (never say ever say never ever say) Whenever time has gone We found the many things (every night every night never ever say) The heart is never end, never ever never end Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream Happy shining place woe that you want Baby are you free? baby are you sad? Do you wanna have me living with you? Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream Now we stand admit contrary wind I belive you now You can work it out Dreams comes true

Amazing Kiss English Version



  1. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  2. さよーならまたいつか!
  3. 366日
  4. hanataba
  5. 夢幻



  3. NOW
  4. 愛だけがあればいい
  5. Major

